Bishop G. E. Patterson - The Departed Glory Shall Return Pt2

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[Music] to a goodbye [Music] in Memphis Tennessee and from auditoriums across America we present the bountiful blessings broadcast with Bishop GE Patterson our mission is to reach the universe of mankind with the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ admonishing them to receive the gift of His Spirit to lift and nurture the total man as we expectantly await the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name that's my testimony today from the beautiful city of Memphis Tennessee I'm evangelist Louise Patterson bringing you the uncompromising gospel of Jesus Christ that gospel that saves you keeps you and heal you filled you what a joy it is to have Christ into your life from this beautiful city on this day I'm glad to be alive and glad to be able to share this particular message with you that's going to be enlightening to your heart and your soul let's go now into the services already in progress I know we said God don't go back on his word but you read this and you'll see that God said I did say it but I'm also telling you now being far from it I took it back he knew the iniquities of his sons now when you read up on what the iniquity was we always talk about how hophni and Phinehas that when the women would come they lay with the women in the sanctuary and that's why they said dirty though having the women that's one part of it but the part that God really angry with them about was the way they received the offerings from the people that was a way that the priest was supposed to not take a raw flesh but once it was offered to God then the priests of a Levite they could stick in the fault and take a part of that flesh that had been offered but these boys when the folk walked in the door give me the whole thing for you off you just just give it all to me greeting hello and God got angry with them because the way that they acted taught the offering made the people hate to give the offering and I know that a lot of folks they've been so used to offerings not being used right preacher rich in the church broke and a lot of folk come here with some kind of thing in their mind against giving and they are shocked when they find out that this preacher don't even check whether you have the right to take and anybody can tell if they don't join this church is only what 24 years old comes next March and you could tell the progress over the years from the old building to building this temple to building the wings to bind most of the neighborhood and then out there the White Haven and now building a $10,000,000 come place and having nationwide television and people want to know you know Bishop Patterson what's your secret how do you do I don't take the money it's just a sample of that there are a whole lot of things that when when you have a ministry and God gives you something he wants you to do not only must you convince the Pope to believe in it you got to believe in it if a preacher isn't willing to invest in the vision that God gave him he's not supposed to see it come to fruition but if you believe in it hallelujah I believed in the television ministry and when we started the national television ministry in 1990 every Sunday at the end of service I had the raise and after offering to pay the television bill then started traveling and everything forgive me on the road I bring it back put it in the television now the Lord has built it to the extent that our supporters across this nation the monies that they send through the mail and the money that they leave with credit cards when they call for a tape order that is now sufficient and I don't raise it from you and if I were the time that wanted to do it I don't have to anymore yet what I am giving on the road and put it in I could still keep it but I formed the habit and you can say what you want to investing in God's work it's a good habit I formed the habit of whatever I get on the road bringing it back and putting it in the church now focus got an honest heart then they catch the vision of the leader and they also get involved but when you find folks sitting behind eye on you you know you know these preachers you know we'll see that's just a devil lie because it's been proven too many times that that don't work here a man hophni and Phinehas made the folk Hey and God said Eli I warned you you got the authority the sick you sons down but since you won't do it but them I'm gonna die in one day and he knew that it was gonna happen and when Samuel the little boy came that night after having a dream and didn't want to tell Samuel what the Lord had said Sammy said you better tell me everything the Lord told you cause if you don't tell me what he said he'll do something to you and Samuel a little boy he went on and spilled it hallelujah and he'll I had to admit I know it's from God because God had already told me the same thing so it was just a matter of time and in this chapter that we read from chapter 4 it opens with Israel being in conflict with the Philistines and they were smitten before the Philistines and when Israel saw they had been whipped by the enemy they went back and discuss among themselves how can this happen they said tomorrow when we go back to the battlefield we don't take the Ark of the Covenant with us it's something how full one yet the Word of God to justify their wrongs when they said yet they are they knew that evil was in the camp but they figured that the Ark which is the presence of God was going to be sufficient to whip their enemies yeah you know the Ark I'm not talking about Noah's Ark I'm talking about the Ark of the Covenant that little box that I've mentioned many times only about four feet long and about two feet high and about two feet wide that are that had in it a pot of manna that was miraculously preserved and had in it Aaron's rod that budded but more importantly it had in it the two tables of stone upon which were written the testimony are the law of God then that awful were covered with her goal which was called the mercy seat and then on top of the mercy seat perched at each end while the chera beams that wingspan that spread it across and covered the arm lurid a god and wherever they carried the ark it was a cowering of the are that when the priests came down to the river Jordan the Bible said that when the priests bowring the Ark of the Covenant when their feet touched the water that was in the Jordan that the waters were cut off before they are not cut off before the priests see but cut off before they are the ark was the presence of God they said we'll take it to the battlefield when they took it to the battlefield and the Philistines heard all of the great shout at first they were terrified many times the devil when he hear shouting he stops he said wait a minute these Saints are for real but he listens a while and after a while he's are they ain't doing them but making noise and the Philistines went on in and they defeated the children of Israel again hasta and phineas both were killed and then the Ark of the Covenant was stolen oh my god when I look at this world today so many folk religiously are confused because you got a lot of folks stolen the SH out and have stolen the dance and have stolen batons but their lifestyle haven't changed they teaching folks how to talk in tongues and they still tell them do anything you want to you can be lost and the religious world and the world watching is confused well what's so special about them they talking in tongues and talking about I need to be with them and yet everywhere I go they're back there at the casino they are at the liquor joint everything we do they do and they talking in tongues and time I come over here the world doesn't want a religious experience that keeps them like they are they want something that will show that I changed things they used to do I don't do no more places I used to go I don't go no more I want you to know that when you really get a hold to the real thing if any man be in Christ he is a new anybody in here know that since you came to Jesus you knew that you don't live the life you used to live huffing and phineus were both killed and when word got back in to Shiloh oh my god and you notice that Shiloh is the place that at the beginning of the book of 1st Samuel where the children of Israel held the annual feasts God said that three times a year all of the males will appear before me in a place of my choosing first that place was Shiloh but later on you don't hear anything else about Shiloh they started meeting in Jerusalem and I used to wonder why that the Lord refrain or withdraw from Shiloh and then he's directed me to this passage that what caused God to bring the folk to Shiloh is this as Welli off walls this is where the glory of God was and anytime you have the glory of God folk can come and be blessed and I want to tell you even as we talk about getting ready to go into that new structure yes we're gonna have a full orchestra and a two hundred boys choir and we're gonna have the theatrical lighting package and we're gonna have the drapes that will open at the beginning of the service and they're gonna be a whole lot of eye appealing things but I want you to know that I'll be the first one to walk out of there if it's only man-made beauty and the glory of God is not because it's gonna take the glory of God for drug addicts to come in and be delivered it's gonna take the glory of God for men to walk in off the street Saul down on their knees and say what must I do to be saved if we have to put this you'll see things that you've never seen before you'll see people my god began to come in and leave their crutches behind you see who will wheel in the one of those reserved wheelchair spots that I talked to you about but after the wave of God's glory sweep through you will see them get up and leave the wheelchair behind I don't care what else happens to experience the glory of God if you really mean that lift your hands and say long show me your glory [Applause] hallelujah now after huff then Phineas were killed and the messenger came and ran straight to Eli Eli got some bad news for you Israel was smitten before her enemies today and I want you to know that even from family side I got bad news for you both of your sons hophni and Phinehas were killed and that realz sitting on a bench and it shook him a little bit when he heard about his sons but the last bit of news was what really got him saying not only that Eli but the Ark of the Covenant had been stolen when he'll I heard that he fell over backwards and broke his neck and he died right there well they went the tale Phineas his wife who had come full term with her pregnancy and they told her Israel has been smitten your father-in-law just had a heart attack and died your brother-in-law Hoffman and your husband Phineas are dead and let me give you the rest of the bad news the Philistines stole the Ark and when they told her that the ark had been stolen she travailed to bring forth and when she bowed in pain she also died but before she died she said I got to name this boy as a remembrance of what happened today she let him name in the echo bar which means the glory in the potty not naming him after his grandfather Eli that's bad but that's not the worst thing because that also was heart-rending but I could have lived through that his father Phineas because that's not the worst thing that happened you know that leaves me kind of feeling bad but I trace the arm to one day David became the king the glory of God and the first time he tried it they didn't read the word you see there's a special way that you have to handle God's glory when the ark was built God said I want you to put four gold rings one at the front and one at the back of each side and then there are poles that'll go through the gold ring and when you get ready to move the don't touch it got from on high but consecrated priests and let him lift the poles and rest them on their shoulder and carry it without swinging down from the pole in the middle and because they didn't handle it right they put it on a brand new off Scot and when the car hit a bump in the road and the car started to shift and here was a guy that said wait let me put forth his hands trying to stop the heart from falling and he fell dead he was doing good so he thought but you can tell yourself doing good but if it's in violation to the Word of God anything God so David said wait this mission isn't blessed the glory of time haven't come yet where can we put it they put it in the house of a man named obed-edom and obed-edom in his house for a few months and while the hawk was in his house everybody in the family got blessed obed-edom got blessed his wife got blessed his children God bless visit is going to call on the family god bless I want you to know that when the lure of God is in your mix bata they come in the house will be blessed came the curse will get blessed folk that came the pretty side will get black [Applause] [Music] tell him Lord I want it in my house glory of God quit I feel [Applause] David said let's go get it again this time it took the priest with him this time he read the word and this time he carried a band with him and they got the ha and started toward the City of David and the musicians were playing and while they were playing David got in front of the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] anybody anything though the glory has come back you want to give him a crazy brings you crazy [Applause] but when I check out the minor prophet haggai in Chapter two of his book has been appointed by God along with Zachariah to be the two prophets that would kind of put in the Polka rhyme and prod the dying size of Israel and get them stimulated to rebuild the temple Solomon's Temple had been destroyed and they had gone in the captivity for 70 years when they got out of Babylon and these men had to go back and build the temple Saru Babel the son of shealtiel the governor of Judah he was the man that had the assignment of building the temple Haggai had to stir the people up and he said there in the first chapter down around verse will in the second chapter down around verse three or four how many of you are left saw this house in the first glow green you got to be some old folk because understand it was 70 years ago but if there's anybody that saw this house in the first glory do you see it now he didn't even wait for them Lancer he said I know that when you look at the new house it don't look like anything in comparison but God said I want you to know that I'm going to rebuild and the glory of the latter house I skip several verses God said some things that's gonna cause the latter house to be glorious first of all then verse 8 he said don't worry about the money because the silver is mine the gold is mine also and God said also there's going to be a shake-up I'm go check the heavens [Music] [Applause] and after the shake-up the glory is coming back and tell somebody being shaken to pieces [Applause] [Applause] after the shape-up is over [Applause] after I get through say contains a loose [Applause] [Applause] in the jurisdiction in the National Church [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now if you would like to receive this particular message just view the screen and you will be pretty - the tape that you are so anxious to receive know that this ministry we pray for you this is just not a bad word we take our time and select tapes that's going to infuse and ignite your faith now you be blessed know that God loves you know that we appreciate you put a little gift in the mail and that will further bring another blessing to you be blessed in Jesus name is my friend
Channel: Dennis Martin
Views: 7,836
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Id: IutYoNZtvDs
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Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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