i'm never playing Among Us with Mark ever again

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okay cool seems legit chris i was i was standing by you on med bay to just kind of confirm and i feel like i confirmed that you're real there has been a more real has been a killer or in a crewmate yeah yeah what do you see mark i found a body all right blood everywhere yeah man tell us about it it's your time yes you're trying to bloody sing the gospel the body was bloody all right oh my god this is so frustrating playing with you the concerning thing was that the skeleton inside only had a single bone okay any details i was just making my rounds around the base getting familiarized with the location thank you arthur morgan oh i made it someone has to kill him so we have a chance just the entrance of off the drop ship the room to the immediate ride of that right in the doorway saw it right on the floor to know top the room what is the right ship that we walked out of to the like is there like a big drill looking thing over there i saw no drill the blood was everywhere it's all i saw all right so we have no information guys i'm actually kind of yeah which is kind of which is kind of brilliant to be honest if mark's not an imposter i think we had the right move the last couple of games whoa they got it right three eleven it's not a band three eleven three eleven's for sure man [ __ ] got it right to the end right to the end gamers oh i [ __ ] i don't like doing o2 on this map it takes forever alana please don't kill me it's my birthday it's my birthday alana please don't kill me it's my birthday it's my birthday alana it's my birthday please don't kill me on it it's my birthday all my tasks are done now just okie dokey so this is all the information i have i was over no2 uh shelby and i both went in there around the same time i did the o2 canisters the lights went out alana was also in there i could see her in my periphs if you will and then the lights were still out i went out of the o2 canister thing and her body was somewhere over there the report button just showed up i don't actually know where it was shall we why were you in o2 again weren't you there last round i never finished the tree because i stopped it to turn the lights on before but i finished that and i left i've been in comms doing my upload i never went towards lights this time because i'm just still in the middle of the upload okay but i'm just in comms now solid alibi kind of maybe i don't know i don't know mark what's up there i was don't do this we should just stop asking words why are you talking like some like plantation owner i was walking around the middle fearing for my life i was circling the middle structure brian said that he went to the middle of the map which is odd because i was circling only the middle of the map literally just vouched for me brian you went top right then i would tail brian wait this round no this round i just went straight right i went first because i thought that i needed i was literally about to activate the task on the springboard by the lava so i i don't think i was anywhere near i i served he had walked away from work don't do that for me god you sound you sound like the the private detective from knives out that's true yeah he does he's daniel craig should we vote i need more information i skipped this game i believe in you whoa amber thought this is only the second time i've played with amber so i didn't know that one more task for me so i'm gonna try and catch somebody in the act i'm gonna i'm just going cams it's brian all right here we go gamers mark is dead and i saw brian do it on cams was anybody over by brian yes so i went to go down there with me ryan i'm gonna need you to stop and find your way out of this one okay let me talk real quick so i was going out of o2 trying to leave or trying to enter in o2 from that long tunnel mark and brian were at the door i went into o2 did my task and then brian mysteriously comes out of that area later and is now saying oh he saw me out there no all i was saying was i was vouching for you because you were the only person there beside you huge right there eddie vote vote brian i literally saw him do it okay hold on okay quick vote real quick okay that's super bizarre though chris did you vote brian absolutely yes that's right why didn't you ask more why didn't you ask why we're voting so fast i voted i voted i voted immediately because i [ __ ] saw it you can stream snipe me and see my chat go and like mark his suss because i was literally hiding against the wall trying to get away from him why are you trying to get people to stream snipe you brian it's my birthday steal my viewers i've ethan that's right and the reason the reason i'm on cams is that i'm completely done with my tasks oh i have this map this is huge oh sure but i did all my tests and so that's well it's because you don't have any tasks because you're a [ __ ] imposter because he's a weirdo okay cool good good luck all right have fun goodbye everybody again remember what christmas oh okay now i'm scared oh it's so funny i'm going back to cams dude i'm just going back on cams i'm probably gonna get killed right away i don't even it doesn't matter if i get killed by the way because i already finished all my tasks at this point i'm just trying to figure out who done did it oh yes yes eddie use yourself as bait all right that's not eddie whoops it's amber hmm okay sorry here's the deal we have we're kind of in trouble there's still two killers left i don't know i don't know so there is there is not brian 100 i saw him okay i think i think i trust people's word on this now yeah on your birthday 100 on my birthday deadass i'm on cams right now because i'm completely done with my tasks so this round in the previous round i've i've been on cams because i'm done so why would he put sus on on amber when he died either he's trying to goof us or it's not it's not amber and it's shovel or eddie uh it's not me i watched it so watching ethan hunter it's probably unless brian's an idiot it's not amber because why would he call out the other imposter yeah that almost can clear her like this yes just as a play like he threw sus on her to make us clear her after possibly but also maybe somebody who's guilty would say i'm just saying that's a play i'm not saying she sucks because i haven't seen her probably actually the whole game this one is really tough because i am not really suss of anybody i do have a question for chris the only thing that i saw that was weird and this is just the thing that i say every game you went through specimen but didn't have a task in there anyone who goes through there looks is looking for a body to kill i had what tasks did you have in determination because i stood there and i watched you and you did nothing you just stood there looking i i did wires and then i had wires the other one it was wires i saw you hanging around that uh i don't know where it is on cam's ethan where's the [ __ ] like computer that's right next to the wires i saw chris standing at the computer and not the water that was that was in comps that was me checking vitals and no one was dying okay that makes sense to stand there for a while [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm impressed i'm not gonna lie to you i'm a little suss of you wait shoveling going out shovel and amber going after me for no reason is interesting it's i feel like it might be right you went from the office again i trust you what are you doing i voted chris i voted chris it's a weird route that's a birthday throw if you vote for me straight up it might be it might be a birthday thread notice the shovel vote boys boys and girls okay okay okay true true yeah i think i believe christian okay fun god damn it i think it might be shelby i'm just gonna follow shelby and if i'm dead eddie knows eddie knows go back to kim's [ __ ] yeah yes brian brian i was so [ __ ] happy when i saw you on cams i just sprinted to the button i didn't know that cams could see into that room because i figured because they were on the other hand oh my god daniel craig's back it was too tempting i thrust myself i was sitting there as a ghost and mock basically committed suicide like intentionally was like kill me brian i'm gonna go pee really fast because bloody's being right now how fast you get how fast do you think you can do it uh i don't know i said i said time me okay ready when are you leaving three two one go back oh it was about eight minutes wow ethan didn't wash his hands that would be really gross how can we make fun of him he's disgusting a minute and five seconds that's pretty fast wow that's some quick peeing dude did you cheat and use your busted urinal that'd be great yes i did use my urinal why is that eating why is that cheating i thought that it was broken and it was like leaking everywhere uh i mean it was but i just turned i just like turned the wall i just didn't fly i just like pee at your desk because it constantly flushes yeah it flushes so i just turn it on it'll flush i'll pee while it's flushing and then i'll turn it off oh you know pretty good stuff uh you're achieving ever had an important question to ask what what's your question what did i yeah you said something about peeing at a desk i don't know oh yeah if you ever want to just do it faster you know get a gallon of water i did cheat a little bit because i didn't wash my hands in the traditional sense hold on i used i used hold on i used hand sanitizer instead of using soap oh yeah because that's the exact name no it doesn't count doesn't get one percent piss on you dude oh my god i used hand sanitizer i used hand sanitizer i hate everybody i hate everyone here i hate them all i hate them all i hate them all can't stand them i can't [ __ ] stand them dude i just can't it's my birthday and they're all shaming me being like my hand i used hand sanitizer bro i used [ __ ] hand sanitizer it's probably even better than washing your hands with soap and water it kills 99.99999 percent of germs the only reason that they don't say 100 is because they don't want to get sued is that what that task is the what i've never had this task before i'm not going to reactor because i think that people will take care of it which they did they did they did indeed take care of it whoa all right three dead bodies mate oh my god whoa okay that one was a busy boy why did you poor girl for ethan all right the reason i self-reported was because i went up into admin and i saw amber's body there and i went oh [ __ ] wait you just said you self-reported yeah i self-reported for sure reported um yeah and so i self-reported and i found amber's body i saw something weird but i think it's just because he doesn't know this man very well but brian why were you not opening the door today i forgot you literally have to hit that little tiny button thing i kind of thought that's what it was yeah also trevor was standing next to me and i was like why isn't he opening the door because i had an electric panel right next to it ethan where did you go when the reactor went off when we were next week to be honest i didn't go to reactor because i was like other people will take care of it and all of my tasks are up here uh i went to the room off of the cafeteria where the like plant watering bucket is what is that called whatever that's called watering the watering can yeah thank you and then i went up and then i went up to admin okay was anybody else in that direction or was everybody else heading toward reactor oh well it doesn't matter [ __ ] who was it i acknowledge that i was also motive oh damn you guys here we go baby time to get some kills time to murder some people time to nevermind no i can't it's about to say something very funny i'm i'm pretending to do admin for no one right now wow what a sticky situation oh my god wow sticky electrical on the lights they killed her after she turned them on that's a shame what a shame uh okay wait so sorry what info do you have uh no one was in the room i think that they vented in possibly probably right or not where was it front or back it was at the light switch she turned them on and then died i can't believe they made her do the task and then slaughtered her i mean actually they let her turn the lights on first yeah she did one final good deed do you guys just want to do soul read and vote someone off the keeler just wanted or security to confirm no invented from there nope no okay well i think we don't know anything then okay great cool well it's only one that's about it only one dad numbers are okay mark we have we have 55 seconds left excellent so there i was back in my no i don't know okay i'm gonna go down to midway pretend to do this for 45 seconds wow wow hey eve there's not much to say other than thank you for everything you do happy birthday man i don't know why i'm saying oh no oh god everybody just dropped and hope you're having fun wow all right i think i saw a murder okay okay what's up okay i just stumbled across a body with chris yeah so i think oh wait wait wait we can literally we can literally find out where everyone is brian you were with me eddie where were you just now i was in the right side of the map i think i ended up maybe around shield oh i need to know shovel where were you okay i'm in storage but i think it's brian there's no i believe you uh trevor where were you wait you believe me no no no no no no no no no no i believe i believe amber where were you i was just trying to do card swipe don't mind me okay um ethan yes i was in the hallway uh in between like comms and weapons oh ethan so disappointed wait chris i'm confused did you believe shelby about brian i think it's yeah wait i i guess on him i saw i saw it why are you oh i saw that's not amazing i saw a dark grey character kill in front of me and i'm pretty sure it was ethan dude oh okay the only reason i said brian was because i wanted to talk to you and it was going with him standing there for a very long time i did not see ethan at all no it was easy and i think dude okay all right you can you can help me i literally walk okay but wait hold on chris were you with anybody yeah with brian right behind you yeah wait chris and i literally walked up to the body at the same time oh okay okay sorry i was just trying to figure out where brian was wait so shelby why do you say that you think he wasn't doing it he was the only one standing there because i was literally just typing in the numbers i'm just saying he was there for a long time kind of letting it run i wasn't saying it was you know they were saying i was gonna be confusing somebody they are that's confusing i can believe that but then chris said he believed me so i don't know okay brian but can you confirm that chris didn't kill i think we're doing ethan right even i think wait really why i was gonna skip i did skip wait how come when trevor comes in with like wait really why it's not sauce but when i do it it sucks because i'm eating it all right i'm gonna go grab some fun dip so that i'm protected all right so i need to help out my boy edward edward sizzy hands where my boy eddie sizzies god who gave me the right to speak you know who gave me the right to speak that's proof that god isn't real guys if i can talk if i can have the platform that i have um chris hello oh my god yo what's up so what's up so i have i have a um i have a yeah i have a theory okay okay i found this body in storage the only person i think it could potentially be is eddie because he was the last person i saw walking away from it i saw brian walking in that direction beforehand i passed brian in that hallway before that chris well he was stuck in he was he was stuck in electrical though yeah chris and i were on opposite sides of the door when it locked in electrical that's like obviously okay then i don't know yeah probably because i was i was walking that way but i was in reactor for forever well and trevor uh by uh security so i feel like they're good but it might either change brian or eddie i think we get 50 50 this is either it has to be either yeah it has to be or but i think it's you i said we go for eddie maybe or brian i don't know i don't [ __ ] like it 60 seconds suggestions in that direction that's all i saw i was in an election and then ran upper left to finish the little crystal turny thing he did go left because i passed him there is a chance there's a chance i always get eddie or count to ten there's a chance that eddie walked by brian while he just finished a kill and then brian went up to electrical and then got stuck in there quote unquote should we call another meeting and then we vote for trevor trevor here's the deal trevor here's the deal we call a meeting and um we get it i'm voting brian oh no no it's paul read it could be wrong oh my god that's [ __ ] hilarious you have really similar so funny oh my god sorry i'll hear you out trevor's been trying to bribe us with candy this entire night come on dude don't you have a sweet tooth man shelby you could vote me but what if you voted trevor think about that well that's not it i want candy well you tried eddie you're pretty close man yeah dude well can i ask ethan why did you say you can vote me this first time well because i'm a [ __ ] dude and you're like you can yeah you guys you can vote me i'm like you're leaving me out here with everybody i'm sorry eddie what else do i say last game best game gamers let's go all right i'm just gonna just gotta do my tasks my she's gotta do me tasks let's see that's it and we are scot-free you know doing doing doing our good ol swipe right after that right off the bat you know wow it gets me going just things just thinking about it i just saw trevor i just saw i just saw trevor kill uh bloody that was are you kidding me there's like four people there can confirm just came off of a task jesus christ can confirm there were four people or can confirm trevor can confirm uh there's a dead body okay well it's just a group of people i think it's trevor oh uh i'm almost positive that it's trevor because i think the other person that was over there which i think was eddie uh was doing the task no i wasn't nav and brian was just was it amber you know who you [ __ ] it was a green it was a green person amber so it was you what no i just literally did wires huh no no that's what i mean is you were doing wires in storage right yeah yeah okay you were doing wires in storage so you had your task up and the other person was trevor and i saw a body fall and trevor was right next to it and i saw it happen are you kidding me i voted trevor what the [ __ ] i could be very wrong but i feel like if ethan was the impostor he wouldn't be throwing accusations at two people when he thinks it's not early but also i don't want to throw if it is ethan so let's keep also the last game though like the chaotic this bloody body falling to the ground what i see is a green man and an orange man i don't know who i don't know i'll think it's little four people no because because i came back up i was going towards i was going to uh because i was standing there and there's something to other people i'm so confused okay i don't trust anyone in that that trio dude all right here we go baby here we go trevor's gonna kill me immediately well actually no he probably won't if he was smart he wouldn't because i'm i was the person accusing him why am i going over here because i have a task which i only realized that i have right now please don't let it be here please don't let me i don't want to die i don't want to die here gamers i'm at the top of my game right now i'm at the top of my game you know we got almost 13 000 viewers here uh everything's going great okay sick where be the body all right i'm reporting the body again i know that makes me look sus it's real sus but i'm not going to walk into admin find a body and then walk out because that would be not great that would be you didn't get amber yeah uh so i saw i saw shelby in uh admin okay the only person i saw in admin was chris when i was doing card swipe i went down into electrical where i have four different tasks okay that's a lot of detail um i was in med bay i saw amber there i was just leaving and to walk down and i walked into storage so i guess i walked past admin but i definitely didn't go in there and it was you're doing wires in admin yeah you saw me come from below i don't want ethan accusing me again i was doing the task but i feel like it'd be a real ballsy move so i do believe that you walked in below even ethan you i mean you must saw me come like below you anyways right where did that follow me again shields and storage shields and storage i mean oh i came i came here where did the admin vents lead shields and what else is it o2 or is there a ventino 2 uh i think it's o2 yeah i don't know i'm sure alana where were you at and also chris cafeteria i just finished a task in cafeteria and then had to go to the other side i was about to head to midbay i was intimidated too and i did um the leaves and i could say mark was with me tossing leaves out into the space chris is the only person that i also saw in cafeteria so just wasn't happening did anyone walk into admin like mid game at all no that was late game when i uh chris uh left after me that's the only thing i saw after you okay so then i'm concerned that ethan has been like last game baby chaos uh that's what's happening so i'm going to say something in the in the last 15 seconds i'm still voting trevor again because i literally [ __ ] saw him kill bloody jesus oh my god so that's what i'm doing because i don't have anything else i'm just going to do this because i think he's funny i hate that that's for sure actually i thought it was funny what the hell wow you didn't get just why not you know what i mean uh okay uh i think i'm too valuable to be kept alive guys i think i'm gonna get killed i know too much i know way too much you know i'm gonna be assassinated they've hired a hit trevor and whoever else hired a hit and i'm i'm going down so if somebody says that i killed myself in storage i [ __ ] didn't dude all right don't let them don't let them bamboozle oh god what did i say what did i [ __ ] say oh and watch and watch as eddie stumbles up he couldn't even find it he couldn't even find it because trevor murdered him in broad daylight ah the last game on my birthday on my [ __ ] day of birth 24 years ago i came out stopping wet out of the out of mother's womb this is my day and this is how i get this is how i be be honored by my friends you know i should stop talking this is too much this is too much i can't believe it oh my [ __ ] god ethan was right ethan was right ethan i believed you dude i'm sorry thank you so much i appreciate you killing sorry we ever doubted you good luck let's go baby let's go don't go changing to try to please me you never let me die take the good times that was very ballsy imagine my surprise when i walked into the cafeteria ready to go get some food after a long day's work and i'm fine i just want to remind you that there is yeah did you see anybody i saw nobody around when i found the body um i only saw a marker player going up from i think uh 02 into cafeteria so i don't think he could have done a self report plus i don't think he's capable oh wow jesus christ trevor oh my god so we we could do a soul read here i don't know why everyone's right what is that with you in [ __ ] stories just like i don't know you know have someone talk they sound like they're about to cry we vote them off okay that's my thing i'm always ready to cry uh i just shelby what were you doing when you walked in the room and then you just [ __ ] pieced out of the room and you didn't do anything in the room oh shoot wait wait which room you walked into the room with me and then you left the room we were in out of it no oh oh i actually don't know i guess i thought i had a task in there but i didn't i don't remember i have more information if you wanted great wonderful chris you voting quick are you voting voting no no no hang on what what who are you alana is fine bloody was right at weapons paladin was in the cafeteria when we alana and i were both there i went down brian was standing by the shields bottom right after i went there i looped oh wow threw weapons two cafeteria found the body paladin was doing nothing that i saw why can you not be this succinct all the time did i bring something out dude i'm going to skip so keep an eye keep an eye on amber then question yes is it because he called you out for not being able to do a self report okay it's not mock and i almost want to stick with you you're not muted alana oh sorry guys hey it's not mock though just so everyone knows wow little suspicious me i am suspicious be a body i'm running around too much i still show kill and self-report there was another body too i literally saw it oh my god trevor shows in front of me against his i don't know why you're laughing when he literally saw you killing self-report instantly okay hold on wait where was it in admin yeah i was an admin where she was gonna do my wires because i did my wires and electrical first and i went over to wires and admin and he killed i don't know how you can do wires when you're imposter why are you laughing i literally saw you murder a man self-report and blame an innocent person such as myself first of all i don't know why anyway shelby could have killed me i wanted to switch my admin card because i have to talk into work this is very interesting that you're blaming me he's stabbed brian right in the hall like entrance doorway of admin and then so the only the only thing is that shelby and i don't mean to call you out i've known you for a very long time and your your voice is a little weird right now i i can't play with what it is i mean that that makes sense in a room for a while there uh mark you were alone in a room with shelby and i just walked in and oh yeah you guys were in electrical together oh heck yeah actually i only stepped in electrical i saw shelby standing over the vent but not necessarily that was the towel it might have been the download i saw top right corner she was up there i didn't want a chance it went back down i came around palada was being a little suspicious like creeping up on me but didn't commit to anything there was another body which was christmas okay do you know anything about chris where he was last time chris no was in the top left over there i don't trust trevor for a second but ethan does come on mark we're good if shovel knows [ __ ] he even knows troubles tell i would be willing to trust that however no he doesn't genuinely think shelby's getting played i 100 percent believe that it's like if you want to vote us both to be sure i do want to see i don't okay are we voting trevor it's true i [ __ ] hope i'm right i'm going to enjoy some delicious [ __ ] i do have a thing to say mark is talking way more this round but i i don't know if that actually means anything i have no idea i made a mistake playing the game now because he made a [ __ ] mistake no i mean if you want a 50 50 yes i don't care it's all up to me baby no i think you're good in the bad times i love you just the way don't go changing to try to he please let me down before bye shelby i want to play where there's no kill cooldown which i guess would be pointless and now she's dead didn't think it was shelby didn't think it was shelby well some unfortunate events um i was right i didn't see anything or anyone but i did see shelby's thick handbook sorry oh you saw it this time huh you couldn't see mine last time look okay wait hold on where was it near security so it's like right out the front so she was going to look at cams she had she was going to collect evidence and now she's dead this is fascinating because bloody passed me right by bottom right like around towards the end so i was going the complete opposite direction but far enough away that it was justifiable alana i think you're clear definitely palada you were pretty pretty okay you had opportunities to come after me you didn't ethan what's your justification and where were you what's my justification i went uh and then i went up into top reactor and then i was going back into cafeteria at the end of the game that would put you in the right spot to kill this person wait so mom why did you why did you clear amber though hey wait hey i'm just saying vio i don't clear amber i clear bloody i clearly i don't clear amber just because uh she had opportunities but didn't pursue them i don't know i haven't seen ethan at all i haven't seen ethan either that is the one person i haven't seen anywhere so what do you mean you haven't seen me mark well you saw me in storage i didn't see you in storage did you see me in store i saw you in storage this round here's what we do guys we vote out ethan right now and if it's not ethan we go and we uh call a meeting and example i agree i agree done tight work i really think that's about just not a good idea i think you guys should be voting on my way there you
Channel: CrankGameplays
Views: 412,708
Rating: 4.9827538 out of 5
Keywords: CrankGameplays, Crank Gameplays, among us, among us multiplayer, among us funny moments, among us crankgameplays, among us best kills, among us imposter, among us twitch, among us highlights, among us sus, sus, among us crewmate, among us tasks, how to be imposter in among us
Id: as0C2F6w_gE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 35sec (2555 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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