Bring Me The Ephod | Pastor Jabin Chavez

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I begin a conversation last week called God is not through blessing you did anyone get anything out of last week's worth and I want to continue talking about this a little bit I do want to remind you that our God is a God of restoration a God of recovery is the God of better days is that he's a God who wants to work in your future we learned last week that God blessed job more in the second half of his life than in the first half of his life we learned that God gave job double everything he lost the double double double come on and and that's that's our declaration our declaration is simple God is not through blessing you that your greatest days are still out in front of you we are believing for better days brighter days and bigger days in the name of Jesus can I get an amen we we we refuse to settle in what was and we refuse to settle in what has always been our past is not a prediction of our future come on somebody and and we're believing for greater things David said it like this so I'm 27 13 I'm convinced of this I'm I'm sure of it I'm confident of it I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living I must see it before I die I'm gonna see it on this side of eternity I'm gonna see God's goodness and so we're believing God for this and I want to read first samuel 30 I'm gonna read 3 cha 3 vs. yet it invites you to stand for God's Word as we read together I'm gonna read the end of verse 6 and then I'm gonna read 7 and 8 and I don't always ask you to stand for God's Word because sometimes I'll read like 20 verses it's a little too hard but if we're ever reading a short passage I believe it's good to honor God's Word and I know it's old-school but I think we need more old-school yeah so I'm wearing old school shoes today I'm saying okay verse six says and David strengthened himself or encouraged himself in the Lord his God then David said to the priest please bring me an ephod and they brought David an ephod and David inquired of the Lord saying shall I pursue this fruit Lord shall I overtake them and God answered and pursue you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all verse seven David said please bring me an ephod and I want to preach this morning from the subject bring me the ephod bring me the ephod hashtag this is how I fight my man so I fight my battles father speak to us now in Jesus name and everyone said amen go ahead and Rab your seat bring me bring me the fog bring me the ephod David has found himself in a tough situation maybe you find yourself in a tough situation David has been anointed king God has called him to lead Israel but Saul is still in power and so David is in a waiting season he's in-between who he used to be and who he's becoming there is an anointing on his life for leadership but no appointing and you have to be anointed before you're appointed but most people never walk in their appointing because they didn't steward their anointing you know what that's that's all I got I'll see you next week that's good enough because you don't want to we don't want to Stewart small we want to lead big but you actually have to learn how to live big in a small place dream big pray big serve big love big in a situation that's smaller than you or smaller than that weird Holy Spirit destiny thing calling out on the inside of you it's like Jesus when he was in the room with his disciples and he knew God had given him all authority John 13 and so instead of telling his disciples I have all authority he washed their feet instead of exalting himself he let the Father do that in the resurrection because that is what the resurrection is the resurrection is God's amen and a lot of you are trying to resurrect yourself you're trying to show you know that you are this person that God has called you to be but God said no no no I told you that's who you are and when it's time I'll exalt you but I don't exalt eggs altars i exalt foot washers yeah and so I've been anointed I'm waiting to be appointed and in the middle is always an attack there's always an attack in the middle place because the enemy is hoping to stop you before you walk in everything God has for you by the way the enemy never attacks you for who you are he attacks you for who you're becoming and God forbid the devil has more faith in you than you have in yourself and you're going why am i under attack I ain't all that you're right but you're becoming all that and the enemy see something in you that he's trying to halter and falter so that you never step in it but the devil is a liar and I believe you're gonna recover all I believe you're gonna get everything God has for you all right I'm just warming up I'm just warming it I'm not nothing so now David finds himself with 600 of his men they've just won the victory they've just went to battle they just want a victory they've come back to their town that it's called Ziklag and when they get there the Bible said that the enemy had come in burned down their whole city and stole all of their their wives and their sons and their daughters and so he's now in a tough place he's now in a hard place because he really needs victories in this moment to build clout for where God's taking him and so he's dealing with this national pressure he's dealing with this internal pressure he's dealing with spiritual pressure he's dealing with emotional pressure he it's really pressure on every place he he's been the one who's been anointed he's been the one that the woman sang about when they would say Saul killed his thousands but david is ten thousands he's he's roundly this ragtag ragtag group of warriors that have come around him and said we know you're the next and now David is really suffering his first public loss and he's having to learn how to deal with this moment and maybe you're in a moment right now where it seemingly feels like loss it feels like something's been taken from you it feels like something has been destroyed and you're kind of going man I don't know exactly what to do well I'm not going to tell you what to do but I'm gonna tell you what David did and I do believe that what David did you can do and I believe that if you'll do what David did you'll get what David got WWD dee wait what would David do yeah yeah I'm smart let me give you three things from the text I'm gonna preach a little bit is that okay so when I when I ramp up ramp up with me I know I know I was teaching on relationships and it was really but now I'm preaching so help me preach number one hold on hold on hold on hold on David strengthened himself in the Lord if you are reading out of the traditional King James it says David encouraged himself in the Lord same same Hebrew word there David receives a terrible report and he decides to do the one thing that he's always done and the one thing that he would continue to need to do and the one thing that you don't need to continue to do David got alone with God this word strengthen means to hold on David held on to the Lord his God this word means to press in this word literally means to be restored it was like before I see it I'm gonna become it yeah because we want things to work out in the external and we think the internal will follow it never works that way it actually has to start on the inside you actually have to get healthy and whole and healed in here before things start changing here not not because God won't do it but because if if you're still sick and you walk into a healthy situation you'll make it sick you will contaminate it because we are contagious faith is contagious the doubt is contagious fear is contagious joy is contagious love is contagious being petty is contagious speaking life is contagious and gossip is contagious so God God says David I David says this before I see the restoration I think that's coming first I'm gonna be restored like I'm gonna choose to recover right now on the inside I'm gonna I'm gonna choose to get a word from God and I'm gonna press in and I'm gonna hold on and you really know you need to hold on when you want to let go you really got to learn how to press in and you really need to press in when you don't want to press in when you want to pull back when you want to go hide when you want to run away from it and David said I want to run but I'm gonna hold on instead I want to bounce on these jokers but I'm gonna lean in I want to go figure things out by myself but instead I'm gonna choose to be restored and I believe that if God can do a work on the inside I'll be okay with his timing when he does it on the outside the reason some of you are so impatient it's because you still haven't let God do it in here so it never happens fast enough by the way then when God does it he he never does it big enough because you're not healed enough but if you can get good here whatever God does is good and it's actually bigger than it would have been because you're better David said I'm going to choose to be restored I'm gonna hold on I'm gonna lean in let me give you three things quickly about this before I move on you got to hold on to Jesus to community into the future hold on to God just hold on to God like just hold on there's just times where you got to hold on like Jacob when he said in the book of Genesis God I'm not letting go till you bless me like this is a significant season therefore it's going to take significant seeking yeah like I'm not just gonna read my four chapters today to get through the Bible in a year I need like I need a word from heaven right now and sometimes when you're really desperate sometimes the best thing to do is break out of your religious routine and just stick with the scripture that speaks to you like sometimes it's like I'm gonna hide in Psalm 23 and I say move in cuz I just need something that I actually get and I actually know and actually speaks to my spirit I'm just wrong I'm just gonna hang out in Hebrews 11 and read about faith till I guess some faith I'm just gonna read I'm just gonna I'm just gonna read John 11 until I receive a resurrection like I'm just gonna I'm just gonna hang out in something that I know so that it can build in my heart this is what I'm telling you to hold on to Jesus how about like get one worship song that speaks to you and work that worship song till every last goosebump leaves your arm come on somebody like like right now I'm listed in this song you can I don't know what it's called never lost a battle by elevation I mean that's my jam right now I vote that's the only thing I'm listening to for the last few few weeks I mean it's just in me it's just in me it's just in me sometimes just got to get a song and you just got to work it and you just gotta hold on to God listen to the same sermon listen to the same I mean until you really get a breakthrough that's I'm talking about holding on to God because this is a significant moment David said and therefore it's gonna take me holding on pressing in and being restored to God number two get restored or hold on the community excuse me David had no one but a few in the priesthood because all the rest of the guys wanted to kill him that's awesome people make no sense literally the day before they're like you are the anointed king you're gonna replace salt you're the man the next the day they're like our wives are gone our kids are gone our house is burned let's kill you like that's gonna help sidenote never make a decision when you're grieving you know it don't you Westen's pointing at me that's that's the way of saying Amen in sign language you know probably not but it says that's like Pentecostal like you know is that not true did that not happen for you were you not going through it and you gave me something and I went I wouldn't do that I would do this because I knew you were grieving don't make it don't make a decision when you're afraid don't make a decision when you're under pressure hey I got to make this decision and you got to do it in the next three days well didn't know well you know brother gods in a hurry God's not in a hurry God's ageless and timeless if you're if you're outside of time that means you can't be in a hurry God's on a prophetic time clock really you don't think he can change it he is God like it's just for somebody it's for my Chara's maniacs in here who are mad at me right now you're in time theology I'm just saying you got to relax on all that and you actually got to go in the in the pace that the Holy Spirit has for you these guys grieve and they go man we're really set let's kill our leader makes no sense so I'm talking when I'm talking about holding on a community I'm talking about you gotta find a few people who can just keep you cool and call him David zyau please let's have a conversation like I just need somebody that I could because everybody else wants to kill me and everyone else is freaking out and I just need someone I can talk to that's why good community is so important that's why having a few good friends is so important you don't need a lot of friends you've seen a few good ones it is amazing to by the way last week job's friends we discovered blamed it on Joe and this week David's friends blame it on David be really careful with people that seem to only show up when you're winning but when you're grieving they're either non-existent or they're somehow blaming you when people show you who they are believe them so be all sitting by someone you're like dang it I know this joke is a trouble I know okay I'm gonna keep moving because it got too quiet number number three you got it you got it you got to hold on to the future I find it amazing that the enemy did not kill the children or the wives yeah in in this time in this era it was that's big that's the very thing you did the only person you actually let live was the king because he would become a trophy but you definitely killed the women and children this was a barbaric time in human history and yet they didn't kill the children and they didn't kill the wives John 10:10 says the thief comes to steal kill and destroy if you're not careful you'll get content with the fact that the devil hasn't killed you or destroyed you while settling for letting him steal from you so I'm alive and I'm not destroyed but I but I've allowed him to continue to take from me and so I'm like The Walking Dead I'm alive but I'm dead on the inside the I'm not destroyed but I lost my joy I lost my faith I lost my trust I lost my fire I lost my praise like I'm still I'm still here but I'm but I'm kind of empty and if you're not careful you'll actually settle for that and what the enemy will do is see will bleed you out really slowly over time because the the enemy's smart enough to know that if he just comes after you he'll just you'll you'll you'll come alive in the spirit go on under I'm under attack and you'll stop it so what he'll do is through disappointment he'll just make you heart sick and he'll just take a little by little but until eventually you're too cold to lift your hands and you're till you're too broken to pray and you're too blocked off to open up to anybody everybody's your enemy and you're mad at everybody God's good to everybody but you and it didn't happen overnight it happens in moments don't let the devil steal from you you the Bible says you can catch a thief and make him pay back seven times proverbs chapter four there there comes a point where you actually have to get fed up with this because if you're not careful you'll be alive but you but you've lost things experience is really good but not all experiences good some experience is just bad and you actually just have to look at it and not go well praise the Lord or well I don't you self to look at ago that was bad cuz unless you call it bad you'll keep the door open to letting it still speak to you and you'll still be emotionally attached to it instead of cutting it off and saying that was the devil and I'm done with it and I'll never put up with that again and you actually have to call it evil or you'll continue to let it eat away at you that situation was bad that moment was terrible that was that was an attack that was the enemy and I'm calling it what it is so I can then address it renounce it and move on from it well can you say Amen I'm helping you right now listen if you're if I understand experience can be good but if your experience has led you to smaller thinking a harder heart and less vision your experience is bad I get pastors who tell me stuff of course you're growing you're young what it's easier to grow when you're young it is to enjoy Goldie now wait till she's 15 and crazy what who says this stuff devil you're a liar I'm sorry your 15 year old went crazy I'm sorry but don't put that on my child [Applause] well you know after the recession humming it was seven years ago when are you gonna forgive and let go and go that sucks but I'm not I'm not gonna because if you're not seekers now every decision will be based on what happened and it's so easy to do that because you still have an emotion see you have an emotional attachment to your past you don't have an emotional attachment yet to your future because you've never experienced it so therefore even when I talk about your best days what you're actually doing is you're looking back on your best day and you're saying that's as good as it can get so I want to prophesy over somebody your past is not your prophesy your past is not your pit and your past is not a prediction I'm talking to you guys right there your past is not your prophecy it's not your pit and it's not a prediction of where you're going I totally believe your best days are in front of you I totally believe God's healing your body I totally believe in restoration I totally believe God brought you to this city for this church I totally believe God has a word for you I totally believe God has a plan for your children right now if I could get somebody to help me breathe my prophecy prophecy is the word of the Living God because if I'm not if I'm not careful I'll judge everything God wants to do by what's happened I'm not saying this is easy by the way I'm not saying this is easy that's why like 20 percent could stand and 80 percent are like I'm clapping but I'm freaked out because I'm screaming in the devil's whispering don't get your hopes up you've heard this kind of stuff before you believed in '08 you believed in 1996 you believed and he'll just try to keep you somewhere and he'll say that's your prophecy and so I have to I have to hold on to hope that's what Abraham did in Romans 4 the Bible says he held on to hope though there was no hope he hoped against hope because he had a hundred years of infertility so when God says you gonna have a baby he laughed in Sarah laughs that's why they named him Isaac as Isaac means laughter because they judged God's prophecy by their past and so a preacher shows up and says God's gonna do and you go yeah but what had happened was and you actually have to let that go I do let it go and you just have to believe you just have to hope against hope God is not through blessing you can I say one more time for those in the back God is not through blessing you can i prop the side over everyone and overflow everyone is watching this online God is not throwing blessing if you believe that come on give God some praise I'm almost number two number two bring me the ephod bring me the ephah bring me the ephah there were two E fonts so when David says ve thought he was specifically asking for the one that the high priest wore see there was any thought that anyone in the Levitical priesthood could wear it was a white linen robe David actually wore this in second Samuel Chapter six when he's walking into the tent into the Jerusalem with the Ark and he's getting his dance on you don't remember this and he says I'll even be more undignified than this and preachers have said he was in his underwear no he wasn't in his underwear the reason Michael said you're making a fool of yourself is because he was wearing a priestly garment a priest or was he she was also secretly mad at him because when David would do priestly things and wasn't a priest god blessed him but when Saul tried it God Kirsten so Michael was a little salty about her father okay I'm teaching sorry let me see David was this weird he was this weird like interference in the force in the Old Testament under the law that like he would do things that you couldn't do under the law but it was a picture of grace so like he would eat from the table of showbread even though that was against the law but it was a picture that anyone would be able to eat of Christ he would worship around the throne and let Gentiles worship around thrown around the ark even though it should have been behind the holy of holies but it was a picture of the New Covenant when Gentiles the uncircumcised would be able to worship around the throne being Jesus y'all gettin this he he would wear a priestly garment the wasn't a priest but it was a picture of the New Covenant revelation 1:6 that said we are a kingdom of priests unto our God you're a holy nation a peculiar people yeah that's not that's not just a cool scripture that's prophetic language about us becoming something that you could not become in the Old Covenant but you now can become under Christ so David under the law says bring me the ephod not NE faut the ephod which was the high priests garment it's the one that if you've ever googled this or seeing this it's the it's the crazy one with all the colors and it's with the precious stones on the front and he shouldn't have been able to wear it but David said I need the ephod because the ephod represented going into the holy place it represented prayer it represented being covered by the righteousness of God and going before God for answers he shouldn't have been able to wear it but he looks at his priest and he says I'm gonna need that and Goliath's sword would have probably been around David so I think his priest went okay David said I'm not moving until I get a personal word from God for where I'm going I need to make a big decision and I refuse to do it without the Holy Spirit and I want to tell anybody in this room if you've got some big decisions to make you don't have to make them without the Holy Spirit because now we are preached unto our God and you can put an ephod on and you can go I'm not talking about a physical one Amen cuz we're not gonna be that Church amen we're gonna be the crazy church with the where any spots in Sunday morning praise the Lord no judgment but we're not going to be that but I'm talking about a spiritual eat but I'm talking about you bringing an ephod you getting before God you saying I'm not just gonna rely on a youtube sermon or what jaemin's gonna bring or whatever whatever whatever I'm gonna put on the ephod I'm gonna get before God and I'm gonna get a word from God and the Bible said David put on the ephod and he inquired of the Lord saying because there's something about actually praying out loud there's something about singing out loud there's some up talking to God there's something about crying out to God there's some about worshiping God there's something about not talking to anybody else but talking straight to God and say God what do I do in this situation and because David chose not to fight without the Holy Spirit's help he decided I cannot do this without God I think it's amazing that he did not say bring me a sword bring me a shield bring me his spear bring me a bow and arrow he said bring me an ephod like I've got some natural decisions to make but I'm not starting in the natural I got some moves I do need to make but I'm not but I'm not moving on the natural I've got a battle I need to fight but this is how I fight my battles yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna do this in the spirit I'm gonna win in the spirit first I'm gonna win in the anointing first I'm gonna win with God first I'm gonna win in private first so that when I step out publicly there is no fear because I already won the war I already got the word from God I already got the message from the Lord God's already talked to me about what I'm going through it's now I can boldly and easily step out in this thing because I've already fought my battles this is how I fight my battles I start in the spirit first David said I refuse to move until I get a word from God I love how proverbs says it 21 31 it says we can get ready for battle but it's the Lord who gives the victory I'm gonna get ready but I but I presume nothing God's got to give me the victory so I'm gonna inquire of the Lord let's pray about it what a great phrase that I think needs to get in your mouth especially dads let's pray about it should we homeschool private school public let's pray about it should we do this shoot it let's pray about it can we do this could we do this well they kiss pray about it should we buy this car that let's pray about it so we move to this side of town streamer do that side should we buy a house should we wait should we see what's gonna happen with income let's pray about it boy that makes life so much easier I'm telling you the truth should we move back should we go here should we go there so let's pray about it number three recover all recover all we have the keys come up recover all God said overtake them and without fail recover all here's what I want to say I want to sit down I want to talk to you for a second can I take this am I gonna break something here's what I want you to do I want you to pursue recovery but let God define the recovery yeah y'all hear me is this thing on check check check okay you pursue it but let god define it so I don't know what recovery looks like posts the divorce I don't know what recovery looks like now that you're really trying to make your marriage work I don't know what recovery looks like in this new season I don't know what recovery looks like with this new job I don't know what recovery is gonna look like in in this season I'm not I'm not what what I'm asking you to do is believe for it pray for it and prophesy it but let God define it [Music] here's here's why I don't want you to define it y'all ready y'all ready y'all ready because you're probably thinking too small [Music] I'm gonna let y'all clap if you want to because I feel like you should I feel like I'm talking to someone right now and you're you're still going back to the good old days but the good old days are too small let God define it because if you define is gonna be juice well you're gonna drink too small so dream bigger dream for more and I don't know what that looks like I don't know what it looks like after that loss I don't know what it looks like after that death I don't know what it looks like after that that season I don't know I'm not I'm not sure but don't get caught up in the defining because you'll probably move too soon or you'll move too small so let God define the recovery as he sees fit as long as you're believing for it so here's my faith declaration God is restoring I am recovering and the best is yet to come I feel this right now I can't sit anymore God is restoring I am recovering if you need it stand right now and the best is yet to come if I'm preaching to you right now God is restoring I am recovering and the best is yet to come help me please everybody say God is restoring I am recovering and the best is yet to come one more time say God is restoring I am recovering and the best is yet to come well one more time because I think the devil's get in in the noise come on say God is restoring I am recovery and the best is yet to come now if you believe it give God the best phrase you've given him all day come on [Music] [Applause] you can be seated I believe this I don't know what it all looks like I don't know what it all looks like [Music] but I do know I know enough about God to to say he's the god of Ephesians 3:20 exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask her think I know it's I know it's bigger than you think say Amen little girl whoever that was help me preach or boy or whoever help me preach it's bigger than I think here's how here's how Paul said it he said I planted the seed Apollo's watered it but God only only God can make it grow or only God can give the increase or you know I didn't I didn't really come Brett I didn't really come to Vegas with a plan I came with a seed [Music] and I didn't know what it was gonna look like but I but I what I made a point of is I wasn't gonna get caught in trying to do something only God only God can do oh my god cuz only God can do that part we gotta grow bring your friends people are going out that works I can't do that [Music] y'all never been in that church help us floor I don't I can't do that I can't do that and I can't do that with anything that I really want the Holy Spirit to do in my life but I can plant seed and I can water through prayer worship and the Holy Spirit but God you gonna make it grow how you want to make it grow and I'm gonna be cool with that cuz I can't change it anyway in the in the just the last two weeks the Lord I got two very clear instructions about two different things so clear one was about giving someone money and church money and I felt like we were so it was supposed to support and then one was about just a conversation I needed to have with someone and a really challenging conversation that I that I wanted to do in the flesh amen that makes sense like I wanted to I wanted old Jabin to come out for that conversation not not new life in Christ amen amen y'all know that y'all have that person y'all got the old Jeff once in awhile okay yeah yeah yeah Amen and and in both both situations the Holy Spirit spoke so clearly to us about what to do in these situations and I obeyed thank God doesn't always work that way and both situations were marked by like significant blessing but I can't make it grow but I can just keep sowing the seed and watering and then I just trust I don't know what recovery looks like for you I just know it's happening I declare you're gonna see it I declare God's not through blessing you now just rejoice in that trust that rest in that and let him make it grow in Jesus name can I get an amen hey everyone it's shavin here i'm praying that this video was a blessing to you now remember two things make sure you hit that subscribe button so you're up to date with everything that we're doing here and also if city light has been a blessing to you why don't you get that give button and give something to help us continue to take this message not only to Las Vegas but to the world and we'll see you real soon
Channel: City Light
Views: 12,630
Rating: 4.9519229 out of 5
Keywords: city light church, city light vegas, jabin chavez, church in las vegas, Bring Me The Ephod, God Is Not Through Blessing You
Id: bhELYMAbi8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 56sec (2576 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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