$200 Japanese Apartment in Tokyo

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sponsored by squarespace this is a 200 apartment in tokyo [Music] so it's often said that living in tokyo is a really expensive or that apartments are really expensive which is probably a fair statement but if you look hard enough you can find some really inexpensive places and that's what i'm going to show you in this video i'm going to be searching for a 200 apartment and luckily the people at nice room ibiza have agreed to help me out with this search but before we start if you want to see what i'm doing on the daily check out my instagram account if you want to help support the channel check out the tokyo merch and if you guys have any questions about japan or japan travels check out my discord community that said let's go find our 200 apartment [Music] how are you good so i really want to see a place under two hundred dollars and the two hundred thousand in tokyo yes okay it's quite big but like i can find all right let's go the first apartment is a nine minute walk away from tobu narima station which is a 17 minute train ride from ikebukuro so it's kind of on the outskirts of central tokyo but the neighborhood sure is pleasant many restaurants and shops and pretty much everything you need without having to go to another station but let's see inside the apartment before we start calling the movers so this 9.9 square meter studio about 106 square feet was built in 1950 so more than 70 years ago alright so this is the first apartment so excited to show you what it's like let's go inside now although it has a shared toilet room there is no bath so if you're staying here a local bath house or gym membership is probably your best bet if you like taking baths every day quick note japanese apartments generally have upfront costs such as deposits which you probably get back when you move out while guarantee fees agent fees and key money is out of your pocket and never to be seen again also some apartments may have monthly management fees so be sure to factor that in okay so this is what a 200 apartment would look like in tokyo let alone it's on the outskirts of tokyo it is still 200 it has a lot of personality so when you first get in here you can see that it's about four and a half tatami mats less than 10 square meters so first of all let me just take you to the entrance area just walking into the left hand side you have this kitchen sink area i believe that works just fine being that it is a japanese apartment you do have this area here it's kind of the entrance area where you just leave all your shoes so whoa you can see that the floor here it's a little bit unsteady the stone entrance here is a little bit cracked and so when you step on it it does sink in a little bit which is a little bit scary especially since japan is earthquake prone so it does have a light here that works properly but that's pretty nice and then i believe these like spigots here these little nozzles are for connecting a gas stove so you can probably put just like a little gas stove here interestingly the apartment comes with its own broom as well the door itself has two built-in locks which i guess is nice you have a doorknob lock and then you have the chain lock above moving on into this room you have space for a desk you have space for a bed just enough space for yourself it looks like the tummy mats are just a little bit warm so you just gotta you know i guess you just live with that and the walls itself has just a lot of history if you just look around you can see something must have happened here at one point in here as well and here you do have some closet space unfortunately it doesn't have a clothes hanger but i'm assuming that if you reached up here you can put your own bar if you really needed to it looks like the door is just right here so if you needed to close your closet then the door is right here just for you the room does have two outlets so if you do need to plug in some of your electronics then this would be the place unfortunately though i don't think there are any other electrical outlets around this place so you're gonna have to use this and maybe use a power strip to get your electricity all around the room but the positive thing is is the room is not that big so you don't need a long extension cord so it does look like this apartment has fiber built in so if you do want internet you can probably install a router here and get a fiber connection so if you are a gamer and just want a game all day you can probably do it here what's also nice is that it's a corner room so you get two windows on each side let's open this and see what the view looks like [Music] okay that's nice so i guess it this one that looks right into the wall let's see what that one looks like surprisingly the window is really big you can actually like it goes all the way down to my knee which is pretty nice oh it looks like it even has a landline here so if you wanted to connect to a lan phone you can do it the ceiling 2 also has a lot of characteristics if you just kind of look up you can see that it has different shades maybe from over the years or maybe some kind of water moisture damage and then oh there's even a hole over there what's also interesting about this place is that the walls it looks like it's made from a sand and paper mix it's really amazing how that's lasted over the years also this apartment doesn't have an ac so probably in the winter it's going to be really cold and in the summer it's going to be really really hot nice even the lights work so that's pretty much all i can show you in this room but it also does come with a shared toilet so let me show you that right now wow so this place comes with a full-on japanese toilet which you share with all the other people living in this apartment building but the bright side is that it's pretty clean but that's pretty much what you get here in tokyo for 200 now if you want to go a little bit closer to central tokyo then you're gonna have to pay a little bit more let me show you that spot next let's go before i continue on i want to give a quick shout out to our sponsor for this video squarespace if you don't already know squarespace is a number one way to build your online presence in fact i use squarespace to build my website tokyo zebra here are just some of the reasons why i love squarespace so much whether you're starting your passion project or building a business squarespace has all the tools to get it done while also looking ultra sleek and professional at the same time they support numerous portfolios and gallery designs which you can customize and even password protect so the right people see your work use its fully integrated blogging tools and commenting features such as threaded comments replies and likes to help engage your community and my favorite built-in analytics to see how your visits unique visitors and page views trend over time so go to squarespace.com today for your free trial and when you're ready to launch go to squarespace.com paulo from tokyo and get 10 off your first domain or website that said let me show you the next apartment this next place i'm taking you is only a two minute walk from nakai station a 10 minute train ride from shinjuku station so the location itself is a lot closer to central tokyo so this next place is just a little bit more expensive let me show you inside all right so when you first walk in you can see that there's like an old school closet here for your shoes wow look at that it opens from the top [Music] all right so here's the room let's go inside nice the room number is handwritten i do love these personal touches oh wow look at this room this nine and a half square meter studio is 24 000 yen about 225 dollars a month and was built in 1972 so it's almost 50 years old so this is what you get for 24 000 yen let me show you around this place a little bit to kind of show you all of the different features basically you have about four and a half tatami mats and like this is real tatami mats right here first you have the closet area and you have two different levels and what's kind of nice it looks like it has some closing curtains here so that you can hide it but it is a little bit difficult to open and close the magnets don't stick very well looks like it even comes with some hangers here then just above you have some more storage space so i guess you can put you know like your suitcase or anything that you don't really access so much over here this is kind of like your kitchen area this one has a sink it's actually running but it doesn't look like it has warm water the lights don't work right now but i'm assuming that if you do move in here you can turn on the electricity for you so there you go and this here is where you can put your stove you can actually buy a separate stove put it right here there's some storage just below like that it's a decent amount of space i guess you can put all of your plates and cups and everything it looks like that's the power right there from right here you have a cable running down and i believe it's for a television set so if you do want to get some japanese tv then the cable runs all the way from here you can plug it in one thing though i love you know plugging all of my it stuff inside of my rooms but this place two outlets right here for you to use hopefully that's enough but yeah you can see that this place is this wide so you could potentially fit a desk here and then like a small foot on it maybe a small single bed and that's probably like about it here interestingly it comes with its own curtain i'm assuming you can switch out to your own favorite curtain and look they even have a telephone cable just right here but who uses land lines these days anyway and the room has its own window we are in the second floor so should be an all-right view let's open up and see [Music] and just through the window here you can see the ube emoji shop that we saw earlier at least some sun does get into this room the room does have kind of this window where people can kind of maybe see you inside of the light is on one thing though this room doesn't have an ac so you'll probably be really cold in the winter and super super hot in the summer so another thing about this apartment building is that it doesn't have its own shower or bath unit so you're gonna have to go outside if you're gonna want to do that but it does have a shared toilet so let me show you that now [Music] okay so we have two different doors here let's see what's behind door number one wow so this toilet doesn't look like the cleanest thing in the world let's see door number two so it looks like this one is a lot cleaner than the first one but the positive thing is is that it has two toilets so that's pretty much the tour of this entire place that's everything that you would expect for this type of price but i know that some of you are probably looking for something say with his own private toilet so let me kind of show you one of those places right now let's go oh so we're close while she parks the car let me show you around the station so this last one is a two minute walk from takenotska station which is about a 30-minute train ride from oeno so it's a pretty far from central tokyo and rather close to saitama although more expensive than the previous two apartments an exact several months of initial fees a place like this in central tokyo would fetch a far higher monthly rent so i just arrived at the apartment it's just over here let's go [Music] this 15.3 square meter apartment was built in 2017 so it's new and even better clean all right so it's just right ahead this door is a lot nicer than the ones we saw earlier wow this room is a lot nicer feet it's a double the price it is just super clean in here so let me give you a tour of this place i feel like i don't know i just feel a lot safer in this place especially since we just had an earthquake recently it's actually five square meters larger than the previous two places it just feels like a lot more space here when you enter this place it does have some security so there is an auto lock at the entrance so no one can just like come into this place you actually actually type in a code or use a key to get in and if you look right here there's a display if you have any guests come over your face will come up on the screen and you can let them in and also it has a remote here because it has an air conditioning unit which we didn't see in the previous two places in the summer or the winter you should be covered just looking at the room i can already see three to four outlets which is nice if you do have electrical items you should be covered on all sides of the wall this is the whole kind of center area you can see my entire body the ceiling is a little bit lower but that's because it does have a lock above which i'll get to in a second you have this kind of cool blue wall i don't know i guess it's pretty cool you can pull down these two bars right here put a pole and you can hang your clothes here if you really want to dry it because it does have an air conditioning unit with a dryer function so you don't have to hang your clothes outside also if you come over here there's actually a place where you can put a washing machine so if you want to wash your clothes you don't have to go to like a coin lunge or anything outside you can do it all in here and then you also have your own kind of kitchen right here it's like a one piece set you have the sink you have the infrared heater as a stove although it's just one ih heater here it should be enough if you're a single person and you don't do like a lot of cooking but you do want to heat things up and if you look underneath there is space for you know your pots and your pans your plates and your cups it even has this little nifty holder for your knives oh look this sink also has hot and cold water which is really convenient and unlike the other two places this one has its own private toilet let me show you what's pretty impressive about this toilet is that it's one of those japanese toilets so it has all of the bidet functions which is you know very very convenient for those that don't like to use a lot of paper and it also has its own built-in water faucet by using the same water that you use to wash your hands it fills the toilet to save water and plus this place also has a shower room so let me show you that so what you'll find in a lot of japanese apartments is that you'll have a shower unit plus it'll have a bath unit as well this place kind of saves face and just has a shower unit personally it's something that i prefer to save space i'd rather use the spaces taken up by the bath that has a living space so personally i love just having a shower by itself now let's have a quick look at the view what we see looks like a wall outside let's check the other window okay so this view is a little bit better you can actually see some sun from this angle and just looking above this place has a smoke and gas detector i don't even remember seeing one in the other two places that all said let me take you to the loft area wow all right so this place isn't just enough to have a bed you can use it either as storage or you can probably put a bed up here but as you can see that it's not a lot of height in fact if i were to sit straight up i'd hit my head but it's quite spacious width-wise in fact it's the same width as the downstairs so you can probably fit a queen bed up here and what's nice is that it has an electrical outlet so if you wanted to you can charge your phone or whatever electrical device you had if i were to lie down completely like this see there's not a lot of space here and if you had a mattress you'd be like this high so you would really really be facing the ceiling so this is what you get for 500 granted that it's on the outskirts of tokyo i wanted to show you an apartment that had its own private shower as well as its own private toilet i think if you wanted to have something a little closer to tokyo or central tokyo then you're gonna have to pay a little bit more but you know this is the kind of the things you need to sacrifice if you want to get that price down so what do you think could you live in any of these tokyo apartments let me know in the comments again thank you to the people at nice roommate bisou for showing me around if you want to get a hold of them their link is in the description and like always if you like this video help me out and hit that like button and if you guys want to see more of these type of videos or anything related to japan hit that subscribe button and the bell button and i'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Paolo fromTOKYO
Views: 986,311
Rating: 4.9300833 out of 5
Keywords: Paolo, Japan, Japan guide, Japan travel, tokyo, tokyo guide, living in tokyo, tokyo apartment, japanese apartment, cheap apartment, cheap japanese apartment, cheap tokyo apartment, housing in tokyo, typical japanese apartment, living in japan, moving to japan, $200 apartment, cheap apartments in tokyo, cheap apartments in japan, japanese apartments, tokyo apartments, apartments in japan, houses in japan, tokyo house, tokyo rent, renting in tokyo, japan cost of living
Id: ooh1aoEJKZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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