8 Crazy True Stalker Stories Animated (Compilation Of 2020)

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It was the summer after graduation and Jennifer  was up late packing for a camping trip with her   friends she had the window open as she sat there  folding clothes when she suddenly saw a hand   coming through the gap in the screen of her window  Jennifer screamed and the hand flew back she was   stunned but it could have just been her younger  brother pranking her she got up and looked out   the window and saw the figure of a man staring  back at her Jennifer ran into her brother's   room but saw him there playing video games they  called the police who came and searched the area   but they found nothing officers warned her and  her parents to lock the windows and doors but   the mother had a feeling that he would come back  and as it turns out mother's intuition was right   she went outside and waited in the back porch  and after 20 minutes she saw a man dressed in   black in their backyard he hid behind a tree and  slowly worked his way towards jennifer's window   the mother yelled something to the stranger  and he took off running police came back   out and again found no trace of him jennifer never  opened that window again not even the curtains her   parents installed some motion detecting lights and  that seemed to be the end of that about six months   later jennifer and her friend got an apartment  downtown together excited as this was their first   place outside of home and they were finally living  in the city the downside was that it was street   parking only and after a few weeks jennifer's car  was broken into oddly enough nothing was taken   but a single rose was sat on the passenger seat  this creeped her out for sure but she vowed to be   vigilant and safe she always tried to park close  to the entrance near the lights but it was often   difficult to get those spots and she would have to  park farther away things quickly began escalating   at this point jennifer's car was broken into at  least once a week most of the time a flower was   left but once a pair of men's underwear was there  instead and even more strangely a bag of tootsie   rolls weird because it was her favorite candy  this made jennifer wonder if the person knew her   personally and she started to become suspicious  of everyone there was a laundry machine in the   basement of the apartment and one day jennifer  went down to get a load that finished drying as   she started to fold she realized that all her bras  and panties were gone by the time the first letter   arrived she had already started making plans to  move elsewhere the letter described a love for her   that had been going on for years he noted things  that proved he had been watching jennifer closely   not long after jennifer was able to arrange  for another friend to take over her lease   and she moved in with a new friend on the other  side of the city it was a secured building and   had an underground parking garage that was only  accessible to tenants she felt more secure and   the extra money spent was well worth the peace of  mind things were quiet for a few months and then   her roommate got a boyfriend there was something  odd about ashley's new boyfriend and her friends   were wary of him from the very beginning for one  he reached out to her another reason was that matt   was very good looking and while ashley was a  wonderful person she wasn't the type you would   typically expect someone like him to date ashley  was thrilled she never had a boyfriend and really   felt like he was her prince charming jennifer  however thought he was weird and creepy the moment   they met she had deleted her facebook account  when the initial stalking began but created a   dummy account to learn more about matt it didn't  look like he really knew any of his friends in   real life there were only pictures of himself and  the rest of the information was vague jennifer and   her friends gently tried to discourage ashley  from seeing matt he technically hadn't done   anything wrong but he was just so strange she  would immediately get defensive and would shut   the conversation down matt started to spend more  time at the apartment and jennifer found herself   finding any excuse to avoid coming home one day  she came back home from work and found matt on   the couch alone drinking a beer ashley had been  called into work and she told her that he could   just hang out jennifer had no desire to spend any  time with him so she grabbed the beer and a snack   and headed off to her room and shut the door about  30 minutes or so he knocked on jennifer's door   and suggested they watch some tv and get  to know each other better because they both   loved ashley not wanting to engage in conversation  jennifer focused on the movie but at one point   she glanced over to matt and he was staring at  her with a smile on his face jennifer snapped   at him and said what as he just continued to smile  and said i just can't believe it believed what he   said nothing and went back to watching the movie  she had no idea what he was talking about but the   interaction had every hair standing up on her  body she excused herself and locked the door to   her room another month or so went on and jennifer  had managed to avoid being home for much beyond   sleeping and showering matt practically lived  there and had even brought a bunch of his things   into ashley's room jennifer didn't want to move  again but was beginning to look for other options   on ashley and matt's six-month anniversary there  was a huge bouquet of flowers on the table and an   already opened card propped up next to it jennifer  was curious so she opened the card and her heart   started beating through her chest without even  reading the words matt wrote the handwriting   was exactly the same as the one her stalker  had sent jennifer had kept them as evidence   and dug them out of her desk for comparison  the handwriting was unique and identical matt   was the stalker jennifer called the police and as  they were on their way she called ashley and asked   her to come over terrified to tell her the truth  because she knew that her heart would be shattered   the police took a statement from jennifer and went  to ashley's work to get more information from her   and ended up breaking the news apparently ashley  called matt after and left a furious message even   though the cops told her not to say anything and  he completely disappeared after that there was   no mat or anyone matching his resemblance at the  place he said he worked ashley had never been to   his apartment because he said he would be staying  with his friends while trying to save money for a   trip to europe his family lived out of state and  she said that she had never met a friend of his   because he said they had a falling out because  he was choosing to spend so much time with her   it was all lies and in the end she was  dating a stranger for all they knew matt   may not have even been his real name he had left  the duffel bag in the apartment that was full of   gym clothes but in one compartment there were  about 10 pictures of jennifer all were taken   from far away with the exception of one of her  sleeping the sheets were current so it had to   have been at the current apartment before she  started locking her bedroom door a few pictures   dated back to before the incident at her parents  house which was further evidence that it was him   as well two pairs of missing underwear were there  and jennifer shutters to think of what he did with   the rest there was also a starbucks lid with her  red lipstick marks and a necklace she hadn't even   noticed she was missing the police never tracked  him down jennifer accepted an opportunity overseas   and got out of there but ever since then jennifer  deleted all her social media accounts she became   very low profile looks over her shoulder wherever  she goes as part of her continues to worry if matt   will ever resurface again fifteen years  ago emma had the misfortune of meeting dave   she was new to riding the bus to school and  didn't happen to know anyone so she sat by herself   she could feel someone was watching her from  behind so she turned a couple times to look and   that's when she saw dave he had brown curly hair  and turned away every time she caught him staring   he told emma she had nice hair and he liked her  t-shirt he asked right off the bat if she would   be his girlfriend emma said absolutely not she  didn't even know him and his creepy staring made   her uncomfortable well emma had pointed him out to  a few people in school and everyone she talked to   said he was the nicest person they'd ever met and  just a bit of an odd duck next thing she knows   dave had joined her photography class and after  school programs she saw him around every corner   and in every hallway of the school he started  popping up to try and hug emma and tickle her   when she found out he was telling people he was  her boyfriend emma knew she needed to put her foot   down he kept asking for hugs and she refused and  that's when things took a turn suddenly anonymous   notes were popping up in emma's locker most of  the notes said always and nothing else some had   longer declarations of love the simplicity of  the message gave her chills and it had to be   dave her suspicions were confirmed when pictures  of herself began showing up along with the notes   the pictures were all taken from a slight distance  and she finally got scared one sunday afternoon as   emma was watching tv in her bed she heard  dave's voice next to the bedroom window   he said he watched her walk home one day to see  where she lived and wanted to stop by for a visit   he said he knew she wouldn't let him in so he  figured he just stopped by the window to talk   he quickly left but now it got serious and adults  needed to be involved emma's mom thought she was   exaggerating she acknowledged the notes and  pictures as weird but nothing other than a   serious infatuation so emma went to mr k who  also had dave as a student and noticed some of   his obsessive behavior and didn't doubt her story  for a moment he spoke to dave's guidance counselor   and they both sat down with him telling him that  he was making emma uncomfortable and to stop   this angered dave he stormed up to her in  the lobby of the school with the glass rose   in his hand and threw it at the wall  behind her he screamed in emma's face   about how she had broken his heart just like  the rose mr k had to break up the situation   and a few days later he dropped out of school  and emma went eight years without seeing dave emma was craving some mac and cheese one day and  hit up a popular spot in town to grab some to go   she looked behind the counter and there's  dave emma had no idea he was working there   and debated leaving for a moment middle school  was so long ago and she hadn't heard from him   since that day in the lobby surely this guy cannot  still have this obsession with emma it was a huge   relief when another register opened and a young  woman took her order she wondered if he was even   mortified and didn't want to interact well dave  seemed to take emma's visit as a sign that she   was ready to love him emma got a friend request  from him that night and immediately deleted it   a few nights later she's getting home and  walking on the street when she sees that someone   is standing on the side of her house she gets into  the house quickly locks everything and watches and   then she sees him his curly brown hair emma called  the police and reported this but of course there   wasn't much they could do there was no proof  and he hadn't approached her or tried to get in   they did agree to keep someone on lookout in the  area and she had police patrolling more than usual   the following nights but eventually the police  patrol died down and that's when the late night   knocking began she could hear it softly on windows  and occasionally on the back door but never dared   to answer or get close enough to look it wasn't  every night maybe two or three nights a week   the police never seemed to be close enough in the  area when it happened so they couldn't catch him   a couple weeks after the knocking began emma  received an envelope wedged into the screen door   full of the creepy candid pictures from middle  school and another note that said always she had   enough and wanted to have some official record  of what was happening and that's when emma saw   the word always carved into her car's back bumper  emma lost it and in her rage she took a picture of   the police station sign and the report being filed  and sent them over to dave over facebook and she   told him to leave her alone that the police were  involved and things will only get worse if he   continues and to her surprise he simply responded  you're right and just like that he disappeared   was the mac and cheese worth it definitely not  and ever since that day emma never saw dave again a week before kim's tenth birthday she walked  to the corner store with a five dollar bill and   picked up a jar of ragu for her mom on her way  home a man she never seen before began talking   hi he said cheerfully my name is dr ramsey i'm a  pediatrician do you know what a pediatrician is   kim walked along silently not replying and  fervently hoping he would take that as a sign   he should leave her alone i was just on my way to  get some lollipops for the candy jar in my office   what's your name thankfully they were nearing  her house so she ran forward and went inside   kim didn't know it then but that was the  beginning of a very long and very scary ordeal   it didn't take long after that for dr ramsay to  begin showing up he would drive by nearly every   day smiling and waving kim told her mom who  said maybe it was on his way home from work   but then the phone calls began kim's dad asked  about the day dr ramsey followed her home   and if she talked to him he said she wasn't in  trouble but that she needed to tell him the truth   kim told him no and he asked if she was  sure or if she could be forgetting something   she said no again and he frowned then  asked then how does he know your name   kim didn't know it turns out that was not all he  knew he knew her sister's name as well neither   kim nor her sister were allowed to answer the  phone and he called several times a day then one   night one of kim's brothers told them that he was  telling their parents that he was going to hurt   her and later her sister things got complicated  after that kim's dad called the police but as   this was before there were any stalking laws there  was not a lot they could do they told the parents   to call back if he tried anything kim's dad then  called a friend of his who happened to be a cop   for the next month her dad's friend escorted her  to and from school she couldn't go outside alone   anymore then one afternoon all the siblings and  their mom were in the kitchen when all of a sudden   one of the brothers saw a glimpse of someone in  the garage dr ramsay came bolting out of it and   the brother chased after him they ran all the way  to cherokee park where he lost him in the trees   kim's parents called the police again but nothing  came out of it the only information they had was a   description and a name that was almost certainly  fake a couple weeks later the family woke up to   something horrific happened to their german  shepherd the cop said there was no evidence   it was him and ruled it accidental but none of  them believed that his phone calls became more   informative in the meantime that night the dad  put in some carpenter nails in the bottom of   the french doors until he got a new lock ordered  her parents had to go to a company event for her   dad's work and the older brother was at a skating  event so only the three younger ones were home   suddenly the top of the french door swung inward  and in the few milliseconds before the nails in   the bottom caused them to snap back kim could  see his silhouette the sisters crept down to   the brother's room to look someone was standing at  the back door knocking loudly what do you want she   said is this the mercy residence i have a pizza  for delivery she scoffed at him declaring she was   not stupid as she was calling the cops before they  knew it he left a short while later her brother   returned home kim told him what happened and  he walked around the yard watching for him   by now the family had pretty much given up  calling the cops because it never helped   as the younger brother was in the kitchen he  had this sensation that he was being watched   he stepped closer then closer again until he was  right up to the door there on the other side of   the window was dr ramsey smiling back at him he  turned to yell for his older brother but when   he looked back again he was gone they went  out again to look for him but didn't see him   anywhere a week later kim was at school and the  kids were outside on the playground during recess   she was swinging upside down when she saw that  familiar blue car cruising by moving slowly   there he was smiling and waving he called her  name and kim ran to the teacher and told her   the school had been told all about him and  the teacher took her inside right away and   called kim's mom that same day her mom  had gotten a call from the school office   asking her to verify that kim's dad was picking  her up as he called to say that he was on his way   he wasn't not long after that kim woke up one  night thirsty she went down to the kitchen for a   drink and there sitting alone in the dark was her  dad on the table was a gun he was tired of being   afraid every time he left for work that something  would happen to his kids while he was gone   kim sat with him for a time watching before he  sent her back to bed then as suddenly as it began   it was over he had vanished from their lives  the phone calls the drive-by and creepy ways   everything for a long time during and after the  dr ramsey incident she would have a recurring   nightmare in which she would wake up to find him  standing over her as she slept it took a long time   before kim felt like a kid again she still wonders  if the wait had ended for her dad when he was   waiting in the darkened kitchen that one night kim  doesn't know and she's not sure that she wants to during the weekends i along with my sister and  friend usually went to town around 20 minutes   away to go out and eat it was a busy area so there  were many people on the streets asking for money   after a lot of fizzy drinks we were walking to  the nearest restroom and my friend accidentally   kicked over one of the man's pot of money and  it all went under this young guy's car the man   was still in his car so luckily she could ask  him to move so she could collect the money back   she knocked on his window and asked politely for  him to move he simply stared at her for a second   and replied all right young lady with an extremely  large grin on his face at the time my sister and i   could tell something was up and that man was fishy  however there wasn't much we could do to prove   it he reversed the car ever so slightly my friend  and i went over to pick up this man's money and he   was waiting angrily my sister however refused to  help collect the money and that seemed very out of   character for her and i knew something was up she  proceeded to watch us pick up the money until she   stormed over to the man's car parked elsewhere the  man turned on his car and drove away as fast as he   could my sister began yelling different slurs at  him she tells us that the man was taking photos   of us from his car while we were leading over to  collect the money as there was not much we could   do we just continued to complain about the man  and how disgusting it was after this encounter   we realized we started seeing the same white car  around us but we didn't think too much of it and   made jokes that it was the creepy guy and he was  coming to get us about a week later when all three   of us returned to town to go to mcdonald's we saw  the same homeless man outside and he seemed to   have changed places as we walked past him the  man then whispered i pray for you young girl   and tapped my friend's leg we all stopped scared  and not sure what to do but my sister had enough   and asked him what he meant by that he refused  to respond so we continued walking later the next   evening i received the facetime from my friend and  she seemed pretty shaken up and she swears there's   a person silhouette in her back garden i told her  to show me and from what i could see there was   so my sister and i headed straight to  her place and told her to lock the doors   we grouped up in her living room and debated on  whether to call the police we decided to stay   with her for the night just in case as we all woke  up in the morning and went outside before heading   to school we saw multiple sticky notes stuck to  my friend's fence it said simple compliments like   beautiful and gorgeous but the ones further  down send more creepy things like soft skin   and then we read yellow polka dots strangely  enough my friend always had a liking for yellow   polka dots we asked her whether she maybe had a  mad ex boyfriend but she claimed she hadn't been   with someone for two years we were all scared and  confused until my sister brought up considering   the drastic increase in that white car and  that homeless man saying that to us in town   it could be that creepy man who took photos of  us that day and he may have seen her underwear we   took down the sticky notes after taking a photo of  it just in case i didn't see my friend in school   for the next five days i tried visiting and she  let me in and locked the door all the blinds were   shut and her family still weren't back from their  vacation my friend explains how this man returned   during the night to put sticky notes on her  fence once again spelling polka dots i told   her to call the police but she refused the next  day i convinced her to come along with me to talk   to the homeless man and maybe we could find some  answers luckily he was still there we asked him   over and over to explain what he said last time or  tell us if he knows about the man in the white car   but he wouldn't say anything my sister stood  at the other side of the road to keep watch   suddenly the man in the white car creeps up behind  us and my sister came running over and grabbed   both of his arms and restrained them behind his  back as if she was some kind of police officer   she told the man that she's not afraid to report  him to the police and told him to get out of sight   and never to disturb us again the man was  able to escape from her hold and got into   his car quickly and drove away we went over to  the homeless man who seemed not only scared but   guilty we asked whether he knew that was going  to happen and he was surprisingly honest the man   said he was approached a few weeks ago by him  and said if he could help him leer in my friend   he'd pay him 600 dollars in cash so the  homeless man agreed and got the money   he then said the man called himself adam j  my friend seemed very shocked about that name   we asked what was going on and she said adam  jay was a kid back in school who kept trying   to flirt with her after she rejected him but  that man looked nothing like him my sister then   let the homeless man off with the warning and  we all went back home truth is we never heard   whether it was that adam jay he just vanished  in that white car and we never saw him again   wendell was a panhandler near tessa's college  always singing opera music even though it was   clear he was begging for money she always  thought it was admirable so she gave him   a dollar each time she would occasionally  strike up conversations with wendell and he   would blurt out that he almost went to college  on a baseball scholarship but his terrible life   choices ruined everything oh sorry to hear that  i play volleyball not for a scholarship though   she said see you around okay once wendell called  her over as she was walking with her advisor   she didn't want to be rude so she gave him a  quick hello and introduced them to each other   immediately after the advisor pulled tessa  aside asking how the panhandler knew her name   she explained their little friendship but he said  you shouldn't forge friendships with the homeless   population in the city or even give them money  because they tended to have criminal or addictive   histories she did take a mental note of this  but the very next time she talked to wendell   he was really irritable and distant so your  boyfriend you two live together or what   tessa had no idea what he was talking about the  guy i met from yesterday you were walking with   tessa explained he wasn't her boyfriend  just her academic advisor all of a sudden   wendell wasn't irritable anymore  he was as chatty as he'd ever been   it was around then that wendell started bringing  her gifts every day whenever she passed by   tessa decided to take it but her roommate did  remark that it was weird come on it's just a   flower it's alright she said her advisor once  again brought it up to her and he was worried   she was being manipulated so she took their  advice and decided to distance herself a little   but very shortly after classes were all online  about three weeks into being back home tessa was   watching a friend's instagram story when she heard  wendell singing opera music in the background oh   i forgot all about him hope he's doing all right  she thought but then she noticed the background   wasn't near campus but closer to her hometown  a girl from her college messaged tessa and said   this is going to sound really weird  but i feel like i should say something   i was downtown and a beggar asked me about you  like specifically you he knew you were on club   volleyball and your major i didn't tell  him anything but i thought you should know   tessa was pretty alarmed at first but once  they talked she learned her friend was wearing   a sweatshirt from their college so he probably  asked around as they both lived in the same town   trying to find out how she was doing tessa thanked  her but told her not to worry about it besides   she wasn't in town much longer anyways she  had decided to go live near campus again   but that's until tessa saw wendell back on the  same corner just a week after returning to campus   okay even she knew at that time that something  was wrong tessa stopped giving him money stopped   talking to him and barely left her apartment she  felt bad about potentially hurting his feelings   but figured he'd get the message after finals  tessa decided to visit her brother in a different   state his roommate had moved home leaving an extra  bed so she drove up to his place to get away from   it all about the 9th day in she was woken up way  earlier than usual to the sound of her brother   talking at the door so she got up to see what was  going on her brother was talking nicely to someone   outside but when he turned around he looked really  upset at tessa he turned back and said hold on   here tessa's brother immediately got in her face  saying mom and dad are gonna be so mad at you   she had no idea what he was talking about was  there cops outside you're dating a 40 year old   guy and you invited him to my house while we're  supposed to be staying indoors you two can go to   a hotel or something because he isn't coming in  here wait what i don't know why you're getting so   mad at me tessa responded i don't have a boyfriend  i don't know what you're talking about someone's   got the wrong house no he didn't just vaguely say  he was here for his girlfriend he used your name   he said you guys had a fight and he was here to  work things out feeling even more confused tessa   finally did the obvious thing and looked through  the peephole she almost didn't recognize him at   first because he had showered shaved and changed  into clean clothes but it was the panhandler   tessa was so scared she couldn't speak she  followed me here her brother still didn't   get it he thought she was actually dating this  guy he went to the door and told him hey i just   checked she's not here anymore she must have  packed out this morning you should do the same   wendell just stared at him and said you're lying  i heard her in there tell her i'm sorry i i don't   know why she's been avoiding me but i got cleaned  up for her and i'll take her anywhere she wants to   go tell her that tell her and don't lie i'll know  if you lie tessa was watching from the corner and   it sounded like he was walking away but instead  he was going over to the window and then she saw   him staring his eyes were bugged out of his head  and he looked like he was just disconnected from   reality he started banging on the windows shouting  that's my girlfriend you can't keep her in there   let her out let her out i'm coming baby tessa was  in shock she was too scared to run or even move   before her brother could charge out the door  wendell punched through the window and his   hand was covered with the glass and there was  an eerie moment of silence when nobody moved   dammit call he 911 while he leaned against the  door which wendell was now repeatedly running into   tessa called them on the phone and within 10  minutes the police arrived and arrested wendell   without resistance he kept trying to tell them his  girlfriend was trapped in the house and he'd come   all this way to save her tess's brother was even  momentarily handcuffed and had to explain to them   that he hadn't taken his sister hostage as they  carted wendell away for a rest he started singing   opera music tessa learned a lot of important  common sense and life lessons from this   horrible experience but most of  all wendell let's not meet again on one friday afternoon i got a call from  my friend sarah asking if i wanted to meet   her and another friend lisa at dunkin donuts as we  hadn't seen one another in a long time i got there   after a 15 minute walk and found them sitting  together so i joined them as we were chatting i   noticed that my sister elena was sat at a table  in the corner of the room with her friend jess   i excused myself from the table and went over  to my sister immediately elena whispered to me   don't look now but the guy in the blue  shirt i think he's been following jess and i   she told me that he's past their table a good five  times in the past 20 minutes to go to the bathroom   but he walks slower every time he passes them i  told them they were most likely being paranoid   and there was nothing to worry about but for their  peace of mind i offered to leave with them so they   wouldn't feel as worried i walked back to my table  and explained the situation to sarah and lisa   both of them laughed it off and assumed my sister  was being paranoid as well literally about a   minute later i saw the man get up from his seat  and walk towards the bathroom my eyes followed   him and sure enough he walked extremely slow past  elena and jess in fact it was almost comical how   obviously slow he became both elena and jess  looked in my direction and i nodded to show   that i had seen him walk slower about five minutes  later i walked towards the restroom and i passed   elena and jess and told them i was ready to leave  whenever they were they both agreed that they   wanted to go now so i said we could leave after  i finished going to the restroom elena had come   in her car so she was going to give me a lift back  i was walking down the corridor back into the main   eating room when elena and jess rushed towards me  i asked them what's going on and they explained   that another man had joined the strange creeper  and that the men were both pointing and staring   at them we walked back to the eating area i put my  money on our table and explained to lisa and sarah   that i was taking off and i would explain what was  going on when i got home we all got into elena's   car and left after a two-minute drive we reached  my house just then i remembered that i had been   meaning to return something i had borrowed from  my mother so i asked if elena could drive me to   my parents house as she was going there anyways  i jumped out the car to get what i needed when my   phone began to ring it was elena she explained  that a car had driven past and had pulled into   a driveway she said that the driver was the creep  from dunkin donuts i looked out my window and sure   enough there was a car which didn't belong to the  owner of the house parked on their driveway i got   the girls into the house and locked the door i  instructed elena to take a photo of the car and   the license plate and told jess to call 9-1-1 as  she would give the operator more information than   what i could elena took the photos and we sort of  gathered around jazz as she was speaking to the   operator she had finished telling the story and i  heard the operator assure us that the police would   be on their house soon a few minutes passed and  there was a loud knock at the front door followed   by a voice shouting it's the police we all did  a sigh of relief as i went to open the door jess   told the operator that the police were here and  she hung up definitely something she shouldn't   have done i was in the process of unlocking  the door when i thought to look through the   spy hole at the top i peered through and it  wasn't a police officer it was the same guy   i froze in fear and i didn't know what to say we  didn't call the police elena and jess were both   confused as to why i said this you have the wrong  address i informed the girls that it was the creep   at the door and not a police officer both were  rightfully shocked and extremely scared as was i   we had a call sir i was about to tell jess to  call the police again until i heard the sirens   sir you have to let me in i heard the police  pull up and some commotion outside this time an   actual police officer knocked on the door and  i let him in the police officers took the man   into custody while another police officer  took elena and justin to the dining room for   some brief questioning the man was found with a  kitchen knife and some other weapons in the car   everyone was relieved and thankful the police  arrived on time who knows what could have   happened if i didn't look through the spy hole  first and accidentally let that man in our house   when lucy turned 13 she moved with her  father to japan from colombia due to his job   they arrived to shizuoka prefecture and rented a  small house to live in her dad did research work   at one of the universities while lucy attended  a school at shizuoka closest to their home   during the first week her dad was able to drive  lucy to school and also to pick her up after   things were going fine she started to make new  friends her japanese was improving and overall   had a great time but then lucy's dad started to  work more hours and in order to spend the weekends   with her he decided to change his routine meaning  he wouldn't be able to drive her or pick her up   from school anymore lucy had no problem being on  her own and she reassured him that everything was   going to be okay the first two weeks walking alone  was perfectly fine until the tuesday of the third   week lucy was on her usual route to school and  then a man around his 30s approached her with a   kind smile on his face he greeted her in english  and started to say things such as it's a nice   day i should have brought my dog and i remember i  used to take this way to school lucy tried to be   polite since it was common to have people from the  area approaching her and her dad for small talk   and since japanese people are so kind and polite  she did the same as well she told this man that   she really needed to hurry for school he looked at  her quite disappointed but smiled again and said   oh sure you must be a really good student  always on time i hope to see you again   the next day she saw him again this time he told  her that he actually had seen lucy and her dad   since they arrived and how he noticed that her dad  was no longer driving her to school he then handed   her a plastic bag full of candies and cookies  after that he finally let her go in the bag   there were also notes that said have a nice day at  school you are smart you are pretty the following   day lucy decided to confront him before he offered  one of his gifts she stopped him and told him he   made her uncomfortable and to stop being around  her and all of a sudden he snapped and the man   started yelling at lucy saying she's ungrateful  that she was mistaking their friendship he   pretended to be hurt and lucy fell for it i should  have told my father before lucy said i should have   told him everything initially she felt embarrassed  and wanted to resolve the problem by herself one day her class had a school trip to the  aokigahara forest the trip was going well   they were walking near the area of the forest and  the surroundings and were divided by groups of   ten with one teacher at the head it was going to  be a long walk so everyone was told to go to the   restroom beforehand each of the students were  wearing identification and when they came back   lucy suddenly realized that she lost hers  and thought to run back to the restroom to   check and see if she dropped it just before her  teacher would notice and scold her for losing it   after checking the restroom and now finding her id  she decided to give up and get back to her group   but then the guy appeared again he greeted lucy  and then asked what are you doing here feeling   shocked and freaked out to see him lucy told  him that she was in a school trip and that she   needed to hurry up and get back to find her  group but before she could get away from him   he said don't you need your id lucy froze she  looked back at him and he smiled then said   i found it on the ground i recognized your pretty  face so i put it in my car let's go get it before   you get in trouble at this point lucy was  terrified he started to look more sinister   and she couldn't say anything seeing she wasn't  responding the man grabbed her arm and began to   pull her lucy snapped and freed from his  grip and started to run away he followed   behind running fast while calling out lucy chan  lucy chen what are you doing come back here   she continued running she didn't realize that she  entered the forest and was now without direction   after writing for who knows how long she no  longer heard the man's voice her whole body   felt heavy and lucy couldn't catch her  breath she looked around and everything   seemed the same there was silence she continued  walking for a while until she came across   attending camp lucy felt relief when she saw a man  come out she proceeded to tell him everything that   happened he seemed confused and a bit scared of  her but after seeing lucy crying he changed his   expression to a more warming one he listened to  everything quietly until she finished they both   agreed to call the cops and alert the authorities  of the place thankfully he knew the way back to   the entrance of the forest and two of the forest  keepers were walking there his name is yuki and   yuki told them in japanese everything that lucy  had told him the forest keepers brought them to an   information area where they called the police and  told them to wait there they also sent other force   keepers to look for the classmates and alert them  about the guy meanwhile yuki tried to comfort lucy   telling her what he was doing in the woods he  said that his younger brother passed away five   years ago and since then he's been going to the  forest on his brother's birthday to honor him   when the police arrived she told the officer  everything that happened while another group of   police officers searched the area they finally  found the guy in the forest they arrested him   and searched his car for evidence and found tape  rope and a knife she thanked yuki for saving her   life and shortly after the trip ended and the  school called her father he immediately rushed   to the school but he didn't scold lucy that day  he just hugged her and she cried on his shoulder carly was searching for a nice laptop to buy on  craigslist she was looking searching around until   she came across one in perfect condition for an  extremely affordable price carly was thrilled   a laptop for this price in perfect condition too  she immediately emailed the guy who was selling it   asking questions about the computer like the  hardware specs etc just to make sure she wasn't   getting scammed he responded saying that it's  hers she was the first to respond to his offer   so carly arranged the meeting to collect the  laptop from him weirdly he asked for her address   her name and surname carly told him she's not  exactly comfortable with giving her name and   address to strangers he seemed to be fine with it  though she was waiting for him at the university   when suddenly someone walks up to her hey are you  carly oh yeah that's me i have the laptop for you   awesome thanks so much she said can i take a  look at it after a brief check that everything   on the laptop was working properly she got  the money out and the transaction was smooth   hey i really appreciate it i hope you have a  nice day thanks you too she left the university   went back home and pretty much forgot about  him everything was fine until this happened   carly started doing her school project when she  suddenly deleted one of her files by mistake   she opened the trash bin to get the file out  and saw hundreds of photos of numerous girls   the photos had my love or my darling letterings  near them all circled with red marker carly   thought that this guy must have been a dirty  cheater but then she discovered a creepy   coincidence all the girls looked exactly like  her she got scared and decided to take a walk   while she was walking at the park she saw a  tall figure in a black hood carly pretended   not to see him but she was tearing apart inside  as the figure was getting closer and closer   she started picking up the pace but the hooded man  was right on her tail carly ran out of patience   left the park and quickly hopped on the bus and  made sure that this guy wasn't following her when   she was finally home she called her brother over  and told him about the creepy pictures and the   scary figure she saw at the park he calmed carly  down and she showed him the pictures on the laptop   he was absolutely disgusted what is wrong with  this guy he said her brother was very familiar   with computers and his mechanics so he decided to  check the laptop he started doing something to it   while carly went to her room to take a nap about  an hour later she heard a loud yell from outside   she got up flustered ran out the room and  found her brother sitting on the floor   looking at the laptop like it was some kind  of monster she noticed something on the floor   it was a tracker placed inside the laptop  she bought from the man on craigslist   carly froze and it was all adding up now  the laptop the low price she bought it for   him asking for her full name and address  this guy placed the tracker in the laptop   and he sold it to her so he could stalk her and  she was certain the scary figure she saw there   was the same guy carly then realized that  this whole week she was being stalked   never noticing anything she and her brother rush  to the police immediately they started asking her   questions but she realized that this guy's  face was completely erased from her memory   she started to look him up on social media but  failed the mysterious man she bought the laptop   from on craigslist suddenly vanished without a  trace and the police never contacted them again   to this day carly still thinks about that tracker  placed inside the laptop what he's been doing   when he was following her and what could have  happened if she didn't leave the park immediately
Channel: Steven D
Views: 34,148
Rating: 4.9699812 out of 5
Keywords: animation, animated stories, true stories, animated stories compilation, creepy, stalker
Id: 3J1PAVpxfc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 25sec (2845 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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