Releasing the Blessing Pt. 4 | Dr. Bill Winston - Believer's Walk of Faith

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the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers before you get in your situation the blessing is working for your deliverance don't think God is just coming to your rescue once you get in it the blessing saw ahead it knew what to do so it's preparing the deliverance for you before you ever stepped into that situation hello I'm bill Winston and welcome to another program the problem that you're watching is called the believers walk of faith where we walk by faith and not by sight well we're continuing with a powerful series it's called releasing the blessing now here's a few points you want to remember one stop bringing God down to your level and go up to God's level you see the Bible says God is not a man now that's powerful isn't it God is a lot of times so consciously we look at God sometimes as a man that if we can't do it he can't do it no no no let's take him way on up there praise God and then out of what he says to do you just act on what he says do and watch God come through for you number two rejoicing releases the blessing a lot of times we get in a hard place and we get mad start talking about people and so forth that's not the way you get out the way you get out is to release the blessing so you got to stay in love which faith works by love and faith releases the blessing so it could blessing can deliver you so stay in love when you get in that tight place understand the blessing is still on you now we got to release it and you do it by rejoicing glory to God maintenance on your mouth is critical the Bible says how forcible are right words so what we sing if it's not in the Bible it's not a part of your vocabulary hey well I got your ear done' if it's not in the is not to be a part of your vocabulary now let's go right into this teach get your Bibles and pencils and paper ready this is a good one it's called releasing the blessing once the blessing comes on you it is on you for life that that you you cannot wash it off you cannot the devil can't separate you from it but in somebody well how did Adam lose the blessing because Adam lost his life see the blessing went with his life and I'm saying Jesus came and got the blessing back so now he goes in and begins to teach on the blessing he taught over in Matthew chapter 5 we call it the Sermon on the Mount or some of you call it the Beatitudes but what God was teaching he was teaching through Jesus he Jesus was teaching how to connect with the blessing and how to release its power to work for you and what we said is that the blessing knows what to do now if you didn't you gotta hear what I'm saying now well let's look at Matthews Matthew chapter 5 here over in Matthew chapter 5 look at some of the things that he said he said in verse 3 blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted come on down verse 11 blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you what falsely for my namesake rejoice see see that's the way to release the blessing see that's the way to release the bless what do people do they start coming at them they go revenge they want to talk about it so forth it's on but that's not the way to release the blessing because the blessing had to be released by faith and faith works by love so I got to stay in love to release the blessing so the blessing can work for me and turn my situation around to my good so no matter what situation you get into the blessing is there to turn your situation around so that you can get out of that situation and you can do things that God has called you to do say amen to that you might be in a tough situation right now but you got to understand that the blessing is designed to turn situations around say amen to that sometimes you know we get in this situation we think God has forgotten about us but he hadn't forgotten to God about us because the blessing is working 24/7 watch this before you got in the pit the blessing was working for your deliverance before you get in your situation the blessing is working for your deliverance don't think God is just coming to your rescue once you get in it the blessing saw ahead it knew what to do so it's preparing the deliverance for you before you ever stepped into that situation now if you get over into blessing and have confidence in the blessing the blessing will kick in and turn whatever situation you're in around to the good and you can't beat that with a stick so what are we talking about we gonna rise to the top with this blessing because this blessing is designed to take us somewhere shame into that God places the righteous among the wicked on purpose so you're going to be in the world help me but not of the world now why are you going to be in the world but what are you going to be in the world is because you're going to demonstrate to the world the blessing see you're going to show them something that they're busy trying to get ahead and you're going to show them where they are the head you you're going to show them through demonstration you're going to show them the power of the blessing and Pharaoh did not want to know Joseph's father until Joseph solved his problem are y'all with me here you see they once you demonstrate they gonna ask about your daddy see it was never meant that Christianity be dictated come on come on admit that it be what demonstrated you go in the scriptures and they followed him because they saw the miracles that he did go go back here even to Joshua and Joshua chapter 1 when Joshua was first taken over now from from Moses now he's filling some pretty big shoes and God said now after the death of Moses verse 1 and the servant of the Lord it came to pass that the Lord spake to Joshua and the son of nun and said Moses is Minister saying Moses my servant is dead now therefore arise and go over this Jordan thou and all these people unto the land which I do give them even to the children of Israel every place the sole of your foot shall tread upon that have I given you as I said unto Moses from this wilderness even the Lebanon even to the great river the river Euphrates all the land of the Hittites that's some terrorists all the land of the Hittites and to the Great Sea toward the going down with the Sun shall be your coasts and their shot not shall be any man shall not be any man able to stand before you all the days of your life as I was with Moses I will be with you I will not come home fail you no forsake you now going down to verse 16 and they answered Joshua and said all that you command me thus we will do whether you send us we will go according as we hearken to Moses in all things we will hearken to you only let the Lord be with you as he was with Moses well what did he do with Moses he worked miracles with Moses he fed three million people for forty years with Moses he raised up the Red Sea with Moses now what are they saying to Joshua Joshua we don't follow you but we got to see God working in your life I'm telling you we're trying to get the world to follow us without a demonstration of his power and it's not suppose that now let's just see where the world is good world's in bad shape look at Peter here is Peter there's a new chapter 5 now and Peters fishing now he's a fisherman he's in the fishing business and now here's comes Jesus he's preaching on the shoreline what is he preaching is breaching the blessing and so now he gets in Peters boat and ask him to just push out a little from the deep from that from the shoreline told Peter does that Jesus sits down teaches the people then after he teaches them he turns to Peter he said now launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a draught now this is not what a ritual said he said it says launch out into the deep another translation launch out into the deep and let down your nets and you'll catch a lot of fish a little bit different what is he saying here he has degree decree something he is releasing that blessing see if you act on it then its release you think you got to stop depending o where you came from y'all just stay with me in Genesis chapter 12 and verse 1 he tells Abraham and the Lord has said to Abraham get the out of that country from by kindred from my father's house into a land that I'm going to show you and I will make you a great nation I will bless you I will make your name break and you'll be a blessing I will bless those that bless you I will curse those that curse you and in thee shall all nations of the earth be blessed and Abraham what does it say departed see you got to act on what he said see he was telling em ham leave the system you're trusting in lead the way you've been thinking leave what has been your prop had been chopping you up and making you comfortable all these years because that's a system of Babylon and go give you a better system I'm gonna give you a higher system is that you follow me I don't want to give you a roadmap I don't need to give you a brochure you just listen to my voice and if you hearken to my voice all these blessings oh come on you and overtake you what up Abraham went from the bottom to the top I told him it told him over there and Deuteronomy chapter 1 you just hearken verse 28 top part mate chapter 28 verse 1 if you're just hearkened to the voice a Lord your God diligently to his voice just do and observe to do all his commandments which I command you this day then the Lord thy God will set you high above all nations of the earth and all these blessings see the blessings come out of the blessing but the blessing is not released with our faith so there are places you can't go without love there are places you can't get to without agape and agape is not a feeling I feel like I love it's a decision I have decided to rejoice when you talk about me you won't see a manifestation in so here's Peter just follow his command see that this is the good news the good news is you don't have to figure it out that's the good news the good news is you don't have to figure out how to get out of debt just listen to God and just step on out he's got a billion ways to get you out of debt between now and next Tuesday we started it God can command the blessing upon you and your storehouses he can have Birds he commanded birds to feed the manna God he said goodbye to his brother and I'm going to command birds to come feed you fine he had to believe that he went by the brook and here comes a bird showing up in the morning with bread and me and me and in the evening with breath and me I'm telling him that God can have a bird bring you a Big Mac with Jesus and some fries and a salad on the side and some coleslaw he's gone got it not a man stop trying to bring it down the way you are take your little brain and go up to where here now the problem is we're not seeking God we're not releasing the blessing and there are places you can't go without love Joseph could not have gotten the Pharaoh without love if he was down in that pit see the brother the brothers they don't allow on him and they didn't like him anyway because he was a big dreamer which I encourage you to be this business about having a business with you doing here in the kitchen is over we're talking about owning owning salons on the East Coast the way they doing swimming a bit why did swim in a bit cuz they decide not to kill him why they decide not to kill him cuz it couldn't you can't kill a man with the Blessed so that's why SSC good morning class tonight you bet girl you better going up there before they can she said I go up them to him with not being invited I can get my head cut off he's their girl get on up there if you don't go gotta get somebody else sitting will give me my robe she put a robe on and went on up there and the man pointed to staff out and saying what is it that you want I'll give it to you over half my kingdom somebody say favor see when you got the blessing on your life come on but other people to get the head come off you yes Joseph now he's in the pit now what do they plan to do leave him down there his brothers let him get out of water and die then it took his coat back to his dad totalizing where's your son this is a coat it puts an animal blood on it and a dad so long Oh Lord shut up oh my son is dead a wild beast is kill him no he hadn't he hadn't kept I'm coming back to Peter I'm taking the long way around and that happened to me on this trip what happened to me on this trip he's all of a sudden coming out of one country going into another country we started having problems with a heat and air condition on the airplane - whoa what what's up here I'm had any problem before well I had somebody else somebody who is arrived with me there and so - man what's going on well when that person got on they said it's an expression that you did and I say when we get together that we got to pray going in process and pray to get out was waiver though so when I got the next destination I'm calling back to our maintenance director and saying hey we need to maybe put the airplane in the shop because there's something wrong the heat and air here and so forth and so my mind I said so in women was something wrong here so I got to the next destination and what I do is kind of take an hour for sleep because when I wake up I'm fresh and again so I can preach that night because I'm working night and day and so I went to sleep and when you wake up you're fresh sea you hear God right away and I woke up and he said what that you said he said he said show me that in the world now he wrote the word he knows what's in there he said now just show me that that I got to pray to get in and pray to get out he said not what I do have in there is blessed going and bless but I don't know nothing about this train for that pull the slack out of my rope I got up got with the Saints repented for that cancel those words next thing you know the heat now working perfect it didn't need it did need amended it didn't need no maintenance the maintenance was needed on your mind I will let you know how many little things that you have probably been saying that you didn't know you said this is what job said put it up there please show chapter 6 and verse 24 let the what dope job even called himself look look what he said here he said teach me and I will come on hold my tongue and cause me to understand what I missed it in a god if the blessing will keep you the blessing will deliver you the blessing will make you successful but it won't go against your mouth look at the next verse after that he said this how forcible a right words lord have mercy put it up that Deuteronomy chapter 30 please verse 19 and look what he says he says this day I call heaven and earth to record against you this day gets you that I've set before you life and death keep going blessing and cursing therefore choose life or both you you see Satan cannot affect one inch of this planet without your authority he needs somebody's mouth going through stuff it ain't it it's not it's not God trying to you know teach her something this is his it's many times is we being hung with the tongue God didn't plan for you to have all that trouble the Lord teach me know hold my tongue she thank God for the Holy Ghost cuz he said wait a minute son that's not in the book if it's not in the book is not part of my inheritance I'm saying that because you you go and you do anything can happen I mean people don't get to inheritance churches don't grow businesses don't prosper all that right here when you come in that Satan wants your mouth then your mouth wagon starts with your mind thinking you think the wrong thoughts and you go eventually if no you don't watch yourself see the wrong thing so keep the thoughts out of your mind the Bible tells you what to think on Philippians chapter 4 verse 8 think on these things something that's honest whatsoever things are just that means righteous whatsoever things that come on pure come on whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are good think good ebook so God deliberately plants the righteous among the wicked why because we want to demonstrate the power of the blessing Wow because God plans for all families of the earth come on to be blessed it's not just for us fo and Nomos is for everybody and because of Adam and in a got cut short and God wasn't done you got a man named Abraham and Abraham and his seed Bible says in Galatians 3 that Jesus was Abraham's seed but when you got saved you came in to Jesus so whatever Jesus got you got folks to the point that when it before it's all over Jesus is coming down to live in this earth he gonna set up his kingdom right here in this first he got in raised from the dead he took on a new form and that new form is gonna come down here and Tabernacle with men and his earth gonna be something to see meanwhile Satan is holding property he does not legally own including people get him loose praise God and a lot of will come out of there unless they see something good they won't come out of there and left they know God loves them demonstrate right come everything he did raising the dead casting out demons feeding the poor healing the sick was done by the power of the blessing it was even creating new eyeballs if it did it for him come on come on come on come on set the captives learn how to experience the fullness of God's glory and power in your life with dr. Winston's powerful series releasing the blessing to order your copy of this life-changing message on CD or mp3 on DVD or mp4 contact us online at you can also call us at one eight hundred seven one one nine three two seven as a believer jesus restored the blessing to you the blessing is working on your behalf 24/7 it's your job to believe it and receive it releasing the blessing in your life order your copy of this powerful teaching today deep within you there is a call to lead distractions have tried to bury it criticism has tried to smother it but the call remains and now it's time become inclined to for newer god is awakening the call again answer it take a leap of faith it's time for you to change the story not just for you but for your neighborhood your community your city your world add Joseph's business school we are here to equip you to guide you to empower you to step into the call that God has given you it's time to launch out all is clear but is now become an entrepreneur the mission of bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world this broadcast has been made available to you through the faithful support of bill Winston ministries partners and Friends we invite you to become a partner and join dr. bill Winston as he trains believers how to live independent of this world system and have dominion over it Thank You bill Winston ministries partners and viewers for your continuous support of the believers walk of faith broadcast the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 40,997
Rating: 4.8445716 out of 5
Id: mZGrY_FKEos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2016
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