A Time of Refreshing - February 22, 2022

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i can't take a heart that's broken make it over again but i [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] welcome welcome welcome to yet in a series of a wonderful program thought about twist just with you in mind a time of refreshing taken from the book of acts chapter 3 verse 19 through 21 grab a friend tell someone drop a chair it's time to celebrate our broadcast comes mondays tuesdays thursdays fridays at 1pm through to 2 p.m and on wednesdays at 11 am till 1 30 pm from the sanctuary fasting prayer edition is done let me welcome and greet all of you as well as i acknowledge those of you that are with us viewers on facebook youtube and cable networks digital play channel 20 and flow channels 602 and 672 stay tuned and again don't be distracted let me acknowledge our executive producers bishop dr delphi davis and his wonderful wife minister petrona davis thank god he has given them to us as a nation as a city as gifts and they are touching lives all over the world let me thank you all for tuning in today you are out for a catalogue time in the presence of the lord jesus christ our theme for today is kingdom builders scripture that we will be focusing on is taken from nehemiah from verse one through to verse five let's now go to the scriptures welcome one and all the book of nehemiah an old testament book a significant book our potent book filled with insights filled with revelation filled with spiritual nuggets for the believers as well as the unbelievers chapter one beginning at verse one it informs us the words of nehemiah the son of accolade and it came to pass meaning it really didn't happen very very is narrated the 28th year of the reign of the persian king well he continued nehemiah said that one of my brethren literally a brother of his a colleague of his came and certain men with him from judah jerusalem had they had gone visiting and they came back with a report and we will soon get into the report but this man nehemiah had a profound history his very name speaks volume his name was and is by meaning jehovah comforts can you imagine a man with a name jehovah comforts meaning that god selected this man and his very birth to bring something pronounced to his nation israel the jewish people what a necessity for us today as jamaicans to gather hope aspirations dreams encouragement in a time of global chaos and panic all the nations of the earth face a global pandemic whether your first world second world third world all of us are feeling the pitch and the pain when you think of today this very day the russian nation launch an invasion under ukraine their sister state that's a declaration of war unless you didn't know it is not only a decoration of war but it stands the possibility to plunge all of europe all of nato all of that part of the world into a full-scale war that includes the united states here in the west of which we are a part of the western region so you could literally say jamaica is easily at war by virtue of association what does that mean for our world chaos confusion more than pandemic more than epidemic we are already faced with economic wars travel wars tourists can't move as normally as they should scarcity of food scarcity of trading links and trading partners then let's take it near a home to jamaica a free loving people as we are we are plagued with crime violence domestic conflict all types of upheavals problems in the church and in our churches problem in our communities problem in our society problem on a whole in the nation problems governmentally problems economically problems socially problems educationally and for that matter problems in every arena of society and life is there any hope is there anything to look forward to that's why i have entitled today's message of inspiration kingdom builders there is a search all across the globe and particularly in our nation jamaica for a certain calibre a certain type of men and women even children in our nation at this time that are builders not people who tear down demolish destroy drive fear into people's hearts there is a special need for kingdom builders who are kingdom builders men and women children even who has a special sense of a divine call of god on their lives like a nehemiah so we would call them nehemiah's comforters those who would build up hope those who would dispel fear uncertainty and bring stability once again to society end crime end violence end hatred and cynicism end the deluge and dilum that we face in our society today enough is enough who doesn't want hope who doesn't want certainty who wants continuous deluge despair fear and doubt well the word of god brings us hope today in the midst of chaos uncertainty deprivity crime and violence here is what the word of the lord says it happened before they have been a precedent of this sort of behavior and conduct in the past what happened then and what can happen now what did god do then and what can god do now the bible says there was a man whose name was nehemiah his very name offers hope to a generation and a nation what type of a hope his name meant jehovah god is our comfort in a time of trouble is he today yes he was nehemiah this man nehemiah the king's cop bearer he had the top civil servant job in his nation yes he was the most well traveled the best dressed man in the nation other than the king oh my god if you had ever been in nehemiah's shoe and position you would be glad on one hand he was the top civil servant in his job his job paid him well but then his job was dangerous even reckless because anything the king ate or supped nehemiah had to taste it first he was a top taster indonesia that mean if poison was in the pot he would take it first if poison was in a glass or a cup or a plate in a juicy piece of steak nemaya would take it up first so his job was good and then not so good good because of the pay good because he was well traveled good because everywhere the king went nehemiah went from that standpoint nehemiah had the top job in the country but then one day nehemiah said my brothers went to jerusalem to judah even and when they came back i became very perplexed very troubled in spirit and in heart and so i call them together and i inquired of them what is the state of my nation israel and what is the state of my city jerusalem what is happening there how is my people how does it happen to be with their welfare and well-being two things the welfare of my nation the welfare of my people and the citizens who live there those who had gone back from the captivity one of the most devastating captivity how were they coping how were they doing and my god nehemiah asked the wrong question of the right set of people he was burdened nehemiah he had one way of saying a burden though he had a good job though he was in a good position in the king's palace but he was not at peace with himself nehemiah was concerned and so when they answered him they said these words and i don't want to say my words and i asked them concerning the jews that had escaped which were left of the captivity so we know the history we know where they're coming from they were just coming out of captivity they were just coming out of bondage and i asked them concerning jerusalem and they said unto me the remnant that are left of the captivity were in the province they are in great distress please underline for me distress and they are in great disrepair great heaviness great burden they are not well at all they are also in great reproach do you know what the word reproach mean i'm not being facetious the word reproach means great shame humiliation great disregard is taking place we are viewed in a very embarrassing way people no longer respect us from the world's greatest nation that reveres god the greatest god of all the universe to the greatest worship facility in the world the temple there in jerusalem to now become a no people to now become a people of great insignificance and to top it all they were greatly afflicted that is talking about a melody and a mentality pain disrepair humiliation embarrassment it sounds like jamaica's situation it sounds like politicians and government officials that does not know what to do whom to turn to frustrated fed up talk the truth and shame the devil don't dress it up we are a country in a dilemma we are a country in jeopardy we are a country in despair we are a country with a great reproach the world's most afford murderous country our capital in the world 1 500 murders almost every year at the altar of expediency over 750 road fatalities and those are the numbers that we know about what about the numbers that we don't know about that are suppressed that are covered what about the bodies that are melted down in all different kinds of substances so as not to be recorded or directed what about the crime figures being suppressed that we don't know the true nature of what's happening in our nation nehemiah asked and nehemiah was told when nehemiah was told based on what he asked they said furthermore the walls of jerusalem nehemiah are broken down and the gates thereof are burned with fire do you want more problem on top of problem the walls in ancient days any ancient city that did not have a wall around it was considered insecure exposed naked bare to all on sundry and so jerusalem was now a city without wall and there's another problem jerusalem's gates gates were burnt with fire gates in scripture is not just talking inlet and outflows going in and going out it was talking about governmental structure and authority no governance no government all of them didn't make one and you said he's a bishop he's up our country are dying our countrymen are dying our citizens are dying our children are being raped in our street it's no time to hold back speak the truth and shame the devil so our countries jamaica walls are down and our gates are burnt oh lovely jerusalem oh jerusalem jerusalem my god what has happened to our beloved country jamaica it's full time that somebody somehow somewhere us to attention it cannot continue this way preachers don't look stupid it's not just time to preach john 3 16. it's time to hear god's word for the nation and the church are almost in the same dilemma who will go for us and who shall we send so nehemiah heard the news what was nehemiah's reaction when he heard he said it came to pass it really did happen when i heard these words the first thing that i did i sat down and couldn't take it he made a spin his feet under him were shaken that's the kind of dilemma that our prophets needs to experience not prophesy about passport and who didn't pay jps their light bill unless they nwc customers who use up the water not prophesying about wife and profit line about car and house god is in bigger business than that jamaica preachers our nation is at stake and that's what i've come to tell us not a pleasant news and i am guilty as charge it's happening under my watch as well we will have to account to god for our stewardship of the kingdom gospel so nehemiah says when i heard of it i sat down my feet under me left me not only did i sat down he did a couple of things he said i sat down and i i wept how many weeping men do you see men always show courage muster strength tough chest whiskers sideburns moscow muscles but nehemiah said as a man a man of god i wept with one of the highest position in my country i wept i wept yes i wept i not only sat down and wep he said i i mourned it's another state of weeping it's another level of intercession it's another level of prayer it's another level of agony a weeping man a pregnant man for his nation for his people he wasn't there because he was cute with sideburns and whiskers and he said that went on for several days and then on top of those positions i fasted i prayed before god the god of heaven that's the difference now psalm 65 verse 2 oh god thou who hearst all flesh and i will hear us prayers speak lord to your people in dilemma and name my whipped animal prayed and nehemiah valued being an intercessor that he valued being the highest man in the nation i know wherever you are in england in canada and america and the cayman islands and barbados and trinidad and guyana and south africa and swaziland and all over the world where jamaicans are scattered you can't eat at night you can't sleep at night it's the truth the cries of our children who hears the children's cry we are distressed on every side we are disrupted on every side my god jamaica is in a dilemma who will go for us where are the kingdom builders men and women her children are corrupted our men and women are corrupted can you hear my heart today this is not the heart of somebody that is pleased that is well but somebody that is distressed i'm not only stressed but i'm distressed i'm not only disturbed i'm not only termed but i'm disturbed overwhelmed by the enormity of the problem that faces us as a nation so who are we looking for rashan today that's what nehemiah did but here's what followed afterwards nehemiah went and sought the lord he intercede so we know nehemiah as a man of prayer and every kingdom builder must be a man of prayer an inter prayer warrior a prior mother a prior child a one who intercedes before god for the nation till breakthrough came then the maya became a strategizer he got a strategy from god he said i wouldn't rest i wouldn't quit until god the god of heaven spoke to me and gave me a divine strategy not only did he give me a divine strategy but god gave me the resources to fulfill the vision and god gave me a vision that was bigger than me bigger than my nation did you know why king actor chose nehemiah did you know that nehemiah was a jew and the king that sat upon the throne of persian was a persian king and jews and persian don't get along there's a system of mistrust unconditionality but god brought nehemiah to the forefront for such a time as this and put and cemented persian and a jew together for kingdom building purpose god will choose people out of your own position out of your own conditioning god will establish relationship for the building of his kingdom in the care whether you are baptist methodist episcopalian or catholic god is looking for a united church bringing races together bringing king dreads together bringing people together for the kingdom building purpose of his name forget your neighbors forget your church and your churchianity come together as one to rescue a nation forget your sermons and your christianity and come together as one for the salvation of a nation it took him only 52 weeks to fulfill this project no job overrun no time overrun no faulty work on our roads in our infrastructure in our building program but it was done and the money was raised given by a persian king god does not lock money in hagai he says the gold is mine and the silver roshan de la bros satya the silver is mine as well so sadness was a kingdom builder nehemiah was an action man nehemiah was a leader para excellent nehemiah was a man of excellence nehemiah was a prior and warrior intercessor nehemiah was a motivator and nehemiah was immobilizer nehemiah was an administrator and nehemiah was an organizer nehemiah was a manager a supervisor an encourager nehemiah was a governor a reformer a transformer oh help me today god nehemiah was an evangelist an apostle a prophet he didn't prophesy he spoke the truth with authority we need kingdom builders today in government kingdom builders out of government kingdom builders in every area and structure of society that will build jamaica again by the word of almighty god how have we come to this where are the praying fathers the praying mothers where are those that will bond their bellies and ball bond their bellies and cry out spirit of the living god i need help spirit of the living god i need power and presence and anointed now more than ever before oh help oh god oh hell poor god is my time finish have i completed 45 minutes yet is it 15 minutes to the hour i'm asking because i'm on a time zone and beloved we have a time schedule to keep but god has an eternal time clock spinning around in our mids it cannot be so and it cannot be business as usual preachers arrive get up out of our pulpits and our comfort zone congregations get up take the streets beyond the four walls it's time to rescue the perishing care for the dying it's time to set the captives free it's time to open the prison doors and set at liberty them that are bruised where are the nehemiahs of god not just occupying pulpits and stained glass windows and stained pews it's time to arise all he mighty men it's time oh he people of god together the priests gather the elders it's time to gather the praying men it's time to gather the wailing women and the wailing men the experts in prior jamaica is at stakes the prime minister was recorded and reported to have said he can't sleep at night it's not mockery i do not take it lightly i do not throw words on the honorable gentleman he's speaking the truth we are not an easy people to govern we are at war with ourselves we're killing more than iraq more than afghanistan more than ukraine it's time to call the nation back to repentance back to god not back to church oh god i would that you hear my cry today i would let you hear my heart today i would that you hear my pleadings today many are responding calm and pusey powerful words bishop it's time to open up the eyes it's time to say hallelujah verna johnson please pray for karen cutter in the eye yes please pray for kevin and family stacy francis please help us lord rose uh martial oh yes people are responding from the u.s from the uk from jamaica all parts of jamaica here in portmore in kingston it is our nation that we are dealing with today we're not preaching for fame we're not preaching for accolades we desire that the power and the spirit of almighty god would come down in jamaica land we love oh god we need help we need it now colleen walcott burke says oh yes jermaine braham says oh god hallelujah help jesus help jamaica felmer salman my god touch the heart of your people peggy hey ah speak let our servant let your servant hear sophia williams help us lord we need your help this is what times of refreshing is about this is where we are the second month in the new year rushing away more debts than last year when this period compared with we cannot continue diana davis says rescue me and my family yes jesus wherever diane davis is bow your knees to the lordship of jesus christ colleen walcott burke hallelujah hallelujah glory to god it's time it's time jasmine durham please help oh god may help reach out today may deliverance come may healing come may this dilemma ends and may the power and presence of almighty god come to our nation rather than church competing with church exercising against church announcing against church rattling for few believers over the other the whole nation lies in a dilemma who will send and who will go for us isaiah said hear my lord send me i will go cleanse my lips cleanse my heart cleanse my mind cleanse my body o god but it cannot continue as we have been continuing where are the mires of god in the pulpit the theme of this book of nehemiah is arise and build so we need builders the key words in nehemiah warfare worship and work warfare worship and work your sword in one hand ah your worship hands raised to god and your work before the lord every family up to the priests were at work all the gates the gates of rescues the gates of the valley the gates of the sheep they were cleansed nehemiah was a man of prayer nehemiah understood strategy nehemiah understand spiritual mapping nehemiah understand building with god's strategy nehemiah understand assignment and mandate greater than that of his country nehemiah understood what it meant to stand up for god to stand up for god in a world in a nation where to do so is unpopular but we said god we cannot continue to behave like this anymore i would to god that somebody in their living room somebody in your office somebody in your home somebody at your workplace would have heard this message and say god i'm willing to build god i want to enlist in the army as a man as a woman i want to put my life on the block god i want to start now god i desire my healing i'm repenting for the nation's sake god it's time to arise and build not churchianity not even christianity the kingdom of god is common to you now if you are here today we want to pray for some people some persons we want you to pick up that phone yes we see your comments pick up that phone call these lines now request prior if the word has blessed you say so open your mouth tell the truth and shame the devil let us know that this broadcast and these series of broadcasts have been a blessing to you and an eye opener to you i want you to start and pick up the phone now we're going to the phones a little bit early today because we want to hear you we want to relate to you we want to interact with you pick up those phones and begin to call now wherever you are jamaicans in england canada europe the u.s survey parts of the caribbean right here at home pick up the phones right now we want to talk to you thank you so much we are waiting now for your call we want to write your name down your prayer requests your location your numbers because we want to continue to pray on these prayer requests for you please pick up the phones right now is there any maya out there yes hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah real talk from canada blessing bishop owens from out of canada somebody else pick up that phone peggy a request prior for my eyes we're praying for you peggy come on marcia dale pray for my son dwayne hale paulie and york these are the preaching i like yes pauline without apology now somebody else pick up that phone for me right now pick up that phone pick up that phone we want to pray with some of you online call sonia calling from saint mary go ahead sonia we welcome you good afternoon good afternoon ma'am timely word thank you i was just praying that some more preachers some more bishops some more evangelists would come out and stand up for the word and the word of god just as you did i am tired of hearing the prosperity gospel we want more men and women to stand up for christ hallelujah lord i thank you god bless you reverend owen god bless you for the word for the word of encouragement hallelujah i'm going to ask you to pray for me yes i'm i am having outright pains in my body but i know that god is able okay we will be praying for you uh sonia thank you from saint mary and here is ivy calling from port moore ivy welcome to the program today how you do giving god thanks for another day yes anything we can pray for you for yes please i'm having hypertension hypertension and i'm asking for prayer okay we will do that immediately stay on the line hold on for us and we are there for you thank you so much for tuning in somebody else talk to me somebody else we know you're there come on pick up that phone pick up that line all right brooke's calling from portland cool cool parish enough rainfall how can we help you brooks from portland i'd like to i'd like for prayer to be closer to god i am not a christian i've never bought baptized before yes i'm i am ardent believer in jesus and i listened to since the pandemic yes i've been listening to this program yes but i don't know but i still don't accept jesus christ all right after today after today brooks we know we're going to make a decision today all it takes is a step of faith and brooks hold the line we're going to fix that up to days all right you've been listening faith comment by hearing hearing by the word of god we're going to fix that hold it paul are calling from green acres green acres is in saint catherine go ahead paula how can we help you welcome to the program sir i wasn't into your program i was blessed too much prosperous preaching yes jamaica isn't a problem disaster we the church church need to rise up and take a stand amen yes i'm asking you to pray for me paula i'm a christian yes and and my daughter and his brother and daniel she's a backslider please join us the rest of my children them too that they will get sick all right and all of our children particularly janet she's a christian but she wants all of them to be saved and i hear a little baby in the background say hallelujah hold the line we're going to pray with you today somebody else pick up the line please pick up the line pick up the line we can only pray for so many at a time but we want to get as many in there today that when we pray online today god will do wonders in many persons lives come on somebody else ah and ricketts what is this and hendrix yes how can we help you from mandeville yes yes good afternoon good afternoon god bless you for the world is the same thing i'm asking today need help we need help bishop yes ma'am we are in trouble yes i'm asking you please to pray for me i'm pain in my knees and my hearing my ears just ringing like a bitter yes and they're not fearing properly pain in your knees you're not a telephone and we're going to stop the ringing in your ears that you can hear god properly praise god amen thank you much thank you welcome darling somebody else somebody else else okay mistress golden calling from mandeville seems like mandela catch a fire here today yes mrs golden welcome talk to us a decent yes to call home prior for what i'm sorry you need a decent accommodation to call home from okay and you need a decent accommodation to call home god has all of that are you a christian yes all right we're going to pray for you uh mrs golden from mandeville just hold the line god is in control somebody else wherever you're calling from today pick up the phone we want to hear from you we want to talk with you please talk to us talk to us there are others sophia williamson kingdom bringers kingdom builders forever for everyone and everywhere yes we agree elizabeth green [Music] message retracted that's all right we can deal with that too god knows what you want to say ruth davis our hands just raise in praise to god janet simmons salvation for all young people we agree come on pick up those telephones we want to get some more prayer requests going all over jamaica and behind yes is this excel on caller online excel come on from spanish talk good afternoon good afternoon my dear i appreciate um all what you have said today yes because i'm i'm no one fasting and it just feel the spirit okay beautiful family pray for your family okay thank you my dear consider it done we're going to do it stay on the line with us somebody else jones calling from florida hi floridonian please talk to us joan welcome joan yes prayer for yourself and family will do mom gladly thank you thank you just listen out for the prayer somebody else talk to us yes somebody else please talk to us our list is almost full but we can take one or two squeezing one or two more please talk to us paula smith prior for all the pastors we do need it thank you paula okay this is dola i hope i'm pronouncing your name right but you are okay you are from spanish stone got that talk to us talk to us now how can we help you welcome to the program hello hello yes how can we help you how can we pray with you you are praying for my heart doctor said i have a mind at the touch and i'm asking for prayer and for my family prayer for your heart and your family my children yes doctor says you have a mild heart attack well we want you to know that dr jesus says all things are possible amen hold on the line and we will be praying with you thank you somebody else somebody else okay let me make this announcement that this coming sunday reverend bishop dr davis wants you to know that there will be two services one at 7 00 a.m and the other at 7 30 a.m not a tree as one used to be at three and one early but he wants you to know because of the changes that there will be two service one at 7 00 am and the other will be at 9 30 a.m so come and rock with jesus this sunday bring out a friend come out and jump praise shout and give the glory to god somebody else pick up the phone as we are about to close in prayer one more and then we pray one more you still can make it suzette calling from canada yes is it good afternoon pastor thank you for that word thank you that word was a blessing to me and i am really proud to see that people are really standing up and have a zeal for the loss and those that are there that are light dying in sin and i just wanted to say that i that god continued to bless you you continue to do what you're doing for the kingdom of god thank you you're welcome stay on the line with us we want to pray thank you now beloved let us go to prayer we must be thankful to god we must be thankful to god he has been with us today a very present help in the time of trouble let's come before him gracious god and father of our lord and savior jesus christ we bring to you right now sonia from saint mary lord she is having arthritic pains in her legs and joints and body we ask for your healing lord we pray that you would bring deliverance every form of pain and discomfort bring healing now we thank you for ivy from uh port more and lord whatever she is having hypotension in her being in the name of jesus for her and her family we pray for her lord we just see uh simone showing up uh on the line doesn't say where she is calling from but we include her in her prayer lord there is a need why she has called and we pray she would not be left out or be left alone we include her on this ply of platform we pray for brooks from portland and god that you would heal her she says she's not saved she don't know why she is saved but in the name of jesus we arrest this daughter of zion and we speak life into her devil you're a liar the blood is against you you no longer own her or have any control over her we speak life and life eternal into her being in jesus name lord we bless you for paula whose daughter is janet and she prays asks for prayer for all of her children to be brought under the blood she lives in green acres and lord god she is a christian but she wants her family to be saved and to be strengthened by the power of the blood of jesus christ lord we bring hendricks before you from mandeville pain in her knees pain and problems in our hearing capacity we speak life to your people and pray that any demon that would hold them up in pain be removed and be broken now in jesus name we pray from mrs golden from mandeville and lord she wants to know you more she wants to experience your power and life eternal granted unto her we pray for excel from spanish stone in the name of jesus needs prayer needs healing needs deliverance may she come to know thee as a personal lord and savior and we pray for joan john from florida lord we pray for her and prayer for her family that right now in that home in that room she would be intoxicated with your power in the name of jesus this woman from spanish town pray for her heart condition pray for that uh family murmur that she's going through that healing and deliverance come to her now by the hand of the lord jesus christ we pray for susan suzette from canada lord cry call to encourage us and to know that there are preachers preaching the truth here in jamaica we pray oh god that you give a restoration healing total deliverance set her free and god that her name be written in the lamb's book of life today of your way and god speak healing encouragement and deliverance to her now in the name of jesus thank you for audrey dylan thanks she says for minister owens for the powerful word of god we pray right back to her now that you will bless her thank you for iona wilson lord save oh god she says save thy people in jesus mighty name we pray and we give you thanks and we give you praise and thank you lord for the time that we have spent on air with you time together in church time together in the kingdom time together in the harvest do something significant in our lives we pray now in jesus holy and precious name and we thank you lord we thank you as the calls continue to come in as a response thank you for tenisha let lord saying greeting bishop owens please pray for sister tunisia let for strength we speak strength into your bones your joints every ligament every tissue and pray that the power of the almighty god come down upon you now like never before lord touch jamaica lord touch our girls our boys our children men and women lord touch every done man every gunman every knife man in the name of jesus every thief lord everyone that would conspire upon their bed to do iniquity we bind every object worker we bind every necromancy worker we come against in the name of jesus every divine in spirit we suffer not a witch to live but we oh god pray that they be safe either burn or turn lord we commit them to you today and we pray that the power of the almighty god be upon jamaica be upon our leader governmental leader political leader social leader business leader or financial leader educational leader church leaders fire in our pulpits fire in our pews fire in the pulpit fire in the pew fire in the congregation move upon jamaica land we love touch the services here at power of faith come in sunday both services oh god at 7 30 at nine oh god 30 move upon the hearts and lives of your people touch the services all across the nation let there be fire in the midst of your people do something significant something great almighty god and let not jamaica be turned over to hell or to the devil but pray for revival fire to burn deep within the hearts and lives of your people do it again you have done it before and father we are trusting you through the airwaves through the prayer lines oh god almighty through the different platforms let revival fire come in jesus mighty name we pray do something great as you touch our people in jesus name i want to read for us today as the calls continue to come psalm 23 the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he laid at me beside still waters he restored my soul he laid at me in the parts of righteousness for his name's sake here do i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no eve oh for thou art with me thy rather thy staff they shall comfort me thou preparest a table before me even in the presence of my enemies and thou anointest my head with oil and my cup run it over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i and i and i and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever and ever amen lord bless the sound technician lord bless the office staffer lord bless the staff that works here at power faith ministry keeping the broadcast going keeping the ministry going keeping the people going bless those that work in the bakery bless those that work oh god on the plazas in the different store bless the bishop and his wife oh petrovia ah minister petrovia lord bless them anoint them give them greater revelation greater insights and greater blessing bless the ministers abroad and bless the ministers here locally in all the various churches that is connected to the power of faith network strengthen the network bring more persons to come to know jesus christ as lord to the glory of god father we give you praise we give you thanks we give you glory we give you honor power might and dominion we bind every demon in jamaica we drive them from our island shore and we raise up the lordship of jesus and thank you for the power of the blood power of the blood power of the blood power of the blood and we release the spirit of nehemiah the spirit of the builder the spirit of the resurrector the spirit of the raised upper the spirit that will unite people to work together as one thank you for it and it's done now in jesus's mighty name in jesus mighty name in jesus mighty name i can't take a heart that's broken make it over again but i [Music] okay [Music]
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 2,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FRt117AYc54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 57sec (3717 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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