A Golden Year 2 - Overcoming Carnal Emotions

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Church will you join the whole wide world to open door Church on a Wednesday night boom hello my friends welcome everybody on a pin fold radio network all my friends down in the nation of Belize hi y'all call you guys blessed everybody that's driving down the road I'd like to personally bless everybody that's drawn that's driving slow in the in the fast lane right now I bless you the Bible says pray for our enemies that's what the Bible says so I bless you and pray for you in the name of King Jesus encourage you to get out of the fast lane if you don't want to drive fast amen well guys welcome is Wednesday night and I have interrupted my regularly scheduled sermon series to talk to you tonight about the power of supernatural sanity and I sometimes I do conferences that's called supernatural sanity and if I'm not mistaken the night that I met Jedediah I'm Pauline we it appalling wick that was the supernatural sanity conference and guys I want to just just stop and just talk to you for just a minute and just tell you about my own personal struggle and just tell you that the biggest struggle that I have had you know a lot of people say okay everybody that's that's got a big trouble man it's gonna be it's gonna be you know what's your g-man what's Yugi what do you talk about is it gold girls or glory what is it cuz everybody got a G I'm like what about my II my emotions because my E's a whole lot better than my G I promise a whole lot bigger than my Jean right like well what is it number one it's it's it's ridiculous to say that you've got to have something that's gonna make you fall remember I don't I don't need any devil to make me fall I can sit right here and just be a major malfunction all by myself think about all kinds of stuff that doesn't matter feel all kinds of weird feelings and there be nobody in the room and I could still argue with you and I'm the only one in here that's like that I bet I'm not a bit I'm not and you know man if you're going to be a very passionate person like I am the problem is is you're a very passionate person now it's good to be passionate if you're me Oh pastor Troy is absolutely amazing you guys feeding the hundreds of thousands of people a year you got a big old church man you got orphanages all over the world you're saving a thousand girls a year out of out of sexual trafficking come out with at least two books every single year you're a songwriter oh I gosh that's just crazy no it really is crazy you I have this desire I want to tell you if if I sleep late and don't accomplish something about ten o'clock I feel like the biggest loser I mean I mean I feel like a loser and I am somebody that has to accomplish things and there's a really good part of that that God Almighty has has birthed in me and it's and it's wonderful there's another really bad part of that where I really have to have a lot of self control and and I and I want to tell you spin the biggest struggle that I've had over my three years of walking with God has not been gold it has not been girls it has not been glory it has been my emotions and that you know what can can God trust a guy like me to be neck-deep in the lives of little girls and young women all over the world who have been sexually abused and hear all of their stories when I'm somebody that fills those things and I'm somebody that takes that extremely personal and and and can God can God trust me to be stable if I'm going to know all of those stories can God trust me because because I promise you before I say it he could not and for many years after I was saved he could not and I've had to learn how to partner with God when it comes to my thinking because what my excuse was for a long long time was well I can't I can't help how I feel well friends you might not be able to help how you feel but you can help how you think and how you think controls how you feel and you can determine what you think about and how you think about it and if you're even going to think about it you can determine that and it took me a while to think about that it took me a while to be able to really to meditate and to have my life change through the renewing of my mind and to this day friends the process that I have with God is is a process that the same journey that all of us are on that we're all 100% saved as far as our spirit goes but we but our minds and our emotions are becoming saved in some days someday soon when Jesus comes back even our mortal bodies will no longer be mortal and even our bodies will be saved you understand that well a lot of people don't understand that and they think well just because you know they believe in Jesus then they're 100% saved they are 100% saved as far as their Spirit is concerned but friends you have to displace the enemy that is within your mind and how your life is transformed is not just because you're saved your life is transformed through the renewing of your mind the work that happens within your spirit happens through Jesus at the cross and you have access through that by faith but the victory that happens within within your own life comes from you deciding to turn your heart and turn your mind into the things of God and to conform your life so that your life looks more like heaven than it looks like hell and if you want your life to look more like heaven than it looks like hell then you have to be willing to think more like heaven than you think like hell and that's not an easy process for any of us because we all have the right to think like hell and guys we love our rights when I was a kid one of the things that I would do is I would just read vengeance books all the time 101 ways to get even oh listen I had every get even book you can possibly imagine and I would look for opportunities to one-up somebody that I felt like had done me wrong and I got really good at it I got really really really good at it and I would think it was hilarious you know you bring a knife I bring a gun you bring a gun I will bring a nuclear weapon you bring a nuclear weapon I will bring a comment from outer space that's the Texas way but it is not the kingdom and you know what you you train your whole life learning to be like that and then suddenly you fall in love with Jesus and you go you know what I'm I'm conflicted I've got this thing going on within me it's it's crazy it's it's just exactly like the woman of God you know there's this incredible story in the book of Genesis about a woman who who a man comes to her and tells her and he represents the Holy Spirit and tells her hey Malin tell you something about this brother Isaac he loves you you've never seen him but he loves you and he loves you so much and he wants he wants you to marry him and he wants to give you everything that he has and she accepts the terms having never actually seen Isaac face to face but she fell in love with Isaac because the man was so in love with Isaac and that's exactly the way it is with us in the holy spirit right and then the whole three-month journey all the way from Babylon all the way back to Jerusalem she's like she's like tell me about this King he's like oh man baby honey I'm telling you you never seen nothing like him he's just so awesome you know his name his name means laughter and it fits him perfectly he's all about joy he's a life fanatic and you know what he's gonna treat you like a queen and you're going to love him you're so going to love him and that's exactly it describes the the the romance that the Holy Spirit causes us to fall in love with Jesus before we ever see him eye to eye face to face and the Bible says that whenever Rebecca saw Isaac way off in the field she said is that my lord out there and he said yes and she said stop the cart and she jumped off and she ran straight to him and the next verse says and they went straight to the tent it's in the Bible you ready for yourself like last year's - growing up for me you're gonna be are out it's in the Bible well it's that way with us and King Jesus is nothing carnal about it but the Bible says that whenever we see him for the very first time at the rapture the church he takes us away into a secret place which is called the rapture and we have something there that's called the marriage supper of the Lamb I mean she was madly in love with Isaac before she ever laid eyes on him because of the man who came and got her and his name in Hebrew means comforter who is who is our comforter guys the Holy Spirit that's exactly right well that has nothing to do with anything I was going to preach I have no idea why I'm actually telling you all that actually I do I when the Lord when I first got saved the first thing that happened was my mind became alive in a whole new way and I became a gifted learner and I couldn't read enough I couldn't get enough word into me I began to understand the word I I went after it and I became so hopeful I became incredibly hopeful I was already very adventurous before that but now I had a hope that was attached to my adventure of actually accomplishing something and I started believing that I could get you know God began to tell me you know it was the Holy Spirit begin to talk to me about Jesus and just what a go-getter Jesus is and how Jesus can get stuff done and nobody can stop him and I began to see the person Jesus through the life of King David and I began to study that and then one of the things that started to happen was I began to realize that who Jesus says I am is not who I think I am and I have to conform my life to who Jesus says I am instead of instead of what my history says that I am and instead of what my feelings say than I am you know I and I want if if you were to see my bucket list that I have accomplished and I put it together because I've already put together my funeral is there all this wrote your own funeral because I've written mine oh dude my funeral is Rockstar you do not want to miss my funeral I promise you that like that's just psychotic not only have I written it I filmed it I'm preaching my own funeral dang freaking Skippy I guarantee that ain't nobody else preaching my funeral nobody preaches better funerals than me I'm preaching my own funeral so oh yeah oh yeah I tell you I'm Way I'm way worse than you think I am but one of the have already done all the handouts and everything yeah no come on come on that's why not do that and part of the thing part of my big handout is all my entire bucket list of places I wanted to go and and it's it's very impressive because I've done it I wanted that I wanted to be in 50 nations before I was 50 years old and I wanted to be at all these specific places and it's like three or four pages of really cool stuff and like check check check check check and if if we were going to talk about the incredible success that the Lord has given me over the past couple of years and guys it really is something it really in truly is I can tell you this though in the midst of all this bucket list and misses a success in the midst of having a growing church and radio and TV and all that I have to deal with the fact that I feel like I'm a loser the majority of the time and I have just learned not to trust it like well you shouldn't feel like it no you're right I shouldn't feel like that I should also not be afraid of heights but I am okay but I am and I could pretend like I'm not but I am but I want to just tell you something I just don't put any stock in those feelings I know it's a lie I know it's not the truth it's not the truth it's not what God says so I've had to learn to live by faith which is living by what God says instead of living how I feel and how I do that is I set my mind on the Word of God instead of set my mind on the things that make me feel like I'm a loser okay well that has been that's been my whole walk that has been the huge majority of every good thing that God has done in my life has been through that simple process of what I'm explaining to you and so I've I've come to learn a lot about emotions through the years I've come to learn a lot about how emotions are helpful and how emotions are destructive I've come to learn a lot about how when when our emotions beneficial and when our emotions absolutely useless whatsoever and make no matter whatsoever there's sometimes you absolutely have to have emotions and there are sometimes if you're emotional it's going to ruin everything and to be able to kind of unpack all this because God Almighty is the inventor of emotions got the devil is not the inventor of emotions I'm going to give you three different realms of emotions that I've discovered throughout the years and the first room is holy emotions the second realm is human emotions and the third realm is carnal emotions so wholly human and carnal say it one more time holy human and carnal those are three different realms now when we talk about holy emotions there is a way that the Spirit of God moves upon you that makes you emotional King David by the Spirit of God cried out against the Giant whenever he turned to the tribes the the whenever he turned to the people of Israel and he said is there not a cause he was talking about supernatural get up and do something do you not feel this do you not know what this is this is not a time for us to hide this is a time for us to go screaming at the enemy okay well that's that's a that's a supernatural emotion there's there's a place in the Bible you know well let me just kind of back up just a little bit like I I'd love to study about martyrs I love to study about martyrs I was convinced when I first got saved that I would never live to see 25 years old I don't know why I always thought that and I'm 52 now some I'm expecting to live to be at least 160 now like well why have you already filmed your funeral because I wanted to do it young dude when I'm still good-looking that's why before my face completely Falls is your face falling because my face is falling I can see my eyebrows right now without him looking right this second it gets on my nerves like what it's a my eyebrows man my face is falling so you'd be there if you're young you'll be there you see what I'm talking about I promise but there's this guy by the name of Polycarp and Polycarp was actually a disciple of John the Revelator and he went into Ephesus and went into Smyrna and went in and became a bishop of the very early church well the Romans became Romans like Romans are make the nazis look like Boy Scouts everybody loves Rome I have a hatred for Rome I hate and I'm talk about a holy hatred for the whole Roman world thing I don't like it all they're good at is enslaving people that's all they're good at so the Romans got to be the Romans decided everybody had to worship them they had to worship Caesar and if you didn't if you didn't stand up and swear that Caesar is God Almighty and offer some kind of stupid little incense then they'll burn you alive and what they would typically do is they would literally take you to a stake and they would nail you to it and then burn your life how would you like to be nailed to a stake in the ground can't kang kang and then they just pour whatever it is they pour all over you and they put wood all around you and they set you on fire but for entertainment while they sit and drink wine watch you rise and scream and holler as your flesh burns off your body because you would not say that romans are gods yeah the world loves room I don't know they're worthless so they get ready to get - oh brother Polycarp brother Polycarp says no i'm not going to do it he says I'm 80 some odd years old and God's been good to me all these years why would I be bad to my Savior I ain't gonna do it that's alright well we're gonna kill you and we're gonna burn you in front of everybody so they get ready to burn this brother and he's a super old man and Polycarp begins to get very concerned and he begins to just go man I god I do not want to make a mockery of the cross please help me when my clothes burn off of me and I'm still on fire I don't please please help me and guys you need to look up the death of Polycarp just just do a just do a google search on it one of the things that you'll find is the believers that were in the crowd and it is said that all of the believers heard God speak while everybody else only heard a thunder that's biblical by the way all right some said it thundered and the ones who heard it said that they heard God say Polycarp play the man now whenever that word gets translated in English we translate it as play the man and it's not a very good word at all in Hebrew is a word called Shabbat and it literally means supernatural masculinity God Almighty spoke a word and a polycarp's life that made him man up emotionally way now I'm gonna give you supernatural masks you masculinity for what you're about to go through and he's like alright God game on I can man up now there's a God given ability friends that you can have or sometimes you need supernatural strength in your emotions to be able to man up and I don't mean that gender wise ladies this also applies to you or you man up to whatever it is that you're going through and say I've dreaded this I didn't ever want this to happen I'm embarrassed this is a mess or you just go whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa supernatural masculinity on me I'm walking through this God is with me I got nothing to be ashamed of let's go let's go let's go there's a there's a place in the Bible and that's a holy emotion there's sometimes men you come before the Lord and a spirit of brokenness exact opposite of supernatural masculine and he will move upon you and you'll begin to travail has anybody ever just been in the presence of God and you just weep and you cry and you don't even know what the heck you're weeping and crying up what is that sometimes you laugh sometimes the spirit of laughter will come upon you sometimes so I'm just saying that these things these things are not the enemy of God these things are born of the Spirit of the Lord amen and then there's also human emotions human emotions sadly has been taught by the by the majority of the body of Christ through the centuries that God hates human emotions God does not hate human emotions Jesus Christ experienced human emotions as a human you know the whole you know the whole thing when whatever Jesus cried and Bible says and Jesus wept shortest verse and a whole Bible Jesus wept right just two words well if you if you look at that story he's not crying because Lazarus is dead okay he wasn't happy Lazarus had died but if you go through that story if you unpack it verse by verse what happens is first thing he says is while he's walking he's talking to the disciples and he says guys I want to tell you something about our brother Lazarus he says what he says well he's sleeping well at least somebody gets to sleep that's what the disciples letter said they started complaining to the Lord because they was hired well at least somebody around here gets late prayers to God for him well showers means from Lazarus right now and the Lord just said no our brother Lazarus is dead we're like what it's like yes sir stone-cold dead and then a disciple says well good he must have the plague so let's all go to his house that's a great idea Jesus is gonna take us to where the plague is let's go through there and read it it's it's amazing they're they're complaining to him about everything he's like look you're not getting it listen I got great news Lazarus is gonna raise up from the dead oh that's real good yeah let's go to the plague that's just great I don't have enough problems as it is he's like alright I'm not going to talk to you he goes and runs into Martha and he runs into Martha on the way to Bethany and he talks to Martha and he says Martha Martha she's like Jesus if you just been here where have you been you failed us you were supposed to be our friend my brother Lazarus is dead I know if you'd have been here he wouldn't have died and he said well I'm here now so now he's gonna live and she said well I know that on the great day on some day that we're looking for a way off in the future all of that ultimately is gonna happen he said Martha why are you looking for a day for I am the way the truth and a life well quit quit looking for a day and start looking for me I'm here and then he asked her this the King James puts it this way believe us now this because do you believe this and she said yes Lord I believe on that day in other words yes Lord no Lord and he said go get your sister Mary because Mary always gets it go get her and the Bible says he went forward he said I'm not going another inch I'm refused to move another inch until Mary comes back here she goes all the way to go get married Mary comes all the way around him back and I'm Mary Mary is man she's an extraordinary human being and she's the girl that came in and broke the alabaster box and and imported all over the feet of King Jesus and cried all over the feet of King Jesus and she did that unto his burial because she got it before the disciples got it that he was there to die for her and she got it so Mary's always guy I mean she's she's you know she's in the end man she knows she knows some stuff and then the Bible says and Mary came to her that Mary came to Jesus and said Lord if you had not been here if you had only been here my brother Lazarus would not have died and the Bible says when he saw how heartbroken she was and when he saw the people following her then it says and jesus wept he had it was that he was experiencing the human emotion of loneliness haven't you ever had a revelation from God and you tried to share it with your friends you tried to share it with your family you tried to share and all you got was crickets something that was such a big deal something that meant so much something that would change your life something that blew your mind and you had nobody on the planet Earth to share that with and Jesus wept that's a human emotion that's exactly what that is so there's nothing wrong with human emotions they just have to be controlled and they have to be led by the Holy Spirit but then there's carnal emotions and carnal emotions are actually toxic they're poisonous they're destructive things like malice and envy selfish ambition sensuality bitterness overpowering lust murderous hatred and there's the reason why that these things are so destructive because in order to feed these things you have to be involved in non Kingdom things you literally have to walk away from God in order to feed the appetite of carnal emotions now every single one of us knows what that is and all of us have done that time and time again and many of us have repented of that and said we're not going to do that again and then we did it again right so we have to learn how do we move from carnal emotions into human emotions and then finally into holy emotions it's just like you know young people if you're talking about anything emotional they're always okay sexual it's all about sexual that's what it's all about you know if you're young everything is just it's all about your sexuality okay what's real is there's nothing wrong with human beings being sexual people you're you weren't born an eunuch you're not supposed to be a eunuch it's okay for guys to like girls and for girls who like boys and what's real is man when it comes to when if you're gonna move from carnal into human I want to just tell you just go okay what's real is this I am and I'm gonna have to deal with this I'm gonna experience this this is part of the human experience but you know what I do not have to leave the camp of Jesus to have this emotion and just be real enough about it it doesn't make you a loser if you feel that or if you think that or whatever you just have to go okay you know what if I engage in that I'm gonna have to walk away from God and I'm not willing to do that right so then you're like so what is the Holy emotion for that what is that it's passion it's being passionate it's just being let's get her done I know I'm talking about right I want you guys to look at Ephesians chapter 6 verse 13 and I'm gonna be reading from the Amplified Bible which is gonna cause somebody to send me hate mail that I will laugh at Ephesians chapter 6 verse 13 the amplified version of that says is therefore put on God's complete armor that you might be able to resist in stand your ground on the evil day or the day of great danger and having done all that the crisis demands stand firmly in your place now I have this thing memorizing King James and I also have it memorized in New King James and that's the way that I'd learned how to study the Bible was with King James but I want to say I really I really like to break it down like this because this is what I do with every scripture anyway and I like to refer to the amplified version quite often guys I think that when it says you do all that you can do you do all that you can do to take care of things that are your responsibility to take care of and that's a big deal because you actually do have a responsibility of partnering with God you have a responsibility to do and things like okay I need a financial miracle okay well you need to also not be a financial malfunction right okay so and look I'm not being mean I need financial miracles all the time all the time I'm not being mean I'm not being ugly but if every time you have goes across the border into Oklahoma and the Indians get it and you're up there you know cranking on a machine saying come on Jesus amen and that that's you know that's what Leanna does all the time I'm telling her honey that's wrong it's wrong she's watching right now on TV and so now honestly you know if your whole world is about read 16 and you're constantly needing a financial miracle okay having done all you can do to stand so first thing you got to do is you got to shore up and if you're not standing in the right place stand in the right place all right on but then when you put on God's complete armor all the armor of God that you might be able to resist and stand your ground the point is this you don't want to be defenseless when all hell breaks loose and everybody has days that where all hell breaks loose and unless you want to be defenseless then what you're going to have to do is you're gonna have to put on the armor of God and you're gonna have to learn how to once you've done all that you can do to stand in a way that you don't get knocked down when the waves of this world come against you now friends will not break this thing down and I really start looking at this you need to understand this is because the days are evil it means literally means because the danger there there are dangerous days you have days where you're like man this is dangerous day and the point of all of this the point of all the armor of God is so that you can stand what does it mean to stand it means to be stable it's all about stability you know that's a big deal because I want to just tell you something if you'll be very real the biggest mistakes that you've made within your own life and the things in your life that has brought hell in your life and the times that you spun off was because you just went through a huge period of instability and you didn't know how to stand your ground you didn't see any point in standing your ground you didn't think it was that big of a deal and it turned out it was a really big deal right and see you here how many amens we have in here because this is the common human experience with all of us and so we have to learn how to armor up so that we can actually be stable human beings in the midst of all the insanity that the world offers us okay we have to we have to learn how to do this and one of the things that I can tell you about Ephesians chapter 6 I love when he talks about the helmet of salvation a breastplate of righteousness right now I love the sort of spirit man I love that I love you know having a belt of truth that I love having my feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace and you know what I love about the armor of God in Ephesians chapter 6 there ain't no but armor you run off you're gonna get an arrow where you don't want one this is for stable people this is not for people that sometimes saved and they're not sometimes saved sometimes they're in the game sometimes they're not in the game sometimes they're in sometimes they're out no no the armor of God will never work for you if that's how you are the only place your body is not covered in the armor is your backside no tiny armor you'll see now why it's not on television all right you do all that you can do to stand you take care of the things that you are responsible for and after you do all that you stand guys the metaphor of standing is stability in Christ Colossians chapter 1 verse 23 which is a one-two-three Scripture which means progression that's how you can progress says that we need to be careful not to be moved away from the hope of our gospel there's just certain places I'm gonna stand where I'm gonna go okay here's the deal I don't know how that works I don't know why that happened I don't know what no but this is what I'm not moving from God loves me and I'm not moving from that I'm good and remain stable in that how many places can you be stable in because this determines how much victory you're going to have within your life how much stability can you have in King Jesus determines how much victory you're going to have in your entire life right on and so we have to learn how to shore up and we have to learn how to be stable we have to learn how to do that one of my favorite scriptures well let me give you this one scripture Ephesians chapter 1 verse 18 says the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance within the Saints is this but you know what that we need to have a supernatural ability to look at things that we need to see and not see things that we don't need to look at that the eyes of your understanding would be enlightened my god oh my sir help me God to see the things I need to see and help me God not to see the things I don't need to see Lord God Almighty help me God to light up the things I need to look at and just to darken the things that I don't need to look at help me Lord Jesus with those things well one of my favorite scriptures in the Bible is one of the 17 promises that King Jesus gives to the church in the book of Revelation where he says him that overcomes while I make a pillar in my father's house and you should go no more out but you'll be so stable you'll be like a pillar and you'll be absolutely stable in the presence of God and you will never run out of the presence of God again there have been times in my life where I have just been gone I've well I just would open up my eyes ago how did I get here what happened okay okay okay okay okay I have got to get back into the presence of the Lord now if you're some kind of superhuman Marvel comic superhero Christian that's never happened to you well good that's good and I need you in my life praise God for you but that hasn't been my experience I've walked with God faithfully but I promise you there have been times I have got off track and have looked in just so my god how did I get here what happened no no no no no this is not the life I'm gonna live this is not where I'm going this is not how I'm gonna do things no no no no no I gotta get right back into the presence of King Jesus amen well what's real is man that you're gonna feel like many times well you're gonna have to face and you're gonna have to deal with your unstable feelings that you're not going to feel like you're saved sometimes and you're just as saved on the days that you don't feel like it as you are when you do feel like it and I'm also going to tell you this to my friends god almighty is just as present when you don't feel his presence as when you do feel his presence he's just as presence he's just as present when you can't see him as when you can see him and you have to you have to you have to be able to to calm your own nerves sometimes and I want to tell you Troy Brewer talks to himself quite often hey big boy you need to calm down you need to relax you need to chill out you're about to you're about to lose you you quit it stop it now King David spoke to his self constantly King David said o my soul why are you disquieted within me the brother talked to his own head y'all ever talk to your own head the Milan person in here ever talks to your own head sometimes you tell your head just shut up ain't listen to you anymore but I got all these feelings so what I got all this stuff so what I got I got all these reasons to fill all this stuff so what quit it I got rights I've been wronged and I've got rights man lay it all down and pick up the cross run to King Jesus amen let let King Jesus give you stability amen I'm gonna I'm gonna close by saying this that if you look up the word pillar in the book of Revelation where it says I will make you a pillar in my father's house and you should go no more out the word pillar if you bust out of Strong's exhaustive concordance and I'm a freak of right the the definition of the word pillar is actually one with legs he says I'll give you legs to stand like a pillar in my father's presence and you'll be unmovable you'll be you'll have so much confidence you will bring your a-game because you're in the presence of God and that's what the presence of God does with us so friends I I want to just tell you that that one of the things that I'm very aware of right now and by the way the snake in the garden lost his legs had to crawl on his belly right snake in a garden time brother lost his legs ain't standing I want to tell you the biggest emotional wreck in the universe is the devil and that makes me very happy to think about how tormented he is how frustrated how easy I'm happy no I'm sad I'm mad I'm I'm lustful I don't know what I am I'm crazy I'm crazy I yeah yeah that's good I like that cosmic Punk you think that you think the devil has a bunch of guys you guys think - the devil has a bunch of self-control self-control is a fruit of the Holy Spirit how much self-control do you think the devil has so if he could have killed you he would have he has no let me tell you something he is just merely an opportunist he is an opportunist I'm telling you he is and I'll tell you I'll tell you something about people who start getting all demonic people who start getting all demonic do not get smarter and smarter and smarter they get much more stupid and they start doing crazy things you show me somebody that's demonic I will not show you somebody acts like Einstein I'll show you some full bloated you know knucklehead making a fool out of themselves screaming and hollering and losing their mind no control over their emotions whatsoever once on guys this is a true story I was crossing the border into Mexico and we were talking about this same story and had JC Ledbetter was in was in the vehicle with me and we're crossing the border and we were praying because I was with pastor Jean and we had all this food that we were trying to sneak across the border to feed to the people on the dump and this is like probably 15 or 20 years ago I would imagine AJ was with us and we're getting ready to cross the border and I said look guys I want to just tell you this I want y'all to know this if we get pulled over at the border we'll know real quick if it's somebody that that's demonic that comes over and talks to us or if it's somebody that's killed just a cop that's doing his job because if he's demonic he'll just start acting crazy and you'll see what I'm talking about and man we're going through there please get a green light please get a red light being or I pull over like oh man here we go busted we pulled over they pull back the tarp we got all this flour we got all these beans I got all this stuff that we're stinking across the border what you guys doing with all this well we're taking it into the trash dump we're gonna be feeding people today how much are you charging for that we're not charging anything we're givin absolutely everything away you know there's people starving in your trash dumps and we love those people and we want to come across there and man I'm gonna tell you this story and I'll give you my word as a man of God I give you my word on this stage before God Almighty that this is a true story and I'm not exaggerating any part of this this captain miss god that's over all the police he comes down didn't intend into death and he comes over man he's got a gun on he's got his hand on his gun and he said he says in Spanish exactly what is this and they're like well these people these people have food and they're taking it into the they're taking it in the trash dump this guy has a full-blown beautiful uniform on he looks like a peacock he has got everything pressed he's got all these badges all over him there was not a speck of dirt upon him and he said he said why are you doing this and I said I said because Jesus Christ the King of Kings has ordered us to come in here and to feed your people and he said okay and he reached in the back opened up of a bag of flour and poured it all over his head and then walked off I was like see I swear that is a true story he just opened up a bag yeah you can go things that are demonic have no self-control whatsoever and they just do stupid things like you know they got Tourette's or something I'm serious and see and whenever you hook up with that spirit you end up doing stupid things you end up doing things that make no sense whatever that is that are destructive to you and destructive to your house and destructive everybody else listen guys we need to be the kind of people that we partner with God emotionally guys let's give Jesus a great big praise in the house amen [Applause]
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 6,828
Rating: 4.9262671 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit, A Golden Year
Id: Q_o1qnVl-9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 8sec (2408 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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