A History Teacher Reacts to Simpsons History Jokes!

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there i'm mr terry high school history teacher welcome back to another history teacher reacts video all right recently i've been getting into reacting to uh comedy videos about history jokes and there's been a lot of popularity with them i did a couple collections from family guy that had jokes about history and they did really well and people wanted to see more of that so today what i'm doing is going to the goat the greatest of all time of animated comedy and that is the simpsons i grew up with it and they have had so much content over the years and there's a collection of history related scenes and jokes that i wanted to check out and hopefully you'll like what you see here and i'll definitely add my little flavor and my perspective on all this stuff anyways if you like this original video i'll put a link down below you can check that out support the original compilation creator there and if you also like what's going on here definitely hit the sub button if you haven't yet and join our community links to some other fun stuff down below as well and with that let's go and get started [Music] [Music] all right simpsons history lesson what we got all right we got some ancient egypt going here [Music] biblical chronology let's go you easy lights back to sleeping [Music] all right i already get i already get to throw up a uh a a history lesson here the pyramids were not built by israelites they would have predated them by many centuries and in fact pyramids were likely paid by waged workers we've seen they were paid in things like like commodities like like beer to be honest like modern beer or not modern beer ancient form of beer and uh other types of agricultural products we have actually quite a lot of evidence that they were actually paid workers nevertheless i don't want to ruin the joke man captivity blows back there sphynx predates the pyramids as well [Music] oh now we got romans coming in suffering sarcophagus my tomb who come on confess don't make me slay all the firstborn males again burning tree all right we're going biblical now we're going old testament getting to all that we got some moses action going on here is bart going to be the moses character and leave them out boys no the bush set me up as for the rest of you it's time for a little discipline slave driver put away the encouragement whip and break out the cruel whip oh geez five things that's the new omni lash boys josh look at that snapback yeah sweet [Music] um young kids uh if you didn't know that's what teachers used to use to unruly students okay be thankful toilets egyptians only make it snappy it's almost lunchtime all right read me banked what i have so far mrs krabapatra bird bird giant eye pyramid bird hieroglyphics uh giant eye dead fish cat head cat head cat head guy doing this interesting if you didn't know the uh process to or knowledge to uh decipher hieroglyphics was gone for um centuries um actually it had kind of fallen out of disuse um and a lot of that it's it kind of it changes over time but um hieroglyphics were also largely used for for ceremonial purposes like religious purposes you know an egyptian religion kind of gets replaced later on with other uh uh belief systems specifically like islam or something like that uh um even even kind of before then the hieroglyphics and understanding of them actually got lost for a long time and actually wasn't decoded it was gone for centuries wasn't decoded um and understood again until discovery of the rosetta stone by the french in um they're in the 1800s early 1800s with the napoleonic wars and things like that and then that rosetta stone uh if you don't know about it is um an inscription written in back in the era when the greeks ruled over egypt after the conquest of alexander the great and the ptolemaic dynasty and they used to publish things in greek as well as in hieroglyphics and they use because greek has never been a lost language that's one of the oldest continually popular languages in the world and they use the greek to translate the hieroglyphics and that's how we got to know it in in the mid 1800s or so it was finally like decoded again if you want to call it that on kids there were shafts in the pyramids they had an astronomical uh the shafts in the great pyramid are actually interestingly aligned with a couple's constellations with um osiris and also isis so like the queen's jabers pointed to isis which is like a goddess of fertility um personified in star constellations and then um orion which is osiris god of the god of the afterlife but also would probably double serve as ventilation shafts for workers am i talking too much history okay jesus christ versus checkered chariot people's court with jesus and now do you get hurt now i'm not saying jezebel's easy but before she moved to sodom it was known for its pottery are we going roman numerals [Music] without your precious hair you no longer possess your fancy david future king of the israelites stupid king of troy i think i speak for all the greeks when i say or jump into trojan wars for too long i'll say um that's a mycenean tale the greeks before we think of the greeks right the myceneans are the pre-greeks that's where that story comes from the homeric poems but also yeah in literature like that but i'm interestingly too if you didn't know the greek mythology and whole pantheon of gods predates the greeks as we know them and would have come through the mycenaean culture bringing that down so it was ancient even to greeks i'd really like to go out and get the mail [Music] anyway you got trojan horoscope sure one of your soldiers mentioned that you collect giant wooden animals we hope you don't have a horse well they got another animal we have one from you they do have a few should have been the trojan pig now throughout history when people get wood they'll think of trojans [Music] don't look it up kids don't look it up if you don't know population can return to ithaca and my sweet wife penelope odysseus do not forget to thank the gods for our victory with an appropriate animal sacrifice forget it sacrificing animals is barbaric now have the slaves kill the wounded oh jeez gods up on the olympus sacrifice we'll teach that mortal the trifle with the gods [Music] um they weren't sure if troy had even existed they thought the whole thing might have been or at least didn't know the location and things of troy and um back in the early 20th century i want to say early 1900s that's right is it schliemann or what was the german guy's name the archaeologist anyway um had found what they believe is troy and was able to identify it in uh western turkey and interestingly there is a bunch of evidence of it in fact burning down no evidence necessarily of the old wooden horse but nevertheless it did get burned down so might have been based on that stuff and that's what you know you can think about a lot of mythology not just greek mythology is you know the the gods and these ancient warriors someone like achilles or something you know very well might have been people that had existed but then through oral traditions generation after generation the stories become larger than life where all of a sudden that soldier who maybe have been really good all of a sudden they're like you know as the story goes on you talk about how many people they killed or whatever and they couldn't be killed and then all of a sudden it takes like demigod status or god status and you know someone like zeus or something might have been like a mycenaean king or based off of one at some point and then just throughout tradition and with the story changing uh again a lot over time it's may have made that character literally like larger than life you're gonna be asking that the whole trip it's been so many years since i've seen your father i hope he's still the magnificent physical specimen he was when he walks nope mom maybe it's time to choose a suitor yeah just go stew discus stew has discussed middle ages that's why it's under years war it took too long it was launched one arrow back and forth a hundred years war uh just after the plague actually so we're talking 14th oh century my troll where is your sister joan rose morning bells are jealous morning bells are ringing french she's talking to her invisible friend god yeah that's what she said but she used to speak to god and god basically you know in the midst of the war because actually in the beginning of the war um the english were said to be kind of the ones winning with their longbows they both had knights and stuff the longbow being this great weapon of the english and the french had crossbows which are useful but they're slower but they're easier to learn take less technique and technical skill to do the big turning event they say though of the 100 years war was the french development and use of cannons because english castles were like impenetrable and cannons were developed from a technology the gunpowder technology coming over from the east actually from the mongols trouser travels over to the silk road eventually gets to western europe where it's weaponized and used and starts to be used in siege warfare in kind of its infancy there but yeah joan of arc french teenager was said to have been called by god that she would lead the french armies to victory [Music] you know french for one well you keep switching back between french and english just fire the damn thing what do you say yeah it's gonna do nothing you need you need gun powder not gonna work my fault this time i didn't talk in my legs could issues the power of our beloved tyrants [Applause] that attacking again i thought we had a truce just because you keep saying it doesn't make it so my way save yourself she gets captured by the english by the way who see her not only as a military enemy but also as a heretic because you know for the english the the first of god's not going to speak to people especially not your enemy that is promising victory against you don't worry beloved parents god won't let anything happen to me huh getting kind of hot around here she dies what happened dad they didn't really burn her yes they did if your idea of a first date is burning down her village you just might be a viking fair that's fair that's what i get for sitting up front eh furiously typing people the there were no horns on vikings that is bullcrap i have no idea where the heck does the paul bunyan story come from it makes no sense it's american right like i know it's supposed to it's like an american folk tale but where the heck did that come from let me know in the comments if you know the origination [Music] and if it didn't yeah if it was supposed to be fake always and why was the the bowl or whatever oh that's how death valley why is he blue that's how death valley was created big holes with beer national park okay i don't i've never been there where's that and they're fighting okay godzilla monsters did they make a good team never fought rodan yet that meteor's headed straight forward oh i love this episode the impact and the 100 chance of pain pain in the glazing [Music] remember the one where the they actually have like the meteor that uh crashes to earth or whatever that one's a good one [Music] [Applause] dad you just killed a poor defenseless buffalo hey poor delicious buffalo he'll be dinner for the whole wagon train why'd you kill another one dessert and they nearly it's actually a shame what happened to the buffalo making them basically in danger now because there used to be so many of them and they got just absolutely slaughtered [Music] hey i found a bullet man buffalo are easy to kill people if you don't stop this water you'll wipe out the buffalo what happens without an entire species well that's impossible humans [Music] so connie roamed the prairie alone planting apple seeds all along the way apples here's another one like where did that come from is there's a book of tales that like like the paul bunyan and johnny appleseed are those supposed to be based off of real people i don't even know i should know i guess even changed her last name to appleseed and her family changed theirs to buffle kill oh geez those sevens in chat for the buffaloes i haven't had buffalo in six hours how about whipping up some buffalo sausage huevos buffalo arrows and some fresh squeezed buffalo j the buffalo are gone i think you shot them all was right we wiped out the entire species what have i done what have i done calm down paul there's two left no [Music] mark twain americana here this reminds me of that tom sawyer he should be in the rafters grandpa we've been married for years when are you gonna put down that gun well i reckon you're right hang it all wasn't tom hiding in the rafters of the shotgun wedding or whatever am i remembering that wrong i read that as a kid all right tom sawyer huck finn now leaving missouri he has mark twain 19 uh 19th century americana [Music] it's getting a little missouri is a little bit more hectic mr silas this young lady is flashing her privates oh clear angle dispose of this one jug of whiskey three plugs of tobacco and some extra strength opium there we go it could be two cents boys oh two fans was opium interesting because that is like our height this this era like mid-1800s um you know opium era of british uh you know it's um extracting a lot of uh opium from south asia and of course like the opium wars in china but i did not know much about it coming to uh well midwest america at this time but maybe it did yes if you think my prices are high go across the street crazy fact by the way about opium opium made up something like one fifth or one six or something of the entire economy of the british empire drugs literally like a fifth of their economy based off of drug trafficking in the 19th century that's why they put their foot down so hard when the the chinese um tried to ban it and you get the opium wars which led to a british victory and uh take over a lot of territory 99 it's like expensive our [Music] to be burned at the stake until you are deemed fit to re-enter society fire it up boys by the way i found out through family ancestry that i have ancestors from the salem witch trials so yes apparently i have family that we're putting witches to uh fire so sorry i uh apologize on behalf of my ancestors [Applause] see you in hell seymour goodbye mother horrible if they're really witches why don't they use their powers to escape that sounds like witch talk to me lisa never mind well x75 which is we've processed that ought to show god whose side we're on hey pastor yes nedwin but we have many more trumpets to incinerate there is still a witch among us let us throw open the floor to uh wild accusations i accuse goody flanders i accuse goody bad wife uh we killed her on sunday well there must be someone here we can accuse lisa simpson bart quit it she put a spell on me must drop pantaloons let's come to our senses everyone this witch hunt is turning into a circus [Music] it didn't take much to accuse someone i'm not a witch then how come your laundry is always much wider than mine oh i've heard enough burner goody simpson is entitled to due process okay no such thing next works you sit on the broom and we shove you off the cliff what well hear me out if you're innocent you will fall to an honorable christian death by the way where did writing a broom come from like from which history or whatever that is if however you are the bride of satan you will surely fly your broom to safety at that point you will report back here for torture and beheading tough but fair stop doesn't the bible say judge not lest ye be judged the bible says a lot of things shove her [Music] all right that was great seeing compilation of history stuff from the simpsons to me it like mixes my favorite things i totally grew up on the simpsons probably i guess longevity speaking my favorite of the you know the animated uh comedies ever and probably just comedies in general ever i forgot how many times they had done history related stuff and that's just so funny there there was a lot of great jokes though i love that and what makes them of course better in a lot of these is knowing like the characters how you have like the pharaoh be um like principal skinner like law enforcement be chief wiggum and stuff like that it makes a lot of fun so let's just go and i'm blending all of my favorite things from from the past so anyway i was hopefully you liked me chiming in on some of the jokes because you're here i'm assuming to get some history perspective and stuff um because there's plenty of reactors out there just laughing at stuff but i try to give you guys some content to go with it there anyways if this is the first time you're seeing my stuff and you like the kind of reaction to the comedic things definitely check out if you like the family guy um if you like family guy i did some or was covering some of the compilations they did about history related stuff i'll link those up here right now as the videos ending on the screen you'll be able to check that out but again links to some other stuff down below including this original video be sure to support the original content creators and fox as well for and definitely watch their stuff and watch some more simpsons i can't believe the show's still going on it's crazy all right anyways we'll catch you next time bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 76,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history, simpsons, jokes
Id: 9SxdwfaxbMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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