Liz Wright

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[Music] much happening welcome everybody online it's good for you listen even if you couldn't come up in the front you came up with your heart to the presence and that miracle power was is there for you life for you you are a part of our family we consider you all over the earth as our Jubilee members abroad whether you just can't get here today and you dip down the street or you live in another country across the ocean we love you and we bless you right now in Jesus name okay we're we are super blessed today some of you might have been here in March when we first got to meet Liz and her husband Wes as they came through and then we our team that went to London to the chosen camp got to spend a week together and we fell in love further because we were carrying the same we're looking at the same dude and we're all in love with him and we're in love with this Jesus and his glorious resurrected Christ and she you're gonna love her presentation because she's just chair including you in her experience with God and this is something for all of us I believe something's gonna happen to every one of us would you agree with that that's something good and wonderful happens let's welcome Liz right please good morning family good morning it is so unbelievably awesome to be with you really I just love coming here because it you guys are family and you can feel it you can feel the unity and the tangible love of God this amongst the the body here well I just wanna I want to open with prayer not honor the time this morning so I'm gonna try and be very very concise Jesus when I began to turn my heart towards you all knows preparing with him and just looking to his heart for what he wanted me to share he spoke to me something that was very holy and so I want to say it with integrity connected to him on the understand on the inside you know what I mean I don't want to talk from here I want to just really engage and commune with him internally and release his invitation to you I think for some of you it will be confirmation some of you it will be another level of invitation another level of connection to his heart and then I'm going to share a couple of encounters because I've been in a season where Jesus has been talking to me about the Transfiguration of the bride I for those of you haven't heard me speak before my I was brought into the kingdom through a physical visitation from Jesus so I never knew Church and then I was brought in to become part of the body and to serve in the church and so I've only ever known a walk of encounters for about 20 years and I sort of early on in my walk I began to realize that what I was experiencing was personally transforming me with each encounter I was receiving more of the virtue in the nature of Jesus within me but actually what he was showing me was what is our corporate reality is what he's doing next in the body of Christ or what he's doing currently in the body of Christ so there was a corporate application so what was happening is I began to realize I was actually a prophetic intercessor and that I would there would be a good agreement between heaven and earth and so as I experienced these experiences with God these encounters what I was receiving I was then beginning I began to hear was happening in the body of Christ and I Lord would start to shoot me out to different places and release some of the encounters share the testimony of Jesus which is the spirit of prophecy right so once as we hear one of us sharing our experiences with God it releases the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him and it's an invitation it's a doorway his word is a doorway into encountering him right the one who authored it the Living Word so everything I share please hear it with your spirit let it be dialog for you that everything is sure now be like just even if you want to just close your eyes just let it be language that you can take to the heart of God with because what I want I don't want to just release a message I want to facilitate an encounter for you because this is his invitation I don't want to go away and just say well this is the vision he has for you I want to go away having known you've tasted him that you've actually stepped in a little bit more into what I'm sure he's already been talking to about so how do I start with this okay I'm gonna start with the experiences a couple of the experiences um Jesus began to talk to me he took me to Israel I'm gonna keep it very short Holy Spirit help me he took me to Israel he told me to go in the natural he told me to go meet him on Mount table in the Galilee region which is the Mount of Transfiguration and he said I would meet you there so this was the beginning of me beginning to understand what time it is in the body of Christ so I did I went there with a couple of friends of mine and Jesus his presence came as we literally stepped onto Mount table his his presence was there I fell on my knees and the dirt was black and it was a hot it was very hot I just crashed down on my knees it just began to worship him and he began to sing songs through me about the Transfiguration of the bride it was about the unity of him bringing forth one new man and and that becoming a reality in the natural that there would be no separation between Jew and Gentile and that his heart he was singing his heart over the nations that he was now bringing forth a bride that looks like him that's absolutely filled with his nature filled to the fullness as Paul prays in Ephesians 3:19 I think is experiencing the love of our Father the height and depth and breadth and width of the love of our Father so that we can be filled with all the fullness of God and so that I'm so I understood in my spirit from happened that that's the time that we're in then he took us to the River Jordan I was with another couple of friends of mine and they Lord said I want you to be baptized the glory bride would emerge and so we did we just it was absolutely the most incredible moment it was freezing cold so I was being like a worse I don't wanna get in there it's freezing you know in just a bit because the water was so cold and then as we stepped in the Lord made the water just around us like a warm bath it was amazing one of one of our brothers Clive was with us and he was laughing it's like oh my goodness Mike the Lord's made the water warm for you cuz you moaned what's that and so we were in the water and the we came out of the water and again it was you know is identification 'el intercession it was a prophetic act and as we came up out of the water the light around us became brilliant white light and we actually have a photograph of his standing in the water in the river Jordan being baptized for as corporately for this reality to begin to emerge in the body of Christ worldwide where we would literally begin to become shining ones we would be so filled with his nature literally completely saturated totally wrecked just ruined for anything else so in love with him so consumed with passion for his presence so filled with him so filled with the hit that got the life of God would literally be flowing out of us so he came up out of the waters and the glory light just shown around us it was absolutely amazing so he took a photograph and came out of the water so this was a whole journey through Israel that we went on then I'm going to jump back and forth but another experience again to do with what this is a word for anybody that you know what that he is this with their spirit that this is an invitation for them right now but I've specifically felt it for you that this is it's so holy he's inviting us into this there's an acceleration I'm gonna read the actual words that he gave you and I just finished he's showing these encounters but what I why I'm sharing them is to say this where you're going this is the invitation it's where we're going this is real this is an invitation it's the time we're in we are going to reflect God the the world will look upon us and know that we belong to Jesus because of the love the love it's going to be the radiance of the nature of the one who is loved radiating out of us the light of God everywhere we go the authority that we carry the governance that we operate in will literally be his nature emitting out of us as we live on the inside in this increased grace of the capacity to abide in Christ holy all we have to do is say yes to the more that's being in we're being invited into fully filled with God what's I even going to look like you know fully filled with God sitting down on the inside abiding connected transforming being healed body soul and spirit is the radiance the power the beauty of who he is just engulfed sirs you know wave after wave so all of our needs met right through his riches in glory in Christ Jesus this is what he's been showing me it's that's the key is the glory accessing the glory connecting abiding living in dwelling in Christ as Paul says to us over and over and over and over and over in the in his letters it's living in Christ as the key in Christ how do we do that connection on the inside there's an increased grace that you're being invited into to abide like this to Tabernacle to dwell in the one who is glory the one who is perfection and then release him everywhere you go and see darkness collapse see darkness collapse see intimidation bow fear destruction the enemy's work against as the enemy's strategies there is no discussion when the king is resident right when we know how to literally go into an environment whatever is presenting from the realm of darkness and open our spirit man despite connecting on the inside and we see his presence invading that atmosphere the atmosphere shifts the darkness Bowser's no discussion right they are defeated created beings they are not equal with God as we know it's not a fight between Satan and God this is a deception from the realm of darkness the enemy's objective continually is identity theft is to prevent us from being able to connect prevent us from being able to understand who we are cause when we connect and we know who we are there is no further discussion you literally to show up the King shows up you're a doorway between heaven and earth his spirit invades that situation and the kingdom comes that's it that's it it's about enjoying God right enjoying him dwelling in him loving him with all our heart soul mind and strength and then the fruit of who he is becomes the fruit of who we are the nature of who we are and fruit just happens like John 15 you know we he is the vine we are the branches we realize that we are grafted in we realize who we are we just drink of him we drink of him we enjoy him and fruit is produced supernaturally effortlessly as we just have relationship so the Lord has bring been bringing and I go right out the box and with family ok you guys are powerful you can discern what you know in joint drink from what is is edifying for you the Lord has been bringing to me the Apostle Paul he's brought him a number of times now and what has been happening is that he has been again showing me there's been an in like an impartation from the life of Paul this increasing passion growing in me with every experience that I've been having to understand and live in the simplicity of the pure undiluted gospel of grace and I began to understand with my spirit again that this is part of the time that were coming into where religion is had its day the the constructs of religion their endless rules and rituals it won't be enough friends anymore we've done the best we can with where we're at but actually that was happening now as we're being vited back into the purpose of the cross which is to have relationship with Jesus and to become like him through that life of abiding and to operate governmentally and to look like they looked in the book of Acts but obviously in our day but that simple pure gospel that's all about encountering God having relationship Jesus died for a relationship right he died for a relationship he died for intimacy he died for a bride that would know his heart where his heart could rest in us where we could know the movements of his heart we could know what matters to him we could walk in such depth of intimacy that we would understand the expressions on his face well he's bringing us back to that first love experience where we were so in love with him so intoxicated with him so consumed by his love are so healed in his presence we become those living epistles of hope that the world can see and they're drawn to because they're drawn to God in us thank you Jesus so one of the other experiences with Paul this is what's been going on it's been a growing knowing and my spirit and impartation from him I've been getting infused with wisdom that's passing you know we're one in Christ don't be like the the one of the convictions I had was that the unrecorded wisdom that he carried is being imparted to those of us that will say yes to understanding the pure gospel what it was about was about relationship it was about birthing a new creation right I love when you look at the original language of Jesus as he was on the cross when he said and some of you will know this but when Jesus said it is finished he used the word holla and holla when translated into English means bride so the lot when he said it is finished but he actually said was bride I have birthed the people I have now got covenant with who will look like me the very nature of God is now the core of our being right his Spirit dwells inside of us most of us go round valuing ourselves by our emotional state right whatever is going on in our lives the the oppression we might be under the challenges we sort of limp along and the Lord is breathing on us in this hour and saying remember who you are you are my Halle you are the one I have covenant with you are mine I have put my very being inside of you the very resurrection spirit of the Living God is now indwelling us it's no longer I that lives it's not the Adamic nature that is the core of who we are now it's a substance of God of the uncreated God and he's breathing on us he's breathing these revelations into us so that we begin to value ourselves as Heaven values Earth's we begin to see ourselves and we begin to see who he what the cross was about one of the one of the experiences I had to do with the cross was I was in my kitchen and I was cooking at the time was not having a very holy moment and the presence of Jesus just came around me in the kitchen I collapsed on the floor and he began again here this for you this is this is our corporate reality and he he knelt down and he kissed my foot and he placed on my feet the shoot the sandals that he wore when he walked the earth and then he clothed me in his garments and I was overwhelmed in his presence and I was overwhelmed like humbled by this holy entrustment and I knew my spirit as he was doing this that he was clothing us with the capacity to continue his ministry in the earth as a direct overflow of our intimate life in him our intimate relationship that's real where we really are connected we really are walking in that first love oneness with him the mystical union connected to Christ in us knowing his heart knowing his ways knowing his mind moment by moment radiating him sitting down on the inside living from the internal seat of rest that comes from that oneness that we can have with him that's the privilege walk right of the cross so I knew that he was clothing us but it wasn't works it was fruit of intimacy and the next thing that happened was I was then catapulted up and I went they felt like going through a vortex I went in to the spirit realm into heaven and I found myself high up above the throne room and I could see thousands and thousands and thousands of the redeemed who are now home in glory and in one Accord over and over they were crying out it is finished it is finished it is finished over and over and over and I knew as they spoke their words came literally came thundering into my spirit and I felt the connection between all of us worldwide that we are one body in Christ we are united in Christ felt early because of Holy Spirit resident in all of us and I felt this word it is finished holla reverberating through my spirit and coming into the earth and moving through Holy Spirit right across the body of Christ in that moment I knew that the finished work of the cross the power of the blood the the gospel that Paul preached what the early church knew the purpose of Golgotha the relationship the birthing of a new creation ass made in the very image of God being brought forth through relationship with him in the exact likeness of who Jesus actually is as the firstborn among us all of that the power of all of that the power of the finished work being able to live from the finished work of the cross going forward from from glory to glory victory to victory not begging God with a distance between us but knowing that we follow him and triumphant procession that we apply the blood from a place of the Thanksgiving victory victory there is no failure in God all of that was coming back center stage in our time in our hour and it's the message that Satan fears the most because through it he was utterly defeated right and God became resident in the earth again through his body inside his people the one who is government the King of glory residing in his people and all we have to do is release him abide look center into his presence and release him through his word to the revelatory word the spirit and the word coming through our relationship releasing life but collapses darkness darkness darkness ceases to exist so then during during this process of the Lord unfolding to me the hour that we're in one of the other experiences that I had was again I was taken up this is all for us this is who we are I was taken up before the Godhead there was a father Jesus Holy Spirit and as I stood in front of them the there was like an arch of light that was moving between them and I understood in my spirit it was the fullness of the knowledge of God and it began to pour into me me as us corporately as the bride and I was just beginning filled with light with the with the infusion of the fullness of who he is I came out of that experience and I was for a little while I was connected to the stature of Christ so I felt like a giant like nothing Satan could have stood in front of me just nothing and there was no fear in me at all just love pouring out of me and confidence in Christ and power and authority and the knowledge of the finished work of the cross and being able to live full and understanding that as we do that it's game set and match we literally move forward from the place of it is finished as we abide in him so I share all of that because I believe as I was preparing these worthy encounters that orders reminded me off and he's inviting you into this experience into this reality of a completely different level of relationship with him some of you will have had this I mean we've all had it 2 degrees there's another level that you're being invited into and he's very holy and I the first thing I felt like I was being privileged to be given a little bit of insight into the holiness of your relationship Jesus individually and corporately and I could hear your cries like I could hear I could I was experiencing the authentic cries of your heart and how holy you are to Jesus so I just want to read to you some of the things that he said to me for you I didn't want to say it like I think the beginning I didn't want to say it without being really attuned with him on the inside because this is holy it's holy ground you are his inheritance we are you are holy ground what he's doing with you as a body is very holy he set you apart unto Him you're pursuing him above above all other loves you were pursuing his heart you're an anyways I could feel I could feel this holy invitation coming from him and he said to me I've heard the cries of their hearts I've heard the cries of my people where you're you're pushing through or you've been pushing through many of you whatever challenges and difficulties are going on in your life there's been like a sound in the past season of there's gotta be more there's got to be more and you know this more and you're not satisfied with where you've been and it's been a holy drawing to himself said to me tell them to come out from the tombs just like Lazarus and to take the grave clothes off to step into the Sun you imagine yourself stepping out of any last vestige of old definitions of who you are any last vestige of anything that had any kind of death around it any restriction anything from the old life and I saw you literally like as though it would have been for you know Lazarus as he came out of the grave and they took the grave clothes off and he will have been there blinking in the brightness of the Sun in the Middle East you know and I saw you doing that like literally stepping out of everything that had been former life and looking and as you're blinking like this realizing Jesus is standing right in front of you looking at you and that's what he said to me tell them to step into the Sun that he's been calling you for calling you forth to himself and that he's saying to you today he is yours you are his and here's your's here's your inheritance he is the treasure here's the treasure that you've been searching for it's a whole new level of reality of relationship with Jesus that you're being given you're being invited into where you will find that he is all-consuming to you and there'll be grace in your life to be able to live like this where nothing else matters where you will literally find that you are living in the Holy of Holies consciously not just positionally because of our birthright in God but experientially he was joined to the Lord as one with him one with him in spirit knowing that oneness you know like in Ephesians 4:24 it says you were created to be like God in all righteousness and holiness you will find that you are face-to-face with the one in whose image you have been made the one who is righteousness one who is holiness the one who is peace is joy is love at a completely different level you'll be experiencing he said they will be experiencing the mystical union Christ in us the hope of glory the surety that word means in the original language it's not like a wish we'll hope for something in the future that hasn't happened yet as we understand it in English it's it's the surety of the absolute certainty of glory you'll be experiencing at a completely different level his abiding glory living from his strength in you rather than even even in a matter of faith it will be his faith in you under girding your life his strength made perfect in your weakness as you surrender and relinquish control and prioritize him above all other loves loving him with all of your heart and soul and mind and strength stepping out from religion stepping out from striving stepping out from low self-esteem and low self-worth and the things that bind around our hearts and hinder us and put us into restrictive graves of life of life shape life circumstances his invitation is to step out and to come into the presence of the Sun like never before to be the glory bride holy fully filled to be once fully filled with God to know his heart to know ourselves as his living breathing haha his new creation his bride that looks like him where all our needs are met or testimony literally becomes all of our name needs on that through his riches in glory in Christ Jesus and some of us I know hardly dare to believe again it is sometimes leading our hearts can grow weary in reaching but he is extending this invitation and I felt him his gentleness and his tenderness towards you I felt the the care in which he extends to you how holy you are how precious she was I am sharing this word carefully I want to represent his heart to you authentically so that your spirit can hear truth this is very holy to the Lord this is a holy invitation for a people that he is called to himself to be set apart to be forerunners in the body of Christ as shining ones you will be a living epistle of hope to a world this corian help the help and to a body of Christ to a church this limping you know we have I get the privilege of traveling around and seeing different expressions within the body and people are hurting people hurting desperate for more they don't know how to get there and I just felt that that you are a people that will be hope to others contagious hope with keys but the keys won't be 500 steps to get this that and the other it won't be complicated not that it is now but it's it's essentially relationship get rid of everything that hinders love get rid of everything that creates a distance between you get rid of all other loves anything in your heart that takes priority over the presence of God where you are leaning into those things for fulfillment in an inappropriate way where you know where those needs should be met in Christ and then everything else is just icing on the cake it's fun in life it's a blessing but actually all life all goodness flows from the source from the head as we relinquish control we surrender we come back to him as the one who is the lover of our soul who will satisfy all our needs he will quench our thirst in a son parched land who wants to be an increasing testimony of hope through our life as he meets our needs so I just wanted as I as I finish on up on at the time this morning so I just if it's okay with you guys if this witnesses to you I want to just be able to lead you in a prayer where we respond to him if that's okay to do yeah this is real this is real this is the Lord's heart for you this is the time we're and we're in the time of the Transfiguration of the pride of the glory bright emerging where we literally are brought back into the the experience of Jesus that the early church knew that Paul knew we the gospel is coming back into the simplicity of Jesus's original intent why was it good news how could they walk through all that they did in the Church because they lived in God they lived in union with the bridegroom God who met all their needs supernatural life every moment of every day where we we literally can gaze upon the face of the one who is loved and be transformed you know we were we become what we behold right we were created for worship we were created to look at the one in whose image we were made as we do that we know who we are we know the value we have the enemy works so hard to crush us because he's so threatened he knows when people know who they are that's it it's game so much he is a victor we don't have to be smart we have to be in love but we have the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God we have the Spirit of God without measure he is inside of us it's just about abiding turning away from all the things the noise giving him time like any relationship you invest into the intimacy of your marriage you protect the connection he wants us to say yes to him and then move forward protecting that connection by just giving him time so I just released that word to you so thankful that I was able to just have a little glimpse into who you are and what's available to you to live from heaven to earth to live from within the glory of the very presence of God of the holiness of God with all the resources of heaven available to us although Ministry of the cloud of witnesses all the ministry of the angelic everything that is in heaven is our inheritance in order to bring heaven to earth we have to be we have to reside there right that's what he's doing he's experientially connecting us into the reality that we are seated with Jesus in heavenly places therefore we can live with the perspective of heaven we can live from within the mind of Christ we can express the emotions of the heart of our God we can draw on the nature of who he is to heal us to set us free to rule thank you Jesus that's the most that's one of the things he's shown me the most powerful weapon in our arsenal is the ability that we have access to his presence love joy peace patience all the fruit of the Spirit or weapons that are mighty for the pulling down of strongholds and the establishing of his rule in the earth because we really release him so let's just pray I just want it just let it be authentic your heart moving towards him whatever you need to express just I'll invite Holy Spirit now to remove the distance between you and Jesus whatever is clambering for your attention whatever is creating a distance in keeping you separate whether its internal beliefs whatever is going on experiences that are oppressive in your life whatever it is even if you don't know what it is if there's a distance if you're not literally abiding breathing feeling him seeing in the spirit just ask Holy Spirit now to reignite you Jesus we thank you that we are in a time where you are inviting us into you in a level of connection level of relationship that we've never known before where your desire is that you would have a people that you can share the secrets of your heart with where your heart can rest because we are safe we are safe for you you're bringing us forth in the very likeness of who you are and so I just pray for my brothers and sisters that the word that I have released today that they will enter into the reality of this promise of this invitation that everything within them that hinders and wars against that walk of oneness with you would be removed holy Wow that there would be no other love above you to this within our hearts in our lives that we each will know this place of being fully satisfied in you that you are are consuming passion thank you Jesus you for your presence Holy Spirit I pray for each one of my brothers and sisters here and watching or listening that the yoke of your presence that your presence would now break the yoke of oppression that they have been struggling with thank you lord who the Sun sets free is free indeed reorder their steps Jesus give them time every day to be with you we receive your grace to see like never before you to live in the experience of the gospel of the finished work of the cross thank you lord fully filled with God fully filled with God filled experiencing the heightened depth and breadth and width of your love Jesus fully filled with God radiating your nature fulfilled in you every need met and I keep seeing the seven spirits of God so we we just we invite you Holy Spirit to bring the fullness of the understanding a particular over you Steve that the Ministry of the seven spirits of God is assigned to you and there's an unfolding of a revelation about their administration and how to engage at what level what their work is in this hour and so we just receive that Jesus where you receive the full administration of the work of the seven spirits of God thank you Jesus we receive the fullness of the anointing that we need to see and hear and experience you Lord thank you Jesus and I just decree in the spirit a demarcation line between everything in your life to the point that you came into this service and now that what was then is done and what is now is new going forward into this experience into this new invitation this new level of intimacy with God Wow can you feel that you feel a wave of the Spirit of God coming through the room Wow thank you Jesus Wow wow wow wow wow you are a deep well because you drink deeply of God and there's a whole new level coming now people will come and drink they'll come and drink because people are thirsty they are desperate for the presence of God and this is oh well this is a well where people will walk away and they won't just know about God don't know him they'll understand the gospel they'll see who they are they'll encounter Jesus the one who's risen I've seen him I've been with him we many of us have he's alive and he died for a relationship he didn't die for theology it's very important to have correct understanding of the Scriptures but he died for a relationship the scriptures are the way into encountering the one who authored them that's it it's an invitation Wow thank you lord thank you lord I so encourage you just as you as we finish here today just just keep drinking just keep drinking ask Holy Spirit to order your steps you know man makes his plans but the Lord orders his stats ask for that grace go hard after this there's nothing else there's nothing else it's worth anything all life flows from the head from the author of it amen [Applause] thank you thank you oh that was rich was that rich well we're gonna make opportunity again as we pray and bless Liz and her assistant Susan traveling we want to send him out and blessing and if you'd like to sow and give into their lives and ministry we'll put some buckets up here you write a check to Jubilee Church and then we'll get them an offering you know we didn't have a chance to communicate her face-to-face because we were just going from one service to another meeting to us to prayer to this so you've some of you've already heard me talk about we came out of Sukkot and came out of the glory conference and and the and the vision was his his glorified wife his glorious bright and we were too because as we looked into glory rather than it being an experience we have in a great service the Lord said no look to where I am going and where I'm going to place my glory and it's on his bride the New Jerusalem coming out as I show you the Lambs wife and they saw the city and it was in glory so we are now being brought up into face to face in relationship to such a beholding level that we begin to radiate his glory radiates his image radiates His goodness radiates his kindness radiates his love and this whole love dimension which is where all of he is is taking over everything else that isn't and we are just we're embarking so thank you see God knew that you would be here just to affirm the marriage supper of the lamb on the way amen on we're in so Lord we thank you we thank you for this precious vessel of yours who by sovereignty you called into encounters and by her I see both faithfulness vulnerability willingness and even suffering you've she's carried in carried on into the encounters letting them be all sufficient and all about you and we bless her to continue that prophetic intercession of seeing and hearing and decree in what she sees in here in the declaration testimony of Jesus we bless the travels we thank you for her husband Wes who you have raised up to address dimensions of finances in the world and for the projects you have placed him in and responsible for we thank you for their travels now we pray for their safety we refreshing we say Lord as we are deep well let there let there be just times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord from here and as they go out and into the future and until they return again and we we are again together Lord thank you you have called a company made us many members one body but one day will be so compacted so in peace so and rest so assured so complete so settled in our beauty and our place of habitation that you'll call us your bride you'll say oh honey you look just like me and I love you and we thank you that that isn't a dream that isn't going to happen it is a promise that's speeding its way to happening and we say Lord let each of us we do want to just yield we want to surrender to the acceleration of this so that you might we might stand alongside Holy Spirit and declare to the earth come whoever's thirsty come whoever wants to have a drink come to the waters of living waters of life and drink freely so bless seal secure and then watch over our practice of this of even this week Lord we declared it there is your the good your the you know it's kind of funny because you do you we are betrothed to you so we are actually living pretty married and it's awkward as it is we're learning to give you preeminence and first place and everything so help us you know our day tomorrow we'd like you to come interrupt it and help us come and can face-to-face encounters with you in Jesus name we pray amen amen bless you [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Jubilee Church
Views: 7,252
Rating: 4.9354839 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, church, camarillo, california, glory, god, hillsong, bethel, los angeles, shop, prayer, jesus, holy, spirit, son, life, new, sermon, preach
Id: l61PjcwafaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 20sec (3020 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2018
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