"Don't Get Stuck" (2.14.21) Pastor Tamara Bennett

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know his name by name you know our expectations of you and you know your expectations of us so father have i no way in this place today anoint us strengthen us may your will be done may your glory come and we promise to give you all the glory and all the honor and all the praise and all the people of god said amen now let's give our king a thunderous praise has he been mighty good give him a thunderous praise [Music] hallelujah lord you've been mighty good lord you've been mighty good lord you've been a mighty good lord you've been running all year long by day lord you've [Music] and i think where i am right now lord you've been mighty good lord you've been fighting good you exceeded my expectations you exceeded my expectations i came looking for you but you did so much more you did so oh how many love the lord today come on hasn't he been so good hasn't he been so kind we love the lord today you may have your scene in his presence and just stay in that little bit just a little bit just stay right there just a little bit hasn't he exceeded your expectations the bible said that he truly will do exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or think of him i am honored to be in the house of the lord today let's give the lord some praise for being able to be in a house of worship hallelujah i greet you with the love of jesus christ for all of my brothers and sisters sons and daughters all the saints that are here today we are grateful to be in the house of the lord and as always it takes a minute to get accumulated back into the house of the lord it takes a minute to just fill your boundaries but i think the word stays the same to enter into his gates with thanksgiving and enter into his courts with praise come on let's just do that alone let's just exercise the word alone that he said enter into my gates with thanksgiving not with fear not with apprehensions not with anything except praise come into my courts with praise so i need people to give god a praise and bless the lord come on clap those hands all ye people come on you just got to get your exercise in get your spiritual exercise in the bible said come adorn with the garment of praise come adorn with the garment of praise when you come into the house of the lord you come ready with worship and you come ready with praise because he been mighty good luck that's why i praise you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're just getting activated you're just confused hallelujah hallelujah we give the lord all the praise give the lord all the honor help me thank god for all of your brothers and sisters just give them a wave look around and give your brothers and sisters away turn around look at folk look at folk now i listen y'all i ain't coming here to be scared now look around look if you can look around and weigh that for god bless you and so glad to see you we greet you looking for hey all right do it real good looking for praise god all right one two three take a deep breath and then exhale and say whoa i'm glad to be in the house of the lord you came you came because you wanted to go to church you here today because you wanted to come to church and i am grateful to be in the house of the lord um may god have his way today may god minister to us today may god strengthen us so much is going on but i'm happy that i am fixed and focused on the things of god i am fixed and focused on continuing and being in the work of god i want to try to minister a word today i truly truly truly truly truly hope i can minister it in the fervency of what he's been speaking to me um i truly minister what he talks to me and i strive very hard to be a doer of the very word that i hear him minister and we are all know the season and the hour and the thing and just stay softly in the worship with me brother daniel we know what season an hour and everything that we're in and by the grace of god as of this day whatever we want to deal with and i am done and i'm over we are moving on with the work of god and we want to minister the work of god to get built um where i am right now personally is every single fiber everything in me you can say in the lord you've been money to just stay real softly within the self-worship every single fiber of me the lord it feels like he's mounting and he's exalted and it's like when i could get um discouraged or see things differently he keeps letting me see his greatness he keeps letting me feel how great he is and how resolve and how he does not change and that he is god that live in us and abides in us and walks with us and talks with us and so i'm saying that to say that i know i'm in some sort of vein that each placed me in that i ain't planning on coming out of and so i preach from that vein and i live from that vein because that's how he's ministering to me and so i absolutely 100 feel an anointing from god to keep encouraging the body of christ to stand and be what he's asked us to be to move in the things he's asked us to move in and it's not necessarily for the now because it's where we're going everything about god is already done you understand that everything about god everything about this journey it's already done it's already predicted it's already in its place and everything between that place and now is us believing it and how we move in it and how we operate in it thank you very much you cannot believe god sometimes you got to believe god all the time you have to believe him all the time and this race as we know it is not given to the swift nor and strong but he that endureth to the very end you got to finish this thing you've got to finish it in the same fervency you've got to finish it in the same belief you've got to finish it in the same obedience and every unction everything in me god is saying move until you finish because the work i have assigned to you is not over i need some praise up in this house i don't know as jakes would say i don't know who i'mma preach to today but i want to preach to the soldiers i want to preach to the warriors i want to preach to the people that know that they're called and chosen by god know that they have an assignment with god that's where we are it is those that god is saying i want to mount you i want to encourage you that i've assigned something to you and when i've assigned something to you i plan to finish it i know the word of god sees i'ma work in you the will and the dew of my good pleasure if you still have a desire to do the will of god you better know that's him that's still working in you give the lord a little praise give him some praise here we go so i heard the holy ghost say he said don't get stuck do not get stuck hallelujah hallelujah the holy ghost said it he said don't you get stuck i'm a god that is constantly moving i'm constantly doing things i'm constantly changing and all i want you to do is move with me don't get stuck i am deeply concerned and i hope i can be free to minister i am deeply concerned about everything that's happening in the earth everything i didn't say scared i said concern because there's too many things that don't make sense it don't make sense it don't add up it's not it's not historically right so there's a lot a lot that i rest with that i don't talk about because i ain't got no facts but i'm constantly going to god about it because it don't make sense and in this of me thinking and trying to figure out and connect the dots and saying things don't make sense he's saying keep moving because i got to navigate you through all of this but whatever you do don't get stuck because satan will send things and if we're not careful you will get stuck in something and this message can go multiple ways and i had to narrow it down but you can get stuck in some areas of your life that god has said i'm not even there anymore you're there you're there in your mind you're there in your emotions you're there and i'm not even there i have moved from that place that's what the holy ghost is saying don't get stuck the story of esau and jacob jacob tricked his brother esau out of his birthright he got scared because when his brother esau found out esau who was a hunter when esau found out he made a promise to jacob you know what i'm not going to kill you now but as soon as i hear daddy dead i'm killing you for what you did for me now jacob was then in utter fear his mother tells him go to laban's house your uncle's house so you can hide away he stayed there history says somewhere between 14 and 18 years he stayed in his uncle laban's house now while he's there god is blessing him he gets his wife he gets his family but all the while he's running from his past all the while he's hiding from his past from an enemy that made a threat to his life y'all better help me just a little bit let me work it that's what satan does you'll find yourself locked in a place and in a mine or in the state because of your past and satan will hug you with your past i tell people all the time i hate satan because you could be in the middle of a great worship and he'll pop a video in your mind of something you did when you was back in some other time and take your worship totally away y'all know i'm telling the truth that's when you got to say god i need to tear down every evil imagination that don't exist in my life anymore what happened to the story of esau and jacob so then jacob stays in this isolated place and then finally he feels the leaning of the lord to leave and he takes his family and everything that god has for him and as he's on his journey to try to start his own life he gets word that esau is looking for him he gets word and so now he's paranoid and he's afraid he's afraid that things that i did in my past are going to come back to me he's afraid things that i used to do i'm now got my own family i got my goods i got a little prosperity my life is getting going someplace but he hears that esau is looking for him so what does he do he begins to get all of his stuff and said listen when esau come i need y'all to give him the best of things and let him know it's all good so then his boys came back and said yo not only is esau coming he got about four or five hundred brothers one he's oh my god so then he gets totally scared what does fear do fear runs you into isolation fear runs you into places that don't exist you left alone when you wrestle with fear he runs into the wilderness but how many know when god's got his hand on your life it don't matter about you god will make sure you gonna finish shout hallelujah aren't you happy god don't judge you by your past but he already sees you in your future we better give him some praise right there and so what does jacob do so jacob then runs into the wilderness and the bible said that's where he got his name changed and so the angel comes and begins to wrestle with him and ask him what is your name he said my name is jacob up wrong answer because jacob was a trickster because jacob did some tricky things and that's not your nature anymore your name is israel and i can't let you go until you understand who you are i need the church to understand don't get stuck in your past who you used to be what you used to be in all the time god is saying but that's not what i think of you your name has been changed and i will wrestle you in the wilderness until you accept the calling i have put on your life i need some praise in this house you better shout it i can't get stuck i need you to shout it loud i can't get stuck what i love about the story is that when he got his name changed now his mind is changed he's a different man and his name is israel and so now he's got to meet his brother esau and the bible says that when he sees esau far off he begins to hide his family because he don't want him to know how much wealth he has and he's scared he's going to come take his family so he comes to his brother and before he can even offer his brother something his brother runs to him and kiss him his brother grabbed him and hugged him and said esau you're running from something i changed a long time ago you're not hearing what i'm saying it's you that's stuck in your past it's you that's stuck in who you used to be god said i've changed environments i've changed people i've changed everything to meet what i've called you to be you can be stuck you don't want to go around certain family members you don't want to see certain people because you're still marked in your mind about your past god said i caused them to forgive you a whole long time ago i've already changed their mind they already see that you're changed and you're running from something that don't exist don't get stuck you will get stuck you won't you're coming out of prison different things and you're stuck you won't go look for a job because you think people are going to mark you god said when i open the door for you can't no man shut it i have said you are no longer who you were i need some praise you may be afraid to get married again because you're stuck in a previous marriage that didn't work and i ain't never gonna marry again god said you are stuck in an old woman and an old man i've got a new man and a new woman and i said that you will be blessed i need praise up in this house shout it out i can't get stuck don't you get stuck you will get stuck in an image in your mind you'll get stuck about your past and it will haunt you i i i'm concerned i got many concerns i'm concerned about this isolation and quarantine because it leaves too much time for people to get idle and too much time to think and too much time to start calculating your life and what you wish you would've should have done as if you can't still do it somebody say the devil is a liar i cannot get stuck i need a praise up in this house i need a praise up in this house and shout hallelujah i need the body of christ to shout hallelujah if you're not careful what you consider cautious what you consider i'm just trying to do what they asked me to do really you'll look up and you will be stuck time is getting away from you all of a sudden you don't have your dream all of a sudden you put your ambitions on hold all because of something that have calculated and said what i was i may not be the devil is a liar don't you get stuck so what is one way that you'll get stuck you'll get stuck from your past your past will leave you stuck you'll never move do you understand that it's not important that people see you for what you're going to be it's important that you see you for what you're going to be you have to see you for what god called you to be you have to see you for what god have said that you are to him and you move in that here we go in the word of god i want to go to this next passage scripture what is stuck suck just means it's past tense it's something that don't exist it's over and this is why i'm always so happy about a new day i really get so happy about a new like if it was i would wake up every day hey i love a new day because that means yesterday is over no matter what happened no matter no matter what happened it's over and god thank you for allowing me to see a new day now here's the deal you can forgive yourself like that every day but people might not do y'all understand what i'm saying and so every single day so stuck means that you are in a past tense it's something that's not there so let's go to the next slide so here we go so this is the story of jezebel and ahab now elijah the prophet had just killed seven uh uh just kidding how many was it i'm sorry i'm losing my thought he had just went into this battle against the prophets of baal and he killed jezebel the prophetess he killed all of her lying bale prophets one man came against the prophets of god killed came against the prophets of bill and killed all of her prophets jezebel who was a controller jezebel who had her lying prophets to say what she wanted them to say to get what she wanted them to get all of her prophets are now dead so elijah one man god used this one man so now elijah hears something so ahab jezebel's husband ahab told jezebel all that elijah had done and with all how he had slain all the prophets with the sword then jezebel sent a messenger unto elijah saying so let the gods notice it's a small g not a capital g so let the gods do to me and more also if i make not thy life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time she's basically saying take a word to elijah and tell him i'm taking him out she said let him know just as you took some my problems i've killed prophets before i'm taking you out she sent a threat to this mighty man of god who single-handedly killed her prophets this heffer demon named jezebel sends this threat but her threat had weight it had weight because she had killed prophets before and this is where you've got this is i don't know y'all just pray for me this is this is this is where i am that you can't ignore facts you can't ignore threats if they've got weight to it do y'all understand what i'm saying you can't ever ignore don't ever ignore facts don't you can't believe the blood over facts facts are facts they can't be changed but you have to always live in a higher fact which is god's truth god's truth is always the higher fact so anywho so the threats were valid because she had killed prophets before so the bible said uh so let the gods do to me and more also if i make not the life of them tomorrow about this time and when he saw that he arose and went for his life when this same man of god powerful anointed man of god that had fire coming down from heaven man of god said and when he saw that he arose and went for his life and came to bear sheba which belonged to judah and left his servant there he ran and he ran from a threat everybody said don't you get stuck everybody said don't you get stuck don't get he ran for his life from a threat after god had just used him mightily he ran from a thread here we go next slide so he got stuck by a threat this is where we just have to be so careful what hinders your walk what people that the devil will use anything and anybody to hinder your walk to slow your pace you do understand he don't like you progressing let me say that again i i i uh you know this whole pandemic thing whatever whatever whatever it has put us all like in so much of the same category that is beyond irritating to me it's beyond no i mean it it is beyond i am appalled it is beyond irritating to me that i would be seen as um i would be i don't know let me just help me y'all y'all praying for me y'all right y'all understand thank you it vexes me that i could ever be seen as not being a child of god what do you mean because what is happening in our earth it's causing everybody to act the same way and can y'all please pray with me you're praying with me yeah it's beyond irritating so you mean to tell me elijah after all god used you after as mightily as god was with you you are now running from a threat you're not working with me she didn't hit you she didn't touch you um no bombs were near you you are running from a threat yeah but the threat got weight i get that the threat got away but i got weight did you not see how god just used me i need some praise in this house i need y'all to get some praise i need y'all to get some praise i need y'all to get some praise i need y'all to get some praise did you not see how god just used me you'll be threatened jezebel you're coming after me no boo i'm coming after you thank you i got thank you so he ran you understand he ran after a threat as much as god has proven himself to you as much as god have just used you you are running from a threat here we go let's go let's go let's go let's go so by himself he leaves his servant in one little area then he keeps going by himself he went a day's journey into the wilderness and came and sat down under a juniper tree and he requested for himself seriously are you kidding me that he might die are you kidding me are you are you serious elisha why y'all i need y'all to please please stay in reality with me please stay real with me are you kidding me are you serious are you serious it was all on cnn buddy i mean we saw how god used you mightily are you kidding me we we saw and and and and off of a threat you're now suicidal you're not gonna let me just let me be me just you're now suicidal off of a threat just that quick you have shut down let go everything that god just used you for you are stuck so the bible says and he said it is enough now o lord take away my life for i am not better than my fathers as he lay and slept under juniper tree behold then an angel touched him elijah understood that the entire church was losing it and the entire church was giving vent to a threat and he had been so zealous for god and he had been so eager to please god and he was getting worn out and that god after all of my faithfulness and now i'm getting threatened by jezebel and the bible says behold then an angel touched him and said unto him i need you to arise and eat here we go next one so then he got stuck in isolation he left that place and then he ran into a cave if you're not careful satan don't do what he do to you overnight saying don't work overnight i need to talk to the church i want to talk to the church i want to talk to the warriors i want to talk to you satan don't trip your anointing overnight he picks at it he causes life and situations to pick at your gift pick at your calling he'll challenge your faith and he'll throw things in your face you know how many times he's taken leaders anointed leaders and preaching the gospel to jesus christ and yet their kids could be buck wild and crazy do you know how many times he's used that and said if you were so anointed why are your kids so crazy y'all understand what i'm saying he'll pick at your anointing do you know how often people of faith will preach the gospel of jesus christ by faith and preach prosperity and yet they ain't got a car that they can start y'all understand what i'm saying he'll pick at your face he'll look pick at your gifts do you know how many people have gifts of healing you're not gonna let me work this that have gifts of healing that god have used them to heal many people and yet they can die you're not gonna let me work it he'll pick at you and if you had such a gift of healing while your daughter got cancer heal your own daughter y'all not letting me work it he'll pick at your faith and he'll pick at it to the point that it over time it'll make you get stuck and what i'm deeply concerned about with the church i'm deeply concerned i am utterly ghastly and i mean it's from the bottom of my heart i am confused i am disappointed and i'm befuddled because i'm trying to get connected with the church that are saying but god hasn't changed i'm i'm trying to get connected i'm trying to hear the word from the church that are saying nothing has changed about our assignment nothing has changed about winning souls nothing has changed about the anointing he put on my life and if i could preach heavy in 2019 i can preach heavy in 2021 nothing has changed i need five people i just need five people i just need five [Applause] and if you're not gonna like me and i gotta go here and if god kept my body in 2016 17 18 19 20 21 he gonna keep my body still nothing has changed shout hallelujah shout hallelujah i will not be moved by a threat i need praise up in this house a warrior went home to be with the apostle fred price phenomenal man of god i never had the privilege of meeting him i've never been in the same environment ever never ever have we crossed paths but i have met so many of his phenomenal sons and daughters in the gospel and this man's work and fruit and it's beyond measure he is truly the father of faith that plowed through a message of faith that literally transformed the church give the man of god honor and praise god the anointing on his life years ago his wife had cancer and god used the gift of faith to heal his wife with cancer there's beyond multiple multiple multiple multiple testimonies of lives that to this day are forever changed ministries in our birth phenomenal ministries throughout the world that have been birthed through the anointing that god placed on this man's life a man who walked in a gift of faith so about three weeks ago was when i first got alerted and people personally were hitting me up and saying please pray for pastor price so when i even tried to start praying the lord immediately took me to the word and the lord said to me immediately he said it's for him to choose which is the better game i never felt a weeping of true travail i never felt that the lord said to me he's a man of faith and it's for him to choose which is the better game so he took me to the word and when paul said i'm betwixt between two he said because if i stay here i could get more reward and credit for being here but it really is for your benefit he said but if i leave i get to be in the presence of the lord and so the lord said to me he said it's his gay he's got to choose which is his gain this is where we are do y'all understand what i'm trying to say if we're not careful the environment we're currently in is not trying to shift us immediately but it'll shift you gradually and if you give in a little bit the bible said the little lebanon leveling the whole lump and if you're not careful you will end up shifting yourself god didn't shift it you did elijah he's the same god he just used you so why are you now moved by a threat we know fred price went on to be with the lord and when i read the first post from his family and when they said about two weeks ago he got a glimpse of glory and they said and he decided to go home it totally confirmed what the lord had said to me that he gets to choose whether i want to stay oh look at glory i have taught y'all i have labored with you i have fought a good fight you all are solid i'm going on with glory because i can choose because it's the authority god have given us are y'all walking with me this is not a season to become isolated this is not a season to back up is just the contrary it is a season that you gotta give it a hundred and one percent because you gotta pursue against the odds so elijah is ran up into a cave he's gone into isolation he has come into suicidal thoughts over a threat pastor bennett what are you saying that fire of anointing is never supposed to go out that fire of doing a work for god it's never supposed to go out and if it is dimming you are entering into if your zeal is not what it used to be if i be a woman of god before i take it back i'ma add more to it satan will come after you right away if your zeal is lessening if the things of god are less important it's a sign you are shifting into isolation what made you go there it wasn't because god's not blessing you it wasn't because god's not killing you it wasn't because god has changed it's because you are being shifted by a threat y'all better help me so what are you saying pastor bennett i'm saying and let me say this to all the sons and daughters of bishop price apostle price and to all of us as believers i'm saying no the man of god the cause of his death could have been coveted but kobe did not take that man out of here he left here because he wanted to you're not ready to go where i am i'm just here that's where i am in my faith because god have given us so what do you say i'm saying because satan will add to that to add more fear to add more concern to the church are y'all understanding what i'm trying to say it's a threat so keep working it here we go so don't get stuck in isolation here we go and then he came thither into a cave and lodged there here's the oscillation and so he lodged in the cave and behold the word of the lord came to him and he said unto him what doest thou hear elijah and he said i have been very jealous for the lord god of hosts meaning i've been very zealous and the children of israel have forsaken thy covenant thrown down thine altars and slain thy prophets with the sword and god i even i am the only one left and they seek my life to take it away we have to be careful in this season to think that everything is about us and that everything is concerning us and that i have to do what i have to do for me because the work isn't changing and here we go on the word keep going and the bible said and he said i i'ma show you something let me show you something elisha let me let me show you something come here son he had to feed him from manna from on high to strengthen him build him up and this is the part i love about god what i love about god is that when you're chosen by him and when he's called you for an assignment you can't even stop that assignment he will get you he will strengthen you he will help you so now he's got to train them and this is how i feel so i i want to walk softly and i don't want to be judged but this is how i feel this is how i feel right now and i and let me just testify for the first day that we're back in church so you don't see what i feel this is how i feel i i i again i feel this incredible strength with god i feel this incredible boldness that i know it's not me i know it's not me i've been telling people i'm just wired this way but i have no fear none no no it's not because of me it's just i i hear him i feel him i sense him and i trust him i trust god i just know he's brought me way too far that i i know too much about him i know too much i know too much this is just me testifying i know way too much about him so i don't know how to do anything but trust him i don't know i really don't church i don't know how to do anything else but obey him because it has worked for me trusting him has worked for me obeying him has worked for me and coming against all odds have been my norm so it's it's it's who i am it's how i made i feel this story i feel the story that elijah had he gets ran into the mountains because um you know he's feeling like i'm the only bold one i'm the only one standing strong for you he gets ran into the mountains off of a threat and so god now have to educate him and this is where i am with my walk with god i want god to educate me in the midst of all of this i want to know you in another way and i know what i know about you but as i say but there's a whole lot i don't know about you i know what i know but i don't know what i don't know and i want to know so i want this season to be a season that you can educate me i want my faith to be elevated i want to see things shifted in my life in ministry i want to see the world shifted i want to be used by you in a way i have never been used before so father i choose to stand strong shout hallelujah warriors shout hallelujah i choose to stand strong i choose to stand bold i choose to be a mouthpiece i choose to go against the norm and so the lord is now educating elijah he said come here let me show you something elisha and so the bible says so go forth and stand upon the mount before the lord and he behold the lord passed by elijah so now get the vision get the vision so now elijah is in this cave and the lord angel of the lord comes and he ushers him out of the cave get the vision he ushers from out of the cage and then he sends them up on this mountain he says stand right here elijah i want to show you something and so the bible says and he came in a great and strong wind i'm standing on this mountain and i'm looking a great and strong wind rent mountains that's huge rent mountains and break it in pieces the rocks before the lord that's huge are y'all got a vision of that he's standing there and he sees this wind this incredible wind come as he's standing there and holding himself and it rents the mountain in pieces just crumbles it down this is a mountain crumbles it down rocks are falling everywhere he said look at that elijah is like what and the bible said but the lord he said but i'm not in that look at the force of this mountain this wind look at it it's so powerful that it broke a mountain in pieces crumbling down he said look at elijah's like oh my god he said yep i ain't in that it's strong it's effective it's even forceful but i'm not in that elijah stay right here stay right here he said and then after the wind here comes an earthquake y'all ever experienced an earthquake here comes an earthquake he's standing still here comes an earthquake and he's standing and the whole earth is shaking he's holding his balance i need you to get the vision he's holding his balance the whole earth is shaking and he's standing there the bible says he said you feel that shaking yes it's real yes what's wrong oh he said yeah i ain't in an earthquake i want you to see forces that are powerful forces that are true and factual you're not listening to me forces that i feel i'm experiencing you say yep i ain't in that earthquake but the lord was not in the earthquake and after the earthquake of fire oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god here comes the flames oh my god i gotta find a hiding place he said look at that fire it's hot you feel it yes it's heat yes lord wait wait he said i ain't in that either hallelujah the bible said god the lord and after the fire here comes a steal oh talk to me jesus talk to me jesus talk to me jesus whoa whoa talk to me jesus and after all that here comes a steal small voice elijah don't you ever be moved by the threats of satan that's his job you make a lot of noise he'll have a lot of convincing facts you may feel some things you may see some things but you bet not ever be moved know my voice children of the most high god we're not moved by environments [Music] we're not shapen by environments we move by his word i need a praise i need a praise i need a solid praise i need a solid praise i need a solid praise after the fire was a still small voice here we go next scripture and it was so when elijah heard it ah that when elijah heard it that he wrapped his face in his mantle help me understand elijah why when you saw an earthquake that didn't make you fall down you saw fire that didn't make you fall down you saw winds coming that but when god speaks i'll humble you i will bring you to your knees when i begin to talk to you i need five people that know the voice of god i need five people that know the voice of god and he wrapped himself in his mantle and went out and stood in the entering of the cave and behold there came a voice unto him and said now let's talk what are you doing up in a cave why have you isolated yourself what are you doing i never changed my assignment for you i never changed my anointing on you i never changed who i was so what changed you have been moved by a threat i'm not trying to challenge anybody to come against anything that's not what i'm doing but i will absolutely preach you by the word to make sure that you are moved by god and not by anything else that you are ordered by god and not by anything else and he said i stood answering the voice but there came a voice and said what do is thou hear elijah and he said i've been zealous god i've been so zealous doing your work and the children of israel forsaken your covenant thrown out in the altars and your prophets of sword and god i'm just i'm the only one left and they they want to take my life here we go next one and the lord said unto him i need you to get up and you're going to go back to damascus and in this passage of scripture he began to tell him what to do he began to tell him who to pray for who to anoint because your assignment must continue he began to tell him who to anoint and he began to show him how because of what you have to do it becomes a chain effect of everything else i need to really just come up here where we are church the kingdom of heaven is connected we're connected we're not disconnected we're connected and what you can't underestimate is the power of your gift and your calling because the power of your gift and your calling is a connection to something and somebody else in the kingdom of heaven are you understanding what i'm saying i feel the urgency that the church don't fall asleep and that the church doesn't go into isolation and that the church does not go into this period of doing nothing because it will hinder the entire work of the kingdom of heaven do you hear what i'm saying so god had to tell him when i anoint you i need you to anoint jail and i need you to anoint elisha because these are the connections of how the kingdom of heaven and the church will continue to be built i feel 1 000 responsible for the next generation i need not not only the children of this is pentecost and the millennials of this is pentecost but the millennials that we minister to all over the world they're gonna reflect back in 2020 2021 what did the church do in the time of covet and if nobody else would stand up and show them how you keep moving you keep doing ministry you keep preaching you keep praying you keep winning souls by any means necessary you take it outside inside whatever it takes because they will be our future church are y'all working with me i need some praise up in the house they need to see their parents what did my mama do what did my daddy do how did they still believe god how did they still press did they stay home did they go in isolation did they go on fear or did they continue to stay in the things of god i thought god was everything i thought god had all power i thought god had all ammunition then why are you staying in isolation i need praise up in this house daddy why can't i go to church mama why can't i go to church what's wrong i thought the anointing was in the house of god i thought the glory was in the house of god i thought the joy was that that's what you taught me all of my life why are you changing i need pride clap those hands and give them some praise clap those hands and give them some praise i'm not judging anybody i'm chasing you i'm helping you get up and be about your father's business clap those hands and give your king some praise clap those hands and give your king some praise [Applause] what shout hallelujah shout hallelujah shout hallelujah let's tell them oh yeah oh yeah i'm so mad right now i so hate that devil i don't know what to do oh yeah he said now let me tell you something else yet don't get this thing twisted you ain't like it's all about you and all about what you're going through and all about i don't want to die oh yeah y'all don't like me y'all not liking me you're not liking me it's a personal the same person i got to protect my life and i got to make sure he said you act like you the only somebody that i can you i got seven thousand that ain't never about to bail pastor bennett what are you saying as much as they're telling you about everybody dying i can tell you about hundreds and thousands that are still living had it been there done that and overcame it so the devil is a liar you think you gonna die you the only one i got thousands thousands that have been sick and got away with it thousands that have recovered the devil is a liar he's using a threat to put you out of your place he's using a threat to take you into isolation this ain't nothing god said if i got a plan on your life nothing is going to stop it i need praise up in this house shout hallelujah shout hallelujah shout hallelujah so i've just decided i'll be part of the seven thousand and god if i leave i'm gonna leave here preaching but if you can raise up hundreds of thousands from this virus you'll raise me up too i gotta be about my father's business i need praise up in this house don't get stuck shout hallelujah shout hallelujah he said why you so worried all it is is a threat it may have some power and validity to it but it has nothing to do with my voice over your life it didn't mean i didn't see the mountain i saw it and it broke in pieces it was real it didn't mean there wasn't a flame of fire i felt it it was real it didn't mean it wasn't an earthquake my my body shook it was real he said but that's not the threat and the thing that you obey it's my voice and when i've called you to something i expect you to finish it i need praise up in this house i need some praise oh shout don't get stuck you better shout don't get stuck don't you do it don't you do it thousand and one percent responsible to be what god has called us to be in the midst of this this will be history oh yeah it's gonna go down in the history books and i ain't worried about what this earth is gonna write about it honey i'm concerned with heaven go right about me i'm concerned about what god is gonna write about me i'm concerned what god is gonna say about me we have a next generation i have preached too hard oh god i love you so much i love you so much i've been too radical i've been too bold we've come against too many odds for me to let the next generation see me stop now the devil is a liar i still hear the still small voice we move by his voice give me some worship and we're gonna pray we are led my sheep know my voice you are led by i'm not trying to raise up a bunch of radicals i keep telling you this is my story this is my testimony but i also heard the lord say follow me as i follow christ because god is trying to lead us to a higher place i am concerned i'm concerned when you can't hear the gospel preached in power but is preached cautiously yeah no we got to still preach hard and we got to preach the hope and the love of jesus christ yes i want to push this thing till we really see signs and wonders and miracles in the earth come on y'all come on y'all want to push it [Music] nothing about god is dead nothing about god has changed nothing nothing so again i'm not saying there's not facts to some things but there's more to the story and elijah you keep rehearsing to me the one story that you're the only one you got this thing twisted you have ran into isolation trying to protect your life i got hundreds of thousands that have not gotten what you're trying to run from y'all know what i'm talking about y'all know i ain't trying to offend nobody i'm telling the truth tell the whole story tell the whole story i don't want to divert here but just let me divert tell the holster tell how 98 of people recover [Music] tell the whole story tell the whole story that there are things that could bring the healing certain things but you won't let it be tell the host i'm not on those no conspiracy not i'm just talking are y'all okay tell the whole story because these are the things that has been threatening us causing the church to step back causing pastors to be afraid to open their doors causing members to be afraid to come to the house of god i'm not judging you i'm just saying what it is and it's because of a threat and what i'm saying is i can't be moved by what i see more by the voice of god hallelujah so he's still with us he's still leading us and still guiding us so everyone is standing in the presence of the lord so what am i saying that just as i promise i'm not judging you don't judge us and don't judge me we hear a still small voice and the lord keeps connecting dots and the lord keeps opening doors i my husband and i you know we often time we talk and we look and we're like this is just crazy it's just crazy that you allow this man of god to that you open the door for him to finally get the restaurant of his dreams that you would open it in the middle of a pandemic that's crazy and that you would do it and that's the one industry that's being hit the hardest that's insane that's just insane god why would you do that he said because i'm leading you by a voice and in the midst of that i made you one of the number one restaurants in your city because i just want you to be led by a voice you're not hearing me because if we looked at the facts restaurants are closing by the dozens if we looked at the facts chefs are hanging up their aprons and saying it's just not worth it if we looked at the facts people aren't coming through the doors but if i listen to a still small voice he said i'll pack your house every night i'll make it where you'll exceed the expectations and the norm i'm just giving my story i'm just giving my story if i looked at the facts pastors are deeply concerned deeply concerned as membership is dropping by the dozens by the thousands people are transplanting themselves it's good to get 30 in the church now if you open your doors these are facts i could look at those facts and i could say let's stay online or i could hear the still small voice saying there's a people that need to get in the house of worship so i need you to open your doors and be there for the people that i've called that need to be in the house of worship and i will let your house be full because we're being led by a still small voice i want to talk to the church i want to talk to the pastors i want to talk to the warriors i want to talk to the leaders don't you come like elisha your record is too great he's used you too mightily too many souls have been blessed too many people are depending on your ministry don't run into the cave and isolate yourself because you're afraid of a virus either he's called you to this or he hasn't and just like he kept you from stuff you didn't see then he'll keep you now so yes i gotta deal with it i gotta talk to it and then we're moving the holy ghost said don't get stuck but move in the things of god and stay on your knees because i need to hear the still small voice hens are lifted before the lord hands are lifted before the lord hands are lifted before the lord so we're making our declarations to the lord and we are shaking ourselves and we are loosening ourselves to be what he's called us to be we will not be moved by our past walk with me we will not be moved by our past because my past isn't who i am my past is not who i am i will not be moved by my past you are changing my name yes do not allow your past to chase you or move high or move you into isolation kiana say i am changing your name i'm changed hi i'm changing everything about you i'm changing it i'm changing it i'm changing it i'm changing it i'm changing it yes i say yep since the time you came to the altar you've been in a restaurant it's an angel high you haven't been able to rest hi chandela steak it's actually irritated you because you don't feel this time hi god said cause i'm changing you again i and i'm changing everything about you everything about you everything about you essex kian de la shonde everything about you hi i'm changing it because my hand is on you my head run not from your head or i'm not from your past run to the still small voice i will speak and i will hi and i will lead you i will speak and i will lead you i will speak and i will lead you i will speak run to the voice i need praise up in this house and he prays up in this house come on i need praise up in this house come on let's give god some praise up in this house run run to the small voice run to the still small voice your hands are lifted before the lord obey the small voice obey the things he's speaking in your heart and obey it with no fear only obedience only trust him trust him trust him trust him run to the still small voice trust him trust him trust him trust him trust him trust him trust him trust him he's got 7 000 that haven't bowed you're not walking in this alone he's got more that's walking in it he's got more that's obeying him he's got more that's soldiers he's got more don't you stay in isolation he says i got many that are still doing my will tammy don't get it twisted you ain't the only somebody in sacramento i got hundreds of souls all over the world they're still doing my will they're still moving and what i told them to do you are not the only one trusted you are not alone so now father we give our hearts to you we give our minds to you we give our souls to you in the mighty name of jesus lord we humble ourselves to your will we humble ourselves to your purpose and we ask you to speak clearly speak a word clearly speak it clearly in our hearts speak it clearly on our minds speak it clearly in the name of jesus that we may obey you that we may move in you and that we may trust you father i come against every demonic spirit of confusion that will twist the word in the name of jesus i come against every demonic death adder demons that will go into the ears and confuse the word but father speaking to the heart of your children in the mighty name of jesus i come against every demonic spirit of division and confusion that will come to divide the body of christ you are lying wonders satan i rebuke you i rebuke all manner of confusion i rebuke all manner of frustration i rebuke all manner of isms and schisms in the mighty name of jesus i rebuke you satan you are lying wonder you will not divide us but god you will unite us unite us for your glory unite us with one purpose unite us with one vision in the name of jesus father i declare blessings and father we will take your chastening for you know we know that you love us when you hi chasing us hi may your chastening not turn into bitterness you are lying wonder satan you're a lying one or spirit of bitterness you will not enter into the heart i rebuke you in the name of jesus i rebuke you i see you i see you you're lying demon you will not go into bitterness but father we will take your chasing and we understand that those that you love you chasten so thank you lord thank you for helping me to know you better thank you lord thank you for allowing me to receive you thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord because you know my end hi you know and you see my end so i praise you father for the angel for the angel that will feed and minister to us now lord i speak to my brothers and sisters all over the world send the angel send the angel send the angel to the home send the angel to the man of god send the angel to the woman of god and minister minister speak lord encourage their hearts their mind in the name of jesus and father i declare victory father i speak to the discouraged soul to the bow down head we declare will be lifted send the angel send the angel lord and we declare victory in this house we declare victory over the work we declare victory over the assignment we declare victory in jesus name clap those hands and give your king some praise come on and clap those hands and give your king some praise come on give your king some praise give your king some praise come on come on give your king some praise i will bless the lord at all times and his praise will continue to be in my mouth give your king praise give your king praise o magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together give your king some praise give your king some praise give him praise give him glory give him praise give him praise he deserves all the praise we praise you and we magnify you we praise you and we lift your name up we praise you and we lift your name up we praise you and we lift your name up we praise you and we live here we will be strengthened we will be strengthened by your angels we will be strengthened by your anointing we will be strengthened by your truth we will be strengthened we will be strengthened we will be strengthened by your word we will be strengthened by your power we will be strengthened come on come on we will walk in your shrimp let the weak say i am strong let the weak say i am strong let the weak say i am strong i will walk in your truth i will walk in your truth i will walk in your truth hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we will walk in the still small voice we will walk in the truth of god this is my assignment it is to challenge you it is to challenge you it's my assignment it is to provoke you it is my assignment and it's not coming from any place except a place i am experiencing i'm experiencing god do some things i could never have imagined they're too phenomenal and they're too great and i feel the provoking he's saying provoke the church provoke it that we do not be sealed that we do not be silent we have the hand of god over our lives the anointing of god is over our lives and the satan will slowly slowly drift it but instead we gotta reverse it and if anything get your pattern pinned out again remind yourself go back to your journal things that god have said things that god had promised because nothing has changed nothing has changed on the kingdom of heaven amen give your king some praise love on them some more loving them some more as you know we had our first vine service give god some praise what thank you for being there thank you for your support the next vine service will be march 7th march 7th sunday 10 days prior we will let you know if you haven't already done so uh she'll put it up on the screen if you haven't already done so please text to you my brothers and sisters text to this number um and we will get you in touch and let you know where the next vine service will be um as the lord gave us he said connect the city through the hope of jesus christ let people know that i'm not dead i'm still alive so i will let you know where that next service is going to be it's going to be an outdoor service where i definitely am is trying to find every way possible to keep people connected to the love of jesus christ so whether it's an outdoor service whether it's inside whether social media whatever means is necessary i feel the assignment of jesus christ is bringing hope to the lost bringing hope bringing love bringing the peace of god the joy of god we don't know how long this thing is going to be we don't know if it's going to get better we don't know if it's going to get worse and what i don't feel is to sit down wait and see what's going to happen we must be about our father's business and it's business as usual which is winning souls for the kingdom of heaven i need you to give the lord some praise give the lord some praise i want to take a second and just thank everybody for all of your phenomenal br i i i was so humbled by the birthday salutations that kept coming and kept coming i started out trying to say thank you to each one of them and then then they say you know there's more on facebook it just i was overwhelmed you know i guess his age i don't know it's like i appreciate things but to know that what you're doing for god is mattering and touching people's life is the greatest gift of all so thank you thank you thank you for all of the many salutations all the gifts thank you so much to the church body thank you because this is who we are this is what we do and we're going to do this to the day we die so we're going to prepare to dismiss you in the service um i know the faithful tithers of this is pentecost you all already know what we do you already know what we are it is again it is phenomenal what we're doing in our city not only have we moved forward in our food full bank but even within our youth ministry is expanding and what we're doing within the city partnering with the city with our youth trying to keep them with jobs we have a total job training program where they get hired and work in our food and clothing clothes closet this is who we are this is what we do we want to see about the fatherless we want to see about the widows and the different things that are our uh our new our convalescent ministry they're still moving and still doing things whatever we can we send backs there whatever it takes these are things that are pleasing to god we want to continue to move in the work of god i need you not to be discouraged not going to isolation i need you to know that the god that saved you is still there get connected church you've got to get on these prayer calls you've got to be part of the prayer all these small things that you think is small it keeps your spirit alive it's keeping you connected every opportunity you can be in the house of the lord or connect with saints you want to do that you we are wrestling with principalities in the air you understand the entire environment you're wrestling with the entire environment the entire environment that the enemy have spread is the phenomenal demonic spirit of fear it is in the air and if you're not careful it'll suffocate you when you forgot you're a child of the king come on y'all you're a child of the king you're not moved by threats you are moved by a still small voice you're not moved by threats you are moved by a still small voice and you look for that voice and you stay on your face till you hear that voice you are moved by a still small voice and when god gives an assignment he don't change his mind and when he gives the assignment he expects us to fulfill it to the end so whatever way of giving church whether it's online whether it's via text whether it's on our website or whether it's on our app thank you so much if you need an envelope around here whatever means of giving we appreciate it and if you want to give you can but we cannot close this service without opening the doors of jesus christ if you don't know the lord jesus christ as your personal savior this altar is open to you this is who we are and this is what we do we are about winning souls if you're a backslider and you're giving your heart back to christ this is what it's about this is what you do you make your peace with god you make your confessions unto god as i say all the time what i love about god is he knows everything about you and he still loves you people may judge you but god doesn't he said my hand is on you so this altar is open to you if you're comfortable you can come if you want to stay in your seat you can come because i'm not messing with your comfort ability i'm messing with your heart it's your heart it's connecting your heart to the will of god it's connecting your heart to the things of god so we want to lift our hands in his presence those that are here lift your hands in your presence in the presence of the lord if you want prayer today you can come to this altar and we will stand with you in agreement to pray with you that god will strengthen you that god will bless you we want to connect you to the hope of jesus christ into the vine this is where we are all year long he said i want you to bring forth fruit and i want that fruit to remain and the way that fruit remains is you stay in the vine you stay in the spirit of truth you stay in the promises of god father i thank you for everyone that is here i thank you for your service today lord i thank you for your word today father we will not be moved by a threat but we will be moved by a still small voice we will be moved by your direction we will be moved by your order father in the name of jesus i speak lord to all of us under the sound of our voice father and i ask that you deal bountifully with our servants that we might live strengthen us help us in the mighty name of jesus and father we will declare victory we declare victory over our lives we declare victory over our families we declare victory over our finances we declare victory in the mighty name of jesus and we declare it so in jesus name all the people of god say amen and amen for your convenience we have three exits we have an exit here on the side to my left and we have the two exes there go in the strength of god go listening to the still small voice god bless
Channel: Pastor Tamara Bennett
Views: 6,651
Rating: 4.9540229 out of 5
Id: xURLSNqpnpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 41sec (4361 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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