The Supernatural Church Vol 1. Pt. 3

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the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers miracles are now and not tomorrow they're right now the first step again once you're born again you're alive to God again and he's talking spirits of spirit do that your potential your potential is not in your flesh see you can't listen to your human logic because nowhere in the Bible did logic produce a mirror never let what your eyes see determine what your heart believes the just show what live by me and you and I are to live that way miracles are now what s that's a tweet right down there not tomorrow there right now I said there right now do you remember the woman here was Jesus he came to the wedding of Cana and he walked in here and then the mother of Jesus said to him they have no wine he said well what is that to me my hour has not yet come that's John chapters two my hour has not yet come and and Jesus and she said that she didn't even pay attention to it she said whatever he said to you just do it talking to the servants out and and that's what they did notice what he said he said fill the waterpots up with water now he they don't know what's gonna happen but he's telling them what to do see a lot of times you don't know what's gonna happen but you just received by faith what to do come on now and you just do what you do see because you don't have to wait on time you don't even have to wait on time to think but no object I'm going can I go out there put that scripted back up there give this he just had there and so notice what he says here he said Jesus said to them fill the waterpots up one they fill them up to the brim look with this and he said to them draw up now and beer to the government of the fees and they bear it all right and Winnie the ruler of the feast tasted that water was made wine he knew not which it was but the service that drew that with drew the water knew the governor of the feast faith take a feast called the bridegroom and he said to him every man is beginning to set forth good wine and when men have well drunk got drunk then you pull out that stuff that's bad crazy God pull out that which is worse but thou has kept the good wine until what now next first in the beginning this is the beginning of what miracles now my point to you is is that what do you have to do to make wine you have to take 1 you have to plant to see you have to plant a seed wait on the vine to grow you wait on the vine to grow that's the number of years they tell me about 9 years then once so those grapes are grown on the vine then you've got to take the grapes once you pull the grape you've got to take the grapes in and you've got to mash the grapes once you master grapes you've got to sit the wine up and let it firm it and sometimes the older the wine then longer than it's fermenting the better the wine come on now y'all used to be good and the better the wine but not points you is and look at all the steps that are in between this miracle say Amen so notice what he did he jumped over all those steps because he don't to do it in time then ad said you've served the best wine until now that's why do you go to get the best wine is something like 200 years or something that that wine has been kept in those bottles and so forth and tell me if you if one man looked on the internet to see what the best wine would cost a bet a bottle of the best life was costing about three hundred and twenty thousand dollars for the best wine and how much did they have there they had thirty gallons in each one of the five water pots now that's a whole lot of best wine so I know what they were doing they were gonna drink all of that that was gonna be a wedding gift for the wedding couple because when they drunk that little bit he's gonna take the rest sell it and they don't have plenty of money to live on because at that time when you get married no man or woman supposed to work for one year they supposed to get to know one another we came from a supernatural God the world doesn't notice cuz they're not born again they have to wait on time yeah we don't we've got faith and faith is always win right now folks it's right now in this good yeah so now let's look at this because I'm still talking about Adam in the garden so the next thing happens is that in verse 7 of chapter 2 let's go there Genesis chapter 2 and verse 7 and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul now one translation says in the Hamas translation they told me that he became a speaking spirit like God now I shared with you this one other time and man shared with me and I really really believed it so he said when God stood Adam up beside him angels thought they were seeing double that's how much man was made like God and if you go on down here if you look it said let's say verse 8 and the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden and there he put the man whom he had formed verse 15 and the Lord God took the man put him in the Garden of Eden to dress it and keep it the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou shalt be freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge on the line knowledge please of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it when the day you eat of it now shall thereof thou shalt surely what yeah now this is where this thing really starts taking a turn of Revelation because the first thing that happens let's just look at this the first thing that happens he said but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it knowledge word knowledge underline it in Hebrew the word is die off da a new space a th die off and it means knowledge gained by census knowledge gained by senses so Adam here's a deal you eat of this you're gonna be disconnected from me and all the knowledge you're gonna get from then on he's gonna come through your senses now how is that different because Adam was not meant to be led by his senses he was meant to be led by the Spirit God is not talking to your flesh he is talking to your mind your spirit brother okay now now if you look at this this situation that Adams in he then goes here in verse chapter 3 and they eat of it now if you started reading at verse 6 he said and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that its pleasant to the eyes and a tree desired to make one wise she took the fruit thereof and did eat and gave it also to her husband with her and he did he and the eyes of both of them eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked now weren't their eyes open to see the tree okay so you know something's wrong with day so what happened Adam died spiritually now he didn't die in his body for about 900 years later so basically he was a walking dead man like folk today they're walking but they're walking dead now God didn't want to leave him like that but the only time they got a chore and toys that make a choice to live again is while they walk in that they're gonna have to make a choice now you know what I'd do if I wasn't safe I get saved when no okay so there's some definite advantages to this so now this knowledge of good and evil so now Adam eats of it and now he falls and when he falls all of his knowledge now is coming by his senses in other words he began to live a life from knowledge gained from the outside in from his senses his five senses his five senses had to tell him something you you need your senses you you if somebody asked me what color dress does she have a I say it has a red dress well how can I know that because I can see it but if that shut down I can't tell you so right there my knowledge becomes limited and this idea of being able to pick up things from the census is what the enemy wants because now he can control what you see and when he controls what you see you thought you were looking at this but he did that and you saw that and interpret it that way and made a decision based on that but it was the wrong decision because you were deceived for what you saw can I can I can I say this so now here man is in a bad situation so he fell he fell from being the second now all the way down to under Satan now Satan became the god of this world so what to say nuke he effects his mind he blinds the mind he makes it why because he knows his mind and his senses are the only thing he's got to guide it but like I said Jesus came to restore us back to our original mode of operations amen to that so once man found the birth of education began because man didn't learn before he discerned education was born now let's look at it when Jesus came he restored some things so let's look at this that's found in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 9 let's start right there he said this but as it is written this is Apostle Paul talking the eye has not seen that's your natural eye your ear has not heard that your natural ear neither has entered into the heart of man that's a natural part of you the things which God has prepared for them that love him but God has revealed them to us by his what spirit he's now weird once you're born again you're alive to God again and he's talking spirit to spirit for the spirit searcheth all things yea the deep things of God for what man knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of men lieutenant d that's your potential your potential is not in your flesh your potential if you're Flint's potentials in your flesh Peter never could have walked on that water because if the tension was in his flashing key no flash stand on top of water but as when your potentials in your spirit it takes dominion over your flesh and you can walk right on that water go Richie God all yeah y'all messing with me now so what happened so here he's saying that your spirit knows all about you see that's why when I pray at the beginning of the year I cannot pray I said Lord what do you want to do this year I want to know what you want to do the ministry I know what you want to do with me well I have to get his plan because if I let myself think of my plan I just want to do something that I feel in my natural mind I can do when a much bigger on the inside than I am on the outside say amen to that so God will tell me something and guaranteed every time he tells me it seems like it's impossible but it's not impossible for my spirit because once my spirit here is it it loves the impossible come on my faith is energized by the impossible are you're with me now so I'm planning supernaturally and by faith instead of planning by time now is am I getting too deep for you okay so your spirit knows all about you your mind doesn't your mind only knows what it's experienced but your spirit knows all about you and God knows all about your spirit you can't listen to your human logic because nowhere in the Bible did logic produce a miracle you gotta come out of there come on when he tells you okay all right you got that that's thirty year mortgage okay all right let's get that paid off in 30 days oh no Reverend how're we gonna do that you not gonna do with your natural pea-brain you don't do it with the Spirit of God operating box a cutting through time and making this thing a reality right now stop trying to adjust your life according to human reason and what you've experienced back there with mama Neal y'all know what I mean by mama new stop stop trying to run your life based on that get to the book and think with the world if this Bible says you can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth you that's what it means so let me just just tell yourself you go fast for three days and what what the next thought is is Happy Meals the next thought you do it come this mine here it will so be the boss your flesh wants to be the boss you get saved your spirit says let's go to church flesh says riverboat I mean it's calling what because it ain't safe but it's not the boss Paul says I keep under my body not I put it up you got to put it on now you can do much more than you think you've been doing no go in that classroom I can't work no math what did you just do use both words that block the door to your deliberate you can't do it whatever you think you can't can't do say you can say amen to that stop confessing curse on yourself he said your angels are gonna be with you and everything and it's illegal for God to do one thing for you and you're confessing something else the law of faith says that whatever God will do for you you will have to confess it first so I don't care how difficult it looks saying you find a promise in that Bible getting that promise and meditate that thing I'm dumb I fill up your mind fill up your heart with that word of God and then start speaking that thing it's a law it's got to come to pass y'all with me remember miracles are easier than doing things and that's progression of time miracles are not always spectacular folks you don't have to have no big splash no dynamite need to go all those miracles can come on in so easy to you all you notice again no human reason became the deciding factor of whether something was possible or not because of Adam's fall Jesus came to reverse that I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth here's what Jesus said it's not me is the father in me he's doing the work let's go to Galatians chapter 5 but the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance against such there is no law here he is speaking about super natural disposition right let's tell you what I mean by that once you get born again you don't have to pray for peace you have peace by faith you cause peace to come out so you're in a situation and it's a situation that there's a great deal of fear and affliction and so forth in that situation you can operate in peace watch this and they can be affected by it oh yeah you going in where Giants are watch this they'll pull out a file on you and say now she used to react when we shortened her Chet come on come on now come on now I'm talking about a dossier on you I'm talking about shifts since you were a kid something somebody been tracking it you know how the FBI do so what happened I'm saying how about self control send out one demon talking to another now if you push this button she gonna cuss you she gonna just just push this button right here she gonna press now put push it what watch it push it oh Jesus I thought she was saved okay yeah not just listen what I'm saying supernatural disposition here is a brother instead of having temperance or self-control he didn't have anything he wasn't saved and he ended up doing 20 years no self-control but you going into a land of giants they are button pushes what they know you came there to dispossessed them they know you came in there to get rich they didn't know you showed up to get healed and if they can just you'll forget about the healing and cuss him out no not listen not that not not you I'm not saying that you I'm not saying that you using the extreme example but I'm saying you'll lose it see and when you look at you lose faith and faith is the thing to get you to your destiny now how can you overcome that the first step is you must be born again you're not born again you can't stop it because they're much mighty then you put up there Deuteronomy again Deuteronomy chapter 7 please and verse 1 just put it up there watch this I'm taking you into the Canaan now watch this when the LORD thy God shall bring you into the land where you're going to possess it and has cast out many D and many nations from before thee the Hittite sagar site the hammerites of Canaanites the perizzites a highlight and the genocide seven nations what greater and mightier no human can defeat the devil see him you must have the power of the Holy Ghost today's teaching is from series the supernatural church now this entire series carries a key to opening door for miracles now here's an important point you want to remember miracles are now not tomorrow and that's why a lot of God's people have not gotten into miracles because whatever they're doing or saying or thinking they have to bring it into the now to present it is never future it's always now and the Bible says by His stripes you are healed because God talks into now he's an eternal God that everything to him is right now though the first miracle Jesus performed was in John chapter 2 now this is where he changed water to wine you recall this story well what happened he told his disciples what to do fill the water pot up and then he said now take a dipper and dip it and take it to the governor of the feast now once they did this that's the Holy Spirit see once you get full of the word the Holy Spirit then will speak to you from the inside out we call it Rhema and he'll tell you what the next step is why to release your faith so you'll see the miracle so when he speaks to you just receive what he says and do it right the Lord say that with me do it did God just do it that's all you have to do and you'll see the miracle the announcer is going to give you some important information and how you can order this powerful four disc series and I'll be right back miracles are now and not tomorrow they're right now the first step not be born again once you're born again you're alive to God again and he's talking spirits of spirit see that's your potential your potential is not in your flesh see you can't listen to your human logic because nowhere in the Bible did logic produce a mirror never let what your eyes see determine what your heart believes the just show what live by faith and you and I are to live that way live the lifestyle of the supernatural and experience miracles through your faith now in pastor Winston's life-changing four-disc series the supernatural church volume 1 to order on CD or dvd by bankcard at one eight hundred seven one one nine three to seven or online at nowhere in the Bible this human logic ever produced a miracle go through it and look at that you cannot find it in it why because they're on two opposite sides that the human logic is over here and faith is over here faith produces miracles human logic produces reason and intellectual ability so forth and so on now that's fine if that's where you want to stay and that's where the world is but for it to church to stand out and to stand up and be counted and do the things that God has called us to do in terms of expanding the kingdom of God we're gonna operate on a higher level praise the Lord or one man say that the problems that we have today are not going to be able to be solved on the same level that they were created why we need level two solutions for level one's problems and God is calling you and me to bring those solutions to pass praise the Lord well until next time this is bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 55,422
Rating: 4.8634362 out of 5
Keywords: Bill Winston Ministries, Dr. Bill Winston, The Supernatural Church, Believers Walk of Faith, #BWOF, #SupernaturalChurch
Id: Y8y1NxInB3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2015
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