How To Break A Cycle | Pastor Jabin Chavez

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soon-jong five soon another feast came around and Jesus was back in Jerusalem near the Sheep gate in Jerusalem there was a poll in Hebrew called Bethesda the five alcoves hundreds of sick people blind crippled paralyzed were there in the alcoves one man had been an invalid there for thirty-eight years when Jesus saw him stretched out by the pool and new notices and knew how long he had been there he knows our condition and he's not worried about it he's not he's not intimidated by it he's not he's not judging you he knows how long you've been in that thing all right I got one Amen over here thank you that day happened to be uh excuse me he saw how long he had been there and verse six says Jesus went him and said do you want to get well the sick man said sir the water when it's stirred I have no one to put me in the pool by the time I get there someone else is already in Jesus says get up take your bed start walking and the man was healed on the spot he picked up his bedroll and he walked off that day happened to be the Sabbath so the Jews stopped the healed man and said it's the Sabbath you can't carry your bed around it's against the rules and life is all about breaking the right rules but he told them the man who made me well told me he told me - I had - he told me - he told me take your bedroll start walking so I did so we're in the last week we've been in five weeks of this series called cycles this is our last week I want to preach today from the subject how to break a cycle how just how to preach oh just give me some give me some tools today just how do I break I got some stuff in my life and I'm done a one out helped me so I'm gonna help you I'm gonna be very practical today but I believe that there's also going to be faith in the room to really believe for some supernatural freedom father in the name of Jesus I just thank you that you're gonna speak to us by your word your word is spirit and your word is life your word has power to heal and power to deliver you sense your word and you healed us delivered us from all destruction your word does not return any void but it accomplishes everything you set it out to do so speak Lord we're listening thank you for one word from God that can change our life forever we give you the glory in advance that you're gonna speak now Jesus name in every one City man and Amen any man I want just give you five things really quick so I'm gonna be I'm gonna be pretty practical with you but I want to help you and and I want to I want to I want to give you some tools today that are gonna help you number one that the first way to break a cycle preacher how do I break a cycle in my life a cycle of sin a cycle that's a stronghold a secret an issue a deep-rooted belief system of my life that I need to get free from how do I do it number one you must be convinced that Jesus wants to set you free can I get an amen from somebody you got to be convinced you got to be convinced that the cycle you're in was not sent by God you got to be convinced that the cycle you're in is not the judgment of God you've got to be convinced that the issue that you're dealing with is is not God's disappointment with you but that Jesus wants to set you free John 8:36 whom the son sets free is free indeed this is the plan and the purpose of Jesus first John chapter three verse eight Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil well what are the works of the devil according to John 10:10 the works of the devil are to steal kill and destroy so Jesus changed to destroy anything that's trying to destroy you Jesus came to destroy anything that's trying to steal from you Jesus came to destroy anything that's trying to kill you that's trying to take from you he is a feet the devil is a thief the thief comes to steal kill and destroy but Jesus said I've come to give you life and life more abundantly so he's come to destroy the power of Satan in your alanna that's old-school preach I'm talking about the devil I know some of y'all don't believe in him because you're so smart but I'm telling you the devil is after your life he's after your families after your finances he's after your future he's after your destiny he's trying to take from you but Jesus is trying to give to you and he's trying to stop anything that's trying to stop you came to destroy the works of the devil and I love this scene in John five hundreds the Bible sin of sick hundreds of lame hundreds of broken hundreds of sinners hundreds of people with issues man I love it because it reminds me of City Light Church I was so glad that we don't come in here all perfect no praise the Lord God is so good hallelujah never dealt with anything never sin never even thought of it never even been tempted praise God I'm filled with the Holy Ghost too blessed to be stressed too anointed to be disappointed praise God no no we all got issues this is a picture of what church should look like hundreds of people thousands of people whole bunch of people coming together needing the person of Jesus needing the work of Jesus needing a word from Jesus I love that Jesus gets right in the middle of it he wasn't turned off by the issues he wasn't offended by their condition he got right in the middle of it you know every week about 15 people give their life to Christ at this church every week I'd love to see that double I'd love to see it triple I'd love to see that quadruple I can't wait for the day like there's a dear friend in South Africa's name is pastor Basha or they see over 1500 people every Sunday come to Christ it's the largest church in South Africa and they're reaching hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people and every week over 1500 people give their life I can't wait for that day at city light I believe we're gonna go there one day in Jesus name I believe this is gonna be a house of hope a city on a hill where thousands and thousands and thank you for your enthusiasm thousands of people are gonna be able to come to this house not in this building because we've already outgrown it but God's gonna give us something in Jesus name that's gonna be able to house that and I love that right right in the middle of it Jesus is there there every week Jesus is meeting people saving people giving people a second chance giving people a new beginning and I want to see that number grow but that number will only grow when we're first convinced that Jesus wants to help us and number two when we're convinced that Jesus wants to help other people I just want you to I want to remind you that this is the one I'm preaching about this is the one we're singing to the one that we were just singing to you that the Spirit of the Lord is here he's drawn to the broken you want you don't want it you want to know why the Holy Spirit's here the Holy Spirit's here because you jacked up well I thought he wouldn't he wouldn't get close if I messed up he wouldn't be close to anybody he said he's a mirror to the brokenhearted why can we say the Holy Spirit's here because we have it all together now because we don't and he's drawn to our weakness he's drawn to our issues and he wants to get involved he loves the hurting he loves the confused he loves the broken he wants to help him but we got to be convinced in our heart that Jesus still is in the saving business Jesus is still setting people free that Jesus is still restoring people that Jesus is still healing and helping and delivering people this is our Jesus this is the one we sing to and this is the one I preach and this is the one that this whole church is all about in case you got it twisted this this church is not about city light it's not about City Light worship it's not about pastor Jabin it's not about whatever great preacher we bring in and we're very small because we get the greatest preachers just like Robby last week I mean dear Jesus what if what a preacher wherever very small but let me just remind you this is all about Jesus this is about Jesus and this is the Jesus that we preach Jesus our healer Jesus our way maker Jesus our delivered Jesus I restore Jesus our Liberator this is our Jesus and we got to be convinced today friend that he wants to set us free but number two how do I break a cycle you got to believe that nothing is impossible let me just remind you I don't know if you've ever heard this before nothing is impossible maybe I haven't heard it in a long time let me remind you nothing is impossible but but homie had been sick for 38 years and where here's where the devil wants us he wants us to believe that maybe God could have done something in our life but now it's too late like maybe if maybe if you would have started coming ten years ago maybe God could have worked on this maybe if you just started working on your marriage 15 years ago maybe there would be hope maybe if you were to talk to someone last year maybe you would have been free this this 38 years that the greatest lie of the enemy that I believe that we believe so many times is that we actually believe things are permanent it's just that's what it's always been but Hebrews 12 tells us that we are a part of an unshakable Kingdom and everything that can be shaken will be shaken so that cycle is not the kingdom and that means it can be shaken that issue is not the kingdom that means it can be that sickness is not the kingdom that means that God can shake that thing heal that thing deliver that thing work on that thing you don't have to live with that thing forever it's not permanent I know it's been a long time but it's not permanent he said it like this Matthew 19:26 all things are possible and if all things are possible then nothing is impossible of a preacher you don't get it it's been this way for so long a preacher you don't get it this has been in my family for generations a preacher this has always been my struggle but Jamie come on this is Vegas like this might work in Dallas bro but we in Vegas haven this is 2018 your preaching is a little old-school we're we've we've become a lot smarter I watched a five minute YouTube video of Richard Dawkins and I've been very enlightened and now stop it dumb dumb but save my last my last passenger told me well Jay my last Church told me well jaebum the preacher on TV told me no no no no I'm just I'm just coming to tell you what God told what God told you nothing is impossible and nothing is permanent and God can do a great work in your life and you don't have to live with that cycle forever and whom the Sun sets free is free indeed and you just got to believe it today that that thing does that have to hold onto you forever even if it's been 38 years Jeremiah 32 17 the Bible says this nothing it's too hard for the Lord that thing is too hard for you with an outstretched arm wow this is our God I know it's been 38 years I know it's been a long fight I know the journey has not been easy I know your I know your faith might be weak right now but please don't give up please don't quit please don't give in please don't believe the lie of the enemy nothing it's impossible Jesus is here and anything is possible Jesus is here and nothing is impossible can I get an amen number three number three you got to stop making excuses so let me keep it real for a second stop making excuses Jesus goes hey you want to get better and he goes ain't got nobody to help me listen to me friend there will always be an excuse period whatever is going on in your life there will always be an excuse there will always be a reason and there will always be an excuse to stay where you are and by the way excuses empower cycles mm-hmm every time you make an excuse you give that cycle a protein shake every time you make an excuse you give you give that you give that cycle some creatine is that even a thing anymore I don't know it was a thing in high school I brought you on creatine yeah bro we're like 15 taking creatine what were we thinking you don't even know about Creek is old okay it's not something I got to keep going here to keep up excuses empower cycles you're gonna have to you're gonna have to stop making excuses and you're gonna have to take some responsibility and as long as an excuse is in your mouth a cycle will be in your heart you cannot break the cycle in your heart till you stop the excuses in your mouth but you don't know how I was raised but my daddy hit me well but my dad didn't love me well but I didn't have a dad well well my dad was there but he was a nice enough to me we can all make excuses we all got issues well I was born on this side of the tracks well I had a bad teacher well this happened listen we can all go back to a point of pain and make that the foundation of our life and we could all do it we could all do it or we could take this book and say this is my foundation and I refuse to let the pain define me there will always be someone to blame for why you are where you are well that person wouldn't introduce me to drugs well if my buddy wouldn't have showed me porn as a kid well if my dad wouldn't it hit me well if I wouldn't have been abused listen we all have them and they're actually they're real I'm not making light of it this this guy was an invalid he could not move he could not get in the water without help it was a real excuse I'm not making light of it I'm just saying if you empower that thing you will be bound to it and I'm not I'm not even trying to get any I'm not trying to I'm not trying to be insensitive but I'm but I am trying to be bold enough to say that thing will always be there there will always be a reason you can't there will always be a crisis available to raise the stress to make you want to go back like if you got an anger issue I promise the devil will throw a dumb-dumb around you hey sis don't get that blood pressure rolling listen there will there will always be an issue there will always be a pastor to blame well yeah you know a lot of y'all love me you just don't trust me because you haven't forgiven him or him or him or I don't know where they are but they around here somewhere in town and you and you love me but you don't trust me yet but but actually it's not even that you don't trust me so you haven't forgiven them so when you see when you when you see me you love me till I say something they said somebody so you you love me until I remind you of past pain but I'm not damn I don't want to be them but sometimes because we preach from the same book we end up saying the same things but it doesn't mean we have the same spirit I'm not saying I'm better who said that you [Applause] don't have to tie for the rest of the year you're just kidnappers there'll always be a church that hurt you there will always there will always be stress in your life around that'll rise and by the way I never forget this and this I hope this will actually encourage you every time stress rises your flesh will crave the cycle and see y'all fing I must not be delivered yet I must not really love Jesus because that's because I'm still craving that but I was your flesh and it's distress like I got to be honest with you I don't know if I if I did sin last week in Maui I don't remember when I did it like I was in Maui come on somebody I was just hanging with my wife holding my baby walking on the beach there was no stress you don't know what I'm saying I didn't get angry I didn't lust I didn't I didn't hang it out but boy you get back in the real world it's like oh there oh there you are there's my yeah okay I'm still a human you don't be discouraged by it just recognize it oh I'm stressed and I want to go to the casino cuz it's my place oh I'm stressed I wanna go to the strip club cuz that's my thing but not me he paid you're like the preacher no no but I'm stressed that I want to I want to go to Lee's and I want to yeah shopping I want to go shopping I'm stressed and the Krispy Kreme light is on and I'm stressed it's my husband is it acting up but the pressure of life's hitting me and I want to get my wife isn't it's not that it's not her it's it's me and and then you can recognize and go okay I'm not a bad person I'm not evil I'm not less safe than it wasn't on Sunday but my flesh is craving the cycle there's the guy in the Bible we call him doubting Thomas that word Thomas means twin twin anybody else got a twin and you come into church and then you get in the car and your twin starts talking [Laughter] because you got this new nature in Christ I'm a new creation behold all things have been made new I'm brand new in Christ God is my father Jesus my older brother the Holy Spirit is my guide the Word of God is my source I mean I'm I'm a Christian I'm blood bought fire baptized water baptized baptized in every baptism I mean I love Jesus but then your twin shows up cuz distress in city goes hey how y'all doing hey what's going up a little bit stress let's freak out let's scream at your wife have you used the f-word in a few days go for it [Applause] tough dance the job let's go to the bar we all gotta Thomas I'm not making light of it I'm telling you there will always be an excuse to go Thomas take over but you got this other brother Romans 8 says Jesus is our elder brother so you can't listen to your twin brother Thomas you were listening to older brother Jesus but you're gonna have to make the decision to say no more excuses no more excuses in my mouth no more cycles in my heart and the Bible said this in 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 it says that His grace is sufficient that his power is made perfect in my weakness so instead of giving God excuses let's start giving on our struggles let's start getting real let's start talking and let's stop just making an excuse for everything we do and let's say I'm tired of the excuses I'm ready for freedom number 4 number 4 you got to get up like you actually got to do something like you're not gonna yeah I heard it to you and I was trying to ignore it but I was thinking a James Brown to like I wish I could say there's one key to freedom from cycles the anointing of oil come forward and I'll pray for you I wish that was that I wish that we could just do that just the Hyundai Hyundai prayer you fall out person throws a blanket over you I wish it was that easy I wish is that easy and I'm all about falling down I don't care I'm a Pentecostal but I but I care more about what you do when you get back up some people are real finding we don't have an altar up here where's the old things I mean you're going oh yeah Thank You Jay but now I have another reason to be offended thank you no because there are churches that will teach you how to fall at an altar they won't teach you how to stand on Monday all right I got a truth from Cheryl so I know I'm preaching the God's Word you got to get up James chapter 2 verse 26 faith that that works is dead so let me give you a big word you probably haven't heard it in church in a few years but let me give it to you it's in the Bible it's called obedience and here's here's all here's obedience in a nutshell it's saying yes to Jesus let's practice real quick everyone say yes one more time come on say yes yeah whatever he tells you to do do it that's what happened in John chapter 2 Mary told the servants he's about to give you some instructions whatever he tells you to do do it jesus said go fill those water pots so they did that's all though biddy insist and by the way obedience gets easier as you practice it there will come a day that it will actually become easier to obey then it is okay because disobedience it's gonna come with the shame and it's gonna come with the emotions and it's gonna come with the guilt and when you miss it and when you disobey you you hate how you feel it's what the the Bible calls godly sorrow that leads to repentance and you don't want to feel that sorrow so you'd rather just obey and by the way obedience the Bible says is better than sacrifice first samuel said what does that mean it means that we're not walking around gritting our teeth obeying it's not a sacrifice it's it's this unforced rhythm of grace of obedience holy spirits speak to me I'll say yes Jesus tell me what to do I'll say yes I read it in the word I'll obey still small voice - the Holy Spirit speaks to me right here I'll obey I get that I get that that thing in my gut and I obey it and it gets easier and easier you start by obeying little things and then you can start obeying big things and you start with little decisions you start making big decisions it's obedience Jesus I mean you're gonna have to get up dude you have to do something for some of you to break the cycle you're gonna have to get a plan like how are you gonna stay free how you gonna stay free what were you gonna do you're gonna have to get some accountability in your life you're gonna have to talk to some people you're gonna have to get a friend I gonna have to be able to call someone who are you gonna call when you're tempted are you gonna text when you're struggling who are you gonna who are you gonna we're gonna reach out to in your darkest moments I'm telling you if you if you really want to get free you're gonna have to get a getup plan you're gonna have to get some parameters in your life that are gonna help shape you you're gonna have to get some truth tellers in your life that can tell you the truth you're gonna have to get some trusted friends that can help pray you through when you don't have enough faith to pray but you can't get I promise you you don't have to stay down forever but it but it's gonna take faith and it's gonna take some grit and it's gonna take some guts and it's gonna take some humility and it's it's gonna take it's gonna take some new responsibility see because the moment this guy got healed he could no longer beg the moment he got healed he was gonna have to work again the moment he got healed he could no longer make the excuse so I said this on our first week and I'll say it again freedom is not always easier but it is better it's not always easier at first but it is better at sometimes when you really go okay I'm all in for Christ and then you start feeling resistance and you go it was easier before I really said yes well of course it was because you were going in the same direction as the devil if I catch a football in the end zones over there I'm gonna have to face the defense but if I can't step foot ball and I start running towards the wrong side I ain't going to get hit and some of you have been running with the devil for so long that you haven't felt that tension that fight that struggle and now you're starting to go down the line you're starting to serve God you're starting to walk with God you're going I'm getting it I'm getting tackled I'm under attack what's wrong what did I do wrong it was easier it was easier but it wasn't better there's no reward going that way and by the way the resistance you're feeling is actually the gates of hell Matthew 16 said the gates of Hell will not prevail that means the church is moving forward in hell's doing everything it can to stop you but I got good news for you it won't prevail so yeah you're taking some hits yeah you're facing some new things yeah there's a new training involved and there's some new there's some new uncomfortable situations you're having to learn how to not just blow up on your family you're having to learn how to not just gossip you're having to learn how to be a celebrator not a hater you're having it learn how to look at a beautiful women and not just there's a way to just go she's pretty but I'm saved and I'm called and that's not worth it turn the other cheek huh just don't stare at the cheeks a man just this but you gotta learn this stuff this is I know I'm being so practical but this is so real life this is so real life eventually you're gonna have to have to move your legs you're gonna have to have to get up lastly not everyone the keys can come not everyone is gonna like you free nope all that all the seasoned Saints have been saved for a while you know this to be true you've had to live some of this they said this you can't carry your bed it's against the rules let me tell you right now we're in a world that has some rules and when I say the world I'm not talking about people I'm not talking about the political party you hate I'm just talking about but there are rules the art the world system has rules rules like be tolerant or else that's a rule don't judge or else that sounds like a judgment but there's some rules and they're okay as long as you're playing by their rules when you get say you start playing by Kingdom rules not by the world's rules and it's amazing that no one cared when you were bound you remember when Jesus eat maybe you never heard the story there's a story where Jesus goes to this place called the gadarenes there's a demon-possessed guy there they literally don't know what to do that with him so they bind him and chains and throw him in a cemetery forget about him Jesus sets him free and heals him and as soon as he gets free he runs back into town he goes guys have been set free the town freaks out runs to Jesus and says get out of here they were comfortable with him bound they didn't like him free and there are some people who who like you bound because they can control you but they don't like you freak man I feel like shouting and I'm trying to keep it together right now but they don't like when you find your own identity in Christ and you really know who you are because then they can't control you anymore and they go that's against the rules [Applause] is that an amazing for some of you you know but before you met Christ every Friday night you're out at the club faithful faithful every Friday every Friday faithful every Saturday morning go to the day club faithful and you never had a friend go hey man it's been it's been eight Fridays in a row I don't want you to get burnt out I just found out I mean I don't know I shouldn't say this kind of stuff but I just found that some of our volunteers only served once a month well be careful I don't even know if you serve but I'm just saying I'm like I don't know who I don't know who's saying it but I'm just saying I'm like we got people serving what but no ain't gonna act us to the world we got to serve at least twice a month I was just telling our team that sorry if you're in here and you're uncomfortable I'm sorry I don't even know I was just I was just hearing this this week you know and I'm going well we don't want to burn anyone else well the club isn't saying that you don't go to the club and order a bottle service and $800 bottle of tequila that you could buy for 40 I'm not saying you should go back to 40 decibels I'm just saying you know you don't have the girl go up to you and go hey we there's a lot of money are you sure about this so we don't can you afford it we don't to burn you out we know you've been really you know you've been coming a lot every week and then we get into church well I can serve every 17 weeks I don't have burnout and and and your friends say you were at church in the morning and you're coming back at night do the preacher has a Sunday night turn does he not know his football season what's up with that preacher anyway what what are they doing with that money you know the church just wants your money the churches was your money twenty dollars to go watch a movie five thousand dollars for a bucket of popcorn maybe not by Towson yeah a church just wants your money Church this one sir a church that preacher this why have you seen the car he drives Church this one [Music] cuz there's rules y'all and they didn't care when you were destroying your life but now you're trying to be a man of God now you're trying to be a woman of God now you're trying to get your life together and all of a sudden they go you can't break these rules and you're gonna have to graciously and lovingly hold that man and they go why are you doing that you're gonna have to look back there we go Jesus told me to why are you jiving s-she told me to why would you serve why would you go help kids cuz he told me why would you go park cars in Vegas 115 degrees in the summer do they even value by total eat and I refuse I refuse to apoligize from this stage just refuse I just refuse it's not gonna do it cuz this is real life and don't and and the people who are concerned for you actually think they love you but so it's not about that something there they're terrible assists it's just but he told me to he told me to give to that building campaign he told me to support that preacher he told me to stay married to that woman and he told me to raise my kids in the house that God he told me to serve and obedience isn't an option [Music] cuz he told me I just want to tell you why I'm pastoring City Light Church but I'm not doing it for the money I'm not doing it cuz I need interaction I'm not I'm genuinely doing that people ask me all the time why Vegas Vegas Vegas Vegas why me can you I promise you cuz he told me because in May 2016 - hi dr another 15 we're driving to Vegas for a vacation behold was playing on the radio I'll never forget it's a worship song as we start turning the corner and you see the Luxor y'all know coming from California and you see the the M Resort and you see the city and tears start falling down my face Shannon goes to God talking to you city house that's why we're here cuz he told me to not everyone was crazy about that [Music] he told me - we thought we were going to Scottsdale but he didn't tell me Scottsdale we thought maybe Denver but he didn't tell me Denver was thinking about Austin he didn't tell me Austin and I don't get to go to God with my plans cuz I'm not Lord he tells me what to do and I know the joy on this side of it I know the joy of obedience that's why I can preach this stuff and not everyone will understand it some people might not even like it but I know I'm getting somebody I know I'm helping somebody I got like three amens I know I'm helping somebody because I know this is the best way it's not always the easier way it's the better way it's the godly it's the kingdom way it's a beautiful life it's a life of adventure it's a life of Holy Spirit what do we gonna do today it's a life of God whatever you want to do it's yours it's a life of not being closed off my mind mind but God together we're gonna do something great it's super fun not everyone all understandably so I have to hold that thing and say but God told me and I believe if we hang out long enough this freedom that I've experienced you'll experience it too so I'm not gonna give up on you give up on me [Music]
Channel: City Light
Views: 7,814
Rating: 4.9344263 out of 5
Keywords: city light church, city light vegas, jabin chavez, church in las vegas, Cycles, how to brake a cycle
Id: QFeGntvTdyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 4sec (2404 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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