Hank's Christmas Wish (2023) Full Movie | Christmas Comedy | Family Comedy | Dean Cain

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[Music] okay calling the meeting to order as the new mayor I am very excited to preside over this year's Christmas celebrations it's Charlie what do we got first item up is to talk about decorations I put these candy canes all around the city uh aren't candy cane is supposed to be just red and white these will work too we won all kinds of new Christmas traditions this year let's put it to a vote uh all those in favor say aye aye what was supposed to say nay nay the eyes have it all right next item up number two themes themes well the parks department wants to do a snow family thing with juggling snowmen and all the front office wants to turn the town into Whoville and have a Grinch sanitation wants a traditional Charles Dickens Christmas either way we're going to form committees committees listen Mr Mayor we want to spice up Christmas this year have New Traditions what's wrong with old traditions they're just boring boring yeah boring Santa Claus trees reindeers Rudolph Jingle Bells elves boring yeah yeah we want more I was thinking technology imagine it Mr Mayor robots widescreen displays it's going to be fantastic all right all right fine if everybody is so set on doing their own thing I I ran for mayor as a compromiser um so I will compromise everybody so so set on doing their own things why don't we just can't do it well I'll be known as the mayor who usured any a compromised Christmas very well knead [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you what there's no green in candy canes green is for peppermint sticks they should be red [Music] they should be red [Music] [Music] this is our rec center we have some games some books and a TV well we used to have a TV no Mr Franklin no honey no that's not an Oreo guys this is Fred Frederick Frederick Marshall he just checked in need to check out real quick they try to just feed his Checkers disguise his Oreos now Mr Garrett don't scare him honey Bertha honey it's okay Roberta yeah it's okay you're good it's a miracle Miracle Hallelujah all right okay everyone dinner will be served in 15 minutes Bella Liam Hi how are you good how was school it was good good hi Grandma sweetheart how are you hey come sit with me you joining us for dinner again is that okay suit yourself did you hear Helen up and left us this morning Helen the front desk lady they said she just up and quit I think she'd had enough of that young Kevin fella I really liked her yeah we all did but I'm just telling you because I know you're looking for a job I'm fine grandma delivering cheeseburgers it's a job well I must say I think working for that young Kevin must be horrible then why are you telling me about it grandma because if you worked here I could see you every day you see me every day now that's just for dinner besides I thought you could use the extra money well speaking of dinner let's go ahead and go so we can get in the front of the line you know how I hate to be late for my dinner okay Grandma hey Bertha hey honey it's dinner time where's the balloons they didn't decorate with blue this year honey come on we got to get you something to eat come on baby Roberta did you get Fred all set um Frederick sure 218. oh yeah I did thank you the family wanted a room with a window but all the rooms with the windows were taken that's what I told them hey isn't it great that her grandkids come over and help feed her I think she's just here for the free food well you know her arthritis gets worse as the day goes on can you take care of it please sure thank you hi guys dinner good you doing good letting you down dad can I help with that you're new here I'm Bella my friends call me Belle are you excited for Christmas I wish I was what more shopping to do no nothing like that dear it's just it's so close to Christmas and this is the first year that I've been away from my family me too I only have my brother and my grandma no offense but that's family kind of have a new family now you know days before Christmas my family would all come together and we'd what we'd sing I think they have a choir here you know I taught all my kids to play the piano when they were seven and I'll even played the organ at church music is the language of the Soul it feeds the heart with laughter and love this place could use some music if Roberta would do this she'd get that Chef Tanner's attention right what oh my God um go in the carbide okay hurry that is correct the lighting will be this weekend yeah okay thank you my key is not working they changed the locks and I had to pack up your stuff they changed the locks I'm I'm just a week behind let me write you a check can't I can't take a check I can't hold a check like I've got kids they told me if I didn't kick you out then I'm out we just need one more night Nate I'm sorry Belle I can't I can't be on the street you're not even busy you have to but we are busy we have that tree lighting the parade I'm so sorry I did everything I could sorry though what's going on Belle um the hotel is having a rap problems so we can't stay here tonight bud it's gonna be okay hey Belle I brought these for you guys blankets pillows I don't need them back but you know what maybe in a week or so it'll be fixed Maybe foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you poop [Music] because [Music] Hermie is that you Hermie Hermie Hermes Army you in there Hermie Kitty kitty it's me Hank Kitty are you mad at me Kitty hear me huh where are you foreign what is this this is not a Christmas tree there aren't enough lights on this tree that should be a star on that tree and what are these soccer balls this is not a Christmas tree this is a travesty I gotta talk to the guy about this too make a note Army where are you kitty Hermie Harvey [Music] Hermie have you seen my Hermie did you know I named my Hermie after you I did have you seen him don't talk I don't blame you you work hard you rest I see you're working with the Bumble that's good bumbles need jobs too if you see Hermie send him home thanks Hermie [Music] for me Army [Music] that it looks like a tree looks like a poo tree Tommy not one Christmas book it's a cat do you know Hermie have you seen him you don't know anything do you and if you do you ain't talking I wonder where my cat is [Music] [Music] foreign is this our new hotel um no actually we're gonna have to sleep in here tonight buddy but lots of people sleep in Vans these days really yeah it's like camping [Music] hi the P um okay okay um just go across the street be quick okay [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so this is how the tradition of Christmas stockings came about oh my goodness thank you so much Miss Kim we love learning about Christmas and the history in fact a long time ago at first Christmas was only celebrated in public Gatherings it wasn't until the early 19th century that families started celebrating Christmas in their homes and the most common way that they celebrated was by putting up a Christmas tree how many of you have your tree up already that's right yeah how fun I love putting up the Christmas tree and it's okay if you don't have it up yet because sometimes people don't put it up till Christmas Eve it's all about whatever your family's tradition is so what are some of your family's traditions yes we go out to eat out to eat yes family comes family comes decorating cookies decorating cookies Josie my mom cooks mom's cooking we do family photos oh Family Photos so cute are you caring with my church nice um decorate a tree decorating your tree I get to watch Christmas parades oh I love the Christmas parade I open presents on Christmas Eve oh I love that that's one of our Traditions too Josie do you have another one my mom cooks okay so does she only cook on Christmas yeah okay so this was a lot of traditions and they're all wonderful it's important for us to have these traditions and that's really what Christmas is all about the traditions of gifts and charity and church and of course food but now guys it's time for us to work on some spelling so I need you to go ahead get your spelling books out I know I know turn to page 134 this is going to be our last spelling quiz before the new year guys I'm so excited for the light overnight my dad said it was gonna be awesome you guys are coming right now yeah definitely yeah it's gonna be so much fun yeah well I'll see y'all later hey you should come too foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm no no no no no no no no no no what am I doing it's none of my business just stay out of it none of my business I should do something they're ruining Christmas I can do something I could do something oh no what if they asked me to speak four score at 1600 to 78 years ago Santa Claus invented Christmas and this is not Christmas I could do that really never in a million years do anything like that I can't do that [Music] by the way it's still green [Music] [Music] almost 7 Retirement Center uh-huh okay your father's name is Walter well I can tell you that Walter would absolutely love it here and we cannot wait to meet you guys on Wednesday okay bye what are you doing answering the phone and when the phone rings that means business and who told you that my dad I guess you're here for another free meal how about a job are you a nurse no we only hire nurses what about a receptionist no they don't do anything it's a waste of money listen things are really tight Financial here okay I just I can't I'm sorry you want me to get that yeah 15 hours a week minimum wage mornings only and dry cleaning on Wednesdays and this office is mine we'll see about that Almost Heaven Retirement Center as Christmas is approaching we were just thinking that maybe it would be nice to have some old family traditions that you guys would like to bring back what about you Mr Franklin well when I was a boy my grandfather had a sleigh and we would go sleigh riding what about you Mr Garrett we used to go to my grandmother's house and all the kids would sleep on a pallet what about you we'd gather around the fireplace and dad would read us the Christmas story from the family bible what about you Bertha well in 1914 when I was a little Italian boy we used to like to put the grapes together and make snowballs out of them and like well met people but that's what I did when I was a little boy I don't know about y'all what about you I think we should have fun one of those crazy exchange gifts with some funny gifts for everybody you're a great snowball [Music] grandma I got the job well it looks like we've got a new slave now listen I gotta go Liam only has half a day today okay dude um does this work I think so do you play no fire inverter bye honey you must be so proud of her I am she's doing so much though you know her dad my son passed away about six months ago the children had no place to go I'm all they have but they're all I have they're all we have too [Music] yeah come on Mr Grinch leave Mr Dickens alone whose birthday it's not a birthday well technically it is Jesus's birthday it is Jesus's birthday and what is what is this we thought instead of figgy pudding we're gonna do meatball pudding meatball pudding yeah everyone loves meatballs no one ever eats the figgies I love meatballs I love meatballs too okay a new Christmas yes and with this alternative approach to Christmas we want to change the tree lighting ceremony with an entire big balloon tree what an entire tree made of balloons different sizes textures what's wrong with a real tree nothing we want to be revolutionary a more modern Christmas we always get a Fraser fur from Carl's Farm out on Route 50. those are beautiful right they are but we the committee think this is beautiful the tree committee well I I'm not sure the citizens are ready for that I'm not so sure I mean technically this tree could be safer for the environment is it yeah how do you light it that's the beauty we don't have to the colors come from within and we'll save money okay the big balloon Christmas tree it is all right good job you guys so now where do we put it all right can I help you are you the mayor yes yes I am oh oh oh oh oh oh um I have a few items I'd like to discuss about the Christmas decor in the city there's an entire room full of people in there discussing it right now oh no no no no I no I don't speaking public at all maybe you and I could chat yeah yeah sure sure okay okay Four score and 16 okay never mind you see Christmas needs Traditions right using silly themes and pop culture to promote Christmas can in fact change the meaning of Christmas the message of Christmas is the Traditions one Santa one tree red candy canes red you need to stop this madness sir okay he's got a point candy canes are not green Christmas balls are not soccer balls stars on top of trees not bows thank you but you bet I got a complaint complete Christmas trees soccer balls star on top green candy canes [Music] I got a complaint I got a complete all right do you think dad's gonna decorate the front of the yard this year I mean I don't know but I think things are gonna be a little bit different this year hey girls okay working hard yeah oh all the staff down at City Hall was coming up with so many new ideas and New Traditions this year got me thinking since your mom's no longer with us that maybe we should start our own New Traditions gingerbread houses yeah we can build it together and then we can eat it you can eat them right yeah okay good let's I need your help because I can't build anything so you're the boss start it up was today your last day of school before Christmas break yes ma'am how was it we had a spelling test hey Grandma what did you do on Christmas when you were a kid well when I was young my dad would gather all of us together your great grandfather and we'd all go into the woods to find the most perfect Christmas tree and when we found it Dad would cut it down bring it into the house he'd set it up and we'd all gather together and decorate it well back in my day my dad would take us all out in the woods and we'd kill all the wild boar that we could and then we'd eat them oh Thomas and then my mother would make us the most wonderful holiday meal she could make Christmas so special for each one of us I loved Christmas growing up and now oh honey I still love Christmas I love the decorations I love the friends I love the family I love the food and I hear we're gonna have a feast on Christmas Day you guys are coming aren't you we'll be there grandma go [Music] ES [Music] holy is three screaming in Heavenly peace [Music] [Music] I told him I did it I saved Christmas I walked up to him and I said look you have to do something this is wrong and you have to save Christmas and I did it you would have been so proud of me okay hey Army [Music] hope nothing happened to them any one of us can be great because all of us can serve sure he doesn't want to stay home alone that's a good idea I'm proud of you Bella for what for everything for everything you do failing you're not failing you're living besides failing is just another stepping stone to Greatness your daddy said that I love you Grandma I love you too baby it happens good night Grandma good night baby sent you all these letters you know they sent me every one and I kept everyone because they're important to me I don't understand this email and texting stuff but if you really care about somebody and you want to let them know how you feel write them a letter now this picture here this was taken on our last day of deployment we took it on the runway and came wrong just before we came home Roy Reynolds he's probably my best friend in the entire world we we signed up together is he here no we uh we lost him about 10 years ago you ready to go buddy hey remember if you really want to show somebody you care about him write him a letter oh [Music] [Music] it's them stem they're here they're here okay let's go foreign okay let's go no wait wait no I don't need that I don't need that let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go you okay yeah it's just a little cold I know I'm sorry I didn't want to run the van the exhaust an amazing brother and his sister homeless die on Main Street in a van hey that is not funny we are not homeless this is just temporary what I was joking ma'am um hi saw some lights on in the back are you sleeping in here no we're just getting some rest are y'all from here are you just passing through we live here you have any ID son how old are you eleven sir and you ma'am 18. you know you're not supposed to be living in a van on city streets especially with a minor dispatch officer Sam 1193 patch me through to Social Services I got a minor and I'm his sister and his sister they seem a little displaced officer no no these people aren't displaced I'm Hank Hank Graham he's like the really good like the really good cracker what can I do for you Hank ah these young lads you know lady these young people are my guests you know this man uncle Hank like the cracker that's what we call them it's your uncle what why are you sleeping out here well we came to visit him and we didn't want to disturb him you see he goes to bed really early oh yeah I go to bed early oh it's about it's late it's so you have a place to sleep tonight I guess so son uncle Hank say Hank if you know these kids so well and you know their car right yes sir you want to tell me what the bumper sticker says on the back treat people with kindness dispatch officer Sam 1193 cancel Social Services everybody's okay here Hank get these kids inside yes sir thank you officer stay here buddy listen I don't know what your deal is but we're not staying with you tonight well I have a a room and a bed all made up of hot cocoa hot cocoa do you know how creepy you sound I'm sorry I just I wanted to help how did you know about the sticker you were parked here last night and when the young gentleman went to the bathroom I was hiding over there okay that's even creepier come on sis who all lives with you up there oh it's just me and my cats sometimes a dog what this is a Christmas candle it's not a Christmas candle it's pepper spray and I will blind you with it I like pepper though okay fine we'll check it out that's it got it okay we can go whoa where'd you get all these I just picked them up you're gonna like this [Music] those are all original Steel toys in the 1930s and 40s it's an original Hasbro car carrier very rare you must really like Christmas you could say that and the toys it's my job you make toys repair collect reconsolidate re-christmasize that's not a word how about that hot cocoa do you like waffles I got waffles I got blueberries and strawberries I got chocolate cookies I got chocolate chip cookies I got peppermints and peppermint balls are you an elf why would you say that the homage to Santa the toys I used to be an elf now I'm in inptc a what an independent North Pole toy contractor can I show you the room hold on we're not going down that road in and we talk about this one you are enough or you identify as an elf listen I've heard of those Comic-Con people they get dressed up live out the fantasy I get it okay I identify as an elf this is the best hot cocoa ever be careful of that cocoa it will put you to sleep and it will make you sleep well okay that was creepy right see I knew that I knew it I'm getting better I'm gonna work on that I promise still have that pepper spray okay great so where's this bedroom oh it's uh it's over there around the to the on the right over there did you see that the semi-sweet chocolate morsels there and we got the flat peppermints and the brown pepper and the stirry marshmallow stirry things not strawberries strawberries are good okay just for one night okay so the uh the bathroom is down the hall and I'll leave you be come on Liam let's go to bed good night Hank good night [Music] that was weird he's funny he's something hello Santa yes we've been kidnapped and held hostage by one of your elves is that Santa no get some sleep [Music] good morning hey Bill look me and Hank just fixed up this old truck and all we have to do is paint it and it'll be ready for Christmas that's awesome but you gotta go get ready I'm going to work and you have to come with me I have to yes you have to so how long have you been here two years you we just got here a couple months ago after our dad passed away we came here to be with our grandma you have kids so what's with all these toys then I like toys no really why so many kids are sponges and toys are their Muse a child builds a tower out of blocks and watches it fall he learns physics he watches a remote control car bouncing around from radio waves and it makes him curious as to how it all works [Music] boost his imagination gives him creative power whether it's Chinese puzzle number four over there or 1953 chemistry set toys give kids hope what's your favorite toy come on buddy you ready you know he's welcome to stay here and help uh being given that it's okay with you please please please fine I only have half the day today so I'll be back at noon I do not want him leaving this place you call me if you need anything [Music] [Music] and heaven and nature sing [Music] thank you [Applause] good job you guys sound amazing thank you we're the featured choir at tomorrow night's lighting of the Christmas Tree Festival it's good to see you dear I'm gonna grab some cookies okay hey Santa's coming tonight you coming of course who are you looking for no one I should get to work hey he's back in the office I'm not looking I almost have a retirement center oh okay I understand I'll let them know ho ho ho to you too hey Miss Campbell can you please organize a new huh you can call me Bella Bell Bella can you organize a new guest into the system please yes sir thank you um here's Santa for tonight called he is a bug he's sick he can't make it of course let me just cancel it then please wait we can't cancel it they're all in there getting ready they're so excited it'll break their hearts their hearts are already broken that's cruel just cancel it thank you wait what if I can find you a Santa for tonight no a free Santa fine fine what is your deal we don't have the budget for Christmas activities take tomorrow for example the parade to hire a driver drive him downtown probably feed him lunch we're barely breaking even they're not cattle please what made you such a scrooge do you need three little ghosts to visit you there are enough ghosts here thank you very much this is going to make so many kids so happy I could just get it to work write a letter do you have any Christmas cards do I have any Christmas cards who are you talking to kid I got Christmas cards I have some right here I got a Christmas tree I got a snowman I got another Snowman and I got a snowman here how about a Snowman I like that one who are you writing to someone special you know Christmas cards are the best way to express feelings of friendship and love the cheapest way too you must really like that person [Music] you know Christmas cards were invented in Germany just like the candy cane [Music] Jay for Jesus believe in Jesus absolutely absolutely he's the whole shebang I mean Christmas is named after Christ Mass I missed the day when all Christians celebrate Christ tastes good too well look I worked on this plane you wouldn't happen to have a Santa suit would you [Music] oh my Santa [Music] absolutely not this is a clear violation a clear violation np64 candy corn 11 no elf shall impersonate Santa whatever you look great you think you look Charlie [Music] do you think he's gonna make it he's coming you're sure yes Kobe here I really hope so [Music] Hank I mean Santa [Music] Merry Christmas okay everyone I know you're super excited to tell Santa what you want for Christmas so let's make a line hey are you insane 15 packs of pudding 20 packs of jello I can't afford two deliveries a week because you want to serve them heapings of dessert are you insane Tanner I don't want to watch them starve next month your dad hired me you know what I wish what I wish she was still here so do I what's going on because it's always food cost he's impossible what is it you're not gonna come to the party no why thank you Belle for doing so many amazing things to spread holiday cheer and bringing Santa and making everybody happier can I help you why are you so stressed all the time because I'm running a business do you have a place to sleep after you you have food on your table every day and I assume you have a couple extra bucks to spend on gas or whatever else you need I guess so yeah well I don't and a lot of people don't and you don't see those people throwing pans in kitchens I think that you need to find something to be grateful for and focus on that I am grateful my aim is just this place my dad left it to me and all I'm doing is messing it up you know failure is just another stepping stone to Greatness how are you always so positive because it's Christmas is that a picture of your dad yeah well if you were here what would he say grow up Kev stop sleeping in past noon Kev stop blaming your problems on everybody else have focus focus the world's not going to give you what you want you got to work for it yada yada yada okay um not what I was expecting but that's a start is it reasonable to say that he said these things to you because he loved you cared about you because you wondered what was best for you I guess so maybe I mean your dad trusted you with this amazing place he must have trusted you he loved you Kevin come on let's go to the party here [Music] ridiculous [Music] [Music] well Santa I have a huge request but I don't know if you can fill it this year All I Want For Christmas is to go on a date with Bertha some things are impossible even for Santa tell you what though I'll put in a word and I'll give it my best try all right okay sounds like a plan Merry Christmas cheers cheers to you hi Santa hello little girl what can I get you for Christmas I would like a sewing kit please sewing kids can be arranged thank you Santa [Music] what'd you get him he's great long story yeah I love this place when it's like this you can always [Music] [Music] Everyone Loves You Santa Claus okay are these more toys no excuse me it looks for a very good reason no don't I know I know that I'm so sorry um excuse me I'm sorry this is tippy and this is toes they're tippitos yes apparently the big man got wind of my little impersonation tonight and wanted to check it out the big man Santa this is thistletown patrol officer tippy and patrol officer toes you must be what are you talking about I told you it is strictly forbidden for enough to impersonate Santa but it's all right I explained everything it's all good we're not part of a mutiny wait wait how do you know our names we know everyone's names okay look how about if I make some hot cocoa and then we can just work all this out all right wait so you're a real elf and they're from the North Pole is Santa mad no he just doesn't want another m34 what's and I'm 34. a 1947 a elf plus approach to make a film Santa's always a good idea at a time but film was highly successful was feared that movie Santa become more popular than real Santa no a big man has to keep his branding was that Miracle on 34th Street that's the one hold on so if you're an elf and their elves why are you so much bigger oh that's easy when elves get older we grow when humans get older they shrink a simple elf ecology you mean biology sure you're doing some great work here in retirement Hank I try oh let me show you something look I call this my jingle Blaster kids are gonna love this it's gonna make them so happy really we don't have time well you know once a toy maker always a toy maker I was toy maker of the year you know 1934 1942 and 1955. wait so these aren't just antique toys to you are they most elves that retire move to Florida and live on a beach their toy Days Are Over hey is apparently still making toys and good ones oh thank you I call it re-christmasizing fixing up old toys well wait wait where do they go they do that huh Hey listen they're gonna make a buy so we have to get to work can I help of course I want you to give me some paint uh rubber glue and all the ball bearings you can find ball bearings Liam it's all ball bearings these days oh it works oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh what fun it is [Applause] [Music] hey hey um stand up from last night I found you surprised to see you here couldn't miss it I have to go by my brother isn't that him right there foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Mr Mayor next year I was thinking about a drone parade all the floats would be up in the sky when the Beloved tough on the neck after a while I I love your enthusiasm I love all your ideas but Christmas is about tradition doing what we love with the ones we love right can't compromise all right Mr Mayor oh look at the elves look at them they look so real [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no no no no no I will take that I will take that I will take it these candy canes are not green candy canes are red give me that birthday give me that thank you these candy canes are not green what are you people Gonna Learn [Music] oh I love the elves you guys were fantastic and as mayor it gives me great pleasure to present you with the winning parade attraction the dancing owl well done tonight I would love join me in the lighting of the Christmas tree what do you say yes all right thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you Mr Mayor thank you thank you yeah Merry Christmas thank you I appreciate it oh that was so much fun oh my gosh it's one of Santa's buyers he's looking at my jingle blaster Hank what kind of he's a buyer [Music] papaya wants to make order this right here but we need to ship it to a North Pole now it's going to be at sp3 sp3 take it take it fly it on the Candy Lane Express right now go ahead take it okay what's an SP what's candy cane Express sp3 is surprise present number three number one and two were already taken that's right you know Christmas morning when you get that present that you didn't even ask for but it turns out to be your favorite no like in 1982 it was the Rubik's Cube and in 1984 it was the Giga Pet and then what were those cute little furry things in 2001 called it the Furbies that's right the Furbies surprise gifts so you're saying that this thing that you made is gonna be the next Furby Maybe look at him he's taking my toy on the Candy Lane Express can I go oh no no no the Candy Lane Express is only for transporting elves and toys what do I do how do I look he took my toy congratulations thanks someone else gather your friends it's Christmas time again shines for you and shines for me this magical day [Music] oh here he comes on the sleigh it's Santa Claus [Music] [Applause] [Music] the kids foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] Charlie what listen instead of presents you're gonna scan the codes and they can see their presents virtually you know technology Christmas Sorry Charlie I don't think you're ever gonna get rid of presents but very nice try Merry Christmas everyone merry Christmas I got a few words to say each year as a tradition we celebrate our community with the lighting of our Town's Christmas tree and I know that sometimes Traditions change but what doesn't change is love the love that we have for our children and the love we have for this community one particular member of this community helped me see that Mr Hank Graham I brought some friends with you yeah toes where else from the North Pole elves from the North Pole tippy and Toes would you guys like to go up here help me light the Christmas tree yes well coach come on over here come on over we're gonna count down from five you all ready five four three two one [Applause] [Music] so the Christmas tree that was pretty cool wasn't it yeah yeah have you not given that to Emma yet Leon you have you have to hello see if she's still here you guys hey oh wait can you help Grandma yeah thanks buddy it's fun tonight yeah yeah can I walk you home Bell I'm so sorry I didn't no no it's okay um I'm staying with friends so you know Christmas movies when the main character starts out as a scrooge and then suddenly gets a wave of Christmas spirit you mean like every Christmas movie yeah what was yours the kiss [Music] Christmas time this season is [Music] Christmas time way up North how are you okay great oh this is fantastic we're coming oh thank you appreciate it hope you like it seems empty it's okay you have everything you need in here well said well said even moms and dads [Applause] friends [Music] Santa Claus [Music] [Music] night can you hear [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] you will be next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] all around the world in one night [Music] [Music] Christmas silent night I only have one wish for that shooting star Holy Night Send Me Someone to Love so I can hold their hands while we're at skating around the trees [Music] [Music] turtle doves and all my favorite things come and sets up to so does love send me someone I can talk to will say stories about childhood memories [Music] wonder wonderland [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 155,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Full Movie, EncourageTV, Movies, Christian movies, Faith, encouragetv movies, Family Movies, Hank's Christmas Wish, Christmas, Holiday, family, family holiday, laughter, retired elf, comedy, Christmas comedy, family comedy, family drama, inspirational, Dean Cain
Id: HzpHIl3n0m4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 35sec (4775 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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