I Caught My Wife Cheating On Me With Another Married Man So I Divorced Her In An Epic Way

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Revenge porn is hit or miss. But this one was good. I checked the YT channel and this guy has a lot of similar animated stories.

Good find.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DeeplyDisturbed1 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
I've been going through a rough patch with my wife  recently so I decided to put a more effort to be   more emotionally available and help around the  house one day as I was charging an old iPad for   my son to use I accidentally stumbled upon some  messages for my wife's Facebook messenger that   was still locked in it was with a guy named  JBC from her home town the messages weren't   completely inappropriate but I made a mental  note to keep an eye on this the next day I left   her some sweet notes reminding her how much I  appreciated her and she was once again in the   corner of the living room texting her girlfriends  hmm I took the boys iPad to the office open a   facebook Messenger and watched in real-time as  my wife turned down my flaws my insecurities   and secrets i entrusted to my partner I managed to  take screenshots but she was deleting them as the   conversation was unfolding I wasn't emotionally  capable of confronting her so I drank trying to   figure out what to do what's wrong she asked I  just had a bad day a couple minutes later I was   watching the iPad as the train rack kept unfolding  messages that were clearly inappropriate and my   wife was completely into it JBC even sprinkled  some I love yous in there so became the worst   two weeks of my life drinking and losing myself  in the relationship I consulted a lawyer and had   him draft a strong separation agreement stating  that she wouldn't move out she would get weekend   visitation no child support in the interim until  the divorce is final I also found out that JBC was   coming to town to spend the weekend of quality  time with my wife in a nice hotel the next day   she's buttering me up and wanting to take a spa  weekend with our daughter to relax and when she   gets back we can really focus on our marriage  I go along with it at this point most of my   feelings for her are completely gone and I'm just  seething with anger like I've never felt before   the day arrives I took the day off work and I  was draw half of any money in any accounts we   are joined on and I left hers alone I stopped by  at Office Max and I print out about 75 pages of   facebook messenger screenshots she texts me that  she's taking off and that she loves me I told her   to have fun at about 8:30 I show up to the hotel  and call my wife's phone from the lobby but it   goes straight to voicemail so I walk up to the  front desk and I ask if I can use the phone to   be connected to JVC's room it rings three times  and he picks up hello JBC can you send my wife   down to the lobby please I don't know what you're  talking about okay then I guess I'll have to call   mrs. JBC and get her down here totally a bluff I  knew he was married and I knew her first name but   that was it you got five minutes not even two  minutes later my wife comes walking out of the   elevator looking a little flustered it's not what  it seems I'm not here to argue the things that are   said and this powe of papers are what's going  on the only way I'm not giving a copy of this   to our daughter your parents and emailing it to  everyone we know is if you move out immediately   her professional life is built up around her  image so I knew she would protect it at all   costs here is a separation agreement that I think  is more than fair considering what's going on I'm   going to need you to look this over sign it and  leave it at the house when you get your stuff do   you want to look through the screenshot No okay  go have fun with JB see do not come back to the   house or I'm going to send this to everyone as  I'm exiting the lobby I can hear her start to   have a breakdown she texted and called over and  over wanting to talk I just turned the phone off   and by the time Monday afternoon rode around  there were movers getting her stuff and she   delivered the agreement she wants another chance  she wants her family back but I have no intention   of ever taking her back I tell her she needs to  set up marriage counseling on her own at a time   that works for me I tell her that I can't live  with her but she should be around the children   to try and maintain a relationship with them so  starts our new normal of her coming over to house   cooking and having dinner with the kids three  nights a week we went to marriage counseling it   consisted of her working through her issues with a  therapist trying to figure out why she did it her   begging for forgiveness and me stoically playing  the victim I was never going to give her another   chance all I wanted to do was kill time establish  myself as the primary caregiver to the kids and   establish her as not having residency in the house  after a few months I go to my own therapist and   get diagnosed with depression and PTSD I ask my  work if it's possible to go to part-time for the   foreseeable future to deal with personal issues  six months of therapy go by I told her that I   couldn't forgive her right now and that I wanted  an amical divorce but she is still the love of my   life and maybe someday we could give it another  try she was devastated but agreed to the divorce   if I promise to try again someday once the divorce  was filed I needed the kids to want to stay with   me so I left the Google search for how to survive  your wife's infidelity up on the shared PC at home   and I left some printed out infidelity articles  not so hidden in the kitchen my daughter found   them and came to me crying I told her she wasn't  supposed to find those that mom made a mistake   that mom still loves her and that I would always  be here for her my sweet daughter who used to   hold my wife in such high regard now wouldn't  talk to her without screaming and crushed her   not surprisingly when the coordinated statements  from the kids a few months later little brother   followed Big Sisters lead and they both wanted  to stay with dad in the house they grew up in   when the divorce was finalized I got the house  I got primary custody of the kids I got awarded   generous child support due to the difference in  our incomes due to me working part time so in the   eyes of my kids I'm the patron saint of fatherhood  for taking the high road and always being there in   the eyes of my ex I'm the one that got away and  that she will always pine for I make her believe   that there will be a chance that we will get  back together but that is never going to happen I wanted to do a short Q&A since I asked you all  to comment your questions a while ago Stephen you   take so long I know I know I'm terrible but I'm  doing it now so it's okay what is your favorite   anime oh there's so many I enjoy so here's a bunch  of them you know recently I've been watching a lot   of Death Note episode reactions specifically  2425 have you ever been noticed in public for   your videos one that I'll always remember would  be at the airport when I was checking in my bag   with my dad and we were standing in line arguing  for about two to three minutes and right when I   finished talking the girl in front of me turns  around and asks are you Steven you should have   seen a dumb look on my face awkward because she  might have been eavesdropping the entire time if   you could have an unlimited amount of one food  what would it be carne asada fries carne asada   fries are you dating anyone why you gotta bring  this up man I still haven't found my waifu yet and   I'm sick of just staring at my body pillow well  tell us a scary experience from your childhood   well when I was in elementary school up until  the beginning of high school I would be trapped   in this building for hours my mother forced me to  stay there about three days a week I hated every   minute and I couldn't escape and that place was  called if you know you know I'm very scary are   there any creepy stories from your life that  you can recall there was one night when I was   about 8 years old playing a game in my room when I  suddenly heard a woman screaming and fear outside   the apartment and at first I didn't pay much  attention to it but it was so intense like she   was being taken away screaming someone called the  police someone called a police over and over and   over so I quickly rushed in a window and looked  outside but I couldn't see the woman at all and   she was still yelling and I remember there were  people walking around the street but I don't think   they did anything like no one called the police I  saw this guy just kind of hesitate and just stand   there suddenly the screaming stops and I just  see this car driving away quickly and I'm not   exactly sure if she was inside that car but that's  what I assumed what's your favorite story you've   animated my favorite is the stalker that became  my roommates boyfriend video and I remember being   very excited to start drawing right after reading  it but I also felt very nervous uploading it since   it was the first video I did using someone else's  story I think that whole process of being excited   to work on it nervous to put it out and having  it do well is the best feeling and it's what made   the channel what it is today okay last question  what would you be doing if you weren't making   YouTube videos well in college I was thinking of  pursuing physical therapy after graduating but I   most likely would have done something related to  social media or film if I didn't do YouTube all   right that's all the questions for today if you  guys want me to do more Q&A in the future ask   me your questions in the comments below and you  could be in a future episode I hope you enjoyed   this video give it a like comment and subscribe  if you're new and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Steven D
Views: 1,197,253
Rating: 4.9354582 out of 5
Keywords: animation, animated story, story time, creepy stories, caught cheating, cheating, divorce, true stories, animated stories compilation, prorevenge
Id: m-8W38PZCUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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