A man hires an escort. To his shock, it's his stepdaughter. | Lily Meets Charlie

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hmm hmm um [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] had your of some company tonight i am indeed lily right that's right are you gonna invite me in please do you want something to drink no thank you i don't mind if you want to have one i do i'll be with you in a second uh uh [ __ ] pathetic i was just hi where are you going is it the money what's going on you are you don't recognize me um i mean you do look familiar but i can't oh really you can't no i'm i'm really sorry i yeah the the young girl in your phone wallpaper maybe what what do you mean how did you that's my my wife and and my stepdaughter [ __ ] sake jolly how do you know my name i mean my real name is you [ __ ] raised me [Music] of course i recognize you well that makes one of us uh sorry young man man can you help me out i'm sorry i can't actually i'm just really sorry um excuse me there's a mandy who's got needs help yeah young man laura laura oh now you remember me but um actually my client's going to call me lily oh come on i'm not a client oh no what are you then i'm i'm not sure no exactly because you're nothing oh come on please laura please don't [ __ ] call me that you do not get to okay okay i'm sorry lily please can we go back inside why'd you want to [ __ ] me of course not why would you just say that that's what you called me for isn't it no yes i i mean i didn't call you but yes i i i call the girl but not you anyway whatever you think it might look like it's not like that no of course not and i haven't sucked three dicks today oh i'm sorry does that make you uncomfortable yeah of course it does what do you think i don't know i just thought maybe after all this time that maybe you wouldn't mind i mean what is it is it the fact that i know you pay for sex or you know that men pay me for the same reason come on don't say that oh it's true it's uh i'm i'm not saying i'm condoning it but it's it's not my place to judge yeah no it's not and anyway i i i believe it can mean a lot more than that f6 yeah is that the case for you yes it is i'll say um well for me it's um it means something of a presence like um support in time of need like a companion what do i say something stupid no no for most men that is exactly what it is but for a pathetic man like you i'm afraid i can't give you so much credit why not because these men do it because they [ __ ] have to because i don't have anybody to turn to so they come to us for um companionship as you say but you had people and you chose to leave the ones you had behind you ran away like a [ __ ] coward which is why you are nothing nothing like the lonely men that i feel sorry for they deserve to have women like me there for them but you i sincerely hope the only thing that you shared with a woman before tonight is a pathetic hand job because that is the only thing you deserve listen if you need money you can tell [ __ ] off sure has it occurred to you that i do this because i genuinely want to no no it didn't i'm i'm sorry i don't know how to do this do what i'll talk to you don't worry about it cause i'm leaving no no please please please hear me out just hear me out why should i look i i know i [ __ ] up and and and i'm probably the last person you want to talk to right now but i just thought that we both really need to talk and at least i know i do i don't really think that's a very good idea i mean you [ __ ] abandoned me what more is there to say there's so much to say look lilly and i know you don't believe me right now but i've been thinking about you every single day since your mother died then why didn't you come back ten years i don't know i i truly don't know and i'm terribly sorry i didn't yeah well it's a bit late for apologies now isn't it yes it is and i don't expect you to forgive me ever oh no i wouldn't but now that i have the chance to do it i want to help you what makes you think i need help and i can start by giving you answers if you want to i might [Music] shall we go back inside [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 1,542,431
Rating: 4.8418846 out of 5
Keywords: lily meets charlie, drama short film, omeleto
Id: fSW3a0zb0rQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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