What is up my cranky crew! It's Ethan from CrankGameplays and today we're here in Monster Prom. This is a monster dating sim that a lot of youtubers are actually in that do the voice acting for it, so I'm really excited to play this game, should be a ton of fun, so let's just get into it. Voice interjections, yay or nay, awesome voice effects, make your own voices (no effects). Let's do awesome voice effects so then we can hear all the beautiful people that uh, that help make this game possible. So short game, around 30 minutes, full game around 60. Let's do the short game for now. I like that they have that option, that's cool. Ah spooky high school the sweetest years of our lives. Back then we were young and unafraid Sometimes reckless, sometimes brilliant, sometimes just stupid, but always willing to live life to the fullest. We were on a wild journey to discover who we really were. Choose a player, ooh Let's see so we're either this dude, this lady right here, this dude, or this lady right here. I'm going to go with I'm gonna go with this guy. I like your shirt. Who are you really? Name: Yellow, Oz, custom name? Pronoun? Oh, that's cool. They have different pronouns. I'm gonna do a custom name. E.. than.. wait, hold on. Spoopthan... Oh wait it's a monster, BlankGameplay- I'm not gonna do it [laugh] Let's just do Ethan. Okay. Let's do it, Pronoun: He she they. That's super cool! He. Who are you? And we had yet to experience its ultimate challenge: the monster prom. I remember my prom, Oh boy. I remember it clearly, three weeks were left and as we fantasize about our dream prom dates, we're all scrambling to catch the attention of one of our most- of our six most charismatic classmates. Miranda Vanderbilt, 19, the sweet mermaid princess who was cute as she was genocidal. Dameon LaVey, 21, a fearless demon with the taste for destruction and a love of fire. A 21 year old going to prom? Okay? Scott Howl 21, a werewolf athlete who compensated for his rather small brain with a stupidly huge heart. Liam de Lioncourt, uhh, 400 years old? Is that what that's supposed to be? A hipster vampire who's standoffish demeanor had hid what he was true, uh Hid that he was a truly lovable dorp. A dork? What am I saying? Polly Geist, 22 question mark, a party ghost with an insatiable hunger for all the wrong things. So I know that this character here, that's Natewanttobattle, Natewantstobattle, and that's Arin Hanson from the Grumps, But I'm not sure who did the other voices. And Vera Oberlin, 23, a mean, self-made Gorgon with a merciless sense of business. It was clear: it had to be one of them... but who? We had uh, a three weeks to choose our prom date, and even more daunting, we only had three weeks to do, uh, to WOO them and then conquer their heart. But as I already said. We were young and unafraid, and we were ready to start! Oh HELL yeah. Prom night's soon. Teen Wolf: Welcome to monster prom's stupidest pop quiz ever! All minds are rotten, but they are rotten in so many different ways. Worry no more, we're uh, We're now using our PhD in bullshit to diagnose which kind of deviant sicko you are. Monster prom's stupidest pop quiz ever will throw a bunch of absurd questions at you and turn your answers into your character's stats This way each of you will start by having stats that better reflect your true selves. Let's start. Okay. You build a hundred foot statue commemorating an event so that in a thousand years, uhh, Archaeologists can learn something about the people of our time. What does the statue represent? Your least favorite political figure being devoured by rabid rhinoceri which are also covered in bad-ass tattoos? Hell yeah. That mind-blowing twist in your favorite TV show that clearly changed the life of everyone forever unlike all that boring stuff they show on the news, That glorious incident when your friends stopped you from texting embarrassing stuff to your ex-wife well hella drunk. Let's go with this one, your least favorite political figure being devoured by rabid rhinoceri, which are covered in badass tattoos, That sounds cool. So bold! So creative! So fun! If you had to have sex with an animal which animal would it be? Fuck buddies for life! A dolphin, they're the only other animal that fucks just for pleasure so at least we can both do our best to have a good time, right? No one could make me fuck like an animal if I fucked an animal it would be my own, it would be of my own free will, as a matter of fact I have already fucked an animal, so the joke's on you pal! [laugh] A purebred horse; at least I can keep it's semen and sell it, it's worth a lot. Who said there were no silver linings to bestiality? Okay, whoa! If I were to fuck an animal. Now let's think about this, People fuck horses all the time. I'm going with a dolphin, we can both have fun. Hell yeah, so fun. What would be your dream first date? A professional meeting, uh, a professional meeting where you charm your date with some astonishing business advice, a wild party in an international, in international waters, a sweaty, manly wrestling match, a lovely walk in the forest after rescuing your date from a dragon, crimes, [laugh] an art exhibition experimental enough to give you a seizure. Dude, let's be edgy. Let's be edgy and fun. Let's do some fucking crimes, dude. Let's do some crimes! Crimes? Crimes. [in-game] "All right!" All right! Auditorium, class, library, outdoors, gym, bathrooms. Sweet, so! My stats are up here, smarts boldness creativity charm fun money Catherine if you edit it do a, Do a, do it just like a clip zoom to bring that up close and then put it back. All right, so let's go Somewhere first to meet somebody, let's go... but should start in the outdoors Oh no, not a dab! That day during recess you start a half-hour rave that goes fully crazy You have no idea how it escalates so much but at one point there are like 300 people. Someone summons demons from a nightmare dimension, the consequences might destroy the fabric of reality Itself, but who cares! It's a rad party! You gained +2 fun. Oh yes. You see Damien and Miranda with their heads in their hands. They look glum, and you ask them what's up. We're boned. I do not know what this "boned" means, but I'm not optimistic about our chances on the upcoming exam. It's not fair, I shouldn't have to fail the test just because I spent all week in a really brutal mosh pit instead of going to class! And I did study! I had servants I had my servants read the entire textbook, twice! But for some reason my servants aren't allowed to take the tests for me! Well, there's only one thing left to do: chop up the teacher and melt his body an acid. No, there's got to be another way! ...Doesn't there? All right we have a choice: Easy, just lobby the government until they remove the class from the entire school system, You don't need to murder your teacher over something like this, just burn down the entire school. Burn down the school, or lobby the government. Burn down the school? Lobby the government. Burn down the SCHOOL. Shit yeah, finally a good excuse to do it! I was probably gonna do eventually anyway! I'm not sure it's actually a good excuse... But it's too late, Damien is already running through the halls with two gallons of gasoline, soaking everything. Later, as Damian is led out of school in handcuffs for the third time this week, he gives you a smile and a wink. Suckers, they can't make me take the test if I'm in jail! I win again! Damien's happy, and only a small portion of the school burned down. Looks like everybody wins. You gain +2 fun and +1 boldness. Oh, we are going up in the ranks. Week one, noon. [singing] Ooh, we get to choose who to sit with. We can either sit with tiger person, cat... person, uh, let's see, ghost- ghost person, goth person, the person that we just saw Damien and uh Medusa person? Can't remember what these names are, let's go, let's sit with the tiger person. Why not. You're hoping to enjoy your meal in peace, but Coach seems to have a different idea. Oh, it's a coach What's this, eating regular food again?? Fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy, blood, they're all parts of a complete lunch, sure, but you're forgetting the most important food group of all: dietary supplements! Don't you worry now, old coach never goes anywhere without some emergency vitamins. Here, Take your pick! It would be rude to turn him down, But who knows- and who knows? Maybe you'll gain some benefits after all. Coach holds out two bottles of pills. Palomino gold 25 horse supplement: for shiny coat and luxury in- luxurious mane- listen. I'm not fucking any horses I'm only down to fuck dolphins! A completely black bottle Emblazoned with the Chinese character for... Let's do party time. Why not? You swallow the entire, the? I think you're supposed to take like one, MAYBE two! An adult take one, a child maybe half of one, why did you do the entire thing? Whoa, slow down there champ! The old woman who sold me these vitamins told me they were basically poison. I bought them anyway, because as we all know, whatever doesn't kill you makes you... You wake up 36 hours later in the middle of an impassioned speech to the student council about dolphin sex! You have no idea what happened during those 36 hours, but you have a new tattoo and everyone keeps calling you "Deep Six Nine." [nervous laugh] Okay, a successful day! The auditorium, class, library, outdoors, gym. Let's go to class, because there's a person here. Welcome to my little shop! Buy some shit. I have some shit that will boost your stats, shit that will lead you into stupid new adventures, maybe some shit that might be much needed at some very specific moments, so take a look! Ooh, so it's a store. A tampon used by former prom queen? Okay, a Russian novel with an insightful approach to universal matters such as love and death. A bag of regular cocaine- just regular old coke! uhh A pragent? Pray-gent? Pra-gent? I... don't know how to read. A motivato- OH! have, it's a Bob Ross post- I have five dollars, how much does that cost? a blanket with two holes? Literally just a white blanket with two eye holes in it, ah, okay A corpse, a penguin mask, a sexy fake Latin accent, some impractical yet kind of funny glasses, a fake badass tattoo, How much is that, oh? Okay, I guess, I guess we do that. Have a good. Okay. I don't know, I don't know how that benefited us? But I'm glad Bob Ross was there. Alright. Let's go... Let's go, let's go to the bathrooms, which are for some reason outside of the school. That day you skip class and just hang out in the bathroom, because you- you respect no authority. I guess some people just want to watch the world burn... by skipping class and hanging out in the bathrooms. You give +0 shits, but you gained +2 boldness. That's awesome. +0 shits. You see Damian beating the piss out of a goblin, like he always does when he's depressed. You go over and ask him what's up. It's this whole "heir to the throne of hell" thing. It's really bumming me out. I hate being a prince of hell, and I'm gonna hate being a king of hell even more. I mean, how am I supposed to rebel against authority when I am the authority? Ugh, not even beating the piss out of the goblin is cheering me up. Damien continues to beat the piss out of the goblin, but his heart clearly isn't in it. I mean if you're gonna beat the piss out of uh, a goblin your heart's gotta be in it! There's gotta be passion behind it. I mean, is there anything rad I can do as the King of Hell? Literally anything? Forgetting about the ultimate way to fight authority: total war, Kings have harems and I'd definitely join yours. Definite way to fight, I guess that one yeah, he'll- Fuckin' metal! Oh yeah, war! I totally forgot about war, probably because my dads are such lame asses they keep going on about, what's the word, dipple-man-see? dip-wall-monkey? Diplomacy? Am I saying that right? Whatever, I'll have it- I'll have it taken out of the dictionary when I'm king. Suck on that, Webster! Damien's so excited he even stops strangling that goblin. Send you a message- He sent you a massage coupon as a thank you. You gain +2 smarts and +1 boldness. We're about halfway through the week. Or I guess halfway through the month? I don't know, week 2 noon. All right, let's sit, let's sit with these guys. You take your seat between the strongest and smartest men you know Liam appears to be taking a very intense picture of some bizarre looking food Scott is looking about as confused as you are currently. But Liam, food is delicious! It's for eating! That's why they call it lunch time! Neither of those statements is wrong, but they also aren't quite connected. Scott, if I had the capacity to eat I assure you, I would still ignore the actual content of the food in favor of finding the perfect combination for a flawless Instagram post. Oh, I see. you're gonna post a picture to advertise the food to people who can actually eat it? You're so smart! I'll be happy to eat your food for you. I'm afraid your palate is way too unsophisticated to appreciate these rare Japanese delicacies. OOH They're Japanese? Do you have any Scott snacks? Scott sna-? You know what, fine. I've taken all the pictures I need. Eat whatever you want. Thanks Liam! Oh, they look so yummy, I don't know where to start! Ethan, any ideas? Maybe your choice of a snack can get these or can get one of these boys to want to snack on you But nin do a uhh, innuendo- in an innuendo way. Not literally, obviously. The lychee-fruit-flavored custard with a side of tofu and a drizzle of raspberry extract is the most superior food on the plate, go for the brightly colored bag of meat biscuits that somehow has an anime drawing of Scott's face on it that says Sco- I mean you've got to go for the Scott Snacks! Yes, you DO have Scott Snacks! Scott snacks? What does that mean, how is this possible? Why is your face on an obscure Japanese biscuit brand? Is that really you? Oh, yeah totally! There's this one time where I was- actually it was a full moon, so I'm not really sure exactly what happened, but somehow I ended up hanging out with these really cool Japanese businessmen the whole evening. But how?? What even? Yeah, I guess they saw me practicing a few sports moves and they'd saw how strong and fast I was, and they really wanted to show their meat treats how strong their- how their meat street- MEAT TREATS are strong and fast. So they asked if they could use me as the new mascot, and I said of course! And then even the Scott Snacks became a hit and now I'm kind of famous in Japan. Thanks for pointing out the Scott Snacks to me Ethan! Oh, no problem. It's nice to know you want to see my face I want to see yours, too! How is he so muscular and so adorable at the same time? Maybe one day you can put your faces together! We have a book in the bag. Let's see, [in game] "All right!" All right! Gym, bathrooms, outdoors, where haven't we been... we haven't been to the auditorium, let's do that. Oh, look at me!! That day while rehearsing for the class play it's as though the muses themselves had descended to give you a figurative blowjob. Your performance is intense and inspiring. It will be remembered remembered for generations, which is pretty rad by high school play standards. You gain +2 creativity. Oh yes, I am a- [incomprehensible] I am an artist! You're doing your thing when a wild Damien suddenly appears. "Hey, you!" Whoa, you look fucking dope! You look like you're have- you have nothing better to do I need a... a mount for the prom, because walking is for losers. And also because I lost my driver's license after I drove my motorcycle through another Sunday school picnic. But I won't take just any lame-ass mount. I need the best creature in hell. Let's brainstorm! If you don't answer in the next 10 seconds, I'm putting a bit in your- I'm putting a bit in your mouth and riding you! Okay! We're talking here- we're talking hell here, so a goat, but just any goat. A goat that's real- that's a real asshole What about a giant, gelatinous, 50-nosed creature at your house that spits bile and eats corpses? That sounds pretty cool Oh, so you mean the Cradle of Filth! That's not a creature? That's what we used to replace our swimming pool, though I could put it on wheels and arrive on it. Of course I'll have to inform the superintendent not to bring anything flammable. Or no, wait, everything flammable! You make a mental note to bring a gas mask to prom. The fact that you're going to, uh that you're going despite the danger means you gain +3 boldness. Oh, I am brave! Very, very brave! Dude, dude, dude, dude dude. All right! So let's go... let's go to the gym. We haven't been there yet. That day an epic dodgeball match takes place. Everything seems lost, but you deliver it inspirational speech that fuels your team's spirits, leading to a spectacular comeback. You're clearly a natural-born leader! You gain +2 charm! I haven't played dodgeball in such a long time. I want to play dodgeball. After dodgeball comes the obstacle- the obstacle course. You stare across the gym at it, terrified, as are most of your classmates. There are giant centipedes, venomous bear- venomous bears! Blood sir- thirsty mad- magpies circling just under the ceiling and animals so bizarre that one can barely find words to describe them. [in-game] "Good morning, students!" Morning, all right boys and girls. I've imported this special course from Regular Creatures High School in New South Wales, Australia. Don't be afraid. I believe in each and every one of you. Those terrifying creatures will not break your will! I will not let you down, Coach! Giant crocs don't scare me! This is not pee in my pants! Finally, worthy adversaries. What's that abomination over there even called? That would be a platypus! I'm gonna drag it to hell. The underworld has never seen such horror! Well don't just stand there, show 'em what you got! Clear the course! We've got to negotiate mates, oi hold my beer. Whoa have a look at them, they're so cute, let's slay them with kindness. We've got to go native mates. Oi! Hold my beer! Let's do that. You grab your trusty bowie knife, slam a six pack of Foster's, and wade into the obstacle course. You dispatch armed platypi, fend off magpies by whipping them with snakes, and punch a koala. After winning an arm wrestling match against a drunk crocodile, you instantly become a hero. Whoa, that was awesome! You even made Coach cry! It's tears of joy! The will of youth really did find a way! Damien sees it too! I'm not crying. It's just so much murder. Your glorious slaughter of endangered animals will go down in history. You gain +2 fun, +1 boldness, and a lawsuit from Green Place. Is that what that said? I didn't, I pressed the button, it was too... All right lunchtime! Who to sit with, let's sit with... Ooh, I haven't seen you yet. You barely sat down when the whole Wolf Pack comes running over, clearly panicking. Dog! You've got to help us! We're suffocating! It's like we're not getting enough air, we can hardly talk! Ahh, you see the problem. You remind them that in addition to breathing out, they also need to breathe in. Oh, whoa, that works way better! I have no idea how we forgot about that. Yeah, you don't either. Thanks for saving our lives, dog. We owe you one, and we'll pay you back. Right now! What do you want? Bl- We'll do literally anything! Teach me calculus, give me an extreme makeover. Hell yeah! An extreme makeover? Like an EXTREME makeover? Are you sure? You nod, because apparently this is what you want from a pack of idiot dog men. All right boys, you know what that means! Time for one of our patented extreme spa treatments! Suddenly you're surrounded by wolves covering your face with their wide, moist tongues. You can feel their pores really opening up- you can feel YOUR pores really opening up beneath the relentless torrent of dog saliva and unconditional love. When the Wolfpack finally gets bored of licking you, you're positively glowing. You claim +4 charm. Dude, our stats! Up top, very good. Okay! We should go to class, because smarts is our lowest. Th- I guess money is our lowest thing, but smarts is next so let's go to class. That day you listen to your elders and learn valuable lessons. Sometimes after all the monsters, nonsense, and the dating gimmicks, you forget that attending class is supposed to be the primary uh, the primary activity at this high school. +2 smarts, hell yeah. Afterwards, Damien comes up and punches you affectionately in the shoulder. Hey, asshole, go to hell! Like, literally. My house is in hell, and I'm inviting you over. Don't read too much into it. One problem: in order to get you there, you kinda gotta damn your immortal soul. So how about it? What crimes against God and man will you commit so we can hang out? I think I'm already damned, looking into your eyes feels so good it must be a sin, oh! I'll run over a bunch of nuns with a- lawnmower! Let's do that! Ahh yeah, the old "nuns under a lawnmower" prank. Classic. Let me know if you need to borrow my lawnmower. It's got monster truck wheels and a grenade launcher. Pretty good lawnmower there! These days you can never be too careful when you're mowing lawns. You know they're starting to carry nunchucks? What's the world coming to! Ah. NUN-chucks, get it? Do you- do you get it? I get it. With the help of Damien's nunmower, you're able to gib a whole convent of nuns, even if they are all black belts in nun-jitsu. You gain +2 fun and +1 money from the collection plate. Who will you take to prom? OH I get to choose? Well, a lot of these people I didn't even meet! I guess I'll go with Damien, because I talked to Damian the most. He seems real rad. Ask Damien to the prom? Yes, let's do it. [in-game] "All right!" All right! You finally pluck your courage and ask your beloved to go to the monster prom with you. Prom? With you? You dumb fuck! That's a fucking great idea! Are you some kind of genius or something? I'll tell you what you are: my date to prom! Aw HELL yeah, look at US! Prom night was crazy intense; at one point a classmate of yours criticized how Damien is always getting into fist fights, for which Damien punched him, started- starting yet another fist fight. You joined in and fought with uh- fought with him back to back It was a super sexy choreographed fight, and you even exchanged trusting glances while watching each other- watching over each other's backs. And that wasn't the only time that night you took care of Damian's rear, wink. Ah, I get it, ha ha ha. Ok secret endings 0, new events 8, new outcomes 8. 8 of 30- 388 events! Out of 22 endings.. 8 out of th- wow. 1384 outcomes. Most likely to become a lasagna, and Damien got best at giving fierce makeovers. HELL YEAH! Aw, look at that little group photo. Those three weeks were maybe the most epic and absurd weeks of our lives. After monster prom, we kept on living our lives, falling in love, battling for friendship, and learning in- learning who we were and who we could be. And you know what? As it always does, life happened, and it was wonderful. Damien found peace in the most unexpected way: He kept punching everything til one day, he punch his own anger to death. He has written a book about it. Oh. Vera realized she was a character in a video game, which infuriated her. She spent her life making connections and building power because she's not part of the game: SHE PLAYS THE GAME. So be careful, maybe now she's the one pulling YOUR strings. Polly's drug cooking skills proved to be useful and she became a chemist for the pharmaceutical industry. Yet on her face- on her free time she still cooks drugs! Her greatest inventions so far are the watermelon-flavored ecstasy and a thing called LSDope. During those three weeks monster prom seemed bigger than life, and then it was gone, just like that. The battle for monster prom might have ended then, but there were lots of battles left in that war called youth. But again: we were young and unafraid, and we were ready to start! Awe! Hell yeah! [to the beat, somewhat] Copyrighted music possibly! Ethan, put the, music down, in the credits. That was awesome! Uh, I definitely want to play more, if you guys want to see it. I really do want to play more and figure out the other endings as well, because there are 22 different endings? I don't think I'll be doing all of them. but I definitely want to try a few more at the least, because we only got Damien's ending and there were like, what like 1,300 different outcomes or something? So that was just one of over 1300. So, there is so much more to this game and also I only played the 30 minute version, not the full 60 minute version. So, in the next times, we will pick a different person to try and get to- to go to prom with us. Let me know about your prom stories. Did you go to prom? Do you have a fun time? Was it the best time in the world? Let me know! So thank you guys so much for watching, Hope you enjoyed it, if you did make sure to slap that like button right in the face, and I will see you guys in the next video. Love you, all stay cranky, bye!