Identity Theft | unSTUCK SERIES | Pastor Keion Henderson

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[Music] oh so [Music] so [Music] [Music] perfect [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] good morning everybody it's worship time come on wake everybody up in your house however you do it go in there and scream throw some water on them but come and join us for worship we don't want you to do this alone come on get up let's go out and share it start a watch party don't watch this alone it's going to be an amazing service you got to come and watch this come on y'all get them up get them up welcome to the lighthouse church it's prayer time as we stand in the posture of prayer we just want to acknowledge god and give him reverence on today father god we thank you lord god for you are a good good god we thank you lord god for you are our cup father god you are our portion lord god and father god we need you lord god father god you said in your word father god to be anxious for nothing but by prayer and supplication and make our request known with thanksgiving father god father we thank you lord god father god as we stand lord god in the midst of our unrest nation lord god father god we call upon you lord god we need you lord god to rescue us lord god father we need you lord god to work in our situations god father we can't do nothing without you lord god so father god as we trust you lord god as we put our hearts and our minds upon you lord god we're not gonna lean to our own understanding god but we're gonna acknowledge you god in all of our ways god that you may direct our pathway god father i continue lord god to move father god move in this season lord god give us more love father god give us more understanding god father god we gotta trust you lord god and we thank you lord god we thank you god we give you glory we give you glory god we give you glory hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah come on stay right there where you are open up your mouths and give god the best praise you have come on yeah can you clap your hands like this [Music] you remain the same man wonderful it's your name [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] all of my life it's all right to clap your hands like [Music] this [Music] [Music] me [Music] this morning [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wonderful here's your name [Applause] open up your mouth and give god the best praise [Music] from the inside [Music] from the inside from [Music] from the inside from the inside [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] for you to be live come on [Music] for [Music] yes you [Music] as you lose is [Music] is hey [Music] we wanna glorify you jesus we lift our hey we love you jesus come on the next part says listen in my life believe that high in my world believe that high right here in my heart [Music] we live in my world [Music] [Music] is [Music] say come with us [Music] everybody i don't care what it looks like i don't care how you feel [Music] me [Music] in my life you believe me [Music] can we just have everybody singing no music in my life [Music] i feel believe me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] why [Music] you are the ruler of everything [Music] [Music] we will not [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we love you welcome all i want [Music] is for you for you to be glorified [Music] [Music] you to be glorified you don't believe that yeah hey yeah [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] let praises rise from the inside there was one songwriter um jaymar said that there's a praise he said i've got a praise on the inside and i just i just can't keep it to myself and and i i think that it is important to know that there is only one place that praise can come from and it is from the inside it cannot come from your house cannot come from the automobiles you own it can't come from a bank account it can't come from watches and jewelry and clothes it can only come from the inside and and when you've been on the inside of something and god has brought you out of that thing the only place that praise can come is from the inside i am pastor keon henderson this is the lighthouse church you have called us right in the middle of a worship experience and we are welcoming you into this we're calling it a studio it's a sanctuary but right now we're just producing everything we can to make sure that we bring worship into your home and i'm like you i cannot wait until we can gather together as they would say in the old church what a time what a time listen i've got a word for you today i believe that the enemy has tried to distract you from your purpose hear me if i never get to the message i want you to hear me now every thing that you are going through right now is a distraction from the enemy to get your attention off of what god actually has for you to do because remember if you are distracted you cannot be impactful i want you to focus and i want you to focus as the song said we just finished singing i want you to focus on the inside i want you to focus on the inside and some of y'all still might be inside of something you're not out of it yet but i want you to focus on the inside if you have your bible if you have your app whatever you're using right now and i'm excited about how some of you all have set your houses up with watch parties and you've set your homes up uh with with people and invited them over i'm thanking you for doing all of that so uh we're gonna have a little church today and i want you to go to genesis chapter 37. and we're going to cover many more verses than the two that i'm going to read but i'm just going to read these two to contribute to the brevity of time let's go to genesis chapter 37 and i want you to look at verse 23 here's what the word of the lord says it says and it came to pass that when joseph was come unto his brethren that they stripped joseph out of his coat his coat of many colors let's go to verse 24. let's look at that and the bible says and they took him and they threw him they cast him they tossed him into a pit and the pit was empty and there was no water in it i really want to pay attention to one word because this one word will tell you how they felt about them i want you to this word cast this word cast because when you care about something and you play you place it in a place right i i care about this ipad i would never cast it i would i would just place it but this tao you you if you've been here in person you've probably seen me throw this in the audience or cast it in the audience because because my my affinity for this tile isn't the same i don't place the same value on it so i cast the tile i place the ipad when you look at the word cast it tells you how they felt about him let me tell you something you can always tell how a person feels about you by how they handle you by how they handle you and we'll get there but for the for the purpose of this message this is what i want to use for a subject today i want to talk about identity theft i want to talk about identity theft and the reason why i want to talk about that my brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen friends this world is stuck this world that you and i live in right now is polarized i keep turning on instagram i keep turning on the news i keep turning on television hoping that something will change and then we see another black man has been shot i keep looking on television and the news and social media thinking that blacks and whites will come together and we have but then some certain sector of those polar opposites rears its ugly head and shows us we're not even interested in change we're stuck we are stuck you you need only watch the news to know that we're stuck and and when when we are presented with the change that is necessary when we are presented pastor rhema with the change that actually needs to happen we see people pushing back as if the change is not necessary and in a time of unprecedented freedom and opportunity so many of you like me feel hopeless and powerless i sometimes look at what's going on in the world and i said this to my mentor the other day i said i wish i could change the world and he said you know speaking from a person twice your age he said something to me and i want to give you wisdom he said when i was your age i used to want to change the world he said but you recognize slowly that you cannot he said but i didn't change the world listen he said but i know i impacted it and it really resonated to my mind because as i look with disgust at some of the progress that we should be making and the change that i actually want to make in the earth with my life and i see that change not taking place in certain areas and cities i have to settle for impact this world is stuck it's stuck and and we have we have pastor hammond we have totally different perspectives what one person looks at as racism another person looks at as classism what one person looks at and says that i have a right to exercise my constitutional right another person says this constitution doesn't even represent the rights of people who look like me it's this world is stuck what looks like boredom to somebody else is contentment to another person and and and and we're just stuck and we're trying to figure out how to agree on a subject matter but do we even know what the subject is the world is stuck and you don't have to live in houston to know that you know it if you live in iowa you don't even have to live in america to know that i get direct messages from people from all the world around the world telling me pastor we're praying for your country so so might i even expand it our country has not just stuck the world it's stuck and so when god gave us this series and i don't know who will hear this and i pray that it that the holy spirit gives me the power so that it will resonate throughout time and throughout the world to know that a change has to come that a change must come that that there must be an undoing of psychological patterns there must be an undoing of how we rear our children there must be an undoing of the economic system and structure there must be an undoing of the educational system there has to be a day of reckoning my my task today is to give us a few cues and clues on how to get unstuck and and and george it's not easy to do so because spend millions if not billions on keeping us stuck you know i'm not a big serial eater but they say wheaties is the breakfast of champions that's the worst cereal ever made no sugar no flavor but yet they want us to believe that if we eat this cereal we can score 30 points like michael jordan and it is nothing more than an ad to keep us stuck on a cereal that in my opinion tastes the same as the box um lay's potato chips bet you just can't eat one stuck they they have us they have a stuck nike put these shoes on guess what you'll be able to do it i know a lot of people who wear them they just can't get it done they they do all they can to keep us stuck if you pay attention to coca-cola look at look at their ads everything about coca-cola is about happiness it it and you can't even have christmas without coke they got their own polar bear isn't that amazing that you're so rich you have your own polar bear and and they they have us they have us thinking that that that we're happy when we're drinking coke and guess what their slogan is open happiness once i had a verizon phone and and it didn't work but their slogan says can you hear me now to suggest that if i have this phone that i will always be able to hear and that is not the case ladies and gentlemen why because they spend millions if not billions on making us believe that if we have their products that we will not be stuck in the dilemma that their product solves i have discovered and i'm taking my time and i hope you can stay with me i have discovered write this down because this is for your family there are three reasons why you are stuck there are three reasons why your brother is stuck some of you all are progressive and you look at your parents and and you're wondering what's wrong with them i'm getting ready to tell you why they're stuck some of you all have an ex and you can't figure out why five years later they still acting crazy i'm about to tell you why they are stuck some of you all have children and you raised them the best you could and they're not following what you taught them i'm getting ready to tell you why they're stuck and as i started some of you all have even banged your head against your own proverbial wall to try to figure out why you can't move forward in your life and i'm getting ready to tell you why you are stuck are you ready here are the three reasons why people are stuck number one people are either stuck because they are lazy number two people are stuck because they are scary or number three people are stuck because they don't know who they are those are the three reasons why people are stuck they're stuck because they're too lazy to move they're stuck because they're too afraid to move or they are not aware of who they are so they accept where they are because they don't even know they can move help me holy ghost and i wanted to say that because the story of joseph brings us right into the middle of this because joseph is 17 years old when he pops out on the scene and when we see joseph every time the first four times we see him in the scripture we see him as a son now let me tell you something pastor hammond you know this joseph is born in a stuck situation let me tell you first of all his mother is in relationship with his father jacob and his father jacob already has a few wives before rachel who is joseph's mother and before joseph is born his father already has 10 sons and so now joseph is born to a woman who has been barren the whole time while she has watched her beloved husband have children with all of these other women and it is not the fact that he had children with these other women that bothered her it was that she could not give him one of her own so now he's born from a woman who all of her life has had a stuck wound not only is her womb stuck shut but her mind is stuck because now she doesn't believe that her husband loves her and now she doesn't believe that that god even loves her because in those days and times when a woman could not have a child she believed that god was not on her side so she stuck psychologically she stuck physiologically she stuck emotionally she's stuck in every way a woman can be stuck and all of a sudden one day she gets pregnant and she has a baby but don't believe that just because you produce today it under it undoes all of the past stuckness that you have encountered don't don't you think that just because you got a job today that is going to erase the fact that you've been fired before don't you think that just because god gave you a boo on tinder that all of a sudden now you're going to get rid of all of the trauma don't you think that just because you lost a little weight that you're going to get rid of all of the insecurities don't you think that just because you got out of the hood and now you got a house that that hood is going to get out of you i came to tell you israel was wandering even when they had a home because trauma stays with you even when the trouble leaves pain stays with you even when the promotion comes sometimes god can bring you out but psychologically you're still in so don't you think that just because rachel had a baby she doesn't remember she was barren don't you think that just because rachel had a baby she doesn't remember that they talked about her and i am not crazy enough to believe that just because god brought you out of something that something is out of you trauma stays on the inside so he he's he's losing his battle with reality because his mother doesn't have her identity yet and now she has a child who she can't pass an identity to because she doesn't have it and so now i know now i know why joseph's father would possibly give him a coat because he wanted joseph to know who he was but let me tell you something if you're ever defined by what's on you you'll lose what's in you if you're ever defined by the coat if you're ever defined by the clothes if you're ever defined by the house if you're ever defined by the car if you're ever defined by the relationship you will lose your mind let me tell you why joseph was blessed the bible lets us know that even though joseph had been through hell and high water and had come from the womb of a woman who had been stuck and not only was he uh uh from the womb of a mother who was stuck don't remem don't forget this he is also the victim of brothers who were fixated are stuck on making his life a living hell because now his coat is different than theirs so now he's got trouble on the left of him he's got trouble on the right of him he he's got a mother who doesn't know his identity he's got a father who's got all of these other sons he's got brothers who are jealous of him his coat is different than theirs he doesn't know why he just knows that he's his father's favorite son and now he has to deal with his privilege oh i thank you holy ghost i want to talk to some of you all right now who are having to struggle for a gift you didn't ask for for those of you all who are who are who are being ostracized for an anointing that you did not pursue for those of y'all who the devil has been on your trail because of a glory god put on your life that you did not ask for it but i came to tell you today that you are built for this i came to tell you this sunday morning come hell of high water nothing shall separate you from the love of god and god has given you gifts and he has given you favor and he has given you prosperity and he has put a court of many colors on you and you don't have to apologize for it if god before you he is more than the world against you joseph is struggling even though he's successful joseph's got pain even though he's promoted help me holy ghost i feel like i'm talking to somebody i can't even get to the to the place where i want to be but but but joseph is traumatized and i want to talk to people today because i want you to stop pretending that just because the relationship is over the trauma's gone i want you to stop pretending that this pandemic is not affecting you like like it's affecting others mental illness is on the rise psychological discourse is on the rise people are struggling we're shut in and shut out i want you to stop always acting like everything is okay even though everything is not and i know that god will make it it's okay to say father i stretch my hand to thee because trauma is real let me tell you something uh pastor hammond they did uh they did a research uh study on on some mice and and what they did is they they started to stress the mother mouse and and and they recognize that when they stressed the mother mouse then her children became stress the pups became stressed and in the maze you start to see them jumping off to their death and you start to see them taking more risk and and you start to they start overeating and and they started to see large numbers of death now they didn't stress the pups they stress the mother because whenever the devil wants your family he stresses the source he he stresses the patriarch or the matriarch he he stresses the person who represents stability and prayer life he stresses the person who god uses to guide the family that's why when when pharaoh wanted uh egypt uh excuse me israel or the devil wanted israel watch this he stresses moses and and moses striking that rock prohibited everybody who was following him because if you can stress the leader you can stress the followers and the and the the study says that the pups exhibited watch this not only emotional but molecular behavioral changes which means that they started to change down in the dna structure they didn't just change the way they talk they didn't just change the way they walked they started to change the way they felt they started to change the way they operated let me tell you the devil can put some stuff on you that'll change your molecular structure the pups are now stressed and here is the biggest thing listen to this when they finish the study they found out that the stress on the mice lasted five generations some of y'all can't figure out why you're going through what you're going through this this this thing started with your grandmother who helped me god you you think this is a new attack this is something the devil has been working on since the great depression that this is something that the devil has been working on in your family since the days of slavery this is something the devil has been working on in your family since the days of jim crow this is something he started this with your grandfather he started this with your aunts your great aunts this is not a new attack it lasted five generations and and let me say this one other part of the study and and you can go google it yourself so that you don't think that i made this up here's what the study found out pastor raymond this is what it said it said that they would put male mice in with the traumatized female mice and the male mice wouldn't even mate with the traumatized mouse you want to know why you're single and why nobody's asking for your number and why god is not sending anybody in your direction and while you're still praying for your good thing it's because the host can smell the trauma good god i know y'all ain't gonna like it i know you ain't gonna like it i know you're gonna get mad at me and i'm gonna talk about men too so don't y'all start feet don't start inboxing me tombout i'm all about men and women i'm a i'm an equal opportunist and i'm a whatever i just said i'm equal opportunity and i'm going to make it even the reason why god hasn't sent you your wife the reason why god has not sent you your husband the reason why god won't unlock your womb is because new things can always smell old trauma you want to know why you didn't get that job you were qualified but the ceo can smell the trauma on you you want to know listen why you didn't get the loan bankers can smell trauma oh i know i know i know i know pat you don't know what you're talking about i'm a witness trauma is identifiable they wouldn't even mate with traumatized females because they could smell the trauma i wonder for those of you who are watching me right now if you could get past sexism and classism and actually hear what i'm actually saying whether you're male or female i wonder when will we accept the fact that everything is not because it ain't your season sometimes it is your season but the trauma makes it rain sometime it is time for you to be blessed but you can't get rid of that attitude sometimes it is your season to go to the next level but you can't control your mouth sometimes it is your opportunity to go to the next season but you can't get over your grudge the trauma will sterilize you and isolate you lord help us with our trauma joseph come here joseph help me straighten this up for people on instagram and facebook don't get too upset help me help me straighten this out joseph joseph why in the world were you blessed and how did you not get stuck in what happened to you because in 2020 joseph we get stuck every time somebody say something to us we get stuck joseph in 2020 every time somebody says something about us joseph we get depressed in 2020 we so stuck on making sure that we impress people joseph that we cannot live our life and reach our destiny joseph can you talk to us and tell us how you got out of that pit how you made it through potiphar's house how you got through prison and how you were able to become a prime minister sure keon i can tell you i didn't let what i was in get in me here's what the bible says joseph is surrounded by trauma jay can you hear me he is surrounded by frustration he is surrounded by tension his mama's angry his brothers are angry his his father doesn't know what to do and yet joseph maintains a positive perspective i got proof for everybody who doesn't believe me go to genesis 49 26 jacob says this about his son joseph i got bible he says and joseph was separate from his brother joseph was different than his brothers that's that's genesis 49 26 now i would i would be amazed if if the bible says listen if the bible said that that joseph said i was different from my brothers that's not what the scripture says the bible says that after all of the hell that he had saw now by the time we get to 49 joseph has been through hell and high water and i can imagine somebody interviewing him on television and saying jacob what was different about that boy jacob said he was separate from his brothers he was separate from his brothers and then pastor hammond i did the i did the problem or the the trouble of researching the word separate it is nazir in the hebrew which means listen unpruned vine so when you read that it says that jacob said joseph was an unpruned vine he was separate from his brothers why would you prune a vine ricky why would you why would you prune the vine you prune a vine because there is dead material on the vine that is adversely affecting the living portion of the vine so the reason why you prune the vine is you are to cut away the dead weight so it doesn't kill the living thing so if the bible says that joseph was separate from his brothers and it means that he was an unpruned vine it means that after everything that joseph had been through he did not allow any of it to kill any part of him he did not allow anything that he had been through to callous his heart he did not allow anything that he had gone through to challenge his perspective he did not allow what they did to him to make him hate anybody he did not look down on anybody no matter how bad they did him he kept his head high and he kept his heart pure and the way you are going to get unstuck is to stop allowing things to die on you oh god i hope this is helping somebody joseph had been imprisoned he had been lied on he had been locked up he had been through the ringer and yet the bible says he was separate from his brothers he was an unpruned vine he did not allow anything he went through to cause any part of him to die my question for you is can you stay alive in a dead situation can you stay positive when you're practically paralyzed can you love people who won't even speak to you can you sit next to people who don't want to sit next to you can you still have love in your heart when you have racism in your neighborhood can you look at a group of people and i'm talking to african americans now because as we look on television and see people who look like us being shot in the back and our neighborhoods being over police are we going to be a people who can continue to not hate the world because we can't find our place in it can we still remain the unpruned people can we still love our fellow man or will we allow the enemy to make us think that just because we're in pain it gives us a license to hate oh i know you don't want to hear it i know you don't want to hear it but it's the word of god the bible says and joseph was separate from his brothers and i'm telling you right now the next level of success is going to the separated the next level of success is going to the people who did not allow what they were in to affect what was in them the next miracle the next sign the next one is going to people who can stay pure in spite of the pain the next thing that god has is going to rain on the people who remain just even in a situation that was unjust i'm getting ready to help you understand something the bible says that he saw here it is i'm getting ready to tell you how to stay unstuck he saw even when they had put him in the pit even when he was in prison there was something that took place before that which got him there remember pastor hammond he said i i saw i had a dream and and i i saw in my dream that you all were bowing to me they said what bro you tr you just got here your mama ain't been able to have kids daddy didn't even really want you and you coming here in our house telling us you saw us bowing to you get the knife cut them get the knife uh uh reuben take that coat let's get this dude out he's tripping let levi enough to lie let's there's a car we got to get rid of this dude because he he he doesn't really he doesn't really understand let's let's get rid of him let's get rid of him judah we we gotta we got to do something with this boy because he he he don't he don't know where he is he he he's obviously tripping um but none of that bothered dave excuse me joseph none of that none of that bothered him and i i've been asking myself how did he survive it how did he survive being in a pit with no escape and no water how does he survive being behind bars how does he survive the trauma of his mother how does he survive the absence of his coat it's in this one statement i saw you all bowing to me here's the secret to getting unstuck no matter what you're going through in the present you have to always see yourself in the future i promise you i promise you keith that's how you get unstuck he even when he was in prison he was reminded that one day his brothers were going to be bowing even even when when potiphar's wife was lying on him and they were locking him up and he was going to jail for a rape that he did not commit he still remembers he's got a word in his mind one day they're going to be bowing to me even when he was in that pit and he was hearing hearing hearing hearing his echo echo echo and but but but he still remembered that one day that they were going to be bowing to him and i am telling you right now be not weary in your well-doing you will reap a harvest if you faint not and if you feel stuck right now and if you feel insecure right now and if you feel rejected right now god told me to tell you that it's getting ready to bow to you it might not be bowing right now but it is going to bow it may not be bowing now but it is going to bow it may not be bowing now but it is going to bow that's why the hebrew boys were able to survive because even when it wasn't bowing they refused to bow and i'm telling you today that your true identity is that it's going to bow to you and don't allow what you're going through to steal who you are joseph was positive and successful and he did not allow the coat the pit the prison the trauma to mess with who he was inside and i'm getting ready to deliver somebody because if you could just not allow what's going on around you to affect what god is trying to do in you if you will just know that when this story is over that it has to bow to you if if you would just know that when all of this is over you win when all of this is done you win when the pandemic is over your company might be out of business but you won't be 12 million people without a job that's what the numbers say i say 12 million people who are now free to start their own business oh they taking unemployment away but god never lets anything be taken away from you without giving you something better don't you allow this isolation to change your identity believing you have a future is the key to not getting stuck in the past jeremiah 29 11 what does he say i know the plans i have for you declares the lord plans to prosper you not to harm your plans to give you hope in the future here it is living life in the past is actually living life on hold what he was going through did not steal his identity he had the cope he lost it he had to prestige looked like it was gone he had the position but initially he couldn't occupy it but i remember something happened in chapter 50. the same brothers that threw them in the pit guess what dee now they're hungry they're hungry and guess what joseph is in charge of food distribution and now here come these brothers who threw them in the pit and by the way they don't even recognize them anymore they don't even recognize them anymore i hope that the people who hurt you last year won't recognize you when they see you next time i hope that the person who broke your heart won't recognize you when they see you next time because you would have changed so much and they come to joseph joseph could have been mad joseph could have been angry and this is a word for every one of you all who think that because they did something to you you have a right to be mad the devil is a lie they broke your heart that doesn't give you a right to be evil they did you bad that doesn't give you a right to be calloused you have to be an unpruned vine the bible says that joseph is there at the end of the famine and his brothers come seeking food and when they finally realize who he is he doesn't say that's what you get for throwing me in the pit he says brothers i now know what you meant for evil god worked it out for my good you're hungry i'm gonna feed you even though you tried to starve me and i have learned in my life that the key to being unstuck is to make sure that you're chasing destiny and not revenge i just helped ten thousand of y'all look in my face and hear the words that are coming out of my mouth i'm done you're stuck because you can't get over your anger you're stuck because you can't get out of your culture you're stuck you got your mama's trauma you're stuck because you'd rather get even than get ahead you're stuck because you rather everybody understand your side of the story instead of hurrying up and getting to the end of the story that says you win you're still trying to explain to the person who rejected you how it made you feel you're still you're still stuck on trying to solve the thing that got you stuck and i'm telling you that joseph went through more if not as much as you and genesis 49 says he was separate from his brothers separate hebrew word unpruned he did not allow anything in him to die based on what had happened to him i'm calling you out of that spirit of revenge i'm calling you out of that mean spiritedness who am i talking to some of you are still having conversations with people like they are in the room trying to get an understanding it's time to get your identity back i am here to remind you of what god told you in the beginning it was going to have to bow to you anyway the earth is the lords and the fullness thereof and they that dwell therein everything is under the auspices of god and it will bow to you god in the name of jesus help every joseph and every mary and every lisa and every sarah and every kion and every demand and every jacob and every jay to remember how this story is going to end for them help them to be not weary in their well-doing that they will reap a harvest if they don't faint i speak to people in nigeria and in south africa i speak to people in atlanta and in new york and in houston i speak to people in san jose and i speak to people in miami and i speak to people in detroit in indianapolis indiana i speak to people in louisville kentucky i speak to people in lincoln nebraska i speak to people all over this nation and all over this world to remind you that you are the handiwork of god you are created by christ and you are designed to be an heir of the throne of god doesn't matter where you are right now doesn't matter how you start it matters how you finish don't let what you are enduring into you i hope you receive the word of the lord if you are not saved before you could ever pray for god to heal you you got to pray for god to save you repeat after me i accept you lord jesus as my lord and savior i confess with my mouth that you are the son of god i believe in my heart that you were dead and you were raised by your father which is in heaven and i accept the gift of salvation and the gift of the holy spirit my brother and sister if you just said that you ought to feel a change happening in your heart we're not even going to break right now because i want you to sow your tithes and offering in this moment in this moment in this moment i believe in fertile soil and i feel the holy spirit i don't i don't have a gimmick this is just a time for you to make sure that you translate ten percent of your earnings into making sure that the ninety percent is made whole because god is getting ready to do new things he's getting ready to do new things he's getting ready to do new things and you got to make sure that your heart is pure the bible says that when we give it shall be given unto us and then he says it will be good measure press down shaking together and running over i pray for a spirit of prosperity to overrun your house to overrun your house to overrun your family i pray right now that as you get ready to give that god would somehow prick your heart and understand that he is attracted to givers and that it is his intention to outgive any giver look at god says if if you have a seed and you plant it i'll give you a tree you give me a tree i'll give you a forest god is a multiplier normally we would do our offering in the middle of the message and i would toss you back but this is a rhema moment this is a right now moment and i won't allow electronics to take away the move of the holy ghost i won't allow editors and lights and cameras to take away for what god is doing i'm telling you this is a moment that won't happen again and that you need to take advantage of it i feel it so much listen that even though i am talking to you live on a sunday morning i promise you in my belly i feel like you're sitting in the room i can feel your presence i swear to you i have chills up my back and i feel like this altar is full of desperate people i feel like i'm laying hands on you right now i feel like virtue is leaving my fingertips i can feel it under my nails that this is a moment that shall never be repeated i want you to sow now and watch you grow later in jesus name amen come back and see me on tuesday we'll finish this up we'll tackle this text i love you ain't nothing you can do about it what an amazing summary for my very own pastor keon henderson identity death hey listen we just want to thank you because of you we're able to do what we do here at the lighthouse church because of your giving so if you want to be a part of that we have four ways you can give right now below at the bottom of the screen but also most importantly we want to make sure that you have the opportunity to give your life to christ today that's right at this very moment you have the opportunity to give your life to the only truly sovereign god listen right now i'm going to pray and as i pray you can go ahead and text the number on the screen 84576 text lh nation to 84576 god we want to thank you we want to thank you for this opportunity we want to thank you for those that have came to receive a word from you god there are people that are watching thousands of watching right now god and we're just asking that you touch touch them right where they are and we believe god that those that will confess through their mouth and believe in their heart that god raised his son jesus from the dead and we believe right now that they are saved in jesus name we pray hey listen we want to thank you just for joining us once again and this tuesday you don't want to miss tackle the tech and remember to subscribe to our youtube channel you
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 29,496
Rating: 4.8989048 out of 5
Keywords: Identity Theft sermon, Keion Henderson, pastor keion henderson, keion henderson sermons, keion henderson new sermon, pastor keion henderson 2020, keion henderson 2020, keion henderson sunday, keion henderson sermon, bible study by pastor keion henderson, keion henderson church, keion henderson message, lighthouse sermon, keion henderson sermons 2020, keion henderson motivation, bible study with keion henderson, the lighthouse church of houston, Identity Theft, unSTUCK SERIES
Id: o0c3zaYQWF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 20sec (4100 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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