A Nerf Gun That Screams When You Shoot

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To meet James' impossible demands i'm going to be making the screaming gun from, Borderlands 2. I'm Bogdan Bob Ross: beat the devil out of them This video has been sponsored by keeps Hey Charles got a minute? -Yeah sure We gotta get you started on your next big project do you have a pen and paper? Basically I'm looking to have something that can help, you know, raise the spirits around the shop. Should be colorful but not too tacky, not too bright, earth tone, but not muddy or or drab, handheld but not small, it should have good weight but not too heavy, definitely not light and cheap feeling, you know? I want to be able to destroy stuff but it also has to be safe and not capable of causing serious injury or anything like that. I want to be able to communicate with people I've been watching a lot Bob Ross and Pulp Fiction lately so try and work that in. And I'd like to stop doing outros in videos all together. I figure that's it, five days? Fiv-five days to what? To build it! Oh, uh, yeah... I guess- Awesome! Get to it. Oh my god... I've got it. To meet James' impossible demands I'm gonna be making... The screaming gun from borderlands 2. So here's the plan I'm going to take this Nerf gun and i'm going to add a microcontroller, some switches, speaker and a headphone jack so that when you fire it, reload it, or shake it, it plays a noise. Then to top it all off it's going to get a sweet paint job and we're going to make a professional looking package so that we can give it to James. First things first I have to take it apart I'll remove all the screws and then split it into its two halves Then I can drill the holes so I can mount all the electronics later. Once that's done I'll hand it off to Chris for that sweet borderlands-esque paint .job To make the gun scream I'm going to be using a Teensy 3.5 microcontroller to read sounds off an sd card and play them back in response to input. That's going to get amplified by a pjrc prop shield which also has an accelerometer on it that we're going to monitor to see when the guns being shaken. To turn the whole thing on and off we have a rotary switch which is going to stick out the side and give us a nice big clunky on off. To figure out which voice pack we should be using there's a rotary encoder which gives us 16 positions to put voices in. To let us trigger the sounds we have this big shiny button. And finally, to actually make the noise, there's going to be a loud speaker hidden in the stalk of the gun. That's all the parts, it's soldering time! If you want to look at the electronic schematic diagram, check the description below. Now that the electronics are all done, let's go check on the paint job. Hey guys it's Owen my job for this build is to make the gun look like we just got it off the shelf at a toy store. To do so i'm going to be making some commercial looking packaging in photoshop. Let me show you my process. First things first, the background. Our very own hack logo Now we just need to cut James out so we can use him as the model for the box This looks better than I expected. A couple details about the gun... I love how this is turning out For the next step I have to make the microcontroller do what we want when we want it to the code's actually pretty easy it listens to the trigger switch and the reload switch When it receives either of those signals it checks the selector knob to figure out what voice package it should be using and plays the correct sound It also pulls the accelerometer and when the acceleration exceeds a certain threshold, it plays another noise so that means when you shake it it screams. Actually, we all know I've already programmed it and nobody likes watching coding montages, so let's skip to the good bit. With the code all done we can add the voice packs onto the sd card straight into the microcontroller. We've got a whole bunch of different voices available of characters you know and love, even Bogdan! -That's what a gun sounds like! Let me show you its features. Wait no, that's not it at all... I'll play you some examples: MEOW I'm Bogdan! Beat the devil out of him... I've got a rather serious sponsorship for today, did you know two out of three guys will experience some form of male baldness by the time they're 35? The best way to prevent hair loss is to do something about it before it's too late. Keeps offers scientifically proven treatments that can help combat hair loss and you don't have to go broke doing it keeps off is generic versions of the only two fda approved hair loss products at an affordable price you used to have to go to the doctor to get prescribed this kind of medication but now with keeps you can do it all online and have it delivered every three months prevention is key and treatments will take four to six months to see results if you're ready to take action and prevent male pattern hair loss go to keeps.com/hacksmith or click on the link below in the description to receive 50% off your first order that's k-e-e-p-s dot com slash hacksmith Now I just gonna put all the electronics back in and reassemble it and we'll be good to go. Alright this thing looks awesome, James is going to be stoked. HACK! ELITE! This is the Hack Screaming gun. The most verbally abusive blaster from Hack! Featuring 16 different speech modes for hurling insults on the run. With the Hack screaming gun the fun doesn't stop, until you do... The Hack Screaming gun. (Batteries not included) It's Hack... or Smithin'! Alright so it's been about five days and Charles has finished his project and i'm about to see it for the first time i'm not too sure what he ended up doing so i'm super excited to see what it is, hey Charles! Merry Christmas -Oh my god... This looks awesome, this is everything I hoped and dreamed it would be... the Screaming Gun! [ARNOLD SOUNDS] I'm gonna put this up on my fridge. Alright this looks freaking awesome, but what does it do? -Well you see it has all of the things you wanted... All of them? -All of them. This is the power switch [SWAPPING WEAPONS] Now that it's in that mode it's turned on, it'll make noises when you: reload it shake it or shoot it! We have the Portal turret -Awesome Cats mode: I love it when you reload me like that... Oh that feels amazing... -Alright let's see what else there is. Face McShooty: Knock knock, who's there? Shoot me in the face! -Face McShooty! [AT THE SOUND OF THE BELL IT'LL BE FACE SHOOTING O'CLOCK] [THIS IS WHAT A GUN SOUND LIKE] It's Bogdan! Hey Bogdan, you're in the gun! [CHOKING] [HEY GUYS, IT'S THE HACKSMITH] It's me! [BOB ROSS THEME] [THERE'S A HAPPY LITTLE TREE THAT LIVES RIGHT THERE] [GET TO THE CHOPPER] [ARNOLD LAUGH] [YOU SON OF A B*TCH] There's the one from the box! [SAY WHAT AGAIN, I DARE YOU] Samuel L. Jackson just like I asked for! [DOES HE LOOK LIKE A B*TCH] [DUBSTEP] John Wick! John Wick's body falling off a building [MY NAME IS ROCKY BALBOA] [I'M NOT AS DUMB AS YOU THINK I AM] [RAP GOD] [WHO LET THE DOGS OUT] And we're back to the start alright that is freaking awesome you have outdone yourself on this project sir -Thank you That's freaking sweet what should we do with it now? Now well you see... You made another one! You know hat that means? I think there's only one reasonable plan here. 10 paces? -10 paces Where did he go? [GUNS, LOTS OF GUNS] That was a freaking awesome project that's what it's like working here at Hacksmith industries we dream up these random freaking ideas and then we gotta figure out how to actually make them. -Wait James, you can use that. Oh yeah! So if you enjoyed this episode make sure you subscribe and check out our web page for our careers page if you're interested in working for us in the future you'll get to do fun projects just like this. Anyways thanks for watching smash that like button and hit subscribe!
Channel: Hacksmith
Views: 2,019,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thehacksmith, hacksmith, nerf gun, nerf or nothing, screaming gun, borderlands, a gun that screams when you shoot, bane gun, borderlands 2, borderlands bane gun, nerf, nerf war, nerf mod, nerf mods, nerf guns, nerf video, nerf channel, nerf battle, make it real, nerf blaster, nerf fortnite, nerf mod guide, samuel jackson, nerf gun mod, diy, diy nerf, arduino project, nerf wars, michael reeves, reeves, michael, michael reeves robot ideas
Id: KFXvf-eYFuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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