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i ran etsy ads on my brand new shop and made over 1600 in my first full month with one digital product but how much of that 1600 went to paying for ads and are etsy ads even worth it well we're gonna talk about that today in this video and much more [Music] what's up guys welcome back to my channel if you're new here my name is alyssa and this channel is to help you start and grow your digital product business and make passive income online so if you're interested in that definitely consider subscribing to the channel and hit that notification bell so you can get notified when i post a video every week so let's talk about etsy ads how much did they really help me with the launch of my brand new shop and ultimately were they worth it but first let's jump into my computer and see how much money i spent my first full month on etsy ads so i started my new shop on march 26th so the first full month was april so here you can see april i had 4134 visits and my revenue was 1601 so if you scroll down you can see etsy ads i brought in over 1100 visits so that's about one-fourth of the visits that i received in the month of april now if we go to marketing and we go to etsy ads and we filter for the month of april you can see that the etsy ad revenue was 871. and i spent 517 and 61. now before we get into the numbers i want to scroll down really quickly and show you over here where they share stats for your individual advertised listings you can see that i had over 43 000 ad impressions so you don't pay for ad impressions but you do pay for clicks and i had 115 clicks on my ads for this particular listing the amount of clicks based on how many times my listing was actually shown to shoppers is 2.6 i had 48 orders this was my revenue for this particular listing so i did have other listings that's why this isn't the full 871 dollars my budget spent was 381 and my roas which stands for return on advertised spending is a dollar 82 which is pretty good so every time i would spend a dollar on ads i would get back 1.82 so anything over a dollar you are profiting on ads and anything lower you are losing money i did duplicate my listings in a b test and i ran ads on them but what i noticed was most of my listings were not profitable or they weren't profitable enough for me to want to keep running ads so i turned those off and i only left my one listing that was profitable on and this was the one that clearly had the best seo strategy and the best listing photo so back to the numbers 871 37 minus 517.61 you get a profit of 353.76 so was it worth it to run ads on my brand new etsy shop i only profited 353.76 so since it's already a passive product and it pretty much sells and delivers itself i think that it's worth it but it's worth it not just because of the profit that i made but for other reasons so let's get into those as you can see this listening is a best seller ads really did help me get this listing to become a best seller it was also about growing my email list people pay a lot of money for lead generation to grow their email list they use pinterest ads they use instagram and facebook ads so i'm basically getting paid to grow my email list because i'm actually offering something for purchase also running ads meant that i was getting sales so i would reach out to my customers and i asked them to kindly leave a review if they had the time and that was helping my shop build up some really great social proof basically the ads were helping me start off my shop and my new business out on the right foot also because of ads people were finding me and they were asking me questions basically market research i was able to get more market research because of the influx of traffic and shoppers reaching out to me so like i said it wasn't all about the money it was about a b testing it was about market research it was about getting that social proof and those sales so i can start off my shop on their right foot and about growing that email list and getting paid to do so now some people tell me that their ads don't work so let's talk about troubleshooting why your ads might not be working so first of all make sure the keywords you're using in your title and in your tags are being searched for by shoppers you can use the seo tool marmalade you can also take a look at the search terms that people are finding your ad from and make sure they're relevant so make sure that those keywords actually makes sense with what you're selling if not then you need to tweak your title and your tags you need to make sure they are relevant and that they are actually being searched for number two your offer needs to be good no amount of traffic including paying for the traffic is going to help your listing convert if it's not something that someone wants if you do want help figuring out what digital product is the most profitable for you and how to map out an irresistible offer i do have a free three day challenge coming up helping you map all of this out and really getting clear on your niche and your profitable product idea so if you're interested in that three free day challenge definitely go to the link below and sign up we're starting june 7th check that out if you're serious about your digital product business now let's talk about pricing if you have a similar goal for running ads like i do where it's not all about the money then that's one thing but if you are trying to actually profit from your ads and make money from them then you need to make sure that your item isn't something super inexpensive because it's going to be hard to actually make enough money unless your conversion rate is really good so if you're only selling a product that's a couple dollars it's going to be really hard to see a lot of profit from such a low priced item another mistake i see is people running ads on all of their listings and they have like 50 plus listings so if you want to run ads i really suggest that you start with the products that are already working so the ones that are selling the ones that are in people's carts the ones that are being favorited and of course if you're trying to make money with ads then the ones that aren't super inexpensive so think about that see what's already working in your shop and run ads on those and also you can a b test your main photo and your seo like i did so if you do have a listing that's selling really well you can then test if you can get an even higher conversion rate by tweaking some things and the last mistake i see is people running them for not enough time so they'll only run it for two to three days they'll notice they're losing money and then turn them off but if you do want to see what's going on if your listing is converting you need to give it some time because if you didn't have at least 100 clicks on your listing then that's not really enough data so let's talk about my ad strategy nowadays now that i tested this for 30 days i still do have my ads running it's on a lower budget and since my item is a digital product that's 20 around i think it's worth it to run ads at least five dollars a day because if i spend five dollars a day on this listing and i convert even once i'm still profiting 15 which is awesome for a digital product that is basically passive income now what you can do is hook up your shop to google analytics this is really going to help you see when people are on your shop the most and then if you want to kind of run ads here and there you can just turn on ads on the days where people are most visiting your shop so what i do is i actually just keep them running every day a five dollar budget and if i notice that i got a lot of sales one day and i look and i see those sales were from ads i actually add a couple more bucks to my budget on that day so i've noticed that if i just set a big budget in the morning it's kind of eaten up really quickly and i could waste a lot of money if that listing didn't convert at all but if it is converting and then i reach my ad budget i always seem to get more and more sales when i slowly add to that budget throughout the day let me know down below in the comment section if you are running etsy ads and how they're doing for you and remember if your etsy ads aren't doing well then it could be your offer if you want clarity on your niche and mapping out an irresistible offer then you're going to want to sign up for the free three day challenge that i'm hosting starting june 7th i'm going to leave the link down below in the description box so you can start your digital product business out on the right foot or even fix the one that you have now if you like this video give it a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe to my channel for more videos about digital products and passive income as always guys thank you so much for watching and i will catch you in the next one bye guys
Channel: Alissa Rose
Views: 26,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: are etsy ads worth it, etsy ads, etsy ads worth it, etsy ads 2021, etsy tips for beginners, etsy 2021, alissa rose, alissa, etsy shop, advertising on etsy, etsy advertising, etsy tips, etsy seller tips, ARE ETSY ADS WORTH IT For NEW Etsy Shops
Id: JxEzmiQp-VU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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