Shaving My Eyebrows

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come here good girl no your eyes do not deceive you this is going to be what it says it is for those of you that don't follow me on Twitter or SnapChat I tweeted like last week I want to get rid of my eyebrows and I think a lot of people thought I was joking and then on Snapchat I showed shaving the outer half of my eyebrows so I could make a different tail shape and people were like tweeting at Rome tweeting at Julian tweeting at my mom like is Jenna okay she losing her mind were you worried about me for a couple minutes I thought you might have gone Britney Spears yeah everyone was thinking I was going like full Britney Spears but it's a thing it's not even the first time I've shaved like the outside half of my eyebrows so no I'm not going crazy okay I'm just doing a thing all this week I have been filling in my eyebrows with different colors and like making different shapes on the end and it's been like the coolest week ever of eyebrow things and when I sat down this morning to make a video I genuinely was like I think I should just shave the whole thing and then make a new eyebrow but then I was like why would I make a video after that when I'm holding on to all of the good stuff for myself no why would I make a video after I shave my eyebrows when I make a video of me shaving my eyebrows plus also I feel like I would need to offer some explanation as to why I have totally different looking eyebrows on my face I'm having so much fun with just the outer half I really want to see what happens if I just shave the whole thing off and then just have like a clean eyebrows so I think it's going to be fun I always say Life's Too Short not to have really exciting hair and I've been having very exciting eyebrows so I want to see if I shave the whole thing if it equals more fun or less fun and it's not like I'm tweezing them or plucking them or waxing them they're like they grow back really fast and they're also mine and not yours so me shaving my eyebrows is really not going to affect you in any way I'm excited let's do this no regret so let's just get into it I'll bring you in nice and close closer than you ever wanted see this is the part I shave it like six hairs and all I have to shave it is this razor that I shave my legs with so pray for me you like how I did my makeup other than my brows for maximum eyebrow effect ooh don't laugh at me it's a blood bath how is it a blood bath it's like too wet oh hell yeah what oh did I cut my shaving with makeup on isn't the best idea I've ever had maybe I should have oh hell yeah no you're like really supportive and wonderful have I ever told you that Julian I just you know I love you so much thank you for not judging me don't smile like that don't smile like that don't do that you don't like it look at it it's not even that abnormal looking it's not that abnormal I thought it was going to be worse it's just a little shock cool as [ __ ] I did not think I was going to be this excited wait I can't get this part right here you want me to help here let me do it I don't know if I trust you sh my face I think I just got it no no no no actually I take it back I don't trust you no you're sh you're going to shave it down like that you want me to go that way what's wrong with you no no no okay I can't do it I can't do it it's really hard to get them all it feels so good though like I can't describe how it feels it just feels like you're getting something off of your face that's been there like your entire life it feels so good have you seen that vine of that kid being like what did you do I shave my eyebrows why I don't know it's me as [ __ ] oh hey hell yeah all right I think I'm done oh my God you know all those edits of people without eyebrows that look so funny right now IRL as [ __ ] I think it looks sick oh hell yeah Julian you don't like that like does it feel weird it feels so good now having hair on yeah like it feels just like it feels really nice I feel like I would be so fast if I went swimming right now hey I'm mad at you don't do that I'm so mad at you right now I don't know what you this is meant as no disrespect to people without eyebrows I'm a rock your look I'm kind of down with it I can see your eyebrow okay all right every day you wake up good morning Julian no all right good night Julian I love you I don't mind it you're cute touch it will you want to touch it no just come touch it weird so I didn't just want to shave my eyebrows for you because it takes 2 seconds and it's already already done so what I wanted to do is put in some new eyebrows because now this is my look so I better start practicing some eyebrows let's just start with some like liquid eyeliner I should make some really angry like cartoon brows right like you don't have to have your eyebrows you can have any eyebrows that you want I like it just hit me are you angry it Just sh actually I'm not oh my God wait smile oh my God I think it looks natural I feel like it just look like a butterfly wait we don't have anything like a important coming up where I need eyebrows to hopefully I can just send them this video and be like I'm sorry just make them go straight back down oh no yes oh my God I think it's kind of cute worst thing in the world I wiped those off as lovely as they were because I want to try some other brows I've done purple blue and red and I did like an ombre from the beginning is like color and then it goes into regular eyebrow color and I really like it and I actually used a liquid lipstick for it and I want to see what happens if I just do the whole thing in liquid lipstick like yeah it doesn't look natural but you know what has anything about me ever looked natural no look how fun this is and if anyone's like where' your eyebrows go you're just like you know what I don't [ __ ] I don't know and I don't care ooh I'm going to go in with some eyebrow color okay that doesn't that just looks like poop I'll be straight up honest with you though when I was shaving just the outer half of my eyebrows I felt like I was waking up every day like can't wait to do something exciting with the tail of my eyebrow and then it just makes me get ready you know with gusto because every day is like a a new little art creation on your face whereas before I would just roll out of bed and looks like an [ __ ] now I just look like a different type of [ __ ] the first time I ombred my brows is cuz I was watching a Glam and Gore video and Mikey was like oh just take this like colored Shadow and put it in your eyebrows and I was like what the [ __ ] I thought you had to dye them like don't I just look like someone that wants to party right now I came here to party don't know if you can tell or not I'm ready let's put some hairs you know it doesn't really fool me at all I can tell they're not but good try nope nope nope nope I mean that's not the craziest thing I've ever seen in my life don't knock it till you try it this is actually pretty cute time for a new look all right for my next look I think I'm going to draw inspiration from one of my favorite characters Bert Bert's eyebrow singular extends like the length of his forehead this is honestly the most fun I've had with makeup probably in my entire life I mean I don't hate it it's a look Julian oh my God it doesn't look like an eyebrow it looks like a cool headband would you like to do one for me yeah so Julian said I'm not allowed to look until he's finished so I will be closing my eyes okay I feel it all right let me do the other one you done when Adidas is life Julian did you give me Adidas eyebrow yeah I [ __ ] hate you okay you know this is not what I asked for you said I could do whatever I want and I did what I want if I take it off will you give me Nike ones yeah you want Julian yellow Nike swooshes yes wait are you doing this swoosh like T that's dope as [ __ ] oh my God I want to do that to me I mean if you weren't on the same page as me with this eyebrow thing this should get you on board what would you do if you saw me on the street and I was like just do it I would just do it I'd be so terrified hell yeah that's dope as [ __ ] wait will you just write the words hell yeah on my eyebrows hell yeah from far away it's like oh look at that she got like some extra eyelashes on her eyebrows up close you're like hell yeah on a scale of like one to get it off me how get it off me is this that or just the whole thing in general all of it in general uh uh I was expecting a 30 like get it off me three times it's not that bad right it's not that bad I think it's like a 17 this one was inspired by my grandpa I'm going to put the last one in I think I'm just going to do some purple and have some fun and live my life I mean this is an intense look I probably wouldn't do this all day every day nor would I do this shape but you know what now I have so much eyebrow freedom to make whatever I want congrats on your freedom thank you thank you Julian for being non-judgmental and open openminded to my eyebrow Adventures I love you I love you too so yeah I think I'm just going to end this now before things get too weird and I get too much makeup all over my face thank you for letting me do this and being an open-minded open-minded person this was really fun like maybe once in your lifetime just go ham and shave off your eyebrows am I going to walk around like this all day every day probably not am I going to let them grow back in probably but you know what I'm so glad that I did this because now I I know what I look like without any eyebrows and I can make any shape that I want I've just you know I've had a great time I hope that you feel brow spired yeah maybe this one's a little angry looking but it's kind of [ __ ] cool I'm living my best life make sure you subscribe to my channel I put out new videos every Wednesday SL Thursday every day is just going to be a new brow how exciting is that all right I'll see you guys next week bye I mean one of the only downsides is like you're just hanging out and then oops oh oh [ __ ] so subcribe
Channel: JennaMarbles
Views: 14,871,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenna, marbles, mourey, how to, the face, trick people, what girls, how girls, makeup, drunk makeup, tutorial, girlfriend, boyfriend, kermit, mr marbles, humor, parody, skit, sketch, shaving, my, eyebrows, shaved, off, remove, no, pencil, shadow, color, colored, blue, red, liquid, lipstick, bert, unibrow, mean, pink, wax, tweeze, pluck, groom, best, worst, crazy, without, look, extreme, funny, beauty, shape, fill, in, adidas, nike, julien, solomita, cut, what, a girls, shoes, eyelashes, cat, eye
Id: AZngynzkNQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2016
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