A Crazy Pizza Delivery Night Experience

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when lacy was 20 years old she worked as a delivery girl for a pretty popular pizzeria in her area initially she worked the late morning to mid-afternoon shift but when the guy who delivered the night shift ended up getting fired due to him losing his license because of a dui she was placed on the night shift instead lacey really didn't want this shift because you never know if people who order late at night actually want a pizza or if they have other intentions in mind unfortunately her boss essentially told her if she wasn't willing to work the night shift she was fired lacey wasn't exactly in a position to be out of work so she reluctantly worked to shift the first month went by without any issues that was until she had to deliver a pizza to a house that just barely made it to their delivery radius lacey put the address in the gps and the house was located in a pretty suburban part of the city she arrived at about 11 pm the block was extremely quiet decently lit and mostly littered with modern townhouses but the house she delivered to was a duplex lacy rings the doorbell and waits for about 30 seconds no answer she rings it again and waits for another 30 seconds still no answer she's standing there getting pretty nervous that something's about to go down but thankfully a man opens the door he looked like he was in his late 40s lacey tells them his pizza's here and he just stands there staring at her she asked him if he was okay and he responded by saying yeah i'm fine sorry i got off work not too long ago when i'm zoning out a bit he hands her the money and she hands him the pizza and as she's making change he says you're really beautiful you know that not really thinking too much into it lacey thanked him for the compliment and gave him his change she walked back to her car and finished the remaining deliveries for the night a few days later lacey gets a delivery order from the same place she heads over there around the same time as before and rings the doorbell he answered the door very excitedly and said hey it's you again how are you lacey told him she was tired and can't wait to go home to which he chuckled and said i know that feeling pretty well as he's counting his money he asks what her name is being tired at this point and not really thinking she stupidly tells him her name as lacey was making change he asks if he could have her number as he'd love to hang out with someone as gorgeous as she is lacey's just standing there awkwardly for a few seconds before she said sorry i have a boyfriend he gets upset and says oh okay i see they stand there in silence before she tells him to have a good night and walks back to her car he says nothing and still stands at the doorway staring at lacey until he finally went back inside when she started the car there was a pretty creepy vibe from this guy and she even brought it up to her co-workers and they also agreed it was creepy except for her boss who overheard everything and claimed lacey was making up stories to try to gain sympathy for having to take the night shift a week later there's an order from the same guy and this is when it hits the fan lacey arrived at the house at around 10 30 pm as she's approaching the door it quickly swings open to reveal the man except this time he was wearing a suit sorry if i scared you i saw you out the window and figured i just opened the door now so that you wouldn't have to ring the bell lacey was getting scared because there were no lights in the house so he was sitting in the dark this entire time and if so why he asked if she liked a suit to which lacy said yes he then asks would you like to go on a date with me tonight she once again tells him that she has a boyfriend to which he chuckles and gets close to her and says there's no way a girl your age is in a serious relationship if you go on a date with me i'll show you how a real man treats a girl he grabs the pizza box from her throws it to the side and grabs her by the arms [Music] [Applause] lacy's officially losing her mind at this point and trying not to cry from the fear that was overwhelming her she starts pleading with him dude please i i just want to go home i don't want to go on a date he just stares at her with the most sinister look and said i don't care get inside now we're gonna have a good time he starts trying to pull lacie into the house and she's resisting as much as she can after a bit of struggling he lets go of one of her arms and starts grabbing something out of his pocket which she presumed was a knife lacie used her free arm to punch him as hard as she could in the stomach she quickly runs to the car and as she gets in he chases after her and tries pulling lacie out of the car holding the knife in the other arm and yells why are you making this so difficult she grabs her soda bottle from the cup holder and throws it at him luckily hitting his head causing him to let go he slams the door and then all of a sudden he jumps right on the hood of the car and starts scratching and banging on the windshield lacy put the car in reverse and quickly backs out of the spot and reverses down the road with him desperately trying to hold on he's banging on the hood screaming stop the car she turns onto the next road as swiftly as possible and luckily he falls off the hood lacey slammed the gas to get as far away as she could from that disgusting land in her panic state she drove a couple blocks down the street and kept making turn after turn onto other side blocks as lacey feared that she was being followed eventually lacey reached the red light and slammed on the brakes and just sat there at the intersection frozen from what just happened she began crying and violently shaking it dawned on her that she came so close to losing her life once the light turned green she pulled over to the side and just sat there crying eventually lacey gets the energy to drive back to the pizzeria and almost immediately after she walks in her co-worker knew something was wrong she practically broke down in front of him and explained everything that happened lacey's boss even began apologizing profusely for what had just happened and for putting her on a night shift he took her into the office and handed her the phone to call the cops they arrive at the store and lacey gives them their statement as well as taking pictures of any marks on herself as well as the scratches on the car from the encounter as evidence lacey drove home that night and collapsed on the bed and strangely enough managed to fall asleep she quit her job the next day and luckily a friend of hers managed to help her get a new job at a clothing store as far as the cycle goes two days later lacey received an update from the police the entire duplex was owned by the guy's brother who lived on the left side with his wife and the man lived on the right side of the duplex she learned that he had been in and out of jail constantly at first for robberies and assaults but later on it was for other crimes involving a minor he had been released from jail about five months before this encounter when they arrived at the house he was long gone and his family had no idea where he ran off to but the police insisted they would find him and indeed they did albeit not alive she spent the next two months in fear that he would find her and finish what he had in mind but the police contacted laci and updated her on the case apparently he fled to another city nearby and attempted to kidnap a teenager walking alone on the street luckily someone was there at the right time and they were able to call the police and the police caught him he manages to flee and the police chase after him he blew a red light near a busy boulevard and a van slammed right into the driver's side of his car by some sort of miracle the driver of the van only sustained minor injuries while the cycle succumbed to his wounds long before the ambulance even arrived lacey thanked the officers for everything they did and for informing her and she walked out of the station lacey walks down the street and is taking in everything she had just been told she doesn't wish death upon anyone but after hearing about him dying there was a feeling of relief she was relieved that he couldn't hurt anyone anymore and would never have to encounter him ever again who knows what would have happened to lacey if he managed to pull her into the house that one delivery night
Channel: Steven D
Views: 3,493,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animation, Animated story, Story time, Animated story time, Pizza delivery story, True horror pizza delivery, Creepy man, Creepy story
Id: J-wOeAD2AiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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