A Christmas Tree Miracle | FULL MOVIE

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(bright music) - [Announcer] The following presentation has been awarded the Family Approved seal by The Dove Foundation. (piano playing "Simple Gifts") - [Nina] Everyone says that Christmas is a time for giving. But my family had nothing left to give, no tree. no cards, no gifts. But that didn't matter. Because this was going to be the best Christmas ever. - [Julie] Kids, the photographer is here! - [Nick] How long is this going to take? - As long as it takes. Come here. Stand next to your sister. - Ew, gross. - Please stop texting. - I'm not! - Okay, what are we doing here? - All right, you're here, and I'll stand here. Okay. - Okay, is this everyone? - Yes. - Mom! No. (photographer clears throat) Nina, hurry up. Come here. - Can this be in the picture? It was my favorite present last year, and I really want Santa to see that I still like it. - Santa just called. He doesn't care. - Nick! Yes, honey, come on. (cell phone chimes) David, please! - Honey, it's Tom from work. I think we have a lead on a property, and I... I can tell him to wait. All right, got it! - Most families take their photo in front of the Christmas tree. - Well, we're getting ours this weekend. - If we don't get ours soon, all the good ones will be gone. - I hate going. It's always so cold. - Molly and I have plans. - Yeah, I'm working on Sunday. - Hey, enough! Everyone's gonna stop texting, stop complaining, and stop whining for the three seconds it will take to snap this Christmas card picture from this photographer who overcharges by the hour! No offense. - None taken. - Okay, everyone, I want "Merry Christmas" on three. One, two, three. - [All] Merry Christmas! (camera shutter clicks) (bright music) - Natalie, put that phone away. - I'm texting you my Christmas list. - Oh, good. I need final lists by the weekend. - All right, Tom. Good luck. - That means you too, mister. - Bye-bye. Golf clubs, green fees, and a new satellite radio for the car. What about you? What do you want? - Canned goods! - Thank you. That's easy. - No, I forgot canned goods for the parent food drive. - I brought them. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Honey, those are the good peas. - "You will get a Christmas miracle?" Who wrote on this? - I did. Miss Webb said to. She said to write something nice on the top of the can for the poor. - Nerd. - Hey, enough! Can we pretend to like one another? It's Christmas for heaven's sake! - [David] Let's just go. - [Julie] I told you we should have left earlier. - [David] I was ready. I'm always-- - [Julie] Can we show up on time once? Just one time? - Merry Christmas! - (groans) Great. - Oh, joy. (sighs) (Molly laughing) - Missed you. - Hey, I missed you too. - Oh. (chuckles) - Hi, Mr. and Mrs. George! - Hello, Molly. (both giggling) - Come on. - Hmm... - I am so sorry. I know I said I'd help you guys out, but it's just been so crazy with the holidays. Here, I brought these. - Oh. Liz, could you please go put these over with the cases we brought? - Wow, the good ones! - I'd love to stay and help, but I have to go get Nina ready. Next time, I promise. Bye. - Too busy? - [Liz] Who isn't busy this time of year? - Stop signs are the backbone of our society. All right, ladies. Thank you very much. I appreciate you taking the time to talk to me. Thank you for your support. John Cutter, State Senate, a cut above the rest. Thank you, ladies. (John sighs) - Senator Cutter. - Dave. - Do you ever stop politicking? (chuckles) - Oh, never stop, Dave. This is the place to be seen, right? - Of course. That's why we're here. - Exactly. I got Alicia is doing the canned food drive. I'm the happy family man. You know, it's a win-win on all parts, especially for our state, right? - Exactly. - Yeah. So your kid in this? - Oh, yeah. She's actually playing the cello. - Cello? - Believe it or not, she's actually pretty good. (laughs) - Really? I bet she is. You know, mine's pretty good too. He plays the sax. Sounds like an asthmatic marathon runner, but, he plays, right? (both chuckles) - Listen, before I go, I want to let you know that we're closing in on a property for those music warehouses. - Really? - Yes, sir. - That is amazing. Fantastic to hear. All those jobs, that's gonna be great for this area. And to be honest, it's not gonna hurt my re-election either. - Well, you gotta do what you have to do, right? - Which is everything, Dave. But, I'm gonna get out of here. I see someone I gotta talk to. You have a good day, Dave. - Thank you. - All right. - Take care. - [John] Tony! (playing squeaky saxophone solo) (audience applauding) - Thank you, Deuce. Wonderful! Next we have Nina George, who will be playing "'Tis a Gift to be Simple" on her cello. Nina. (audience applauding) (crowd murmuring) - I don't feel like playing anymore. (crowd murmuring) (Julie sighs) - Okay, then. Let's hear it anyway for Nina George. (all applauding) (footsteps approaching) - There you are. Now what was that all about? - No one wanted to hear my play. - Honey, that's not true. (sobbing in stall) Go get your cello and wait with your father in the hall. I'll be right out. - Is everybody mad at me now? - Of course not. Nobody cares. (melancholic music) (sobbing in stall) You okay in there? - Mm. (sniffling) I'm fine. - Tell me what's wrong. It's just so hard keeping everything together for him all the time. - Who, Cutter? - He couldn't even sit with me during Deuce's performance. He was too busy working the crowd. Sometimes, I wish he wouldn't even win the re-election. What kind of politician's wife says that? - An honest one. (both laugh) - [Alicia] I can't go back out there. - Look at me, Alicia. You are strong, you're smart, you can do this. You can! Okay? - Okay. (nervously chuckles) (sniffles) Oh, no. Look at me, I'm a mess. And I left my purse outside. - Oh, well, here. Let me help. - Thank you very much. I really appreciate your support. You ladies have a nice day. My lovely wife is coming, so I've gonna get going. All right. Cutter, State Senate. Thank you. How do I look? Good? Okay, come on. (heartening music) (David's phone ringing) - Yeah, I'll have a regular with soy milk. Hey, man. Yeah, I'm across the street getting some coffee. You want something? Why? What? No, man, I didn't know anything about this. Okay. (Oliver sighs) No. What was the last thing he said? No, the last thing he said! - Excuse me, sir. Can I get you anything? - What? Yeah, we're all on the same team here. - I'm fine. - He's gonna... Okay, listen. - I just needed to come in from the cold and, think. - Look, you're going to have to order something. - What's your name? - Oliver. - I'm Henry. (chuckles) How old are you, Oliver? - (sighs) I'm 18. - 18 years old, how 'bout that? You know, when I was 18, I was ready to take on the world and nothing was going to stop me. - Look, mister, you've been sitting here a really long time. But if you don't order something, you're gonna have to leave. - I know, I know, I know. - Yeah? - But see, that's the problem. - Wait, what was that? - I can't order anything, I don't have my wallet. I just want to think. And thinking is still free, isn't it? - Listen, I know what he's gonna do. I've been through this before. - Look, order something or leave. (Henry shushing) - Yeah, I'm coming over right now to help you out. You want a coffee? It has soy milk. If he has coffee, can he stay, huh? - I guess so. - Great! Merry Christmas. Bob, I said I'm on my way. I can't hear you. You gotta speak up. ("Simple Gifts") (Henry laughing) - Merry Christmas, Oliver! Merry... (Henry laughing) (knocking on door) - David. - Hey. - Thanks for stopping in. - I've already been thinking about how we can split up Bob's accounts. - Bob, hmm. He didn't take it very well. - Well, I think the poor guy is just still in shock. - I've hated to do it, but, we've all seen the company's fourth quarter projections and they are not good. - It's a temporary setback. I actually ran into Senator Cutter the other day, and he wants us to move forward on the King's Music warehouse deal. - That account in on hold indefinitely. I just got word this morning that Mr. King's wife passed away. - Oh. Okay, well I'll call Cutter and clue him in, and regarding Bob's accounts, I can take the big ones. - David... - I mean, actually I can take them all if you need me to. - David. (sighs) (somber music) (David sighs) - Don't say it, Tom. Don't say it. - This is very difficult for me. - Tom, I've been with you 20 years. I have been with you, right here, for 20 years. - We can't afford you anymore. - I carry this company. I want you to know right now that you're making a big mistake. - We prepared a very fair severance package for you. (David chuckles) HR and security will take over from here. - Yeah. (chuckling in disbelief) - I'm sorry, David. (door slams) (somber music) (David sighs) - I mean, I can't even believe it. So you're out, just like that? You didn't try to negotiate? - I'm not gonna beg him, okay? I single-handedly held that place together for 20 years, Jule, he'll see. - So what do we do about Christmas? Everything is bought. And more importantly, wrapped. We pick Nick's car up on Thursday. Then we have the Vail trip in February and the Vineyard in June. - Julie, stop, stop. We continue with Christmas the trips, everything. Honey, I'm gonna get another job, okay? I've already got a call into Steve. He thinks there's an opening after the first of the year. (door closes) Listen, let's not freak the kids out. Just, I don't know, tell them I'm switching jobs or something. - What are you doing home? - Your father is switching jobs. - Cool. I need the credit card for college applications. I'll get it. Hey, don't run off. We are getting the tree tonight, so Nina doesn't run away from home. - Let her. - She's afraid there won't be any big trees left. (text notifications chiming) (sighs) It's Natalie. She's changing the color of that designer jacket she wants for Christmas, again. - Of course she is. - She's driving me crazy. Look, I will get a job after the holidays, I promise. Come here. (Julie sighs) - [Nina] It turns out all the good trees were already taken. But even though it wasn't the biggest or the best tree, it was ours. And Christmas was finally here. (festive music) (laughing) Everybody got expensive presents and seemed happy. - [Natalie] It's so cold. - [David] It's all yours, buddy! - Well? - Get the keys! (honks horn) (laughing) - [Nina] Well, almost everybody. - What is this? - It's the jacket you wanted. - (scoffs) No, it's not. This is hideous! (phone rings) - I'll check it. - You texted me and said you wanted that color. - I would never. Ew, just give it away. (David sighing) - [Nina] It's Aunt Cindy! - Let it go to voicemail! She's calling to ask us to church. - [David] Oh, come on. - Why don't we want to go to church? It's Christmas. - I just sent them $500 for all those new pews. With all the checks I've written these last couple of years, I feel like I practically own that church. - I guess Christmas is over. (distressed music) I was happy Daddy got to spend more time with us. He kept getting dressed up in his nice suit to go out and look for a new job. But when he came home, he always seemed so sad. Even though it was nice to have Daddy home, I could tell he was worried. - And remember, keep that bow level. - [Julie] Ready, Nina? We need to pick your sister up at the mall. - Okay. Here you go. - I need to speak to you about this. - [Julie] He said the last few checks have bounced. - Bounced? Well, that's not right. I've been transferring money into that account. - Well, they did. And it was embarrassing. You know how people at that school talk. - It's the kids' tuition that's killing us. - Is there anything left from selling the lake house? - No. The stocks are all cashed in, and the only thing we have in savings is the kids' college fund. - No, we can't. Call the bank again. - We have zero equity on this house because of the double mortgage. No one's gonna buy this house for what we have in it. - Not the house. I love this house. Remember when we moved here? We'd drive around and look at all the neighborhoods and dream about where we'd live and how our lives would be? - Yeah. - Have you heard anything from Steve? - Nope. I've called him a few times and he's yet to return my call. So oh, well. - I could always take that tutoring job that was in the paper. It's not a lot, but it'd be something coming in. - Absolutely not. No. It's your job to take care of the house and the kids. Besides, it's like taking a water gun and shooting into roaring fire. Listen, once I get a job, I'll take care of the credit cards, the past due bills. This is my responsibility, and I'm gonna get us out of it. - I was gonna wait to tell you this, but I'm having lunch with Cindy. - I wish you wouldn't tell her our business. - She's family. - No, she's your family. - Yeah, she is. She and Kurt have money. Maybe they can help, just a loan or something until you get work. - (sighs) All right, you do whatever you want to do, but I'm not going down to Beckley. - I know. I know. Get some sleep. (dramatic music) (bills shuffling) - [Nina] I wanted to go with Mommy to see my Aunt Cindy, but seems the only time I ever get to see my Aunt Cindy is when she's on television. - Thank you. You know, we do stories all the time about struggling families on the news. I just had no idea that things were so bad with you guys. - It's been a struggle since David lost his job last year. - Really? - What? - Well, it's just... I just see your pictures on the internet, Julie. The ski trips, the Vineyard, Nick's new car. - Well, we're trying to live as normal as possible, for the kids. Things will be back to normal as soon as David finds work. Until then, we could use some help. - Well, what about the money Mom left you? - We used that to buy the lake house, which we had to sell. - Well, Kurt and I used that money to offset the expenses we incurred when Mom was living with us. The ramp we put in, the bedroom we had to renovate downstairs, the constant, 24-hour round-the-clock care. - I'm sorry David and I didn't help out more. - It's not important. Today is about helping you solve your problem. There was just something. What about... Never mind, not gonna ask. - What about what? - Well, what about Mom's canary diamonds? - I couldn't pawn those. Those pieces mean everything to me. - (laughs) Well, I'm certainly not suggesting that you pawn them. They should stay in the family. Just, what if somebody were to buy them? Like me. It is a sin that Mom separated that set between us. You don't even wear yours. I was saving mine for Natalie and Nina, for their weddings. - Of course. And maybe someday, you can buy them back? Never mind. Forget I said anything. I'm just trying to help. I mean, how desperate are you? Thank you. I got this. - I could pay something. Thank you. How about I make a partial payment? Tomorrow. Thank you. (melancholic music) (Nina practicing cello) (Natalie groans) (Natalie groans) - Spaghetti again? Ew. - I love spaghetti. - You would. Mom, my phone's broken. Make Nick drive me to the mall to get a new one. Nick! - (sighs) They said they'd give us to the end of the week. David! - Why is everyone screaming? (sighs) Not spaghetti. - Drive me to the mall to get a new phone. - As long as we can pick up a pizza. - No one's going anywhere. David! Where is your father? - Hey, what's going on? Spaghetti! - Daddy, my phone's broken. I need money to get a new one. - And a pizza. - No! No one is going to the mall, and no one is ordering a pizza, and absolutely no one is gonna complain about eating spaghetti again! You understand me? - What the heck is your problem? - Hey, don't talk to your mother like that. - I can't take it anymore, David. I can't. - Is there something wrong, Mommy? (Julie sighs) - No, nothing's wrong. - No, David, something is wrong, and they need to know! - Natalie, your phone's not broken. It's been turned off. All phones have been turned off. - Great, how am I supposed to order our pizza? - (sighs) You're not gonna order a pizza, 'cause we can't afford a pizza. - Sure we can. They're like two bucks. - No, we can't! And when was the last time you ordered a pizza for two dollars? - Things are just a little tight right now. - They're more than a little tight. - Not now. - Then when, David? School starts in a few weeks. Tell them. (David sighs) - You two have to go to public school. (sniffles) - Go to public school? No way! - This is my senior year. - [Julie] Tuition, it's just too much. - Now we can't afford school or pizza? (Julie sighs) And, Nick, your car. - Are you serious? That was a Christmas present. - If you don't, they're just gonna take it. Your mother and I have already traded our cars in. - You said that was for the environment. - How stupid are you? - We're all gonna have to start selling things for extra money. Electronics, computers, clothes. - Sell my clothes? This is a nightmare! - I'm not giving up my senior year with Molly. Take the money from my college fund if you have to. - There is no college fund. - Where'd it go? - Where did it go? Double mortgage, credit cards, gas, utilities, music lessons, cell phone bills. - Well, a whole lot of good that did. - That money was mine. You had no right, Dad! - I had no right? Your mother and I put that money in that account for you! You contributed nothing. (Nick sighs) - Mommy, are we poor? - No, we're just having a little financial trouble since your Daddy got fired. - Fired? You said you quit. - It doesn't matter. - No, it does matter! You're ruining my future, and I'm just gonna become a jobless failure, (David clears throat) like you. - Nick! - Hey, hey! - How am I supposed to talk to my friends? - Hey, the house phone still works, for now. - A land line? Gross. - Mommy, Daddy, you can sell my cello if you want. (Julie sobs) When it was time for us to start our new schools, I saw that stuff started disappearing from our lives. (somber music) Including some people we knew. - I'm sure some girl at your new school would love living in a trailer park, not me! - Hi, I'm Nina George. I am six years old. I play the cello. And I love Christmas trees. Oh, and my family is going through a tough financial time since my dad got fired. Thank you very much. (girls laughing) - [Girl] She's such a snob. - [Bully] What are you gonna do about it? What, are you going to keep crying? - Loot at him. - Oh, look at this. He's crying. Who you gonna call now. Come on. What are you gonna do about it? Come on, get up. - Hey! Leave him alone. - What's it to you? You touch him like that again, I'll call my dad. He's a cop. - Ooh, I'm shaking. - No, it's not worth it. Not over this. We were just messing with Kel. Isn't that right, Kel? Come on. Let's get outta here. (bell rings) - You all right? Come on. They do that? - This is the third one. I hate going to my dad and telling him what happened, again. (sensitive music) - Here, take mine. - No. - No, seriously. It doesn't even have service. I don't know why I'm carrying it around. Your dad really a cop? - (chuckles) No. No, my dad doesn't do anything. (knocking on door) - Yeah? - David George? - Yes. - Please sign here. Thank you. - Uh-huh. Jule... Jule, come here, sweetie. - Hey. What is it? David? - (sighs) It's the bank. They're giving us 20 days to get out. They're taking the house. - What are we gonna do? - You think there's enough gas to get down to Beckley and back? - [Nina] I never met my Pappy in person. But every Christmas, he'd send me a pretty card with five dollars in it. (dog barking) - Well, well, well, look who it is. - Hey, Pop. - What do you want? (dog growls) You'll want coffee, at least. You always did like my coffee. Hmm. - Hey, Dodge. Hey there, buddy. You're a good boy. Thank you. - So you find yourself in a situation? - Yes, sir. And you drove all the way across the state just to tell me this? You could have saved yourself some time and used the phone. That's why they invented Ma Bell. - I thought I should tell you this in person. - I think you came here to ask me for help. And by that, I mean my money. - I just don't know how it got so bad, so fast. - I can tell you how. You've been living way beyond your means and it finally caught up with you. That house up on the hill, which I've only seen in pictures, and the big, fancy cars, and the running here and there and the trips. At least, that's what that wife of yours tells me in that mimeographed Christmas letter she sends every year. Now you can't afford it. - I lost my job. - Find another one. - I've tried. - You've tried to find a job you want, not the job you need. - You don't understand how hard it is for me to be sitting right here at this table doing this. - Oh, I'll just bet you it is. After we scrimped and saved, your mother and I, (slams hand) at this table. Saved every dime we had to send you to school. And what'd you say? "As soon as I get that agricultural degree, Pop, I'll be back to help you with the farm. I promise. I promise." Well, you changed your studies, and you got married, and you never looked back. (chuckles in frustration) - I should have known you wouldn't help me out. - You want my money? Right there it is. If you want it, take it. What good it gonna do you? Because it will last you two, maybe three months, then you'll find yourself right back in the same situation, because you won't have learned a thing. - I'm about to lose everything! - Maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing for any of you, because this life that you're trying to keep, maybe it's not worth keeping. - Wow. Thanks for the coffee. (door slams) - You always did like my coffee. (somber music) - We'll move into a smaller place for a couple of weeks until we can get an apartment. - So we're asking that you only take what you absolutely need. - How did this happen? - [Nick] I know exactly how this happened. - Why won't anybody help us? (Natalie sobbing) - You okay? This is a lot of grown-up stuff. - We'll all still be together, right? - Of course. - Then we'll all be okay. (gentle music) (playing "Simple Gifts") - Come on, sweetheart. Do you wanna go with your Mommy? (somber music) - (sighs) Why did she have to bring the cello? It takes up the whole place. - It's the only thing she wanted. - (sighs) Is there anything to eat? - Nina and your father are out getting something, then I'll figure out where to get food. - Who are we? Waiting to eat, living in a motel, sleeping on stupid cots. - We'll trade off who sleeps on the cot. This is just temporary until your father finds a job. - He's not even really trying. He could be working anywhere. Why do you keep defending him? - Because he's my husband and your father. And you will show him respect. - Well, he didn't really respect us when he put us in this situation, did he? Pretending that everything was okay when it wasn't, spending my college fund. You know, I could be doing a lot better on my own. You guys are just holding me back. - Really? You think so? - I know so. - Then maybe you should! Go. Go find a job. Find a better place to live. Go! I wouldn't want to hold you back. (Nick sighs) Go put the cello in the tub. (people chattering) - So how does this work? - I guess we just get in line. - (gasps) They have computers here. Can I check my email? - No, I don't think we should split up. - Come on, please. It's just right there. - Okay, real quick. - Okay. - The computers are for people to find work. (chuckles) They blocked all the fun sites. - I didn't know. I'm sorry. - Why are you running off? I'm not running off. My mom's waiting for me. - (chuckles) That line takes forever. I'm Tessa. Now you tell me your name, that's how it works. - I'm Natalie. I had a fish named Natalie. We had to flush her. (laughs) (Natalie chuckles) - You don't look like you should be here. - It's our first time. - We've been here every Thursday for the past, like, six months, since the fire, yeah. - The fire? - Yeah, (sighs) it took everything we had. My clothes, my computer, all the pictures of my friends. (nervously chuckles) Everyone keeps saying that it's just stuff, like that's supposed to make it better, you know? But, it was my stuff. (chuckles) Wow. What happened to you guys? - It's nothing. My dad lost his job about a year ago, and it just kept getting worse. We live in a motel now. - My mom and me are at the homeless shelter downtown. There aren't very many kids that are my age, but you know, you get used to not having any friends, I guess. (Natalie sobbing) Oh, God, I didn't mean to make you cry. It'll be okay! Like I said, you get used to it. - Maybe I don't wanna get used to it. - Sometimes we don't have a choice. (chuckles in disbelief) (Natalie sobbing) Oh, stop crying. - I can't! - Okay, how about I tell you a joke? Knock, knock. - Who's there? - Why are you asking me? I don't have a door. I'm homeless. (both laughing) - [Natalie] Okay, that was dumb. - Yeah, but you're laughing, right? (laughs) - Julie? I thought that was her in the... Ah! I thought that was you. My goodness. How have you been? - I heard you moved. - Well, with David being out of work, we thought it best to downsize. - What are you doing here? (Colleen clears throat) - Didn't I tell you? Julie is a volunteer here. - Oh. - I saw her last time I made a drop off. - Oh. What a relief. - Can I take those from you? - Oh, this is so nice of you, volunteering for others when your family's struggling. - Give me it. - Let me help you. - Thank you. - Well, it was nice to see you. Don't be a stranger. - This is my email address and this is the phone number at the shelter. (Natalie chuckles) Keep in touch. (both laugh) Hey, Mom, I want you to meet someone. This is Tessa. - Hi. - Hello. - Natalie, that jacket... - It's pretty, isn't it? - Thanks. See you later, Nat. - See ya. (Natalie sheepishly laughs) (patriotic music) - Are you tired of the same good old boy politics? I know I am. My name is John Cutter. I'm running for re-election in the State Senate. - "Smoking and non-smoking rooms available. Handicapped accessibility in four rooms. Check out daily at 11:00 a.m." - Food! - It's about time. - You okay? (Julie sighs) I saw Alicia Cutter and Colleen and Liz at the food pantry. - Did you speak to them? - Yeah. Alicia covered for me and said I was volunteering there, but I don't know if they believed her. You know, frankly, I don't care, because I know why I was there. I was there to get food for my family that's living in a motel. It kills me. (sighs) I never in a million years dreamed my life would be like this, ever. - This is temporary. - Oh, until when, David? When? (David sighs) You know, while you're looking through the want ads and calling contacts that never call you back, life is happening around you. - You blame me. - No, I don't. - Yes, yes, you do. You blame me for all of this. - I mean, if you just weren't so proud. I mean, you didn't even try to get your job back when Boling fired you. And you waited until we were thrown out of our house before you would even go to your father for help. And when I offered to work, you shut me down. Come on, like that job was really going to help us! - Still... It's like you're waiting for everything to magically restore itself. Well, honey, it's not going to. - Fine, why don't you handle it yourself for awhile. - David, don't. Where are you going? David! (soft rock music plays) - Are you sure I can't get you anything? Sir? - I'm fine for now. - I told you I could be there by 6:30, not 6:00. Okay. All right. Bye. Dave! (chuckles) Man, I have missed you. How you been? You look awful. - Can I get you anything? - Yes, I'll take a regular coffee, please. And anything? My treat. - I'll have the same. Mine's with soy milk, please. - Thanks. Where you working these days? - I'm sort of in between jobs. - Yeah, well I wish you were still at Boling. They've really been dragging their feet on this land development deal that-- - That's the King's... That was my account. - Oh, was it? So you know how anxious Mr. King is to move in on the property in the next couple of weeks? Because I need this. I really need this for my re-election. Oh, thank you. I always get mine to go, so... You know, if you happen to know about a free 200 acres anywhere out there, just please let me know. I'll even hire you to develop it. - Thank you. Really, thank you. - Mm. All right. Say, hey, get some rest, all right? And change that shirt, it looks like you slept in it. - There you are. I was worried sick. - Where are the kids? - Oh, they're inside, getting something to eat. Hey, don't ever leave us. I'm sorry. (Julie sighs) - I'm sorry too. - Excuse me, folks. The card you gave me to cover your balance for the week... - Yeah, what about it? - It declined. Got any cash? - No. I mean, not at the moment. But hey, I can get you some tomorrow, maybe? Yeah... No, you have to get out right now. - Now? - Yeah. You got 20 minutes to get your things or I'm calling the cops. (dramatic music) (television chattering) - Oh! (gasps) Mommy! Mommy! Mommy, look! I wrote that on the top, like Miss Webb said. And it all came back to me. We're going to get a Christmas miracle. It's all gonna be okay. - That's so nice, sweetheart. But right now, we need to figure out a place to stay. - I know where we can go! (soft music) (door creaking) We could stay here. - I'm not staying at a church at night. It's too creepy. - Let's just sit here a little while. ♪ La, la, la, la ♪ - Nina, stop. This isn't a game! - It's going to be okay. We're gonna get a Christmas miracle. - It's not Christmas. - Let's all just say a little prayer and be thankful we have a place to be. - Hey, come on, Nina. Let's have a seat. (soft music) - Santa! (Henry laughs) - Oh, no, no. Please, please, please, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb your sleep. I was just dropping off this tree. You see the pastor here, well, he likes to decorate early. - I love Christmas trees! - So do I. - Oh, I must have dozed off. - This is embarrassing. - Oh, please, ma'am. Don't be embarrassed. I mean, if you can't visit God's house in the middle of the night, who can you visit? (adults chuckling) - My dad says, with all the checks he's written over the years, he practically owns this church. - Nina, let's gather our things and get out of here. - Please, please, don't hurry off. As a matter of fact, I could use some help. Now who would like to help me set up this tree? - I would! - You would? Good! And you, ma'am, what is your name? - Nina. - Nina! That is a beautiful name. It's nice to meet you, Nina. I'm Henry. And maybe when we're done with the tree, your daddy will let me buy him a coffee with, soy milk. It was soy milk, wasn't it? - I'm sorry. Do I know you? - Not at all. (auspicious music) - [David] Where do we know each other from? - About a year ago, I was in a coffee shop in town, and I was politely asked to leave the premises. But your husband, you, sir, came along and graciously gave me your cup of coffee so I could stay. - That was nice of you, Daddy. - Yes, it was. It was very nice, very kind. - I'm afraid I don't remember that. - This is all an amazing coincidence. - Oh, no, no, no, no, no. You see, I don't believe in coincidences, only miracles. - Me too. I was just promised a miracle on the can. - (chuckles) What? - A can of peas. (laughs) It's a long story. - Mommy got the can of peas at the food pantry and brought them to the motel where we were living, because we got kicked out of our house, because my dad got fired. And then, we got kicked out of the motel last night. - Well, now, that's quite a story. - Nina, you don't have to bother this man with all of our problems. - No, no, no, no. There's no bother at all. Everybody ready? Hmm? All right. This is a really good tree. Good, good, tree. (laughs) All right, nice and neat, there we go. Nice. (sings trumpet fanfare) (laughs) It looks beautiful. Thank you, thank you. Thank you all. And, I'll let you go now. Unless, unless you all would like to come out to my tree farm? Or maybe you have some place you have to be? - A tree farm? Daddy, can we go? - How many acres you have on that tree farm? (Henry laughs) Well? Ah! This is it! (laughing) Well, what have we here? (both laugh) - How many trees do you have? - How many trees... Guess. - Hmm. A million! - A million two. (laughs) Do you want to look around? Come on, come on. No, no, no. She can't get lost. - Okay. Hey, not too far! - Let me show you the house. Come on. Come on, come on. (laughing) Please, please, please. Come on in, come on in, come on in. Come on and make yourself at home. This is my home. - So you've already decorated? - This? No, no, no. I keep this up year round. I never take it down. - It's lovely. - Oh, thank you. It's really... Well, it's Rosie, my wife. I mean, she loved Christmas. And so I just try to keep it exactly the way she liked it. However, pardon me, where are my manners? Isn't everybody hungry? Roberta Strauss, she always gets a Virginia pine, she brought over this beautiful plate of cold cuts. And Jenny Rable, she always gets a blue spruce, and she brought over these fresh rolls. So you can make sandwiches, do anything you want. And they're all in the kitchen in the pantry, right around the corner. Help yourself, please. - Yeah. - All right, thanks. - Anything you see. Come on in, please. I'm so excited I have you here, the whole family. - [David] This is beautiful. - [Henry] Thank you, thank you. - So how long you been selling trees? - Oh, I don't sell them. I give them away. - Excuse me? - Well, they don't belong to me. Only God can make a tree. (chuckles) - But how do you do that? - Well, people come, they pick out a tree, they cut it down, and they leave. - You misunderstood what she said. How do you support yourself financially? - Oh, oh, oh, I see, I see, I see. I get a pretty good pension from working on the railroad. And Rosie, she comes from money. This was her dream. She said to me, "Hank..." She was the only one who ever called me Hank. She said, "Hank, I want to make sure that everyone has a Christmas tree, whether they can afford it or not." So we just started planting trees and giving them away to anyone who needs one. - (chuckles) That's amazing. (Henry chuckles) - Oh, yeah, yeah, that's incredible, actually. - Well, this is a pretty incredible place. (brightening music) - Wow! (majestic music) - So, David George, the man with two first names, (laughs) that little story back at the church, the firing, the house, the motel, all true? - It's been a rough year. - Yeah. - Hmm. Well, if you need a job, I could always use an extra pair of hands, or five. - So you're offering us jobs to work here on the farm? - Yeah. I mean, why not? In exchange for room and board. I got the room. I have too much room, actually. It will allow me to return that gift of kindness that your husband gave me that day at the coffee shop. - That was a simple cup of coffee. - No. That came to me on a day when I needed it the most. (door opens) - Mom, Mom, Mom! There's a barn out there with the biggest Christmas tree I ever saw! Bigger than the one in town square. It's Christmas all the time here! (all laughing) - What's going on? - Mr. Henry has asked us to stay and help out on the farm. - What do we know about a tree farm? - I can teach you anything you need to know. (laughs) What do you say? - Yeah, we'll stay. - Oh! - Yay! - Oh! (laughing) (dramatic music) - [Nina] Over the next few weeks, Mr. Henry taught us all about his tree farm. We all worked together to get ready for Christmas, (dramatic music continues) and planned for the future. (dramatic music continues) (David sighs) (peaceful music) (David sighs) - David George, the man with two first names. (both chuckling) It's another incredible morning, isn't it? - Yes, it is. - You certainly know your way around the farm. - Well, I grew up on one down south. You know, my Pops always said, "It's just a good, clean, honest living." (chuckles) That's a lot of property you have out there. I don't know how you managed to handle it all by yourself all these years. - Mm. (chuckles) We've had help off and on, farm hands, people passing through the area that needed work, but, mostly, just Rosie and me tending the land. (Henry chuckling) - Hmm. You've never attempted to sell it and make a profit and just be content? - I am content now. - With just giving away trees? - It's just not giving away trees. It's giving away Christmas. Think about that. - (chuckles) But if you're giving away-- (Henry shushing) (peaceful music) - Well, well, well, well, well. There's a hard working young man there. Did you get some breakfast this morning? - Yeah, those eggs are awesome. - It's a weekly gift from Terrence Metcalf, who lives down the road. Yep, yep, yep, yep. He gets a white pine. (laughs) Tell me something, will you? - Yeah. - You having a good time? - Yeah. I mean, it's hard work, and getting up this early stinks, (Henry laughing) but, you know, it's kind of cool to see how much you can accomplish in a day. So ready to tackle those Douglas firs on the north end? - Yeah, let's go. (Henry mumbling) - Why don't you drive the tractor? - Really? Really? - Yeah. - Really? Sweet. (all laughing) All right, I'll see you out there. - [Henry] Okay. - I'll be there in a minute. - "Clean, honest living." (dramatic music) - That's it. Okay, control the stitch. Good, good. - How do you know so much? - Well, your grandmother actually used to make your Aunt Cindy and my Christmas dresses every year. - I bet you loved that. - Oh, are you kidding? We hated it. Your Aunt Cindy and I would cry until your grandmother took us downtown and bought us something off the rack. (laughs) - Are we gonna spend Christmas here? - Hmm. (clicks tongue) You know, I don't know. Why? You starting your list? - I don't really want anything, except maybe this fabulous dress. (chuckles) - Fabulous, huh? (Natalie chuckles) - Okay, what do I do next? - Okay, let's get another fabric here. How about the pink one that Henry gave us from the hope chest. - All right. - Natalie, someone's here to see you. - Tessa! - Do you know how many buses I had to take to get here? Oh, gosh. I finally had to hitch a ride on an Amish horse and buggy. - Oh, my gosh. How did you know I was here? - Your mom called the shelter and invited me out. - Thought you could use an afternoon with a friend. - Thanks. What the heck is this? - It's a dress. - With three arms. - No, no, no. (both laughing) This is the skirt. And then you fold this over. But, I mean, it's gonna have to be a little bit bigger, and we're working on a belt right now. But, it's gonna be more like this. - It's pretty, isn't it? - Mm-hmm. - You can pick them up, if you want. - I'm afraid I'll drop it. - Oh, no, no, no. You can't hurt them. Those pieces have been dropped hundreds of times by the little girl who first owned this set. Go on, go on, go on. - [Nina] Who was she? - Her name is Lucy. She was my daughter. And she liked to decorate trees, just like you. In fact, it was her dream to get a million lights and decorate every tree out on that hill. - (gasps) Wow! - Wow! (laughs) - Did she ever do it? - No, she didn't. She couldn't, because she was a very sick little girl. She didn't see many Christmases. - That's sad. - Yeah. Yeah. I can't lie to you, it was. I mean, it is. But she's not far away, because I believe when people, (sighs) when they die, or leave us, they still watch over us. And they tell us in little ways, like, in little miracles, especially at Christmas. (both chuckle) - Maybe someday we can get those lights and decorate those trees for your daughter. (heartwarming music) (both chuckle) - Wouldn't that be something? - I cannot for the life of me understand how the current owner has held on to this place as long as he has, just doing what he does. I mean, you said he doesn't sell the trees, he gives them away? - (laughs) He wants everyone to have a tree. - That's admirable, but I'm gonna tell you what, Dave, I don't think he's gonna be able to do it much longer, because even in the dark, I can see. This place is perfect, absolutely perfect. We're close to the highway. As soon as we get all these trees knocked outta here, we're gonna have room for four, five warehouses minimum. I guarantee there's room for expansion. - Well, he's stuck in his ways. I might need a little more time to convince him to sell. - Well, King wants a property within the next couple of weeks. He wants something by Thanksgiving. So if you're really having trouble with this guy, you just let me know, and I can handle it. There are other ways we can take it. - All right. - This'll make a nice one, don't you think? - Yeah, I think it will. - Where's Henry? - He had an appointment in town. He'll be back in a few minutes. Listen, I just want to say thank you. I mean, you've really stepped up the last couple of weeks, and it hasn't gone unnoticed. And I just want to say I appreciate it. You know, you probably won't believe this, but, I don't like it when we fight. Somehow, here, things have been okay between us. - (chuckles) Yeah. Well, I guess you and I need to work harder just keeping it that way. (horn honking) - Someone here to pick up a tree? - Henry says they come earlier every year. Let's go check it out. (laughs) - Okay. - Hey, good afternoon! - Hey, you guys open for the season yet? We're actually heading out of town for the holidays. We're gonna do kind of an early Christmas this year. - Well, you've come to the right place. We have Colorado blue spruces, Douglass and Frasier firs, Scotch and white pines. - Heck, I don't know what we usually get. (David chuckles) - Kel, what kind of tree does your mom usually get? - What? - What kind of tree does your mom get? - Frasier fir. - Frasier fir. - Hey! How's it going? - It's going okay. - Glad to hear it. - Looks like they know each other. Here, come on, follow us. We'll show you what we have. - Thank you. - Hey, where did you guys say you came in from? - Just north of Wheeling. - Oh, okay. - [James] It's not too bad of a drive down here. - No, not bad at all. - I haven't seen you around school. Those guys leaving you alone? - For the most part. They haven't smashed my phone, well, your phone. Did you want it back? - No, I don't need it here. All tied up and ready to go. Take care, man. - All right. - Well, it looks like you got a tree you like, huh? - Well, I'm actually just hoping that my wife likes it. - Hey, so how much do I owe you? - Nothing. - What do you mean, nothing? I gotta give you something for it. - No, that's just what we do. Enjoy that tree with your family. We're gonna do that. Thanks. Merry Christmas to you. - Yeah, merry Christmas to you too. - Excuse me. When we were up on that hill up there, I asked Kel how he knew you. And, well, he told me what you did for him at school. - It's no big deal. You know, those guys were just being jerks. - Still, he's had a bit of a rough time lately. I really appreciate you sticking up for him like that. - Yeah. - Look, here's my card. If there's anything I can do for you, ever, just let me know, okay? - All right. - Thank you. - You too. - Merry Christmas to you. - Merry Christmas. Maybe they have scholarships or financial aid that I could apply for. - Well, your parents definitely didn't make too much money. - Well, I saw online they have a really good ecology program. - Excellent choice! - [Natalie] Okay, I'm ready! - Yeah. (chuckling) - What's this? - Okay, Natalie just finished her first dress all by herself. - Ta-da! What do you think? - Will you look at that? - It's beautiful. - [Julie] Very smart. - Yeah, smart. - Shut up! No, it's really cute, right? I think I have a real gift for this. I'm going to be making all of my own clothes from now on. - (laughing) I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Natalie, it's very you. - Thanks. (all chuckle) - Where you going? - To clear my plate. Why? - Never mind. Carry on. Who are those children? - I don't know, but there's no way we're letting her out of the house wearing that thing. - (laughs) She might hear you. Quiet. - You've really done a good job with them. - Well, leading your children into poverty doesn't exactly make one the parent of the year. - They have good hearts. I can see it. - Nina told us about the daughter that you and Rosie lost. I'm so sorry. I can't imagine. - And I wouldn't want you to. But Rosie was the eternal optimist. She kept reminding me to celebrate the joy of our child instead of what we lost. - Rosie sounds like an incredible woman. How did you meet her? - I was a foreman on the railroad. And we were running this passenger line that went to Chicago and New York. And groups of people used to go to the city, especially at the holidays to see the lights and buy presents and things like that. And Rosie was at the station in one of these groups. And all of her friends started to get on the train, except Rosie. And she stopped and she saw this, this homeless man sleeping on a bench. And she reached into her purse and, and gave him money. The train started to pull out. She started running after that train. And I thought right there, I said, "I really have to meet this, this beautiful woman who almost gave up her trip to stop and help out a perfect stranger." And so I started going from car to car. I finally found her. We started talking. And we exchanged numbers and everything. And when that train pulled up at her stop, we were never apart again, ever, until she passed away two years ago. She loved people. And she would have loved all of you. - [Natalie] Nick, stop it! Mom, he's making fun of my dress! - Ah, there are my little angels. I knew they'd be back. - So how are you holding up, David George? - Well, I have to admit, I enjoyed giving away that tree today. (Henry laughs) Let's talk about the farm. You know, your future, what's gonna happen to you when we leave here. - Why? Are you leaving? - Can't stay here forever. - Why can't you? - I want to give more to my family. And I can't think about just staying here and having to live-- (Henry shushing) (kids laughing in next room) - [Nina] Ew, that looks like you. - [Natalie] No, you have to show Dad. You have to show Dad and Henry. They're gonna love it. - Look, Daddy. I'm Natalie. (Henry laughing) - Mom, make him stop! - Oh, great. Did you do this? - Well, maybe. - Oh, yeah, well, I'm gonna go wash her hair now. - Good. - Knock it off. - What did I do? (Henry laughing) - Well, it seems to me they really have everything they need. - I'd better go supervise. - It's no coincidence that you came here, David George, the man with two first names. We both know it. Well, well, well, well... They're kind people, Rosie. Very kind, indeed. (Henry chuckles) - Cutter, David George. We need to talk. - Dave, not a good time, buddy. I'm about to give a speech to the Kiwanis. I don't even know who they are, what they do, or what I'm about to say. So whatever you're about to say-- - The farm, it's just not right for your project. Just give me some time and I'll find another property. - It's too late. I talked to King's people this morning and they're gonna be here next week to see the farm. - No, you don't understand. Things have changed. My feelings about this whole place have changed. - That's too bad, Dave. That's too bad. I'm sorry. Look, I really am. But I'm not gonna allow your soft emotions and feelings to interfere with my re-election, okay? It's over, Dave. Done. - [Announcer] Ladies and gentlemen, please help me welcome Senator John Cutter. (audience applauding) (David sighs) (groans) - You feelings have changed about what? - Let's go in here. I don't want Henry or anyone else hearing us. - What is it, David? Just tell me. That day I left the motel, I ran into Senator Cutter at the coffee shop. He asked me if I knew of any property where they could build some warehouses to bring in some jobs for the area. - What does that have to do with us? - After we got here, I recommended the tree farm. - You could do that to Henry? - Cutter promised me I could be the developer of the project, if I could get Henry to sell. - He's never gonna sell. This is his world! - Well, apparently the government could come through and take this as eminent domain, if they can prove the land can be used for the greater good of the community. Henry is still gonna get a fair share. - They'd just run him out? Poor Henry. - I'm trying so hard to get back to the lives that we once had. - But I like who we've become here. I don't want to go back. Do you? (David sighing) - Well, it looks like you beat us out here. We're gonna go tackle those Scotch pines if you want to go. Hey. (chuckles) All right, man, wake up. Let's go. Henry? Nick, call your mother. Nick, call your mother now. Go! - Mom! - Henry? - Mom! - Henry? Oh, no. "Bind them around your neck, write them on a tablet of your heart, and you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, submit to Him. He will make your paths straight." (Nina plays "Simple Gifts") - Hey, kids, please go upstairs and change your clothes before you get them dirty. Maybe we can return them to the store. - I miss Mr. Henry. - We all do, honey. He was a wonderful man. (Nina sighs) - Are we gonna have to move again? - (clicks tongue) Yes. - Who'll take care of the trees? - Son, there won't be anymore trees. All that property out there is gonna be developed and they're all gonna be gone. - We worked so hard. - Let's not think about that right now. Come on, go change. (sighs) You too, Nina. - Mr. Henry never got to see his daughter's wish come true. (Julie sighs) Oh, David. What a nice man. He opened up his home, and he fed us. He was wonderful to our children. And I hate myself that this lovely man is gone, and all I'm thinking about is what's gonna happen to us. - I know. (knocking on door) I'll get it. - Mr. George? - Yes? - Hello, I'm Marlene Saunders. May I come in? - Yes, yes, come on in. - [Marlene] Thank you. - This is my wife, Julie George. - Marlene Saunders. I was Mr. Banks' attorney. - Oh. - I hate to drop by today with the services and all, but I'm afraid you're going to have to move quickly. - Yeah, we figured we'd have to. What's our deadline? - Well, the sooner the better. Today, if possible. - Today? Oh, we... We thought we'd have more time. - I did too, but, these things happen. - Where are we gonna go? - Do you think we could just stay one more night so the kids could say goodbye to this place? - What are you talking about? - What are you talking about? - You're going to have to move on settling this property. (David and Julie nervously chuckle) - I'm sorry. I think you misunderstood. We don't have enough money to buy this place. - You don't have to buy it. It's yours. Mr. Banks willed it to you. As well as the sizable savings he and his wife had to operate it. Didn't he tell you? - No. No, ma'am. He didn't say anything. - Oh. As soon as you moved in with him, he came by my office and changed his will, since he had no living relatives. He said he had just been blessed with the perfect family to take over the farm and continue the kindness he and Rosie built. I thought he shared his plans with you. - No. No, he didn't. But unfortunately, his heart condition caught up with him. - What heart condition? - About a year ago, before Christmas, Mr. Banks found out he had a congenital heart defect. That's why he invited you to stay and trained you on the farm. He probably didn't want to burden you all. (Marlene chuckles) That's just like Mr. Banks. (sniffles) - (sobbing) David... - The state is taking the property by eminent domain. It's unfortunate, but it's legal. If we complete the paperwork, you will get the purchase price. - What if we don't want to sell? - Well, Senator Cutter has made a pretty strong case. On paper, the warehouses will bring new jobs to the area, and be more lucrative than, a farm that gives its trees away. - Of course it is. - If I were you, I'd sign, take the money, and start your life over somewhere. - Why can't we stay? - Well, Sweetie, Senator Cutter and the State, they want to buy this place and put warehouses on it. They're coming for a tour tomorrow. - That's not fair. They can't just take someone's land, can they? - There has to be some way we can fight them. - There isn't. And to be honest, I'm to blame. I'm the one who told Senator Cutter about this place, and he's so determined to win re-election, and he's so worried about his public image, I think he'll do anything to protect it. - Wait a second. You know, if that's true, I think I might know someone who might be able to help us. (hopeful music) - Dave. - Cutter. - Now I don't want to sound over-confident or anything, but King's right behind me and we had lunch at the sushi place off the highway, and I think our holiday is about to get a lot happier. You're on private property now, Cutter. You're trespassing. - Well, in that case, I'm here to buy a tree. I could actually use your assistance in picking one out so I get my money's worth, but the thought just occurred to me that you don't sell the trees, do you, Dave? You give 'em away? How is that working out for you? - We just lost a dear friend. Why don't you leave us alone so we can mourn, okay? - "Dear friend?" "Dear friend." So instead of working my deal, you were secretly working that old man to get his farm? Good move, Dave. You know, I didn't know you had that in you. - Hello, John. - Julie, kids. You guys anxious to get out of Green Acres and get back to the city life? - We're fine here. - What the heck is she wearing? - It's an original design! - That it is. Look, I get it. For you guys, this farm life is fine and dandy. But look, this is a business transaction. You're gonna be compensated for the sale. - We don't need your money. I can sell my original designs. - Honey, no. (horn honking) - (sighs) I'm sorry, Dave, but it has to go down like this. So if you'll please move aside, this is my show now. (snare drum plays marching beat) Mr. King. - Cutter, don't ever make me eat raw fish again. - Duly noted, sir. I'll remember that for next time. This is the property that we're looking at to build your warehouses. What do you think? - Close to the highway. I like that. - He likes that. - Mr. King, I'm David George. I used to work for Boling and Associates. Do you remember me? - David George. No, not at all. - Of course he doesn't. He's a busy man. This is the current owner of the property. He's had it for about 20 minutes now, and I'm hoping not for much longer. - Christmas tree farm, huh? - Yes, sir. We give them away. - Ever hear anything so ridiculous? - I love Christmas trees. - Me too! - Who said that? I know you. You play the cello. - You've heard of me? My first fan. You were that little girl on the Christmas card, standing right in the middle holding that cello with that big smile. (Nina giggles) Everyone else looked so unhappy. But there you were just smiling, holding your cello. - He's hallucinating. Could be mercury poisoning from the sushi. - Yes, sir. That was me that sent that card of me and my family on my last day of work. - You did, with condolences. When my Margaret passed, everybody was sending me these sad sympathy cards. Then I get this funny picture with this little girl and her big smile. I was tickled. (John sighs) And Margaret loved the cello. (chuckles in disbelief) How did you know? - Would you like me to play my cello for you? - I would love that. - I'll go get it. (playing "Simple Gifts") (all clapping) - That was wonderful. Bravo! - Thank you. - Yes, bravo, little lady. Well done. Dave, she actually is pretty good, I gotta tell you. But, Mr. King, now that Pee-Wee's recital is over, would you like to see the rest of the farm? - I've seen enough. - Fantastic, let's get to signing then. - I don't want it. - (chuckles in disbelief) Excuse me? - I can't take this kind family's home. They sent me a Christmas card, for Pete's sake. - Mr. King, thank you. - I like the way you do business, young man. You ever need a job, you come see me, Daniel. - David. David George, the man with two first names. - I'll remember that. Nice to meet all of you. - Merry Christmas. - And Merry Christmas to you, young lady. (Julie sniffles) - She's ruthless, Dave. She's absolutely ruthless. Those cheeks, that smile, she should run for office someday. - Yeah, she should. But now it's time for you to get off my property, Cutter. - Okay. - Let's go. - Do you know you're only delaying the inevitable, Dave? Someone's gonna want this land, all 200 acres of it. King was just one business. I'll find someone else. You know, I can hear the chainsaws now, Dave. Yeah. (startling music) (triumphing music) - Senator Cutter, Cindy Cruthers, Action News. Is it true you were trying to take this farm from a family for your own personal political gain in the next election? - Excuse me. What? Excuse me. No, no. No more questions. - Wow. (laughing) - Okay. Who wants a tree? (crowd cheering) (family laughing) - [Nina] We gave away a lot of Mr. Henry's million and two trees that day, and the days after, all the way up till Christmas. And instead of big and expensive presents that year, Santa brought us the gift of family and friends. Nick is going to visit a college after Christmas. And Natalie made everyone's presents all by herself. ("Simple Gifts") Aunt Cindy was there. Mommy was happy to have her sister with us. They just hugged and hugged each other and cried all night. And I finally got to meet my Pappy, who loved the tree farm as much as we did. We were all happy to be together. We were finally given the Christmas miracle we were promised. - Okay, family photo time. Come on. Come on. Let's go. Set timer, oh! - Everyone smile. - Oh, Nina! Where's Nina? (laughing) - [David] Okay, smile. - Oh, wait! - Hurry, baby. Come on. - Come on, timer's moving. - Hurry, hurry! The timer's gonna go off. Hurry, hurry, hurry! Everyone smile! (camera shutter clicks) - [Nina] But there was one person missing, the one who taught us that the best gifts are the simple ones, and not just at Christmas, but all year long. I wish Mr. Henry could be here with us. - [Henry] Because I believe when people die, or they leave us, they still watch over us. And they tell us in little ways, like, little miracles, (uplifting music) especially at Christmas. - Wow! (giggles) Merry Christmas, Mr. Henry. (heartwarming music) (Nina giggling) (symphony playing "Simple Gifts")
Channel: FamilyTime
Views: 495,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Questar, FamilyTime, FamilyTime tv, FamilyTime app, FamilyTime channel, family movies, family shows
Id: fNmoVlumSYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 54sec (6174 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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