Ex-lovers reconnect on a car ride during the pandemic. Then their masks come off... | Pick Up

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Wow. This is amazing. I really love to the dialogue and her acting.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/closlier 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
Oh. Sorry! Hey! Hi. Welcome. Thank you. Do you want me to put my bag in the back there? Um, I'll pop the trunk. [DOOR CLOSES] [TRUNK OPENS] [TRUNK CLOSES] [DOOR OPENS] Alright. Oh, is it cool for me to sit up here... or do you want me to sit in the back? I don't want to be your chauffeur. Okay, good. I just want to make sure... to offer and attempt, like, six feet or whatever. Oh, right. Um. Well, I can roll down the windows? Works for me. [DOOR CLOSES] Thank you for picking me up. Oh Yeah. Of course! Just want to avoid being in an Uber right now. No, I totally get it. I mean, it's no problem. What else was I going to do tonight, right? Haha. Yeah. [TRAFFIC NOISE] So, how was your flight? It was fine. I mean, it's the first time I've been around people in months. NINA: Months. GREG: Yeah, so a little weird, anxiety inducing, but it went really smoothly. I was impressed. Wait, so did you not -- --uh, did you not fly home? No, I drove. Oh, Wow. Yeah, I didn't want to quarantine away from them for, like two weeks or whatever so I just -- You know what? I'm sorry. Do you mind if we roll these up? Because it's just like, on the highway, I'm not - It's fine with me. I mean, I'm the one who was just on the plane. Oh, I'm not too worried about it. It's fine. Cool. Sorry. So you were saying you drove -- -- so you wouldn't have to quarantine. Oh Yeah. I didn't want to rent an Airbnb or whatever. Yeah. The whole point of me being there was to help my brother out. So it just made more sense. How is Steve? Like, how's he doing with everything? Uh, he seems okay. He's just focused on getting everything out of the house. Yeah. It's tough. Wait, how'd you know? Did I tell you? Marie posted about it. Oh, I unfollowed her. Jesus. What'd she say? I dunno, just that -- You know what? Don't even tell me. I fucking unfollowed her for a reason. Easy, Tiger. I can't tell if you're glaring at me -- -- or if you're kind of smiling. Good. Keep you on your toes. NINA: Ooo. Alright. Probably a little bit of both. You know, honestly, we can probably take these off at this point. I mean, we're like a foot away from each other. I doubt these masks are saving our lives. If one of us has it. People say masks do a lot. I dunno. They're pretty important. No, I know that. I'm not like an anti-masker. I just -- --I don't know Neen. You can change a lot in 9 months. I don't know what cable news network you watch now. Okay, fine, let's just leave them on then... Jesus GREG: No, You're probably right. I mean I got tested three days ago. I was just on the plane, so I was trying to -- -- It's okay with me. I'm not too worried. I'm sure you're more careful most of the time than I am. GREG: Well, that's certainly true. Is it a smile or is it a glare? Your move, G. God, that feels good. [MUSIC] Thanks again for the ride. Oh, sure. I mean, I love going to LAX during rush hour. Oh man. I did have to cancel wild Friday night plans. Oh, I'm sure. You're probably going to clubs and stuff now that you're an anti-masker. Stop. Seriously though, who have you been seeing? Um -- You mean, like, romantically or... No, no I -- -- I meant like, are you mostly home, are you like, out and about -- -- Do you have a pod? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, No, I'm pretty much home, like, all the time. I work remote now. Same job but -- Oh, good. -- And then, yeah, I mean, I see friends and stuff, like outside. But Carly's in my pod. Nice. How about you? Before the fam? Just Jake. No, I'm at, like romantically. Oh, Uh -- No, I -- I'm kidding. Oh. Okay, great. Thanks. So, just Jake? Yeah...The cashier at the grocery store. Nice. Best buds. Yeah, we're Super tight. So, no "Lady" friend? Are you still fucking with me? No, I'm actually asking. Is that allowed? Yeah. But, uh, no. No "Lady" friend. And yourself? Myself? Are you seeing a "Man" friend? I am single. Wow. Nina Reilly is single. Stop the presses. Well, it's like impossible to date right now. Oh, okay. So you're not single by choice or due to lack of interest -- only single by circumstance. What's the difference? GREG: If somebody could find a boyfriend during a plague, it'd probably be you. What is that supposed to mean? I just mean, you're not very comfortable being alone. You don't get to... That's kind of a shitty thing for you to say. Come on. You said as much yourself. Yeah, I mean, that was a long time ago, and I get to say that. You don't get to -- you haven't -- you have no idea what I've been -- You have no idea who I've been seeing or what I'm comfortable with or what makes me happy. Neen -- No, this may come as a surprise to you, but I've actually been alone. A lot. GREG: Yeah, same. And I've gotten pretty good at it. Yeah, same. NINA: Same. Okay. Okay. GREG: Easy Tiger. Well... I may not know how you've been spending your time, but I'm sorry. I think I still know what makes you happy. Shut up. [MUSIC] [LAUGHTER] Well... Well... It was really great to see you. Yeah. Yeah, I was happy to hear from you. I'm glad you asked. Okay, good. I was worried it was weird. Well, it's definitely weird. It's totally weird. But... I'm still glad you asked. I missed you. Yeah, me too. Alright. Do you wanna come up? Oh... Uhhhhh. Is that -- I mean, I think we're in the same pod now. Yeah, you're probably right. I just -- Did you actually have plans? No. No, I do not actually have plans. No, I just -- Um, I don't know. I feel like... I shouldn't right now. You're doing that thing. No, I'm not. I'm not doing a thing. I'm not, I'm not doing anything. I... I'm... I don't know. I'm honestly just tired. I just had to drive like three hours to get my friend from the airport. Wow. You're a really good friend. I am a good friend. He must be awesome. Yeah, he's alright. Okay. I'm going to get my bag. Okay. [DOOR OPENS] [DOOR CLOSES] [TRUNK OPENS] [TRUNK CLOSES] [DOOR OPENS] Okay, Neen. It was... great to see you. Yeah. Let's like actually hang out. K. Greg, look, I'm not trying -- [KISS] What? Are you okay? We shouldn't have done that. Why? 'cause I was on the plane? We've been in the same car. NINA: No, no I'm fine with that. [SIGH] I'm kind of seeing someone. Oh. So... not single. No. No, I am. It really seems like you're not. It's not defined. Like, it's... it's new. But he's the only person I've like... touched during all of this. And I generally want to try to not be an asshole and should tell someone if I'm potentially exposing them to some life threatening -- That sounds like a really good policy. Did you think about extending me that same courtesy, like telling me you're seeing someone when I directly fuckin asked you. Greg. I'm sorry. I should have -- [DOOR SLAMS] God. Fuck! [DOOR OPENS] NINA: Greg! I mean, who is his boyfriend? What does he do? He's not my boyfriend and ... he works remote. He's insanely careful. He's as much of tight ass as you are. Why didn't you tell me? Because. Because I wanted to know where you were at. And I knew if I told you I was kind of seeing someone, even casually, then you wouldn't be genuine with me about it. Well... at least you're honest about how manipulative you are. Well, do you blame you for wondering? Why did you ask me to pick you up from the airport? Why did you say yes? Because I'm a good friend. We're friends. It's been nine months. It's a pandemic! Perfect. Seriously, you could have asked tons of people. Why did you ask me? Maybe because I actually haven't touched anyone since I touched you. So it didn't seem so crazy. This is just so stupid. I'm not like, with him. We just started... There's been no conversation about it being exclusive. I think the rules are a little different now. Neen. God, fuck. How am I going to tell him? Well, we both know you're not going to tell him, so don't kid yourself. Cool. Fuck You. K, I'm gonna go. K. See ya on Instagram. Why are you being shitty? Why aren't you coming inside? I'm sorry. I didn't know that invitation was still good. Sorta felt like the moment had passed The invitation stands. No! We're... We're fighting. We're in a fight. I should -- Go back to your boyfriend? No, I'm not. Yes, you are. You kissed me back and then immediately regretted it. So, you're clearly choosing him. What? Because you need a ride home from the airport we're getting back together? No -- Suddenly you get to be back in my life. Wow, that's nice. You broke up with me. I know that. And you know why. Don't. Don't be a martyr. You made your own decision. Because you couldn't make the call and it was killing you. I get my dream job and you're not willing to -- Yeah, how is New York by the way? Okay. Thanks. Yeah. That's nice. Like, I'm not heartbroken enough. About us or the job? It can't be both? I've really missed you. Clearly. I must have missed all your phone calls. Ditto. You knew, I didn't go. You knew it fell through. Yeah, but you were willing to go. You were willing to let me me. Neen...Come on. K, well... Do me a solid and fuck with someone else's head next time you need a favor from a friend. Copy. Okay. Bye. Bye. [DOOR CLOSES] [CAR IGNITION] MAN'S VOICE: Hellooo. Hey. MV: Hey, stranger. I haven't heard from you all day. Yeah, sorry. It's been... Kind of a crazy day. MV: Well, you finally done with work? You want to come over? Um... Yeah, I'm done. Uh... I don't know. I'm just kind of tired. MV: Well, I've got some wine. We can pick a movie. I can make fun of you when you fall asleep halfway through it. Huh, yeah. MV: I was actually about to order Thai. You want your usual? Pad See Ew? Medium? Um... Yeah, thanks. Yeah, that's good. MV: Alright, see you soon. Okay. [MUSIC]
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 504,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pick up, drama short film, omeleto
Id: 4K2ClKdT5sY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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