The Ark Found Me | Pastor Jabin Chavez

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second samuel chapter six and verse six y'all ready for the word I didn't mean to have such a confrontational series this let the church be the church has been like a UFC it's been like that bare knuckles fighting LC men Jesus that's the new thing that I didn't mean for this series to be so in-your-face but I was telling a suckiness Shawn about it Shawn channel this morning I said sometimes you don't know the personality of a series so you get on stage and you start preaching it and it's like God takes it places and I think my wife today called me was it sassy because they're a little sassy on this series I had a Ming to be but I but I do feel like God is leveling us up and I Amen and I feel like he's doing something in us because I really do believe God wants to do something through us and so I promise after Easter I'm going into a really encouraging series on how to hear the voice of God and it's just gonna make us warm and fuzzy they just the Holy Spirit it's gonna be beautiful but I got one more in me alright alright haha but when they arrived at the threshing floor - everybody say threshing floor when they arrived at the threshing floor the oxen stumbled and oza reached out his hand and studied the Ark of God then the Lord's anger was aroused against azam God struck him dead because of this Wow welcome to church so as that died right there beside the Ark of God David was angry because of the Lord's anger had burst out against versa notice that David's mad because God was mad how many times we get frustrated because we don't like how God does what he does you know but so he named the place Perez OSA which means to break out or burst out against us or literally to break a zone David was now afraid of the Lord and he said how can I ever bring the Ark of the Lord back into my care so David decided not to move the Ark of the Lord into the city of David into Jerusalem instead he took it to the house of obed-edom of gasps now if you remember back to the battleborn series Goliath was from Gath and so Ovid Edom is a Gentile he's not Jewish and he's from one of David's greatest enemies hometown okay this is this is kin to Goliath so David's sending the art to obed-edom was not a sign of him liking him this was this was a sign of judgment but the Ark of the Lord remained in obed-edom cells for three months and the Lord blessed Ovid eat him and his entire household then King David was told the Lord's blessing obed-edom in other words the Lord loves your enemies you know the Lord loves your enemies right okay God even loves your eggs okay [Music] amen and everything he has because of the Ark of God so David went there and he brought the Ark of God from the house of obed-edom to the City of David with great celebration one more passage John 4:23 but the time is coming indeed is sheer right now everyone say right now when true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and in truth the father is looking for those who will worship Him that way this God does have a way that he wants to be worshipped one more time 2nd Samuel 6th and David decided not to move the Ark of the Lord into the city of David instead he took it to the house of obed-edom of Gath excuse my voice I've been recording all week City Light worship is releasing their first EP this summer and I've been singing all week and it mean to be all recipe tonight but praise the Lord everybody it's my bishop boys instead he took it to the house of obed-edom I want to make a comment about my voice like I want enough Shan likes it but what do you think going red to get a red girl instead instead instead he took it to the house of obed-edom of Gath I want to preach from this subject now I should be preaching from let the church worship because I've done let the church pray let the church growth at the church worship so I'm gonna preach about worship but I like this topic better the ark found me the Ark found me can look at two people just two and tell them the Ark found me the Ark found me the Ark found me you know what be friendly find one more person one more tell them tell them the ark found me to the ark found me [Applause] father open a hearts now as we lean into your word thank you for a word from heaven that is changing us from the inside out it's changing our church and more importantly it's changing us personally speak Lord and I pray that even as I preach you would descend on this room like a like a blanket covering us with your presence letting us know that you're here that you're near and that you have not forgotten about us meet us in these moments we have together in Jesus name everyone said amen and amen thank you brother David is an amazing character in Scripture probably outside of Jesus Christ he would be the most popular person in the Bible I've been preaching on him a lot this year kind of accidentally but David is interesting because before David ever led the people of Israel before David ever led his father's sheep in the hills of Bethlehem before his great victories over Goliath before his great victories over his enemies or his great exploits before his amazing leadership before any of that before David ever went public before David ever had a public victory before David's name was ever known before before the young teenagers of Israel would sing David has slayed his 10,000th before David ever ascended to the throne David had personal victory before he ever had public victory it is so important that you have personal private victory before God ever takes you public because if you go public too quick the very thing that God wants to bless you with will end up being the weight that crushes you god forbid you get too much too soon because your gift can get you places that your character cannot sustain you and so God had to teach David things privately before David could ever go publicly not not and by the way it's not that you won't go there without private victory it's that you'll have a public victory and you still won't be happy and you still won't like it and God will answer all your prayers and you still won't be satisfied because until your private victory and your public persona touch there will always be attention that leads to pain that leads to regret that leads to condemnation that leads to guilt and and people will love you people will praise you but you'll go home at night have to look in the mirror and you'll hate yourself because you know that isn't really you they love your gift but if they really knew you they might not think the same way and so so much of our journey is getting our private life to match up with our public life because that's really where joy is you are most happy you are happiest you you have the most joy when your private life and your public life get close and the closer you can get it the happier you will be and the further they are apart the more depressed you're gonna be because what God wants to do through your life and the great things that he wants to put up on your life he first wants to do it in you and and so I want to tell it to you like this who you are is so much more important than what you do we got a lot of human doings and very few human beings we got a lot of people that have found value in what they do they found value in performance they found value in saying the right things acting the right way putting up an image and so we find our value in how we look or in the brand of shoes we wear or how much is in our account or what zip code we live in or in the car we drive and we keep doing things but we still have not become the person that God has called us to become and there is a there is a pain in that because what God is calling you to be is so much more special than anything you will do and anytime you're doing affects your being instead of your being affect your doing I'm not trying to be Oprah right now but I feel like I'm helping somebody because them if you can ever just be a child of God and be happy and learn to grab a guitar and go to the hills of Bethlehem and just worship your maker and love your God and know that you are loved by God then any doing that happens it's just icing on the cake but it is not your substance it's just the blessing so David was God's chosen king the Bible actually says this in acts 13 that he was a man after God's own heart that God found him God found him I found a man after my own heart because God will always find a worshiper because the father is seeking worshipers I said it last week but I want to remind you that when you pray you go to God but when you worship God comes to you that's why the Bible would say in Psalm 50 let everything that has breath praise the Lord praise Him in the firmament what does that mean that means praising outside praise Him in the temple that means praise Him on the inside what the heck is David Thomas said anywhere you praise got to find you you can praise him in your bedroom you praise him in a closet you can praise him in the car you can praise him on your way to work and anywhere you worship it becomes sacred space the moment you start singing your car becomes sacred your house becomes holy your if your atmosphere changes into literally a place of worship why because when you worship God God comes to you and God found this little teenage boy with a heart after him and so before David ever had success in his kingdom before David ever experienced the success of a exploits he was already successful because he knew who he was and like Jacob he learned the joy of wrestling with God and he learned the joy of God holding on to him it was in the pain of being rejected by his father it was in the pain of being hated by his brothers that David pressed in to the presence of God so you don't get it twisted worship is not just for perfect people and don't ever forget that pain will always Drive you to something beyond you okay I just said a lot pain will always drive you to something beyond you for some of you in this room it's a substance for others of you it's relationships you go from person to person to person to part for others of you it's jobs you you go from place to place for others of you it's it's it's you know well if I can just reach this financial strata then I'll be and what you're missing is is that the pain is actually an indicator that you need something beyond you that something is going on on the inside and you need something greater than creation you actually need your Creator and so whenever you're in worship and you see people going crazy like you see Bri up here you see Weston up here they're just going for it they're going after God and and you know you see Michelle and Bri and you know everybody hansel everybody up here you go man these people really love Jesus they're really going after God these people must have a perfect life these people must be like super wealthy these people must just have like perfect marriages they must come from perfect families they just must have perfect children I mean everything must be going right for them because look how they worship God they must have so much to be grateful for I mean my god they just must be up there counting their blessings and what you don't know is that there's a lot of them a lot of times they're actually going through hell and yet they show up on a Sunday and they start worshipping you'll see someone on your row and you'll look down and they're laughing they're crying they're cheering they're jumping they're dancing they're spinning they're kneeling they're laying on the floor I mean they're going for it all just during one chorus and you're going wow they must just be super happy no no no it's usually not that everything is going well it's usually that they're in hell but they know that if they stop singing they're gonna die so they got to keep wave clapping and shouting and spinning it never judge someone's breakthrough is you have no idea what they've been through and you have no idea what they're going through and it's not that they're singing because they're perfect and it's not because they're they're singing because they're in a perfect circumstance usually it's the contrary usually they got so much going on that they know if I stop singing the devil is going to take me out so they've learned how to clap through a shout through a dance through it play through it celebrate through it sing through it worship through it praise through it and David learned that he was going to have to find his joy and his identity in worship all worship is is people processing pain correctly I saw worship is it's just processing it correctly so that's why David was saying some 145 greatest the Lord and greatly to be praised because my worship is directly connected to my revelation of God and my worship has nothing to do with circumstance he did not say greatest of my circumstance he did not say great as my life he said great is the Lord because I don't need anything around me to be going for me in order to worship because I have a victory on the inside of me that is dictating my worship so my circumstance does not define my worship my worship will eventually define my circumstance that's what worship is so powerful that's why that's why you really should be on time for church and not for any other reason then it's a moment for you to heal huh it's a moment for God to draw near it's a moment to let that I mean I think for a loud worship team I thank God for these loudspeakers because it can just let you sometimes just freak out and shout and clap and just make a joyful noise to the Lord without anybody judging you because that mean it's like because sometimes you just gotta sing your way through clap your way through shout your way through and that's why worship is so important because it's in worship that God finds you and and I'm and I've learned this that God likes worshipers he likes worshipers now he loves everybody but he likes worshipers how many know there's people you love cuz you're a Christian amen but then there's people you like cuz they're cool amen God likes worshipers God likes worshipers and God seeks worshipers and God seeks the company of worshipers God is looking for worshipers and God finds worshipers because worshipers have what I call a strong relational intelligence they understand levels it's like when I get around pastors who have really big churches I don't walk in there and talk about how awesome I am I don't ever do that but I mean especially around them I don't go in there and those they'll ask what you preach that I go it doesn't matter what you preach Sunday because I got a high relational intelligence when I when I when I get around businessmen who have done this for a really long time and they've they've run businesses for a really long time I just ask questions because I have a high relational intelligence I know when to ask questions I know when to listen and so I get around certain pastors I go how do you how do you love Jesus are you still preaching thirty years later how are you how are you still in love with people how have you and your wife made it have you I mean I just start asking questions because because I understand that you know in those situations I'm I really don't have a lot to say yet and so I just learned from them and and God likes worshipers because worshippers have a high relational intelligence they they understand two things they understand that he's God and they understand they're not so god I know who you are and I and I know who I am and I'm not you and I'm really grateful you're not me and so and God likes that because he hunt because because in in when you understand that God says okay now I can get involved because you're not trying to do stuff for me you're not trying to make me do stuff for you that I don't do you understand that there's levels to this and so God can always work with the worshiper because a worship or understands who God is so God enjoys the company of those who worship Him because they understand why they were created Isaiah 43 21 the people who I have formed for myself that I might declare my praise did you did you see that that they might declare my praise God says the whole reason you are breathing is to worship you were created to worship you were formed to worship God literally created a people to worship Him to praise him and everytime you worship you are doing the very thing you were created to do you were not created to complain you are not created to just you know griping and just talk about how bad things are you were created to express praise unto your God and every time you worship God you fall right into your calling every time you praise the Lord you begin to do the very thing you are on this earth to do every time you worship God is attracted to the worshiper because you in a moment begin to walk in your assignment clarity is revealed hearts are healed things begin to change in the spirit because you actually are doing the very thing you were created to do and God found David because David was a worshiper but David though he started so strong his heart began to wander he started as is crazy on fire teenager that just loved is God Yahweh but the presence of God became common to David how many know the presence of God can become common to us I mean no any good thing in your life can become common to you I mean anything from from from a car to a relationship I mean whatever it is including your relationship with God it can become common to you we can become like that Church in the book of Revelation we're just lukewarm we're not hot we're not cold we're just yeah oh boy I never want that kind of worship I never want gray worship I never want worship I never want cute worship I never want it's not terrible but it's not awesome it's just kind of cute I never want that kind of worse I never want to be that kind of person and I never want God to become common to me but God became common to David and and and here's how I know God started to become common to David because David saw the art we're about to get to our text David saw the Ark of the Covenant as like a super weapon as a military leader they realized that any time the Ark was there at battle they had the victory so much so and here's how I know it became common that the enemy came in and stole the ark from them while they were asleep why weren't they protecting the Ark why weren't they guarding the Ark why weren't there soldiers around the ark because it just became a thing it became no more valuable than a spear or a sword or a bow and arrow and you better protect anything that is valuable and you have to protect anything God has put in your life a valley you have to protect your marriage you have to protect your integrity you have to protect your purity you can't get casual about your attitude you can't get casual about honor you can't get casual about generosity you can't get casual about service you can't get casual casual about anything that is valuable to God because at the moment you become casual to it the enemy can sneak in and take it so david wakes up and the arcs gone and his enemy took the art not because they wanted God they wanted what God did through the ark they wanted the blessing of God on them so they went they put it in their temple now that's a whole other story that's awesome where they put it in the temple of Dagon they wake up the next morning that and the idol fell over and I'll preach on that this summer but that's that's a really cool story too but but here's here's what's amazing that the enemy did not want God they just wanted what God could do for them god forbid we ever treat God and simply just a weapon in our arsenal god forbid we treat him like a genie in a bottle god forbid we just treat God as a means to an end like I need God right now I need God more than I've ever needed God but I think y'all miss what I just said I didn't just say I need what God can do for me I need God never separate God's blessing from God because the very thing that God will give you to bless you will end up crushing you when you separate it from who he is God's blessing will give you a house but only God can give you a home God's blessing will find you a spouse but only God can change your heart to love that spouse that Christ loves the church God's blessing will put your kids through college but only a relationship with God can help you to raise those children in the fear and admonition of the Lord so that when they grow old they will not depart from it God's blessing can grow this church but only God in my heart and in my soul can make me a Shepherd after his own heart that loves you that never separate what God can do for you from a relationship with God God became common to David god forbid God becomes common to us god forbid God just becomes a 911 see number that we call whenever we're in trouble so I never want to separate it I I never want God to just be something that I call on when I need victory I want to know God I want to know the joy of a face-to-face relationship with God I want to I want to be known by God and I want to know God and here's how I know that David had gone to a point where God was no longer the first place in his heart here's how I know it because not only did the enemy was the enemy allowed to steal the Ark but then David went he got the ark back but here's what's amazing when he goes to grab the ark back from the enemy I can only imagine one of his assistants goes Oh king with all due respect we need to call the Levites because we need to put the ark on the shoulders of the Levites and David said now we're in our text no no just put the ark on these oxen and take it home here's how I know David became casual with God he put the presence of God on things instead of on the people the presence of God was not supposed to go on oxen according to the Book of Leviticus the presence of God was supposed to be carried by the priests I don't know if you know who you are but you're a priest the Bible says you're a chosen generation the Bible says you're a royal priesthood the Bible says you're a kingdom of priests under your God that the presence of God is not supposed to go on stuff the presence of God goes on the people that's why this this building isn't anointed you're anointed this building is concrete and carpet until the people of God walk into it there's no anointing on these speakers there's no anointing on these lights there's no anointing on this microphone but there is anointing on you there's no anointing on your car or on your house there's only anointing on you and the moment you try to put God on this stuff David put God on an oxen and the moment you limit God to what God can do for you and the moment you limit God to the kind of car you drive or the brand of clothing you or an amount of money in your bank account and you just say that's God friend you have traded God for an idol you have traded a God dream for the American Dream and here's the problem you're missing out on the joy of God coming on you and you've replaced it with God coming on your staff but God does not dwell on stuff he only dwells on his people can I remind you of exodus 25:8 this is build me a sanctuary where I can dwell with my people God wants to sit on you God wants to come upon you God wants to get on your shoulders it was the men that were supposed to carry the presence of God not an oxen but no we put no faith in any of this only on what God can do through men and women who have surrendered their life to the presence of the holy spirit so they put it on the oxen they put it on the oxen and the Bible says they went to the threshing floor yeah what is the threshing floor the flesh the threshing floor excuse me is a hard place it was a big piece of stone and they would take the harvest they would take the wheat and they would hit it against and it would separate the wheat from the shaft it's only in a challenge that you find out if God's really on you or if he's just on stuff because if the men would have been carrying it on the hard place they wouldn't have tripped and they wouldn't have slipped but because it was upon the oxen and the way their feet are they lost grip on the stone and whenever you're going through a trial whenever you're going through a fake painful moment whenever you're going through a storm you you will find out very quickly where you're at with God because if you hit a hard place and God on you you can walk through the valley of the shadow of death and fear no evil because his rod can you put that Ark up because his rod and his staff they comfort you and so God's on you even in a trial God's on you even in a hard place God's on you even in a threshing floor and threshing floors come because threshing Force separates and the Bible said that as the oxen slipped aza tried to stabilize the ark as if God needs his help osa is the Hebrew word that means strength God says I don't need your strength that's why the New Testament says your wisdom is foolishness to me and my weakness is strength that you got on his worst day it's stronger than you on your best day God said don't you try to bring your strength around me don't try to bring your resume to me I am unimpressed have you seen the Sun the Moon the Stars have you seen the galaxies have you seen that new black hole they just found yeah I made that I'm mad to the bone don't you dare come up to me with your strength trying to steady me trying to help me I don't need strength I need weakness I don't need strength I need weakness I don't need your strength I need your weakness because God said my strength is made perfect not in your strength but in your weakness don't show up to me with a resume show up to me on your face in worship that's who I use I don't use proud people haughty people I don't use people that say they have it altogether I don't use people that can tell God ten reasons that he should bless them no I use people that will fall on their face and say God you are God I am NOT but if you could would you please help me because I know I'm nothing without you I never go into that green room on a Sunday and tell God how awesome today is gonna be I go into that green room I fall on my face every Sunday morning and I go god this is really gonna suck without you [Music] so fall on the worship and fall on the people and fall on the preacher and it was supposed to be on the people because whenever that heavy gold-plated art gone on the it was hundreds and hundreds of pounds when that heavy gold-plated art got on the men of God it would affect how they walked I put it like this God's presence changes my lane I start leaning different I used to lean towards pride but now I'm leaning towards humility I used to lean towards having it all together but now I'm leaning towards falling on my they used to lean towards violence but now I'm leaning towards humility I used to lean towards just cussing anybody out on the road but now I'm leaning towards you know what gods they're probably having a bad day I'm gonna let it go I used to lean towards you screaming at my spouse for every little thing but now I'm leaning towards honor and humility and lifting up I used to yell at my children for nothing but now I'm learning to lean and hold my babies I just say I know you're having a hard day I love you I used to leave but now I'm leaning towards generosity because when God really gets on you gotta change your lane God will change how you talk that will change how you want you start carrying more weight you start you start breathing different you start talking different you gotta use less words because there's more of a strain on you your lean is different your talk to sever your walk is different you start feeling things in different ways God sit on me because I need your presence to change how I leave anybody want God to come upon you anybody want God think how you talk how you walk are you act how you love how you serve sorry doing this my own way I'll try I'm tired of controlling you and studying you you have to do it all what's up I walk now I love how I serve and if God's not changing you it's because you put God on your stuff instead of you I just don't feel convicted about that it's probably because you put God on your stuff instead of you at the moment he gets on you the moment he descends on you and he lands on you and you feel the weight of the ark it changes everything about you and because you're leaning into the ark even if you hit a hard place it's actually the weight it stabilizes you oh and don't forget that the ark could not be carried by one man they took many people and that's why we need each other because when you're going through hell when you hit a threshing floor when you hit a hard place you're gonna have a brother or sister on the other side of the ark and you're gonna have a brother sister in front of you are behind you stabilizing you so it's no longer really even your weight it's just the weight of the people have you ever I don't know maybe you guys especially have you ever had to like pick up a couch with like three or four your bros and you go to pick it up and you're yeah and then you realize they're doing all the heavy lifting and it's like they're carrying all this weight but I'm here so I'm like ha ha yeah this is really hard right but in reality they're doing it all when you when you get God on you and you start carrying the presence of God in church it's not so bad isn't that heavy I can do this because it was never meant to destroy you it was meant to bless you the God forbid we use the ark is just a means to an end instead of it being the end I know this is a heavy message and you go but Jay man I would never do that I I've never seen the Ark of the Covenant yeah but the Old Testament is the New Testament hidden the New Testament concealed in the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed so I know that I know that the Ark for me is the New Testament believers are no longer the ark what is the ark the ark represents the very person of Jesus that wooden box is humanity covered in gold his deity the Ten Commandments he's full of truth John 1 Aaron's rod he's full of grace the manna he is the Living Word the mercy seat he is the finished work the cherubim bowing down every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord the Ark is an Old Testament picture of our Messiah and don't you ever use the name of Jesus as a magical spell or an abracadabra to get you out of trouble the name of Jesus is holy and sacred and you don't just use it whenever you need it you treat it with respect and worship and honor and Jesus is not just the means to an end Jesus that I'm the Alpha and the Omega I am the end what you what you meet is not just gonna come through me what you need is me well marriage is getting tough I guess I need Jesus no no he is humility I need a financial breakthrough I guess they need to call on G he is prosperity well got a tough report from the doctor I guess they need to call on Jesus he is healing he's not a means to an end he's the Omega he's it don't don't get casual with the Ark don't get casual with the name that is above every other name the most beautiful name the glorious name of Jesus so David gets angry because us has died and he said I can't have this god box in my city where could we put it whose house is that and they said well sir that's uh that's open eat him but he's from Gafisa he's a Gentile we don't we don't want to put it there and David went home he is a Gentile Exley's from gasps excellent put it over there that wasn't a sign of blessing it was prejudice it was racism David David hated the get tights so he's thinking if God did that to one of his covenant people though what's he gonna do to obed-edom let's go put it in his house for now okay cuz David was saved but not really Amen you know what I was saying like he was saved but he was hood and he had some hard issues and said go put it in obed-edom cell since oh but he don't open the door yet can I help you guys yeah we got this box we need to put in your house for a little while how long we don't know okay what do I do if we were you we just wouldn't touch it okay put citadel bed south and the art found open Obed is a Hebrew word open means worshipper does God will always find a worshipper cuz the father seeking worshipers and if he can't get it from his covenant man David he will find it from an uncircumcised get tight and he will bless him oh you need New Testament don't you that's why that's why in Acts chapter 10 Cornelius who was not a believer in Jesus has a visitation from an angel and the angel says your gifts have come up as a memorial before the Lord what were his gifts worship you've been worshipping God and you didn't know you were worshiping Jesus and now Jesus is gonna come and he's gonna save you and your whole family and Peter goes and preaches the gospel halfway through the message you're gonna even get to the altar call the Bible says the Holy Ghost fell and everyone got saved and the whole wedding got water baptized and they weren't even God's covenant people that's why we support a missionary right now in the 1040 window and we I mean you and me our tithes we sow thousands of dollars into the 1040 window what is that it is the area in the world with the highest density of population population it's the highest Muslim and it's the lowest Christian it's all there through the Middle East and northern Africa and we're sending missionaries right now who are preaching and planting churches and and smuggling in Bibles and reaching those people with the gospel and here's what's happening here's what I just want you to know what's happening cuz it's our it's it's your finances that are going there missionaries are going in and as they start preaching the gospel the Muslims stop them and go oh you're you're you're talking about the man in white you're talking about that man we've been dreaming about this been hanging on the tree oh you're you're the messengers that he said we're gonna be coming and they're getting saved and they're receiving Jesus why because God will always find his worshippers and if America don't want to worship God God will find the worshipers who are praying five times a day and are now trying out to a God that they don't know and they don't realize that there is the man named Jesus who died and bled and rose again for them and so when the missionaries go they've already been prepared because God will always find worshipers God finds help it eateth and now we miss this detail in the text but there's a first century historian his name is Josephus and Josephus is a brilliant historian he wrote a lot about the life in the message of Jesus though he was a Jew and Josephus a Jewish historian from the first century writes about obed-edom and here's what he says he says that the night now he says that the night that the art was dropped off he went to bed Josephus tells us that hope it eaten woke up in the middle of the night to music they heard music playing said what is that and he looked out his bedroom door and there was a glow coming from the living room so he lit his candle and he walks out through the living room and Josephus tells us that obed-edom heard music coming from the box [Music] and then he realized that there was a miss to glow in the room so blew out his candle and there was a glow beaming in the room but he couldn't find the source of light it was just it was like music was coming from everywhere light was coming from everywhere and Josephus tells us that two times a day Oh Betty 'dom would sneak out of his room and just stare [Music] and he would hear things from the BA and he would feel God on the box and he would listen to the box I just wonder what would happen if we spent a little more time staring at the box his humanity his deity His grace and his truth what if we stop staring at that little black box that you hold in your hand so much and we started staring at the god box a little bit more [Music] and he was mesmerized by the box but then it got really crazy a few days later mrs. obed-edom called is that baby get out here quick nobody eat him ran out and Josephus tells us the missus obed-edom said look at these Tomatoes he perhaps his giant tomato she goes OMG and she drops it at when she drops it obed-edom looked at mrs. obed-edom who had had about eight children and everything was back [Music] in its rightful place and he said baby she said we'll look at you and obed-edom skeg went away and his six-pack came back and he's oh my god she goes baby look sick look at these grapes look at these ok this asparagus look at these apples oh my gosh and then they bit into their beef and their beef was more tender and the mayor's just kept producing milk and the children were acting right and [Music] and we see verse 11 that the ark of the lord was obed-edom house and god blessed every thing in his house [Music] because though you can separate blessing from God you can never separate God from his blessing it the interesting word there and god bless them and conjunction used to connect words of the same part of speech clauses or sentences that are to be taken jointly example in your Webster's dictionary bread-and-butter holy ghost dictionary God and blessing you can't separate it just don't chase it chase God and you'll be blessed by accident [Music] some of y'all back and got to bless you and gods going I would just love a conversation I can handle your money I can handle your marriage I can handle your stress I can handle your anxiety I would just love for you to hear my voice again why don't you just stare at the box [Music] Wow I've been in a series from the book of act so I got to take you to acts really quick X 15 16 afterward I will return and restore the Fallen house of David I will rebuild its ruins and restore it so that the rest of humanity might seek the Lord including the Gentiles all those who are called to be mine see this isn't amazing this is a whole sermon in itself but basically there was a weird moment in David's Kingdom or David's literally just built a tent put the Box in the middle of the tent and anyone could go could go into the tent and worship God around the box it was just a weird moment in history because it broke and literally broke the law but it was a prophetic picture because anybody could go in and worship even Gentiles it was a prophetic picture of the New Testament church that would be filled with Jews and Gentiles so when the Gentiles start getting saved and filled with the Holy Ghost in the book of Acts that the Apostles were freaking out they're going with Danny and been circumcised they're not even following the law they don't even and and they go oh but there was a prophecy that the dent would be rebuilt and that's why we're worshipping Jesus today because we're in the tent that's been rebuilt and obed-edom was the prototype that even if you come from the wrong family even if you're not from the right covenant at first [Music] even if you're not part of the in-crowd even if even if you feel completely unqualified God says there's a place for you around the box [Music] so the old gospel writer would sing there's room at the cross for you yes there's room at the cross for you though millions have come there's still room for one there's room at the cross for you this is this worship is not for perfect people it's just for weak people who know that they need a place around the God box his name is Jesus well for three months God's blessing pours out ah nobody de David's assistant runs in to the temple courts and he says sir I don't really know how to explain this but um you know that Edom he has he dead no he blasts and he goes what do you mean it he goes look at these Tomatoes David says I gotta get the box in our city so he runs back to open sea to the house and we don't have time to read it you could read it later he came he came repping some Levites amen he didn't bring no oxen this time he did a God's Way amen he said I learned the first time and the priests come and they carry the presents back to the city with what the Bible says great rejoicing and every six steps they would stop and they would worship God on the seventh step and then they would go again that's a whole sermon in itself I don't have time up preach it later [Music] it's only 719 let me just take you to 1 a.m. let me get let me tell you about that revelation uh no but oh but there is something about stopping on the seventh there is something about giving God the seventh day there is something about taking a moment to worship God yeah yeah yeah but I can't go there I can't go there right now but there is something there but I just wonder is there anyone maybe tonight who would just say let me have the team come up who would say I'd like the box back in my house I don't want to get cold I don't want to get complacent I don't want to get casual holy spirit get on my shoulders again fall on me you know that's a Bible phrase action chapter 10 says the Holy Spirit fell on the people but here's what's amazing about that word fault Frank almost called you pastor Frank I think that's prophetic pastor Frank is that that word fall when the Holy Spirit fell on Cornelius's family it's the same word as the father falling on the prodigal son so the Holy Ghost don't zap you follow only goes to falls on you and he embraces you and he holds you I want I want I want that in my house like never before anybody else I want everyone to stand to your feet we're gonna end this worship sermon worshipping so no one's dismissed unless it's an absolute emergency I want you to stay put [Music] horses are prey together did you lift your hands say this with me say Holy Spirit [Music] let's try that again the holy spirit fall on me I surrender all over again change Mylene lead me guide me change me find me as I worship you some of you've never done this before but just with your hands raised just come on babe give me give me something right here just their hands race just tell the Lord I worship you I worship you lord I honor you lord I praise you lord I give you glory I give you honor I give you praise all Dominion I give you everything I give you the fruit of my lips give him our worship here is my worship Lord here's my praise I worship you lord I honor the Jesus I glorify you Jesus Jesus [Music] we're gonna go into one more worship song I just want to encourage you to lean into it let the Holy Spirit come upon you as we worship Him let his strength to come upon you let's just let's just lean in just a few more moments before we dismiss let's all worship together and then right after this song I'm going to give people an opportunity to receive Christ as your Lord and then we're gonna give to the Lord together to just stay with me a few moments but honestly in this moment just open your heart to him sing I really do believe that the presence of the Lord is just gonna really fall right now in this moment in Jesus name [Music] we're at the start or the beginning [Music] with no point of reference go to the dark to flesh out the Wonder it does use Oh God Oh [Music] [Music] I can see her [Music] star creation sings the praises [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh I love the sound of your [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] come on sing it out [Music] Oh [Music] everything exists [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you create the world abandoned and darkness to Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on every worshipper lift up worship to your God right now [Music] come on let's appraise fear God [Music] [Music] holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty the wasn't [Music]
Channel: City Light
Views: 5,543
Rating: 4.8846154 out of 5
Keywords: city light church, city light vegas, jabin chavez, church in las vegas, The Ark Found Me
Id: i3Eg-dovi-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 59sec (3839 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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