Perfection Through Christ - Redeemed From Death

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ephesians 2 verse created in Gods workmanship in christ jesus, that is amazing grace by faith and not by works lest any man boast ephesians 2 verse 8 and 9 God breathed eternal Imanuail Mary chocieved her shield by the holy spirit tolld name him jesus light of the world spirit of truth jeus

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/International-Tale24 📅︎︎ May 10 2021 đź—«︎ replies
ANNOUNCER: The Believer's Walk of Faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministry's partners and viewers. ANNOUNCER: Up next, on the Believer's Walk of Faith. BILL: If you go back to Genesis chapter five and see where he said the days of men's lives shall be 120 years and put that in your subconscious, all of the sudden, at 70, you will run the marathon. BILL: Now, here's Adam. He's a dead man walking around just a matter of time before his body ceases to exist again. So, his spirit now, not only died to God but it got changed and he took on a new nature. He took on the nature of the one he followed, which was Satan. So, now he took on a satanic nature called iniquity or death. So, where he had life in him before, now he's filled with death. So, now he and God not talking anymore meaning that it's just like I'm talking and I'm talking on the telephone to somebody and somebody kicks the plug of the phone out of the wall. Hello? Hello? Hello? The person on the other side. Hello? Hello? Well, we can't hear each other because that's what happened when death came in. Alright? Now, you see what Jesus has to do, he has to repair the breach. See, when he comes, he's gotta redeem mankind, he's gotta pay for what man did, then he's also gotta get man to get his nature change back. Lord have mercy. Are y'all with me here? So, now here is Jesus and he's in the Earth. Now, how did he come? He came through a virgin, her name was Mary. Now, Mary was not deity. Deity means God. Mary was a person that needed to be saved just like you. And there is nothing in the scriptures where I'm to pray to Mary. The Bible says there's only one mediator between God and man and that is the man, Christ Jesus! That's all! Now, I don't care what your denomination says because if your denomination didn't line up with that book, your denomination is in error. Now, you've got a choice because Adam had a choice and you've got a choice, you can either walk with God and believe his word or you can walk with the denomination and believe in error. Now, Jesus is teaching because he's given them a revelation of spiritual things. When I said Adam got cut off from the spectrum, meaning that once Adam sinned, his eyes were opened. His eyes were open all the time but what is it talking about? His spiritual eyes shut. No longer was he a spirit looking through these natural eyes and looking at things because through that, he could see the full spectrum of things but once he got cut off spiritually, now the only thing he could see is what was physically possible to see. If you're only looking at that, it's distorted. You don't see the whole picture. If you can see how you gonna come out. Come on now. If you can see that your healing is right around the corner, if you can see your boy being saved, if you can see ... See, you won't have no anxiety but fear comes in, the devil comes in, deception comes in when you can't see! So, when Jesus came, he came not only to redeem us but to bring us back to the place where not only we could see with the natural eye, but we can get revelation knowledge and go beyond the natural! Now, he's teaching a revelation. Turn to John, chapter eight please. John, chapter eight. By the way, he chapter eight please. John, chapter eight. By the way, he said the voice of the Lord walking in the garden and they ran and hid themselves. The voice of the Lord, did you get that? He didn't say God. He said the voice of the Lord. You see, the voice of the Lord, I believe is the Word. In the beginning was the what? Word. You see, the Word was in the garden talking to Adam. Y'all will get it. Alright. Let's look at John, chapter eight. Have you got John Chapter eight? Look at verse 41. "You do the deeds of your Father. Then said they unto him, 'We be not born of fornication, we have one Father, even,'" who? God. Jesus said unto them, "If God were your father, you would love me. For I preceded forth and came from God. Neither came I of myself but he sent me. Why do ye not understand my speech? Even because you cannot hear my word." Now, let's stop right there. So, what is he saying? I came from the Father. Now, the virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus. Well, she had no relationship with a man. Well, how did she get a baby with no relationship? Well, you see something like that today where we have artificial insemination. Come on now, stay it with me and there's a sperm bank somewhere where somebody gets that and plants it in a woman's womb. Come on! And the next thing you know, a child is conceived. Are you following what I'm saying? Well, this seed came directly from God and it came into her womb and get this, it was a seed of the Word of God. And it came in her womb and in nine months, she gave birth. She named his Jesus and he was the Son of the most high God. Now, understand he didn't have natural blood 'cause no blood from the woman gets past the placenta. It don't go into that male body--into that body. That blood came from God. You see, it had to come from God because if it came from a man, Adam could have died for your sins but God didn't need no corrupted blood! God needed some blood! The spotless blood. The blood came from God. This is the blood! The spotless blood. The blood came from God. This is the blood that saved you. Somebody say, "the blood". All right. Look what it says is verse 44. "Ye are of your father, the devil and the lust of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own. For he is a liar and the father of it." Now, notice what Jesus said, "You are of your father, the devil. You are of your father, the devil." Now, right away you're trying to figure out, now let's see, what is he talking about here? Well, there are two fathers. One is a natural father. Everybody up in here got a father or had a father somewhere. If you ain't, we've got to really check you out. I don't care whether you got through a sperm bank or whatever but there was somebody, a male, that gave that. So, you've got a natural father but then everyone has a spiritual father. So, you have a father in the natural and a Father in the Spirit. Now, in the spirit, you can have only one out of two fathers. Either God is your Father or Satan is your father. When Adam sinned in the garden, he switched fathers. The one who was his father that put him in this Earth, he by his own sinful act, he then chose another father and he was the first man born from life, come on, to death. Now, hold something right there and turn with me to Romans chapter five, please. Romans chapter five. We gonna put death on the shelf but I got to go the long way around here. Look what it says in Romans chapter five and look at verse 12. Wherefore, as by one man's sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death, what? Passed upon, how many men? All men for that what? All have sinned. Now, you say, "Well I ain't no sinner." Ah! The Bible says all have sinned. I don't care whether you stole hub caps, smoked cocaine, come on now, sold pornographic material to the kids, I don't care what you did, you're not a sinner because of necessarily of what you did, you're a sinner because of how you were born. You see, you were born with Adam's fallen nature so everybody's got to be born again! Now, the thing about it, is your God can't be your Father unless you're born again! What happens is some people have heard this old saying about the fatherhood of man, meaning that all men, God is all our Fathers, well listen at what Jesus said in John chapter one. He said this, "To as many as received him," Jesus, "To them gave he power to become the sons of God." So, you can't be the son of God unless you receive Jesus. I don't care what the religions are saying, I don't care what somebody has theorized in their mind, that you can't become a son of God unless you have received Christ! Now, on other than that, sin has spread to every man so don't be trying to evaluate yourself. If you've been born in a hospital clean room and you were raised there for 40 years and know you never cussed anybody out, you never told anybody off, you never lied to anybody. If you died in that shape, you will bust hell wide open and the reason why is because it's not how you acted, it was how you were born into this world! Everybody's got to be born again. Now, your father, he said, is the devil and the lust of your father, you will do. Now, stop looking at lusts, some man lusting after a woman, it means pressure. It means because the people had a fallen nature, Satan could deceive them, put pressure on them and so forth and make it so they will do his will. Got it? So, now people say, "Well he ain't my daddy." Well, you don't know who your daddy is. You don't know who your daddy is, you think you know who your daddy is. I've been watching stuff on T.V., they come in there and find out that wasn't their daddy, their daddy is across town somewhere. That ain't even their real daddy. They thought for 40 years that was their daddy. Now, I'm saying you come up in here thinking God's your father but if you ain't born again, I got news for you, the Devil is your daddy! See, that's why you can't let people who are born again marry people who are not born again because they don't have the same daddy! "Oh, but Pastor, he is so fine Pastor," the devil knows what you like! "Oh, look at her Pastor, ooh, look at her hair. Look at them legs, ooh Pastor," the devil knows exactly what you like. Break it off. I'm talking to somebody now over here. Break it off. Tell them, "See ya!" No, you don't know who your daddy is right now. You only know 'cause you think you know. I have somebody in here right now, still don't know who their daddy is. I'm not downing you, I'm just saying, now you know who your daddy is when you get saved. Now you know exactly who he is. Get saved and you know exactly who he is. He's gonna be your daddy forever. Now, so what we've got to do is we've got to resolve this thing of the fact that there is a spiritual and a natural relationship, biological father, that we have to resolve. We have to remember that, "Hey, wait a second." The thing that I've gotta do is make sure that I'm hooked up with this everlasting relationship. Are you learning something now? Because we're gonna overcome the fear of death. You're gonna find out that death is not from God, it is not a friend of God, death is an enemy of God, it didn't come from God and it wasn't intended for you to die. It certainly wasn't intended for you to fear death. If you're fearing death it's because you are ignorant and what I'm doing is destroying your ignorance. I'm coming after that ignorance and I'm gonna torpedo that thing right out of your life so that you'll never fear death again. I'm talking about in any form, folks! There's no such thing as accidents, that's a human word. Accidents? There's no accidents. Things don't just happen. That's cause and effect for everything. The enemy tries to hide the reason why it happened and let you call it an accident. There's no accidents. You don't accidentally get killed. I'm here to assault your ignorance. I'm here to tear down every tree in you that is not of God. I'm here to reset the boundary of your subconscious mind. I'm here to bring you into the mind of Christ! Hallelujah. Look what it says in verse 14 of Psalm 91. Christ! Hallelujah. Look what it says in verse 14 of Psalm 91. "Because he has set his love upon me, therefore, I'll deliver him, I'll set him on high because he's known my name. He should call upon me and I'll answer him. I'll be with him," when? "In trouble." Keep going. "I'll deliver him and honor him with long life will I satisfy and show him my salvation." Long life. Now, wait a minute, what's long life? Because if you read the previous chapter, chapter 90. Come on over there with me. Look what that says, and they read this at funerals. And verse nine. "For all of our days are passed away in the wrath. We spend our years as the tale that is told. The days of our years are three score years and ten." What's three score and ten somebody? 70. And if by reason of strength, they be four score years. What's four score years somebody? 80 years. "Yet, is there strength, labor and sorrow for it is soon cut off and we fly away." Now what'd they make you do? They make you think that your years that you're supposed to spend here are three score and ten or if you're good and haven't drank too much corn liquor, it'll be 80 years. Now, let me tell you this, if you take that and put it in your subconscious. What will your subconscious start doing when you start arriving at those numbers? It'll start shutting down, breaking your system down, arthritis come in, headache come in, cataracts come in, everything it takes to bring you into a place because you're still thinking that you've gotta be sick to die. So, it's gonna do the things that you believe to make it so that what you're believing is, is gonna manifest in your life but if you go back to Genesis chapter five and see where he says the days of men's lives shall be 120 years and put that in your subconscious, all of a sudden at 70, you will run the marathon. Praise God! Come of a sudden at 70, you will run the marathon. Praise God! Come on. Is somebody here? We've had the wrong information folks. We had the wrong information. We've got systems shutting down inside of us that shouldn't be shutting down. Somebody told us at 70 years old, we're old. 70 years old, you ought to be on your first motorcycle. BILL: Well, I trust that you were blessed by that powerful message. Now, I know there's a lot going on in the world today. I mean there's pandemics and civil unrest, all kinds of natural disasters, but there's one thing that we know, is that Jesus saves. I mean that's a powerful, powerful word. He made it so that you and I can live in this earth, above the evil. He made it that way. In other words, when there is seemingly scarcity in money that God can give us more than enough. When there is all kinds of sickness going around an pandemics, God can protect us form that. When there is natural disasters, it doesn't make any difference what it is, Jesus saves. And I just find that in my life, even though all this, you know, people are economically kind of hurting and so forth, we have so much that we're giving away food. And I'm talking about when people are in despair and people lost their joy and so forth, Jesus brings peace. And I had to find that out in my life years ago when I was unsaved, I was in the military, flying for the military, Air Force, and then I got out of the military and went to qo work for IBM and when I did, you know, I was kind of a pilot and I was all, you know, sure of myself and confident and I went to the schools and earned about the computers and so forth and now it's time for me to sell computers and actually make a living so to speak. And I'm things just didn't happen, and I'm telling you money got scarce, my body started coming down with something, all that pressure and so forth. And then I heard about Jesus. And then this person, what happened, she came to me and said, "Hey, Bill. Wanna go with me tonight," took me to a meeting up on the North side of Chicago and next thing it was history. I confessed Jesus as my Lord and savior and everything changed. I tell you, I got completely out of debt, body got totally, miraculously healed. Went to the top of the ladder, number one in sales in downtown Chicago. Now let me tell you, relationships out back together, that's what he'll do for you. See, you've bene looking in all the wrong places. Jesus saves. So, here's what I wanna do. I'd like to lead you into a prayer, the same way they did me on that night, in that auditorium, on the North side of Chicago. I wanna lead you in prayer, so if you would, life your right hand up to heaven just where you are. God doesn't have to go anywhere to be everywhere. He sees everything. Lift it up, and repeat this prayer after me. Dear Lord, I come to you now, just as I am. You know my life. You know how I've lived. Forgive me, Lord. I repent of my sins. I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He died for my sins, and on the third day, He was raised from the dead. Lord Jesus, I ask you, come into my heart. Live your life in me and through me from now on. From this day forward, I belong to you. In the name of Jesus, amen. If you said that prayer and said it form your heart, a miracle has just taken place. Yes it has. Your name is being written in the Lamb's book of life. You have a whole new beginning. the Bible says any man or woman that is in Christ is a new creature. Old things are passed away. Behold, all things have become new. That's what God is doing for you now. Watch in the days to come. Watch what's gonna happen. I'd like to send you me book. It's called Born Again and Spirit Filled. I've got it not only in English. I've go it in Spanish, Polish. I've got it in Zulu. Order it or download it today. It's telling you about your next steps you should take as a new believer. I wanna be the first to welcome you to the family of God and to let you know we love you and to keep walking by faith. ANNOUNCER: How would you live you life if you had no fear of death? Dr. Bill Winston will show you the power of living your life free from the fear of death, with this dynamic series entitled Redeemed From Death. BILL: Death is not from God. Death is not a friends of God's. It's not a friend of Jesus's and it shouldn't be a friends of yours. ANNOUNCER: Order Redeemed From Death, by Dr. Bill Winston, and you'll learn the true meaning of death. How death entered the earth. How to identify your spiritual Father, why you can believe God for a long life and much more. BILL: There is an appointment that you can make with death. During this teaching, I'm gonna show you how to put death in storage until you get ready for it. ANNOUNCER: To order your copy of Redeemed From Death, simply write to Bill Winston Ministries PO BOX 947 Oak Park, IL 60303. By bank card at 1 (800) 711-9327 or online at Jesus came to redeem us from the enemies of poverty, sickness, and the last enemy, death. Start living and enjoying your life in ways you may never imagined. Order your copy of Redeemed from Death today. ANNOUNCER: Drs. Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer. Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you. We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life. Contact us by phone at 1-877-543-9443 or submit your prayer request online at Follow us on Periscope and Facebook to join us for our regular live prayer session. We want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible. Together we are transforming lives throughout the world. If you are not a partner we encourage you to prayer about joining us in partnership and be apart of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry. We love you, and look forward to praying and partnering with you. ANNOUNCER: The Beliver's Walk of Faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries partners and viewers.
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
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Keywords: Bill Winston, Believer's Walk of Faith, Bill Winston Ministries, faith, bill winston youtube, bill winston faith
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Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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