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After years of research and development  we've created an automatic fully   electric electromagnetically accelerated  projectile weapon based on the Halo MA5 This video is sponsored by  omaze enter at for your chance to win a hundred  thousand dollars cash and support a great cause. When you think of futuristic warfare and pretty  much any science fiction movie, technology has   advanced to the point where using any sort of  black powder or explosive fuel seems downright   silly and wasteful. From laser weapons to plasma to  magnetically accelerated projectiles, the future is   in pure renewable power in fact we've been messing  around with sci-fi energy weaponry for years now   from Iron Man's plasma gauntlet to his repulsor to  Zarya's laser bazooka to our various lightsabers   though the latest iteration still uses a type  of fuel but what if we had enough electricity   in a small enough form factor to power  pretty much anything turns out we almost do Unlimited Power! Years ago Ian and I built an electromagnetic  railgun as a science experiment   basically trying to recreate  the ones used on navy warships   it worked but despite the giant 400 volt  capacitors it wasn't very impressive. Fast forward   a few months and while interviewing potential  co-ops we met Charles. Why should we hire you You start on Monday. We basically hired him  on the spot and we started building our very first electromagnetically  accelerated projectile weapon alas due to canadian laws we had to make  it less powerful than we had hoped but all   in all it worked quite well though it was only  single shot that wasn't enough for Charles and   he continued researching and planning version 2.0  for the next few years while he finished school   today he's a full-time employee here and I decided it's about time to give him another shot   and since Halo Infinite just came out and since  we already did the spartan helmet complete with   a heads up display and a real-life plasma energy  sword we might as well base our new energy weapon   on the Halo MA5 let's see what he can come up with  let me explain how this is going to work we'll be   using 13 electromagnetic coils each to pull the  projectile faster and faster as it moves down   our barrel typically each coil is only able to  draw in a magnetic projectile towards its center   electromagnets don't know that we only  want the projectile to go in one direction   so we have to design the ma5 to turn our coils  on pull the projectile forwards then turn the   coil off before it starts to suck the projectile  backwards again that means each of the 13 stages   requires controllers that determine when to turn  the power on and off since this is happening at   projectile speeds we have to program the MA5 to  sequence the coil stages automatically to know   where the projectile is we have an LED and a light  sensor at each stage as a projectile interrupts   the light beam we want the controller to shut off  the current coil and magnetize the next coil ahead   these need to be timed precisely or the coils  will instead slow the projectile down make it   shoot backwards or possibly even catch fire now  you might be thinking that sounds pretty simple   it isn't in fact this is the most complicated  thing I have ever designed so what makes it so   difficult you may remember back in 2019  we did something an awful lot like this   that one was great but it left a lot to be desired  it was crazy heavy could only fire one shot at a   time needed an external battery pack and it kept  catching fire i've been thinking about how to make   this better for the two years since here's where  it gets hard i only have to replace the batteries   bus bars controllers coils chassis grips switches  and software really i have to replace everything   first to get it to stop catching fire I've got  to redesign the switches to more reliably handle   the 500 amps of current passing through them  this thing uses more power than our original   light saber when you pull the trigger and  that was challenging last time to redesign   the switches I of course used Altium Designer the  industry standard in printed circuit board design   problem two getting rid of the power purse I want  this thing to be powerful and portable I need to   find a way to fit powerful enough batteries in the  chassis so I don't need to tote a tote into battle   problem number three i want to make it fire  multiple shots without reloading to do that i'm   gonna have to design some sort of magazine into  the back end. Finally the weight issue won't go   away in one fell swoop the 2019 model was made out  of 1/8th inch steel plate i'm going to use aluminum   and make it thinner also the coils had to have a  whole bunch of wraps of copper on them to produce   the current something the batteries and switches  could survive which made them heavy and we had to   add an extra cosmetic wrap of copper on some of  them which made them even heavier since we have   better switches and better batteries we can use  fewer turns of copper and with the benefit of   hindsight and having a big ass lathe I can just  make them look pretty in the first place. Dialing   in those smaller coils took some doing I ran  a crapload of magnetic stimulations balancing   the weight against the risk of it melting into  a puddle in my hands. We're gonna want exactly   eight meters of wire on each one of these coils  i've got this jig that we can put our mandrels in   and i've got these reels that are ready to go with  eight meters of wire that we cut off yesterday so   what do you say? Let's go build some coils! This is really sketchy so don't do it at home Okay now I just need to do that 12 more times Coils are done now we just need a  switch that can turn them on and off   This is a MOSFET a metal oxide semiconductor field  effect transistor it can comfortably fit on the   tip of my finger and it can switch enough power  to start your car. On each stage we're going to   have two pcbs if there's going to be 13 stages  then I guess I need to solder up 26 pcbs but   before we do that I have to test something we're  in the semiconductor shortage right now and when   I tried to order the part I actually wanted  here it was on back order until 2023 so I ordered some compromised parts and we're gonna  have to test those before we can actually make   all 13 of these I know I could calculate this  out if I took a couple of days and simulated it   but it's probably a heck of a lot faster  and far more entertaining if i just plug   it in and see if it explodes so let's do  that. To see the full schematic diagram   check out the project on link  in the description below. Three two one That's what I was afraid would happen  apparently I've got some work to do   we'll sort that out and then  solder up a bunch of circuit boards, crap. A hundred thousand dollars  imagine what I could do with that Yeah that would be awesome. But what would you  do with a hundred thousand bucks? Head over to and enter for your chance  to win. Omaze giveaways are one-of-a-kind prizes   and experiences while donating money to chosen  charities all across the world. A hundred thousand   dollars can be life-changing money maybe you could  use it to fund your own hacksmith style project   or you could travel around the world,  twice, you can buy your favourite dream car   or you know you could achieve whatever you want  just by entering you'll be helping journey house a   charity that supports former foster and probation  youth to live fully independent successful lives   founded in 1983 they provide emotional support  and guidance as well as financial aid to help   with the cost of attending college and vocational  schools your generosity will go to support former   foster youth to obtain their higher education  for your chance to win a hundred thousand bucks   and support journey house, a great cause, go to Let's assemble the barrel okay oh shoot Rhiannon uh disaster averted  that would have been bad that would have been so bad i have the entire thing hooked up backwards every single one of these would have burst into flames. Okay we should be good  to go now just need to plug the battery in All right it's all ready to go we  just need something to shoot at and   this cardboard box ought to get the  job done. Load that in right there oh man I hope this works okay three two one okay well something went  wrong but didn't go that wrong   okay so I just pulled off the battery connectors  and I see this little pock mark where it looks   like there's just a bad connection in between  the bus bar and the electrical terminal that   was the only problem which I think it was because  nothing's on fire I'm just going to tighten the   screws tighter this time and that's all  I can really think to do, three two one well something's burned pretty good um oh my god that is vile. okay yeah so um this stage failed closed which  means that the magnet just stayed on which means   projectile just stayed there the entire time   don't know why that would happen so I  need to take this back up to the lab and run a bit of a postmortem and then once I've  got that sorted out um the whole thing should be   good to go but there's one little issue and that's  that i don't think i can feed these guys into the   back of it fast enough for us to get what we want  so we're gonna need some sort of automatic feed   yeah we'll get to that next. We need a  magazine here's one I prepared earlier   it's a box with a spring inside of it  that shoves a bunch of projectiles upwards   whenever we pull the trigger the topmost  projectile is going to get shoved   out of the magazine and into  the back of the accelerator I've got all the parts together I need to  assemble the core of the MA5 we have the   accelerator which I've gone and got anodized  to change the outside colour to black we've got   the battery pack, got a magazine got the lower  receiver frame, got the grip, the lower receiver   side panels, the main controller, the power supply,  and the upper receiver let's put it all together It's getting a bit heavy This is our battery pack and blue just  doesn't match the whole MA5 aesthetic and now the secret ingredient these three Gensace  redline lithium polymer high voltage batteries the functional unit is ready and it looks fantastic  but it doesn't look halo luckily Tyler's gone   and 3d printed us all these parts that  will really sell the ma5 aesthetic as an added bonus Chelsea who earlier  made the heads-up display from Halo   made up this little module that we're  going to mount inside of the display   and it's gonna show us the round counter  and our compass heading just like in Halo   Here it is the Halo MA5 with this  Chief is ready to take on the banished After weeks of hard work it's  finally ready to test and who   better to have test it than Master Chief himself Come on, that ain't it Chief, that ain't it. We just need to reload You put it in from the back side with  the filleted end towards the flat no no push it down you put the  thing in the hole you push it Can you believe that guy? It's getting a- it's getting a little toasty just  from all the current that's running through   these coils because there's something  like 400 500 amps in there and that's   a heck of a lot of juice in a small space  so we're just gonna help it out a bit Magazine got stuck. We knew this  would happen on one of them we just-   I didn't check which serial number it was.  Chief I can't hit from here let's get closer Chief i need another mag Holy crap. All right apparently gummy bears  are beyond our destructive capabilities Jammed? Okay, yeah, misfire hang on. Hand it back over All right looks like it was just a magazine issue   we swapped that out and now  let's take on the banished Apparently it wasn't just a magazine  issue. That hasn't actually happened yet   and that is what we call an anti-climax Alright let's take another go at that I was really expecting that to break You might notice that this thing really isn't  doing the kind of damage that the MA5 is capable   of in Halo well there are a few reasons for  that first we live in Canada where that would   be illegal we cannot construct anything that  launches projectiles at over 152.4 meters per   second and with kinetic energy over 5.7 joules  less we get the mounties beating down our front   door. Second there are fundamental limits to  what this type of magnetic launcher can do   the 2019 model was brushing right up against them  but installing this tube for the barrel took three   people in a rubber mallet so I made the new  barrel in segments without the inner tube sadly   that means there are gaps in the barrel which  the projectile is wasting energy bouncing off of   and scraping against we're seeing about 50% losses  from that alone. Which brings me to my third point   engineering is hard. Expecting ringing success on  any first prototype is setting yourself up for   disappointment there are always issues to solve  avenues for improvement and ways to make it better   next time. But even though there are many  ways I can improve on our MA5 it is still   the coolest thing I have ever built and I'm so  glad you guys got to come along for the ride   I hope you enjoyed the video be sure to like,  comment, and subscribe visit   for all the latest merch and don't forget to check  out hacksmith vlogs for more exclusive hacksmith   shenanigans and to hear more about what goes into  hacksmith projects become a channel member today   to see our director's commentary series where we  break it all down for you i'll see you next time
Channel: Hacksmith Industries
Views: 4,598,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thehacksmith, hacksmith, HALO, masterchief, hacksmith industries, halo infinite, build, halo reach, halo 4, halo 5 guardians, combat evolved, halo 3, halo 2, marines, unsc, energy sword, master chief, the arbiter, sword, cortona, grunts, brutes, elites, covenant, the prophet, jackals, sergeant johnson, buck, halo wars, spartan, engineering, science, solidworks, video game, xbox, 3D printing, custom build, create, maker, shop, workstation, the banished, ma-5, gauss cannon, electric power, led, battery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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