A Full Face Of Rhinestones

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

This is one of my favorite Jenna eras. The rhinestones, bald cap covered in falsies, and the acrylic nail videos.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

This thumbnail makes me feel so uncomfortable.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/awshucks79 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

jesus christ jenna

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
why are the rhinestones on the table I feel like a long time ago my channel just morphed into Jenna's selfish time where I do put up who's gonna make me laugh and you know I'm not even sorry I've been having the greatest time my videos are all really fun to make and I'm just been laughing so I hope that you like them as well and if you don't that's okay I don't know if you've ever felt like this before but it happens to me on occasion where I will see a picture and immediately become envious I want that to be me now and someone tweeted me this picture and I was just overcome with the feeling of I just want that to be my life I want that to be my face I want it on my face now there's been lots of people that make videos like these like really beautiful makeup tutorials with actual like rhinestones I'm not going for that I'm going to do a full face of rhinestones not good rhinestones like they're pretty chalky I realized that the ones that are really fine and small end up looking like really nice no matter what the chunky ones sort of miss form your face and look ridiculous so that's what I want I want chunky no I couldn't find a rhinestone tool so the person that Joann Fabric gave me a little hack that put a little candle wax on there I'm gonna be able to pick these up like this oh and I was gonna get spirit gum which is a very strong adhesive but most makeup artists seem to just use clear that eyelash glue which sounds like a better ordeal because I've used spirit gum that [ __ ] doesn't come off I hope that these are similar to the ones that the girl in the picture because I want to look just like I want to live her life I want to be her I want to be on her back he's a pound a big bleep so most people that do this they seem to like work in sections of their face but I mean I don't really feel like doing that I kind of feel like making a little beard first I gotta be honest I didn't really watch those tutorials so I don't know if I'm supposed to like just put glue puffs up her like face and started going what if you really liked it what if you're like damn this is gonna be hard like I like the wait till the glue gets kind of tacky oh my god no turning back now this is gonna be much more difficult than I anticipated you know I never thought I'd be making another video that require prayers for my face but we're doing it don't judge me everyone has different dreams okay and this one's mine I can see my own disappointment in the reflection of the rhinestones boy you're telling me if you saw me out like this you wouldn't be like wow I want to talk to her I hope she's okay I don't understand why you Hugh laughing you're doing it so well thank you I didn't come here to [ __ ] around do you think I can get like glue poisoning except I just realized that I'm gonna have to cover my entire face and glue like is this bad for you yeah that's probably fine I don't think it is like why were a necklace or like earrings when you can just put dazzle your own face I can't really move quick with that this is beautiful or what what this is like way easier than putting on lashes that's for sure if I was doing this with my hands I think it would be hard but it's not a lot people on the internet fool you this shit's [ __ ] easy why cuz I'm gonna give the outside match the inside Norelco feet Rima with my name on it okay so for our wedding someday we're agreeing on face rhinestones it feels so good it feels so good oh baby you like it yes it's okay it's okay it's okay this is great honest way to be great it's Michael Jordan in North Carolina it have no idea what that means it's before he was great chunk in the front chunk in the front and chunk in the button I look like crystal Santa look like crystal meth Santa are you calling me a drug addict cuz my drug of choice is one stone chuck in the front and drugs in the front smash that restricts button some mash me on restricted mode this is gonna be a nightmare to get off and this is just all glue and Walmart you know I look like Trisha Paytas fallin I like her everything in her kitchen like what if that is your Halloween costume like I'm Trisha Paytas coffee maker and you're just covered in pink rhinestones although hers aren't rhinestones I like Swarovski crystals like they're like think they're that nice [ __ ] what do you think so far stop doing that alright Julian where should I move next eyebrows forehead all forehead okay like down my nose good plan like this is Doug that's [ __ ] cool are you jealous no there you want me to do yours no I know all right now I'm covering my third eye so I will no longer be enlightened okay okay can you think of anything better to do than this yeah because when you're arts and crafts suck at least you can throw it out you can't just throw your face out really does anyone ever told you that you are a kind and patient boyfriend hey was that for me what don't make vomit noises at me all right that's gonna make somebody [ __ ] throw up in the comments I'm bored why are you bored this is early watching paint dry on your face [ __ ] out of here Julian relationships mean compromising this is my dream this is really starting to itch rip off my skin oh it's a funny [ __ ] heart stop I really want to eat oh don't it's like [Laughter] funny my car has been giving me trouble lately something I give you to the Star Trek convention if you don't stop talking [ __ ] to me look like a [ __ ] pterodactyl and if you ask me they leave a little less like rhinestones a little more like fine stones uh we have to break up now I'm sorry I hope we have kids someday so they can grow up and I can show them this and they can just be like men well they can emancipate themselves look directly I mean I don't like it do you think this is like another example of my too much gene oh it's so hot [ __ ] me with your thoughts it distorts my vision when I smile I look like Silver Surfer yeah I said you're not in a really really bad movie shots fired yeah I really can't emot-- at all this is the best I can do oh good my it like shuts my eye yeah roll up my sleeves for this my part is gonna suck getting them off it sure is baby it's like in your eyeball right now it still feels okay somehow just cuz I'm covered in rhinestones doesn't mean I don't deserve love this dress oh my god is [ __ ] out there that's like my eyes look so insanely differently it looks like one of them is shut like you see okay [ __ ] you can see what is so funny oh my god it feels like my eyes are almost like glued open a little they feel incredibly shut but also open yeah I feel like a lizard person I'm smiling I'm sorry you're not smiling smile you're not what the [ __ ] I look like pinhead like I'm gonna [ __ ] kill you don't do drugs not even once this is what happens to your face guys drugs once are you proud of yourself yeah I'm actually really proud of it too I want to impress I feel you can do stuff with my mouth you know oh you knew something about yeah what that mouth dude smash all right you ready smash your head as pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass open your mouth smash I think this is a really casual look like it didn't take very long I mean it did no one do it tutorial how to take it off I don't think to me kiss I hate that so much why where's Jenna who are you what have you done I'm gonna try and take it off are you still judging me it doesn't peel porn at all this is a feel punishment the price you pay be beautiful on the outside it's like a bird that's will thing its feathers stop and looking you know sometimes when it hurts to rip your eyelashes off after you glue them on it's like that but all over your old face I relate to none of what you just said none of it not even that what's there not to relate about what I'm doing right now did help you no no ah I don't want any more help the experience is 10 out of 10 to have your face covering rhinestones but I don't regret it I think this was worth it overall wouldn't you say hmm hey did that high five because it was slow yes I'll try to speed up make sure you subscribe to my channel I put into these every Wednesday starts Thursday I hope right now that your face is doing better than mine mine's not so great get hearts I'm going to go to the hospital now bye all right your turn we're gonna start [ __ ]
Channel: JennaMarbles
Views: 12,311,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenna, marbles, mourey, full, face, makeup, rhinestones, glitter, tutorial, how, to, lash, glue, wax, tool, funny, funniest, best, julien, solomita, boyfriend, tiny, chunky, recreation, picture, reaction, challenge, only, salon, rachet, ratchet, stick, stuck, cover, covered, look, style, drunk, art, school, 100, layers, coats, ultimate, eye, lashes, duo, apply, application, highlighter, acrylic, nails, nail, contour, opposite
Id: RycMNSM8Mns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2017
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