Mind of Christ - The Comforter Has Come

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the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers let me first define the anointing the anointing which is may live what we talked about is the empowerment to perform at a supernatural level to attain extraordinary results now God had his blessing our anointing on Abraham now he is selling Abraham that anything that comes against you is going to have to pay the price and I'm saying to you that this same thing goes for me that no weapon formed against me is going to prosper and every tongue that your odds against we in judgment shall be condemned now look what happened to Abraham let's go on down in Chapter 12 none that's going down and see as Abraham started he cured it because in verse 4 it says and Abraham departed all right so as we go on down here Genesis chapter 12 and verse 14 and look what it says here he says and it came to pass that when Abram was come into Egypt the Egyptians beheld the woman that she was very fair and the Prince is also the leaders of Pharaoh saw her and then commended her before Pharaoh Pharaoh there's a good and a woman out there somewhere and the woman was taken into Farrell's house and he entreated Abel well for her sake and he had sheep and oxen and asses and menservants and maidservants and tea asses and camels and the Lord plagued Pharaoh and his house with a Great Plague that because of Sarah Abraham's wife now here is Pharaoh he is not that this this this deed that he's doing here is not something that God sanctions and so now because of Abraham's faith in following God based on God's covenant promise to him now God is going to protect Abraham and not only Abraham but his family and his seed lord have mercy so now here is farrell all of a sudden Pharaoh is being played now Pharaoh woke up he said what is it you have done to me and and and and had it so that Abraham he put Abraham out told him take all the stuff you want and it's get on out of the country and look what Abraham had when he came out his is found in Genesis chapter 13 and verse 1 then he said and Abram went out of the Egypt he and his wife and all that he had and lot with him unto the south and Abram was very rich very rich say me to and cattle and silver and in gold now because I he had to put it down there because some people think well he's spiritually rich no no he had moola he had he had things he had stuff okay no this is interesting because I'm just going to give you a revelation that I get okay I'm going to teach you from that it's kind of interesting here that he said in verse 17 and the Lord plagued Pharaoh's house because of Sarai his wife and Pharaoh called Abraham and said what is this that thou has done unto me why did it thou now tell me that she was your wife why said it thou she is my sister so I might have taken her to me to wife now therefore behold thy wife take her and get out of here no I don't and go thy way and Pharaoh commanded his men concerning him now how does he know that that was because of Abraham's wife now you know I'm just kind of putting myself in that situation that maybe this sorceress told him say this thing is this thing is this is not no I'm can I take you to a depth at that I'm a man he knew that this was not coming from the snakes that he worshiped he knew this he knew this is when some evil somebody plaguing him because they couldn't or they wouldn't and if you know anything about the Pharaohs had a snake on that on the thing and symbolizing you know they're well back in the garden really but my point to you is is even back there he was spiritually sensitive enough to know that this shouldn't happen to him though with me now I'm saying this because you you because you got born again you're going to be well let's go let's go to scripture first let's go to John chapter 14 verse 14 and look what he says here he says if you shall ask anything in my name I will do it who's talking here Jesus alright next verse if you love me keep my Commandments I will pray the father and he'll give you another who comforter that he may abide with you how long forever who is the comforter the Holy Spirit even the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not neither knoweth him but you know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be what in you and I will not leave you comfortless and I'll come to you now who was leading the disciples and taking them and teaching them who was that Jesus now he's saying you're going to get another teacher and church I'm going to the Father and send you back another teacher gonna be the Holy Ghost they is going to teach you some things so you're in here and you're being taught by the anointing of God because the anointing of God is what God gives you to do God's work that he didn't want you to preach without that anointing he doesn't want you to to do anything as a believer without the anointing of God because it's going to give you extraordinary results now he goes to John chapter 17 and in John chapter 17 starting at verse 14 he says I've given them my word and the world has hated them because they are not of the world say I'm not of the world samy in the world not other world he said even as I'm out of the world watch this I pray not that you should take him out of the world so he's not praying that you leave here but that vow should keep them from the evil I call it diplomatic immunity I'm saying that Satan cannot touch you with evil didn't I say that you know I used to pray wrong Pratt said every virus is disease in germ that touches my body dies instantly well that ain't the scriptures the scripture says no evil shall befall you neither shall any plague come nigh you're drunk it says don't touch you see I'm praying the wrong plan know one of them coming down with some sniffles see I'm praying the wrong plan see and I'm just saying just a little slip of the tongue you can open up the door for Satan to do things that say that they had not had authority to do all right now I'm saying to you that Pharaoh had a spiritual sensitivity or his sorcerers that they sense that this was a work of the God of Abraham this is the work of the God of Abraham no God is sending you places he is on purpose planting the righteous among the wicked and some of them are not going to like you and they're not not disliking you cause you're black they dislike you because you saved now I'm trying to help somebody now push you you own this trip listen once you get saved you're in a whole nother category and I'm just here to tell you right now that there are people gonna hate you and don't know why they hate and the reason why they hate you and don't know why it's cause you full of God and when you pull of God the devil hates you and he want to find a way to get you out of the way now I'm saying you're sick spiritual sensitivity to take you above some something that you think it's racial or you think is this or that true enough they got that out there but that you're your biggest area is going to be because the devil doesn't like you now the problem that he has is he can't stop you because everything you do is go prosper and God's will always cause you to triumph so you don't win a few lose a few you win everything and if you win everything you've got anointing a promotion on you that your promotion doesn't come from the East or from the weather from it comes from God and as God raises you up the enemy's gonna be mad about it are you able to say it so you're on your way to the top now when you go into those areas you have to be aware that every system institution culture environments legislation codes conduct regulations and policies must adjust themselves to accommodate your divine purpose I said must adjust themselves this is not a Fe this is Bible this is something because greater is He that is in you come on then he that is in the world every believer must know the level of power Redemption has conferred upon him or her you must know it it doesn't make any difference look at Esther here's Esther and now she is for the go before the government before the king the King really represents the government and tell the King not to have that law go through that's going to slay or kill all the Jews at a certain time the next year well she didn't want to go well Mordechai said something to Esther he's an Esther girl I had to put that in there I didn't like that he said now I know you don't want to go I want to get funded and read it it's found in Esther chapter 4 in verse 14 for thou all together hold your peace at this time then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from some other place but you and your father's house shall be destroyed and who knoweth whether thou has come into the kingdom for such a time as this now that's not just talking about Esther that's talking about you because there are ungodly laws being made and we'll the reason why they're being made is because the church lost his voice the church lost a knowledge of who it was and what it had to fight with and I'm telling you I'm bringing it back I'm letting you know that you've got the Vengeance of the Lord and the Vengeance of the Lord will only stop spells from coming at you but it'll stop government's from trying to torment you everything that's tormenting harassing you is going to be put down it doesn't make any difference what it is or how big it is shame into that no only though I focused in on and realized what he said now he said wait a minute if you don't go gods go pick somebody else and what does that mean that means that before you came into this earth God had an assignment for you I said before you hit your mother's womb I shouldn't say it like that before you came into your mother's womb God had already had assignment for you he had a purpose for your being here come on he had an assignment that he wanted you to fulfill are you with me here he knew everything that he wanted to do he had wisdom laid up for you and everything but if you don't go he will find somebody else I told God don't find nobody else I'm your man don't go to anybody else all right no let's go back to this this spiritual sensitivity again because there's something wrong here in the cave there's something wrong here today because we're made spiritually sensitive because we haven't been spiritually sensitive the devil's been walking off with so come on well some of y'all should be married by now the oh lord have mercy on let me let me go so let me do something else I'm only saying that some should have had businesses some should have had this some should have had that some should have had this and that and this and that but the devil used sorcery he used spiritual spells he used all the things a weapon because they're still looking for something natural they think it's something natural holding them back had nothing natural hole in you back nothing natural is that powerful but when Satan comes in he comes in with spiritual wickedness and he comes in to stop you from fulfilling the the assignment that God has for your life say amen to that and that sickness just didn't happen that sickness came as a result of a demonic spell that was cast come on now help me now I'm saying to you I know we did something wrong I know we did dance and so forth but you save now and I'm telling you most of the things that are happening again to turn are not happening because it just happened to happen it was just a coincidence or I didn't know know that enemy was behind it here I was we were in sister Beverly's house we came to Chicago with a $200 and do you know we stay with us about seven months I said wait a minute we've got to get out of here now what are we trying to do we have been saving money every time the money would be eaten up Uncle Tom what happened to the car and kids wouldn't need the money but if we couldn't save it we're trying in the natural so notice that we're going over to the other side and the ship and here comes a storm well out of nowhere I don't know where the same storm that torn down John's house and killed his kids it's a same devil but because the church has lost his spiritual sensitivity they think well we just got a weather problem you have no weather problem you got a demon problem and you gonna fix it folks it and so what happened we tried to save it and take it pretty soon I got fed up I said wait a minute something's wrong with this it is Pharaoh see he immediately detected he said whoa whoa whoa there's not from the demon god I serve this came from another God and he said wait a minute Abraham why did you trick me see he found out see because he was it I'm just saying we need our discerning back come on wait we need to know wait a minute that wasn't the cause of that decoster that was right here and even in profession today because people have gotten away from God they think it just happened this is you know it runs in your family you in a new family and don't run in your family every gene and your family is doing exactly what has been programmed to do by Almighty God oops you should be rich by now ah can I share scripted with you that God gave me can I share it with you all right when I read this to you don't choke when I read this to you it's because God gave it to me is what it says you will never have any need that God cannot meet in a day now you think about it whether it's a healing me come on whether it's some money need come on now tuition for the kid hello you will never have a need that God cannot mean come on in a day say I'll take mine now see cheap we have been programmed we got to now get the mind of who Christ and the mind of price is Express in Luke chapter 18 and verse 8 and lives what he said that God how God will deliver you I tell you that he will avenge them win speedily speedily the same day the same day the same day the woman said my kids about to be taken the man of God said what do you got in your house general have anything but a little all he said that's good go balls vessel nobody'll coming in shut the door God pointed off keyboard to all got done with the walls is that now what do I do now he's that girl's cell they all and pay her death and live you and your kids on the rest and I noticed what was doing all the talking it wasn't a man it was the anointing on the man see that morning was telling him how to fix your problem in a day and before you have that anointing you couldn't fix a problem in a day but they're naughty will fix your problem in the debt I will give you one more thing every word you believe releases virtue for performance Mary you gonna have a baby and this is Luke chapter one and verse 35 and Mary said to the angel when angel said that and he said the Holy Ghost was gonna come on you and the power of the highest shall overshadow you therefore there also the holy thing that shall be born of you shall be this call the son of who marry you not you'll have disobey be you gonna have Son of God he said behold the Cubs as Elizabeth she has also conceived in her old age and this is a six months with her for with God nothing shall be what impossible next verse and Mary said Behold the handmaid of the Lord be it unto me according to that word now if you would go all the way down to verse 45 and this is what Elizabeth said blessed is she that believeth for come on there shall be a performance of those things come on which were told her from the Lord so I said you can be out of that no you got understand when your prophet says this you gotta believe that and when you believe that it will be a performance look what he said in numbers chapter 23 and verse 19 God is not a man that he should lie neither the son of man that he should what repent as he said and shall he not what do it has he spoken and telle not what make a good whose will make it good what is your job free and that is it that is it they didn't get into that Promised Land cuz I didn't believe you're sitting up here well I trusted you were blessed by today's exciting message now it's entitled the comforter has come now let me share with you a powerful point you want to remember you will never have any me that God cannot meet within 24 hours I'll say that again you'll never have any need that God cannot meet within 24 hours God spoke that to me one morning I said Wow that's it you see think about it the same faith God use to create light let there be light and the Bible says light was and that was the end of the first day is he saying that same faith he gave to you he gave to you to operate in this earth 24-hour faith praise God well today's offering is a special now I bound these two up together one is the comforter has come and also the other one is tapping the wisdom of God this is a powerful package here you see God has made a way for all of us to prosper whether it's your marriage children body whether it's your finances every prosperity every area God wants increase in your life want you to prosper the way to do it is through his word order this today you will be blessed right is God well until next time this is bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith prosperity happiness fulfillment and purpose are all yours for the claiming today as children of the Almighty we are guaranteed promises of blessing now you just need to claim your authority to unlock the power and the promises of the comforter there is a plan God has four dual life and he has provided the Holy Spirit as the comforter to provide you with all the power and help you need to rise above the evil the enemy tries to use to stop you dr. bill Winston has created a special series titled the comforter has come to teach you how to access the power the Lord is placed in you call us now at 879 t-- 327 or go online billwinston.org to order this empowering message series today the comforter has come is that teaching you've been waiting for dr. bill Winston explains how to unleash the power of the anointing to attain extraordinary results in your life learn the two problems can be turned around in a day learn to pull what you need from the invisible realm and manifested in your life be the influencer God has called you to be and if you really want to unleash the full supernatural power of the anointing then bill Winston has created the spiritual wisdom bundle just for you you'll not only get the comforter has come series but you'll also receive dr. Winston's phenomenal book wisdom of God this book uses Bible examples along with contemporary testimonies to share how you can apply God's supernatural wisdom to every area of your life to get results every time a low-level spirit to manifest in your life today call now to choose these teachings in either DVD mp4 CD or mp3 formats and allow the anointing of God to unlock every door set before you act today and let the Lord fight your battles and when operators are standing by the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 122,468
Rating: 4.835505 out of 5
Keywords: Bill Winston, Believer's Walk of Faith, Bill Winston Ministries, faith, bill winston youtube, bill winston faith, BW 1707-2
Id: 8tXivqaVHvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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