Receive Ye the Holy Ghost

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[Applause] [Music] mini heart trial everything those legs fine [Music] [Applause] [Music] the pain no sorrow you can't be oh he kept me in a mister you know become hopping so playful [Music] not because I've always called me [Music] he loved he fooled you [Music] oh-oh-oh oh yes [Music] ah [Music] ah [Music] he calls [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah yeah [Music] [Applause] he tell me she he helped me with painful real ha yet he killed me yeah Edie he helped me when I didn't know how to do you help me yes when I didn't know what I didn't know what way to turn Jesus he kept me oh yes be singing understand involvement [Music] yes [Applause] ah [Applause] yes [Applause] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] forth ow yeah we [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] whoa repress [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Lord it is our desire that the drops in heaven that the Holy Ghost like the rain and like the doom would fall upon this congregation today that every hero who has not been baptized and your precious Holy Spirit would be baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost and we thank you [Music] give us another Pentecost give us another Samaria experience give us another experience even as they had in the house of Cornelius that while Peter yet spake these words the Holy Ghost fell on all them that heard the word we are open to receive thank you Lord let us be covered with your precious blood and let no flesh glory in your sight and we thank you right now for your presence in the room in Jesus name a man and a man come on and give a lot of hand the pray maybe keep it it's coming down coming down oh the spirit how long coming down when the face behind grade level Oh spirit outlaw comin down spirit of the [Applause] when the banks began the brave let the Lord Oh spirit dump it down when the spanked we began to pray [Music] the Gospel according to John chapter 20 and as you know we do read from the authorized King James Version no reflection on the other versions but we use them mostly for steady but in our worship setting we all try to be with one Accord and reading the old King James not new King James and if you have that I want you to read with me John chapter 20 beginning with verse 19 and we'll go through verse 23 you have that same man come on let's read it aloud together then the same day at evening being the first day of the week when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear the Jews came Jesus and stood in the midst and said unto them peace be unto you and when he had so saved he showed unto them his hands and his side then when the disciples glad when they saw the law then said Jesus to them again peace be unto you as my father has sent me even so send I you and when he had said this he breathed on them and said to them receive ye the Holy Ghost who soever sins year admit they are remitted unto them and whosoever Singhji retain they are retained we'll stop at this point I want you to pay particular attention to what the Lord said to them in verse 21 12 verse 22 and when he had said this he breathed on them and said unto them receive ye the Holy Ghost I know it's only been a short time ago just a few weeks when I spoke from this subject I've got to go back to it again I want to say that every one of you receiving the Holy Ghost god bless yours I am totally convinced that as a body of believers that we will never be the people whom God would have us to be until we are not only people believing in Jesus Christ but we must also be believers who are filled with the Holy Ghost it's what makes the difference a lot of people who are live as you go through some of the nursing homes and some hospital rooms and even in some homes you have people that are yet alive but they themselves hardly know they are lying that is lying there some because of Alzheimer's mentally they are no longer competent sometimes because of debilitating physical diseases they're there and they're not able to move but their lies why am I saying this I'm not going to tell you that if you have embraced Jesus as Lord and Savior you have believed on him you have confessed him and according to Romans chapter 10 once you believe and confess that's what brings about salvation but there are people who have believed and confessed and now they have eternal life but they hardly know they have it they have no joy they're not able to go through their problems difficulties of life everything that happens they get all messed up and start pushing the panic button but the Lord does not want you just to be alive he says in Romans 10:10 but these cometh not look for to steal kill and destroy I am come that they might have life and that that life might be worth more abundantly you want you to live the abundant and that abundant life does not just consist of being a prosperous Christian as it relates to materialism but he wants you to have an abundant spiritual experience and I've said it so many times that if you are a believer in Christ you are living beneath your privilege if you do not have the Holy Ghost but again I say as I've said many times before God is not going to overpower you and force the Holy Ghost upon you he's not going to do you like I told you my mother used to do me bite off to sneeze and she grabbed that castor oil bottle there was nothing I could say that would stop her from forcing me to take that stuff but the Lord is not going to force you to receive the Holy Ghost he says blessed are they that do what hunger and thirst after righteousness they shall be filled you got to get hungry for the things of God oh yes oh yes you've got to help something down inside of you that even when you get through coming on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and listening to the choir and the orchestra and listening to the word and getting out there in the aisles and strutting a few steps that you don't feel I'm fulfilled until next Sunday something down inside of you hallelujah that even when you get home let me get back in this scripture that let me read let me read this again my god that was so good I just got to have some more Florida Garden and you get down on your knees and three and you may used to be contented after minute and a half but you find I got to stay here and talk to him a little bit longer but when God begins to put a stirring in your spirit listen believe that hunger and thirst hallelujah I believe that if I keep talking to you about this missing element that is in the life of so many believers if I can stir you up until you develop an appetite when I was coming along of the youngster and they they stretched it yes you're saved but you've got to have the holding zone and we'd have long revivals sometimes two and three weeks I remember one that I conducted right here at the other building that lasted something like the better part of three months when you really get hungry Oh glory to God you can be ever so tired voice may be so hoarse you can hardly talk but you just want to get in the company of people that are calling on Jesus and that's something about it when you really get hungry the world doesn't have much to offer you then then matter who they tell you is performing at the casino I don't care who's performing after can see them I know Jesus is performing down at the church I know all I got to do is get with one or two Saints and whatever I need is that to quench my thirst Jesus in today's test have just come out of the grave that day now you don't believe it just look back to verse 1 of chapter 20 it says the first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early when it was yet dawn unto the sepulchre and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre and it goes on to talk about what happened and you can read straight on 3 until you get to verse 19 and it says then the same day at evening and they have not a flipping of the calendar anywhere between verse 1 and verse 19 the only thing is it starts off the morning of his resurrection but later on that same evening his disciples were behind closed doors for fear get up what the Jews were going to do yes they've killed our Lord then and there at him and and those brothers never did get it down in their spirit that he was alive but while they were meeting behind closed doors all of a sudden he stepped in you can say what you want to you can close the door the enemy can lock the door but if somebody ends I start talking about Jesus he'll step in I don't care what kind of situation you are in you start talking about Jesus he'll step in it doesn't matter what it is you'll step into your marriage you think it's over but he'll step in and bring that thing back together he'll step into your mental condition hallelujah when you find that you're not peeking like y'all - and while others are saying yes they hit that early senility they go into their early Alzheimer's but I'm here to tell you that if you can refocus your mind he said I will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusted in me somebody tell him he'll step in the inner situation hallelujah while they were behind closed doors for fear Jesus steps into their midst and the words that he said is peace be under you what are they what are they of confusion what are they of frustration the world seemingly is more confused now than it has ever been everybody is talking about I'm under stress everybody is stressed out problems everywhere now that the communication highway is open then everything now is revolving around the internet the World Wide Web and now they discovered somebody in China the jammed up the web and pirated so many people's names and credit card numbers and you just don't everything is confused Jesus told us from the beginning in this world you're going to have tribulation you're gonna have trouble you're gonna have confusion but it said feel good cheer I've overcome the world yeah you live on the world around you go live in confusion but if you won't power over this confused world you've got to hear Jesus speaking in your spirit saying he luring a God like he did with the troubled waters the water was dashing in the boat Peter and the disciple got upset but when they woke up Jesus he stood up looked out at the wind and said peace down at the waters be still wind stop blowing and the trouble water stopped jumping in the booth I don't care what the confusion here that's in your life I declare he can set these and when he said peace everything has to be still thank you long Thank You law came to him now telling you speaking to your situation now see he doesn't compete for attention when the prophet Elijah needed to talk to him he thought surely he was in the storm surely he was in the whirlwind surely he was then all of the novice stuff but when God padlet spoke he just whispered in a still small boy you upset about something we're trying to hear God to be you just get some wind steady yourself I declare in the quantity and the piece of your mind he'll said be still sit on your land ready to go anyway not when he said tease I want I want to show you something so you will have no mistake of Who I am he showed them his hands and his side in other words so you'll know I'm the same one that's been keeping company with you the last three and a half years look at my hand and look at my side and that's why I don't even worry about all of these false messiahs because when he comes back right now he's seated at the right hand of the Father but when he comes back what about I have to introduce me at him what I have to tell me I got a bat by an airline ticket to go over the Egypt with older Jerusalem anywhere said when he come to go be like the lightning streaking across the sky you're going to know he's here and when it stops in mid iron and the magnetism of His Prophet will cause brains the best offer then we which are alive and remain will be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye and I won't have that Peter they introduced me time I shall know him as regime I thought out saying I'm gonna know him because even when he come back he don't steal how the print of the nails in his hands when he said peace he showed unto them his hands and his side then were the disciples glad when they saw the Lord said Jesus to them again peace be unto you as my father have sent me even so send I you and then he did something that even when I first started as a teenage preacher I found hard to understand he didn't just tell him now you fellas go back to the Upper Room and get the Holy Ghost buddy he breathed those and said receive ye the Holy Ghost that thing troubled me for years why why why would he breathe on them in John chapter 14 15 and 16 he had talked to them about what the Holy Ghost would do that it would bring all things back to that remembrance that he would be that guy that he would be that teacher that he would testify of Jesus Christ but yet he breathed on and I later understood that the breathing on them was symbolic not much of what takes place in Christianity is symbolic next Sunday right here with the eleven o'clock hour will again shall Lord's body and blood in Holy Communion yes we refer to the unleavened bread as the Lord's broken body but you know in reality it's not his body it's a symbol of his body will drink from that cup of non fermented grapes and we refer to that as in Lola but you know literally speaking that is not his love it is symbolic even when the baptism takes place yes behind those freaks their baptismal food and when the people will go into the water to be baptized it's symbolic it's a symbol of the fact that no longer am i my own now since I have confess Jesus as Lord and Savior I am crucified with Christ and because I'm crucified and because I have mortify the members of the flesh I'm dead to sin so anything dead is to be married so you are bear it in the watery grave but because we also believe in the resurrection we don't take folk under and leave them under but we lift them back up signifying the fact that I'm risen to the newness of life and also meaning that when I do not physically the grave won't hold me I'm going to come back up just like my lord did so much in Christianity is symbolic so he he breathed on them and said receive ye the Holy Ghost and that's something about it the breath of the Lord that's really what I'm trying to get over to you the breath of the Lord when he breathes on them that power in the breath of the law you don't believe in go back to the book of beginnings go back to Genesis God after he had created everything in the first five days on the sixth day he made man that will forget my dad the lead Bishop W Patterson used to say that God made man on the sixth day last he made him early a man would have probably been standing around trying to tell God how to make everything else so he put everything else in the earth first then on the sixth day he made man how he formed him from the dust of the ground form them the parcel the legs the arms the head shake him in his own image that man stands like a department store mannequin everything in place but he didn't have any life born and he had hands had a head hat see everything perfectly fall but there was no life until God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and then man became a living soul [Applause] [Music] the one has to meet the power of his breath parlamento ezekiel you know the story in the third and seventh chapter of Ezekiel story goals that two armies had collided together in battle each side had so many casualties but all of a sudden for some reason they quickly retreated didn't take the time to bear it they're dead thousands of lying in the open valley the buffets had picked the flesh jackals walking through scattered the bones bones lying in the Sun had become bleached parch and brittle and God said to the prophet Ezekiel son of man can be boldly I want you to take a close look then I want you to come pass the ballot round and about then go down and closely observe what is your version can they live zekiel said God I don't know but you know you know what they can live here fail to recover you've got to tell me what to do and got sex on a man prophesy preach to these bones and say all ye dry bones hear the word of the Lord prophets stood mannan back in the south and in the north and said hear ye the word of the Lord after why bones began to come together Oh hallelujah you know they said toe bone connected to the foot bone and the foot bones and ankle bone and the ankle bone to the leg bone the leg bone to the knee bone the knee ball on to the thigh bone and come on up and it's connected with with the spine and hold up till it connected with the head bone and the shoulder bone and everything got together and whenever the church gets out order God made you to be a little joint of the little finger you laying up that Bible skull trying to be the head all you got to do is give a word of alone and everybody will get back in their own place even after the ball got together they will still did God commanded that sin you that skin would come and cover the bone but they were still there then the Lord said well I tell you what you need to do now preach to the meal and he stood in the north and look south and halt for the South man stood in the south and look north and call for the Northland stood in the east and the west and halt for the west wing stood in the western look east and call for the east wind and I am said of the wind blow upon these bones that they might live and even though the bone was standing up they didn't have no life until [Music] the wind began to blow the Lord told the disciples now I've already given you my word I've already given your power against unclean spirit I'm already given your power to cast demons and Devils out but I want you to have witness and power Walter the help power that will be stability power I want you now to go back to the Upper Room and receive ye the Holy Ghost if he hadn't breathed on them they really would not have known when the Holy Ghost arise because the baptismal measure of the Holy Ghost had never been given true prophets holy man speak as they were moved by the Holy Ghost true that Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost when the unborn Jesus met the unborn John the Baptist yes true John was full of the Holy Ghost from his mother womb but the baptismal measure had not been given if you don't believe it look at John chapter 7 down around verse 37 in the last day that great day of the feast Jesus stood and cried saying anyone thirsts let him come to me and drink hallelujah and he that believeth on me as the scripture have said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water but this spake he of the Spirit in other words when he talked about living water he wasn't talking about formula h2o but he was talking about the spirit which they that believed on him would receive at a later day so since the baptismal measure had never come the disciple didn't know what they were looking for so they went in developer room and in chapter water acts they held an election to elect Matthias who would take the place of Judas but even though they held an election the Holy Ghost didn't come hallelujah ten days later filmer helped now Wow they were sitting blessing and praising God what nobody at the altar kneeling what nobody patting over nobody else saying thank you Jesus but they were just sitting in the temple sitting rather in the upper room and all of a sudden there came a sign from heaven like the rushing of a mighty wind and they appeared unto them cloven tongues that sat upon them and they began to speak with other tongues but what they heard what they heard the wind and when they heard the wind that mind treated them back to Jesus because Jesus s Holy Ghost receive a holy goat and when the wind stopped blowing the wind stopped whistling around their head they knew that this was the holy ghost I'm going to my seat but my prayer God sent another Pentecost send it let the wind won't fret from heaven send that let the people be slain in the spirit and that I don't know about you but I hear the wind blow and again with the condom of Osama hallelujah I hear it in the air Jesus wants his church to be feel that time with the Holy Ghost time out for playing you need something that real is real [Music] [Music] hallelujah yes Lord we need you to come in this place like you did at 10 o'clock shake us again I've known us again juleps again that time look again yeah yeah yeah we can't make it without you we need we need your spirit we need the anointing of your power is your flora to be revealing up fill up again tarik Phillip Phillip Phillip it crazy Wow - I passed by that's right hi [Music] hi Hey hi [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] both of you you know you're saying you know the Lord is in your life if you want him to fill you today you ought to come from wherever you are come down here with your hands up come down here with your mouth open come praising the Lord praise them with everything in you come on touch praising him husbands I praise in him come on come on for praising below hallelujah come on open your mouth give it the glory thank you for paving yeah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hold out here come on give it glory Oh give it play hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on open up and thank him moving thank you for salvation thank you lord thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Applause] [Applause] now listen jesus said in the sixteenth chapter job that when he has come he will not speak of himself but whatsoever he hear it that shall he speak in other words he's going to hear what you are saying and he's going to change your language so you need to open your mouth and begin to just start praising him thank you Jesus wonderful Jesus Lord I love you come on you began to praise him you open your mouth you say what's down in you and why are you appraising him the Holy Ghost will come and change your language come on and praise Him [Applause] thank you Jesus thank you Jesus Jesus you're wonderful Jesus I love you come on give him praise thank you Lord open up to him you got them your mouth open up to it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] some of you elders as the Lord gives you grace lay hands on some of them open your mouth and praising come on and praising come on and give Him glory come on and praise him with everything that is within you praise your name Lord of listening Lord I magnify your name Lord I give you the glory fill me now fill me my said oh my heart my heart my spirit is thirsty my heart is hungry I want to be filled I want to be yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelu hallelujah yeah yeah yeah glory to God some of your anointed missionaries you can mix own in here to get out with some of these sisters hallelujah come on and praise Him but your death uh praising him don't stop giving them the glory open up your mouth yeah yeah yeah yes my soul magnifier my golden light Enya oh Jesus Jesus I want to be filled I love the Lord I won't heavens best I want everything you have for me fill me Lord fill me Lord heal me love kill me Oh hallelujah let's remain whoa hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] honestly that the anointing fall under the law sighs come on keep praising him don't you now stop waving him [Music] keep on open your mouth keep on praising him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] Oh Oh [Music] Oh Oh [Music] everybody began to dislike him just own your mouth and cried out thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus Frank again by kissing wagon for favors like a couple right [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah ah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah Oh ah [Applause] let me see at this point I want to open the door of the church any of you who have come forward already that are not members but you want to make this your church anyone that feels you need the plan of salvation they claim that you more perfectly you stay down here and anyone else that want to make this your church home the day you want to give your life to Jesus from wherever you are you can get up and come down front right now you want to make this your church home I need you to come down here right now hallelujah you [Music] thank you Lord Jesus anointing yes that's right the dog would come on [Music] ah hallelujah not too late you want the plan of salvation explained to you come on man you want to make this your church home come on right now [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] I'm just going to shake hands with you now the Freeman is gone - if as any one of you that don't understand God's plan of salvation he's going to explain you that already they want to make this your church home it's going to be that side you have god bless you my brother bless you lady [Music] archiquette [Music] oh yes before anyone else leaves before anyone else leaves and we're getting rid of the dismission man and I have not done this in a while but I feel impressed of the Lord today ask every person in this building who would concentrate to the Lord a special gift of $20 I want you to get it in your hand and I want you to come and lay it on the altar hallelujah now Lord I ask for special blessing upon these your people and then the requests that are before you and Lord we know we don't buy anything from you but we can express our faith through our giving I pray right now Lord that you would touch the heart of the hundreds of your people now in the name of Jesus that they will come and that they would share in Jesus name Amen I just need some deacons standing off on the side with some envelopes and even after you give you a gift you can pick up an envelope and fill it out go back to your seat if you want to fill it out and bring it back from wherever just come and bring that gift that the Lord has laid it in your spirit my god what a wonder Oh take your Lord for this day thank you for the outpouring of your spirit thank you for the anointing of the Holy Ghost yes yes yes hallelujah come even now freezing them give it go I know that some of you that's the law that's speaking to and you don't even have twenty dollars but you get all in this line with your back [Music] hallelujah oh yes [Music] you [Music] now I know if that hunger is really there in your spirit it's going to be more focused church tonight at six o'clock than normal heman six o'clock this evening in the white and gold building Tuesday night at 7 o'clock right here Thursday night seven o'clock Bible study in the white and gold building when you're hungry for the Lord you can't stay home when you know something's going on in that church or bless the name [Music] you can do anything [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] Hey [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Spirit of Praise church of God in Christ
Views: 73,017
Rating: 4.6598639 out of 5
Keywords: your answered prayer, God hears, believe your call, Receive the Holy Ghost
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 5sec (4625 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2017
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