Reloading The Versatile .30-06 Springfield ~ Unlock its potential with handloads!

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well I'm back and welcome to the reloading wrong now looking back you probably remember this moment if you saw this video the 3006 you know what the 3006 did not make my cut for the deer hunter it is too is too much for the woods and it's not long-range enough for the for the Prairie so for that reason it doesn't make my cut now that might sound that might sound ridiculous is the most is the moment long lived cartridge on our scene in America I did a video on it and I think it's it's the cartridge that earned the most respectable all the cartridges that we have in America because it's the one that really set the tone for for modern rifles in in this country was especially with new concrete design so many would designed on the 3006 but because it's it's more than necessary for deer it can be very destructive with us 3,000 feet per second on a 150 grain bullet no dear there's absolutely no deer or black bear they can possibly need that that kind of power even with 165 and hundred eighty green bullets it just if that's an awful lot of gun more recoil than anybody needs 20 20 foot pounds of recoil is just more than anybody needs to shoot so that doesn't make my cut either but your handler so to you the 3006 Springfield can have fantastic versatility now you know you probably also saw my other video where I dedicated did I dedicate it to the 3006 Springfield I am a soft spot in my heart for it I've got 330 or sixes in my life and they all served me very very well fantastic deer Slayers but not if not in their factory skin and the factory skin they're a little bit destructive thanks I'm speaking from personal experience however judiciously loaded and on standing the terrain you're going to be hunting in you can tailor the load with it with that versatility - exactly the speed that you want and what is that what does that range well you know in factory in factory skin it can be 29 to 3,000 feet per second for 150 grain bullet but you can tailor that down to as low as 25 26 hundred feet per second when you're in the 26 60 range right there in the ballpark of the old venerable 300 Savage 300 Savage was one of America's classic deer cartridges it was fantastically popular try to find one on the market i fact I just had somebody break me and told me they've been looking for one for a long time in the Great Lakes region and they can't find one that's because they didn't get loved it by many people who have had them through there in their family you know they've been passed down from their grandfathers to the father's - now they you know they you are and they don't want to give them up because they do exactly what they're supposed to do they have perfect they have perfect striking power up to 250 yards with a very very good flat very flat trajectory you know some people look at that stubby little case and they forget that that was the forefather of the 308 Winchester but it actually has an advantage over the 308 because it - it was a little bits a little bit on the powerful side you're only a hundred feet per second behind the 3006 so what can you do with the 3006 well I'll tell you my friend with a hundred fifty grain bullet you can drive that anywhere from 2,500 feet per second all the way up to 3,000 feet per second 165 grain bullet which has got that class exceptional density of two four zero now you have now you have an ideal deer round that drive being driven at 27 a twenty-seven hundred and fifty feet per second and so you've got a absolute beautiful deep penetrating round this suitable for any any shot up to 250 over your 250 to 300 yards or beyond now you know sometimes people don't I've mentioned this in a previous video sometimes people look at trajectory shots and they just compare that they just compare the drop at the end of the rainbow well a more practical way to measure is actually by measuring the mid-range height of the trajectory that's a fire that's a far more illustrative way of looking at a trajectories because when you have a 3006 it over 2900 feet per second this mid-range trajectory at 300 yards is 6 inches roughly speaking with a with a pointed bullet the 300 Savage with its velocity is factory velocity of 20 660 had a mid-range trajectory of only of seven and a half inches at 300 yards now 7 and a half inches sounds like an awful lot but you know just a little bit of a upward upward hold on now get 300 yards and you've got a dead part they get on hit so there's only an inch and a half of difference in mid-range projectory that's what I'm saying that is this is your baseline your memory trajectory is that is that highest part of the trajectory where the bullet is cast through the line of sight so always keep that in mind and we'll talk more about how to load to find these ideal velocities in another video but I just wanted to remind you that yes you can you can hang on to that 3006 and don't don't worry about what I told you as long as you're a hand loader now if you're if you're somebody who is shooting factory stuff you know you have to put up with a little bit of unnecessary meat destruction and recoil that you don't need and one of the one of the fabulous things about having a low recoiling rifle is that you can practice more you know it's easier on your shoulder you can learn to shoot and believe me any any anybody will tell you that easier and easier recoiling gun is a more accurate gun because you can shoot it more efficiently and more accurately without flinching so thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe god bless
Channel: GunBlue490
Views: 57,973
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Id: lqlSTtdfQeY
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Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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