Japanese guy reacts to “Why Japanese Are So Thin According to Science”

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hello guys i'm majori so today i'm gonna react a video called why japanese are so thin according to science i think this is very true because i see most japanese people are so thin i mean except for smallest words anyway thank you so much for your comment as always and i still get many questions about why you always wear black t-shirts and why your name is george even though you're japanese yeah george is not common as japanese name so i will answer them very quickly as for wearing black t-shirts it's because i don't want to spend time to choose you know which clothes i should wear every day the thinking comes from steve jobs and mark zuckerberg and those who i respect and also i like simple black t-shirts and i have seven of them so that's it and as for my name george it's because actually i was born in america so i was given middle name george but i went back to japan when i was baby so that means i didn't speak english and i don't remember anything at all my parents are both japanese so i have japanese name as well my japanese name is maida takuya maida's last name and takuya's first name you can see many takings in japan it's very very common name of young men i studied english very very hard in japan and canada and i realized that when i speak english i feel like oh i'm george and please do ask me why all right guys i hope you guys enjoyed this video and please don't forget to subscribe and let's go okay so three two one go counting down from number 10 diet diet the secret to japan's success begins with their diet which is pretty carb heavy and low in saturated fats their main dishes of choice include vegetables grains fish and meat dairy products and fruits are consumed in moderation they tend to stay away from foods with excessive amounts of salt and sugar like burgers and soda many japanese people follow dietary guidelines set by the government that place the focus on eating fresh foods and cooking at home this actually gives the japanese a genuine desire to eat real healthy foods versus processed stuff like pizza hot dogs and frozen ready meals [Music] okay yeah so yeah this is right in japan we have ichijou sensei it is the basic style of japanese diet called washoku jijju sansa is combined with rice soup it's basically miso soup and one main dish and two side dishes so that you can have well balanced diet and that makes you stay healthy so when i go back to my parents house i often eat ichiju sansai and my mom is really good at cooking and she always prepares delicious japanese meals whenever i go back to my parents house but i live by myself now and unfortunately i don't really cook by myself as you guys watch my rooting video i don't eat ichiju sensai every day if you haven't watched this please check this out too you can see my laziness as for meals number nine no snacking no snacking yep the country with the most vending machines per capita doesn't actually snack all that much in japan they usually stick to three wholesome meals a day that don't leave them hungry or dealing with sudden cravings those who do snack keep it in small quantities and with a lot of moderation [Music] number eight okay yeah as he mentioned we stick to three meals a day and that doesn't leave us hungry so japanese people tend to eat snacks with a lot of moderation but i love japanese snacks and i often eat them and here are some japanese snacks i recommend to you guys when you come to japan please try this sacha it's a matcha chocolate and a jagariko it's a potato sticks and a potato chip it's a potato chips and if you have been to japan please let me know your favorite japanese snacks number eight fast food fast food just like the rest of the world a lot of japanese people have a hectic schedule that doesn't leave a lot of time or opportunity to prepare a home-cooked meal in that case they can turn to their version of fast food which is usually a lot healthier and resembles home style cooking of course they do have american fast food chains like mcdonald's burger king and pizza hut but even with these options readily available many still prefer a traditional meal at home as they've been raised to keep nutrition in mind kids in japan are given nutrition classes in elementary school which allows them to grow up as adults who make smarter food choices since they're well aware of the detrimental effects fast food has on the body that's why they tend to stay away from the super greasy stuff number seven yes yes yeah we keep in mind to avoid greasy foods or fast foods because we learn it's not good for our health but i love mcdonald's number seven eating on time most japanese people have very regulated meal times they eat three filling meals a day with breakfast usually happening between 8 and 9 a.m lunch from 12 to 1 pm and dinner between 6 and 8 pm this routine drives the japanese to prepare meals in advance and helps them make better food choices given that they don't have to figure out what to eat on the spot if you don't have a steady meal schedule or tend to eat whenever chances are you'll make poorer food choices you might find yourself hungry come meal time with no food prepared and you'll naturally head to a fast food joint to satisfy that hunger but i would say it depends on the person for instance in my case i work as an english teacher in japan and i often do lessons from 6 pm to 9 or 10 pm so i usually have dinner after lessons so it depends but i'm really curious whether other countries people eat on time or not so please comment down below about that number six exercise for kids exercise it's a lot more common for japanese children to walk or cycle to school of course other countries have a lot of reasons why it might not be efficient or safe for kids to hoof it to class the distance from home to school might be too far the city may not have safe zone for pedestrians to use or there might be a concern over crime since japan has one of the lowest crime rates in the world it's safe to walk to most places this means that japanese children grow up in a culture where walking and exercise is natural to them and as adults they can instill this in their own kids number five okay yes yes okay i think this is also true uh when i was a kid i would walk to school even though it's a bit far from my house but in the certain areas they might take the bus to school so it really depends on where you live so but basically we walk to school and i just realized they use chinese music on this number five portion sizes as in super size me not portion sizes have been on a steep rise in the last 20 years throughout the world for example countries like australia canada germany the us and the uk have much larger fast food portions than japan plus japan has a culture of small portions in both fast food and home cooking there food isn't served on one big plate but on several small ones come meal time the typical dinner table for a japanese family might be filled with an assortment of dishes all packing a variety of nutrition even if they eat a lot of white rice which you might know is high in carbohydrates they eat it in small portions so they end up having fully balanced meals number five okay yes yes but if you go to ramen shops in japan you can see very big portion of ramen and as you mentioned the portion size is small in japan but that makes you want to try several kinds of foods like sushi tempura karage gyoza as a result you end up eating a lot and also luffy from one piece he eats a lot number four a great public transportation system if you live in a big city you might be lucky enough to enjoy a good system of public transportation like the japanese have unfortunately a lot of people who live in towns where the locations are more spread out are forced to travel by car but since many regions in japan are quite dense a lot of japanese people don't own cars their train system is extensive and other types of public transit are also readily available separate bicycle lanes and plenty of safe areas for pedestrians are common sites in japan this allows the japanese to naturally burn calories as they commute to and from work or school every day they don't need to hit the gym because their simple daily routine does a good job at keeping those excess pounds away okay yeah when it comes to walking yeah we walk everywhere to go to work and go grocery shopping if you live in that city place everything is within walking distance as for me i live in tokyo and i don't have a car so i use public transportation a lot especially trains speaking of japanese transportation system it is amazing but some train stations are too big and too complicated so very easily to get lost you have to be careful especially when you come to shinjuku station it's amazing number three tea time no it's not golf tea especially the green variety is the number one beverage in japan green tea has been praised for having a ton of major health benefits like increasing metabolism burning fat fighting anxiety and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease to name a few many japanese people drink green tea at least once a day while others drink it several times in the morning as an afternoon treat and with any meals a lot of restaurants offer diners green tea for free at the beginning of the meal or afterwards consuming so much tea means that their bodies get filled up with water which keeps overeating at bay depending on how it's prepared green tea can have zero calories compare that to a glass of lemonade at an average of 120 calories or a can of soda at about 150 calories and you can see how common western treats and beverages lead to obesity and weight problems number two okay but this is also depends on the person i mean not all japanese people drink green tea every day but that's 100 true that that green tea is really good for health so every time i go to starbucks i order green tea frappuccino that's how i take green tea in my body number two dinnerware the practice of using chopsticks also helps in weight management since they make you eat more slowly and in smaller bites this slow process of eating helps people catch when they're feeling full and avoid eating too much the fact that food is served on a bunch of plates also slows down the process when you think about it if you have one plate with a burger and fries in front of you you'll be able to eat it much faster than if you have several different containers filled with a variety of options like rice soup vegetables and fish this way japanese people are able to pace themselves and be more mindful about what's entering their body number one okay okay as for chopsticks one i don't think it helps you not eat as much in fact if you eat noodles you can eat them much faster with chopsticks well you can see naruto number one food as an experience [Music] during meal time do you sort of zone out scroll through social media watch tv or wolf down your food as you're on your way to work or school in most cases this distracted eating only results in overeating since you don't really see or think about how much food you're taking in the number one way that the japanese stay thin has to do with removing distractions and being mindful about the process of food consumption eating in japan is treated with respect people usually sit down at a dining table and focus on savoring each bite this allows them to notice when their stomachs are full and realize how clean eating actually makes their bodies feel better treat food as an experience and you'll be more careful or even grateful for what you're putting in your body okay yeah this is 100 true and i watch youtube and netflix on the sofa while having meals so maybe i'm not japanese okay it was interesting but you know this is said according to science but it didn't show any science or did they actually show science to me and i just missed them nobody knows anyway i have many subscribers who want to visit japan and like japanese food and culture so from now i'll recommend what you should eat when you come to japan please don't worry i wouldn't say i recommend you eat sushi or something because you guys already know that and there are so many sushi restaurants all around the world so i'll go differently and i'll tell you guys only my favorite japanese foods bathroom number three unashu you guys might have eaten unagi sushi in japanese sushi restaurants but unashu is a little bit different from that this is unashu and that's a ill in english and a jew is uh just putting something right this is a little bit expensive it's around 2000 to 5000 yen so it's around 20 to 50 dollars but yeah it's actually worth it unagi is a little bit expensive it's because the amount of unagi catch is declining these days is always great and i think it's not that popular among overseas tourists but now you know this and you should definitely try this number two tonkatsu and gyukatsu tonkatsu is a pork cutlet and a kyukatsu is a beef cutlet trust me this is very very oh my god and also when you go to tonkatsu or yukata restaurants you're going to have ichijousansai as i explained at the beginning of this video you can have rice miso soup and tonkatsu or yukatsu and shredded cabbage and pickles or something so that means you can enjoy the taste and you can also stay healthy and number one natto this is very strange but it's actually very typical food in japan sometimes i see natto in restaurants but we usually eat this at home natto is fermented soy beans and it's sticky and it has unique taste and a strong smell we usually eat natto with rice and before you eat natto please make sure to stir it well but among japanese people there are many people who do not like natto but i love natto and i eat this almost every day and it's actually very good for health i don't know exactly why but only one thing i know is natto is just good for health maybe i should make another video why natto is good for health according to science anyway you can find nadu at any grocery stores in japan that is pretty cheap like uh 80 yen so it's less than one dollar so please try it all right guys thank you so much for watching this video if you have any recommendations or requests please comment down below and if you like this video please hit the like button and please subscribe to my channel thank you so much have a good day bye
Channel: George Japan
Views: 744,971
Rating: 4.9724579 out of 5
Keywords: japan, japanese, reaction, brightside, japan, japanese, reaction, brightside
Id: 66dmNlOCpY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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