What was Hitler talking about in THAT scene from Downfall? | The Great War | A Historian Reacts

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hey youtube i'm mr terry high school history teacher welcome back to another history teacher reacts video all right in this video we are letting a great channel called the great war explain what the heck hitler was talking about in that famous scene from the movie downfall a lot of people have seen this clip but have not necessarily seen the movie the movie downfall it's a great movie but it is in german so if you are like an english speaker you're watching it at subtitles and one of the famous kind of things around the meme community has been people creating their own subtitles to this to make hitler freaking out about something else however what was actually going on in that scene so if you haven't seen the movie i think this is going to be great if you have seen it follow along with me here because i'm excited to learn more about it and i'll let you know what i think as well uh real quick though a word from our sponsor i wanted to take a moment to update you all on my personal journey as a youtube content creator for the past six months i've been using skillshare to improve as a creator first i was using skillshare to improve on using adobe premiere pro then i was learning techniques to make better thumbnails however i know that the technical side of content creation is only a minor thing in the big picture so right now i'm using skillshare to improve on my content itself the class i'm really liking right now is by aaron palabiab the most important simple thing i've learned thus far is making sure that you know the value that you give as a content creator i hope i can continue to give value as somebody that has knowledge of history and then also with history teaching experience for you the viewers but with that i hope to find new ways to provide value for this content to keep you all coming back and you can also get help on a great variety of things with skillshare as well and right now the first 1000 people to use the link below are going to be able to get a free one month trial of skillshare now let's get to the video hello everyone we're in the home stretch of our crowdfunding campaign for 16 days in berlin and we're so thankful to those of you who have helped us reach our initial goal and we're super excited to start production you can also support our campaign by spreading the word and recommending it to your friends and by doing so you can win big we're giving away 25 free digital access passes and a vip all expenses paid trip to berlin up for grabs for you and a friend just follow the link in the first comment below this video down there to learn more together we can make the biggest ever crowdfunded history documentary and to thank you for the support so far we came up with something special here's our historical breakdown of the famous scene from the movie downfall because so many of you have commented about it so far now remember downfall is an artistic interpretation so not everything about the scene is totally accurate and it condenses different historical events together and leaves others out i mean right away it's like you'd have a verbatim word for word translation of this meeting um i think i'm hoping people know that though it's late april and the red army is at or already within the city limits of berlin we're in the chancellery bunker in berlin's wilhelm and that means there is less than 40 kilometers between the red army and hitler's headquarters yeah this is the point of the war where unless you're just completely delusional you know it's over for germany again the the russians are closing in they're on the city limits um and then of course in the west although it's not at the city limits you have western allies like united states um are closing in in different parts in western germany so again only the most delusional people would think that there was still a chance and by the way there were those people that were still that delusional system generally enters the packed planning room he was the brother of hitler's soon-to-be wife eva brown and a devoted nazi let's keep in mind that you know hitler had had uh purged the party so great right that the people left are just the biggest of the butt kissers some of the most loyal of the loyal people now we know about like the assassination plums plots within his own party but a lot of people sticking around at this point again are the biggest butt kissers of the butt kissers of stanstaffer on the map we can see that the soviets have already surrounded the city on three sides their armored spearheads are racing to close the ring and cut off any chance of reinforcement from the outside the last few reinforcements for berlin are about to arrive from the northwest they are members of the 33rd vatine grenadier division and are mainly french soldiers fighting for the germans did you know that was a thing yes there were people loyal within france for germany yeah that's the thing there is there's a video i covered i remember that talked about that it was you know like like different types of people that fought for the germans i forgot exactly what the channel and the name of that was but maybe you can find it in uh if you search my channel if you want a reaction to it and the mustangs to find mr lino lichtenberg mouth stuff kaus house galant the man explaining the soviet advance on the map is generally not hans crepes chief of the army general staff he would play a key role in the fighting to hitler responds to the threat by saying that ss general felix steiner will counter attack relieve the city and turn the tide of the war hitler is portrayed here as still being in control giving orders and drawing lines on battle maps but steiner's third germanic ss panzerkor and the other understrength units that comprise the amego pashtaina only properly existed on paper communication breakdown constant retreat and a lack of equipment and experienced troops make it nearly impossible to maintain contact with the general staff in the bunker so right now you can already if you if you haven't seen the actual translation of this scene um you can see if you're you're trying to predict you know the part where he freaks out uh i think you should be getting your info now because he sounds so confident that steiner's group is going to like just make short work of this but shifty eyes in the review crepes is clearly afraid to deliver the bad news he's just been on the phone with steiner and told him to link up with general venk's forces this would allow the ninth army to break out and form a cohesive defense of the city but steiner told crepes the attack was pointless and neither he nor venk had the forces required to break the soviet grip on the city the man who steps in and explains the situation is general obvious alfred yodel chief of operations staff for the armed forces high command and nominally in charge of the defense of the country he'd been close why is this man not fired already hitler's planning since the very start of the war the understanding hitler's hand is shaking as it often did towards the end of the war that's interesting i did not know that i'm glad that was a great touch i don't know if that was just the actor trying to be more visible with that but um that's that's a great touch and by the way this this the actor that plays him is so good um i forgot his name by the way uh we watched this as a community watch party over on twitch follow my twitch channel mr terry history and we do uh watch parties and this was one of the ones that we had watched it was the first time i watched it it was a lot of fun to watch and great film let's blimey realm kiter yodel crips sorry he orders everyone to leave the room the rest of you are expandable and border basically the highest ranking generals on his staff it's like do you want to be one of the guys in the room or do you kind of want to be the ones that get to go out but despite hitler's clear orders joseph gerbers and martin borman's stay behind gerbils just like as well fits a dude that's like a psychopath like you seen his pictures and stuff the actor they got a great guy to play him he just looks creepy gurba's ministry for propaganda was still hard at work there we go trying to convince the defenders that miracle weapons would soon come to their aid when you're talking about the most delusional of the most delusional of the whole like nazi party like i feel like goebbels like almost stands alone on a pedestal goodwill's wife and children were all in the bunker as well man was a high-ranking nazi party member are they going to talk about it i'll give them a chance and if i forget sorry maybe put in the comments but we'll see if they show it don't know i want to give the video a chance close to hitler he was partially in charge of the folk storm a last-ditch militia of old men and young boys that were sent to defend berlin anyone alive but borman did not leave the bunker to command them okay i just i don't think they're gonna goubles and his wife um they basically um kill their children in in the midst of this amongst the people you know the people that were going to be committing suicide they poison their kids they give them like these cyanide tablets or something like that put them to sleep and they they kill their children they have these young kids as part of their escape plan or whatever for all of them to commit a a suicide and it was such a tragedy that these children had to fall victim to their parents delusions on the right we see feldmarshal wilhelm keitel chief of the armed forces high command keitel was a loyal follower of hitler's he believed in hitler's strategic genius and earned his job because of his faith in nazi ideology and the fury that's how it was you got rewarded for butt kissing hitler's outburst about steiner's disobedience shows just how he had centralized the chain of command but steiner's weak reinforcements of emergency air force and navy troops as well as hitler youth teenagers lacked the heavy weapons and experience to stop the red army so steiner simply sent them back the woman on the right is one of hitler's secretaries right up until the end the bunker was staffed with civilian workers like cooks secretaries and others if i remember right i think the the story of the movie is based off of her um her notes like her recollection of it uh correct me if i'm wrong but that's if i remember come back tonight it's been been a little bit since i've seen it but i want to say that was somebody or at least somebody told me that that it came from from her the secretary hitler's not wrong that he'd been lied to by the end even heinrich himmler had been in contact with the western allies in an attempt to convince them to join the germans and fight the soviets the himmler simps where you at you guys are huge you're all over the internet community all over my community where are you at other ss generals like steiner knew about this but hitler did not by now these attempts had failed and many high-ranking ss men were out to save themselves on the other hand some foreign ss were among the last to lay down their arms in the city meanwhile some of the remaining troops around berlin tried to escape towards the american positions at the elba river to the west he's standing up he's standing i don't think a lot of people did that with adolf hitler actually stand up for their people but that was like hitler's whole thing though it's everything is about it's about bravery like if you fail or you lose it's because you're a coward how about strategy right the man speaking up for the common german soldiers is general wilhelm bergdorf chief of the army personnel office and chiefa juten to hitler borkdorf remained a nazi hardliner until the very end and he committed suicide in the bunker on may 2nd [Music] i need to i need to go back to um like the nuremberg trials and look at that list again of the people all the people that were on it um but which people in that room i mean i know it you know the other the people i mean the people that are actually at the trials not the ones that committed suicide but um the ones at the trials and if they were a part of that which ones were in that and got actual sentences i need to look at that list of names again especially the ones beyond the like the big ones you know what i mean um this is eva braun she would be married to hitler on april 29th before one day before they both committed suicide in the bunker is he's like stalin was right about something the great purge hey that hurt uh uh the soviets you know early on because stalin purged like 50 of the military leadership of um the soviet union you know people that had fought and learned uh before from uh the civil war civil war or world war one and that was a problem for a while not having that kind of leadership early on in the war is raging about having his generals executed and purging the ranks at this point he'd already rid himself of several generals and officers which further weakened the operational capacity of his remaining forces but this hardly matters now anyway since the fighting in berlin was a death trap and steiner and the other generals in the field knew it by now many german commanders were reacting to the situation as they saw fit the collapsing communications made for an easy excuse a smaller hitler reportedly ranted and raved during his last days he randomly called generals and ordered them to send all their troops to the city and dreamed that gerding's personal army would come to the rescue but obviously there was no chance of any of this delusional gearing can't help you nobody can help you here foreshadowing hitler's fate has been the subject of endless conspiracy theories it's clear that he decided to stay and commit suicide in berlin rather than to escape or die fighting though some argue he considered these options or that preparations for an evacuation were carried out by his staff this movie scene compresses hitler's ultimate realization that the war was lost which in reality was a process that took much longer than a few minutes on april 28th the last attempts to relieve the city were considered but the military situation had been lost long before hitler and eva brown committed suicide on april 30th and berlin was surrendered two days later so that was our quick historical breakdown of the famous scene from the movie downfall which just shows a very limited view of this important battle and leaves out a lot if you want to get a much better understanding of the battle of berlin and the events that happened outside the bunker help us make 16 days in berlin the ultimate documentary about the battle just visit realtimehistory.net indiegogo and make your pledge thank you so i just checked this video was made in uh 2019 so a good couple years ago um did this ever come to fruition let me know down in the comments let's talk about this video though all right well i hope if you hadn't seen the actual scene of that film before that you can now see what they were talking about and it was great to see some of those other kind of characters uh kind of within that umbrella of um the military leadership there but yeah what you end up seeing there is you know you could probably get this even from the context if you didn't actually have like subtitles if you just heard the german but this idea that he feels betrayed and that you know his delusions were coming um coming to him and he's realizing that the war is lost but you can see you know down to the very end there he didn't take blame for it right he didn't take blame for it was everyone else's fault there was conspiracies out there and there's weak leadership and the soldiers are cowardice and you see though like the other general that stood up and said like no that's that's not the case like i've got to stand up to you man they are fighting as hard as they can and um but you could see to the end you just you didn't i don't think you believed that and maybe the greatest you know word again to describe all this again is delusion all right this was a great video by the great war this might have been the first time i've reacted to their content before but i know people have done it a lot and if you guys want to see more you know more commentary and stuff on their things let me know the original video link is down below make sure you're supporting them give this video a view like and of course subscribe to their channel if you like what we're doing over here love to have you as a sub and uh with that you can check out some links to some other things down below thanks again to skillshare for sponsoring today's video again there's a link down below where you can get a free month trial of skillshare and with that we'll see you next time bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 157,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, history, world war 2, downfall, the great war, adolf hitler
Id: b03bmC-Less
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2022
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