I Went to a Maid Cafe.

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Hey friends, it`s akidearest! Two Questions One! How many of you guys love anime and otaku stuff? Of course no one on this channel, what am I thinking... Number two, how many of you guys ever wanted to visit Akihabara? What a silly question. Well today Mama Aki has taken the job as your local guide towards Akihabara I'm gonna show you guys some of my favorite places to visit Akihabara and also some places that I just recommend for you guys to try at least once Just once if you ever come to Japan I'm gonna be taking you guys as well as some personal friends of mine Emma, Elise, and Kenji, by the way by the way If you guys don't know what Akihabara is just imagine an otaku's dreamworld It is a city filled with electronics and also anime, anime merch, anime doujins, anime adult stores. What? (Awkward) I've planned out this tour with the guys over at Magical Trip Which is a tour guide service in Japan that helps visitors Experience a little bit of everything of any Prefecture you want to visit So without further ado take my hand children on a tour to Akihabara So the first place that we're here in Akiba is the Square Enix Cafe now I went here a lot when they had the Kingdom Hearts theme and typically they always kind of change it all the time Unfortunately, we're not allowed to record in there So the only thing that I can suggest to you guys is that if you guys want to visit here and look inside there's a special brochure that I have with magical trip where it has Square Enix as well as some other places that are exclusive if you guys sign up to Magical Trip So the second place I'm gonna take you guys to, is this really cool retro game store, now I think you guys are gonna really like this Because... Because they have like a whole bunch of floors with a lot of old-school games Which is really good for you old-school gamers out there. So hopefully you guys will enjoy it and so let's just go right now Okay, so we're inside the arcade now and check these out guys Yes, so. Everything about this place is like super old to even the snacks here. And these are old snacks like in Japan so I don't know if a lot of you would be familiar with a lot of these but one of the things I have eaten before Is this one, the Big Katsu It's so bad for you, but it is soo good Oh, yeah, you just eat the cigarettes So the game we're about to play is pong, an old classic one, but this is a version that you guys have probably not seen, this is like a physical one So instead of like the one on the old Atari, so I'm going to be battling Elise right now I think this section's my favorite, because it really brings out the kid back in you because everything looks like it's a newly packaged Yeah, I feel like these are resealed because these are way too good. But these are original boxes It's either the original box or it's a copy of the original box Holy...bro! Hella OG, dude they got Pokemon Sapphire! I played Sapphire and they made Ruby more expensive. I played Ruby, Ruby is the best game ever This kind of brings out like the kid back in you I just wanna like grab everything from here Dude, so cute I think everything's like 20 bucks That is pretty expensive 50 bucks for Gold, homie! But I kind of want it, the only thing about this is that every single one of these games is all in complete Japanese So... Yeah, if you don't know any Japanese You can still play it but you probably just don't know what's going on you need you need the Japanese console. Right? No, I Had a game boy I used to play Japanese games on it oh nice [music] Okay, so right now we're at another figure shelf this one I personally go to every single time that it comes to Akiva So I'm going to take these guys over to the fourth floor which has a whole bunch of figures and there's a certain System that they have to go get the figures so you guys will see that in a bit [music] So we're in one of my favorite figure stores here in Akihabara And the reason why I like this specific store is because there's a certain system that has to be placed so the way that this works is that you have like this little piece of paper and it says box number its number, price, and Quantity, and then this is how they know about what figure that you guys want. Okay, so give it a shot So I'm gonna have Emma try, I'm gonna go for this nicely Chested beautifully dressed lady, okay Okay wait, the box number it's this one, okay. Yeah, that's the box number that's not a... it's like is it number 64? Yes number 64 and then the price..? It's actually pretty cheap. Yeah, and then quantity I would like four please You would like four? I would like four of them one for every room Even though they have only one in stock dang it I wanted to put one in every corner of the room. So I'm protected at night So on the actual tour with magical trip, you are given only a limited time in here so what can happen is that the local guide will actually help you find certain figures that you want because for example You guys see like this Miku right here She's probably in like 30 different boxes here so they can probably help you try to find the series and figure that you want There's a floor I really wanted to show you guys but for this video they wouldn't let us film it and that's the fifth floor That has a cos and a cos is essentially just one big cosplay store and it's so good for cosplayers because they have cosplay makeup, Cosplay clothing, and anything you guys could want so you guys- I also see no maid cafe So we're outside of the maid cafe right now, yes the time has finally come You're gonna see our experience and our reactions of the maid cafe. So he's excited They're not open yet, but we're gonna go in, in just a few minutes It's one of those things I feel like if you come to Japan You should try at least once so if you guys come to magical trip, you guys can do it and be like kenji Or be like Emma its finally time! Okay guys ready you guys ready yes [music] hello~ [speaking japanese] All right, so we're gonna maid a cafe that conveniently just has no body in it right now I think what we're going to probably be expecting is a performance. I Think we might get some food, but I definitely know we'll get some drinks [speaking japanese] so we have to cover our eyes open! [speaking about menu] So she said that if we need her we have to go meow meow and that's how we get her attention I forgot her name Jackie got it, yeah. I feel like this was this would be fun for like a group of people. I don't know So we're about to order as I recall you have to meow meow for it ...who's gonna do it rock paper scissors! I'll do it [gave up] You don't have to do that Okay, she said she'll pour it and then I say Yan Yan if I want her to stop Yan Yan that was wonderful I feel like maid cafes are really good especially when you're in groups but by yourself I feel like it's hard to get like motivated to do it because you may be shy but if you see how other people doing it and it should be like fine I don't know how kenji feels but I get that I get that Okay, so she's going to have us pick which maid that we want to take a photo with so we have kinoko, Ugi, uni, and Hikari and I feel kind of bad that I can only choose one because I feel like playing favoritism But maybe we can all just choose one of each since there's four of us and there's for maid's to choose from I'll go for Ugi Okay, okay, I'll go with Kinoko I'll go for Hikari since...She brings me light Okay, I apologize to you guys that I brought you to this place There's no appropriate name for this But these are just known as like the weirdest vending machines that I personally know in Japan you guys may have seen Joey or other Youtubers cover this but they have things like these boxes that have stories on them they've got like snails and Like oranges in a can, tennis balls. I think one of the vending machines say like this is in case of earthquakes but I also find aware that they got this sign that says this isn't a toilet which tells me that people have peed here once Okay, so that's it everyone We're just gonna do some heriku run out and Yeah, that was everything from Akiba. And I hope you guys enjoyed this trip. I don't know what did you guys like the most? definitely maid cafe of course you liked the maid cafe! what about you super potato I loved super potato I loved the snacks those little snacks stop super potato so two super potatos and maid cafe I dont know I think like I come here so often Akibas just nice to go to Yeah so we're gonna take some pictures and I'll see you guys later bye~ If you guys ever come to Akihabara I planned an exclusive Aki dearest tour with magical trip where you guys will be guided to different locations that are my personal favorites and a lot of and a lot of which I never showed in this video now I won't be the tour guide but that's probably best left to magical trips official tour guides who will be really Knowledgeable in wherever you guys want to go to in Japan this video was sponsored by Magical trip and I'll leave a link in the description to where you guys can go check them out and hopefully book your own Tour If you guys have been to Akihabara Feel free to recommend people in the comments below of where you guys think that they should visit also also let me know what you guys thought of the maid cafe like legit I have a feeling that the comment section is going to be mixed with a whole bunch of different answers But I look forward to reading them so I appreciate guys for watching and subscribe to my channel for more anime otaku lady content and I will see you guys in the Next video, bye~~
Channel: akidearest
Views: 1,565,700
Rating: 4.9777579 out of 5
Keywords: anime, otaku, tentacles, akiba, akihabara, maid cafe, akibazone, super potato, what to do in akihabara, anime in real life, tokyo, japan, jvlog, japanese vlogging
Id: N_TvgJu6he4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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