A man in a time-loop must work with his brother to prevent a catastrophic fire. | Exit Strategy

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I love time loop stories and this was well put together. Felt sorry for the brother in the end as all he wanted was to save his brother and the other just wanted to spend time with his brother.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Martinrobo123 📅︎︎ Oct 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

God damnit I wasn't ready.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Cheritiy 📅︎︎ Oct 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

I love this short.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mustache_ride_ 📅︎︎ Oct 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

Made me feel some type of way

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/henweigh 📅︎︎ Oct 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

it's like a black mirror episode with less melodramatic actors than black mirror episodes. reminds me of that time traveling movie "about time"

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/awoods5000 📅︎︎ Oct 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

Quite well done.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/-Yazilliclick- 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Oh no, I just wound you. Don't tell me you're broken.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tapemaster21 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

I guess it's a repost since it has so few upvotes? 'Cause, damn that was good! I love these time travel conundrums.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/This_is_User 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
yeah that's fine I can pick up food all the way back but Shane what are you doing here well Bridget would have been upset if I had come to your house so and I'm not complaining I just figured you'd be in space or building a hover car or something golly it's been four years three months 21 days hey Matt the usual yes ma'am this right here is my brother Shane Shane this is Robin your favorite waitress of the downtown diner I'll take an apple juice lots of ice don't worry about the spill black coffee apple juice plenty of ice still sticking the apple juice huh you know it's funny every time I packed his lunch he always asked for a juice box I guess she takes after uncle me yes somehow it got more awkward go to ESPN livestream Liverpool vs Manchester United Roberto Firmino for me let me get there first know what very funny nose wasn't Cora I cannot believe the Mustang hime athlete captain just told me to watch a sports got me a full ride to MIT what dit playing with a ball get you laid laid sure one black coffee and sorry I'm due for an upgrade anyway um I will get you another apple juice don't need this how do you know for me I was gonna score that goal I'll show you let's go well let's wait till we you know breakfast first I'm a much better listener when I am on bacon what's that timer we need to leave right now pay the waitress left pocket thank this with : sick this afternoon a fire breaks out in the florist by Pines Road we're dead and I used to force you to come camping exactly 18 people die you have to get there and stop it before it starts people I'll put in a call get some trucks up know when we did that they turn up and they leave cuz the fire hasn't happened yet which are you like a time-traveling Smokey the Bear it's actually a time loop I discovered that if I manipulate the cosmic string phases by three chains that what I can repeat time I don't have the energy yet to go any further back past today and I have to reset the loop by sunset or I'm stuck in the present but so it's kind of like growing on day yeah kind of are you coming your battery's dead I run in an SUV first use our battery is not dead all right well I'm still driving okay take Jefferson out towards margarita 49 is way fast it's gonna be an accident whose tire take the next left skip Kings water main broke flow to the street okay use me sir you uh you want your windows why all right man we're good start get us killed explain we fix the flat what dude what is going on four to five miles there'll be an underpass by the railroad track park next to the track Shane man you are freaking me out dude how did you know the tire was gonna blow the the battery was dead for me no scores that goal what is it what is going on so happened before she's a tire right I'm okay okay [Music] why does it seem like the entire world is against us since we left that diner cuz it is time as a scientist we were just rats stuck in her maze she doesn't want us to get to the exit so she keeps adding more walls more traps it's very progressive pronoun you think you look 100 things will go wrong to make sure we don't get to this fire I have relived this day again and again and again and I still haven't been able to get to the fire with you so we've had this conversation before oh yeah all right then what am I gonna say next trick question I'm not gonna say anything thanks for the help welcome hey remember that time you helped me run for class president tried to hack the school computer system and rigged the election for me tried you were elected eighth grade president as I recall I was running for sixth grade president really did you don't remember that he called us in the principal Bedford's office he couldn't believe and you had memorized four hundred lines of code and forgot your own brothers age we got to go finish that up I'm 28 we're put on some music now let's keep the radio off who needs music when you have random beeping I've calibrated to go off at key moments to keep us on schedule if we don't meet the deadlines bad things happen what about the clicking is that part what do you been up to the last four years buddy when you're with me we know many pass the robot before Oh me oh well beat the police and the angle saw the ball Katie had a bounce dude honestly there's I got some big news we're here pull over here pull over stop here humor to gun it to see if we can break through this barricade now when we did that the car flips and you're decapitated seriously yeah I need you to turn back see Cole up here check out the whole damn road talk to him so what do you think we should do what try something new [Music] here I said roll close I saw the poster for your missing dog say what I actually found him Jasper my dog is he okay yeah he's tied up in front of a downtown diner set up food water which should prevent his comfort until you retrieve him okay but how do you even know what it doesn't even matter man thank you thank you so much hey I need you to cover for me at ponds Road hey you know how Jasper went missing today yes and I found him I did take a lot of time to find that dog yeah not really I took him from his backyard this morning [Music] okay well I'm foot from here keys back alright we ready to save the world you want to time travel back try that again you know let's go come on pick it up pick it up we're here this is it hey sorry about this no fires today y'all shouldn't be out here by yourselves anyway some weirdo come up to you we ought to run whatever we did it we did it I'm glad you're here you know this isn't really a fire that would have gotten out of control though there's a good perimeter and there's a lot of what's that emergency pager five alone fire broke out downtown six blocks from the diner why'd you bring me out here [Music] when you stay downtown you die we tried to stop the fire hundreds of times we stopped the electrical fire and then another fire breaks out in the kitchen we stop the kitchen fire then three teenagers forget to put a cigarette out next door fire always happens you always die I always live even when you manage to rescue a few people you never make it out so I started looking for another exit to the maze away from the fire I spent days searching for locations I calibrated what would be the shortest safe distance away and then it hit me here so we used to go camping with dad firemen don't run from fires something always happened have brought you back to the fire or killed you on your way out of town this time we I saved you this time I don't need you to say Frank Shane why do you even care you've talked to me like twice since dad died look if I could create a time loop that goes back to what I do care about I love Shane if you don't if you don't care why did you come so why don't you spend time with my brother give me a key Shane I can't do that give me the key Shane people are dying no no [Music] you can't escape the maze work at the fire station fire station three downtown if you're a firefighter you get your ass back out in town I'm gonna have this fire out there back here lead a fire downtown to spread to a second building fire fighters are just arriving at the [Music] [Music] money [Applause] it's going to be a fire downtown we can stop it you bring every fire truck you can get it's just us how fire trucks you go in through the front I'm going in through the front okay look I timed this out if we don't leave right now you die don't go for the host what are you not gonna do go for the home how's it already should be working [Music] yeah that's fine I can pick up food on the way back Matt Shane what are you doing here I can't check up on my brother oh I complain and I just figured you'd be in space or building a hover car or something golly it's been like four years three months 21 days hey Matt the usual yes ma'am this right here is my brother Shane Shane this is Robin the best waitress at the downtown gunner can I get you anything I will take an apple juice extra Ike's black coffee apple juice plenty of ice don't stick an apple juice huh you know it's funny every time I pack Katie's lunch she always ask for a juice box I think she takes after a little bit did she still he Coco Puffs Lucky Charms uh better actually she eats chocolate Lucky Charms I didn't even know this existed well they do and we have family size boxes by the Dozen it's amazing yeah this is nothing have you got time to stay for breakfast [Music] you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 2,660,383
Rating: 4.9650617 out of 5
Keywords: exit strategy, sci-fi short film, omeleto
Id: 68f27rqP_NY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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