The Demonic Secret Society of England. | Hellfire Club

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what's up guys it's Sammy Colby today we are at the Hellfire caves which was home to England's most notorious secret society this is where the wealthiest and the most powerful leaders came together to do Pagan sacrifices and possibly worship the devil craziest part is we just learned that last week a group of real satanists came here earned Bibles opened a dark portal that we're now going to attempt to close we have no idea what we're doing and today guys we are with our new streamer friends Nikki and G guys are you ready for probably the most demonic place we have even ever been to no no no no we've literally been here five minutes we know we've already been told some crazy things and apparently today free guys passed out today at a time what they had to cleanse them bring them out everything literally today oh my God so are you guys ready for today [Music] we were until we learned thank you time to turn off the camera I did not I swear to God my hands like this why does that happen I don't know already we just walked in here hearing about people passing out a demon portal opening that she said cannot be closed uh-huh yeah no already cameras yeah so the hooded figure is one of the more notorious Spirits we have and he just likes to watch people a lot and he stands in the middles fire hi I'm Willow I'm the head tour guide here and yeah I'm also a medium so okay and so now you're saying someone's watching us right now yeah right there sorry you guys see anything it's a lot about feeling here so I do go to you directly rather than playing with equipment that's great by going to you do you mean touching touching touching making you feel sick uh being cool butts being touched a lot get clothing tugged sorry let's go yeah how do you provoke them just asking for a friend honestly first ladies and gentlemen you are not safe tonight because we do obviously it was a patriarchal society back in the time they didn't like the women so obviously that's yeah but then also Suki our white lady she doesn't like he doesn't like men but she doesn't like you guys look at that thing no prominence mannequin right there oh I thought it was ladies first Sam all right ladies as we were driving up what did you say I had a dream about the drive up it's like a little bit of like a hill it wasn't even a Deja Vu like I literally saw this in my dream has that ever happened to you before like with other circumstances like not fully like I get deja views I know what Deja vous are I've genuinely seen this and I know what this place and what this is oh my God you know when there's like Flames like fire yeah I just saw that wait you saw fire down there fire but like when the oh yeah so it's like a mirage almost like like that hot sun on the pavement yes this is great all right I've got George to protect me with you guys [Applause] all right [Music] this is a large man-made Cave System home to the hellfire club not to be confused with these stranger things hellfire club because this one is a lot the members or brothers as they call themselves were the most rich and Powerful Aristocrats of the time even including America's Founding Father Ben Franklin yeah the elite would mock Christianity and religion by throwing week-long parties drinking copious amounts of wine while also having oranges Legend has it that they would perform Pagan rituals baptize each other in Unholy water as well as worship the devil also they would perform these rituals way back in the cave 300 feet underground where an actual Church sits this would symbolize Heaven above where the church was at and then hell below where they performed the rituals after the club disbanded a local priest came in and said the caves possessed an evil influence nowadays whatever is here seems to Target women mostly tugging at their hair and a lot of people say they hear these Phantom laughs or even disembodied voices the mannequins of the cave are also said to be hot one time when they all fell over the owner came in just to see that they had all outstretched their arms as if to break their own fault [Music] speaking of this place like we said there's a lot of like wealthy people down here doing rituals and stuff but part of those rituals were uh sex orgies thing or like poor wine everywhere and just [ __ ] everything that moves it was very weird obviously the male ghosts here are the fond of women and apparently today one of the male ghosts slap someone's ass what damn it should I get a wig dude wait we didn't even ask you guys are you Believers at all like what do you think like one to ten I would say I'm around seven eight okay like I've had experiences but I always try and come up with some kind of reasoning I'd say like a six a six okay I never did believe in them and then I had some experiences but you know it was only like that one time [Music] and I don't like well I like this guy actually but anybody else here we go guys this is literally a tiny yeah claustrophobia should we just go the whole time and like red wow what it looks like this is a man-made chalk tunnel actually parts of this is the world's largest chalk tunnel it looks like sauce I'm from this area as well oh yeah this is your hometown it's actually brought up here lived here went to school here and you never heard about this I've never heard about it but my mom said I've been here three times as a kid something erased it from your mind rituals well we will perform too many demonic places um we've probably been to like a handful or two handfuls or maybe like 25. in terms what was that I think it's water dripping oh yeah I just yeah I heard like it sounds like you have rocks it definitely was even a rock or water drip it was in the cave okay here we go Paul Whitehead and the white lady Suki oh our pal that's gonna slap Us in the face and make us pass out oh no no she might throw rocks at us actually that's how she died oh God you heard that right a really far away like yeah okay good I didn't hear that it was somewhere like a rock falling yeah yeah it's okay definitely not water we were just talking about Suki as well Suki please don't hurt us the most active Spirit of the caves is sneaky a woman in a white dress looking for her lover tsuki was a young woman working in a pub just waiting for a wealthy man to come sweeper off her feet she would reject all the local boys waiting for this wealthy man and one day he came they ended up hitting it off and he promised that one day he would return she then received a letter soon after telling her to go to the caves so that they could get married when Suki arrived she heard a voice deep inside the cave telling her to go to the banquet hall once she got to the banquet hall three local boys who she previously had rejected jumped out and started making fun of her she was so upset and embarrassed that she picked up a rock and hurled it at the boys the boys retaliated throwing stones back at her unfortunately one struck suit his head seeing that she got seriously injured the boys panicked and ran out of the cave leaving Suki to die alone Suki is still seen in the caves today looking for her lover in a white wedding dress she's known to throw rocks from the shadows and specifically targets and hates men because of what happened to her and what's interesting is our guy Willow says that she herself has a special connection to Suki we had a medium come in told me the whole story of the connection I have between me and Suki and I literally hadn't spoke to the metal and I was like okay that's a bit weird you have a specific connection to Suki past life yeah Holly you're coming because I can't really talk most of this story yeah I don't remember oh no wait you don't remember because you're a position like taking over 10 minute audio of it and I don't remember saying any of it I've been in the pub hundreds of times but I've never actually been up to the rooms yeah in the village we started walking up and I said to Holly I'm like I feel like I've been here before but and then I went and sort of set myself in front of the mirror and I was like okay I'm gonna do some air squaring because why not and then she sort of blinks up again she starts looking at her hands and the tattoos up her arm like they're not supposed to be there she starts talking to this other investigatively with except it wasn't Willow we were talking this is like a freak frequency oh wow I've broken up and she's be under my bed what and she plays in my hair a lot as well I mean that's another thing you can that's always fun when you're walking down the caves just behind Willow and she stops and stands still and her hair doesn't stop moving oh good thing I have hairspray I bought me a Nikki anxiety ring where's ours thanks guys thank you so much oh this looks like they used to like put candles here and have yeah you're right creepy yeah yeah that was a footstep wait what the [ __ ] okay in front or in the back it's so hard to tell because everything else yeah there's a lot of noise so it could have been your footstep though that's why that's why I turned around and looked at you yeah behind [Music] hello head was known as the secretary or the fixer of the hellfire club his main job was to not let the secrets of the cave get out to the public which is how you know there was a lot of messed up things going on down there in fact right before he died he took all the documents of the club and burned them in a 76 hour long bonfire wait is this one of like the weird ritual carvings oh god dude I didn't even know this whole Whitehead so this guy is like one of the main people that decided here Paul Whitehead was so important to the club that once he died he had his heart sent to the founder of the hellfire club Francis dashboard dashwood put his heart on display but unfortunately in 1829 a visitor stole it still missing to this day Legend has it the Mr Whitehead is still wandering the caves today in search of his stolen heart so he comes back here to try to find the person that robbed him of his heart it wasn't us yeah or do we we have here yo what get behind us I didn't hear that okay oh my God that's so deep dude that just looks demonic like obviously they put in the red light but even without the red light yeah like Imagine This back in the day when it was just torches you're walking down here it looks like that and you do not turn around yeah and you're like okay not only do I not turn around let's have an orgy oh you know like what yeah like this is just not the mood Setter right here that's kind of sad I'm trying to King Shame anyone but you know like this is a really unique area to choose you know you know very in it's better as we go on yeah it just looks like everything has a carving or some meaning oh [Music] boy yo this is crazy it looks like one of those french fries that are like Smiley shoe shows every day why do you do that dude we're only right here this is the map guys we've only gone to right there that's taken us at least 20 minutes in that inner Temple at the very end is where apparently the satanists opened that portal last week right above that is the real church so this is supposed to be hell above ground heaven you just say you have a headache yeah I have a headache already yeah it's like actually like all over my head oh so I feel sick she's got a headache brilliant perfect you guys you guys doing great I feel good again first thing you see when you go into the graveyard I got fibulator because people pass out and their hearts stop is that true exactly sorry oh my God that's the Golden Ball that they used to do over like they used to sign the bats that's the [ __ ] signal they used to Signal using the Sun and mirrors other churches around that they were having a meeting and that's how they'd no way kind of like the secret like it's like an ancient bat signal bad signal yeah that's what I was thinking oh yeah so until about maybe like 34 years ago you used to be able to go actually in the gold right underneath this church is the inner Temple yeah under the altar of the church whoa so this is taking like the heaven and underneath yeah I just thought I saw a man um it was just aggressive yeah so Nikki have you ever actually seen like a shadow figure oh yeah I am quite prone to seeing like things I thought so I always just kind of put it off as just like Shadows you know when you just feel like you're being watched yes yeah do you guys feel like you're being watched you're just chilling eating some raisins us between the graves or do you feel it right there like so there's someone like directly behind us following us but there's just you know it's a graveyard Central Station all right they're just I don't know if you can feel it Nikki there's just so many conflicting Energies [Music] really far away wait wait what just happened I was either a male cough or a male like yeah like a d like that yeah what you guys both just heard a coffin we didn't did you hear that did you hear anything okay guys what is going on and why are you guys so far ahead no no George I'm sorry geez I feel like you're way more empathic than you led on at first like again the I start I only started believing in this stuff like a year ago so for me it was always like when you saw shadow figures when you didn't believe you're just like whatever I guess you don't mind playing tricks yeah like you know yeah seeing like shadows in the side of your eyes yeah just like oh that's the lighting or something like that for sure that's usually what I like would think places like these I do feel things and see things like that I don't know I I can't really explain it I've never really set my mind to it well tonight will be a good opportunity are we talking about a person or what's going on like you know like me's crunching yeah what do you think there's actual person [Music] whoa the mausoleum this is the first time I've ever been in there oh my God we really do have an exclusive let's go here we go guys this is sick this is really oh we are locked in there would be no way to escape can't climb these walls so this is where Francis dashboard would have been buried to this day it still uses family Mausoleum the founder Francis dashwood was a wealthy landowner who had a severe hatred for the church but he did have a lot of interest in prostitution and the Occult so what do you do when you're a rich board person you start a club with your friends dashboard created the infamous hellfire club in 1746 they even had a motto that said do what thou Wilt saying that they could do whatever they want in the caves okay safe oh do what you want which they definitely did yeah how do you say that thing again but their idea of fun was eventually ended when perverted reports and blasphemy was spread to the public eventually disbanding them in 1776. this is for Francis how the hell they got that down I have no idea Paul Whitehead's heart may have been here France's dashwood is right here so this is literally like the powerful Circle right here a bit more than friends oh let's go hellfire club so much to exactly protect his legacy I mean you think he was the one that took down all the records everything yeah why on Earth why would they buy it yeah you know if they feel the need to take down all the details of people that come to the club why why would they need to do that unless they needed to shut them up quickly I feel like I have to come and talk to you guys one it feels like we're absolutely surrounded I mean we technically oh yeah yeah it's but something or someone I don't know just doesn't like you I'm sorry what'd I do wrong because no you know when you sometimes see them get intrusive thoughts when we were sort of standing there talking it's like I looked in it's like something's like slap him kind of thing something just doesn't like you I'm sorry we were just trying and I obviously don't want to get in your way but I just feel like do you think that has to do with like us going down the caves already or you think this was a completely separate thing in the caves I don't know okay honestly we'll find out what did you do if she just came on camera we just like walked down the caves tonight and he's getting slapped around by a ghost Phantom look at oh [ __ ] what's up guys we just launched a new Explorer merge collection we do not want you to miss out so do not wait there's something for everybody and this is literally the best way to support our Channel foreign have you guys ever used flashlights to investigate but I know how it works okay okay on what there's multiple shadow figures we were apparently surrounded look at that George right there we're just falling out of my pocket man all right George is having a great time already sure there's a kid ghost okay viewers at home that don't know twist it turned on twist it turned off and if it answers your question we'll turn on or off as simple as that and then a rim pod right here which again sets off an electromagnetic field and if something enters it it will go off this is just asking if anything's here it could be oh my God I said it's anything here and this just goes off oh my God immediately does that mean that's white I don't know I mean it could just be anybody if you are with us right now call Whitehead oh Paul Whitehead just to confirm Paul Whitehead if that was you that just touched the flashlight can you do it again [Music] yeah I think so cute can you turn that off on the count of three one two three oh my God I wonder if he likes us or if he doesn't yeah the guy said that there was somebody up here that doesn't like me is it you Paul could you turn off the flashlight if you do not are you looking for your heart is that why are you up here or if you're up here just because we're up here can you turn off that flashlight [Music] because I thought he was in the caves oh and you saw somebody like following us right both of you guys the entire time they were saying someone's father or did you make yourself known to me while we were in the caves could you turn on the flashlight if you did oh the Mirage Paul do you like when people talk to you are you a people person [Music] oh do you only want to talk to me if you do could you turn it off in three two one oh do you not like females oh do you not like females boom dashwood [Music] that's somebody besides dashwood can you turn that flashlight off so we know oh okay yeah have you been upset recently you turned the flashlight on could you turn on the flashlight if you do it he only answers coffee Paul is the cave just in general now way more evil ever since that portal was opened are we gonna be in Danger tonight he answers to Colby and he just said that we might be in Danger tonight so if you think it's a bad idea for us to go into the caves tonight you just double confirm and turn off that flashlight three two one [Music] oh that was pretty much odd pretty close uh what are you feeling something behind you again either a step or like it sounded like a rock like scratching another rock behind us circling us there's things that are circling us oh my God I don't know how much I was gonna say this is all grass this entire area so I wouldn't think it would be how many are circling us yes it feels like a lot come in here because this is a holy place oh wow wait so you think it's something and that just turned off and that's the thing that we don't know yeah we don't know who all is trying to tell me a specific something because there's something more evil yeah Paul are you trying to protect Kobe could you turn off the flashlight if you are trying to tell us that Kobe might be in danger oh oh I said copy you asking Paul are you only talking to me are you trying to tell me that I might be in Danger tonight if so could you turn yeah he for sure is communicating yeah well it makes sense because the females yeah exactly yeah are you respond to me now I'm not even just saying this maybe it's because I'm getting nervous but like I just feel like a pressure right here like fairies just slightly it's like something is trying to get to you I can dude yeah like right here there is definitely a feeling Paul will you follow us tonight and protect our group specifically me I guess you will thank you so much thank you dang all right guys let's let's go down to the caves please like Sage before going in yeah this seems like that's scary my vision just trying to like look there and it does it around the entire like area all right we're gonna go down there Paul you're gonna follow us um [Music] what the hell's going on no witness that poor guys crazy it's so responsive what freaks me out is that they said that it couldn't come in here because it's a holy place where we're about to go into the most hellish Place well you're probably protected by the two most powerful people here maybe yeah he said he was going to follow me so let's say it's just to be safe foreign one of the theories is that like Spirits they want to attach themselves to things that look humanoid so they'll pick dolls or man okay so you guys said you've seen a video before yeah we do this thing called the SS method you were thinking oh what either one of you guys want to try I mean scissors like it's been weird I don't think I've felt this way ever ever this is not my first even like exploring haunted places or looking for hauntings so this one just feels different it feels different yeah definitely and now a word from our sponsors can you believe that you can buy this gaming headset for only two dollars plus free shipping you would usually need to pay around 60 bucks for this all you got to do is click the link in our description to get up to 96 off on a comfy good sounding headset to listen to some music or play some games thank you so much to timu for sponsoring this video and providing you guys insane deals Teemu is an online marketplace where you can get high quality products 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ready yeah all right I'm ready first time doing it if something follow us from the mausoleum the shook her head no someone here that wants to talk to us down he was playing he would play something like that play yeah there are multiple things down at the bottom of this cave water maybe there's something evil down there yes double yes oh yes there's something down there and it's evil do you know about the portal that was recently opened couldn't understand something D or something this something nose something knows about it Whitehead knew about it who knows about the portal is useless walk the walk do you not want to speak to anyone tonight face okay if I ask you questions [Music] no don't don't like the girls is that true you don't like the girls here oh something no way are you specifically angry with ice cream [Music] is this you she would like the girls though do you know the name Paul Whitehead someone so maybe not himself but knows you are sick no it's a lot of people a lot of people yeah a lot of people in the banquet hall are there a lot of people down there right now is are we okay being here tonight yes oh okay that's good that's pretty good today yeah let's just try and get the worse three people three people are okay being here today is there one specific person you don't like here yes three of them character oh my character yeah maybe they don't like one of our characters we said three and doesn't like the girls and me he hasn't said anything about you do you not like me specifically okay so it doesn't like any of us is that what to say you just want to know if it's dangerous down there for us your sense of evil down there if anything yes please please what do you need do you need help yes or the things here actually sorry sorry I wanna yeah take it off yeah yeah oh my God what happened what was that last bit so like I kept hearing like these sentences voices and like like stop the last one I'm literally shaking the last one like felt really intrusive like it felt like I was like it was trying to like come at you yeah hear a voice no it was a voice I couldn't like quiet tell what the voice was but it was like come at me or something like that it was almost like a thread three people they specifically yeah okay I was saying it was the girls and me but then we said is it Sam and he said you too so it's like all of us yeah yeah I don't know if whatever thing likes us but you said are we safe to go here tonight yeah it seems like we'll be okay going here obviously I don't know when that was but if it was yes no there were two voices could be someone saying yes you're fine to go and then there's somebody else who doesn't think it definitely obviously I've never done this before but it felt like multiple people not just the voices but also I don't know what you guys asked but it felt very conflicted and a lot of like just nonsense that's how it always feels it feels like nonsense to them but you'll watch us back and that was pretty much a full-on conversation that was very bizarre wow human entities here would be afraid and saying like please please help because there's something darker here please please what was that about it sounds like someone's in danger and there's something evil at the same time so yeah I think that's really clear like actually probably the players that we have and it sounds like if I were to guess there's something demonic that doesn't like me and there's just regular dudes that just don't like women yeah and then something doesn't like saying why all right let's go deeper [Music] down down oh we gotta go into Mr Paul's room one thing is that one if you touch it I will kill you in your sleep so oh wait you can't touch pool Don't touch don't touch it what am I the guinea pig do they find it disrespectful when we laughed okay yeah people that joke around just get haunted okay to be honest with you I keep hearing screams women screaming help I like I can't make out where it is yeah what was that the footsteps down there too no no no I thought I heard it to this side too anyway you think that there's women screaming down here I mean they did talk of possible sacrifices down here they definitely used women down here yeah so this is whiteheads you would have actually sat here and he was so and said the steward of the club signing everyone in this watching like people being signed in until you've got the upside down cross yes and who is that guy dashwood and Paul and they're holding hands and they're naked I think they liked each other or something is that true he just slowly passed you yeah so the mannequin just goes you look stoned yeah and used to go to the left women used to go to the right and they would go and meet their partner for the evening [ __ ] [Music] yeah that's okay do you remember the first thing they did when we were at the hotel will be they wanted to scare us they're waiting you know your tricks boys [Music] Benjamin Franklin what have you been up to huh the American founding father who [ __ ] in this cave he was a womanizer you also put bags over women's heads I can't believe you said you should always wish because they appreciate the attention more and in the dark all cats are gray oh my God that is what America is founded upon we take a left and we'll take you to the devil wait is this like a circle with different way I think you guys want to see what it's like without lights Let's Do It Let's Do It Let's Do It Let's Do It protect each other oh my god oh this is what you guys are gonna have to walk back yeah brilliant I challenge you to walk the entire cave system in the dark they carved all of the members of the club into the wall so they obviously considered the devil a member and it's interesting as well that like two main people were there and then he's the next one sorry you know it's okay um sandwiches in the back yeah I heard that yeah another famous member of the hellfire club is the Earl of Sandwich and a lot of you may know who this is he was known to be a gambling addict so much so that he would order salt beef between two pieces of bread so that he could eat with one hand and gamble with the other this method became so popular that all the other members were ordering what sandwich was having yes this is where the original term sandwich was coined the PB GA you're having right now could have been from a gambling addict orgy having possible satanic worshiping man and a king I love Mr sandwich [Music] [Music] this is the first place and historical record that someone took a body shot wow like a belly button this is where it was originated wait wait update the camera this is where we're at right now we're about halfway down now it's like my heart started racing the bank winning call is the largest man-made chalk cave in the entire world this was the spot where all the parties and the orgies would happen in fact there were smaller rooms around the area with beds and curtains just for that the members would have young naked women lay down on altars where they would pour wine on them in order to worship the goddess of love and the corruption did not stop there the males would dress up as monks while the prostitutes dress up as nuns for these orgies guys this is insane can you imagine all the most rich and powerful people of the time getting together in a cave and doing this stuff Ben Franklin was Ben Franklin some prostitutes in a cave and here goes the banqueting hall wow that's one note you get tripped on we're directly onto the graveyard so it's body juice so close your mouth close your mouth that's how many people were [ __ ] in there that's how many people were [ __ ] in there and they used to have like sort of makeshift curtains drawn across and beds inside them sorry I'm finally working here but the only place that makes me uncomfortable is that Corridor right there why pass there was only where the 12 brothers were allowed to go oh so we're about to get to River sticks this is where we often see our like eight foot shadow figures he just like stands here garlic so we often on SLS you can see like massive Shadow key let's try it we gotta try that for sure we brought ours so behind all these like big metal brakes they can actually go behind there and they just like chill in here no screaming no screaming yeah real days but as you can see like you're so happy about that dude you're like so smiling specifically the white lady she died right here some say that she got hurt so much that she crawled all the way back up and then died at the entrance tunnel and some people sorry she's just good watching she is she's listening to you yeah she always does she always on my tourist watches we've had people come out with bruises on their heads oh I still just feel like the pressure yeah like that it's like yeah I can't breathe it's like harder yeah it's like short of breath a little bit I'm not even kidding did you hear that yeah that was like again someone screaming yeah what full body chills [Music] none of us tonight not even me we're all feeling the same thing right now so they don't want us here none of us not even me I've literally had like the back of my coat being tugged like what that was running yeah running around the back but you heard someone running yeah like how are you hearing all this stuff like I feel like every other second you're hearing something like I I'm going crazy this is I hear it loud and clear like I hear running screaming we are not hearing this like it's literally like you yeah medium is feeling his hearing oh my God anymore because I feel like it's so like it's too much at this point like that shadow just moved yeah wait that like the shadow behind it was following us watching you guys around the mausoleum is well mostly [Music] oh sorry guys so much I'm fine with being here I just like in my brain because obviously I'm still trying to explain everything my hair went into my face eventually I saw that shadow move but it's so hot I'm seeing it as well so it's not I feel people literally touching me which is like yeah [Music] this is the part that I start to feel uncomfortable like I start to feel watched last year is like we have to be careful okay all right let's go are you okay we don't have to keep going no I'm just mind blown I went into this thinking like oh yeah that's gonna be like a few things I'm gonna feel this anxiety yeah yeah sorry I'm not gonna cry yeah for sure yeah sorry I'm just not comfortable with it sorry I'm gonna cry and if you went the wrong way then the Judgment would come to you yeah he's gone this way then went through the center way Sam she just said this is the worst she's ever felt and how long have you been working here year and a half I've been visiting him my whole life oh my god look I want to get the [ __ ] out yes IRL Minecraft yeah [Music] why are you doing this because that's what I do you did that in Sally house and then you had a little girl for a while you know it wasn't actually a little girl how are you feeling you have not been on camera exactly maybe not that but just in general I've been getting back pain you've been getting back pain too for a while I just got back pain since the like Bank yeah she was saying and like we've learned in the past that if you are to get something that's trying to attach self to you it would start at the lower back how do we prevent that just again white light white light you can welcome things to talk to you but do not let them follow you you are not allowed to follow me on you are not too loud sorry [ __ ] whatever sorry whatever is trying to sorry I'm crying I'm trying to get to you just like right down this whole like full shadow figure sorry okay yeah how you saw it run down here yeah yeah like I just got like overwhelming like like unwelcome like in my head I just got like hurt and I just saw like she's like black shadow just like yeah you guys just again please be careful okay be careful I don't want anything to actually happen to anybody no way now at the very end of the cave there's the inner Temple where only the 12 Apostles of the Brotherhood were allowed to go the apostles would cross a body of water they called the river sticks which symbolizes the Greek mythology when you cross this River you're traveling to the underworld so when the apostles would go to the inner Temple to perform rituals it would symbolically go to hell itself because again this section of the cave was 300 feet directly below an actual Church which symbolized Heaven the members would dress up in all white robes the leader being an all red and then baptize each other in Unholy water before performing these Satanic rituals and like we talked about earlier this is where Satanist came just last week to open a demonic portal since then there's been a rise in negative paranormal energy and medium say the this portal can never be closed we had the production company come in we just get word they're like oh yeah when the stationess comes in he's gonna do this and we're like sorry they didn't tell you no we knew nothing I was nothing this is the river sticks whoa all right you're not welcome to follow any of these guys home I know that you're interested in them specifically but nothing here light or dark has allowed to follow anyone's home you can stay here you live here you reside here but you do not leave these caves oh looks like a giant face on the wall right there you're knocking yeah yeah [Music] okay this is the most we've ever felt yeah viewers please let us know if not but this is probably the most physical thing like we have no equipment we're hearing things seeing things equipment everybody's feeling things we're learning that very rapidly now we're about to cross over the river sticks we're going to the other world this is what you're trying to say [Music] wait this is it this is the end yeah oh all right you ready yeah I don't know where I want to be yeah this already feels a little better this is the end Temple this is where all of the rituals yeah all the rituals so possibly human sacrifices we know definitely animal sacrifice did happen it's rumored that human sacrifices rumored I just come in and seen this light swing swinging back and forth is there any specific Spirit or person that haunts this spot would this be where the portal was opened this was where the water was open again oh my God off the table it was a pentagram here even oh my God who is this right here this isn't original it is gotcha in a temple you're saying if I came down the center's route I should go up the center's route or else maybe well it's the whole thing is that it's called judgment's pass if you lie and you say you're a saint and you're a sinner then judgment will come to you get down there you think you're a sinner I don't know everybody's a sinner though that's the thing especially nowadays I'll come with you well if we already went down the same path aren't we technically lying already yeah okay well then I'm gonna go like let's stick with our first choice right I want to stick with my guns you're gonna give me the camera your holes better than my home my hole is way brighter than yours before yeah all right see you guys on the other side of the hole we are also going up the Steep away so yeah I was gonna say Obviously maybe it's just because I'm not as in tune as everybody else but I haven't felt as much as you guys have but it does make me nervous about how much other people are seeing and how much your warnings there we go we're saying this guy oh [Music] what'd you feel like oh you heard something I just heard like a voice over there right after I said that like I'm not hearing things I just heard a voice up there I go up here started pointing that way and then it doesn't want us to go back now because foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you okay yeah that was just yeah I'm okay oh my God I'm fine you heard that like next to you or was that behind you okay let's keep going okay let's go Jesus things just keep happening holy [ __ ] all right it's it's time first investigation inside the caves all right my back hurts right now worse than it did before no you are not allowed to attach yourself to me please get away from me don't touch me please get away from me yeah you have power over this thing I do not want to with me in any way should you go first you're the sinner you like to sin you went down the center hole okay experiments not a testament to my character right Henry I thought it was June it's probably can I hold your ass something already is oh my God why is it so much scarier this time oh because it's dark oh yeah that makes sense starting at the banquet hall okay oh [ __ ] Paul if you were actually talking to us at the mausoleum and you're here we please invite you to come help us and protect us because we uh we're a little afraid of what's down here women that way you can use this way we'll see you guys in a second everyone's feeling light so scary that is scary yeah oh wait just look down there oh you can't even see them why are you strolling like we're just like walking through a park well because honestly and then that is not a joke because my legs feel like molasses I actually like feel like I don't know you might okay that makes yeah I'm just has anybody ever said they their legs feel like molasses yeah this doesn't work in this situation man [ __ ] you just kind of ruined the lab just give me back no one likes me it's not even a friend everyone go in for a before selfie before here is miss your devil that is the devil man we need to ask questions about him it sounded like there was still two footsteps behind us you heard that too it's like I don't want to admit it at this point I'm very tunnel vision now because yeah yeah maybe the echo let's say it's the echo who's the echo it was the echo it was the echo again right when you walk in it's like that just a little bit tighter yeah the side of my neck like really hurts it's like someone's trying to like claw into it [Music] you can see that there yeah it feels heavy it does right when you walk in you don't feel that at all now I feel it and like I said now like my entire legs feel like 200 pounds [Applause] no [ __ ] way no you have to be super close to it just to show you guys I'll get as close as you need to be my heart just started to race it see that no that is not us what the [ __ ] emits a field of energy across that field it goes off it's usually like one foot no that's not him you have to get that close guys this is an SLS camera you've seen us use it in the past basically it detects humanoid figures guide said through those doors we should be able to see maybe sometimes a bodyguard yeah super tall and it's maybe like an eight foot shadow figure and Suki is around here as well also as a reminder since we did the tour the Estus method said like partying and like lots of people they would be in here yeah whoever is entering there's a bodyguard here or one of the Apostles that's coming out please show yourself we know you're here because we can feel it so why don't you just show yourself [Music] so that's calibration but it's still weird that it's said media [Music] was that you is there someone here that's been messing with us tonight oh we've gotten that before that's like religious terms is like repenting I think some religious term it's something like that we'll have to put definition on the screen [Music] conditions like somebody's name is anyone's middle name Harry out out it just said out again please don't touch me I don't want to be touched can you tell us your intention you like that we're here not like over here something set out I can't believe that yeah immediately what does that say stop running running they just went off the river so it says out and then it says running are you [ __ ] kidding me Suki Willow was saying that you usually talk to her down here if you want can you please show yourself to us oh my God it would not say God in here yeah this is like an anti-god place I don't know if it's Suki I don't know that sounds more like a few rituals here is there other people besides Suki if you could [Music] I mean this is where they had the parties for God yeah can you tell us a little bit more about what happened here yeah we hear stories of sacrifices dinner parties full trip [Music] heart heart oh my God what the hell wait underline Paul Whitehead we were talking to somebody upstairs at the mausoleum Paul did you follow us can you give us another sign and it's you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] because they will talk to us huge they will talk to us through the equipment if we would Sacrifice by killing something oh something fuzzy as I mentioned a bunny oh my God because these animal sacrifices down here they mentioned a bunny then why don't we do the event do you want us to become part of your Club I was just asking if this is you do you not like the guys here oh that was a yes do you want us to leave specifically [Music] of course of course okay can we just confirm that you would be happy to talk to the females [Music] low knife I don't like that I don't know what that means though that means either yeah him guys this is like like this is telling us to [Music] us too yeah yes and it just agreed so it has to be like one of the actual club members that they want to do some ritual sacrifice I think it's multiple people we're talking to Suki we're talking to a club member something doesn't like us but something wants a little sacrifice unless they did do human sacrifices which would be the girls blow a knife to him I don't know oh yeah yeah it's not a pie animal I don't like that thing tease tease on the prostitutes here leader View and they said she's the leader with a view yeah wound there are so many things about this sacrifice well yes this would be where the whole group would get together and do these people yeah to go down this Corridor intense oh my God that makes more sense than you guys know because of what we have planned don't be a fake boys so again we're not really sure we weren't talking to it sounds like it's still multiple people it's at hundreds actually so lots of people channeling us but with that as a little trigger events not in a disrespectful way at all but they were very satirical down here they were all dressed up in robes and the leader was in Red so either we might as well dress up as well like we're part of the hellfire club and then we got some shitty water that we can baptize ourselves and induct ourselves into this also I got Ben Franklin my boy on the 100 Bill Big Boy Ben boy Ben what a dirty dog literally Ben Franklin was [ __ ] in one of these things right these like I can't even know it's really mind-blowing did you guys ready to play dress up I'll take the red because Islam what I feel like I should be red I was the one that did the center thing like it's Sam and Colby well that's what I'm saying you've been Sam and Colby yeah some space to discuss this yeah yeah thank you thank you he's been saying for eight [ __ ] years man yeah all right you've always been the first why can't I just be this one time it really makes you like a lot happier one time just let me do a long time rock paper scissors [ __ ] one more all right all right body juice what would happen is the Abbott would take people down through here to the cursed well actually baptize someone in Unholy water we don't actually want to curse ourselves for eternity so no no thank you you know Walmart Spring Water is good too Ben Gonna Leave You right there get ready baptize me man hey this is so much water dude the key video of it you thought I could just keep water at Michael you're holding it Avatar water bender dude I have a fire Chloe hello fire Club hellfire club okay thank you thank you guys what the [ __ ] that's so much water I'm the first I'm baptized for sure good wow I got a good throw on there man am I wet terrifying do I love how you cried yes wait we didn't get inducted to the hellfire club we started our own club we started the explore Club the hoodie is the merch but still four if you want to see behind the scenes of this video link down below we just joined it will you actually we haven't joined it yet there's one last piece of the puzzle what oh my God we have the official stamp of Honor how far Club I think this is actually from stranger things oh yeah you guys are like yeah they didn't tell us about this from a [ __ ] tweet didn't they yeah definitely graveyard body juice do you feel like you're a part of the Hellfire Club of 1750s no no yeah no I don't know if I want to be though everybody that was down here was very very satirical for his religion so we just thought that if we joined the hellfire club we could kind of discuss ourselves as one of them and they would think this is funny right I mean I hope so what if they don't well then this was a good trigger event piss him off have them come out a little more all right on to the next oh we're leaving the banquet hall and going to the inner sanctum this is the scariest part scariest place this is only where the actual 12 brothers were allowed to go and also where this a real satanic group that came in two weeks ago and did this ritual children sacrifices possibly Pagan rituals lots of people screaming and Trauma stuck in those walls it's only been open for years how are you guys feeling going into this last one yeah scared I'm interested to see whether you can enter this time you don't have to if you don't yeah [Music] really yeah she can hear more than anybody else seriously all right let's go oh my God that just looks demonic from the camera I still am trying to be a saint personally the intentions are Saints okay sorry I got like a weird pain it was like a growing pain like in my leg again you guys are brave for being in the back yeah so losing time protecting us guys go check them out please say thank you oh God the first time that I have like this like pit in my stomach this feels very weird this is the river sticks right here a parody of crossing over into hell where they would do all the rituals going to the underworld because if I'm feeling so okay can we do it this is it my headache went away it's back my headache is back yeah even after the Tylenol damn shout out Tylenol sponsor this please shout out she said something about what like a pentagram ritual happening here last week pentagram right here as Satan has opened a real portal right here if there was any demons talking to us tonight it'd probably be right here Mickey and I were talking earlier both of the things that hurt our back is going up and up and up like I started at the lower back and now it's going up to like middle upper because if that like gets to your neck right yeah please leave me alone you cannot follow us not attach Ed you leave me alone don't touch me please don't touch me what was that did you hear that now it was something now I heard like a giant boom okay let's make this quick okay leave me alone please please leave me alone I do not wish to be touched you have no permission to touch Us in any way only just communicate to us through these two flashlights I'm gonna put this out here is this on so this is a music box it's just a motion sensor like that you have a flashlight there flash right here and then a rim right here final investigation we've got to figure out what we're talking to this could be where it is demonic if there's an intelligent Spirit here that wants to talk to us can you please make a sign specifically if you turn off this flashlight right here we'll know that you want to talk to us [Music] or if you aren't a spirit if you're something else can you give us a sign if this is something that we've been talking to all night oh my God or there was darker entities of the mausoleum too what else was that the muscle man something that wanted to attack you they said it was something like demonic because it could have come into place can you just make us aware of who was in here with us and it's cool white hair can you turn that light off don't touch it or you can do anything else oh okay so Paul's still here you followed us we appreciate you communicating with us again we're not here to upset you or calm you in any way oh that's awesome I appreciate that I really hope it's him though enough to survivors can you confirm that this is where the ritual happened where possible satanists open up a dark portal that's true that was a sign who is there anything else in here with us right now specifically is there anything non-human that might have been summoned by bad people today is what we just asked for something that was summoned here and he said yes there is something else in here with us is there any way that we can we heard that this portal might be impossible to close but do you think that there is a possibility someone or us could close that if so turn that off okay [Music] I mean that's what Willow said too she believes that there's a possibility that we could close it do you want the portal to be closed do you not want the portal to be closed oh my god dude that would make a lot of sense because doesn't Paul Whitehead he was literally the leader of the guy that's trying to get dark portals in here is that true do you like the fact that there is more demonic energy here now I think the last two weeks have been better or if you're afraid of the things that came here in the last two weeks turn that off so he doesn't want it closed because he wants them to leave what if that what if we close it and they're stuck here oh yeah but he is afraid he's afraid of them yeah he wants them to leave that's crazy should we be afraid are the spirits that are here oh [Music] who literally is on point I'm wondering whether you had any connection with the devil in your groups and activities and that light off if you believe you did okay do you have any connection with the devil at all yeah we heard he was part of your Club is that true you can hear voices yeah do you want us to leave [Music] is there any other stuff that wants us to leave do you want us to stay oh my God but that's probably not something nice that's yeah can you show us in any other way that you'll hear now if you show us any other way some obvious sign we'll leave [Music] them show us a sign again from any of the other equipment it definitely also sustains the second time I confirm which means it's something darker it's difficult really yeah you heard another knock I heard that too earlier boom do you want us to stay here because you're looking for a sacrifice you're probably not he's smart [Music] stop touching me I am not allowing you to touch me please stop touching me where's it where's the pain now at back on my shoulders if we know it doesn't want the portal open but it's scared of whatever's in here and they want us to stay for some odd reason it sounds like we need more specific answers but if we try to do the Estes one last time somewhere else to get a specific answer I mean it'd be way easier to communicate with them like we got answers on the front now that we know I'm kind of what we're dealing with and it's definitely like Paul Whitehead and possibly something more demonic I don't know that's something we got to figure out will you come with us to the front to talk to us a little Final Answer whoever you are we cannot follow us home [Music] really really okay just at least gonna get out of this area yeah my right shoulder I just wish we knew what we were talking to yeah I know I do I do feel that I definitely try to trace out yeah I kept saying the entire time that it was Paul Whitehead and that would make sense if he was talking about sacrifices and that he wanted the portal open because again he was you know sacrilegious he likes that type of thing the entire time I didn't want to say it as well but just like Nikki my back was hurting a lot [Music] my voice yeah seriously walking up and down this so many times [Music] I challenge you to walk the entire cave system s initially we were going to have a challenge where it was just you guys going back it's too dangerous especially with it trying to touch you all the time and attack you would you guys be down to just use a phone light on the way back home yeah yeah final challenge all four of us okay yeah let's go all right this is what it looks like so much darker oh my God you can see every like dust particle in here they say that they used to go through them all right if there's anything in here if I could tell us about how to close the portal or what has been talking with us tonight talk to us through the essence method the beginning of the cave you cannot leave this cave you cannot follow us home please if you know any information come with us to talk you know last time when we were leaving it felt better to get up yeah I'm still feeling like obviously we're walking yeah I can feel it that was one thing that was clear down there is the only consistent answer oh my gosh it's [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that's the first time again you made it good job guys not lying to you when we were walking out I heard a ram scream a ram like a like a goat like a ghost scream like I'm not lying to you guys that's what I heard wait was that loud or was it behind what it was really faint just like the screams and stuff like that even here yeah men and of women like the women all have been screaming help but that was an animal the goat also represents the devil yeah and now we have service to finally communicate with the Estes we have like one more answer really to get I just want to know who we're talking to yeah and what it was also how it thinks if it does think we can close the portal Stir It okay and what is speaking to us make itself known show us in any way of who it is we're speaking to is it there he is there he is so he's with us right now here is this Paul Whitehead I'm speaking to for me are you okay for us to ask you questions you want to touch one of us the other touch her have you been have you been touching me Fair yeah so you're the person that has been touching me all night can we ask you questions about the photo all that demons down there have we come across any demons today help do you need help let's ready go you want us to go back to that room where the portals open [Music] would you want us to leave do you want us to go what would you do that's what we're trying to figure out we what would you do to me scream have you been scaring me oh my god did someone hurt you [Music] feel me yeah we've been trying to protect would you like us to help you would you like us to close support you're scared behind I was gonna say I just heard something happening over there like grab that I couldn't help you is it possible for us to help sex what the [ __ ] smell or mail you're after it's bad is this the non-human entity that we're talking to in the basement run okay we're gonna get out of here thank you thank you for talking to us can you just confirm I think you can you think you're laughing laughing have you attached yourself to any of us you could not touch us forever we cannot never touch us you can never attach yourself to us our world have you tried to attack yourself she's uh do you have any last things today no no leave now leave now thank you for talking to us thank you for talking to us feel it what [Music] yeah it was very very clear that whatever was happening right there they weren't going to talk to us or they were not going to give us any clues because they're not even going to tell us yeah who it is even if it is but I do think whatever it was was pretending to be Paul Whitehead the entire time yeah pretending yeah it was Paul then how did it get into the mausoleum I mean maybe that was maybe that was cool yeah maybe and he just couldn't leave I have no idea I think we should ask Willow to like help us out because obviously we have nothing to be able to help these guys it's as sad as that is I just don't think it's possible we're not like priests you need to have like a certain amount of study to be able to even deal with like demonic [ __ ] we're just YouTubers [Music] foreign guys remember if you want incredibly low priced products like these plus free shipping just download the Teemu app by using the link in description and if you do use our link you can get things like this headset for only two dollars and again you can use the code on the screen for 30 off thank us later peace
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 5,071,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam and colby, exploring, abandoned, overnight, sam&colby, sam & colby, sam golbach, colby brock, colby and sam, ghost, haunted, paranormal, 3am, the conjuring, the stanley, colby & sam, top 10, top 5, top 10 scary, scary, horror movie, mystery, ghost stories, ghost adventures, caught on camera, ghost hunting, nihachu, gee nelly, dream smp, sam and colby niki and gee, sam and colby demon, hellfire club, stranger things, hellfire caves, secret society, illuminati, UK haunted, xplr
Id: Suaz00_lSo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 2sec (5042 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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