What is Worship? - Louie Giglio

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today's message is the game changer and I've been praying all week for myself and praying for you because we're in this series called extravagant and we're talking about the echo of worship and today we're looking at worship as we see it in the showdown on Mount Carmel now some of you know what that's about because you've been around Church others of you you're not gonna believe this moment that we're gonna be able to peek into in the pages of God's Word the title of this message today is fresh wind fresh fire can you say that with me fresh wind fresh fire that's what we're all about in our lives and maybe for you if you're honest you're in a season of your life as a believer where you really need fresh wind you're in a season of life and not somebody who doesn't know about faith not sure about who Jesus is but as a believer you're in a season of your life where you need fresh fire in your life you can say that a lot of different ways you need a touch from God you need God to show up in your life in a powerful way you need the joy of your salvation that you had at the first all over again in your life you need a new level of consecration of devotion of intimacy with God and that's exactly what we see as the backdrop when we turn to 1st Kings 18 the very first verse of 1st Kings 18 setting up the story that the showdown of mount carmel says this and after a long time in the third year the word of the Lord came to Elijah so somebody here can identify with that long time 3rd year it's been a while it's been a while since I've since God it's been a while since I've since the spirit it's been awhile since I knew I was moving in power it's been awhile since I knew I was in God's plan it's been awhile since I looked in the mirror and said I can see supernatural happening in my life so it had been a while it had been a long time and it was three years in when the word of the Lord came to the Prophet this is the message today it may have been a long time it may have been three years they may have been 30 years but the word of the Lord is coming to you today and if nobody claps for that I'm gonna just have to preach on anyway but what I'm trying to say today is that God is in the midst of us today and I'm not Elijah but I am a man with a voice and the Word of God is still the Word of God and it's coming to you today it may have been a long time for you it may be in the third year for you it may have never happened for you but the word of the Lord is coming today and this is what he said he said go and present yourself to Ahab we're gonna figure out all about who a hab is and I will send rain on the land in the backdrop of this story today is a drought in all of the land so we're three years in to no rain we're three years into crop Stuart that are withering we're three years into people rationing their water we're three years them to the prayer for a miracle from God we need showers we need a downpour we need rain in our lives and I'm just asking it at the very beginning today is anybody in that place today I'm in a drought I'm in a barren place in my life I need showers from heaven to fall into the soil of my life and if that's you today is your day what was the showdown on melt Carmel give you the postage stamp and then we're gonna unpack it in this moment Israel had turned their back on God a hab was the king and he was a wicked King they were serving idols the idols of the people around them but there was a voice Elijah and speaking on behalf of God he goes to Ahab the king and says bring all of your prophets and meet me at Mount Carmel so eight hundred and fifty prophets show up where they have 450 prophets of the God 400 prophets of the goddess Asherah and so 850 profits show up and there's one man of God Elijah and he throws down the challenge he says built two altars and get two bulls and you put one bull on your altar you call on your God and I'm gonna put a bull on my altar and I'm gonna call on Yahweh the one true God and we'll see what happens here today on Mount Carmel as you read the text all afternoon the prophets of bale and Asherah go first and call on their God and nothing happens and Elijah has a little bit of a moment in the flesh sort of spirit in the flesh and he says well maybe he's asleep maybe he went on a trip maybe he's out of town maybe he's hard of hearing maybe you should call louder cry a little bit louder and they do they cry louder and louder and louder and louder but all afternoon long their sacrifice sits on the wood and finally it's Elijah's turn and he prays and he says dear God in heaven let it be known today that you are the God of heaven and you are the god of Earth in other words he was saying God get glory right now in the face of 850 prophets of bail-in fire fell from heaven it burned up the sacrifice it burned up the altar and burned the ground it burned everything and scorched earth in that spot and in that moment people knew there is one true God and his name is Jehovah God he is Yahweh God he's the one who was and is and is to come fire fell on the mountain and I just believed that that the story for a lot of us is today I want that I want fire to fall in my life I do not want to just go through the motions of Christianity show up at church read my Bible have my daily devotional plan and do my soap with my friend do my YouVersion Bible plan and basically have my life look exactly like it looks six months ago six years ago I want fresh wind and I want fresh fire in my life and if that's you today pay close attention as we unpack because there is a way for you to experience the fresh fire and to experience the fresh wind of God today in your life same is what happened on Mount Carmel the first thing I want you to see about this story is the climate we have to unpack a little bit what the climate is in this moment and basically the climate in a nutshell is that the people of God have become infatuated with the idols of their world in other words when they started the journey God delivered him out of Egypt but now that they're into the Promised Land there are all these other idols of the nations and they're sort of mixing and matching and infatuated with the stories of some of the other gods you see this in Deuteronomy chapter 6 because God already understands that this is going to happen and so he's trying to prepare them for the pathway to success can you allow me to say that again today God is trying to prepare you for the best so God led them out of Egypt and out of bondage into the promised land and that's what he's trying to do for you now see the world turns this around and says no God if you follow him wants to lead you out of the promised land and in the bondage out of more and into less but God has always been leading his people out of less and into more out of slavery and into freedom out of bondage and into a place of abundance and he wants to do that for you so we've got to speak against the enemy right at the beginning of this message because a lot of us are sitting in the room honestly going I don't know if I can trust God I don't know if God has my best interest in his heart I don't know if God really is wanting to lead me into a promised land why do you think that because the enemy is always turning this story around and convincing us somehow that full surrender to Jesus equals less in our lives and not more and from the very beginning God was putting all of his cards on the table I'm gonna come down it and deliver you I'm gonna come down and part the sea I'm gonna come down and set you free I'm gonna come down and defeat your enemies I'm gonna come down and leave you in to a land that already has vineyards already has orchards already has cities built for you to live in you're gonna move into their cities you can live in their houses you're gonna have their crops you're gonna have their fields you're gonna have their vineyards I'm leading you into a finished work but they're gonna be a few challenges and he tells us this right at the very beginning Deuteronomy 6 when the Lord your God brings you into the land he swore to your father's to Abraham Isaac and Jacob to give you a land with large flourishing cities you did not build houses filled with all kind of good things you did not provide Wells you did not dig vineyards and olive groves you did not plant then when you eat and are satisfied be careful now you would think that this line doesn't even need to be in the Word of God be careful that you do not forget the law who brought you out of Egypt out of the land of slavery now come on who could forget the Lord can you imagine people forgetting the Lord like he delivers them out and brings them in and they forget him I can't imagine someone doing that but it was wrong with these people obviously not like us verse 13 so fear the Lord your God serve him only and take your oaths in his name do not follow other gods the gods of the peoples around you for the Lord your God who is among you is a jealous God and his anger will burn against you and he will destroy you from the face of the land now all of a sudden this wonderful delivering salvation bringing freedom speaking God sounds like you know Jennifer I don't like it when you talk to him at work I didn't like it when you sat with them at dinner I'm not sure who are you texting right now and all of a sudden we say this weird human jealousy sort of in the equation and God isn't saying that at all he's not saying I'm jealous and I really get all jacked up when you spend extra time with so-and-so and give them that look across the table he's saying I am the Lord you understand that there is no god but me the way Isaiah said it my name is the Lord I am the Lord and that is my name I will not share my glory with another or any of my praise with idols this is God defending God and it's a whole nother sermon for another day but it's in the root of who we are as passion and the passion movement God is the defender of God you're like well why does God have to defend God cuz you're surely not defending him [Applause] God is the promoter of the glory of God well why does God have to promote the glory of God because if God didn't promote the glory of God you would know about the glory of God so the heavens declare his glory creation declares his glory the cross declares his glory his word declares his glory and he declares his glory and he says I love you so much you've got to understand this don't have any other gods but me don't have another God but me do not make an idol and do not worship it first for the 10 commandments all about him defending his glory what because he's this little bitty you know complex God he's like oh nobody likes me anymore no because he knows who he is and he knows the best thing for you is himself so he promotes himself for you and for me so that we can get the best because we're not smart enough to figure out in the vast array of gods which God to give our allegiance to and so he says hey I've set you free I brought you into a land I'm gonna give you cities you didn't build I'm gonna give you houses that you didn't prepare I'm gonna give you wells you didn't dig vineyards you hadn't planted orchards that you had nothing to do with I'm gonna bring you into a finished work called salvation and the Grace and the love of God but here's the thing do not mess around with the gods of the peoples around you because that will be your end you see we're all concerned about step an inch over the line or did I go somewhere I wasn't supposed to go or did I say something I wasn't supposed to say cuz that's what God's all concerned about Oh trust me it says in the next few verses God is concerned please do not misunderstand me about how we live about our conduct about our reputation about our character but what God is most concerned about in your life today is your worship oh I thought he was concerned about whether I quit smoking or not whole gums quit smoking because you know the Lord is all about smoking and dancing and kind of music you listen to and that's all God's really into right what God is into is your worship because he knows when your worship is right your life will be right and if your life is right as a result of your worship then you're gonna have the right kind of heart in your life you can change your behavior and never change your worship and God is after your affection he was to open your eyes to see who he is and in this climate the people of God were infatuated with the idols of the world I want you to see two textures I want to give a little bio epic really quickly on a hab and I can't spend too much time on it but you need to understand the landscape and where we are so turn back to chapters 2 first Kings 16 and look what happens as we introduce a hab in verse 29 in the 38th year of ASA king of Judah Ahab son of Omri became king of Israel and he reigned in Samaria over Israel 22 years a hab did more evil in the eyes of the Lord than any of those before him he not only considered it trivial to commit the sins of jeroboam and you got to go back to the beginning to the start of the kings of Israel to get Jeroboam let's go was a terrible guy and his sins have been passed on generationally and are all the way through all the kings of Israel and along comes a hab and he doesn't think anything of just doing all the wicked things that Jeroboam did before him and so that's the first thing that it says he did but look what else but he also married Jezebel daughter of F Bale now that should give you a hint right there of what the lineages in Jezebel's life F Bale king of the sidonians and because he married Jezebel truck with me he began to serve bail and worship Him he set up an altar for fail in the temple of bail that he built in Sumeria so we're in the promised land I'm the king of Israel and I'm gonna build a temple to a Canaanite God and worship Him in the promised land because I'm married into Jezebel who is a Yahweh hating Jehovah non believing woman who came from a lineage of evil a hab also if that's not enough made an Asscher a pole and did more to provoke the Lord the God of Israel to anger him then did all the kings of Israel before him bail which means Lord the word means Lord was a God of Sun and storm a lot of times you would see him depicted bail with a lightning bolt in his hand he was the son of El and Astra a Shara was the feminine goddess of fertility and it was thought that Bale had extraordinary powers to bring forth fertility not only of crops but also of offspring and so el which nobody really worship tell he was thought to be a passive God but a sure a powerful their son Bale and Bale become became one of the predominant gods of the day if you want a mental picture for where we are you can go to the Louvre and there is a relief there of bail and we have an image of it for you today it's 48 or so 46 48 inches tall and Bale with the the horned helmet on his head he has the staff in his hand where he's touching the ground to make the crops grow and he's got this lightning bolt coming out of the other hand another image we have of him from antiquity so this is Bale this is the God the king of Israel has married into this is the god to whom may have built a temple in the promised land and said we're going to worship that God the Asherah pole looks like this and there would be an ash or a pole and a temple of worship and a place of worship for bail on every high place in Israel so on every high mountain on every sacred place and Mount Carmel would have been one of the most sacred places you would have found an idol to bail and an Astra pole and a king of the people of God who said we're gonna worship these gods now this is a very short little cul-de-sac for someone today but be very careful who you marry into a hab was already wicked but when he married Jezebel it went to another level we read when we turn over to chapter 18 about these 850 prophets that all gathered at Mount Carmel and look at what it says about them coming down looking for the verse in verse 19 now some of the people from all over Israel to meet me on Mount Carmel this is Elijah speaking and bring the 450 prophets of Bale and the four hundred prophets of Asherah who eat at Jezebel's table and so the word today for somebody is don't marry her [Music] do not marry him well why not because he is anti Jehovah an anti Yahweh an anti Jesus Jezebel and Ahab not only were wicked there's a plenty of wicked kings in Israel and Judah in fact almost all of the kings were wicked out of the 40 some-odd Kings only a handful of them does it not say they did evil in the sight of the Lord and like their father they did evil and they did not tear down the Astra pole in the Bale in the high places but Ahab and Jezebel had an especially evil packed in Jezebel particularly and this moment in time has sought out and killed off all the prophets of the Living God except Elijah and some of you are listening today to an Old Testament story but you're living in a present tense reflection of it right now and if nothing else today God is saying to you get out and get away while you can get out and get away while you can I don't believe in a God who would end a relationship oh I don't believe in God who wants me to cut off so my dear friend who was with me when I went through my hard time in life and went through my struggle and they were right there with me cut them off and cut off the evil branch cut off the voice that is speaking against your love for Jesus and cut off the thinking that's stopping you from fully surrendering your life to the lordship and the kingship of Jesus Christ because guess what newsflash you're about to become one flesh and there is no division a territory after that you are gonna be in it with the enemy and if you believe God's gonna save them then I just want to say to you today god bless your faith and we will all pray with you about that cut them off send them out let God save them transform them fill them with a spirit and send them on at least a seven-year mission project and when they get back then you can marry them that's not the message today so we would never end up worshiping a 48 inch Idol would we with a weird hat or a a pole carved out of a tree surely we would never become infatuated with the idols of our time but they did and when they did God sent a call to them second thing I want you to see and the call was the voice of Elijah and the voice of Elijah was the only voice there could be but he was courageous and he was willing and he stepped up sent a message by the way through the the man who was running Ahab's palace and said hey I know Ahab's been looking for me Jezebel especially wants to take me out let him know that I'm here and I want to talk to him and when they met this is what he said to Ahab he said you assemble all your prophets and meet me at Mount Carmel God brought a voice and what I want you to know today it doesn't matter where you are how far away you are or what ads are stacked against your relationship with God or how many idols are in your story God's still bringing you a voice today he's still calling out to you today and this is what the voice is always calling out look at what it says and this is what the call was when it came through Elijah so Ahab sent word verse 20 throughout all Israel assembled the prophets on Mount Carmel and Elijah went before the people and said how long will you waver between two opinions if the Lord is God follow him but if bale is God follow him does that sound familiar to anybody here it rings a bell to me of the message to the church in Revelation rather you be hot or cold but because you're lukewarm I'm gonna just spit you out of my mouth now I used to struggle with that when I was in high school hearing that it used cam because every faster at every youth camp preached on that passage amen did you go to that youth camp and I would always sit on the fourth row and go man I mean why would God rather maybe cold at least when you're warm you're warm I mean you know sometimes they say well she's still warm I mean that's good I mean warms light means you're near hot warm like meas you're near the fire war means you're not frozen war why would God rather you be cold then warm the same reason Elijah stood on this mountain and said let's get this straight today if you believe that God is God think completely and totally and extravagantly give him your life if you think the lapell over here is God then completely and totally and extravagantly give him your life but stop going back and forth stop doing what we do man we were in that meeting I was so fired up and I felt a touch of the spirit and we were singing that song and everything was amazing and God answered our prayer and came through and the phone call of the deal and the whatever it happened yeah even there anybody been there please somebody two weeks later you're having coffee with a friend I don't know I don't know you don't know what I don't know I don't know where God is I don't even know if there is a God I'm like I'm like I'm confused right now and I'm I just don't know and I mean I thought but I'm not sure and I don't know and this happened and the thing happened and the circumstance and then or whatever and I don't even know if God knows about me loves me cares about me and if I'm honest gonna be honest with you can I just be vulnerable and transparent right now I don't even know if there is a God and then you get that promotion at work that you were praying for your friend gets healed something happens in your life I won't go to the ends of the earth I will follow you anywhere okay what it cost me with Jesus and your friend says I hate to say this and I know that you're gonna think it's about you but it's really about me and we have had a great time together but I think we're gonna be way better friends and we were a relationship because the whole time we've been relationship we've been arguing and fighting it but before that we were friends it was all great that's why I'm gonna end this today I don't know if there's a lord or a God coming to church this is our church this is the church I love Jesus on Sunday but man Thursday he got popping had to make some quick decisions they weren't all great Sunday I'm all-in last Saturday I was partially out Sunday there was a god and then fool he's cute and he likes me no one likes me right now but he's cute and he likes me oh you don't go to church oh you hate Church oh that's okay that's okay we'll work on it it's no big deal no that's not it's not a huge issue right now we just met I mean let's hang out how the coffee er date for two or three years and then we'll talk about it you know and we were living in a culture that we're so sure and we're so unsure and Elijah is just saying look man it's time for somebody here today to make a decision and if God is God follow God and if your idol is God follow your idol and here's what he's saying to you today and I know it sounds kind of crazy and confusing but he's saying look I would rather you 1000% commit to your idol then 47% commit to me you're like why would God want me to 1000% commit to an idol that he knows is an idol because the sooner you commit a thousand percent to that Idol and quit playing games with yourself you will get to empty a lot faster that way you'll get to empty way faster by going a thousand miles an hour after your Idol then coming in here and going I feel good I feel like I love the Lord oh I don't know about today but that I know I love the Lord I absolutely got one hand up and worship and I've got one hand over here holding on to my idol and you don't really even know who you are and you don't you wonder why there's no fire on your altar in no fresh wind in your heart and God is saying I'll tell you why it's because you haven't made a decision yet and the call of God is coming to your life today listen if Jesus is alive from the dead follow him if your Idol is gonna get you what you want follow your idol just make a decision write a blog tweet about it and post about it and let us all know and stop wavering back and forth between two opinions have you seen enough have you heard enough to know that your feet are on a cornerstone named Jesus have you been through enough and seeing God do enough to know that no matter what the circumstance the situation the climate that's around me the worship that's gonna happen around me the idols that are around me I am standing on solid ground and my god isn't up and I'm gonna choose to worship Him the call came and then there was a clarification what is the clarification the clarification is when God shows up and answers the question is it bail or is it me I'm about to clarify that fire falls and God wants to clarify that for you he wants to answer for you the question is God real is God powerful can God come through and Willie come through he wants to answer it for the world that's watching you or you say you're a believer you say you trusted the Lord you say put your faith in Jesus but we can't really tell what's going on God wants to clarify a couple of things he wants to clarify one that he is God in fact in the heavens and in the earth and he wants to make his name famous in your life but he's also clarifying something beautiful today and it is this what did the fire fall on we see it right in the text at the end of the prayer of Elijah it says in verse 38 then the fire of the Lord fell first Kings 1838 and say it with me and burned up the sacrifice yes and the wood and yes and the stones and yes and the soil and also licked up the water in the trench well what was that about well Elijah wanted there to be no doubt so they prayed put their bowl in the altar prayed cut themselves cried out to heavens were hysterical all day long nothing happened Elijah said before we do my thing put the bowl on there but get jars of water and drench the sacrifice the wood and the altar in fact dig a trench around the altar and fill it up with water they did that he said great do it a second time they did it a second time great do it a third time they did it a third time so we've got soaked bul soaked wood soaked altar and a trench of water all around the altar the fire comes down immediately burns up the sacrifice and everything else and what God is wanting to say today is that he wants to show himself strong in your life he wants to show himself as the one true God in your story but he can't bring fire unless there's a sacrifice this is the key word of our series all worship involves sacrifice and please understand me the fire is not going to fall on your 365-day devotional reading the fire is gonna fall when you put something on the altar so what was the sacrifice then good question certainly wasn't the bowl they had a bowl when the wood they had wood wasn't an altar they had an altar what was it well some people say it was the water because we're in a drought right and to pour water on this is to say we're pouring our very livelihood on it we're we're basically you know taking the most precious possession we have and we're pouring it on this sacrifice and that was true but I think the water was partially about that's showing God how serious Elijah was and partially about just making sure that it's like there's no hidden agenda here there's no light sparks underneath there's no like hocus-pocus gonna happen here we've drenched everything the only way this baby's comin alive is if the fire comes down from heaven in a massive way and consumes it so if it wasn't the bowl the wood the stones and ultimately it wasn't simply the water what was the sacrifice are you ready the sacrifice was faith Hebrews 11:6 without faith it is impossible to please God and you know what Elijah was saying he was saying there's no plan B or C there is no backup in fact there's no going back either fires gonna fall from heaven and God's gonna be glorified that way or I'm gonna be killed and I'm gonna see Jehovah today Jehovah's gonna win the day in my heart one way or the other but it's gonna be through fire or if by death there is no escaping for me there's no back-up plan there's no other way out this faith is me saying all my hope is in Jesus and that's an extravagant sacrifice that grabs the attention of heaven I've been reading about the lunar landing coming up on the 50th anniversary in just a few days now 1969 Neil Armstrong Buzz Aldrin landed the lunar module on the surface of the Moon now this is real by the way and if you're one of those conspiracy theorists who doesn't believe we went to the moon then god bless you but this is probably not the right Church for you this is painting around I've researched there several churches in the metro Atlanta area who do not believe in the lunar landing they'll be happy to receive you we can transfer your letters straight over it'll be easy in reading one of the many many accounts I've read of the lunar landing in a book called a man on the moon recently just a few weeks ago is talking about that moment where now the lunar module was in powered descent Buzz Aldrin is reading the data Neil Armstrong's flying the lunar module by the seat of his pants he's looking out a small window operating a little toggle switch and a joy switch within which in no way resembles the controls that he's used his entire life as a fighter pilot the radar is jammed and there is no usable information about where they're landing except what he sees out the window their power supply is dwindling they have seconds to put this baby on the ground and they'd entered something that I recently learned was called the dead man's curve you know what the dead man's curve was it was the moment they knew that they couldn't hit the abort switch in fire the other set of rockets and rejoined Columbia orbiting the moon the forces of gravity of the lunar surface their speed of descent and their altitude now put them in the dead man's curve and like it or not for better or worse they were landing on the surface of the moon very soon and that's where Elijah was when he went to Mount Carmel he was in dead man's curve I believe that you are the one true God and I believe your name is worth defending and I will defend your name and I will either die here today or Fire will come down on the mountain those are the only two options that are gonna happen to your servant today I am in the dead man's curve I am a dead man walking and I believe in faith that my God is gonna come through and if you don't come through there ain't gonna be no coming through today because I don't have a back-up plan I just have faith today that you are going to come through in my life I'm not talking about irresponsibility where your wise counsel said don't do it your parents told you it's a bad idea your three friends over coffee told you this is not a good move for you the Word of God didn't affirm it and you did it anyway because I'm a person of faith I'm not talking about that I'm talking about wise counsel did say take the step your your godly friends did say take the step the Word of God did say take the step and you said you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take the step I don't have another plan I don't have an ace in my in my pocket I don't have any backup here I'm gonna take the step and trust God and believe God and God then is gonna clarify you are my daughter you are my son your faith has been answered heaven has seen your faith and applauded your faith and I'm come through for you and we don't have time to unpack it but the last of these little stories inside this is the cloud there was the climate there was the call there was the clarifying power of God and then there was the cloud I mean the prophets of Vail they all got extinguished as soon as the fire came down everybody's like we believe we believe in they're like yeah I know you believe it it's too late for you they all got wiped out a hab got off the hook for a short period of time you know Elijah told him he said you better get ready a downpours coming fight you better get in your chariot and head on back to Jezreel because there's gonna be such a gully washer come through here you'll get stuck over on the side of the road and your chariot so you better get on going homeboy because a downpour is coming did it look like rain no were there thunder clouds overhead no did the wind change and the breeze was moving in no Elijah just as fired up right now he's just seeing fire come down on the mountain he's just seeing God answer faith and he said and I believe my God who sent me here with a word who said this is the word of the Lord in a in the third year after a long time there's gonna be rain then there's gonna be rain and I don't see any rain but I believe God said at the beginning of this whole thing there's gonna be rain so Ahab get on going home because there's gonna be rain here and then Elijah went up to the top of Mount Carmel sent his servant to look toward the Mediterranean he looked to the Mediterranean Sea saw nothing came back don't see anything go look again don't see anything go look again don't see anything go look again don't see anything the seventh time he went to look he came back and he said Elijah you're not gonna believe it but there's a little tiny cloud in the sky way over the Mediterranean looks about the size of my fist and Elijah said that's it that's it that's the seed that's god it worked god it's gonna answer what God said God was gonna do in that little cloud got closer and closer and closer until an absolute drought breaker happened in that land in the spirit of god this is my favorite part you talking about just enjoying the Bible the Spirit of God came on Elijah and he started running to Jezreel know chariot hey have got a big ol head start and he outruns they have and his chariot to Jezreel can you imagine a moment where he pulls up next to him jogging hey what's up man I told you it was gonna rain I told you we were getting the downpour I told you that my God is the God of heaven and the god of Earth I'll see you later and off he goes such as really running the Mount Carmel marathon in the power of the Holy Spirit don't you want some kind of new power don't you want it some moment ago wow I've never done this before and don't you want your drought broken how long has it been since rain fell in your heart and fire fell on your life and when picked up your sails [Music] well I'll promise you today it's not about trying harder or running faster it's about where you're kneeling down and who you're worshipping and if I can be so bold some of you want to know why there's not fire on your Mountain and I'll tell you why it's because bail is in your back pocket and you will not get fire on the altar of your heart as long as you're harboring a love affair with the gods of this world and the Holy Spirit is speaking a thousand different languages right now and he is being so specific because the call in the word of the Lord never come to you and me and some generalized sense they always come this relationship is that's where your hope is it's got to go you got to put faith in me that I've got a plan for you and I know it looks like if you say goodbye to him then that's saying goodbye to your one shot but trust me he's not your one shot I'm your one shot and if you'll believe in me again trusted me again put faith in me again today and obey me again today I'll come through for you I think it's time for us to maybe turn back the clock you know the old summer camps who we all lived through him anybody lived through summer camp I know that they were great they were great they were amazing anybody ever have the one that had a big bonfire at the end of the week and they everybody I got when and got their old bad CDs from their backpack or suitcase in the cabin and brought them to the bonfire and through their ac/dc in the fire through all their Rush CDs in the fire all the metalheads you know going in the fire all the Satan music going in the fire anybody who's anybody at that camp nobody was at that camp you were at the camp it's a very awkward camp because you're over here like the the Gov is God I will follow him the Lord is God and then two weeks later you're over to use CD store trying to buy back different versions of all the CDs that you've thrown in the fire cuz you're really missing your soundtrack and I'm not necessarily purporting that we get back to like a heavy-duty rededication I'm gonna try harder mentality it really didn't take for most of us who tried it a hundred times but there's got to be something today that you need to throw in the fire [Music] we talk about revival [Music] but revival is the easiest gospel equation there is it's not mystical it's not like looking for a needle in a haystack revival will happen the instant that you throw everything but Jesus your allegiance to everything that you have clung to and put your hope in and thought you couldn't live without but Jesus you throw it in the fire and put it on the altar in the Spirit of God and the applause of heaven will fall on you in that moment revival will happen in your heart and I'm telling you I think the Lord is weary of a generation saying we want revival he's like get bail out of your back pocket and I'll give you revival cut down the ash Europol and cease with your infatuation with the gods of this world rekindle a love affair for the one true God who sets you free and leads you out of slavery into a promised land and I will bring down fire from heaven and I will set you on fire and that is revival [Music] you
Channel: Passion City Church
Views: 58,678
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Keywords: louie giglio, passion city church, passion church, passion city church worship, louie giglio sermons, passion city, giglio louie, louie giglio 2019, city church, passion, giglio, passion city church sermons, extravagant, louie giglio extravagant, fresh wind fresh fire, carl lentz, Worshi, What is worship, true worship, best worship, worship songs, Atlanta, louis giglio, cumberland, temptations, live church, live worship, live worship songs, live worship music
Id: nfOxa7U8q5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 6sec (2946 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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