A New Way of Living Pt. 3 | Dr. Bill Winston

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the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers Jesus came and introduced a new system for the kingdom of God the government that set up to meet every need that a person would have independent of what's happening in this earthly become if I said to you stop being perpetually uneasy anxious and worried about your life no longer do you have to bear the weight of your own provision I'm telling you you don't have to earn a living your living has already been earned by Jesus Christ so your labor is not in overtime it's in the one eye God everything changes with the kingdom and the kingdom has come inside of you let's go over to Hebrews chapter 4 please but let's start looking at the first verse of chapter 4 let us therefore fear the word fear there's kind of interesting word it means believe lest a promise being left us of entering into his rest any of you should seem to come short of it underline the word rest next verse for to us was the gospel preached as well as unto them but the word preached did not profit them not being mixed with faith and then that heard it so when I preached to you this morning I'm going to give you something but it's going to be in seed form so you have to receive it as a see Jesus teaches on this in Luke chapter 17 but you have to receive it as a seed when you do and swallow it and put it in the soil of your heart it begins to grow now what does it begin to grow and produce it produces first of all an image of your redemption it produces the way God sees you come on out God does not see you inferior to cancer he sees you seated together with Jesus in heavenly places and everything under your foot he doesn't see you in LAC they don't see you broke he doesn't see you sad he doesn't see you I'm talking about the way God sees you and the way you can get the way God sees you is to get to see there the Word of God and what does does he do it routes up everything that's in your soil in the sight of you and that run which happens to be sadness which came from an experience that you had before you got born again and that what is inside of you keeping you sad sometimes now the Word of God is gonna let that thing out and the joy of the Lord is gonna come on you and everywhere you go you'll have a smile on your face and a song in your heart while we which have believed do enter into rest so believing will bring you to a rest how many you know faith is a rest oh it's a God when you're in faith you're at rest when you're not in faith you're tense you're you're here you're subject to come loose at any moment come on now you can't sleep at night so forth because you're not at rest as he said as I have sworn in my wrath if they shall enter into my rest even though although the works were finished from the foundation of the world what works every work - he wants you to do everything he wants you to do everything you would need in this earth according to life and godliness has already been done for you I said it's already been completed let's take a quick trip over to Psalm chapter 22 and verse 1 look what he says here now this is that rest my God my God why has thou forsaken me where did you hear that said on the cross who said it Jesus said it he said that on the cross hundreds of years after this was written so God saw what he was gonna say and said it before he's God saw what you're gonna need and prepared it before you got there and let's go back D Bruce for he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise and God did rest on the seventh day from all his what works now let's do something let's take a little trip to the seventh day let's go to Genesis chapter 2 verse 1 thus the heavens and the earth were finished this is God and all the host of them and on the seventh day God ended his what work which he had one made and he rested when on the seventh day come on of all his work which he had made now God calls it work work I understand all he said let there be light in 24 hours 16 billion miles of light 16 billion miles of universe that the trees come forward I'm talking about God said this but he calls it what work cuz it work the women you've been made in His image to function just like him when you will start working not toiling working watch Peter now watch watch it turn Luke chapter 5 years 1 ana.k pass that as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God he stood by the lake of janessa at Jesus hid and he saw two ships standing by the lake but the fish when fishermen were gone out of their net apartment were gone out from them and we're washing their nets and he entered into one of the ships which was Simon Simon Peter and he prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land and he sat down and taught the people out of this ship now when he had left speaking he said to Simon launch out to the deep let down your nets for a draught for a great increase Simon Anton said to him master we have what we have what we have what all night and take a nothing nevertheless come on as I word we will let down the net watch this and when they had done this they enclosed a great multitude of fishes and what happened to the net then that broke and they beckoned to their partners between the other ships that they could come and help them and they came and filled both the ship so they begin to sing watch this and when Simon Peter saw it he fell down at Jesus knees saying depart from me about sinful man O Lord for he was astonished and all that were with him at the draught of fishes that they had taken without hard work without toil without hard labor you're working yes you go to work but you're going to work on another level the world works in toil the world hopes of something will happen they do trial and error they hope that this answer is right they hope that this will work out okay they work and work and when the money is not there to get another job and work and then they beg for a promotion today and the promotion is not gonna give much 3% and they want that and so my point is understand that's there but all of that is over here in Babylon all of that is over here in a failing system that you and I were born in at first but now we've been born again no more lack in your house if you have a need all you got to do is sow a seed no no he didn't want you to work for a living now he's trying to earn something you're trying to herd what earn what God has already done you don't earn it it's all by grace now why do you work because without it you cannot fulfill your potential in the kingdom without it inside of you is potential what's potential hidden abilities where are the inside of you if I take an acorn there's a tree in that acorn come on that's not only a tree that's hundreds of acorns in that acorn not only hundreds of acorns but those acorns can produce hundreds of trees there's a forest in this acorn as a forest in you don't think it's gonna get in you it's already in you you came loaded how do you get it out work work look it up in the Greek orgo where we get our word energy work it out I'm going to work what does the job give you paycheck what does the work give you potential so the way why work because it's a way you can give something of value to the world why work it's my way of giving something of value to the world notice I did not say yet I'm working to earn a living that's Babylon they have to do that who don't know God they better earn it it's not rarity well anything I got to look out for me man I got to look out for number one that's that system this system God looks out for you Adam had not even created the thought of his own provision had thought had never occurred the only time it occurred is when the fall why do I work because it's the way talents and gifts are developed and revealed and increased why listen to a sermon that I preached to our first start preaching way back when I listened about two minutes I had to turn that thing off lord have mercy turn that off if I played that for you you would say is that possible if you know these people no no that can't be pastor yes it was because through my working I worked it out say work it out why work because it keeps us mentally healthy that's why you work I'm not earning a living now cuz the livings already been earned by Jesus Jesus me he did it all for me and I just got believed that he did it and stacked it all the way so that I can be concerned about number one what's number one my assignment from God in terms of getting his kingdom established throughout this earth that's number one how am i doing why work it's a means by which we manifest dreams and ideas and goals is how they come to reality somebody's got to work George Washington Carver I got the write up at home I read it yesterday I was teaching in the business class this is school he said this I'll never have to grope for methods quote unquote meaning he never has to struggle he said I go in my laboratory and I locked the door and once I locked the door God pulls back a curtain he tells me how to take the peanut apart and put it back together and I've got 300 products from face cream the children's crayons from a peanut never once trial and error come on believe me when Peters operating on that word no longer profit and loss only profit whole way of thinking now you think differently and that's what you have to do in the kingdom everything changes when the kingdom comes why work it makes us a blessing to other people everything changes with the kingdom comes and the kingdom has come inside of you right now you know wonderful oh you feed them now what people don't realize is that God leads you past what's possible on purpose this is not just coincidence that he gives you something beyond your bank account he wants to show you who he is a lot of times we're trying to stay comfortable you don't change when everything's comfortable sometimes there's a divine shaking of the nest amen so next why work it makes you a blessing to other people why work it allows us to become co-creators with God the every every every human is is is created to accomplish something that's why we are all gifted you had the recent passing of our dear friend dr. Myles Munroe is what he said don't you dare die with my stuff because you meant to serve me and my gift is meant to serve you what does the enemy want to cap how well to make us think that we're insignificant and have nothing to offer but watch this you can't come into the earth without a gift those guys incarcerated they got gifts come on the woman out there on the prostitute out there the sidewalk she got a gift but we got an enemy that's a thief he's a deceiver trying to make you think you've got nothing I just read yesterday in the class an account of a woman in Costa Rica and what happened is the pastor was a little bit fed up with the way that a country was going and all the lack and the poverty so forth one so he decided to do something about it so he preached a message talking about the goodness of God and God blesses all of us and so forth in any exhibit demonstrate so he had a fist full of money no I wasn't hunted all the bills it was small amount small denomination and he start giving it to different people said oh he is $17 make something out of it here's $13 make something out of it so he walked to this lady and had about I don't know between fourteen fifteen dollars and he said now makes up use your gift and make something out of this she said I don't want it he said why she said I don't have anything that I can do so what do you mean don't have anything she said why I can't I got three kids my husband left me and I'm trying to take care to tell him have anything I could do he said everybody had something taken nope I'm now going to take it too and he was so forceful she kept stepping back and pretty soon she took it she got it home and something started talking to her speaking to her and and and and she called past to communicate with him and she said only thing I can do is make pancakes for my kids he said well that's a start he said make pancakes he said the group of people that come down to the marketplace every morning they don't and most of them need something to eat so make pancakes and try to sell it to them she made pancake sold it to them sold out the first day she came back to the pass said well I sold he said alright continue to do that but as she continued the pancakes got better come on now up top them out flip in your gift I'm saying and she worked that gift those pancakes got better pretty soon she opened up a big catering business pretty soon the other people from the our area in Costa Rica came and began to want to start their own businesses because that that business sense begin to catch fire but not only that now that whole area which was in famine began to prosper and now the president of the country called her and say can you do the same thing for the nation I'm telling you just making pancakes what do you have in your help I'm paying if you can get some see to God everything changes when the kingdom comes and this is new this is a new way of thinking because the tendency is when a pressure comes on for us to revert back to that Babylonian thinking but God wants you to go to another side so look what it says in Matthew chapter 6 verse 24 no man can serve how many masters two masters for either he will hate one and love the other else he'll hold to the one despise the other you cannot serve God and Mammon come with us in serving God he knows that there's only two systems what's this and you can't beat this one nobody can beat the Babylonian system but Jesus now what he does is pulls you out of it and put you in a system of sowing and reaping got it he put you in that system now that's where you are right now whether you know it or not and the problem is is that we've got the children of God who've been born again and and once you get born again realized that everything changes now because you put in a whole new kingdom you're in the kingdom of God your citizen of God it's a Commonwealth of God he takes care of you so forth it's also everything changes but what we got to do now is learn to trust the one who put us over there and that's where it comes to you know we go oh I love the Lord okay yeah all right we're gonna see that's what the rich young ruler said oh yeah I love the Lord and it is that okay go give what you have to the poor and come on follow me who I can't do that I'm out so in this God knows that if he doesn't provide for you then you're forced to go back to this system so he's got to provide for you the problem is have you learned how to receive his provision she's talked about it's all image whatever your inside creates the outside so if I can destroy that image inside you have a whole new way of acting outside that's all it is it's really simple the devil knows it these are trying to keep your picnic from threatening you with your credit report yeah I remember this guy high priest himself in his church and he said me and my wife went down to get us a car and you talk about you know God can override anything again and he said we went down there we said no he picked out a car driver and showroom floor I said yeah okay he said you know we did we sat down there the guy looked up a credit he said I'm sorry we wanted to find out you but we can't can't help you he said okay what's wrong he said well your credit is too bad he said he sent back in the chair and God said go March around the car seven times so he said he got his wife got up went Marsh running in the showroom floor now he March around come on see some of y'all they willing to do what needs to be done which could you 2:30 you see any marshal on there and then get this setback down God to tell him look it up again he said could you look up again he said what we just looked it up he said no just just could you do that for me just looking up again he looked it up again he said wait a minute I must have done what moves your social security number again God had erased all the bad credit on his report and that's the gospel truth I give God a praise we get out of here man decree of thing and it shall be established now you may not be where I am first day but you're on your own your way that's all God wants he just want you to go from faith come on to fail they'll be condemned about anything he said there's no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus I'm just telling you when the kingdom comes everything changed hello this is Bill Winston I'm I'm talking to those out that are listening to me and by whether it's by television by internet whatever device you're listening to me on I just like to reach out to you now to ask you to join with me and becoming a partner now what I'm saying is this is that you've enjoyed the teachings I mean what you've heard has has not only been a blessing to you but it's changed your life I mean we're getting reports from all over but what I'd like to now is for you to take the next step and become a partner with me now this a partnership involves not only your prayers but also your provision meaning that you help us financially each month now there's a benefit in the reward to that one is that the benefit is that as you do you cause me to bless other people we can enlarge what we're doing we can go further because it does cost money and we can go further but the other thing is that that reward comes back to you in other words the souls that we win you get a credit for that too and that as the money that you're sowing into this ministry the Bible says it'll be given back to you good measure pressed down shaken together running over we've had people so for jobs and so for a healing on their husbands or wives or whatever have we've had all kinds of miracles from people sowing a seed so we're asking you to be a partner with us to come in and say hey dr. Weston I'm a partner with praise God um I'm going with you and when you do that you're going to trips with us and you when I go around to speak you go with me all that happens with partnership plus the fact the grace that is on me as a man of God in terms of business in terms of pulpit ministry into a book that grace also is available to you why because that's part of partnership you become one with me we become one with God so I'm asking you now to come on board and become a partner with me as God would lead you of course and of course as God speaks to you about it our address and phone number and so forth those on the screen call us and praise God say hey want to be a partner we'll send you out partner information and so forth like that you can hook on with us because I guarantee you we are blessing people and you can be a part of that blessing time so again just reaching out to you if God is speaking to your heart come on partner with us there's some big fish to catch and he's sending us to work together thank you so much god bless you and keep walking by faith Jesus came and introduced a new system for the kingdom of God was a government that set up to meet every need that a person would have independent of what's happening in this earthly therefore I said to you stop being perpetually uneasy anxious and worried about your life no longer do you have to bear the weight of your own provision I'm telling you you don't have to earn a living your living has already been earned by Jesus Christ so your labor is not in overtime it's in the word our job everything changes with the kingdom and the kingdom has come inside of you step into the door of divine provision and experience a supernatural rest with an unlimited increase in every area of your life in pastor Winston's life-changing teaching a new way of living to order on CD or dvd contact us online at billwinston.org or by phone at you
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 75,099
Rating: 4.8715205 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Bill Winston, Believers Walk of Faith, A New Way of Living, Bill Winston Ministries, Kingdome Living
Id: fm8jQZIebeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2015
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