7 Creepy True Stories Animated (Compilation of Feb 2022)

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emma was 16 when she met riley on the football field where she was a junior cheerleader and he was a wide receiver two years her senior when they first started dating riley was the perfectly polite young suitor who emma's parents were initially happy with but that soon changed emma's friends knew that riley's escalating controlling behavior wasn't healthy and they urged her to dump him he was telling her how to dress and how to act he would stand outside of her workplace for hours waiting originally emma was convinced her friends were wrong about him but she quickly got tired of making excuses for riley's bad behavior they would reunite then rupture then rebound again many times over their two-year relationship until she ended it for good it started when emma was at a party with her friends celebrating the bobcats football victory that day emma had only been there for a short while when she got a text message that read go to your car with your keys go alone it was from an unknown number who is this emma asked emma found her friend zach and he accompanied her out to her car to see what was going on they didn't see anyone or anything so they returned to the party emma immediately got another text what part of a loan wasn't clear emma responds yeah i'm not cause i don't know who this is the messages suddenly turned threatening i don't want to have to hurt a loved one what emma couldn't believe it it had to be a joke i've got someone you love if you don't comply i will hurt them if you tell anyone about this i'll hurt them still emma thought someone was pranking her and decided to call their bluff show me no pictures stop playing around and do as i say drive to the bottom of the driveway if you don't by 11 50 i will hurt them bring no one emma became suspicious that she knew who was behind the messages her ex riley i know you're one of riley's friends but stop i won't harm you just do as i say and he won't be hurt emma wanted this to stop i'll just call the cops i know you're riley's friends i'm not stupid and you won't hurt him i'm blocking you i'm no one's friend we have him now you have until 11 50. i know riley put you up to this i'm not dumb we have him currently he hasn't put anyone up to anything if you are okay with him getting hurt that is your choice i'm blocking you this is bs you may want to answer his call we're letting him have his phone to call anyone before we hurt him four minutes call the police and he dies emma didn't answer you've made your choice if you like to hear his crying and screams give him a call at 12 17 a.m she got another message he's in the ditch beside her house it's a shame you can all of a sudden not value someone's life you may want to check on him since you don't care just let him lay there he was unconscious when we left him emma and zach went outside for another look they found riley laying face down at the edge of the yard they were soon joined by emma's friends who weren't buying riley's act and thought he was faking emma asked riley what he was doing there riley acted confused as he sat up holding his head i don't know how i got here i was kidnapped she wasn't lying when she said she wasn't stupid but emma didn't read danger into the situation she just thought it made him look pathetic she wanted him to leave her alone but she would get one last text from the unknown number that night that was your warning we will be back next time it will worsen humiliation is fun too and watching you make him out to be a crazy person made our night see you soon emma didn't reply the following day went unusual for emma she went to school and afterwards went home to change clothes before heading out to help her mom with volunteer work at the local elementary school as she was changing she noticed the man walking down the middle of the street she couldn't see his face but she could see him crossing the lawn toward her front door emma was alone and didn't know what to do there was only one person close enough to come to her aid emma texted riley i'm shaking and crying i hate you but i need you right now riley i'm coming i'm speeding just give me a minute emma's mom jill became concerned when she didn't show up as planned so she drove home to see what was keeping her she found emma in the driveway being confronted by riley this angered and concerned joe who had banned riley from their home after their last breakup she ordered him to leave emma seemed rattled genuinely afraid and this worry was transmitted to her parents but there were no further incidents that evening and the family turned in for the night in the middle of the night a loud noise woke emma's father mark then it happened again mark got up to investigate it had sounded like a slamming door but nothing seemed to miss in the house so he assumed it was his son and returned to bed the next morning mark was the first one out of the door for work as was usual later jill woke up the kids for school her mom went to check on emma and got no response emma didn't seem to hear her shouts and wouldn't open her eyes when shaking her emma didn't appear to be breathing jill rushed to call emergency services she was frantic by the time the call was answered crying and talking so fast in her effort to summon her before it was too late she told the operator that emma was unresponsive and was transferred to paramedics by the time she was put through emma's mother knew the truth she was unresponsive and she's gone police began to investigate the crime scene and soon discovered two bullet holes in emma's bedroom walls that was the two banging door sounds her father had heard in the night following the trajectory police recovered two bullet casings in the yard outside emma's bedroom when asked who would want to hurt emma her parents immediately thought of one person riley riley took to all major social media platforms to tell the world of his great loss his great pain his great troubles and to amp up the sympathy and attention he put himself in the hospital overnight while pouring his heart out to his best friends noah and alex he shows them the gun he had stolen from his grandfather the gun he lied about having but riley was quick to reassure them that the gun was for protection and that's all ever since he was kidnapped and left were dead in the ditch he just didn't feel safe the gun provided that security alex and noah shared their growing suspicions with detectives who were interested to learn of the gun theft the two boys agreed to surreptitiously record riley talking about the gun and were ready to step in when riley asked his friends to help him get rid of it police arrested riley as he was about to ditch the gun in the tennessee river and brought him into questioning riley's lies were exposed when he was confronted with the recordings those recordings would be played in court riley admitted to shooting emma but claimed he had never meant to hurt her like all his other stunts he claimed he only intended to scare her so she would seek his guidance and protection as she had before like his peers the jury must have thought he was a poor actor as it took them only four hours to find him guilty of first degree and stalking he was sentenced to life in prison when gypsy rose was just a child she had many different illnesses ranging from muscular dystrophy leukemia seizures vision slash hearing loss and the list goes on thankfully her mother dede was always there for her the mother and daughter were beloved by their community even habitat for humanity built a house for them to aid with gypsy's needs for years she would be on treatment undergo surgeries and be on medication even sleeping with a breathing machine to help with her sleep apnea but something strange was going on that nobody was aware of you see gypsy rose was always in a wheelchair despite being able to walk and ever since she was a kid she was fed through a tube but never actually needed one the person with the illness was never gypsy rose it was her mother dede who made up all these disorders and lied to her own daughter her entire life it started when she was an infant spending time in a neonatal intensive care unit at eight years old she fell off her grandfather's motorcycle and injured her knee although it was nothing serious dede forced her to stay in a wheelchair so it wouldn't get worse it wasn't until they moved to missouri that neurologist dr flasterstein realized that she doesn't have muscular dystrophy and he suspected gypsy rose was the victim of munchausen syndrome by proxy her mother was making up everything and put her own daughter through so much pain when she was actually healthy her teeth were rotting from the anti-seizure medication and when he confronted her about past medical records dede said all the documents were destroyed alongside their old home during hurricane katrina feeling attacked deity made a mental note not to see dr flaster stein anymore and unfortunately the neurologist didn't pursue this case further fast forward a couple years gypsy rose now 19 had been suspecting for a while that she never had any diseases and needed someone to save her she would sneak out and ask the neighbor for help to bring her to the hospital but deity would always intercept and convinced them that her daughter had brain damage and didn't know what she was talking about without hesitation people believed the mother and gypsy rose found it impossible for anyone to listen it got worse when one day she escaped to meet a guy at a sci-fi convention she had been chatting with online and dede caught them together in a hotel room enraged she smashed her computer threatening her daughter that she will use the hammer on her fingers if she ever tried to escape again for the next two weeks gypsy rose was chained to her bed her fear of deity was at its peak and she became desperate during the night when her mother fell asleep gypsy rose would go online to a dating website and that is when she met nicholas goldjon he was a 23 year old with multiple personalities and had a criminal record for indecent exposure her relationship with nicholas grew quickly and for over a year they would message each other secretly on facebook soon after gypsy rose told him about the possibility of killing her mother and asked if he would help in her mind this was the only way to be free nicholas agreed and he clearly wanted a future with gypsy rose and was willing to carry out that plan it was june 2015. nicholas came from wisconsin to her house that night they met at the door and gypsy rose handed him a knife duct tape and gloves still asleep he crept up to her bed and it happened dede screamed her daughter's name that she was being stabbed in the back gypsy rose hid in the bathroom and covered her ears until it was all over dede blanchard was dead they took about four thousand dollars that her mother had stashed away and the two left the house in the middle of the night believing they got away with their crime friends of dede had become worried when her facebook account posted this message shown on their news feeds the police obtained the search warrant and found dede's body inside along with the wheelchairs but gypsy rose was missing a neighbor of theirs knew she had a secret facebook account and the police were able to get facebook to trace the ip address and found them in wisconsin where they surrendered and was arrested the media covered the dede and gypsy rose story and the truth about her faking her daughter's illnesses and they also found out that deity had been collecting thousands of dollars from foundations and disability checks from the government all these years the two went on trial and the jury had decided their fate gypsy rose blanchard accepted a plea bargain and was sentenced to 10 years in jail and nicholas goldjon who committed this act was sentenced to life in prison how did this man who lived in the 19 room mansion worked as an accountant in a bank and was a sunday school teacher living a seemingly good life suddenly take the lives of his entire family and disappear for 18 years this is the story of how detectives finally caught john list after nearly two decades it was 1971 john was in his late 40s when he found himself under a mountain of depth and lost his accounting job he was skimming money from his mother's bank accounts to pay for the mortgage while fearing that he can no longer support his family he went bankrupt but refused to go on welfare and didn't want his family to suffer in poverty so he decided the only solution was to take the lives of his wife three kids and his own mother in his words i did it to save their souls he placed their bodies in sleeping bags lining them up together in the ballroom immediately after he wrote a five page confession letter to his pastor the youngest one struggled a lot and i'm sure many will say how could anyone do such a horrible thing but after it was over i said some prayers for them all that was the least i could do he sent notes to the kids school saying that the family will be in north carolina for several weeks to visit their sick grandmother he closed all bank accounts taking the rest of his mother's money and stopped all mail milk and newspaper deliveries to the mansion john lowered the thermostat in the house played church music from the radio and left to start a new life because john's plan was so methodical and his family was very reclusive in the first place for over a month nobody noticed anything it wasn't until the neighbors saw the lights in the house burn out weeks after and realized it still hadn't been fixed and they finally grew suspicious the teachers also realized that the kids hadn't returned to class and felt something was off police was called and the investigation of john list and his family began december 7 1971 law enforcement entered the mansion through an unlocked window immediately they felt how cold the place was and saw the bodies in the ballroom they were all decomposing at this point there was a trail of dried up blood leading to the bathroom it looked like john didn't do that well when cleaning up the crime scene and left the mop and bucket inside the shower the organ music was still playing and soon after they found the five-page confession letter to his reverend police checked all around the room and inside one of the drawers was the revolver and handgun he used john list also meticulously cut out his face in every family photo they found his car parked at the kennedy national airport but there was no evidence of him boarding any flight the detectives had no lead and john list had disappeared without a trace 1989 although it's been nearly two decades the new jersey police never gave up on this case newspapers with his face continued to appear with the headline john list still not found after this many years it was possible he took his own life but he could have also started a new one far away around this time a show called america's most wanted was airing his first season and garnered a huge audience that's when detectives contacted john walsh the creator of the show in hopes to get this case on television the plan was to tell the world about john list's crime and get someone to call in with information on his whereabouts however the last picture they had of him was from 1970 nobody knew what he would look like 18 years later that's when they hired frank bender a master in forensic sculpting to create a bust of an old john list forensic psychologists were also very important in helping bender imagine list's new look he carefully analyzed the man's entire history his upbringing his fears and his genetics through pictures of his parents and after many hours the physical bust of john list was complete it featured his hawk nose receding hair wrinkles the sagging cheeks and even the same scar behind his ear frank bender also theorized that john list would still be wearing thick glasses as he reminded him of his younger wealthy self to finish off his clay sculpture bender put on a pair of dark rimmed frames different from the ones before he became a fugitive and on may 29 1989 the john list episode aired on america's most wanted to over 20 million households nine days later john list was arrested his neighbor wanda was watching the episode when she noticed some very striking similarities an accountant glasses man in his 60s with the same facial features as that of the bust and a churchgoer she called the show's tipline phone number just in case bob clark an accountant living in richmond virginia remarried to a woman named dolores miller whom he met at a church gathering robert peter clark real name john list when confronted by detectives he denied ever knowing such a man but the evidence was all there his fingerprints matched the ones on the firearms he used and magnificently he wore the exact same thick rimmed glasses that frank bender had put on the bust his new wife dolores told her story of how they met and after finding out the truth she divorced him immediately for months he kept denying it but on february 16 1990 liszt confessed to his true identity 18 years ago he parked his car at the jfk airport but instead of taking a flight he took a train to denver colorado to start another life under his new name with everything finally revealed he went on trial and the judge sentenced him to life in prison in an interview in 2002 they asked a list why didn't you take your own life his answer doing that would have barred me from heaven as i wanted to reunite with my family some final facts that i found out while researching this story was that the name of the mansion breeze no was burned down nine months after the crime by an unknown group and destroyed along with the home was a stained glass skylight said to be a tiffany original that was worth a hundred thousand dollars in 1970. in present day this would be worth about 680 thousand dollars and this amount of money would have cleared john lewis stepped john walsh the host of america's most wanted donated frank bender's physical bust to a forensic science exhibit which can now be seen inside the alcatraz east crime museum in tennessee it was a really busy night and i was delivering pizza without any time to pause or even take bathroom breaks when all of a sudden the urge to go pee hit me all at once i pulled up to the next house and it was an area i delivered in before so i could immediately see that something wasn't right all the lights were off in the house not even the glow of a television or anything the block was dead quiet i caught the number the customer provided and the voice on the other end said yeah she sounded out of breath hey it's your pizza out front but there doesn't appear to be anybody home yeah i'm not home i had to pee so badly that i was much less patient than i'd otherwise be with the customer right out of the game well then we're going to have to terminate the order because i've arrived in the stated delivery window and you were supposed to pay in cash so i i don't know what to tell you i instantly regretted letting my bladder do the talking for me but she responded oh my gosh i'm so sorry i was running down the street so i could barely hear you i knew you were coming please don't leave i'm starving five minutes tops okay well now i felt bad for snapping at her no no my bad no need to rush uh see you when you get here the safest bet was to use a bush in front of the woman's house she wasn't home and the street light was out so no one would see me i scurried over to the tallest bush in her front yard about four feet from her door i looked both ways unzipped and finally thank god after the initial millisecond of relief i noticed the sound was way off i started panicking thinking i'd ain't wrong but once i started i can't stop mid-stream so i kept squinting into the darkness to see if maybe i was hitting a rock or something and could just move a few inches over all of a sudden i heard a way more concerning noise what the [ __ ] before i could turn around assuming i've been caught by a neighbor a man came leaping out of the bushes he blew past me brushing my golden shower off him as he spit pretty emphatically on the ground i think i might have beamed him right in the face i didn't remember what he was saying because i was still in shock but after a few minutes i do remember hearing a car screech out from a bit further away i was so frozen that i didn't even put my junk away and i just stood there trying to figure out what had happened that man was wearing a hoodie a 90 degree weather that was a bad man you're in a bad situation i said to myself i turned on the flash on my phone and tried to peer around the line of shrubbery and that is when i saw the bag there was a tattered drawstring bag sitting behind the bushes once i maneuvered it over and pulled it open i saw a sharp knife a roll of duct tape and a bottle of pills i dropped the bag booked it across the street and slammed the pedal before the door was even closed all the way i pulled into the parking lot of a 24 hour store who do i call first the police or the girl but then i thought what if the girl on the phone was just a decoy to get me there to rob me she called me out of breath she wasn't home the whole thing was off i called 9-1-1 and the operator assured me that someone would be there soon my rational mind said the odds of her being a decoy girl for some large scam targeting pizza guys were low and the odds of her being an intended victim were a lot higher i took 9-1-1 off mute and told them i had returned to look for the girl they weren't happy about that but i saw her meandering past the parked cars and in the street looking to see if one was mine i waved her down and i kept whispering get in get in oh you want me to get the pizza from the back look there was a man in your bushes i'm on the phone with the police i don't know where he is right now just please get in the car so we can lock the doors i thought that was why she got in the car with no further explanation but it turns out that wasn't entirely it still there she with you 911 kept checking in not knowing who the third party i was talking to was i reassured them and we drove more cautiously this time to a location the police instructed us to wait as to speak with the police after they cleared the area they came pretty soon after and i gave them a statement telling them everything i observed it turns out the reason she got into a strange pizza guy's car without probing any deeper into the story is because she knew who the man was right away from my description she had a psycho ex-boyfriend who was apparently crazy enough that he immediately came to mind from hearing there's a guy in your bushes she later called us to thank me and insisted to leave a huge tip that was easily one of the creepiest things that has ever happened to me on the job or off so to that crazy ex-boyfriend in the bushes that i accidentally peed on let's not meet again when i was 9 years old and my older brother was 14 we were at the location of what would have been the scariest night of my life that day our mother had given us about 30 dollars to go to a movie and maybe get food afterwards after watching the movie it was getting pretty dark and i was ready to go home but my brother wanted to get something to eat first so we agreed to walk to a mcdonald's only a couple blocks from the theater on our way there we were stopped and approached by a man he had a friendly smile plastered on his face and he was holding his child's hand hey do you two think you could give my son and i a hand real quick he asked we need help loading a mattress onto the back of our truck the truck is over there up the road sorry but we don't really have time my brother said it was at this time i noticed the little boy he was about eight years old and he looked abnormally thin he had a blank expression on his face and wore clothes that were much too big for him i turned my attention back to the man who was now mumbling to my brother about how it would only take a second my brother kindly declined again but being the helpful kid that i was i joined in with the man and tried to persuade my brother that we should help them out i turned to him who was now staring at the little boy my brother had a disturbed expression on his face as he looked down on the child the child stared back at my brother blankly i think that's my mom over there he pulled me and we began walking away from the stranger again i didn't understand what was going on and why my brother had just lied about our mom being there he didn't let go of his hand and practically dragged me until we were a far distance away from the man and his son i looked back and could still see the man holding his son's hand only now he wasn't smiling anymore he had a look of fury on his face and he yanked the little boy by the arm and they walked away i pulled away from my brother's grasp and bombarded him with questions he shushed me and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket he dialed in the number and began pacing around nervously while talking on the phone i remember the police showing up and my mom came soon after she took me home but my brother was left with the police i asked my mother what was going on and she said that the police were just questioning my brother because that man we had encountered was dangerous that was all she told me so i just went to bed it wasn't until a few days ago that these memories flooded back into my mind i decided to call my now 22 year old brother to get some answers my brother told me that while the man was constantly trying to convince us to come with him he happened to look at the little boy then looked at my brother with his eyes filled with terror and mouthed the words i'm not his son please help me his expression went back to being completely blank almost as if he had never said anything at all this was why he became so freaked out and snatched me away when he called the police they hurried down and he described the man the best he could unfortunately they couldn't do much with the little information my brother had given because we hadn't even seen the car the man supposedly had my brother told me that a few weeks into the investigation they had found the little boy who was with the man his body had been cruelly dumped in the woods and the cause of death was malnutrition and dehydration if my brother and i had gone with that man we likely would have met the same fate that meant he had other partners who would have helped him snatch up unsuspecting kids his real parents had already been searching for their missing son for almost a month the sick man used him as his puppet to try and take other children so to the man i saw all those years ago you had better hope that we never meet again i made it my resolution earlier this year to get back in shape unfortunately i've had to work crazy hours and by the time i get off work the gyms are already closed that changed when i was driving home at night and saw a gym sign saying now open 24 7. i decided to pull up grabbed my bag from the trunk and headed inside i almost turned around because there was no one at the front desk and literally no one in the gym either half the fluorescents were on and there was music playing so i figured the employee was on a break or something and i went to the locker room to get changed everything was a mess the free weights were all over the place yoga mats had come undone cleaning bottles had all been knocked over and one of them had leaked all over the treadmill it just looked like the gym had been open all day and the employee has said screw it i'm not cleaning this mess so i just hopped on the elliptical and started my workout i was about 15 minutes in when the battery on my ipod finally died at least there was music playing some hip-hop song i've never heard of before i could have sworn i heard something in silence between songs and that sounded like a whimper but i convinced myself it was just the side effect of a creepy empty gym that was my mistake i went back to lifting weights when suddenly the power went out but only for a second to be honest it scared me half to death i nearly dropped the bar i was holding as soon as the lights came back on i was able to hear the whimpers i thought i heard earlier it drew my attention to the supply closet near the main desk i grabbed the free weight just in case approached the door and loudly asked you okay in there the whimpering stopped immediately like the person on the other side was trying to conceal their presence she looked like a student 1920 she was wearing an employee t-shirt and was curled up in the far corner of the room i tossed the weight aside and lifted my hands to show her i meant no harm and she kind of just stared at me for a few seconds before she got this glint of recognition in her eyes she got up briskly grabbed my arm and said we have to get out of here now i tried to explain that i needed to change but she wouldn't hear it she only stopped when i pointed out i left my car keys in my locker i heard her whisper that there was no time but she looked like she was weighing things in her mind okay she decided we'll go together but we have to leave before it comes back the word it caught my attention it was about 11 pm and she hadn't seen a customer in over an hour she was bored so she started tidying up putting the weights back in place when all of a sudden she heard the bar from the bench crashed to the ground he figured the last person who used it hadn't placed it back on the rack properly she was sure someone was running around and making a mess and then dodging out of sight she tried looking at the mirrors to try and catch them in the act she caught a silhouette standing on the opposite side of the gym all of a sudden a weight was being thrown across the floor weights flew past her she ducked into the nearby supply closet and tried to hide she could hear objects pelting against the door there was a loud knock and then it all went quiet she sat there in horror for a few minutes before she mustered the courage to leave but something was blocking the door she couldn't see very well out of the crack but it looked like one of the weight machines had been dragged all the way to the closet and had been dropped there and then there was me around midnight entering the gym now i've got to be honest there was nothing blocking the door to the supply closet when i got there i don't know if she imagined it or if it got moved or what that's why i was a little skeptical and why i was reluctant to believe her story i was ready to dismiss the whole thing but as we left the locker room and headed towards the front door i ran into the gym only to find the mirrors shattered into pieces with not a soul in sight the employee walked over and put a hand on my shoulder urging me to leave i wanted to i really did but i become rooted into the ground in horror i swear to you on everything i hold dear as i stood over those hundreds of broken chunks of mirror i could see our reflections staring back at us from every angle and in some of them only some i saw a dark figure standing behind us emmy's roommate lucy is a slovenly food stealing clothing destroying waste of carbon emi dealt with it by keeping her space clean and ignoring her areas storing her food at work and installing a lock on her bedroom door so she couldn't borrow her outfits all of that made lucy a bad roommate but she had her workarounds and she had the one saving grace of being quiet at night so emmy put up with it she put up with it until she broke their cardinal roommate rule no one gets a key to the apartment without both roommates agreeing the rule was sacred emmy couldn't even give a key to her boyfriend for more than a year and unbeknownst to her lucy had met a guy online who lived several hours away and within two weeks of meeting him she invites him to meet in real life and stay over for the weekend lucy then decides to mail this strange man a key to their apartment because he was going to get into town before she got off work a man she talked to for only two weeks had never actually met and emmy didn't know about now had a key to their shared apartment and lucy wasn't going to be there to greet him but emmy was she started doing her laundry while wearing only a robe as she was getting ready to shower right after suddenly she hears the locks nick emmy turns around and sees the door swing open to reveal a thin looking guy in a trench coat who just stood there silently while emmy froze like a rabbit emmy screamed and chucked the laundry detergent at his head before scrambling into her bedroom and locked the door he yelled that it's okay i'm lucy's boyfriend he said i don't care who you are emmy screamed get out of here or i'm calling the cops and my boyfriend the random strange man in the trench coat leaves and to his credit even locks the door behind him emmy calls lucy and asks her if he's her boyfriend and if she gave him a key she said he was and she did she then gushes about how they met but emmy got more and more irritated the longer she went on emmy calls her boyfriend and he comes over helping her pack up the essentials so she can move in with him that day there were no apologies or even excuses from lucy when emmy came back to the house to grab the rest of her stuff the following week she yells at emmy that it's her fault that she overreacted and said you're lucky my boyfriend did impress charges for the mild concussion her laundry detergent gave him now emmy is slow to show her true anger but this was the last straw and lucy needs to pay so the two-year lease is in her name only because lucy's credit is so bad that nowhere in the good part of town would take her she had been living with her parents over an hour away from her job for months before they started rooming together hindsight tells emmy this is because no one else would room with her prior so there's nothing legally preventing emmy from subletting the apartment for the remaining 14 months on the lease she could also evict lucy but that wouldn't be nearly as fun as what emmy decided to do instead she posted a roommate ad on craigslist and made it quite the deal she will keep her original deposit on file and pay the first two months rent and supplement fee on the condition that they know they're living with a food thieving clothing destroying slob emmy may want revenge but isn't willing to sucker some innocent person into it over the next couple weeks she got a few nibbles but no one had the flavor she was looking for to match lucy then emmy gets a message from kevin kevin goes down her list of warnings he doesn't care about food thieving he orders takeout and hates leftovers and for obvious reasons kevin isn't worried about lucy borrowing his clothes and kevin admits that he's a huge slob as well and not having to pay attention to it is actually a plus kevin says the two months rent seems kind of excessive and there must be more to the story if emmy was willing to pay that on top of the deposit and the sublet fee so emmy tells kevin the rest of the story he tells her he'll take the deal but she should know something about him kevin says he is very happily active in the singles scene not looking to settle down but very much looking to continue bringing home a revolving door of a f buddies sometimes they'll stay for a couple days or a week at a time so it's good to know the key rule isn't really that big of a deal emmy tells him it sounds like he and lucy will be a good roommate match kevin fills out the paperwork the leasing office does his credit slash background check and gives it the green light and finally emmy then mails kevin her key kevin moves in emmy gets a frantic call from lucy about a strange man showing up saying he lives there with her now she told her that's right he does and explains the subletting process lucy starts raging at her but emmy hangs up and mutes her calls over the next few days she gets a lot of voicemails some raging some whining some begging lucy has been forced to clean and take out the trash like a slave or something because kevin doesn't bother lucy can't move out because she can't get a lease anywhere else and her parents won't let her move back home lucy has to keep paying her half of the rent because kevin told her if she stopped he would change the locks and move all her stuff out and after a few weeks of radio silence lucy calls again and emmy decides to pick up she tells her she's so happy to get a hold of her heaven is now bringing men home every couple nights and sometimes they don't leave for days and days emmy hears her out and calmly responds yeah having a roommate who hands out keys without your consent to guys you don't know is a bit isn't it [Music] you
Channel: Steven D
Views: 123,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animation, animated story, story time, creepy stories, creepy, crazy stalker, true stories, animation channel, compilation
Id: zkQG7BgjsFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 43sec (2623 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 07 2022
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