Hunting a MILLION DOLLAR SPIN (Luck Be A Landlord)

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let's drink from the let's take a sip of the potion hit the three-wheel motion fights in tight spaces is pure pog it it actually is like an awesome game uh it's a fantastic game i like i like a little toddler candy i don't think it's uh and again this is mostly just like a concern for um you know a streamer or a youtuber i think it's not amazing twitch viewing i don't think it's for everybody on twitch we are early enough to try i mean what else would we play we'd definitely take suits here lockpick is unbelievably good give me lockpick for sure [Music] and then we don't need to take key so if we're going suits i don't mind taking like crab but i i actually think i'm gonna just i think i'm gonna i think i'm gonna take a key i know how weird it is because we have lock pick already but at least the key will destroy itself it'll give us one for a little bit and then it will destroy itself at some point anyway which means we get the benefit of not skipping plus it will also give us something else later and we'll take coal because we're going to make it for the time being and we'll take lock box because we want the key to get destroyed it also pays out for now and we can do a temporary skip for sure yeah yeah toddler's eating the candy we love to see it i don't want matrushka i don't really want any of these but i'll take buffing and i think that i think egg carton is good i think shattered uh shattered mirror is kind of a trap dude we could have gone like heavy cult or heavy uh owl build for sure as well um i don't know man let's give us one more for each other cultists so i'm trying to figure out how i would need to get like three of these in order for them to be pretty decent it's kind of tempting but i'm gonna skip for the time being knowing that at some point the lock box is gonna break and we're probably gonna make it regardless a little heavy on cold but if we weren't taking coal we were skipping so we might as well take coal egg is a great long-term play we'll take a chick so that it could possibly grow into an egg and we're getting quite uh tight here we need to get 23 on the next spin give me a crow in the hopes that uh dude okay well it's a that's a retry pay out the doubters sorry grow into a chicken and then drop eggs my mistake splash myself man so there's a problem with these nalgenes i gotta buy the uh the nalgene uh like the thin nozzle i was sitting in the splash zone due to the fluid dynamics it is yeah that's like i appreciate it the uh a little annoying that you get lock pick and a key and then in five rolls you don't get a single uh uh lock pick or key adjacency to unlock the chest which would have given you enough to make it but so be it give me an early magpie here i don't i don't take rabbits too often let's try some rabbits here these are animals that's there's nothing nothing wrong with trying like a little animal build um i'm gonna take a banana and then we're gonna we're gonna try to get a monkey to eat the banana and then a thief to get killed by the banana peel which will destroy both we made it [Laughter] hmm give me an urn for now ah dude give me freaking give me a suit for now we gotta go sued in for future scaling give one when a symbol is destroyed it's all about what's immediately useful three of the same symbol being adjacent jeez louise may okay go purple pepper for now we're gonna try to get another magpie in this deck i guess we're going like slow build give me this crow give me this snail um if if we get like checkered flag this will this will go quite nicely magpie can now work with purple pepper if we just get the adjacency this seems this seems a little spicy i'm not gonna deny it um i mean coconut kind of works with monkey if we're gonna do that but i think we want a rare rares rares move the they move us along here we'll go egg again i think egg carton is is just kind of like agnostically pretty solid joker is exactly what we needed so that that capsule paid out in like exactly the way we needed it to pay out and and now we're starting look now i'm looking at it and i'm like owl i don't know if i want to keep going slow i think we got enough slow i think we want to pivot and start trying to get rares and on on commons so that we can get more suits 100 is doing three spins i still i think we're fine it's all about getting over this first hump always like taking a little lock box i'm gonna take a second rabbit because i know that there are items that synergize with rabbits but we're just like you know we're keeping a couple of nets in the water right now these are not good symbols um i'm gonna don't be mad i'm skipping ninja mouse pizza the cat monkey dude i'll tell you give him give me monkey because we are trying to put a monkey into this deck we just need to get one come on man just just give me what i'm looking for here magpies are doing great stuff okay you know what maybe we can pivot to an early sun like it's early enough it's early enough to give it a try adjacent flowers give five times more and seeds are more likely to grow okay let's do it it's a good payout immediately i mean it also pays out three by itself so i'm happy to have it we don't have a mouse we don't need cheese then we're definitely making our rent here flowers seeds rabbit fluff probably synergizes but forget the rabbit synergy for now we want suits and flowers suits and flowers [Music] easily made rent suits and flowers maybe birds maybe there's a bird synergy here we don't want a hex of tedium that's for sure we don't need a bird synergy we don't need eggs to be destroyed tax evasion is insanely good with these magpies they're not going to take our money anymore nor will the crow okay we want seeds seeds will grow in the fruits we want to miss fruit payoff here at some point don't need it don't need it 225 and 5 peach is a good fruit to begin with earn mouse crab don't need an urn 225 doing four spins we're gonna make it we're gonna make it we're definitely gonna make it would it like to get like some kind of adjacency bonus at some point though just throwing that in there um as a possibility okay we definitely want more suits that checkered flag unbelievable we will make the next rent as well as a result of that those those are two big ones more suits okay i'm not gonna say it's not cluttered in there it's it's a little cluttered it's a little cluttered honestly i dude i'm telling you i still think a bronze arrow is very good even though you there's plenty of situations where it gives you almost nothing i still like to see it okay miss fruit you're exactly one of the payouts we wanted to see on this run [Music] just remember she doesn't eat rare fruits she eats bananas which will leave a banana peel so put a thief on here yo pale beast thank you for the gifted subscriptions i'm going to assume that that one goes out to the believers thank you it's a tough choice um but i think i think we go uh egg just because it's default like it pays out one doesn't clutter the board we're happy to see it 325 not gonna be a problem we don't need hexes so i think it as much as i hate to do it because i love that we skip the witch and the pinata and the five-sided die thieves give two times more gold when destroyed so our current thief is not going to give us any value because they they don't steal anything um because we have tax evasion so i think you just go piggy bank at least piggy bank you know gives you some value lock box we're still waiting on our first key so that's a skip okay so this is what we wanted now like the reason we took the thief we knew the thief was bad but by having the thief and the banana peel we can get both of them eliminated which is exactly what we're looking for it's so hard to remove things from the deck we got to be very careful about what we add now oh you i mean you have to take a mega chest this one's going to be a little close but there you go we got rid of the banana peel we got space in this deck we'll definitely take an orange because she does eat it oh baby and she's getting stronger [Music] we got two spins to get 25 that's not even close that's that's a gimme more suits though more suits and a key or a lock pick would go a long way i'm telling you we're getting to we're getting the 777 that doesn't bother me um i feel like the chef he's not going to be very good because we're only going to take fruits and the fruits are going to get eaten so i think that this is this is trash and this is a skip um and i think you just take pool ball unfortunately but we could just take pool ball light bulb does work with flowers but i think suits are a better payout right off the bat it's kind of a gimme she eats coconuts right she does but she leaves coconut halves which can only be gotten rid of with a monkey but coconut hams do pay two each they're not they're not so bad honestly i'm gonna give her the coconut you know why i'm gonna give her the coconut i think getting the one out of her every turn and then the coconut halves we'll just pick up a monkey at some point it'll happen and we needed that key to get the mega chest open at some point i'll give her another coconut i'm not sweating it now there's going to be a lot of coconut halves clogging us up but at least they generate two each which is more than we need for now it's more than we need for now absolutely fantastic [Music] don't need another lock box though all right we're like way ahead fruits and suits we're looking for fruits and soups and flowers fruit suits flowers monkey fruit suit flower monkey she doesn't eat rares unfortunately so as much as this i mean it would generate three per turn for us you know what i actually think we take it i'm starting to respect three per turn i think is good now these are the rabbit synergies i've been asking for but we'll just take rabbits becoming better i don't really want fluff to be added to the to the deck at this point i do like the idea of you generating eggs for me but i think we can take them to begin with i think we can just take enough eggs [Music] it's like the complicated thing when you're playing endless is trying to figure out like you know sometimes you need to make in my opinion at least a decision that will compromise your late game in order to live in the early game so some of this stuff people are like you know why are you taking this it's not going to scale i'm like well i'm taking it because i think that it'll help us at least get to the point where endless mode becomes available dude i'm going i'm going full coconut city here i'm not afraid lucky is very much what we want here 500 is doing two spins obviously making it just a single monkey is is all we need to get this you know going back in the right direction [Music] 500 was not a problem 550 i don't think will be a problem definitely i don't mind a treasure chest um i think green pepper we're going to have three of the same symbols coconut halves in particular bretva thank you for the gifted subscriptions as well thank you this one's for the believers okay so this is our lucky capsule we want to see like another missed fruit would be nice bartender is not what we're looking for cultist is not what we're looking for but you know what an attempt was made crab golem miner we're getting some some snoozers without a doubt but we're still doing like pretty great it helps that miss fruit's generating nine per turn she can eat a banana but then a banana monkeys don't get rid of banana peels i think i think it makes life harder for us there we just need a single monkey man just a single monkey nice nice spin we'll take a peach yeah this got a little closer than i would have liked [Music] but we still made it okay so again like you know what i think we gotta go beastmaster we don't have a lot of seafood in fact we might have none we have a lot of animals though like we got a ton of animals i think we have to go beastmaster capsule machine is incredible now our turns are going to take an awful long time now uh now get ready chemical seven is pretty good by itself so we we're trying to beat our previous record um at least for today our previous record i mean now i'm like maybe we take another magpie we we didn't pay 2 000 last time so if we can pay 2 000 this time we'd consider that you know a blasting they give 2x more i mean honestly the two i think the 2x out of the mag but it has to be adjacent on the turn that it pays out which is unlikely to say the least [Music] similarly we don't we don't care too much about sloth you know would you something that works with a uh both a monkey or something i've spoiled the plot there something that works with both a uh a beastmaster and a miss fruit right now is a monkey just a single monkey you might as well take a seed works nicely with the sun you became an orange that's a good fruit for us void creature is always nice what do you want in an update nl um i i i'm not a game designer so take this with a a a a heavy grain of salt um i think that the balance of the game is is very uh it needs some tweaking in my opinion that's like the number one thing i would say like some runs just scale to the moon immediately and some runs um you know they get hard and easy and then like super easy and then like you know what i mean i think when i say that like it gets a little strange and it's not just because of the luck driven nature of a slot machine well at least the piggy bank is going to keep us alive it's not very helpful feedback to just be like jeez man um jeez jeez jeez jeez um it's not very helpful feedback to just be like you know hey i'd like it to be balanced better but [Music] i i think you know a more helpful line of reasoning maybe is like uh more targeted removal would also be awesome like hexa destruction i get it well you know what i actually feel is like the kind of the the the most pressing problem i guess that i have with the game on a on a on an average run is like sometimes you're kind of you let me put it this way you're forced to take things early in order mathematically you have to be able to you have to take things early uh in order to make your first few rents um i think it's gonna be tight here um but sometimes being forced to take things early leaves you in a position where you look at it and you go you know we're going to try to like force this synergy but then you never get the actual engines that allow it to pay out uh pay out and you're just like okay guess i'll die then i think we are gonna die here like like this is kind of a good example for me at least where i'm like i mean it's my own fault don't get me wrong but we went hard on this like coconut stuff and then literally like no no monkey ever showed up despite the fact that it's at the common level which i think there need to be like more like yeah it's a good way to describe it like more payout engines i think is a good way to think about it we'll do one more here um like the fact that you know there's like only like one thing that gets rid of banana peels and one thing that gets rid of like coconut halves means like sometimes when you like you you kind of just get screwed a little bit by what shows up and i i think one way to think about that is that well you know that's the way like it's supposed to be and you know if you ever read candide because in my opinion without being too literary that's a very pain glossier way to think of things i think there's a way that you can maintain some difficulty in the game um without necessarily uh you know making it uh you know so frustrating to just be like well guess i'll die because i didn't get the one thing i needed anyway still a great game though don't get me wrong early pool balls okay yeah i'll take early pool ball it's not amazing but it it keeps us flexible which i think is worth something beehive gives three by itself early also adds bees and also adds honey i think i think this is like a an extremely great pickup early i don't need dwarves candies or goldfish right now taking a rare like this early is beautiful because it means that we we don't feel as shoehorned in that you know forcing ourselves to take other things early on like we could take a cult it's early enough you could you could maybe try to get a cultist working here probably not coconuts [Laughter] so bees give better they make flowers better let's take rain i don't mind goldfish gonna go rain definitely no banana peels definitely no more dwarves as long as we feel like we're making it for now i think i'd rather get the easier payout with the beer that's what we're looking for okay don't we need another cultist there you go i think you can go two um you can go too wide i think two wide will work just fine we got some cultists we got some bees we got some you know they work with the flowers this is good stuff we could also at some point we could just say hey screw the screw the uh cultist you know we got enough thank you for teaching me the the word panglossian oh it's my pleasure you should be thanking my my first year english uh teacher i don't know chef for honey but don't we want like a i thought we want to pay out from bears and bears are gonna eat the honey yeah my personal take and i may be wrong because here's the thing you know honey we want to get destroyed by bears beer we want to get destroyed by dwarves i don't think we want a chef i think we take a void stone instead um and we'll take a symbol bomb but it's not it's not particularly strong another cultist though is pretty nice i i i feel confident in this decision but we'll see it doesn't matter because if we win people are going to be like well you would have won more if you took that shaft um but regardless i think you know pan glossy and people would in my opinion benefit a little from uh from reading uh candide because i think they you know i i know there are people online in my opinion who i think um they would see themselves in dr pangloss if you ever offer any criticism about anything like something should be better they're like actually things being better is not possible so just stop complaining uh i will skip on this [Music] more people should read dr seuss heavy wrong heavy wrong energy for sure we want bees and we're gonna destroy the occasional symbol i can live with that [Music] we do have a key okay so let's remind ourselves sun be flower tomb is pretty good tomb is pretty good just by itself sun bee flower alcohol cultist sunbee flower alcohol cultist we have a fish bowl yeah take the fish flowers bees suns bears bears beets not big urns battlestar galactica 225 doing three spins that's no problem man that's no problem sun would take us a long way we we don't want a banana hello monkey thanks for showing up i really appreciate it if only you could have gone back in time lucky capsule is really good [Music] 225 easy payout mine is is very much not what we're looking for i think we just go hustling unfortunately three or more of the same symbol are adjacent we're going to have that happen quite frequently i think that could be a good payout it's not going to happen every time but it's going to happen it's gonna happen with some regularity you need more flowers i'm i'm with you i'm with you on that unfortunately because we have reached the point where we need flowers um they're gonna give us a bunch of monkey instead uh which you know there's not a whole lot you can do about it you just uh you just accept it we did get some honey though this is now we can we can have a bear payout which we immediately got that's exactly what we needed honestly just to feel a little bit more comfortable i think we'll take a seed and we're just like it's a little the payout is rare for sure but we're hoping it grows into a flower flour would be the best cherry is not really what we're looking for that's all right we still did well on that one that was pretty good um the bartender pays three and it works with the dwarf i think that's actually pretty good and then we have no empties i think we have six empties okay you know what i will take a temporary lemon then five percent is so low i mean i agree but it also pays out three by itself which is you know pretty uh substantial in and of itself but i mean like this is kind of and it's it's not negative like i enjoy the game um and we already have one bear so i think we actually take fish um but i i enjoy the game a lot but this is kind of like emblematic of what my problem is with it sometimes is that the difficulty of the game is is caused more by like what what doesn't show up i guess then is caused by uh i don't know i want to say like genuine difficulty but i don't think that's like a fair statement either because like what does that even mean it's like a beer for sure okay uh double suns yeah i think i think we can definitely do that seeds will only grow into rare or better i am i insane to think that we don't want this um because we want seeds to grow into flowers exclusively i think we don't want it i think we might as well take uh red suits even though i don't even know if we have any but there's no reason to skip even though i do it on occasion okay flowers man come on flowers tomb has paid out with something i think i think some spirits somewhere we're gonna make it again but it's is pretty bad i'm a little scared seeds don't give flowers do they they they do actually but it's like one of the eight things they can pay out with this fruit we actually 100 need and it actually gives us a nice engine even though we're going a little wider here this miss fruit is gonna is gonna pay out nicely here especially now we can take seeds no problem although it did just create a banana peel which is kind of annoying but it's okay i think we we do want to take a peach then on top seeds seeds are going to grow every time we get them okay that'll make it a little faster for sure don't need another bear don't you just don't need it don't need it 500 doing seven spins so we need about 40 per spin i'm feeling all right i'm feeling all right flowers have a 50 chance of giving more coins and i i think we're so tight we got some honey on the board that's what we're looking for rain is also something we're looking for i still believe you might be very upset but i i genuinely think bronze arrow is quite nice one arrow i think is uh is a big positive oh we should have taken you're right we should have taken goldfish that was a that was a whiff or the thief to get rid of the banana peel [Music] so what happens when you start you start playing a little fast and loose start thinking you have all the answers either way this was this was a make easily so she won't eat the strawberry in that case i think we would rather have a tomb i think the tombs are nice uh okay sons will affect non-adjacent symbols that's like insanely great i think especially the more flowers we get and now i i you know geez louise now i'm starting to think you know what we want to do if possible what if we could what if we could start thinking about scaling into the future like we can still take beer but now i i have the option in my opinion being very conservative with what i take here we don't have to take absolutely everything we can be very very picky that flower just paid out for a hundred by itself monkey does not destroy um banana peel unfortunately yeah it's just one flower but what a flower okay now we got two flowers now we got two flowers i'll take an item capsule any day of the week so this i i feel pretty confident this is gonna beat our record of getting past 2 000 but we we want to take it even further i'm just like man do we really want more rain i think we don't need i think we're full on rain i think we want to just we want the board to scale into flowers as much as possible i don't think we want it honestly no more rains they give 2x more i mean with something like protractor could be valuable i'm just gonna hustling is good to begin with so i'm gonna take it i'm not going to skip it but i think i think we want to save spaces on the board i think i think the spaces on the board have more potential power for us right now okay um again i'm trying not to get trapped here you see the plants and you go oh guaranteed no actually this is really good because the farmer making flowers pay out twice as much he's not going to hit fruits too often but making flowers pay out twice as much is going to be exceptional if he gets adjacent to one like this one right here and then the arrow spins into it almost yeah that flower just paid out for 400 so that's pretty good yeah it's not the same as rain rain is a fifty percent chance your free control and shows now we need protractor that's bulb oh son of a oh you're absolutely right yeah hold on then yeah wait you're absolutely right more rain more rain oh my that was a little uneventful but long term i think it's gonna do some great stuff there's a big difference between our our big spins and our and our tiny spins right now and i think the difference is farmer so one of the things i'm just keeping in the back of my head right now is if we see thief if you see thief you want it you'd also loved a general yes okay thief in general would both be very nice [Music] no worries here well i think we're we're very likely to go past 2000 considering we're already over 2000 oh yeah we can't take zara because our farmer will get destroyed yeah that's a good point it's i mean we could probably get another farmer later but it's it's a risk well for now we'll just take a a sun let's make capsules twice as good all right these turns are gonna start to take a very long time but it's doing some wonderful stuff for us there's no doubt about that this seems like one of those runs we're actually gonna have to just kill at some point right now like it's i i think that it may hit like just boredom level but we'll see we're not there yet we haven't even gotten technically the win yet although there's no way we can lose unless we uh die on camera like you know in real life so i think it's a low percentage chance otherwise this is uh this is the rest of our lives now i mean we do have a missed fruit but i'm like who needs a stinky orange at this point when you got flowers paying out for like 400 each or 20 one of the other i think you know what give me another item capsule man even even more than a seed which could admittedly grow into a flower give me give me those double items okay so that wasn't a thousand point flower um i would probably say this is a new record for us when you get no flower on the board though you're it's a little bit more disappointing but when you get a beautiful flower that gets doubled multiple times i really thought that was going to pay out for like 500 it paid out for 20. no oh one flower come on man okay you're not wrong we do need to eliminate some stuff we have a fish bowl i still think chef is kind of doo-doo here because we have a fish bowl we take the fish [Music] 172 it's not so bad okay we're already at 5000 so we're making the next few rents for sure all right this to me is a nothing um [Music] yeah moon moon is not it doesn't synergize with anything that we have um although it would hit everything that's not adjacent to so i think this is an easy skip um you know we do have a cat in the deck uh we only have one suit we're never gonna add more so sure just just make cats slightly better don't want it this one we got plenty of time i still think the general would be good everybody agrees the general will be good if you see him say something he just is not a for the time being everyone's going general general general he's not on the board it's like austin powers says in the in the second austin powers movie you know i uh i want a toilet made of solid gold but some things just started the cards baby [Music] 203 is a good build i i'm dude i don't want the seeds because i worry that the seeds are going to grow into bananas and right now in my head i'm like every banana is is like negative 200 when it takes up a space it could grow into flowers you're not wrong could grow in the flowers i can't deny that but it could grow into bananas as well this is going to be a pretty good one i think oh that freaking arrow just missed [Music] always an item capsule is still doing great stuff for us i don't know if we have any other like common tier items that would synergize with us but swear jar and lucky seven not really what we're looking for but i don't think we're gonna have too many more runs where we're under uh 25 per spin but you know uh that could be persuaded maybe um we don't want cat just because we get double cat payouts we don't want cats right now it's definitely it's more of like uh you know will will my desire to keep playing allow us to keep making rents we're definitely about to set a new record um i think a second farmer is nice actually and we're hope we know that we're gonna live long enough to try to get to zar off anyway so why not give it a shot okay i think we definitely want quiver uh the four per turn is really nice as well don't get me wrong but i think quiver is going to be the scale that we're looking for we're we're really we're fishing for protractors that's the big one right now protractor as an item and zaroff as our rare so really what we're looking for for the most part to be honest with you is actually um lucky capsules the more lucky capsules we could get the the better off we're gonna be the quiver was so much better yeah i mean look i'm not trying to cherry pick i'm just we took it slow your roll hit me with the pepe hands i clicked i took the item you want have mercy we don't want anything 1500 doing six spins [Music] we we need this zar off we don't need it for a bit buffing will be nice we we we don't need it for a bit but we need the czar off as soon as possible so that we can start restructuring our board like it's not going to kill everything immediately we're way ahead of the curve right now we just needed to we needed to get just the you know the more the more lead time we have the better that was really good though that 400 payout that was really good great great arrows was a thousand a thousand from that and i think we still do want more rain as well let's see i mean maybe not i don't know whatever we're taking it doesn't matter like right right now we're like you know we're like a trillionaire and we're like oh i should have you know if you order a tall but say put it in a grande cup they give you the rest of the hot water for your tea for free you know we don't need to worry about this this level of penny pinching just yet just have fun so 2000 has been paid i think we could take honey like i i get oh then rusty gear is just potentially incredible the honey over time it will it will pay out and it will get destroyed by uh by the bear it'll clog us a little bit but it'll give us a nice one-time payout so i'm not sweating that and i don't even know what we have to pay 2500 this time [Music] 2 000 oh my god but just hit the button just go just go fast because we're honestly we're i mean we're we're not even close you know we don't even give me that rain anymore i think just take take nothing just remember take a thief a thief is something you'd like to take and then anything related to flowers and suns you can why not take chemical seven sure the roles are meaningless right now number one thing we need is item capsule heavy skip energy there we go see we ate some honey i told you 432 is pretty good at this point i'm like does anyone offhand know the furthest i've ever gotten in endless like i don't know if i've ever gotten to a uh to a 5 000 payout 2500 is the highest you've ever gotten okay i mean like we're gonna destroy that that's not even close but yeah tomb destroying item would be helpful as well no no doubt about that the biggest midas bomb ever two thousand doing one spin something tells me this is gonna be just fine yeah i remember we threw a run with midas bomb for click bait and it didn't even freaking work 2500 are you are you laughing are you making me laugh um cats are wild cards okay so that's like insanely great we can also you know what we could go until we get a midas bomb is gonna copy that flower look at this look at this it 201 let's be like being on the prices right minus bomb redemption [Music] 127 i i sleep i sleep oh dude you see that flower though it was it was encased that's a good point imagine being a doubter on this run like you've got to be so embarrassed right now like imagine not only losing your money but then like losing it on what is obviously the best run i've ever had [Music] it's like betting on the canucks to win a game like what were you thinking yo that copycat though oh but it's not gonna copy anything useful it's garbage come on we're looking at zaroff midas bomb zar off midas bomb please this one seems okay we want it we want to see good spins great spin beautiful spins those those were two fantastic spins we just got a 1200 out of a single flower oh we can make chemical seven work why midas bomb our midas bomb is basically just to free us from this run because we're not necessarily going infinite but we could be here for like hours at this point these are some good spins oh it's not so bad it's all banter baby pay you i'll pay you 2500 i'll pay you 5 000 just not to speak with me ever again we don't give me the things i want okay very big symbol bomb we want to use this and okay just remind flowers suns zar off lucky capsule fish thief yeah yeah nothing lucky capsule nothing nothing yes this is actually tempting me as well but um th this is this is heavy energy oh my god and then zaroff just give me zaar off [Music] you know what you are you're a piece of trash man you're a piece of garbage zorov literally shows up in every rare choice when you don't want him when you have like one job that can't be killed or you lose the run now we we incept him into existence and he's like nah no no thanks yeah okay cool anyway i mean we're not gonna have troubles paying our rent for the next little bit but still it's just kind of annoying solid no complaints we'll take another cats become copycat so like literally it's it's one of the top tier symbols we could conceivably add we're very happy to see it especially if they end up adjacent to good flowers totally fine totally fine go a little heavy on the cats but if the cats become adjacent to one another then you get a nice little chain of wild cards that that covers like more of the board [Music] no more cats there's i mean there's probably i mean there's there's increasing returns not diminishing returns but we need to find like the equilibrium point where they're taking up too much too much of the flower bed no seeds no seeds see they said cat adjacency allowed us to get next to this freaking flower dude we're this freaking flower this is pretty good does it it's getting better it's getting better we don't we don't even want a wealthy capsule 10 i sleep i sleep on 10. still very nice i will not for now i will not but will the cat is a common symbol we'll have plenty of opportunities to add more if we wish for now we don't need them [Music] that's pretty good [Laughter] no flowers okay we still literally no risk i don't i don't know when we're gonna have risk ever again i don't want to barrel the dwarves man just give me just give me a dang jack-o'-lantern like i don't know this at this point i don't think this runs ever going to end man [Music] but i'm still like i i don't want to pivot because i'm having fun and i'm i'm basking i'm basking in this victory lap however i also plus it'll pop off on youtube 2500 um but also i don't my stubbornness means i don't want to leave until we get a single czar off flower basking where the heck is my zar off i had a sun and flower build where i could get over a million in a single spin i mean now i'm like i i think we should try to get a million like let's at least have a goal like if we're just spinning until we get bored [Music] that's no fun if we have a goal now we're talking zaroff is coming he just got in the uber he's in the lamborghini murcielago on his way to the champions club skirt we don't want oh we want the thief okay so it's gonna take a hundred years for the thief to actually pay out but that's fine because we we got we got all the time in the world quite frankly he just texted me on my way but he's not even dressed oh come on man one million point spin well honestly next time we pay rent i'm gonna change the stream title and and then i'm gonna um i'm gonna make a tweet as well i forgot his mask had to go back we we stand a king who cares about public health though i told you the story about how when in the first few months uh we had the baby it was actually like maybe the first week that we had the baby i was under caffeinated i tried to go to starbucks i walked in and i forgot i didn't have my mask on and they were like hey could you like put a face covering on i was like oh yeah sorry i forgot i'll be right back and i was so embarrassed i just never came back [Laughter] this is terrible but okay um the quest for a 1 million dollar spin then you go to twitter and you say you say twitter i never thought this day would ever come but we're gunning for a one one million dollar spin in luck be a landlord let's set a new moon record whenever i say new world record by the way i mean a new stream record i don't mean uh like real uh gamers and and speedrunners and stuff like that i mean i mean streamers and if if there are streamers who have already done this i mean streamers um uh who are me good spin not a good spin but that first spin was pretty good who are bald yeah bald percent this is a bald percent run streamers over the age of 30. goods to grade spin grade spin [Music] we need a little more we're look protractor zaroff protractor zaroff this is a pretty solid one this is a pretty solid one telescope sun that was a 4500 point spin nothing wrong with that b i sleep i sleep we got enough bees available here already it pointed at the flower it's still not gonna do that much but okay this what about a doubles are off look let's just start with one's are off okay like we're i i gotta we haven't even seen one yet that's that's still pretty good we can only we can still take goldfish i should be taking goldfish it's not i mean they generate one extra per turn i'm not sure if that's gonna really move the needle for us too much on a run where we're you know generating maybe a thousand per turn right now but still tomb relic would also be great you're not you're not wrong this farmer oh my god this farmer unfortunately the copycats kind of out of the way but clearly i have not demonstrated that i know um what makes this run pop i keep rooting for stuff that that doesn't actually do things for me the suns are what makes it pop okay okay [Music] it's still very very good all right so there you go two suns on the board you needed that to hit the flower but it's okay don't get too many flowers okay you know i mean we got a long rope here we got a long way to go we don't need the honey at this point we don't need the farmers we're bloating the deck we need more zaroffs we can take an egg carton hold on though seed is added every time no it's too much but hold on lucky cat is going to make us so much more likely to get zara off and then zaroff is going to kill all the human beings which is four cultists miss fruit two farmers bartender maybe some more that i've forgotten about and we're gonna fill it up with sons mr sun sun mr golden sun please shine down on me that was a 2500 point um flower my god holy hell my god it's full of suns it is it's even funnier to me when a spin doesn't pop though like there's something so humorous about um we have all these like the range on this like it it it looks like a chinese ev stock it goes from like 25 cents to to a hundred dollars in the same year you don't know what you're gonna get now cat cat is is tempting for sure i think we can go cat cat cause cat is everything wait we destroyed something what did we just oh it was a spirit okay what on earth is an ev stock an electric vehicular stock what am i doing wealthy capsule you really want to take wealthy capsule what's wrong with you great spin on the arrow it's not a great arrow but the spin was incredible all right we're still trying to get to one million we got a long way to go first first thing we're going to be looking for is a 10 000 spin uh obviously from looking at that you're like it's probably a long way away but i'm telling you we get we get the right stuff here it's all and we got so much runway here like it it would take like 50 bad rolls in a row for us to be even in danger of running out right now [Music] item capsule will still take at some point they're gonna run out of common items they're gonna have to give us good stuff all right this this is solid we got we got great uh cat synergy as well very good roll very good roll don't need a void stone at this point it'll just give you pool balls forever all right we should probably stop taking it then it's not one one scale pers one gold scaling per spin not worth much for us neither are any of these i'm actually kind of stunned um that we can't get his are off like it it's getting a little ridiculous i come here from the million roll tweet and you're rolling like 200 right now look and then you're good oh this is what we need right here you're gonna think this clickbait it's we have an incredibly high variance run right now most of the time our rolls are not that great some of the rolls pop off to a disgusting degree oh my god where is zaroff this is one sun is not what we want but at least it's one sun and a billion flowers we we want a billion suns and one flower but it's that's still at least it's it's respectable um no i will not take hex of destruction don't don't be a don't be a hater haters back off miranda sings my favorite youtuber [Music] i mean we're still at no risk like it's it's tempting to start taking these freaking seeds man but it's all about the suns so we want sons and cats sons flowers and cats linked up remember when doubters existed on this run it's sad man it's sad it's sad now we're talking we got back into the 2800 we got flowers and cats linking up oh we only got one freaking sun dude come on zara off you the worst part about zaroff is that like i only get my hopes up that he's gonna show up when we pay rent because that's when we get those guaranteed rares and now you're becoming hassan the longer you play what a weasley little liar dude what a freaking liar dude what a weasley i've only listened to the song once the fact that it exists in my in my brain to that extent is a testament to its quality not a bad role not a bad role yeah chad don't say zara off okay it's like you know how in hockey if your goalie is about to get a shutout you never say shut out because you think it's gonna jinx it would never say zara off because if you say zara off then he's never going to show up unless he's like the candy man because the candy man works like kind of the opposite of that it's like if you repeat his name three times then he shows up stop saying it man or say when you say it make sure you say it three times okay that was a really good cat for sure 5500s are off we don't want the beehive i i mean treasure chest sure we could make it work with lock pick but i guess we'll take coins give three extra well another another rent payment [Laughter] this is this is not so bad though 8.75 is okay um dude i mean i guess we'll take a hustling capsule i mean show your other items i'll show them you're gonna be disappointed though [Music] let's give it a sec here skip me we got tax evasion checkered flag and tripled coins protractor would send us into the freaking stratosphere man if you can get like a rain or a farmer on a uh on a corner oh man then people say telescope and i'm like i haven't even i don't even know if i've ever seen telescope i don't even know what that thing freaking does [Music] no we don't take any more flowers every flower every freaking flower i'm skipping taking flowers [Music] now i'm not happy that the beer is there either but on the bright side the dwarf will destroy the beer it might take 10 years freaking lunchbox man but what am i looking for at a lunchbox i don't think i even want any of this garbage i don't even want mega chests we don't care skip it skip it dude it's trash get out of my face two suns big spin big spin big spin you're flat yo okay three suns three flowers this is not so bad and then we got a cat touching this flower this could be a pretty big spin this could be a pretty big spin 3 000 that's solid dude i'm not taking another cat okay i'm not taking another cat it's all about sons yo it's duplicating the value with the freaking cat which is the flower which is hit by the rain and the bee [Music] that's another good spin okay no more arrows we could also like the the thing that destroys the the tomb would be nice as well okay that's no problem easy easy generals are off i'm not taking another freaking tomb like oh oh there's a yeah that's what we need grave robber okay that's not zaroff but getting grave robber is insanely good okay so now our tombs will be destroyed they'll turn into spirits the spirits will get destroyed and then we'll have more space on the board that's that's good stuff come on yes one tomb destroyed that's step one and zaroff inevitably is is just around the freaking corner man now if you can find something to destroy the beehive oh beehive we do have we do have too many bees at least the bees have a flower synergy the tombs are just like they're not really dead weight like on bad rolls they're kind of pulling their they're pulling their weight but that's not very good [Music] eight i skip they skip you i mean we're still like not even close to being in any form of danger but when you get a spin like this you're just like come on man no more cats okay 6 000 doing five spins i think we're gonna make that in fact i how about i start paying you six thousand per spin [Music] no more flowers is there any way to destroy bees [Music] is there like a zoologist or something just midas bomb i'd i'd prefer not to have midas bomb until we can like swap it's very dangerous three suns two flowers and an arrow that pointed at none of them yeah hex of destruction the the problem is like the the negative effect of a b is quite small right now the negative effect of hex of destruction killing a sun would i would probably throw my computer out the window look at all the empty space you gotta look at this empty space is not space that we need to fill empty space is more likely to get the sun in the future get out of my face farmer we don't want you cats give three times more that's going to be unbelievable so can't giving three times more it's this is not a big one for it but [Laughter] now maybe we could consider more cats um excuse me this is a four sun build uh with one flower in the corner this should be about a billion okay it was pretty good we didn't have the adjacency we needed for wild card no suns this this is uh by the way i i can't believe the the thief has still not hit the banana peel [Music] lucky capsule is like the most important thing you could ever get just give me another son man another son which incredible i mean you know i i'm actually looking at this and i'm like the witch is not something we've been asking for but she will double the value of the cats you don't think so you don't you don't think that's a play she'll get zara off yeah we don't have zara off though he doesn't exist it's too wide okay if you if you say it's too wide i mean we got the luxury like right now everything is gonna look like the right decision because we're you know we we're not gonna face danger for quite some time still don't want a mega chest i gotta be honest i'm not even sure we want a cat although with rusty gear which we do have i am looking at like the possibility of that i'd skip it man skip it no no no skip it skip we're skipping it's all about suns i got to keep reminding myself it's all about suns [Music] diamond hands yeah exactly diamond hands okay we we bled out this other tomb just a matter of time we are we are creating too many bees it's lucky it's always been lucky capsule [Music] uh excuse me oh no we didn't actually spin we didn't spin the capsule yet i was like where's my rare dude dude where's my rare i i do like we got an adjacency chain here look you're not wrong we got a lot of bees going on we want to see this is item or uh or it is item son of a gun where's our lucky capsule man 6 500 no problem 7 000. oh that's huge that's huge man all right um bears give two two more okay what did we get we got a re-roll all right all right so another sun is gonna benefit us quite a lot there's our lucky capsule i'm begging you man i'm begging you for azar off oh these arrows though no suns is gonna be a little underwhelming but 256 is still pretty okay no we don't want to see don't don't make me laugh oh good the bartender is going to pay out with twice as much incredible big spins big spins really big really big spins [Music] it's not that good this is a four sun marty this is potentially incredible it didn't hit any of the flowers with the golden arrow but there's still this is a big one five thousand we got five thousand out of a single uh out of a single flower now this is why the suns are so much more valuable than just taking one more cat i think we got a three son marty still pretty good just just waiting on a oh we got rid of the honey let's go we got a cat adjacency oh now this is what we needed okay we created some space on the board we're getting the kind of stuff we're looking for it's only one sun but we got some cats next to it and it's gonna hit the bronze arrow hit the flower all right not spectacular at all not spectacular at all honestly but but it's all about suns the more suns we see the happier we are still looking at zara off though [Music] we skip that's a heavy skip energy yeah the variance is nuts this is like the least consistent run i've ever had but also the best i think this one's gonna be pretty good i don't think the arrow pierces hold on i've been under the assumption no symbols that are pointed to does it yeah i think i think it pierces yeah yeah symbols that are pointed to three suns it's gonna be a good flower but no other multiples only gold does i don't think that's the truth though uh it snows are off so this is a heavy skip um we can't take compost so we'll just take oswald the monkey yeah i don't even get excited for a thousand anymore i don't even get out of bed for less than less than 5k like 2800 okay this is good we got three suns two flowers not a good spin great spin great spin this cat is about to go to the freaking moon not bad 6300 i can live with that it's it's all hey three sons and a flower oh the thief died to the banana peel let's go we made space okay that was not a great role actually but we made space space means more suns consistently in the future now we just need zaroff you know if we can get the dwarf to drink the beer that would be nice too you know what you're right i think we should stop taking item capsule it could ruin our run if it gives us compost heap it didn't thankfully but [Music] that was pretty good there's a 10 000 roll lucky capsule though we take for sure still we got a long way to go to a million but it's doubling you know like the more doubles we add the faster we get to that million so 124 to a million like okay it's a little further away than i thought it was gonna be but it's not as far away as i think it looks three suns three flowers this is not so bad this flower is going to be pretty nice yeah just a 12 000 point flower this one's gonna be a bit of a sleeper i don't know these these cats might pay out quite decently but we'll see a thousand who one son one son we just we skip nobody cares about one son this that's the lucky capsule to give us uh to give us a czar off [Music] i hate you i hate you why did you take the fish well we have fish bowl like i guess at this point it's pretty unlikely to matter when you got 88 000 dollars in the bank you know adding one per turn but you know it's the principle it's the principle of the thing king midas poggy just kidding i don't even want that silver arrow man um you know what give me some pool balls this is asleep one sun sleeper little one sun sleeper [Music] the variance is crazy that was a 200 point spin and then this one because it it's all down to this arrow three suns a beautiful flower two cats surrounding it it didn't hit otherwise that would have been amazing but this is still pretty good yeah yeah it's still really good um it's an obvious skip i don't even know why i thought about it one son we sleep i'm telling you we're gonna get to a million it's crazy because our net worth is only 102 000 right now we're gonna get to that million man well i like that you hit the flower which is going to make the cat that much better as well but no sun pay out here equals 92 spin wow that's that's sad man oh two sons uh and this flower but then the cat's gonna get a nice little bonus off that yeah that's not so bad another thousand are you trying to eat drink the beer let's go he drank the other beer are you trying to get to a million net worth or a million spin i'm being straight up with you i'm setting my my sights for the heavens right now i'm going for that million point spin and it's still pretty good here this cat is gonna pay out like crazy not that's not that incredible but um buffing capsule will help maybe but watch out for fishbowl it can overfill okay you know what i want to examine this uh it cannot overfill can't can't seem doesn't seem like it overfills put all fish in this item doesn't uh that's you're thinking of the egg carton i think the egg carton overfills now you're adjacent here hold on this this cat's going to pay out man for 90. it's going to pay off for 90. it was i did you didn't let me finish my sentence we got three arrows two sons is not great but three arrows come on bronze bronze give me a give me a straight down at least you hit the cat the cat's gonna get a nice bonus there it's pretty good 3 000 point cat we had no flowers we just rolled the 57. quite quite a ways away from a million i'm losing my mind [Laughter] i'm losing it man i just need a single czar off [Music] lucky is exactly what we want one of these days he's gonna show up man one of these days he's gonna show up okay that was pretty good three sons some good flowers [Music] not a bad roll uh oh you know what i was again i was gonna be mad then i realized i don't think we got our capsule yet but is this the guy from avatar the last airbender we got some extra honey we'd like to dump as well two suns this flower is going to get pretty juiced which is going to make this cat pretty juicy as well 1200 is not too bad haggis mcgee thank you for the gifted subscriptions dodged make sure to type dodged in chat if you dodge the the gifted subscriptions okay great arrow look at that i skip man i skip one son at least do me the service of like hitting a flower or a cat okay you hit this flower i can live with that what does zaroff do he will destroy all uh living things i dude i'm taking a cat at this point i hate to do it but he will destroy living things on the board i think maybe just human beings um which is good for us because we we don't want cultists dwarves farmers or bartenders in this deck anymore or miss fruit if we can get rid of those we're going to get more suns we're going to get more suns we're going to multiply the amount of gold we're earning by like a staggering amount remember every doubling is is insane you know when you double one to two it's not that big of a deal but when you double you know 500 000 to a million then we're talking you i saw the soul patch and i thought to myself self i thought we had a chance there what's the synergy with cats and flowers cats because of an item we have right now cats are wild cards which means that they uh do they they generate as much income as the most valuable slot they're adjacent to um they'll take another sun no doubt um and then they also get 3x whatever that is so we are we are on our way to set like this look watch this cat right here it'll do 3x what that does it's only 1500 but when it starts going off let's set a new record with this buffing capsule okay record not even close to being achieved but that's okay it's so it's just a matter of time come on gold arrow spin into the flower oh it did i don't think it hit the other one but still that's a good spin that's a good spin 7 900 i can live with you know at some point we're gonna get a what's a five sun it's a five sun flower if only our cats were adjacent uh that one somehow got eighteen thousand i'll take it that's the kind of energy we're looking for 31 000 spin okay we're getting we're getting close to that that milly if you don't think about it too hard three suns and three arrows that's a a huge whiff that's it that those are both pretty good this flower will be pretty nice yeah man just give me a protractor or something i don't know why like how do i get rare items i guess we could somehow get if we get ramen then we could skip the turn before rent and we could uh oh 50 000 point spin we could skip the turn before oh that's comfy pillow get comfy pillow skip the turn before rent guaranteed rare item we're getting there he's taking his sweet time honestly i'm stoked that it's taking this long for zara to show up because we we got like a nice proof of concept on this one we need to not get pool balls as our only choice though that's that's the most important thing i thought that's been sucked and it generated uh 7 000 for us like three flowers all cats adjacent to flowers as well oh man it's still really good 9 000. yeah i can i'm good for it 9 500 next i'll tell you what we'll take another sun take a pool ball oh yeah and rusty gear cats i forgot about that this having some value it comes down to the the arrows the arrows have let me down miserably it's a good point if you take the time machine then you could at least take it out of the pool so you might be more likely to get other stuff later that's that's fair actually so this this these cats are gonna do some incredible things here not quite rusty gear level but still still quite good honestly this turn is is better than it looks you hit a flower that's what you'd love to see we'd like this to hit this flower or this any of these actually would be fine okay sure yeah this is not so bad it's another 12 000. literally paying the rent um even though it's not the payout we're looking for it's just man we're getting so flooded with freaking bees here at this point i just want just want these tsar obs out [Music] i want the tsar off in so i can get the the enemy units out i think after this rand i might just we're gonna move um uh rich man 10 off the docket just because this might take us another hour until we get to valheim um but i i believe in the pursuit of this outrageous goal um but i'll take a little bathroom break after this uh rent here because i'm like i'm i've been holding it in i've been squirming in my chair for a little bit i'm not sure if you notice but it's it's got to be done so you know what you do you want to get two for the price of one you want some synergies [Music] if you already gotta pee you might as well drink water before you go to the bathroom so you get it all out genius oh you doubled the flower it's 5x the flower ah it's not that special three sons cats are adjacent no rusted gear on the cats let me like there's a flow chart for what we need in order to get to one million what's the flow chart all the suns [Music] three cats all adjacent to flowers all adjacent to each other so you can get rusty gear anyway i'm gonna i'm just gonna put up my overlay i'll be back in just a moment um don't don't go anywhere all right i am back and and motivated and and feeling good hydrated let's send it over here hope i don't zar off couldn't agree more uh 9 500 oh is that all how much could a banana cost michael a hundred dollars wait i think she says ten dollars it's been a bit it's been a bit i just matched with zara off on tinder wait a minute that means he's in town that means he's gonna be in town sorry just a little just a little lip balm just a little lip balm uh skip you know what we're taking quigley now because we we got to get our uh we got to get uncommons out of the pool we got a whole flow chart for those of you just joining us we're trying to get to a 1 million dollar spin we got a ways to go because we're only at 250 000 net worth but we've had some 30 thousands and this is not a deck where you scale like a little line up every sun that we add doubles our power in my opinion every uh every zaroff you add 10 trillion eyes is your power because it kills all these uh useless uh jobs we don't need right now like this spin nine nine thousand eight hundred oh sorry uh i sleep ice oh it's a five spin marty okay then bad bad but still this cat is gonna be at like is it made nine thousand by itself okay and we're gonna we're gonna skip here we got four four son marty is not so bad we got one flower we needed this to pop the cat's gonna pop oh my god is a fifteen thousand dollar cat nothing wrong with that so cats are paying out because we have um we have wild cat or whatever it's called so the cats are all wild cards which means they do they generate as much money as the next most valuable tile they're adjacent to which could be each other in this case and then they also get tripled after that because we have copycat i think it's called and then the arrows can make them go like one level beyond that as well [Music] 384 we sleep we always take a goldfish though take a goldfish just for luck two sons two sons is is heavy sleep energy heavy sleep energy [Music] 964 resident sleeper we don't need more flowers flowers are they were great up to a point but we need suns now we need sons and we need generals are off hey gaara of the funk three thank you for the gifted subs as well dodged in chat dodged it's a heavy skip so they're they're charging us 10 000 for this next one now this is a rusty gear situation please just hit all cat oh my lord okay it's not going to be amazing but it's going to be really good [Music] there's a 25 000 spin okay now 10 500 i think i can do it i know i know we're like we we had the opportunity to take which before i'm saying no to which because the scaling is not what we're looking for there we're looking for scaling via suns we're looking for scaling via clearing out our board a little bit really like we we we don't need more flowers because one flower with the adjacencies that we can generate can uh can enable all of our other synergies on the board but we have more than one flower because you know i mean to some i don't want to say to some extent the more the merrier but you know it's nice to have some redundancy i suppose well the flower is going to get doubled that's that's kind of nice but this is still a pretty snooze roll never mind it generated 24 000 by itself um that's that's pretty good all right we got we got a tucson marty we got a cat that's adjacent we want these arrows to hit the cat or the or this flower well mission failed but it's still gonna be a pretty good cat i think never mind no more flowers please four suns and a flower that's adjacent to a single cat this is good stuff this cat's gonna be good no arrows it's not gonna go too far but it's still gonna be pretty solid that flower is 5 000 man again clearly i don't really understand uh why this run works but it works like this one looks middling to me yeah there you go that's middling i'll i'll give it a every time man this one looks bad i'm gonna i'm gonna call this one as an under uh under 1000 correct we want bees around flowers we got a tucson bee rain farmer two cat run i'm going to say that this is going to be 3 000. not even close off by basically a factor of well 100 percent don't even know how to look at this one i don't know man at this point i'm just hitting the button how close are we to paying our next rent one okay so zara off he's gonna he's gonna have two chances to show up here is this is pretty good this is pretty good this is pretty good actually too but and you know this is pretty good which means these are great wrong zaroff please eleven thousand i think i'm good for it this is this is not what we need we don't need a chef or a diver okay at this point yeah it's just insulting wait hold on five sons oh but no it's just five sons six thousand snooze i snooze four sons cat's still not gonna get adjacent to anything special here i sleep we don't want the arrow five sons a beautiful flower cats that are not adjacent unfortunately but still that's a 37 000 point flower it's a freaking black lotus holy bursh okay lucky capsule i'm begging you i'm begging you for this lucky capsule nose are off those are off i sleep and i spin i say oh hold on four suns but no flowers okay that's a new one four suns and a series of beautiful flowers that will hit rusty gear and will also they had a chance to get hit by the arrow and then this one's going to get freaking doubled by the farmer too as a 65 000 spin now we're talking now we're talking 65 000 we're only a few doublings away from a million now [Music] i'll take another cat i know we're pushing the suns out but we're also pushing the bees out [Music] god protractor would hit the spot right now protractors are off three suns decent decent flowers all cats are adjacent to some flowers but sadly not adjacent enough to each other for rusted gear it's still pretty good well absolutely we'll take another son [Music] eleven thousand is no problem it's just staggering it's just it's just staggering the amount of rares that have had a chance to show up and yet choose not to we are getting breakfasted here that's that's an isaac term where's the rare items where is the where's the lamb sauce sharon sharon he's gonna show up how much do you want to call it like he shows up right now right after this spin wouldn't that be incredible if he shows up right now i don't care i'll i'll drop i'll drop 50 gift subs oh well uh excuse me this is a six sun flower unfortunately the cat is not adjacent but still that's a 125 000 point flower the rest of the spin was a hundred points the flower was a hundred and twenty five thousand hold on we got a a five sun flower with rusty gear cats adjacent that was a 300 000 point spin we're right in there we're right in it's just you just gotta get the right the right kind of roll and it's all coming together i told you 65 000 it's close man that's i mean buffing could get you there it's not on this one because we got we don't have the adjacencies we want but it's worth trying it's still really good keep keep it moving man if you get if you get the right combination and you oh he's he's gonna be freaking wasted man flowers are gonna rust and then they're gonna hit this cat that's not that good at all i'm not taking hustling come on like we got four sons a beautiful flower and some cats adjacent it's not gonna be quite it's not gonna be quite there but it's still good it's a hundred thousand roll not so bad how did this even happen it's just you got to believe in the heart of the cards that's it it's not really a good buffing capsule this this this will be like a middling spin i think we just crossed a million the bank that's exciting that's exciting rent is due that's no problem we'll take it [Laughter] i was like we'll take another sun look the sun is great but he finally showed up he's he just taking this is going to make all of our other sons so much more likely to show up um we actually don't want fertilizer i think um and we'll take looting glove just to just to mill the pool a bit all right zara miss fruit you've been living here rent-free generating nothing for us four coins a spin i don't think so he's like oh did i did i miss something okay we we need him to we bear to take out honey and we need zaroff to take out farmers and cultists that's the next step hey binary storm thank you as well for the gifted subscriptions thank you no zar off we got a lot of symbols in our deck right now it it's gonna take maybe a few rent cycles for this one which is what i call months is gonna take a few rent cycles for this one to to really percolate out i think these these flowers are gonna pop with rusted gear for sure though yo and omega newt thank you for the gifted subs as well thank you not bad hustling absolutely not zaroff he's gonna kill a cultist at least let's go okay that's that's not bad you know slow and steady wins the race i love the sound it makes when he when he ends the man's life as well it's a heavy skip we got four suns good flowers but no cat adjacency this one's not gonna be as good as it looks i think but these are gonna do some numbers but oh they have they do have adjacency my mistake it's another snoozer but that's okay just takes time yeah we need i don't know what we're gonna do about these bees like i mean i guess what we're gonna do is just accept that the bees are gonna fill the deck but it doesn't really matter that much as long as we still get like you know one flower that pays out very well i mean the bee's double the flower as well so it's not all bad i mean i wouldn't add an extra one but it's a six sun flower cat build this flower is not that amazing because it only gets doubled once by the b but then i got hit by this and this cat is gonna go to the freaking moon okay that was a 450 000 spin we're mighty close we are mighty close to that million we're not that's not halfway there that's like it's like 98 of the way there yo hello dan how you doing thanks for the raid um we broke in the game our our our whole goal right now is just to hit one million in a single spin and and we're getting mighty close listen to this oh the sweetest sound the sweetest sound in the entire game a 50 000 point spin i sleep i sleep on that here's what you do you get five of these you got a flower in the corner it's going to get quite nice here and then it's also going to spread the adjacency as such and then we're going to get another sun to add to the deck that was a 150 by itself they didn't give us the symbol i wanted but that was it was still pretty good zaroff i hate when i see you in the corner man i hate to see you go but i love to watch you leave even that six thousand like come on i sleep this is another sleeper roll another tsar off in the corner come on once we get protractor yo yeah that's protractors are off is like when you get the infinity glove on thanos oh you always take a goldfish well it's gonna be a five sun beautiful cat but it i don't think it's cool i think it's gonna be this one that's gonna get like the the most benefit because of the farmer but i don't think we're quite gonna get like you know half a milli here this cat's gonna be real good though oh that flower was even better martini omelette rabbit no thank you what is this the the code word to activate the winter soldier zara off again misses everything we need but it's just a matter of time it's just a matter of time i actually at this point i find it more exciting when we get the single digit or the the triple digit rolls let's go he's been in the deck since like he was the first symbol we took i think get him out of there more space for suns and bees [Music] a little triple digit but that's fine because we made space oh five suns beautiful flower five suns beautiful flower and that's okay and this cat's gonna get hit by that that first arrow spin twenty eight thousand i sleep this is weird right like i don't really think we want another wild card to be honest with you i think we're just happy to we would rather have cats because they make rusted gear work more that's that's a skip tried to trick us let's go okay here we go i mean forget a 1 million spin like we should start getting ready for a 10 million spin he oh i thought he could kill the bear kill streak saddle up [Music] it's my triple collateral on free for all we don't need another tsar off oh dude pool ball just what i wanted this is a sleeper it's a bit of a sleeper [Music] what happened to dada oh he's still spinning honey cats are close man like they're close i think we we need a little bit like we need zaroff to finish his you know reign of terror and then we could take cats afterwards if we want to because they show up at the common level to begin with um and we really want more suns we want more suns that's what it's all about sun's they're just so much better yeah 186 000 heavy sleep energy five suns flowers that are going to get duplicated no wild card enabling though come on but give me a diagonal bottom left diagonal bottom left diagonal an attempt was made this is still going to be a good role yeah never mind 31 000 uh hey be yourself in chat please be yourself thank you thank you for the be yourselves the bees are outpacing our sons right now there's nothing we can do about bees though unless we get like a re-roll item or a re-spin item or a i don't know this one hey rusty gear leading to this cat getting a beautiful four sunflower synergy here it's not gonna be amazing but it's gonna it's gonna it's gonna get you out of bed in the morning yeah a little 40 000 point flower another goldfish hey it it it adds up oh dude protractor is what it's all about right now if we could just get zaroff protractor man that would be the that'd be the ticket [Music] 436 good one lucky it's like the most valuable item we could get at this point is lucky capsule okay this flower into this cat is gonna be pretty good [Music] always every time dame strawberry dame strawberry [Music] i mean we're not at risk like pretty much every rent we're paying we're getting it in like a single turn um i'll take a pool ball please yes heavy sleeps heavy sleeps let me look at my inventory real quick how many bees do we have 12. it's a lot but they're only one and a half times more likely to show up than suns right now which is what will really irritate you on a turn like this where they you got six bees and or seven bees and no suns but on the bright side we did destroy another unit there which is very good we still have a bartender that needs to go no we're gonna get to a million it just it takes a little variance and it's gonna take a little patience we can't i i hate to do this we for real we can't take midas bomb you don't choose where to place it it spins into something it could destroy all of our suns we can't do it it can't be done i'm sorry it can't be done if we get swap or reroll i would love to take midas bomb if we get swap or reroll i would totally take midas bomb for now it can't be done that's a that's a maybe item i don't like this it's mathematic yeah i'm not oh look at this that's what we're looking for right there i'm not even concerned about people who are like you know i you should have taken it i'm like you were you're just wrong you can be wrong and very confident it's called being a politician hello um now we're talking six sons a beautiful flower doubling a nice cat these cats are adjacent as well this will not break a million in my world but it will it will do very well [Music] 375 thousand i can get down with that we got four sons the cats are getting doubled this flower's going to be incredible and then we're looking for more uh more hits with this arrow oh this i you you're going to laugh i feel like this could do it despite the low suns no not even close wait was that 700 000 that was 737 000 okay we were we were one doubling off less than one doubling but everything that we do right now doubles so we were we were in there that was with with the benefit of great arrows though uh that was lucky capsule okay okay okay okay another pretty good roll king might just get out of my face man is five spins great flower two good cats i'm gonna predict this is about a hundred thousand [Music] is that eight hundred thousand oh it was six suns it was six suns okay 875. we're getting there this this one probably not we're so close though like i think one more sun in the deck like is all it takes [Music] 14 000 i can what did i tell you what did i tell you dude forget forget 1 million we're going for 10 million now these flowers are doing great work i don't i don't think we have the kind of duplication we're going to need on the on the wild cards but heavy sleeper heavy sleeper so like i can't even tell what these numbers are anymore this one is going to be very close six suns uh incredible flower and then a rusty gear wild card ladies and gentlemen um am i insane was that 18 million or was that 1.8 i thought it was 18. i get can i get a clip on that one i i thought it was eight it went by pretty quick i thought it was 18. that was 18 million okay yeah i was here in the chat but but check this out i mean yeah we could just do it this way you know what we have 23 million 326 651 that was definitely 18 million multifunctional thank you for the gifted subs but we got 29 minutes till we're doing some valheim multiplayer so you know the quest for a 100 million dollar spin and then you go to twitter and you go you just give it a second scratch that we're gunning for a 100 million dollar spin and i i don't i don't see this run descaling i i like it's i don't think it could happen d lamp thank you for the the gifted subscriptions as well and monster hunter stevie thank you appreciate the all the support and we will skip on this one you remember when we were trying to set a uh a record of like thousand per spin like we we have changed like like life is in a different stratosphere now remember when there were doubters on this run oh man [Music] remember doubters hi i'm kyle thank you as well thank you we've still got such incredible variance on this run too like it's so good sometimes it's just like 2 000 and sometimes it's like 18 million no big deal every sun that we get is like you know we move up like i think we're at the point you know like that uh hey would would you rather get a hundred dollars right now or like a penny every day but it doubles every day for a month and then like by by september 30th they like uh you know you're giving out like more than the gdp of the entire world that's where we're at right now like every extra double is gonna like we're going to the stratosphere man birds knees backwards thank you as well and and there was another one i missed because it went by really fast and i apologize but dodged dodged four sons we sleep until we see um until we see five to seven sons we we don't even pay attention we don't even pay attention yet thirty seven thousand is worthless these cats are gonna be good except none of them are adjacent to flowers man none of them are adjacent to flowers samurai l-a-l-c thank you as well wealthy capsule like you gotta be joking we got cats adjacent to flowers but we got one son i sleep even if it gets doubled we sleep and yeah why are you still alive we need zara should have taken care of you heavy skip energy oh hold on though booster pack and now misha thank you as well thank you we don't want any of this we don't want any of that fish is 10 out of 10. we don't want any of this we don't want any of that sadly we don't want um [Music] no we still don't want any of this he does he doubles the cats but it's we're not all about that we're not all about that it's all because suns go like 5x or so like i think the path kit 30 thank you as well the path is let's go the farmer's dead suns make flowers better and nick goes click thank you as well suns make farmers better no sorry suns make flowers better which also bees and rain does um then the flowers make the cats better and then the cats get 3x and then the arrows come in as well and the rusted gears and and the so on in the in the in the who's it's in the wetsuit evan benz thank you this is a big one this is a big one five suns rusty gear flowers and then a cat adjacent to each one this could be a million this could be one million [Music] four hundred thousand okay so i was off by a doubling that's as close as you can get in in the modern era it's another pretty good one rusty gear flowers five suns that just got i think 5xed and then we want a diagonal or an up diagonal or an up diagonal or up please come on take your time diagonal or up that's good this is a good one um that was 1.8 million okay thank you thank you because i was doing the mad dog we're at 25 million so that was 1.8 sleep i sleep 1.8 i sleep all gyros thank you as well thank you what happens if you get to a buffer overflow yeah i need some commas i don't know it takes me too long to parse the numbers but i would argue that's probably a personal problem it's you know what it is it's all the it's the pool balls and the uh and the goldfish it's all pool balls and goldfish [Music] heavy skip i mean we could just make a macro that plays the game for us at this point it's a pretty simple flow chart like all week oh let's go thank you all we consider taking our uh sons and then like non-common items okay four sons that's not it's not all that in a bag of potato chips this flower is going to be nice for these three cats but it's not that amazing yo samurai thank you thank you again and this i guess we could take another czar off yeah azar off to destroy azar off i use the zaroff to destroy the zaroff big whoop sixteen thousand even mega chess the fact that mega chess gives like a hundred is actually insulting what am i gonna do with a hundred dollars pay my rent i'm trying to like you know colonize mars right now i was gone for five minutes what happened we we had a miracle uh 18 million spin and then another 1.8 soon after that we get 8 000. like what a what a freaking ripoff man um again these are slaps in the face uh big cymbal bomb though we skip we skip we skip and we skip okay spin four sons rusty gears cats are adjacent i'm calling this is a 200 000 200 000 not even close 85 000. woof this one's not even close man we just need protract protractor a seconds are off more suns protractor a second gar off uh gar up seconds are off more suns we don't need more rains the bees are getting a little out of control for sure but there's nothing we can really do about that you just gotta embrace it isn't gar off a guy from like um mass effect because doris was neither alien everyone everybody wanted to jump his uh his scales i remember i played mass effect 2 on the stream i remember that it was a long time ago but i i seen many sons but i see no cats adjacent unfortunately it's going to be a great flower i mean there's a hundred thousand dollar flower it's like we're in the netherlands in the tulip boom we got some rusty gears with some good spins there could there be something here [Music] 24 000 come on give me item um how many pool balls do you have we have 14 pool balls and we got uh we got 13 bees which is actually not that bad since the last time we checked we had one we've gotten one more b and one more uh sun which is a ratio i could live with this video is going to the moon oh thank you daniel thank you you know it's funny like i i didn't really know what to play this morning but i was like ah you know we could always play some luck be a landlord it's fun and then also like on um you know on youtube i think i'm i'm kind of out of videos and then you know every once in a while you just have a two and a half hour long run that breaks the game and the numbers go up it's a seven sun marty 515 000 what a rip dude what a rip half a million heavy sleeper hey tomorrow [Music] 27 000 still nothing to write home about like we really don't need more um anything we the only thing we even need to pay attention to is when we get uh the rare uh at the end of paying a rent and the uh and the the item at the end of paying rent there's 15 grand i mean we we can't lose it's at this po come on man what a rip-off oh my god [Laughter] i feel like i would i would pay off like 10 rents at the same time just to skip the rolls here and get the chance to get the rewards 3 32. three sons again we don't we don't care too much we love when the honey gets destroyed by the bear not for the money but for the space [Music] huss i mean hustling capsule the thing is it would give you one more in the future but it's it takes up a space on the board that could literally be a cat that generates like a million points by itself so i think you can just chill when are you cracking that piggy bank i don't know when i need it you know no more flowers the flowers are not the meat and potatoes you know the meat and potatoes are sons did i miss the one million spin uh here's what i'll say you missed the first one million point spin but we gotta wait you there's even more coming out i wouldn't worry about it just yet [Music] five suns oh my the bees are too much man the bees are too much [Music] that one will hurt if if some of those bees had been cats we'd be sitting [Music] pretty i'm just begging you for we we've only got like 15 minutes left or 17 minutes just give me protractor that's that's it that's the last thing i've been fishing for for for an hour it's been zara off and protractor we've had protractor or we've had zaroff show up we just need the protractor now this is six sun six sun and then this one is gonna have uh a beautiful adjacency bonus to the flower this one's going to have a beautiful adjacency bonus to this flower [Music] i think it was a 1.2 million again i i sleep it's an is another five sun and then a nice flower with the nice cat this one could be it's not going to be over a million i think this one will probably be like like 250. [Music] pretty close for once i was pretty close on that one please please please please the the pool balls are getting insulting [Laughter] there's so many other relics that are still in the game little sick sun flower [Music] buffing all we if you get a beautiful buffing capsule oh my god we have so many suns but no flowers this one would have been pretty sick um i'm still taking item capsules i think there's no item capsule or no items left in the game at the common level except for uh pool balls but i don't know let's find out [Music] lucky is exactly what we need more suns please more suns [Music] you're gonna you're gonna make me do something i regret you're gonna make me take a witch so that i can double the cats and i i don't want to i really don't want to but if if something has to be done then it has to be done that was a 100 000 flower midas bomb we still we we can't take midas bomb yet because the risk of it blowing up our suns is too much if we get swap we can take midas or we could take hex of destruction and we can move some stuff around but but for the time being we we have to be a little patient unfortunately [Music] nothing man just keep it moving just keep it moving buffing buffing it this needs to hit a flower for it to be relevant or well it needs to be a flower or a cat i guess all right 25 000 also known as resident sleeper four sons good adjacency bonus on the flowers a great cat this is probably looking at like 50 000. [Music] he's starting to learn he's starting to learn no beehive please let's go no beehive it's a shame this this is gonna generate some good stuff for us with rusty gear but we're not there yet yeah let's see we needed a few more doublings um okay please archaeologist destroys oars it's not good enough additional item after each rent payment now we're talking what's the closest to 1 million he's gotten he doesn't know he doesn't know yeah i'm very excited to get two pool balls coming right up who's gonna tell him he lacks critical information [Music] i apologize on the youtube end too because like all of the commentary for this video is just me being wrong about the value of symbols and then also whenever i lose my train of thought going [Music] but you know what it is what it is come by it honestly feeling a little mind flooded right now with the with the game for sure but we can still get there we these bees are cheesing me off that's for sure [Music] i think we either made bees or honey there we're starting to like peak and come down which is scary for me but now that we can get two items uh from each rent i'm hoping that we can get uh a protractor a little faster or you know like i mean more suns is is also the meat and potatoes you know as we've said many a time this see we got great sons flowers are fine but no cats and no cats is is not gonna make it possible i'm here to be a part of history well thank you i appreciate it 187 000 dude we we take a czar off to destroy the others are off it'll it'll take a while but yeah we can do that because there can be only one precisely it's like the fact that they keep giving me bees is just insulting at this point this one also has no chance to pay out um but i'm telling you the the double items there's a couple of things we're looking for okay like one of the things we're looking for now because like it's opened up to us if we could get um comfy pillow the item always take fish the item that allows you to skip the roll just before rent to get rare items combined with ramen for getting two items after you pay rent we could start to maybe get something cruising here that was not a bad roll that was not a bad roll 1.2 million you can if you weren't here for the first one you could say i was here you know you weren't here for the original but you could be here for that hey the zara funeral i will pay you and then we need sons those are not even close to good enough first pool ball second pool ball you know we joked about it and then it happened there's many sons it's seven sons but without any tripled cats i don't see this one coming to pass unfortunately still over a million but we don't even we don't talk about over a million anymore what is what a snooze man four sons with uh rusty gear cats this one will probably be nice wrong five suns and this flower's gonna get popped with the arrow which is very nice for this cat as well and then down please you're lucky you're lucky yo eleven thousand viewers yell at everybody to follow i swear i i always tell chad to keep me honest because you know i when i when i say i want them to do something or i want them to remind me of something they don't forget yeah please uh if you're new to the stream click the follow button i am live uh every day but saturday in this corridor 11 a.m pacific to 4pm pacific um and uh play all sorts of games the variety i i don't know if i officially play the most games of any other streamer on twitch but we we play i would say somewhere in the vicinity of 40 to 60 different games a month it's crazy it's out of control yeah but if you're a big fan of death stranding don't join right now it's it's at a local minimum for now [Music] but i appreciate it thank you [Music] seventy-seven thousand come on man well i don't even want an item oh we should take the cat i've only got seven minutes man i don't know dude could i return to this i don't know if i could return to this so i mean i'm sure they have a save but i just i don't know if i'll know what it what it feels like tomorrow to try to play this again i i all of a sudden i i understand the appeal of an idol game [Music] that's a heavy skip man we got another couple rents going for sure no i'm not going to skip valheim i've been looking forward to dadheim like all week instead if you you should all stick around for valheim it's a little bit less like dopamine and a little bit more like serotonin but it's just a bunch of canadian dads you know fighting big old trolls and stuff like that highly highly recommended i hate that that beehive just got yet another payout hundred thousand this is this is big this is what it's all about this is why we sit here sadly the moon is not good um but it's it's close to being good okay you know what we're taking the uncommon we're taking on commons to get them out of our feed okay at least it's something let me just go to the discord conversation really quick here hold on let's go i will be there in five minutes yo dr dan thank you for the gift subscriptions as well um i thought it was dr danks at first let's go i'll be there in five minutes just lost in the sauce right now okay i don't want the flour like i don't know man like i still we need more suns the solution is not adding more stuff to the deck unless the stuff is the exact payout enablers we want [Music] if and what i'm excited about no no no no what i'm excited about is that we can get items that broaden the horizons for what we can then take i still don't think we take another cat either i think we're good on cats we're trying to maintain a balance i know we got a lot of bees the problem is i think you're going to be like oh then you got to add more flowers to canner counteract the bees and then you got to add more cats to counteract the the bees as well yeah but then we don't have any freaking then the sun is even less likely to show up and if the sun doesn't show up we lose everything like the whole thing falls apart we got a great uh this flower is pretty good and then we got a nice rusty gear cat set up here [Music] 100 000 could be worse protractor swap reroll midas bomb there's chances there's chances you need more cats to pump up your sun chances that's not how it works for the cats don't unless i'm wrong the cats don't duplicate the effect of the sun they only duplicate the value which is why we want them to work with flowers oh i see what you're saying take more cats it synergizes with lucky cat we're more likely to get rares we're more likely to get suns air go okay okay i understand okay i i could be persuaded there i could be persuaded there these are these are skips and sleeps because we're kind of we're we're tailing off a little bit here [Music] 200 thousand okay pay you just pay this is for all the marbles this is not what we want okay sure thank you for the pool ball we will take a barrel of dwarves and this will probably be our last rent cycle maybe i could sneak in one more just a wafer thin um rent cycle if this goes fast enough yeah devs if you could uh patch in a way to murder bees immediately like like a hotfix while the can you inject the code while the while the exe is running [Music] that that's what i need right now in order to get myself out of this jam you need to add an anteater or something i know it's not called a bee eater but like i'm pretty sure that they still you know they probably eat bees they're not picky how picky could they be they live in like the desert always take fish [Music] 35 000 come on lucky capsule though lucky capsule is extremely good [Music] i do think i hear a cat throwing up unfortunately it's all right we'll deal with that after we get out of here five more spins okay lucky capsule this is gonna have to be it for sure like it's not gonna be this roll obviously but it's gonna have to be this rent payout that gives us the the enablers we need golden egg there was a time there was a time where three on the board was just nice [Music] nowadays it's it's not even close it's actually like offensive okay if you could hit this mission heavily failed so we we just passed the time the bees are a little out of control we might have peaked this flower is really good it's only two suns though i'm telling you man this freaking okay buffing capsule and a great spin it it's gonna hit this flower which is gonna hit this cat then we need you to hit this flower as well son of a what's the biggest spin so far uh 18 million so when they ask us for 18 000 that's not much of a problem we can't literally we can't take compost all right i think that's gonna do it for now i can just let me drop a slash marker in chat here slash marker legendary uh buffer overflow run we'll be back
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 549,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: 3pcqwhQFEoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 48sec (8808 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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