Poirot 2024 | Dead Man's Mirror | Full Episode HD

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ladies and gentlemen lot 22 an Edgar Brant RW iron wall mirror and console table I shall open the bidding at £30 do I see3 30 is this what you came for Mar yes it is things I thought for the vable you know by the door £40 how high would you go 90 it would £50 thank you 60 and 70 yeah 80 thank you madam 90 at 90 then it's 90 anymore £100 it's uh with you sir 120 sir at £20 then any more sold to Mr chix well that was a bit of bad luck pora I thought you had it there so Hastings did I Mr far you are far are you not the detective yes no hard feelings I hope no good my C tell me what do you know about Modern Art Mr far I'm a collector also I deal in paintings and sculptur as that's my business and I have to tell you I'm not a man who's easily fool that is self-evident so it may surprise you to learn that I believe I'm being defrauded I want you to look into it the services of aruo are not inexpensive maybe I'll give you the mirror what do you say I got a place Hur close near wimy how about tomorrow that is out of the question the day after then let me know W that was a bit of a cheap wasn't it yes indeed Hastings this J chix it does not occur to him the pr is also a man of importance a man of Affairs and yet he summons me like a mere nobody and obedient dog I take it you'll refuse to refuse yes it is my first instinct but you know Hastings a man with so much arrogance as this even he may be vulnerable in ways he cannot see and he did offer you that mirror that too I'll get the tickets tomorrow and do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband I do well there we are then now let me see do you have a ring yes that's right John Lake Ruth chix I am pleased to declare you man and wife I wish it didn't have to be like this [Music] I do love [Music] [Music] you miss Mr porro wait my name's Susan Cardwell do you mind if I join you this is my associate Captain Hastings how do you do may I offer you a cup of coffee oh I won't thank you my fiance Hugo told me to look out for you actually he's not my fiance not officially anyway Hugo oh Hugo Trent chev's nephew he's meeting you at the station so he suggested I come on the same train are you staying with M chix unfortunately yes well I've only met him once and he was absolutely horrible to me he doesn't approve of you it's not that it's it's just well it's it's Hugo and me you see jaes has always had his heart set on Hugo marrying his daughter Ruth but he's not inclined to do that no you see Ruth was adopted I suppose jaes thinks marrying her to his nephew will make her more completely his but he can't force them to marry can he he can try he will try I think he enjoys it manipulating other people I really hate him you know I do and I'm not going to let him spoil my life [Music] here's Hugo Susan you must be Mr Pirro M you and the Hastings Hugo Trent uh look I'm supposed to be driving you to hambur close but I got to stop off at my studio do you mind terribly not at all it's on the way and these are my designs all of them what we're doing here is revolutionary Mr par what do you think I think it is most remarkable is it all metal tubular steel see who needs wood Captain Hastings wood expands it perishes it dries out but metal metal is perfect you see triangulated joinery there's no fuss oh yes I see you go give me a minute Lawrence look at this sit down what do you think I think that it is perfectly conceived this is the future Mr Poo and I could sell thousands if only Uncle ja he does not support this Enterprise I'm just getting this far has been a struggle now the banks are closing in and I may have to sell my designs just to pay them off Hugo they telephone while you're out they won't give you any more time I'll have to speak to them excuse me Mr parro Lawrence will have to drive you damn it to [Music] hell quite a place good afternoon gentlemen Mr chix is waiting for you Mery enter M pu that oh Mr PUO good of you to come you brought your secretary this is my associate Captain Hastings oh yes I saw him at the ocean well what do you think hung it this morning looks good doesn't it yes indeed shall I come back later Mr chanx yes you s out that stuff on matis uh this is Miss lingard my research assistant how' you do Melle lingard we're working on a study of fism for the British Museum of Modern Art oh miss lingard is that architect here I believe so Mr chix have him come in will £10,000 Mr B not a drop in the ocean that's how much I paid him John Lake and this is the fraud you wish me to investigate yes for what purpose did you give him the money a big development in London shops offices Apartments he's building it and he's got me to invest so far he hasn't even laid a brick and I'm beginning to wonder if you ever will you wanted to see me jate come in Lake there's someone I want you to meet this is ero the detective yes why don't you take Mr PUO into the garden and get him some tea I'll see you at dinner we'll meet in the Hall cour of our state do try not to be late Snell Rings the first gong at 8 minutes past the hour and the second at 8:15 I'll see you in gentlemen I uh I don't suppose you're not here on business Mr par that is precisely why I am here M Lake Mr he likes to Spring his surprises let let me introduce you this is Mrs Vander Chik Piro Captain Hastings Madame how do you do and her daughter Miss Chev Ruth M moiselle hello hello apparently Mr poro is doing some work for your father for really wait it is about the death what death Madame shix saffra warned me there would be a death she told me not to be afraid uh who saffra she was a servant of a men Hotel she is my spiritual guide oh come on Vander I'm sure Mr P doesn't want to hear about all that cont Faro interests himself always in matters of the AR you [Music] permit it is very old it is 3,000 years old it was hers these belong to sa she is never wrong I uh better be going I'll walk around with you excuse me right d [Music] evening Hugo where are you going Ruth I dropped my brooch somewhere outside I think have you spoken to ja yes he's impossible [Music] [Music] oh you're not ready yet well we have plenty of time on me are you sure I could have sworn I heard the first gong let me see it 6 minutes past it only [Music] what was that I did not know was a gunshot good evening Miss Ruth oh good evening Miss lingard is something the matter I'm not late am I did you hear it Susan what I thought I heard a shot just now I thought it was a car backfiring Ruth what's going on we thought we heard a gun going off oh yes I thought I heard something it came from up stairs no it was a car it came from over there I heard it too snail yes mam it is 8:15 time for the second gong yes mam but where is M shanix he is never late he was working on the studing m these door must be broken open immediately here let [Music] me [Music] I told you saffra is never [Music] wrong [Music] evening for Chief Inspector Jep right where's the body this way Chief Inspector [Music] inspector suicide so it would appear I'd say it was obvious the bullet must have gone straight through his head and hit the mirror so it would appear he left a note sorry I suppose that says it all look at this Chief Inspector what is it it is a small fragment of the Looking Glass must be splinters all over the place who found the body we did we heard a shot at about 10 8 and then we broke in the door let me see ah just as I thought he locked himself in that more or less wraps it up you believe well we've got a dead man you heard a shot he's alone in the room the guns in his hand and the door's locked and what about the windows B and this one this one too right well I better go and have a word with Mrs shix not that as much to say you know it does look like suicide por we me and yet there are many things I wish to know for example why was the mirror broken and why was there mud on the shoes belonging to Melle Ruth chven voila Footprints yes say thingss they are the footprints of a lady and directly outside the study of M sh but the French window is locked from the inside but this window Hastings it can be locked from the outside regard by raising the metal catch so and then with a push good Lord You Know Chief Inspector life is one of the great Illusions I'm afraid I don't quite agree with that Mr shck Jes knew that he and I you see we met on the same plane on holiday the spiritual plane he was one of the great ones he too found it hard to conformed to the silly standards of the everyday world and he believed me about the death you'd been told about his death oh yes saffra told me she knew did she indeed Mrs shenck can you tell me where I might be able to get hold of this saphra she used to live in Egypt but she moved no perfectly ConEd oh hello Mr parro Mr Poo is your TR did you see your uncle earlier this evening yes it must have been about 7 he was dressed for dinner I I went to see him to ask him to help with my business but he wouldn't listen he wanted Hugo to marry Ruth no marriage to Ruth no money for me that's what it boil down to so Mr your Trent you had no reason therefore to celebrate none at all it was not you then that open this bottle of champagne no curious the bottle of champagne it is opened and yet the contents are not consumed ah there you are P you got any idea how I can get hold of this saffra some sort of friend of as his shix saffra is dead she's vander's spirit guide a might as well be off then you believe there is nothing to investigate J shv shot himself I'm sure of it that event Chief Inspector dor we return at once to London there are perhaps two question questions that you might be able to answer for me oh yes first question was M Shen right-handed or left-handed what the other question it is more simple if M shik shot himself what has happened to the bullet [Music] yes I don't me to come this way Miss Chev is here was Mr porro I need to see you please to sit down Melle is it true that ja is hiding to invest instigate John Lake we M mvix believed that he was the object of a fraud well I've come to tell you that the case is over I don't know what he offered to pay you but I hope that will cover it m moiselle the company of M John Lake what is he called it's Northgate development but I'm telling you Mr poro there is nothing to investigate may I ask M moiselle were you close to your guardian I was grateful to jaes and he wasn't just my guardian he was actually my uncle but he adopted you I was what is quaintly called a love child my father was ja's younger brother he was killed in the war and my mother was a typist ah and where is she now I don't know when my father died she wrote to jaes he couldn't have any children of his own so he adopted me I see please do sit down M tell me Melle on the night of the death of M shanix where were you at 8:00 I was in the house but you went out I think did I oh yes there was mud on your shoes I remarked on the fact you didn't miss a thing do you well yes I went out twice at about 6:00 I went to pick some daisies just by the study and later it must have been just after 8 I realized I dropped my brooch and I went back to get it it is as simple as that if you don't believe me you can ask Miss lingard m lingard she was in the lounge when I came in Mr porro lingard Captain Hastings miss lingard you quite startled me still working on the book I see well yes I was paid until the end of the month and the book so nearly finished it's a shame to stop now but this is not I believe a fo painting no it's later but it's such a beautiful painting so sad yes indeed Melle lingard I wonder if I might ask you some questions concerning the death of M on the night of his death as the study door was being broken open I noticed that you B down to retrieve something oh yes it was this it looks like a bullet that's what I thought but in fact it's a goling I believe it belongs to Mr Trent I was meaning to give it back to him I wonder what it was doing outside the study I have no idea if you permit I shall return it to him on your behalf oh thank you one final question Melle inad Ruth shix what about her I understand that you saw her just before the body was discovered yes it was just after we all heard the shot she was with me in the living room it is as I thought melie well that seems to back out Ruth's story tell me Hastings what was your opinion of M Ruth I don't know I'd like to know why she seems so Keen to defend John Lake and that is's also the question that exercises the little gr of all right Pirro you win it wasn't suicide from what comes this change of mine Chief Inspector well it's like you said J chix was right-handed but when we found him the gun was in his left hand wait and as for the bullet it's vanished Into Thin Air isn't it in the wall nowhere and here's something that you ought to see the last will and testament of J shenck leaving his fortune and it's a tidy sum to Vander and Ruth shics they split it 50/50 oh and there's a request of £2,000 to Hugo Trent ah so he received his Capital ah yes well there's something else we found this in one of his desk drawers unlocked anyone could have seen it second will yes but unsigned what does it inil it's completely bomy Vander shix gets everything if Hugo Trent and Ruth shix don't marry each other I say that sounds like a motive for murder If Ever I heard one right that's that's what I thought too so you are suggesting that M shix was killed to prevent him from signing this new will right it is possible yes but there's one thing I'd like to know poo what is that Chief Inspector what exactly were you doing at Amber close how did you get mixed up in all this fraud that is what Mr shix believed Northgate developments not quite what you'd expect is it well if this place is just a front Captain Hastings it's exactly what I'd expect H the door's open it's very quiet it doesn't seem to be anybody about place is deserted must have done a buck I say poo come look at this Pond Street Harrow it's a scale model of the development does it not remind you of something Hastings looks a bit like Hambra cloes it is the work of the same hand his things the you man of smoke yes God there's someone in there what is [Music] it it's too late come on get him out slide oh SE spe the fire he ready keep his V casy follow me careful Captain I things I can't [Music] see good Lord Mr PUO I'm sorry I've been foolish you wish to tell me about Northgate development M your Lake yes yes I didn't know what I was doing it's the truth of it I was out of my depth to start with I was just the architect then they asked me if I'd like to be a partner I didn't do anything about business but I was flattered and so you helped them to raise the finance yes and I Disappeared with it leaving you to carry the can that's right when ja called you in her I was afraid I panicked I just wanted to get rid of the evidence so it was you that started the blaze I set a device a timer which misfired if you if you hadn't found me Mr B and was it Chief Inspector I have to go in I'm Sorry Miss no visitors but you don't understand I must see him it's family only there's a doctor's orders I am family Chief Inspector I'm his wife John and I were married a week ago can I go in your husband awaits you wow wow wow so Ruth secretly married John well good luck to her is all I can say but you also have plans for the marriage M with Susan yes and from now on I'll be helping Hugo with his business but what brings you here Mr par do you want to place an order oh no no no no no Mr Trent it is just this it belongs I think to you [Music] yes yes it is M where did you find it Mr Trent on the night that your uncle died did you see Mr John Lake no no he was in the library you heard the shot yes Susan heard it too yes I was dashing down the corridor I thought it was a car backfiring but why were you dashing when was it well I'd got muddled with the gongs and I was terrified of being late you see I thought I'd already heard the first gong yes I thought I heard it too exactly Hastings did not hear the case is solved solved how ah Hastings did you not hear the testimony of Melle Cadwell and do you not recollect the bottle of champagne it's going to take more than champagne to solve this case PUO what about the bullet for instance you shall have the bullet Chief Inspector soon you shall have everything I have asked you all to come here so that you might learn the true facts concerning the death of M jenix he is not dead Madame he's on a different spiritual plane that's all first we must accept the fact that this was no suicide M shinix did not kill himself no he was killed and by someone In This Very Room it's not possible there was no one in here when we broke in and door was locked from the inside jaes had the key and the windows were fastened anyway no one would have wanted to kill him indeed and yet it was you Melle Cardwell you yourself who told to me that you hated him and that you would let nothing stand in between you and M hugot Trent that's not fair and you miss your Trent you were desperate to see your business succeed it's true I I needed money money which you now have M money which you would never have received without the debt of your uncle you also miss your Lake oh yes you are afraid from the moment you set eyes on puu you have not only committed ason you also persuaded M shanix to part with a sum of 10,000 pounds that wasn't my fault no I think M Chev might have disagreed and you also you had every good reason to Wish Your Guardian dead Madame Lake I had no reason at all and anyway even if it was murder it couldn't have been me no I told you Mr porro Miss rof was in the living room with me when Mr shanix was killed at what time was that Mel lingard and at what time did Mr shix die we know what time he died we heard the shot no no no you were this deceived at 8:00 M shanix was indeed in his study working at his desk but he was not alone in the room he turned the gun was silenced no one heard the shot so let us now consider the language of the bullet Hastings please to S the gun was discovered in the left hand of Miss shanix good my car and yet from our very first meeting I knew that Miss shanix was right-handed but if the bullet was fired from behind hting com sir how could it possibly hit the mirror which is to the side well it couldn't have no so now let us suppose that the door to the study was open if you please miss SN thank you and again Hastings the gun com it would have hit the gong so that was the gong I heard well then how did the mirror get broken the murderer wanted to make an appearance of suicide but what if the sound of the gong has been heard then it would be known that the door to the study was open and not closed quickly the door is closed and locked the gun is placed into the left hand of the dead man the key goes into the pocket the suicide note of one word is easily forged and the mirror deliberately smashed when I first came here you will remember Chief Inspector that I discovered a fragment of the the looking glass attached to this brass ornament the base of which was also slightly damaged it was then that I saw the light so what happened then how did the killer leave the killer left through the window cleverly closing the latch from the outside voila so who was it who was the murderer who entered the house that night from the garden and who would have lost everything if Mr shix had lived to sign his new will what new will the will that disinherited you completely if you did not Marry m Hugo Trent but it was too late Madame Lake for you were already married no you're wrong stop him no M PUO is never wrong the will it was left in this room you could have seen it at any time but it was too late to undo what you had already done oh yes you were married but to the man your guardian must liked I was going to tell him I hated lying I planned to tell him that very night no not to tell him Madame to kill him you're wrong it's not a word of truth in your story it's a lie from start to finish that is for a jury to decide you sure you're going to be all right Vander yes yes good night Hugo good night Mr chenx poor Ruth I still don't believe [Music] it I hope you know what you're doing por [Music] V wake up who is it it's SRA wand come down [Music] [Music] stairs it was you W you killed him no you know it was you killed [Music] Jes calm down calm down you killed him because you hated him now you must make amends I didn't what have you hidden in your locket V the bullet that killed your husband no you must write a note admitting it and then [Music] no it is enough I knew that you would try something my was a lingard but this that's diabolical I had to save her I had to save Ruth yes I know and in order to save her you killed M JZ chix and you are the real mother of Ruth chenik are you not the typist with whom the brother of M jenix fell in love how did you know there could be no other explanation and in the museum that was when I saw but it's such a beautiful painting so sad it was a painting of a mother who loses her child and it was then that I saw that you were also a mother who had lost her child and you came to this house I think to check up on a daughter that you had lost so you took up the position of a researcher yes and while you were working you stumbled across the new will he was going to ruin her life with his pride and his snoby and so you decided to take matters into your own hand you killed M exactly as I described you then left the study taking care to leave no footprints in the Sawyer but unknown to you a few moments later Ruth shix appeared in search of a brooch which he had lost she found it but in doing so left behind own Footprints it was then necessary to continue the illusion of suicide and to establish a false time of death it was very clever that idea of yours to imitate a gun you then went into the living room and were there when Ruth shenik came in good evening Miss Ruth oh can be missing out I found it more significant that you did not tell to me the Ruth shenik enter the living room from the garden well how could I it would have incriminated her and there was now but one thing left to do the bullet I found it by the gong when you were breaking in from the door I wanted to drop it inside the study but I didn't get the chance is the cuffing of M your Trent I still that from his room I knew you'd seen me picking up the bullet so I had to have something to show you yes you almost succeeded in confusing PUO Chief Inspector I think you better come along with me miss lingard Mr War I don't want Ruth to see me I don't care what happens to me but please don't let her see me you have my [Music] word [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] ladies and gentlemen when the Russian actress and Dancer Natalia doenka made salomi in 198 she wore a necklace made of magnificent pearls given to her by the Zar last week at an auction in Paris I paid $300 ,000 Franks For That same pearl necklace my wife is going to show it to you [Music] now ladies and gentlemen dear friends our new play Premier is here at your beautiful theater next week prior to a six-month tour of America yes Margaret is taking the leading part and she will be wearing the zaz's pearls at each and every performance Mr opson don't the pearls get stolen in the course of the play yes they do so that's in the playe you'll be under guard 24 hours a day I think I can promise you that they're not going anywhere [Applause] and again please thank you well doctor tell me what is your diagnosis well essentially you're run down even those famous gray cells of yours need an occasional rest it is true Mr quo you've been taking on much too much recently two weeks complete rest that's the answer if I were you I'd think of getting out of London e e this hotel Hastings it has a hope the full central heating well miss lemon said it had all the Comforts Now where's a cab well I must say it's good could be out of London less traffic for a St less taxis also it would appear yes I know you it is possible yes your face been in the paper yes that is true on many occasions you're lucky Len and I claim my 10 [Music] G I've got my paper I said the right words where's my money please do you mind Grand Metropolitan Hotel driver right I'll go it's a sort of game part the newspaper prints a photograph of this character lucky lamb and whoever finds him gets 10 [Music] Kine this holiday Hastings already I begin to have the second [Music] thoughts your key Mr worthy R 113 yes sir it's as you requested on the first floor good thank you I'll have your bag sent up [Music] Sir these most curious the tastings did you not remark what's that the gentleman that just booked in ahead of us honestly B you are incourage Mr quo isn't it yes what a great privilege to have you here at the Grand Metropolitan thank you what you got a nice SE view here huh bathroom through there two bedrooms you going to the races oh we might I think not laughing boy in the 4:00 that's my tip how about the theater there's a new show opening this week and can get your tickets get Hastings well I reckon you'd enjoy it sir you being a detective and that they got a necklace worth a bundle on stage is I read about that Mr opul and the producer he's standing here too him and his wife oh thank you sir this m erson would you happen to know which is his room PUO yeah of course I do sir the Imperial suite number 114 just here sir you'll see ah here we are laughing boy 4:00 7 to1 perhaps I will have a flat Mr Poo I hope you'll forgive me Mr Poo but when I heard that the famous detective was staying at the hotel I just had to meet him Mr Paro this is Mr opon the producer ah yes of course m opson my associate Captain Hastings and myself have already heard much about your production will you join us thank you yes Pearls Before Swine it opens tonight I'd be honored if you'd come as my guests and to the party afterwards oh that's Jolly decent off you and it is tonight I think that your famous necklace makes Al Deo yes the Mage just taking it to the theater now Celestine show Mr PUO the pearls [Music] get them out of the box I can't sir I don't have the key why not damn it where' you put it Mrs opon keeps it sir she insists security you carry the necklace on your own no sir no Saunders my driver always goes with her as a matter of fact he's late then perhaps you will permit Captain Hastings and myself to accompany Lam well that's very kind not at all it is our pleasure is it not his things go rather Margaret now listen dear you'll never guess who I've just met y it's poo heru PUO he's on his way over now yeah I know that's right we're going to have to do [Music] something now where your name Celestine it is French n but my mother was French sir but I've always lived here I was hoping to be in the theater myself one day and you have been working with Mr Au for how long about 2 years he's not normally so edgy sir it's just when there's a first night have you seen po Before Swine only in rehearsal but it's beautifully written I'm sure Mr oon has nothing to worry about stop stop you are lucky Len of the daily Echo and I claim my 10 ginies no madame I am not Len and therefore for you I am not lucky excuse [Music] [Applause] me here we are we can go in the back way all right where is it let me go money you have it when tomorrow you said that yesterday tomorrow I promise you I'm tomorrow then or else give me the bag [Music] M are you all right they haven't heard me my God you're aren't you wait it would appear that you are in need of assistance m me no no those are just what you might call business associates it's nothing I can't handle this is Andrew Hall the writer I was telling you about Ah that's your Hall so it's your play it's Ed ops's play he bought it cut it rewrote it and left me with about 2% of it hence my current difficulties are you sure you're all right yes I have to go in I'll come with you thank you Mr qu M was there you know Hastings I begin I think to look forward to this play glad to hear it thank you I'll go thank you Hastings Mr Poo I am po oh my name is Saunders Sir Mr opon chauffeur yes Mr opson has sent me to take you to the theater Sir with his compliments thank you here he comes that's Mr have you been challenged to S the place sir this I do not believe HS Mr Excuse me it is an outrage Hastings to use a for the publicity of this plan absolutely it's beginning inspector Drake should be here pretty soon oh coming here I've read so much about it in the newspapers oh yes inspector Drake and I have worked together quite a lot recently good luck my dear and you're are me a local Sergeant oh here's hisor Drake coming now good evening sir my lady will be here isly good I must speak to her at once my dear inspector forgive me Lady Jane but I don't think you should be wearing that the necklace why ever not because the Phantom has sworn to have it and the Phantom has never once fail I think it's about time we made an appearance at the party well you're not going to wear the pearls I'm tired of being upstaged by them Celestine yes Mr is it safe just leaving them there of course Celestine won't leave the room more champagne no thank you I don't see why you don't wear the pearls it's good publicity that's all you ever think about now you heard what I said didn't you Celestine yes momam I'll have your supper sent up to you [Music] there come on then time to play host and [Music] Hostess thank [Music] you I uh hope you enjoy the party sir thank you oh by you will forgive me oh thank you very much sir not at all I'll be waiting for you to here sir thank you who is it Ma mom got your supper for you one moment that's very kind of you all part of the service do you want me to carry it in yes put it over there on your own are you yes it's a shame all the rest of them at the party tell you what what I'll sit with you if you like thank you my name's Grace Grace Wilson so how do you like the Grand Metropolitan let us say it was an evening I shall not easily forget ah Mr P excuse I delighted you could make it m Madam M at the theater this evening there were some tour me this was not I think a coincidence no but a man in my position needes all the publicity he can get I bet you'd guessed who'd stolen the PS by the second interal pu not at all Madame it was a question that ceased to occupy my mind long before the first excuse me they're not really that bad no you should try this job I could tell you a thing or two have you worked here long not here [Music] no Mr youber Divine I played to the detective Drake ah yes of course I found your performance most engaging it's a jolly good play yes I think it's going to be a success and just as well dear Ed needs a winner no three disasters last season only had one success and that was a Revival oh yes HS doesn't run I'd say he was [Music] finished I do like these telegrams they're really nice they always sent them need some scissors I can get you some if you like no it's all right what some somewhere I hate sewing thank you did you enjoy is so sir yes thank you Saunders but now you know the fatigue well it is after midnight yes indeed Hastings thank you we're back Celestine everything all right yes ma'am everything's fine what a dreary party you weren't exactly glittering yourself my dear and you drank too much why not I paid for it Celestine my chry box yes ma'am that damn writer Andrew Hall he didn't even bother to show up I saw him leave the theater he was avoiding you you inferring something no here's the key are you still drinking yes do you want [Music] one sir Mrs opson what is it the necklace I don't understand it it's not here what do you mean it's not there it's got to be out of the way let me [Music] look For Heaven's Sake call the police someone has stolen my PSE I take it Merson that you have summoned the police yes of course they sending someone down from London but that's not good enough I want you Mr Poo I beg of you I've got to get them back and these pearls they were without doubt inur well yes but but that's not the point the play Mr PUO all the publicity about the pearls if they aren't returned I'll be a laughing stock we have an American tour how can we do Pearls Before Swine with no pearls poo excuse me the doctor come on I just think you ought to remember why you're here yes that is true but his Mr opers I regret that PUO cannot help you in this matter what I am here on [Music] vacon ah morning por was your Chief Inspector [Music] yet [Music] I took the necklace off before the party and put it in my jewelry box and then I put the box in the drawer was the drawer locked no it wasn't Celestine was here so I felt there was no need how many keys are there to this box Mrs oon only one and I keep it with me all the time you're sure of that it doesn't seem to have been forced of course I'm sure there's only ever been one key I'm going to offer a reward Chief Inspector a big one you think that'll help Mesa so what were you doing when all this was going on I was doing the sewing sir I only went into the side room the first time for scissors and later for thread look at the little [Music] boat oh cheer up far it is for the best I have no doubt Hastings well you're here for a rest if you're going to get involved in another case you might just as well have stayed in London that is true I don't know why you can't just sit back and enjoy the SE I know you no no no Hastings it is no use not to take this case is for p more hard work than to take it Saunders get the car started I'm in a hurry your what oh um Mr pry I'm afraid I can't stop you've heard that about the pur yes what was it about life imitating out serves a ride anyway it's not my problem Mr your hall I noticed that you were not at the party last night well I wasn't in a party mood may I ask where you were I went for a walk now if you'll excuse me I really will be leave thank you [Music] s I only stayed with her cuz I felt sorry for so you were alone in the room with the necklace yeah for about 2 seconds didn't even know it was there cheap Chief Inspector a hello Faro excuse us Mose thought you were sitting this one out no no no no no no so how goes the investigation pretty routine have you got any more questions I've got a ton of work oh no that's all right Miss Wilson that's all out Grace Wilson been with the hotel a couple of months you got theman a bar made before that Dog and Duck in hoben she took that girl Celestine saer first W please so tell me Chief Inspector what is it that you have so far found out Grace Wilson or cin the hotel maid or the ladi's made seems to me it's got to be one of them a necklace in a box within a chest Chief Inspector and only one key it is as a magical [Music] trick the necklace it was in this draw that's right and this though well that leads to the maid's room that's where Celestine went to get the scissors and thread leaving grace alone in the room tell me his thingss how long do you think it would have taken M Celestine to retrieve the scissors from that room I don't know uh 20 seconds 20 seconds and for how much of that time would she have been out of this room four or 5 Seconds at the most exact and for Melle Grace Wilson to open this drawer remove the Box somehow to unlock it open the box take out the necklace close the box and return it well she couldn't possibly have had time I do not think so right excuse me where are you going Chief Inspector I think it's about time I had Miss Celestine searched can't imagine why they didn't lock it this draw runs easily [Music] Hastings but not this [Music] one I wonder well that must interconnect with the room next door it is boled bolted on both sides but his thingss we know who it is who occupies this room room 113 wait his name I think was Mr worthy that's right sir he was an American gent he only stayed the night left this morning you saw him depart oh no sir carried his own luggage must have left at the crack of dawn you didn't not bet you and see him yesterday evening no sir I can tell you I did see those sir well it was just as I was leaving well I don't want to talk out a turn sir but uh well if there's a reward and all that well please to continue yeah well that riter Mr Hall he was hanging around outside the Hotel must have been about 11:00 outside yes [Music] sir would he have been near to the window of mure M prison oh yes sir right under it thank you [Music] oh now here's something that shouldn't be here it's a duplicate key to the jewel box we found it hidden in the Hem of celestine's picant sounds pretty conclusive but what about the necklace no sign of that yet going up ladies and gentlemen but uh if you say her boyfriend was seen outside the hotel last night this your hall he was here yes no well that explains it doesn't it explains what how she got the necklace out of the hotel she couldn't leave the room so she simply dropped it out of the window and he was there to catch it you have arrested M cestine yes and the sooner we find Andrew Hall the better ah Mr saers we want a word with [Music] you I hear you've already solved the case sir never mind about that have you seen Mr Hall Mr Hall sir I drove him to the race course is he in some sort of trouble sir he could be in a lot of trouble why do you ask him well he did seem a little anxious I'm not surprised have you any idea where we might find him well he always places his Bets with the same man Harry WX Harry WX he's a bookie [Music] sir just a sort the place I'd expect him to go what do you mean CH inspector a race course this is where you'll find every criminal element tomorrow and what better place to do this kind of business than in the middle of a crowd hope we're not too late we got all the entrances covered yes sir right you want come with me and keep your eyes out for a bookie called Harry wax come on lad Hastings this is wrong to qu it makes no sense 45 [Music] 505 60 is 6 to four this favorite and 4 to one ban take [Music] take Penny Black the back the Qui now as they come down the long St you w Tall Blond on the inside stand on NE neck and if they coming into the magic Sun Redstone Now [Music] [Applause] [Music] red you in here come in come in get him come on right get him in the car all right in come on I'm afraid we got to him just too late but we found this and this supp no just the pouch that we kept in empty so what's happened to the [Music] pearls [Music] you've got it all wrong Chief Inspector ah so I suppose you won this lot on a horse did you yes laughing boy came in at 7 to one then why did you try and run for it when you saw me I owe money I've had a bad run and fell in with some pretty bad company well you saw what they were like outside the theater yes I didn't know who you were so how do I explain this I can't I've never seen it before was in your pocket then somebody must have put it there Chief Inspector what's your hall why did you not go to the party of Miss erson I've told you I went for a walk and your walk took you back to the Grand Metropolitan Hotel yes I wanted to see Celestine I just needed to be with her but then when I saw she wasn't alone I went to bed Mr pu you've got to believe me I'd never seen that key before someone must have hidden it there no no no tell me about M Hall you know of his gambling yes I've tried to stop him but it's no good it's like a disease you are aware M moiselle that for the return of these pearls Mr oerson he's offering a reward most substantial yes but I didn't take the Mr Barrow I swear to you but nobody else came into the room while you were there no only the hotel maid tell me m Celestine miss your hall how did you first meet it was at the theater one of Mr ops's Productions and Oscar wild lady min's fan no it was The Importance of Being Earnest of course Hastings I must contact the good miss in London what for this case Hastings I begin to see the light I don't understand you heard what the young lady said Oscar wild exactum Hastings there is work to be [Music] done [Music] get roll up there come [Music] on good shooting Chief Inspector I used to go out on is with Marshal when I was a boy some things you never forget well I must say it's nice to have an evening long what's PLO up to then thinking oh this was meant to be a rest you know heav knows what Miss lemon's going to say on't you arve come on hello sir evening Chief Inspector hi Miss L it's nice to see the police is human too that for your little boy yes I'm glad I run into you there's something I was wanting to tell you oh yes what's that well it may not mean nothing but it's that writer what about it I saw him in Mr O's room day before that necklace got swiped he was there when I did the cleaning said he was looking for something but I don't know anyway the day [Music] before Mr farro Miss Lon allow me to take your case thank you good morning Miss [Music] lemon I thought this was meant to be a holiday Captain Hastings I'll talk to you later War what are you up to foret Chief Inspector you must make an immediate arrest I've already made an arrest thank you very much Chief Inspector what if this case was not just a question of theft but of Fraud and what also if the pearls of the S did not [Music] exist a statement Chief Inspector Mr op anything to say Mr how dare you but Mr opson a man in your position needs all the publicity he can get Mr can you tell us what's going on Sir following our investigations we discovered that the necklace that was stolen was a fake there never were any real pearls you mean he did it for the insurance Chief Inspector we are now investigating the Poss possibility of an insurance fraud that's all I can tell you for the present thank you one more question what made you [Music] think oh yes inspector Drake and I have worked together quite a lot recently oh here's inspector Drake coming now sh sh good evening sir my lady will be here presently my dear inspector forgive me Lady Jane but I don't think think you should be wearing that necklace why ever not because the Phantom has sworn he'll have it and the Phantom has never once failed why did you want to see the play again tomorrow the play travels to New York man in 10 lemon has yet to see a performance time I mean to have him [Music] good night good [Music] night what are we doing here par the play is finished the play it has finished yet say things but there is still one more act I don't understand Hastings the Pearl so celebrated of thear where do you think a market could be found for them I don't know uh somewhere on the continent I suppose no no no Hastings and that is what Miss lemon discovered for me in London they're just too well known over here no one had touched them in America then exact and with everyone searching for them what would be the best way to smuggle them abroad well of course in among the scenery and props for the play where you mean they're here somewhere where well were and who put them here this case it is be most curiousness by Chief Inspector from the start there were only two people who could possibly have stolen those Pearls of M opson Melle Celestine or Melle Grace Wilson the hotel maid well it must have been Celestine she had the key it was thrown into her pett coat it has always puzzled me that Hastings why keep the key it was so needless so clumsy are you saying it was planted yes of course well if it wasn't Celestine it must have been Grace but we know that she didn't have time to take the pearls you said so yourself it is a rid Notting so which of them was it let us imagine Melle Grace Wilson is in the room of Merson she is there only to be friendly excuse me I can get you some of you night no it's all right the moment the M Celestine leaves the room to retreat the scissors as quick as a flashy [Music] acts she was able to execute the theft of to the pearls in an instant because she did not need to unlock the Box herself she had in the adjoining room an accomplice with a duplicate key and it was He Who removed the pouch and the purs Mr worthy exact his thingss and when Melle Celestine leaves the room for the second time this time for some thread the Box cities returned in exactly the same manner only now the necklace it has gone and I suppose it was this Mysterious Mr Worthing who hid the key in celestine's pett coat he or his accomplished Chief Inspector yes but it was definitely Mr wory who placed into the pocket of M Hall the pouch which was empty that's right I saw him at the race course it's Mr worthy I could have swor but who is he who is this Mr [Music] Worthing Mr shh right [Music] there [Music] it is a pleasure to meet you at last Mr worthy Saunders let go get off me I'll done nothing wrong let go of me oh [Music] God you bloody fool I told you we shouldn't ought to have come but I think it is too late for that Madame Saunders madam what you mean they're married yes of course Chief Inspector it was that that Miss lemon discovered for me at the dog and the duck in hman Grace Saunders the landlord remembered her well but why the disguise ah Hastings how else could M Saunders reserve for himself a room next door to M oerson he had to assume a new identity how could you possibly know as ever M it was the little details the matters of no consequence that caught the attention of puu you will recall Hastings on the night of the did I remark on some white powder on the sleeve of M Saunders oh pardon you will forgive me I thought it was talcum powder thank you very much sir not at all no Hastings it was not the talum powder it was the French chalk which cabinet makers used to let the drawers made of wood run more smoothly and with which Miss Worthing prepared beforehand the draw containing the burs but I was suspicious of Mr Worthing long before this your key Mr Worthing when Hastings and my myself we first came to the Grand Metropolitan Hotel there was a man at the desk he was elderly he must walk with a stick thank you but when he goes to his room which is on the first floor he proceeds not to the lift that he's waiting no I'll have your bag but to the stair it was a performance of M but the performance thatu did not ring true damn you that's enough of that take him away one thing poo I know you were waiting for why did you think they'd come here they came here Hastings to retreat the necklace I see where is the necklace the necklace Hastings it is I think [Music] voila damn floro you mean that Bloody little man set me up it's your own fault you tried to use him but Margaret what about the pearls don't worry that Bloody little man got them [Music] back so you made up the story about the fake pears smoke out the thieves so now you learn the plot of your next play miss your yes I told to them that the necklace it was false because I knew that they would then have to examine it we're all packed Mr porro thank you Miss lemon the reward Mr porro it should be yours why have you given it to me because M moiselle it was you who told to me the title of the play The Importance of Being Earnest and there is in that play a character that is very well known who is called Jack Worthing cesa and it was then that I saw the light saw the reward I think must be for you [Music] hiss so much for your holiday Mr porro but miss lemon I feel completely refreshed even so this wasn't what the doctor was daily Echo daily Echo you are lucky Len of the daily Echo and I claim my 10 ginies you're right I was lucky Len and I'm sorry I got fired this morning fired why too many people were recognizing me the papers decided it must be my face it's too common common that's what they say bit of a cheek if you ask me but there you are they are wrong ony you have a face that is most distinguished you have no need to work for this newspaper you have a face of a great man you think so oh yes I know [Music] it [Music] foree [Music] speee for speech for [Music] spe spech [Music] fore for spee [Music] spe fore spee fore speech [Music] fore fore fore for [Music] Fore [Music] spee spee foreign spee [Music] for Fore for Fore foreign spee [Music] [Music] for
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Keywords: Alom Tv, Poirot, Poirot 2024, Poirot 2024 Full Episode HD, Poirot Full Episode HD, crime solving movies, Good movie, crime story, GOOGLY RMN
Id: kW0yE50xSrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 37sec (5677 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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