A Cry In desperation

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] Oh ah [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] Oh you you [Music] [Applause] and Lord for your goodness and your mercy for your love and kindness that you have shown Torah we give you praise we honor you we worship we adore you we magnify you for thou art our Savior and our Redeemer yesterday that you wouldn't know these lips of clay we might speak as an Oracle of Christ and not just as a man she would hide us behind your glorious cross and cover us with your precious blood that allowing no flesh that glory in your sight will give you all the glory and the honor and take no credit to ourselves for anything that you do in Jesus name we ask these favors a man and a man you may be seated and the cruel mercy [Applause] Oh oh yeah if you would open your Bibles with me to the Gospel of Matthew chapter 14 and I would like for you to look with me verses 22 through 33 Matthew's Gospel chapter 14 if you have that say mind let's read it together and straightway Jesus constrains his disciples to get into a ship and to go before him unto the other side while he sent the multitudes away and when he had sent the multitudes away he went up into a mountain apart to pray and when the evening was come he was there alone but the ship was now in the midst of the sea tossed with waves for the wind was contrary and in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them walking on the sea and when the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were troubled saying it is a spirit and they cried out for fear but straightway Jesus spake unto them saying be of good cheer it is I be not afraid and Peter answered him and said lord if it be thou bid me come unto thee on the water and he said come and when Peter was come down out of the ship he walked on the water to go to Jesus but when he saw the wind boisterous he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried saying Lord that saved me and immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him and said unto Him all of our little faith wherefore did down out and when they will come into the ship the wind ceased then they that were in the ship came and worshiped him saying of a truth thou art the Son of God all right may the Lord had a blessing to the readers and hearers of his glorious word I want you especially to notice verse 30 but when he saw the wind boisterous he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried saying lord save me in cry in desperation god bless you such as here is the noted apostle peter and he is in a situation where he recognizes that salvation for him can come from only one source and that is from the Lord Jesus Christ now when we deal with the topic of salvation the statement Lord saved me initially we would think automatically of one being saved from sin but I believe that at this point the Lord Jesus has already forgiven the sins of Peter as he has forgiven the sins of all of those who would be his followers and that is always the first act of salvation that he would save his people from sin but salvation involves not only being saved from sin but we are constantly needing his help to be saved from various situations somebody that's in here this morning listening at me you need to be saved but your salvation is from the onslaught of a debilitating illness that has seized your body and you need God to save you from the ravages of that sickness illness or disease somebody else they are sinking with financial reverses one while you were walking upon the waters of your financial circumstances but some things are happening and now you see that whereas you used to could pay all of your bills and spend money for a few luxuries and have money left over now you find yourself at a point where just to be able to make ends meet is becoming difficult and you're crying out for God to save you from some financial reverses but regardless of what the situation is it is always admirable to recognize that your salvation will not come from any other source other than from Jesus Christ one of the old songs we used to sing when I was a youngster growing up with all that I need is in Jesus he satisfies joy he supplies life would be worthless without him all things and I know that sounds a little bit difficult to some folks how can you say that you can find all things in Christ but as you read God's glorious word you will find that this is exactly what the Bible teaches that you can not only find salvation in him but you can find healing in him Joe Rapha who is our brief physician you can also find that in his own words there in Matthew 6 and 33 he says seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and then all things all these things talking about material things will be added unto you in Philippians 4:19 the Apostle Paul says but my God shall supply ALL that little three-letter word that includes everything and excludes nothing my God shall supply all your needs according to what his riches in glory by Christ Jesus everything we need one of the worst mistakes that anybody can meet is to turn that back on Jesus oh my god I tell you that when you keep him in his rightful place I recall the story that they gave of a man who he was trying to get some things done and his little child was so busy and active and always getting in his way and so the man decided I know what I'll do I got this puzzle he'll have to spend some time working the puzzle so he gave the boy the puzzle knowing that was gonna keep him busy all the rest of the afternoon and he still probably wouldn't complete it in a few minutes the boy brought the puzzle back to him and said daddy it is hell in the world as complicated as this puzzle of how did you work it so fast he said well you see on the back of this puzzle that was a picture of Jesus and once I got Jesus together then everything else fell in place and you see when we can really give Jesus his proper place you don't have to worry everything else will fall in place let me just touch upon this story a little bit and then we go into the communion table I might deal with it a little more extensively at the eleven o'clock service but we find here that Peter has just along with the rest of the disciples completed a great task which I spoke with you about on last Sunday which was the feeding of the 5,000 men not counting the women or the children and Jesus at the end of this feeding he sent his disciples away he told them to go to the other side of the sea and he himself went up into a mountain by himself to pray now here Jesus is up in the mountain praying his disciples are on board the ship enroute to the other side but as it will happen when you are sailing upon life's trouble see you are going to encounter some storms they encounter the storm while enroute to the other side and what if Jesus doing he's up in the mountain praying he's praying and the church is in trouble he's in solitude and they are about to be swallowed up so they think now if they had really recognized to Jesus law they would not had any fear because he has said that go to the other side and you've got to understand that it doesn't matter how many tempestuous waves may come against you if Jesus said that you are going to the other side I gotta tell you you go make it to the other side winds may blow and wattles me - here may grip your heart but if the Lord said that your destination is the other side tell every demon get out of the way because the master said that I'm going to the other side no here they are in a storm while they are called in the storm the wind is blowing and the waters are dashing in the pole and Jesus is still up in the mountain praying now you got to understand that when they finished the world are feeding the multitude and sending them away it was still day probably mid-afternoon but we understand from the reading of the narrative that once they are in the ship and headed for the other side it's evening the shadows of Darkness are starting to loom and here they are in the first watch of the night the first watch of the night is between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. and here the storm sets in in the first watch of the night and Jesus didn't do a thing about it sometimes it looks like when your trouble first come on your heat doesn't do a thing about it the first watch of the night turned into the second watch 9 p.m. until midnight Jesus still didn't show up by this time you would imagine they're saying Lord how long am I going to have stay and do how long am I going to have to battle against this stone but the second watch gave way to the third watch from midnight until 3:00 a.m. and Jesus still didn't come to that rescue he's yet in the mountain but the one thing you have to understand is that when you read this story from all of the corresponding Gospels you'll get the impression that although Jesus is in the mountain and they are out in the midst of the sea he is somewhere in the mountain at a vantage point where he can see what's going on out in the middle of the sea and you got to understand that even though he might not have come to your rescue he is at a point when he is looking on and he is not ignorant of what you're going through oh I know you said that that nobody cares and that my friends have deceived me and my loved ones have left me and Here I am battling the odds of life by myself and looked like nobody care but I want you to know that Jesus is he's looking on I think you need to tell about three people around you you don't be discovered here looking at what's happening in your life oh that's the name of the Lord he was watching did not respond in the first watch he didn't come to see them in the second watch didn't even come in the third watch but the third watch turns into the fourth watch and the fourth watch of the night is from 3 a.m. under 6:00 a.m. when I'll just a little boy growing up I heard the old folks at a darkest hour is just the old the break of day and when the home that it's worse the wind had become bolster ascend the waters dashing in the boat looked like that was no hope and all of a sudden when the Hulk appears even the hope is scary for here come Jesus doing something that no man had ever been reported at doing here come Jesus doing something that no human is even expected to do he comes to them walking on the wild oh my god and now not only are they worn out from battling waves but now they absolutely scared I mean plain old scared they look up lended do you see do you see what I see is battle land around here that that must be ohokay I hate some y'all don't don't remember it but you know back in the day Deacon colons and others remember when we still had two newspapers and the commercial appeal had a character that was a cartoon character but he was supposed to be representative of a black man they called him hambone and and and hambone said one in one of those cartoon said some folks that ain't no hates but I saw something I really it and it won't bear it bits for me and I won't know [Applause] sometimes when the Lord sends you your help you get scared of your help [Applause] somebody shows up that that's able to help you in in the job while you're working and first thing you scared of oh they brought them in here to take my job sometime all God doing is giving you some help and you got to understand that that when God gives you anything you don't have to walk around in fear always afraid that if a thing is it's a gichun everything is gone now you down he comes back until after a while somebody's a little I recognized that form but that's not a disembodied spirit that's Jesus and when the disciples agreed Peter who was always a little bit skeptical and a little bit quick to speak he hollered out and said master if it's you didn't come to you walk it on the water now here is a bold statement Lord I know you can do it but if you can do it I know the power that you've got demonstrate some of that power and let me do what you do [Applause] these are said that if you believe on me the works that I do you do and you leave them do greater meaning you'll do more of what I'm doing but I can't be here long I'm going back to the Father but if you believe on me I'll let you do it and you'll do even greater you American and speaking Peter said let me come and look at what Jesus does he doesn't do anything but spread his word out like a magic carpet on the seat and simply says come some of us are waiting on the Lord to come down here and literally Griffith and with us over here and put us over there but he's given us something that's powerful enough for you to get the way ever you need to get he's given us him worry if you've got enough faith to step out on his word I declare you can walk in areas that seem to be impossible look at Peter he steps out of the boat I heard somebody said the boat represented the comfort zone even though they were in a storm we were still in a comfort zone sometime the Lord insists you got to get out of your comfort zone hallelujah he stepped out of his comfort zone and I don't believe that he really stepped on the wave I believe he stepped on the world Jesus said ha and I'm gonna stand on the way and he had two things in his favour he had his feet on the word and he had advised Planet on Jesus tell somebody picture I don't let your feet on the water and if possible things will become possible I'm gonna come back but but I got you've got to get that one look at some BOTS again and tell him keep your feet planted over words oh Jesus and even be impossible as long as he has eyes on Jesus and kept his feet on the word he was able to walk even with the ways jumping but see this is the nature of your enemy this is the nature of trouble it has a tendency to make you take your eyes off of Jesus the wind now it's been whipping it has been blowing evidently with a steady gait but all of a sudden Peter hears the whistling all of a sudden just the wind that must have been different to what he's been hearing all night and the Bible said when he saw the wind was Posterous in other words when the wind began the whip by is here he took his eye off Jesus and tried to look at the wind you got to watch him when people are telling you honey you can't do this you can't do that and here you are doing it all the time you can't support a family with that little bit of money and you've been doing it for so many years you can't do this and you can't do that and the next thing you know you start thinking about what they say and you take your eyes off of Jesus the one who is able to take a little bit and they will become much in his hand when you take your eyes off of him and trouble begins to look bigger than it really is when you take your eyes off of him and the next thing you feet slide off of his word the only thing that will happen is that you will do like Peter the Bible said it yes and I like the word beginning he didn't wait until the water gather around his waist he didn't wait till the water one this Chi until the water somebody in here listening me you just beginning you haven't gone under but you know it's not like it used to be I don't feel like I used to I don't have the money that I used to things are not as good as they used to be I haven't gone under what I feel myself beginning to think you'd never do like Peter [Applause] I'm no quitter the Bible says immediately the Lord didn't let him go no father but as soon as he had sense enough to cry the Lord had mercy enough to deliver immediately Jesus stretched for them hang [Music] mr. old hands up and just a few lifted I'm going the mystique but all hope you the secret that's why my head Oh I don't know what is but when David got in trouble he said I'm gonna lift up my Peter got in trouble he lifted his name [Applause] tell somebody you need to lift your eyes and lift your hand he's the only one that can [Music] [Applause] me [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let us pray gracious father God we just thank you today God we just thank you God again for your son Jesus we thank you for his precious blood Lord Jesus blood that has the power to save power to wash and me clean the power to heal our bodies and God would just thank you right now hallelujah Lord Jesus thank you for your sacrifice hallelujah hallelujah when we were with when we were with seeing in our lives Christ died for the ungodly God committed his Lord taught us and that while we were yet sinners Jesus died Oh God we thank you for this time not even as we entered in this time take it from its natural to a severe release let it heal our bodies Lord Jesus and God right now we thank you again for the privilege to stand here in your sight we give you the praise we give it the glory we give you the honest amen [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] we're the fall Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] ah [Music] when we took the bread and he blessed it and he broke it and said this is my body that was broken for you let's all eat [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] better Wow [Music] when I fall [Music] [Music] after the same manner also he took the cup after supper saying this cup of New Testament in my blood but all fishes drinking the remembers of me so those at the eat of this bread and drink of this cup you do show for the lowest death until he comes she'll be doing [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh Oh [Music] that we can show come at this time and missionaries take your places we shall aldetha my Lords broken body and drink of his shed blood [Music] [Music] we say to our visiting friends that you are welcome to potato communion with us the law does not have a separate body for the Church of God in Christ and another for the Baptist and another for the Methodists and another for the office colleagues but he says examine yourselves whether you be in debate and if you know that you are truly a believer in Jesus Christ we welcome you to share communion with us so everyone on the main level you may stand at this time on the main level the ushers will lead you out from your right you come and receive the bread that you'll receive but then you discard the cup with the missionary and continue back to your seat on the left side of your section both of you who are in the rises when the elements are before you the issues will lead your section into the line and you do not need to stand until your section is ready to be served in the rises [Applause] Oh [Music] Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh the way the law allelujah all right that still looks you more that's being served in the rises praise the name of Jesus come on and give the Lord a hand to praise everybody praise the Lord how to do I want to at this time extend the invitation opening the door of the church that if there is one person in this building who doesn't know Jesus and the pardoning of your sins if you're president you're already saved but you believe that this is where the Lord would have you to cast your lot in number ship the door the church is open and all you need to do is get up from wherever you are and walk down the nearest aisle though your sins be as scarlet according to the prophet Isaiah they shall be made white as snow maybe it's crimson but they shall be as wool all you need to do is come to Jesus just like you are we're rewarded and sad you will find in him a resting place god bless you young man [Applause] is there another measure my foot is there nothin yes both the trucker Bobo this is your time Oh and I'm just gonna shake hands with each one of you and I want you to go to where there's a brown it's been declared there another one it's not too late there was only come and be saved come and make this your church [Music] [Music] [Applause] alright well give the law to hand afraid oh I'm glad to know y'all love me enough to give me such a warm hand now give the law to handle play oh please breathe well this time now for the Ministry of giving deacons are coming [Music] this is the first Sunday in this month of February and I trust that everybody will start this month off right by giving the law you
Channel: Spirit of Praise Church of God in Christ
Views: 37,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: your answered prayer, God hears, believe your call
Id: Ll-UW92ce-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 35sec (4655 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2017
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