Manna | Pastor Jabin Chavez

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this is active chapter 16 verse 25 the Bible said this around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God and the other prisoners were listening suddenly there was a massive earthquake and the prison was shaken to its foundations all the doors immediately flew open to the chains of every prisoner fell off the jailer woke up to see the prison doors wide open he assumed the prisoners had escaped so he drew his sword to kill himself but Paul shouted to him stop don't kill yourself we are all here the jailer called for the lights ran to the dungeon and fell down trembling before Paul and Silas then he brought them out and has serves what must I do to be saved and they replied believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved along with everyone in your household amen Exodus chapter 16 verse 31 the Israelites called the food manna it was white like coriander seed we're beginning a series through the month of March called it's better than you think finding God's purpose in unusual places and I want to preach from the subject manna manna manna father in Jesus name speak now clearly and powerfully thank you that there is not one person here by accident but we are here by divine grace and mercy speak now we are listening and we are expecting a word from you in Jesus name and everybody said a man and a man come on give me a louder Amen than that come on can you say Amen the fame 19th century writer Charles Dickens wrote it was the best of times and it was the worst of times look at all y'all with your education it was the best of times it was the worst of times it was two times at once it was two seasons at the same time it was winter and it was summer and it was at the same time I don't know if you've ever been two places at once when I was a kid there was the four corners in New Mexico where you could put a foot in New Mexico and a foot in Arizona and a hand in Utah and a hand in Colorado and when you're 10 this is awesome or when you have the maturity level of a 10 year old this is awesome and you put and you put you know a hand down a foot down you tell you why take a picture you know what I'm saying and you are in four places at one time you're in many places at one time dr. Rick Warren said it like this that life is not really mountains or valleys but a two-way Road and I think a lot of you have lived there on one road you're going forward God's hand is on you God's favor is with you you you see the undeniable blessing in favor of God upon your life how could you ever complain God has been so good to you when you're moving forward and yet on the other road is opposition and attacks and warfare and and different pressures and it's happening at the same time not at different times at the same time it's it's seemingly like night and day are happening at the same time you're in you're in two different seasons at the same time you feel like a spiritual schizophrenic but you know what you feel have you ever been there this is where this is where Paul and Silas are verse 25 they're praying and singing they're praying and praising they're interceding and worshiping at the same time with one breath or going god I love you you're awesome you're mighty the resurrected King is resurrecting me hallelujah god is good love won't let me down and on the other breath they're going Lord but for real don't let me down Jesus because I fear and you actually feel a little bit guilty because you're going I'm grateful but I'm also freaking out you're in good company because that's where Paul and Silas were we one breath they prayed but with another breath they praised and I think it would have probably sounded a little confusing in the jail on that day as they were going God please get us out of that we don't we don't want to die like other men have died in prisons and chapters just a few chapters earlier but on the other breath they're saying but blessed be the name of the Lord we love you and we honor you and you're great and it's happening at the same time the Hebrews actually created a word for this very circumstance the word is Hosanna everyone say Hosanna congratulations you just spoke Hebrew okay you're very smart Hosanna is a Hebrew word that means two things it means to praise God and it also is a phrase that means to cry out to God in need of God when you say Hosanna you're saying god I worship you and when you say Hosanna you're saying God I need you when you say Hosanna you're saying god you're the miracle worker and when you say Hosanna you're saying I needed a miracle yesterday when you say Hosanna you say I'm thankful and I'm grateful but when you say Hosanna you're saying God if you don't come through I don't know what to do and you're in two seasons at the same time you're grateful but you're gratefully freaking out but you're trying not to freak out and you're trying to be grateful and you're trying not to just complain so you're trying to praise God and you're in two places at two times and some of you are going I don't want to be here anymore but I've come to tell somebody it's not bad news it's just real news a lot of life is to lived right here a lot of life is not in the valley and a lot of life is not in the mountaintop a lot of life is moving forward by the grace in favor of God while facing Devils and the moment you can just settle that is the moment you can be grateful for right where you are so you're no longer obsessed with the future it's gonna get better it's wrong I'm gonna find a man it's gonna get better I just gotta get better I'm gonna find me a woman I'm on 20:19 I'm getting married it's gonna have stop it I'm gonna make more money I just need to make more money to make more money I seem to make more money I'm steaming oh I'm sorry I said okay this is the stuck-up crowd okay okay okay and you can get so obsessed with the future listen you need hope but not delusion hope keeps you anchored in the future but delusion keeps you stuck in the future I need hope but I cannot have delusion so maybe I'm not where I want to be but thank God I'm not where I used to be oh man and and and maybe I'm not where I want to be but thank God I'm not where I deserve to be coz I know where I should be if it wasn't for the grace of God so yes I've got goes and yes I've got plans and yes I'm moving forward but while I'm here I'm grateful I think it also sets us free from the good old days oh the good old days oh they were so good maybe they were it's pretty good now it wasn't much better than I think you can get so trapped you know the Bible says Jesus was and is and is to come and I think we love the Jesus who was and I think we love that Jesus who is to come but we're not grateful and we're not crazy about the Jesus who is but you is in your is so you better fall in love with the God who is because that's where you is my GED is showing amen but it's where most of this where life happens I think it's amazing this is Exodus chapter 3 the Bible said that God told Moses hey Moses take your shoes off the place you are standing where you are not where you're not where you're going the promised land not where you were Egypt where you are I don't know if you know this about Moses Moses was a sheep herder and I don't know if you know this is about sheep but sheep don't have designated bathrooms I need a show in the Discovery Channel my god I know so much sheep go where they want to go when they want to go and God said in the mess in the waste in the stink take your shoes off because that ground is holy not the golden floors of Egypt not the land flowing with milk and honey of Israel but right where you are right in the fight right in the storm right in your current situation God says if you can learn to worship me here you'll worship me anywhere so you might as well great get grateful now so that you'll be grateful then I'll come on am i preaching to anybody go ahead and clap your hands cuz you're in holy ground stomp your feet come on everybody stomp your feet you're on holy ground your feet are on holy ground you're right in the middle of holy ground hallelujah hallelujah so Paul and Silas are in the best of times the Bible said the Apostles by the leading of the Holy Spirit hear me by the leading of the Holy Spirit after many days of prayer and fasting anointed Paul and Silas to go preach I just want you to know this was not a good idea this was a good idea this was not a you know people in Philip I need Jesus we s we should go no this was a Holy Spirit assignment and there is a difference so the Spirit of God spoke to the Apostles separate Paul and Silas under the ministry they lay their hands on him and then the Bible says and after they laid their hands on them they prayed and fasted - some more sin your Bible and then they sent him out like I think we heard from God three more days let's just drink water three more days that's fast three more days and then after three days ago no no we heard from the Holy Ghost this is God and then they send them out and Paul and Silas are hash Tagg crushing it killing it raising the dead healing the sick casting out Devils preaching the gospel everywhere they went they were turning cities upside down everywhere they went the crowds were showing up I mean it was a revival it was unbelievable it was the best of times Paul and Silas evangelistic association com forward slash podcast I mean it was a may zing and one day Paul went to a young girl who had a demon and he cast the devil out of her but that demon was giving her psychic power and so when he cast the demon out of her she was a slave her slave owners lost their money so they had Paul and Silas arrested preaching healing raising the dead helping people casting out demons in the will of God in the will of God smack dab in the middle of the will of God promotion no prison what do I do when life doesn't play along what do I do when I thought I was gonna go this way in life has chosen to go this way what do I do when I don't know what to do well J pan praise God in the name of Jesus I'll never have those situations hallelujah glory to God praise the Lord hallelujah could already got okay that's great for you but Paul said Romans 5 you're gonna have to learn how to rejoice notice this not for in trial not for in I'm not grateful for it I'm grateful in it if I was grateful for it I would have to believe God sent it God didn't send it but in the midst of hell coming against me I'm gonna be grateful in it so I'm not grateful for the trial but I refuse to lose my gratitude in the trial because devil if you think you're going to steal my praise in the middle of this thing you've got another thing coming I know God didn't send it I know I'm coming out of it but while I'm in it I'm gonna praise the Lord this is where Paul and Silas are one preacher said it like this every time God closes the door he opens another but it's hell in the hallway got a microphone sorry I forgot I so Houston my headset y'all ever been there one door shuts hallelujah I'm about to enter my new season glory to God and then that door shut can you praise God in the hallway can you praise God in transition can you praise God in the middle of two seasons can you praise God in the middle of two moments can you praise God in the darkness can you praise God when you thought life was gonna go this way but it went that way because I believe it you can do that you can do anything and when you learn to praise God in the hallway it deepens the root of the believer and it confuses the enemy 2nd chronicles chapter 20 verse 21 says that the enemy attacked the army of Judah Judah interesting that the enemy attacked Judah the enemy always detects Judah Judah is another Hebrew word Judah means praise okay I'm gonna say something that a lot of you never heard before but it's gonna make a lot of sense it's gonna really help you get a breakthrough the devil does not want your stuff wants her response the devil's after my money he's got billionaires bro he's got plenty of among the strip right now he's good you don't need your you don't need your money he's after my car you don't need your hooptie someone broke a heel on their way into my shoes he don't want your shoes he wants what comes out of your mouth when life gets tough and God wants what comes out of your mouth gets tough the devil doesn't want your stuff he wants your praise he wants Judah he wants your response to challenge because if the devil gets your voice he gets everything but if God can get your voice I'm gonna preach so somebody helps me preach if God can get your voice if God can get your voice if you can speak the word and the word only if you can learn how to speak the word of faith Romans 10 if you can learn how to speak by the spirit of faith if you can learn how to say what God says and not what you see if God can get your voice you win but if the devil can get your voice you lose the devil is not after your stuff he's not after your circumstance he's not after your clothes he's not after your car he sought after your house he's not after your air-conditioning he's not after your money the devil is after what comes out of your mouth when you're in a hallway but if you can learn to praise God in the hallway it will confuse the enemy and everything begins to change I feel like somebody wants to praise God someone lets you do it right now I feel like thirty people need to stand and shout and praise the lord gaben are you preaching this mister going through something no I'm preaching this because I've lived this and I know there's power in it I don't preach anything I don't live I don't practice what I preach to preach or to practice is the difference this will change your life it's all about your voice this is all about your voice this is all about your voice because our God is speaking God and your enemies is speaking enemy and everything comes down to what comes out of your mouth whoa okay I'm a little fired up I'm trying to there's new people here Jabin relax it's okay I got it and the Bible said that Judah began to praise the Lord an amazing Jehoshaphat was freaking out he went to the Prophet he said what do we do the Prophet said drop your swords drop your spears drop your bows and arrows drop your shields and pick up a trumpet and the Bible said that they went before the enemy and they began to praise the Lord the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever the Lord is good situation is not good the Lord is good circumstances not easy the Lord is good life is not great the Lord is good I'm experiencing since unexpected challenge the Lord is the Lord is you don't praise God for stuff you praise God for who he is that's why these worshipers they get up you're all hooked up on caffeine and they're trying to tell you to praise the Lord and you feel like Weston is just gonna shoot off the stage I've never felt that way it's like 3d praise but I love it cuz what they're actually what Brees trying to do with Jenny's friend do har undo what milena is trying to do with this whole thing's going to do is they're trying to get you to lift your eyes up and you go why you telling me to lift my hands why are you yelling at me why you dan Saikat I gotta sing so loud because for one moment we are trying to get your eyes off of what what's going on around you and we're trying to get you to lift your eyes to the hills from where your help comes from my help comes from the maker of heaven and earth my help comes from the Lord and when you begin to worship this isn't culture this isn't Pentecostal culture this isn't Jabin being a Mexican this isn't us trying to be multicultural this is supernatural if the devil can get City Light to stop singing he's got us that's why we're never gonna be a cute church we're if you want cute we are not cute cuz life isn't always cute and there's times that you're gonna have to go to war with the devil and you don't go with a sword and spear you go with the Word of God and you go with praise on your lips come on cutie say you man clap your hands everybody I Paul and Silas are in prison and history tells us that they would have been bound in chains on their hands and on their feet they couldn't move their hands they couldn't move their feet if they had to use the restroom they had to go right there they were completely broken down completely humiliated completely worn out and I don't really know exactly how it all went but I think Paul probably looked up at his hands hanging I looked at Silas and said well we're already here I'm already in a position to praise think that's why Paul could say when men pray lift your hands without wrath or doubt what will go lift my hands because something happens when your hands go up and you say God I'm not gonna complain and I'm not gonna be angry and I refuse to doubt fear and unbelief and in the name of Jesus I'm gonna seek you in prayer and there's something about humbling yourself man I'm talking to men can I talk to men really I know all the ladies are saying Amen but if I could just talk to men really quick young ladies are helping me preach but I need I need like 30 men if you could hear me there is something man of God about when you lift up your hands in front of your wife in front of your children in front of your friends and I know you're not emotional and I know that's what you say and I know this isn't my personality interesting that your personality changes at the night's game but I digress there is something about when you get into God's house and you don't just this ain't a football game with a beer in your hand this is the house of God and there's something about when men lift up their hands and begin to clap and begin to shout and begin to shout my god I'm sorry Jesus there's something about what it army rises that possessed me in my house we will serve the Lord I need to go to London more Jesus what was in that water some of you are new I'm usually not like I'm usually so sweet something happens and Paul looked at Silas and I think he said something like this you know what Silas thing they bound our hands but the power of life and death is not in our hands Paul they bound our feet but the power of life and death it's not in our feet in other words it's not in our strength it's not an F a squeak and run it's not how strong we can punch it's that weak thing you know that thing that when you bite it you act like a three-year-old that weak thing that has no strength but it has supernatural power proverbs 18:21 can I remind you of the Bible that said death and life is in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit in other words Paul said we are about to eat whatever we say so we better be careful of what we say next we better not complain we better not curse God and die I think it's time to praise I think it's time to worship because whatever we say we're gonna have to live in tomorrow and Rome made a huge mistake when they bound the hands and they bound the feet but they forgot to cover the mouth Paul and Silas began to praise Father Silas begin to sing in worship and as they do this basis note from heaven filled the jail cell and the Bible says an earthquake began the Bible says the foundations begin to shake libras twelfths is anything that can be shaken will be shaken when you praise God it shakes anything that is not assigned to your destiny out of your life Hebrews 12 is not simply a judgement scripture don't be afraid of Hebrews 12 it is a good Scripture because it means when you praise God God can begin to shake things out of your life that don't need to be there you begin to praise God and all the sudden you look at your wife and you go I think we gonna make it you begin to praise God and something in your spirit says by His stripes I am healed you began to praise God and all the sudden you begin to believe God's gonna take care of me and he's gonna provide for all of my needs according to his riches and glory when you began to praise God everything that was impossible becomes possible because anything that can be shaken will be shaken and when you praise God Foundation's shake foundations things that have been in your life forever things that have been down your family tree anger divorce bitterness racism alcoholism addiction pornography sexual lusts different things and daddy did it granddaddy did it mama did it grandmama did it uncle did it auntie did it and it's been a foundation connected to your last name but when you begin to praise God it begins to shake everything that can be shaken and all the sudden you become a curse breaker in your family when the poverty breaks the anger breaks the hatred breaks the fear breaks the sickness breaks the cancer breaks why because it can be shaken in the presence of the Lord and then the chains fell and then every prison door open not just Paul and Silas the unbelievers got free - some of y'all living with an unbeliever keep praising go to another turn on the worship of your choice and go have a little Hyundai shunned I session I get to praise the Lord if you can't Hyundai shunned I do it in English praise the Lord I star praising God because everything in your house begins to listen oh you didn't know that huh you didn't know prison doors had ears did you you didn't know chains had ears did you don't know we do sure they do that's why trees had to listen to Jesus and roots had to listen to Jesus and fruit had to listen to Jesus and and waves had to listen to Jesus and wind had to listen to Jesus and water had to listen to Jesus and storms and wind patterns had to listen to Jesus because there is a realm outside of the five senses it's called the supernatural realm and any time Jesus spoke to something it had to listen he even said I ain't even tripping you don't want to praise me I ain't even tripping I will give vocal cords to a rock and they will worship me I don't even need your praise a mystic ur about it I'll get my worship one way or another but I'm not gonna let a rock out praise me I don't know about you but I'm gonna make sure I give God all the glory and when you worship your atmosphere begins to listen that's why it's important to play worship in your home that's why it's important to monitor what's going on your TV okay it's 2019 sorry we're not allowed to talk about stuff like that anymore that's all legalism now huh okay okay cool because your atmospheres listening to what Spirit you're going to release in your house so they begin to worship and freedom happens but then something interesting happens the jailer walks in and he thinks there's been a prison break so did you read it the Bible said he pulled out a sword to kill himself why does you to kill himself because under roman law when a jailer lost his subject he had to be put to death but this jailer did not lose paul and silas alone he would have lost dozens of men so he knows that rome is going to make an example of him and he does that not only will Rome kill him they're going to kill his whole family so he thinks maybe if I kill myself in dishonor they will have pity on my family never forget this about the spirit of fear it always leads to death you can have the right motive and still be led by a spirit of fear just because you want what's best he wanted what was best for his family but he was going about it by a spirit of fear let me tell you what it would have happened he would have died and Rome still would have killed his family never let his spirit of fear lead you in anything because it always leads to destruction parents eventually you got a look at that 18-year old and go god they're yours now and if and if I keep it if I keep hounding them I'm only gonna push them away so Holy Ghost get him and he knows how to get them and they walk into the house all guilty and condemned smelling like a blunt smelling like alcohol and they're all ashamed because they know you know that you know that they know that you know that God dose and you go hey baby you want some need yes for the potheads cotton out there and you just love them and you trust God Lord you got a man I feel the God knows what to do because sometimes you just gotta know when to just give it to God he's about to kill himself and Paul says stop don't kill yourself we're all here let me give these to you really quickly as keys come up number one stop Paul said stop we're Pentecostal so we love to go sometimes just got stopped sometimes you need to take a deep breath and say Lord until you speak I don't move until I get a word from heaven I stay right here and I'm gonna trust you but I refuse to move without a word from God sometimes you just have to learn to stop and trust and wait I don't want to wait and we don't we don't we don't want to be in a season of waiting but waiting seasons are never wasted seasons and and Kenneth Hagin used to say I'd rather stay in the will of God late then leave it early number two Paul said don't kill yourself yo King James says do yourself no harm they were in the third watch of the night the Bible said it was at midnight and the Jewish leaders thought that the Third Watch 12 a.m. to 3 M was the darkest moment of the day it was the time of greatest demonic activity it was the time of deepest darkness it was the time when the devil was literally loosed on the earth they there was a lot of tradition and a lot of ghost stories about midnight about the Third Watch and in the darkest part of the night listen listen in the darkest part of the night in the darkest part of the night he was in the middle of his greatest miracle and he didn't know him [Music] maybe it's better than you think maybe it's not as dark as you assumed maybe if you could stop put down the sword and open your eyes you would realize you're in the middle of a miracle he was in the middle of a miracle and could not recognize it so the children of Israel come to Moses acceptor 16 we read it they said hey Moses we want bread we want bread and we want it now Moses said you do not want bread they said yes we do he said no you don't yes we do is to know you don't that bread turns right into white sugar turns right into fact you do not want bread have you heard of the car belly no we want bread no no no you don't God has the song Quito no you don't know I want I am sick a bacon mayonnaise an avocado I want some bread I know all about Quito I've just never done it but I told that looks really healthy what'd you guys eat by the way I'm like 80 pieces of bacon for breakfast okay Who am I to judge I had pancakes so anyway mister we want bread Moses let me talk when we talk to God so he goes to God says God they want bread God said no they don't said I told them God said do they know it turns right into white sugar so it's right in a fact Oh God said oh my god I got him on quail I got him on I got him on kita God said you won't give him bread so the next morning they wake up and they look out they go Moses we we asked for bread Moses manna a pastor Aaron priest we specifically asked for bread manna manna is a Hebrew word it's actually a question and manna transliterated into the English language means what is it they were staring at the answer to their prayer and they couldn't recognize it cuz anytime you ask God for something you want it completed they wanted a loaf of bread God gave them meal [Music] they called the food manna because it was like seed you want a complete answer and God gives you a seat and you can't recognize it you're praying for a table and God gives you a tree God's never made a table he's never made chairs and he never will he makes trees and he says you do something with it because the tree was God honoring your faith but when you turn that tree into a table it's you honoring God some y'all walk around with seed going God I need you to answer my prayer and he's going it's in your hand [Music] he provides seed to the sower and bread to eat and we want bread and then seed and God says no no it always starts with seat I'm getting in a week - I got to stop right now because that's week two that's the next week God started with full-form trees full form humans full form animals in Genesis and he never did it again because from that beginning came to seed time and harvest and you're demanding bread and God gives you meal and he says take it home and bake it at some ya'll woke up this morning and that person was the person of your dreams on the wedding day but you woke up this morning and you said [Music] they don't look like they looked on the wedding day and you moved to Vegas on a word from God and it started snowing last weekend you went mana and you prayed for that job but now you're driving home thinking about that possible in God mana and maybe you're in a mana moment but a mana moment is a miracle moment if you'll take the mana and work it what if you worked on your marriage because we want marriages without work we want marriages without mana we want prosperity without mana we want money without mana so we come to church and we tick off our one hour a week and we say okay god I did my part now do all of this and God goes man you want an answer to prayer yeah here's some seed [Music] don't talk about a miracle and you don't tithe don't know don't talk about you need a breakthrough and you don't give don't don't talk about you need and you've never read you've never cracked that Bible open on a Tuesday okay this is too much mrs. Vegas this is in Dallas come on Jabin you got to know better okay this maybe just maybe God has you in a man a moment cuz he's goin I'm gonna honor your faith by hand stirring but you're gonna honor my answer wasn't working it he was in the middle of a miracle couldn't see it number three Paul said we are all here you're actually in the right place prison at the right time midnight with the right people an apostolic covering [Music] it felt like the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong default but it was actually the right place at the right time with the right people he just to turn on the lights [Music] and when you're going through hell you gotta learn how to turn on the light and when you're going through a fight you got to learn how to turn on the light of God's Word and the light of God's promise and the light of worship and the light of God's house there's something about it and a miracle broke out he goes sir how do I get saved Paul said believe oh not not not only you it's not only it's not gonna end with you it's gonna hit your whole house you in your whole household shall be saved you know that theologians tell us that the Philippian church like book of Philippians Philippians Hertz was birthed from this moment most scholars believe either this man or his son was the pastor of the Philippian church from the deepest darkest prison - I can do all things rice who strengthens me from suicide - my God will provide for all of my needs according to his riches from death [Music] at this mind be in you as it was in rice Jesus did he did not consider equality with God something to be grasped but became man from the lowest moment to rejoice in the Lord always and again I said these are all in Philippians friend talking about our favorite Bible promises were birthed in a prison and we want promises without prisons and we curse prison moments when they're really mana moments I'm not talking about struggling forever I'm just talking about when you're in a struggle if you can just learn to do the right thing in the wrong place the wrong place becomes the right place clap your hands everybody praise the Lord I got to finish I'm done what do I do to be safe Paul said believe in Jesus I want you to bow your head and close your eyes right now as I finish if there is anyone in the room today who does not know Jesus would you place their faith in him now believe on him not on your own works not on what you can do not on your own righteousness believe on Jesus and you will be saved pray this prayer with me right now every person say Jesus I believe in you I believe you died for me you took my place on the cross and you rose again save me now I declare Jesus is Lord of my life in the same moment of prayer before anyone looks up is there anyone who just prayed that prayer when I asked you I want to tell you that your life will never be the same I want to tell you you're moving in a new direction now I'll tell you that [Music] everything about your life will change today not it's not perfect but it's different it makes you a new creation father seal this work now in the hearts of those who just gave their life to Christ in Jesus name Amen it's better than you think it's better than you think finding God's purpose in unusual places this series is going to change our life and so be on the journey with me this month okay as we as we dive into this thing and boy I'm telling you God's got some great things for us in Jesus name can you say Amen to God's work you
Channel: City Light
Views: 2,658
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Keywords: city light church, city light vegas, jabin chavez, church in las vegas, Manna, its better than you think, sermon on manna
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 50sec (2810 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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