Fidel Castro's Dairy Adventures | Sam O'Nella | A History Teacher Reacts

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yeah however there was one exception under castro's program a single individual was born that met his expectations with flying colors the cow was named uber blanca spanish for white udder and she produced world record-breaking volumes of milk peaking at 110 liters a day that's more than [Music] hey youtube welcome back to another history teacher reacts video with me your history teacher mr terry and thank you for joining me as i continue my search for historical knowledge found here on the internet all right today's video was voted on by our awesome patrons over at patreon and we got some more salmonella coming at you and this video is fidel castro's dairy adventures okay we've got cows involved we got fidel castro we got a communist leader of cuba what does that have to do with cows what does that have to do with dairy i have no idea maybe it's just lactose tolerant i guess we'll find out so i'm always excited to check out a new salmonella videos thanks for recommending this one link is down below make sure uh to the original video make sure you click that so you can support sam give the view like subscribe and all that stuff there's a lot of you that have not subbed to my channel because i could see the analytics definitely please click that sub button i'd love to see you around some more and you'll see lots lots more historical reaction videos other types of historical content love to see more of you also some links to some other stuff down below discord my gaming channel other fun things as well but let's go ahead and get started my little violin hey kids hey kids let's talk about fidel castro you're all familiar with castro right dictator of cuba for the whole second half of the 20th century antagonists of the cuban missile crisis you know anyway this man el castro holy cow he has one of the longest reigns honestly of rule of modern era i mean you go back to the um the communist revolution that happened uh cuban civil war you know a lot of names for it back in the 1950s and then just goes through the 60s 70s 80s and only recently died um but yeah one of the longest serving people in leadership in modern history man loves three things he loves cuba sure he loves communism sure and good god does the man love dairy yup you heard me right the powerful dictator of communist cuba is obsessed with anything related to milk and its derivatives okay so he can't be lactose intolerant okay wait we got a graph what do we got here i mean if he was to rank those things cuba communism and milk would he put milk at the top i think that would make him even more interesting all right i wish i bled milk i wish i had an udder milk bonerific oh geez milk awesome milk a great milk a good okay where is he i drew up a little charity right i call it the leche loving ladder at the bottom you got dairy farmers then you got ross o'donovan then mr bones then starving babies and then all the way up at the top here you got fidel castro okay today i'm gonna wait where okay i like milk i i'm probably milk awesome i do like dairy that's probably where i'm at um go ahead and put in chat where where you're at do we have anybody above me give uh give your evidence serving babies and then all the way up at the top here you got fidel castro today i'm going to share a few true stories that illustrate his preoccupation all right okay the first one isn't really a story so much as a fact but according to several sources castro was known to be able to eat 18 scoops of ice cream after a meal that's more than two pints if that doesn't impress you then go try it wait okay 18. so he he's done that like that scoops of ice cream i wonder how much ice cream i could eat i love ice cream i don't know if i can do 18 scoops but is that because it's dairy or because it's sugar for yourself me i can barely manage a pint and a half on an empty stomach okay it doesn't impress you go try it for yourself me i can barely manage a pint and a half on it i kind of feel attacked but not because that that that gut that's me like i feel that that's like the right like elasticity of it especially after ice cream and i it's fine i'm i'm okay with that an empty stomach and castro's doing it on top of a full meal but it gets better being such an ice cream connoisseur castro ordered the construction of an ice cream shop but this isn't your average everyday parlor not by a long shot he built a straight up ice cream complex taking up an entire city block this was a piece of modern architecture too in total contrast to the surrounding slums all for the sake of ice cream the place is called coppellia and it's still open today of course castro is obsessed okay so this so okay i want to live somewhere yeah if you can have this type of infrastructure for ice cream cuba is sounding like a pretty good place these days ignore all the other stuff okay they have an ice cream block mission went beyond just personal pleasure dairy was so dear to him that it often found its way into diplomatic interactions like one time a french diplomat came to visit so caster whips out some cuban cheese specifically though it was camembert cheese a variety that france is famous for okay i love cheese i do i do like i like cheeses i'll eat them i've never heard of camelbert but you're gonna give the french cheese the french of mastered cheese and this is a form of french cheese okay what's french guy gonna think french guy was like hey not bad it's almost as good as the french kind try it again i think you'll find it's even better than the french all right i wouldn't say that i'm sorry are you disrespecting my cheese in my house on my island no i mean it's good i just said the first night is better maybe if you froggy bathed once in a while you'll be able to taste the cheese instead of your own bo listen got your cigars we've got our cheese live with it fine it's true they got cigars they can't take away from that i mean everybody everybody wants the cubans cuban cigars okay so he's very a friend offended he's hoping the french french guy would think their cheese is on par him it's good cheese i'm paraphrasing just a little bit but that's basically how it went down so already it's obvious that dairy is of great value to castro most exceptional however is how this value reflected in his leadership naturally having an entire nation at his disposal castro wanted to bolster the dairy industry he installed udders to the um southern coast of cuba if i remember right much as possible but there was one problem cuba initially had two types of cows called larenas and zebus la reinas came from the days when spain ruled cuba and zebus originated from india both of these cows are well suited to the cuban environment having a very high tolerance for heat however they don't produce much milk they're mostly just raised for their meat so castro decides okay so there's a certain type of cow that is better for milk than meat is that going to be ones in from more acclimated to cooler temperatures is that why you can't have both they import thousands they don't produce much milk they're mostly just raised for their meat so castro decides to import thousands of holsteins from canada wholesales the classic black and white cows and as we all know you can juice these guys for days they are utterly superior only pro cow pun problem is they're used to living in canada right so when they're plopped down under the scorching caribbean sun it's going to stress them out need some air conditioning so as a result castro's imports still didn't put out enough milk to satisfy his desires at this point your average run-of-the-mill dairy queen would have given up recap more puns dairy queen if you're american you know what that is astro he's more than that he's a dairy dictator so we ordered the construction of a giant air conditioner yeah with the sole purpose of providing a comfortable environment for his holsteins and it helped a little bit but they were still stressed out they still weren't putting out at their natural levels and as you have happy cow you gotta have happy cows to produce tasty cows i guess i mean you got it you gotta be happy that doesn't look very happy even compared to the awful conditions that livestock are in these days you can imagine climate controlling an entire facility is very expensive so castro was forced to abandon the project but like the astronaut he is castro held on to his dream of finding the milky way so he gathered a team of scientists and farmers and order them to breed together the zebus and the holsteins in order to produce a heat resistant lactose pumping cow the breed okay i can't believe i paused i can't believe i paused on this but that's okay now that i have your attention um as you can imagine cows in their current form are nothing like what cows kind of evolved from like a slow fat creature like cows that you think of today could never have survived in the wild this is a good example of selective breeding where you take certain types of cows and you you know have them mate and then they become bigger and slower and and they also become more dependent on uh their caretakers us as humans otherwise they would never survive in the wild they have no survival skills at all um but yeah good example of that meeting efforts were mostly a bust never producing the bovine master race that castro longed for however there was one exception under castro's program a single individual was born that met his expectations with flying colors the cow was named uber blanca utter and she produced world record-breaking volumes of milk peaking at 110 liters a day that's more than oh i don't know why that picture world record breaking volumes of milk peaking at 110 liters a day that's more than 29 inches i don't know why that killed means of lactation needless to say castor was absolutely horrific at this isolated success of his to say he went ballistic would be an understatement he went intercontinentally ballistic like india hasn't got on the levels of cow worship that castro performed daily updates were published in the cuban all right historical contest yes uh in india cow is sacred um they'll eat beef and it's ancient that that respect for uh for that veneration of cattle goes a long time so they have cows everywhere they'll be like running around the streets and stuff and they cause traffic jams because no one wants to harm them general newspaper describing uber blanca's health and productivity and when she died in 1985 castro commissioned a giant marble statue of the cow in her honor he also had scientists harvest tissue and egg samples preserving her dna after uber blanca's death caster's plans for the cuban dairy industry got even more desperate and ridiculous somehow this is based off of an actual conversation that he had with his team of scientists in 1987. okay guys hear me out what if we make cows that are the size of dogs so that way they can live in people's apartments with them uh fidel i i don't think that's gonna work no no no no it'll work you just what do you breed grass in the apartment too you can't be serious yeah you just gotta put up some fluorescent lights bam little uh little uh little grazing patch for your doggy cow you are a lunatic and obviously nothing ever came with that idea and cuba's dairy industry is still floundering today sadly so yeah if you haven't gotten the picture by now the dude likes milk i have no idea birth of his grandson right ah what a beautiful baby boy uh fidel there's something we need to tell you your grandson he's lactose intolerant prepare the firing squad plenty of other miscellaneous stories surrounding his little preoccupation like the time the cia tried to poison his milkshake so i just decided to highlight what i mean there was a lot of attempts assassination attempts on fidel castro um by the united states and they all failed and they were horrible at it but that would be a perfect way to do it let me go back patient like the time the cia tried to poison his milkshake so i just decided to highlight a few big ones anyway that's the plan though until next time i'm sam manilla and thank you for watching holy cow i had no idea i had no idea all right so if even a little bit of that true is true that is pretty incredible that is yes a bovine obsession there what a great story by seminole one of the most interesting ones this guy castro that he loved that so much it and it seemed like again it was coming back well i was gonna say it's coming back to ice cream which seems like you're his favorite thing but then he also was you know wanted to get into cheese so it wasn't just an ice cream infatuation he's got a cow infatuation just in general i guess it's actually more maybe it's more cows than dairy but because he also was trying to get the cheese going on and was very offended when the french didn't like his cheese wow if only that could have been used to improve the state of cuba more and then it wouldn't have been so weird right because they don't become this dairy powerhouse but man what if they could have what if they could have derived some kind of dairy that came from a very specific cuban breed that just rocked the world whether it's a form of milk or ice cream or cheese or something like that and it you know then maybe we wouldn't be we wouldn't be talking about you know the the the cigars being known for cuba but the dairy of some kind it sounds like that's what fidel would have wanted very good no wonder he stayed in power so long it was the cows all right guys thanks for joining me here today the original video link is down below definitely check it out again give it a thumb thumbs up like all that stuff definitely sub to my channel love to have you around thanks for liking the video if you do uh that as well and with that i think we'll call it here i think i'm gonna go get a glass of milk or something something all right see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 189,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, history, fidel castro
Id: BgzepmP9LJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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