Scariest DIY ZOMBIE WEAPONS (from Dying Light 2)

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Making stuff is fun. Combining everyday items into new things is probably one of my favorite things to do. And when a video game gets it right, oh baby, I loved playing Dying Light back in the day because it combined making epic weapons with parkour, which if you didn't know, was actually the first thing I did on YouTube over 10 years ago. Well today Dying Like 2 is out and it's better than ever. To celebrate the release, they sent us some blueprints to try and recreate some of the weapons in game. I guess there's two of them. Hey Bogdan! You want to do a video with me? Heck yeah. What are we doing? So Dying Light sent us some blueprints. Oh man. I love Dying Light. It's like a pipe with a saw blade? Would you call this, like a vice... hammer? Let's do it! All right. It looks like I need some kind of handle. I think that's a table vice, some scrap metal and screws. Shouldn't be too hard to make. Just like our big shop Dying Light 2 is a massive open world game, which lets you roam the city with unprecedented freedom. And in the game you can press a button to scan your environment, to find exactly what you need. I wish I could do that. Hey, wait a sec. Whoa. Is that the handle? Well, good thing in the game, you can use parkour to scale any building Ok, so it says here we need a saw blade, a gas pipe, some gas fittings, and metal parts, and just like in the game, you got to scrounge for parts to build your weapons I think there should be some good stuff in here. Yeah, exactly what I need. Perfect. All right. I got the handle now, I just need the vice. I don't think anyone's using this. Perfect. All right. Vice. There should be some gas fittings over here. This should do as well. Ah, that should work Now I just need some metal parts and some screws, grip, tape, grip, tape- oh! Perfect. And I need some metal strapping. Here we go. There might be something in that bin up there. Perfect. Saw blade. How do I get down? That's everything. Just need to find this piece and the little clip That'll work. Perfect. All right. Let's build this thing. Looks like it's actually only using part of the vice. So first things first... That goes there. And those guys attach it. Now that I've salvaged all my parts, let's start building. I think I'm going to start with a handle. last time I checked, building stuff like this in Dying Light was actually kind of easier. I wonder why. That kinda slides right in. I think if I bend this. I can kind of use it to hold the axe in place. Now we need to attach it to our blade. Looks pretty much just like the game. We're going to cut apart this clamp and use that as the second mounting point at the top. Okay. We've got all the pieces cut. Now we need to weld them together. Gotta get rid of that, and put this thing. Perfect. Let's go put it together. That'll do some damage That looks awesome Time to test it out. Well, let's see what these can do. Shall we try a zombie head analog, also known as a melon. Analog zombie head, here I come Let's see what Ii can do Bogdan. Nice. Clean cut. Did you sharpen that saw blade? All right. Let's see what happens to mine. Nice. Got some blunt power there. Woo pineapple? Oh, we're going to be so sticky after this. Look how clean that cut is. Alright Bogdan Well, obviously since yours is a bladed weapon, fruit stand no chance. What about something a bit harder like this anatomically, correct. Zombie kettle. Let's see , uh, who, who destroys it first? Ready? Go. That cut straight through it. Look at this. All right. I want to destroy the keyboard. Well if you get a keyboard. I get full laptop. Watch this Let's see how this laptop fares woo. Those electronics stood no chance What do you say we destroy some watermelons? I'm gonna set mine on top of this glass jar. Ready? All right. Let's see if I can do that in one swing Bogdan. I mean you have a blunt weapon. Nice. All right James, two items left. I want the piggyback. All right. I'll do the VCR That went pretty deep. I think that's a win I think that counts say goodbye, piggy bank. Yeah. Nice. All right. Everything we tested here proves these things are pretty durable, pretty good, but Dylan's actually going to cook us up some real anatomically, correct-ish Zombie heads So while he's doing that, I think just like in the game, we should add some modifications to these to make them better. Oh yeah. I've got a few ideas. Yeah, I think, uh, you know, for cutting away, it can use a little more cutting. All right, let's do that. Let's do it. Hey guys, it's me. Big daddy D fish. So while they're out there making weapons, I thought to myself, what's a better thing for them to test them on than fruit? A zombie head. So as you can see, we have a human skull. Uh, it's not a real human skull or so it seems Real zombies scientifically their brains are made from blue raspberry gummies. One for me, there we go. Obviously, a zombie is more than just a skull. So we're going to take this guy here, upside down, and it's going to fit right into a zombie mask. And then from there, we're going to start filling it up with some green gummies, make sure that it's anatomically correct to our real life zombies. We have to have something that's going to gel it all together. Right? Obviously I was going to fill it out. With green ooze. And of course this being Hacksmith, I made my own. We have a mixture of glucose, sugar, and sorbitol, and we're going to bring this up to a boil. We have our hot syrup. We have our gelatin mixture. I'm going to start pouring this gelatin mixture. Into our hot syrup. And now for the food coloring, look at that. Now that's real life zombie guts. Now here comes the fun part. We're going to pour this hot ooze. Into the zombie heads, with the green gummy frogs with the blue raspberry brains. And because we're here in Canada, we're going to take these zombie heads and we're going to cool them outside. Uh, it's a natural refrigerator, if you will. Cool. So this is the elemental special attack. There's a fire and ice mod. I'm going to start with a fire mod. All right. First I need some fuel, some red bull ha butane, this will work perfect. Sweet, a bleed mod upgrade. This will be awesome. Wonder where I can find some of this stuff. Hey, there's something up there. That's perfect. We need a hose. Right. We need a few more parts. Okay. We need a brass fitting, this way. I need the end of a blowtorch. That should do. I think I'm ready to put it all together now. Perfect, I got everything I need to upgrade my weapon. All right. I think I've got all the parts I need now. Well, why don't you put your toolbox to work? Oh, crap. It's nighttime We better get to the safe house The day and night cycle in Dying light 2 brings extra challenges, a dramatic shift in the world. As you turn from hunter during the day To pray at night face the upcoming threat or runaway to survive. Will you survive the night? There's one side of it. Okay. Let's double check to make sure it works. Ha That's a flamethrower we're ready to put together the bleed mode. Let's set this aside for now. First things we need to chop. these rings off our throwing knives. We've got this. We've got our hose, gonna have this mounted like.. We're missing the pressure gauge. Think we have an extra one air compressors over here. You can see in the blueprint, there's some copper wire holding these blades on as well. So let's add that next Our knife sprocket with the copper is complete. Next up let's mount the motor Speed controller. And battery quick motor test, plug this in.. here we go! Motor spins. Let's try that one more time. Leaks a little bit, but, uh, it's the apocalypse. I think we're ready for night this time And there we go. Our slicer mod is complete. This thing is terrifying. If you'd like to see the full schematic diagram, made sure to check out our link in the description below let's upgrade our weapon. Doesn't get caught in the blade. Check that out. I think we're ready for nighttime. Alright. Our weapons are done. That looks pretty awesome James I see, did the fire mod very classic I think it's going to work pretty good. Nice. What is that? This is the spinny bleeding mod. This thing spins, it's got three throwing knives on the end. And it'll cut apart just about anything. Well, you took something terrifying and made it even more terrifying. Well, I think it's, it's time to test it. I think you should go first. What should we test though? I don't know. I have an idea. How about test them on these- Perfect. Green brains. Nice. What do you think about that? And, hey, do you remember those interns that went missing that used to work here and you were always wondering where they went? Yeah. Well, I have a surprise for you Here they are!! Ken and Barbie. Ready to go All right. Let's see what the bleed mod Does to a zombie brain. Oh boy. All right. He goes nothing. Oh, look at that. Check that out. That zombie brain is no longer in one piece. All right. I think, I think you win. Scariest weapon mod there's zombie guts all over me. All right. I gotta, I gotta try this flamethrower mod. Let's get started on the head Let's light him up with my trusty mini Sabre. Ooh. Nice. Uh, his flesh is literally leaking out of his skin Should I try hitting him now? I felt skull there. You know, I've always thought I wanted to be in a zombie apocalypse, but the third stage of hitting that is just it's weird, man. All right. Let me take a few whacks at it. Oh my goodness that is disgusting. Oh, God.... I think that's an absolute win. Alright, let's see what my bleeder mod can do. Oh, that actually worked really well. You're like skinning it, man. Oh, look at that. Oh, ah, look at that. It looks so weird with just the mouth So gross. Oh, I heard the skull there Pretty sure he's dead. Yeah. That's oh- that skull is clean in two I want to try to like chop the top of his head. Oh, oh, you cut him in half You can literally see a cross section of its skull. Yeah, that is one dead volatile. Oh, look at a piece of brain and skull... Alright, Bogdan, I'm going to, I'm going to give you that. I think your weapon is superior, but since I already made the elemental FIRE mod I decided to also make the elemental freezing mod. What I've done is I've actually taken a CO2 cylinder, done some high pressure fittings, and basically we can blast snowy ice out of this end Let's see if we can freeze this head. So to activate it, you just gotta twist the canister. CO2, isn't actually cold enough to freeze a frigging zombie head. And even if this was liquid nitrogen, like it is in the game, it takes a lot more than spring, a little liquid nitrogen on something to freeze something fully. But to get this effect, we're actually going to dunk this entire thing in a bucket of liquid nitrogen for the next few hours. So we can hit this and hopefully have zombie chunks, splatter, and crack and break everywhere. It's going to be awesome. So, okay guys ready? Oh, it's pouring out. Wow. We're only getting the top half of the head Let's put more in. Freeze them from the inside. Alright looks good and frozen Oh, you can feel it, he doesn't wiggle anymore. It's crackling. wow. All right. All right, let me have a go. So well, look at. Uh, I think he's dead. That was fricking sweet. Oh man. Elemental ice freezing! Look at these crystal shards of jello. That was awesome. That was so much fun. Making the zombie heads, We've never really done this before, but we should probably do it more often because that was super cool. The frozen bits of skull, just like flying out and the terrifying, spinning knives. Huge thank you to Techland for sponsoring this video. Check out Dying Light 2: Stay Human and explore the vast open world of the city. Download today, using our link below. Thanks for watching. You want to play some Dying Light? Yeah, let's get going. OOF
Channel: Hacksmith Industries
Views: 1,106,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hacksmith, thehacksmith, dying light, dying light 2, dying light 2 weapons, dying light 2 secret weapons, engineering, diy, zombie weapons, diy zombie weapons, apocalypse, zombie weapons comparison, zombie weapons test, zombies, weapons, dying light 2 trailer, dying light 2 ending, dying light 2 review, weapons from games, techland, dyinglight, dyinglight2, zombees, zombee, diy weapons melee
Id: n9g1ZNf9tHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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