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I'm building the CD launcher from Far Cry 6.  Hey, that one actually worked pretty well. That's what I call a banana split! Thank you to Ubisoft for sponsoring this video. I'm a huge fan of far cry it's honestly one  of my favorite game franchises of all time   needless to say I'm super excited for the release  of Far Cry 6. I'm equally as excited that we have   been asked to do a custom build from the game in  Far Cry 6 you can craft a variety of weapons using   items found in the environment so that's what  I'm going to do with my build. I came across   this ridiculous CD launcher and I want to build it  there are a few things I want to make sure I get   right. It obviously needs to be ultra powerful and  full auto I want rapid fire and to pay tribute to   Far Cry it needs to be aesthetically  accurate the first question is simply   how what mechanism am I going to use to launch  the discs? I could use springs or elastic bands   or maybe some sort of pneumatic pusher. But I  think our best bet would be to use some sort   of flywheel. A flywheel is a wheel that can store  and release rotational energy. They need to spin   really fast and most commercial  wheels will probably just fly apart   but I've got some things I want to  try and I think we can make it work Alright, first up we've got a timing belt  and pulley. I'm gonna start out on low power. well that was anti-climactic  let's try the dye grinder next Check that out well that wasn't too bad lastly  let's try the angle grinder Hey that one actually worked pretty well okay so it seems like flywheels are  pretty promising but like I expected   in order to get the lethal power that I  want we'll have to make our own as always Okay I just made these metal flywheels and  I'm going to stretch an o-ring over them to   give them a better grip with the disc.  I'm going to use these drone motors to   spin the flywheels because they're small  and really powerful all right 20 power. that's working really well let's  turn this up! 30 percent, 40 ah   okay so the o-ring failed me here  but there's massive potential   what happened is that because the wheel is  spinning so fast the centripetal force simply   stretched the o-ring and caused it to fly right  off but I think I've got a solution let's try it okay so I just machined these two new flywheels  and the difference between this design and the old   one is the old one had a groove in the top of the  flywheel in which the o-ring would sit the new one   actually has grooves on the inside faces  so you can actually sandwich the o-ring   right in between both halves and then when  you put it on the motor it tightens and   pinches onto the o-ring so I think this  will work quite well let's give it a try we have revision two of our flywheels fully  mounted hopefully that means we can spin them   all the way up and the o-rings will stay on.  Let's see if that's the case. You guys ready?   Alright, I'm gonna extend it just full speed  right away yeah okay three... two... one... Oh it sounds so much better too! Awesome that looks like it  worked. Okay let's launch a disc. That was awesome the discs were super powerful  and the wheels stayed together which means it's   time to make the entire magazine and work on the  electronics. Like I mentioned in the beginning   as a huge fan of the franchise I couldn't be  more excited for the release of Far Cry 6.   It promises a robust narrative with a fully voiced  protagonist whose backstory and performance goes   head-to-head with Yara's evil dictator Anton  Castillo. Other than the CD launcher there are   backpacks that offer a range of abilities you  can craft jet packs that shoot flames launch   rockets provide medical aid and more. Whatever  your play style is there's something for you.   Far Cry 6 is available October the 7th click  the link in the description to pre-order now We have the launcher mechanism working as  expected. So the next steps are to design   a magazine that will hold discs and a  mechanism that will feed the disks out   one by one into the launcher. Solidworks? Solidworks. Here's what I've come up with for the magazine  design. Basically we have the two flywheels of the   front to launch our discs, we've got a guide rail  in the middle that's the thickness of one disc   so that we can feed one at a time, and we've got  an arm at the back that will push the discs out.   All together this should work pretty well  but we do need some electronics to get it   to cooperate together. That's why we have all  this. This looks a lot more complicated than it   actually is. Here we have the Arduino which is  basically the brains of the entire operation.   It runs this LCD display which will show  exactly what the launcher is doing at all times   up here we have an H-bridge which will control  the feeder arm if you'd like to see the full   schematic diagram make sure to check out  our maker.io link in the description below Okay, basically the way this works is you load a  stack of CDs into the top and then when you press   the trigger this linear actuator here pushes  the lever and that releases one CD at a time   into our launching mechanism and that should  hopefully fly right out let's see if it works this thing is freaking sweet and it checks two  of my three boxes it's ultra powerful and it's   fully automatic awesome! But, as you can tell  it looks nothing like the game so let's change   that. In the game the launcher is made out of  random collected junk. Let's see what we can find James's favourite hammer, perfect. Hey Tyler! Tyler! Hey can I borrow  that for a second? Thank you. *visible confusion intensifies* Ian hasn't ridden this thing in  weeks. I'm sure he won't mind Thanks Alex Okay, that should be everything we need to finish  this build and to look good hacksmith.store.   Alright we're actually going to  use the body of this angle grinder   in order to hold all of our electronics  so we're going to take this thing apart Next up we need the hammer. Okay we don't actually need the hammer. We're  going to use this as the handle for the launcher   to make the fenders we'll be using  our brand new Peopoly resin 3d printer It's all cured time to paint I'm actually rubbing off some of the paint with  a tissue to give it an aged and damaged style.   We need to modify the cd drive to actually be  able to fit our launcher mechanism. So in the game   it seems like the CDs fly out of the disk drive  and I want to have the same thing happen with ours   let's take this thing apart this thing  is useless and this thing is useless   and this thing is useless there we go got an  empty disk drive now. Okay so step number one   is I actually want to cut this piece  to look like this. Go right into it Now this piece can be coming out of here like this and I've actually made a couple  of templates to help us cut   the right shape out look we have a sticker  on it now so we're gonna angle grind out the   top and the bottom so we can fit our  launcher mechanism into the CD drive Okay with the CD drive all modified we're ready to  install the launcher and install this front piece   now that the CD launcher is all assembled  we're ready to start attaching the accessories.   So this one goes on this side just like this it's  all starting to come together. Next up the handle   okay so these are the handles we just painted Okay so this is actually gonna go like that.   Okay the mechanical assembly is basically  all complete finally we have to install the   electronics. This is actually our grip from the  jet power snowboard and we're gonna use it as both   a handle and a trigger for the launcher and it's  going to go right here. Now we've got our LCD and   our speaker mounted so we can see exactly what the  launcher is doing we're using this high-powered   Gens Ace Tattu battery to run the entire thing.  Okay we're finally ready to mount the motors. In order to test this thing we're gonna  need some ammo. Luckily I've got plenty   of CDs laying around. Alright let's see  what we got so these hey look, Photoshop!   what do we have what do we have uh Sounds of the  Power Loader, Darryl's Greatest Hits, hey look   we got a Pokeball. I can't read that handwriting  hey look hacksmith.store oh we even got a Captain   America shield gotta fire that one off. Gamestop  to the moon! Alright let's destroy some of these First up, apple. Next up, bananas. That's what I call a banana split!  Let's see what it does against red bull These goggles should be able to hold up to a   few discs. Make sure to check  them out on Hacksmith.store Barely scratched, nice! Okay let's see  if James can withstand some of these CDs Ready?? Haha this thing is sweet it works really well  so I think we should let others try it as well.   Hey guys want to give it a shot? It is all over the place man! This things going everywhere! Woohoo! That was awesome we destroyed a bunch of apples  some red bull cans even a mannequin's face yeah   who knew that CDs could do so much damage.  Far Cry 6 will be available on October 7th   but you can pre-order now using  our link in the description below   and make sure to check out the gameplay deep  dive trailer up there. I'll see you in the game
Channel: Hacksmith Industries
Views: 1,648,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thehacksmith, hacksmith, farcry, farcry 6, cd launcher, disc launcher, farcry weapons, make it real, makeitreal, farcry6 weapons, far cry 6 weapons, far cry 6, engineering, CD launching, high speed CDs, far cry 6 news, far cry 6 release date, far cry 6 trailer, ubisoft, video game trailer, video games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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