History Teacher Reacts to Family Guy History Jokes! | Roasting Every Country

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hey everybody i'm mr terry high school history teacher welcome back to another history teacher reacts video all right so i did a video covering a short collection of history jokes that family guy did and had a really good response so i'm gonna head back to family guy once again now what i'm going to be checking out here is a family guy roasting every country and i was told this has a bunch of historical themed uh jokes to it too so i'll let you know what i think of them explain it any of the jokes if it needs to be explained and again thanks for being here hey quick shout out real quick to gear humans who hook me up with this kind of cool world war ii kind of themed long sleeve shirt here i'm looking like douglas macarthur out here anyways um if you are interested in getting some really cool like history themed clothes like this there's this huge collection from a whole bunch of different time periods i'll put a link to their store down below and you can check that out all right let's get started [Music] [Music] we'll have a happy new life and we'll have equal rights for all except blacks asians hispanics jews gays women muslims um everybody who's not a white man and i mean white whites so no italians no polish just people from ireland england and scotland but only certain parts of scotland and ireland just full-blooded whites no you know what not even whites nobody gets any right ah america [Laughter] the irony the irony right talking about founding of america it's gonna be about freedom and rights and all this stuff and then nobody gets rights and that's the big hypocrisy you've got this declaration of independence that all men are created equal except this person and their slavery and women don't get to vote and all of this stuff and then we're still going to be kind of racist and but we're picky and choosy about who's white and all this stuff and oh there's some deep irony that is i guess funny about that okay i mean this is a 20 minute video they went right in with a great joke i hope the rest of it's like this all right there's your history lesson so far native americans have done all right for themselves they do seem to have a lot of shops jean jackets all other stuff now selling jean jackets and it looks like they have medical care as well ma'am i'm sorry but i've done this several times today just isn't responding well have you tried this ma'am this is a place of medicine and their popular music is interesting and here it is the number one song for the ten thousandth week in a row i gotta be careful what i react to right [Music] united states border inspections station oh what's her name again she's sneaking out of the u.s this is arizona you can shoot a mexican for using a water fountain i'm gonna play this really loud tonight whoa now arizona is one of the states where um a lot of people come into the united states you know from mexico and there are all kinds of uh border control issues that they have there and that's why they're specifically talking about that that it's pretty loosely interpreted get back at our armenian neighbors armenian neighbors hey hey looks like a fun party um hey listen it's two in the morning uh when is your five-year-old gonna go to sleep soon very soon you want weird food wrapped in weird leaves yeah look i'm guessing there's some kind of soccer match from your home country going on and i get that i do but uh some of us are trying to sleep and i could almost deal with the noise but it's the cologne all right i can smell it in my bed and i live two houses from here oh no that's how powerful it is oh that's how powerful it's just stereotypes right yeah i kind of like it i love so it's just gonna be stereotypes right okay i'm glad that i go deep with some armenian genocide joke thank you family guy that would not be funny blacks i love asians hell i even love gay aborigines dude didgeridoo is sick i want to play one that's i want that did you redo um someone bought me like a mini didgeridoo it's that instrument the burn you know sounds pretty awesome uh they're different lengths like there'll be one that's really long and then uh someone bought me a short one once and i could not learn it it was like i i couldn't do it it was so difficult and uh i felt bad for never doing it i always wanted one but maybe i need the cool big huge ones to make that kind of noise lead me like the shore bird that led the first pilgrims to boston ahoy are you looking to build a city where sports fans can be notoriously racist yeah we also ruined sweet caroline for everyone else absolutely can our airport security people be responsible for 911. and can our own 911 be like one one thousandth as bad but we'll still make a freaking movie about it i think awesome i don't know if this is going to be a problem but we forgot to bring the letter r no problem at all right this way large-faced whites and red sox let's go red sox peter okay so i'm like i grew up kind of a red sox fan as well among the teams so i know all the stereotypes from that but yep all right so yeah founding of boston you had the uh massachusetts bay colony right one of the earliest colonization groups in north america came over around the boston area up there and there you go there's the founding of boston but apparently yeah they forgot the r because you know they just you know you know accents you just sometimes need to drop a consonant for whatever reason that'll never work it's worth a try come on joe don't be so negative you're like a boston fortune cookie oh another boston i don't know numbnuts maybe buy a garage and fill it with hockey equipment huh let's see what my lucky numbers are screw you math dick well that wasn't very helpful at all now chris this is brazil before the invention of the soccer ball oh i remember this from the other video yeah we're trying to get to the north pole so this idea that their country was all like advanced and progressive and then once the once soccer came to the country it just i guess deteriorated into chaos is what what they're saying and there were no entrepreneurs and businessmen anymore i don't suppose you're from triple a are you who triple a you know a aaa oh hey just came from ae i'm not a yeah that's what i said hey so you are with triple a oh no that's a aaa i just came from a.a it's canadian well drunk or not can you help us i can if you want to join aaa i'm already a member of aaa i need help with the car oh i see yeah looks like you got some water leakage you might need a hose eh jose roberto whatever you've got some latinos up here that can fix cars that'd be great oh no i mean it looks like you need a party well yeah when it's fixed we can celebrate but let's deal with first things first well i can probably take you to a gas station eh you have cash eh i don't know my name carries a little weight i don't see how that matters here look we don't have enough cash to fix the car and we're kind of on our way to the north pole oh a car won't take you there anyway but if you like you can take my snowmobile really you just give it to us oh sure that's what canadian hospitality is if you like you can have all my money in my leg positive stereotype okay we now return still a stereotype though so they were saying okay triple a which is an automotive service industry um that will help you if your car is you know a you get a flat tire or breaks down and they'll come and tell you tell you but he was saying aaa just the two a's alcoholics anonymous there i guess they were referring assuming there was a drunk driving accident so he kept saying i was at a a because they say hey in canada you get it it's a joke into captain central america captain central america it worked gracias what are my powers oh yeah it's weird you're like really good at painting my living room and get it done by saturday no we're having a party they were genetically created as service workers damn which one's a chinese one i don't believe that spencer's cleaners super cowboy usa hot dog rocket ship american cleaners number one oh geez ding dong well we all like that noise a little bit make bing bong every bing bong two cent what you want more wine more women more vocational more table yes ah i'm having a heart attack is anyone at the table a doctor i am come here hurry run but they're very okay i think we all want to go to like some viking mead hall where they're drinking their mead and their ale and eating meat off the bones with a roaring fire i mean that not does that not just sound like a grand old time everyone's fantasized about that right we'll dine in valhalla far away doctor couldn't make it in time and that's why here in denmark we have very small tables oh is this the irish they get queen queen give me some of your air always british queen don't be a [ __ ] get us away from that lunatic [Music] why'd you try to get in her hair the queen of england she's heading into that tunnel ah dear god the queen's dead [Music] all right collingsworth i got a hair we now return is that like a reference also to princess diana who was uh princetona who died in a tunnel from papa uh their car was uh there was paparazzi trying to take her picture and she died back in was that 90 whatever um the prince of the prince princess diana of england died in a tunnel again trying to avoid paparazzi and they crashed turn to ethiopian hoarders i don't know how it got like this i'm sorry there's a new phone that was cool i got to go to fiji for that they got a ton of turtles there you can kill them nobody cares all right friedrich world war ii is over we can get back to making comedies again history get me these comedy writers uh i don't think any of these guys are available what because this is terrible give me my agent he's uh he's probably not gonna answer either well this is crazy what happened oh i remember what happened well if they wanted me so a big thing that people would say is that hollywood writers producers lawyers that stuff were uh commonly jewish and that is a holocaust reference that they exterminated all of those people make me into a monster like those people we'll give them a monster like when godzilla attacked haiti oh no wait oh my god oh the haitian earthquake so it was so bad it absolutely just destroyed the country a few years ago and they're saying godzilla's coming and already feels bad because they've like never recovered from that the infrastructure of haiti is you know unfortunately uh very poor going back to let's get some history lesson go back to haiti um which was santo minge which was the most profitable of all french colonies specifically for its sugar production that was done by massive amounts of slave labor and before you just get that stereotype of a poor haiti i gotta be able to tell you that the haitian revolution is a marvel that is worth uh talking about um as it is the basically only successful slave revolt in history and they took it to a napoleon held uh france and able to win their independence and established a republic one of the first in america uh in the americas i should say and uh but yeah that that's gotta be talked about we think about that poverty we gotta respect uh what the haitian uh against slaves had done in uh creating their own country and when we look at their poverty let's let's not forget that it can't be any worse than our trip to hawaii okay before you do anything else i'm definitely allergic to pineapple pork rum macadamia nuts stupid tiny guitars overpriced golf sentimental military stuff lava people who i can't tell are black or asian apostrophes anyone twirling flames second weddings and linen pants is there anything you're not allergic to yeah the epcot center where i wanted to go god is not here oh geez that's right your disease is funny entire culture and why did wes anderson come here to make his worst movie oh i don't think i ever saw that here darjeeling whatever it is i like some of the wes anderson movies sometimes they're a little too quirky for me but quick hit the red buttons they're not buttons wow that's very handy yeah now let's get started look like yeah yeah no let's go oh stewie that's the uh what's it called the bindi all right part of hindu culture the bindi it's not about do not touch the bindi of an indian uh that you may see okay what do we got here rock lobster you 52s death to america and butter sauce oh he's supposed to be like osama bin laden but a rock a rock lobster don't boil me [Music] i'm still alive iraq lobster i do love rock lobster song though [Music] ireland was a much different place before the discovery of alcohol okay irish history most experts believe it was something like this oh no gentlemen today we ireland's top scientists have found a way to convert our entire population to pure energy hey michael mccloud's just invented a new kind of beverage in his basement hmm whiskey oh and then it's over oh gosh [Applause] they rip on the irish so much because like peter is supposed to have irish heritage and they're from the general they're from rhode island but like the the boston region which again has a heavy irish uh um ancestral history to it there so it's similar to like the brazil joke where they've done this now multiple times where it's like what was a country like before the big cultural aspect of theirs happens and they're saying that it's drinking foreign doesn't smell like irish spring and he never taught me anything but still i swept my chest and sing of my drunken irish dead oh his face looks like a railroad map and he never shuts his freaking trap [Music] all feel the same mixture of pride and of shame finnigan hannigan kelly and flanigan look to the ground when their dad passes by cafety rafferty joyce and olafety fight for his honor and then start to grow and the kids aren't learning anything at that italian school look at these big ones is this calculus i don't know is this calculus uh can we get some salami brian brian let me handle this oh italian uh scoozy baba boopy que calza peter what are you doing speaking italian is that's that's that's what italian is is that is that what it is peter it's time to master the game of chess okay that shouldn't be too hard no you will do it in the traditional japanese way on a wacky game show while a beautiful woman beats your scrotum with a reed oh jeez oh i don't know which way the horse goes why is that guy little shake l-shape there was a time there are some great japanese shows uh do you guys know the uh uh takeshi's castle or whatever it is in the united states they they uh took it and then dubbed over english jokes and made most extreme challenge that was really a funny show back when i was like in well probably high school and it was like a physical like uh obstacle course challenge thing and it was uh based in japan and then kind of americanized it was it was a blast look up most extreme challenge or mxc on youtube it's awesome [Music] shortly afterwards i was almost eaten alive by an escalator the game is still going on we're not laughing at you we're laughing at griffin's shoes why what's wrong with them i don't even know what those are what's teslik i'm i'm not sure but my mom says they're very popular with latvian athletes running throwing lifting big things tesla that's all right with me man here sold separate this party shoes old separate oh no no actual lot being history latvian history is cool man mexican funeral escon we say goodbye to [Music] [Music] in the midwest true that's all it is it's flat corn as far as the eye can see corn uh the biggest food product that we find in what what is it a quarter of all like grocery store products want to make it a fuel source which will then uh drive up the price of food i don't know what's going on anymore working with my foundation that gives impoverished nations things they don't want or need all right let's get this stuff out fast guys these people have nothing all right everybody gets a hot dog toaster and a special zigzag brownie pan so that every brownie in your bake has a chewy edge we got 300 000 harlequin costumes and 500 000 sets of stairs that a dog can use to get up on a bed i want all of this i can see everybody looks kind of thirsty so each of you gets a crash bandicoot video game all right i'll see you guys next week if you got a shipment coming into those realistic testicles you hang off the backyard yes i thoroughly enjoyed my trip to nebraska crash bandicoot that'd be awesome great video game oh no so um anybody see any good movies lately yeah i don't really know they don't watch movies you read any good books no no no they don't read books anything new with corn oh yeah corn corn corn is always interesting i don't even know why it's called nepal the mountains look like nipples well you can't just call a country nipples okay i learned some history today i did not know where uh the word nepal came from and now i know and i trust this source a hell of a lot easier than when i delivered pizza in new orleans come on i gotta deliver this pizza strawberry before those idiots from new york show up to watch the leaves change and take over the whole place no trees in new york city oh no oh no here they come [Music] out of here [Music] joe had skis on his wheels yo maddie check out those colors yellow like a taxi orange like the ball at the knicks game and red like the sauce on my mamma mia's yeah and brown like the guys i don't pick up in my cab beautiful oh no good evening that doesn't happen in new york quahog is infested with loud hairy creatures also known as new yorkers there's a great man locked up in a cell the african folks all know him well he's a great spirit with a lot to say supposedly [Music] oh [Music] a pink mustache oh i know war my friend i stormed the beaches at normandy of course it was 1958 so the resistance wasn't quite as stiff no running i said no running i'm not running i mean i had that so he storms it like like like a decade or way over a day like 12 years 14 15 years after and he's he's storming it beaches and normandy we all know that one do we need contacts for that watch the first scene to saving private ryan all right good job creating ads for the north dakota border tourism hi do you like south dakota but don't want to see mount rushmore come to north dakota it's just a very long drive wherever you live there's nothing there most of the good license plates aren't taken yet imagine coming here and having cool dude or yay jews or boo jews depending on where you stand on jews east dakota we're not even the best dakota where am i all the famous stuffs in south dakota is that where devil's tower is too north dakota good for oil a lot of oil out of there okay peter just showed up in north korea oh geez oh my god i'm in the wrong korea that's it like your missiles i'm about to go ballistic oh jeez because they got missiles and the world is powered afraid that's it like your missiles i'm about to go home oh a northern bird flew into my nuts every persian guy in the world every person bmw i think that a white bmw i think that originates in the achaemenid empire i think cyrus the great is the one who established the white bmw popularity of persia check double check the sources for me okay now step on the glass oh but be careful though at my wedding i cut myself on the glass and when i got to palm beach for the honeymoon i had to put a wonder bread bag on my foot to keep the sand out people don't even know what a portuguese is port that's what i thought a portuguese was me and my brother people from portugal okay getting started here is russian cutaway gag ugly sonic russian sonic the hedgehog [Music] believe this joe this is like living in russia i might as well just move there you don't want to do that it's dark it's cold and hooking up is just a crapshoot cause of all the big coats all right drop the coats [Music] oh no a scotsman who can't watch a movie without shouting at the screen oh kermit what are you doing you're going to get to hollywood and that old steeda baker and besides you're a puppet they're not going to listen to a pooper in honduras oh don't stop and pick up those other puppets there's no room for him in the car oh you're not using your brain they'll probably ship me off to siberia this i hate it here shut up drink wolf milk and watch russian cartoons we should probably head out to find the last episode i was wondering if that was going to be a goo log that's actually what they what happened when stalin would send you to siberia so did that korean soap opera yeah where's peter oh he went to get plastic surgery he did yeah korea's the plastic surgery capital of the world nobody here thinks you look good unless you have big round eyes and a tiny little nose and chin hey guys look at anime characters you're right you know what i feel good i feel like i want to giggle behind my hand at a lot of things and hold but not eat a big ice cream cone i'm a very passionate man haven't you ever seen my spanish have you seen they're the people that are like actually getting plastic surgery to look like anime characters it's wild oh jeez domestic abuse in spain or something boy now no oh it's supposed to be mexico delicious sweets holly welcome to fjorg's bakery would you like a hot piece of pee it's on the hoose what piece of pea oh no you're covered in my hot pea you can wash yourself off in the way to close it uh bottle of jack daniels please i'm sorry i don't think that's any scandinavian accent i don't think so piece of pe there you go thanks what's this that's your gun buy some liquor get a free gun oh geez is that like a special now or something nope texas state law you have a nice day now state law god this place officially sucks worse than the wnba hey hi what why did i call them time fighters no idea [Music] oh they're from thailand that's not true they're storm troopers not from thailand they look like bow ties okay not thai people or thai yeah mention that there is a chinese among us rest assured he will be found security is launching a full investigation into the genealogy records of every single one of our employees this man will be found oh no dire consequences too bad about that chinese guy huh chinese japanese relations uh have historically not been very good with things that have been denied like the atrocities of world war ii that they very much are not over tucson aloha i'm sorry is tucson's supposed to be full of idiots is there anyone in tucson in the comments can you confirm or deny the uh groin punching and kicking um is that is that a thing is this an everyday uh occurrence in tucson hey check out that vietnamese guy giving the business to those vietnam vets school board school board uh what happened to your friend hey i know that guy i kill him he cry like a [ __ ] vietnam undefeated not lying being home and defeated defeat the chinese defeat the french defeat the japanese they defeat the americans it's a long history of vietnam's vietnamese independence from foreign uh countries ah our team than the warsaw globetrotters [Music] go to work in calcium [Music] that's the harlem globetrotters theme song um what the polish don't they i think they're pretty good at basketball there it is washington d.c the seat of government for the world's former most powerful nation wow those are all the monuments i read about in school there's the washington monument there's the obama monument and good place to end it all right so we got some more family guy jokes in there all the irreverent humor sprinkled in with some history and i hope i was able to add some context to jokes maybe you didn't know about maybe you're just here because you want to see what a history teacher would think about some of these jokes that have definitely pushed the lines right all right nevertheless though i'm on the if it gets you interested in history i mean i i try to find the good in it right anyway there's plenty of funny stuff in there all right again thanks for watching the video if you've stuck around this long you'd like to see me do more reactions to this type of stuff if you can find like famous cartoons and shows that do history jokes i'm all about it link down in the description better yeah come over to the discord server down below and in the video suggestions channel that's where i can see video recommendations more there than anywhere because they really get lost in the youtube comment section so definitely come on over there and join anyway so you can have some people to talk to again thanks to gear humans for hooking me up with a cool shirt here again i feel like a world war ii general but you can get some fun history merch there they have hoodies long sleeves some short sleeve stuff um and not just history stuff too they have other types of graphical tees that go off of other types of pop culture things so anyway a link will be down below and you can check that out all right and with that we'll see you next time bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 2,352,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, history, jokes, family guy
Id: CMiqSeDcX8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 33sec (1953 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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