The Last Straw | Family Faith Christmas Movie Starring Corbin Bernsen

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♪ ♪ ♪ -It's my turn! -No its not! I still have 15 minutes. Oh, - Whatever! Time's up, you're done. -Hey, I was watching that you little brat! Give it back! -Not gonna' happen. -I'm bigger than you. -And dumber. [KIDS LAUGH] -Not funny. Is too. Mom! They're fighting again! -I said give it back! -Try and take it, you little shrimp. Hey! What is going on? There. Problem solved. But I wanna watch cartoons. [SIGHS] Later, sweetie. Listen, do we have to do this like every single day? I saw what happened, Mom. It was all Kelly's fault. You're such a little tattletale. I know you are but what am I? Enough! That's it. Now listen. [SIGHS] We have a project to do today. But I was just going to start to practice. -Were not. -Was too. Fine. Then so was I. For real? Practicing? [NOISE FROM INSTRUMENTS] They're practicing. Okay. [MORE NOISE] Oh. [MORE NOISE] -Oh. Okay, alright. Enough, enough. Enough! That's it. Put your weapons down. Listen- You guys, I really-- [DRUM BANGS] I appreciate your willingness to practice. We have to clear a space in Kelly's room for an air mattress. Why? Because your cousin Jordan is coming to visit for two weeks. We're going to put her in Randi's room. Why can't she just share with Randi? Yeah, she can share with me, I don't mind. That's sweet of you, but she's seventeen. And she needs her own space. But you guys, Christmas isn't just about what we get, it's about giving and helping. Right? Isn't it nice to help someone that's in trouble? What kind of trouble? What I meant to say is it's just nice to open our house to someone that we love -and care about it. -I think it's nice. Thank-you, Randi. Now that is the Christmas spirit. Thank you very much. Yeah. Thank-you, Randi. Hey. Change your attitude. Yes ma'am. One bathroom. Three girls. This is going to be a train wreck. I want a train for Christmas, pretty, pretty please? You know what? Let's ask Santa for that. But, In the meantime we've got a big project to do. So, Let's hop to it. -Hop to it! Yay! -Upstairs, everyone. Go. Hop to it! -This will be fun. -[SIGHS] -I think this is fun. -You would. -Mom said change your attitude. -When pigs fly. -Do pigs fly? -It's just a figure of speech. This is not the Christmas break I imagined. ♪ ♪ ♪ -How'd they take it when you told them that Jordan will be coming with us? You know what? Exactly as expected, actually. Randi was excited, Kelly didn't want to share a room with Randi, and Eric didn't want to share a bathroom with one more female Smart kid. -Oh! -I mean, I do. That's what I love. Your stuff everywhere. -That's right. -It reminds me of you. -Uh-huh. Hey, do you think this is actually going to help Jordan to come here? I hope so. I mean, my sister's at the end of her rope right now. Yeah. She's a good kid, she's just making some-- -Yeah. She's a good kid. -Dumb choices right now. Yeah. You're so smart, I love that about you. Thanks, though, know. I know you have a full plate with the kids, and . . . letting her come here, it's really great. Oh, yeah, of course. She's my niece, too. I mean, it's a no-brainer. I just need to come up with something that's brilliant to keep the kids from killing each other over Christmas break. -Yeah. Whatever you do, I'm supportive. I'm in. -Really? If I crate them like little puppies? Yeah. yeah. I lke that. I'm gonna hose them down and give them treats. [LAUGHING] Make them roll over. I see, I see where this goes. -What if we do a family outing with Jordan? That would be fun. Yeah, okay. Do we dare ask the kids to pitch in on an idea? Ooh. That could backfire. -Yeah. [YELLING FROM UPSTAIRS] -Eric's still awake! Am not! Go to bed! I do not want to walk up there! That's a lot of steps! Quiet! I love you! They got the point, right? Yeah, they did. I love those guys. Okay wait. you hear that? Ah. That's happiness. Let's get you inside. Let's get you inside. Thanks for the ride. No problem. We're glad to have you. I can't believe my family actually abandoned me here while they're out having fun in the sun. -It's only two weeks. That's an eternity without my car. I guess It wouldn't be a much of a punishment if you could come and go as you pleased, huh. You know, I didn't do anything anybody else isn't already doing. Doesn't make it right, though, does it? Come on. I'll have Eric bring the rest. ♪ ♪ Hey, guess who's here? [CHEERING] We're so glad you're here, sweetie. Me too, I guess. How long are you staying, anyway? Couple of weeks, I don't know. Is there anything I can do to help you get back home sooner? Hey, stop that. I am so glad you're here. [AWWWS] Yay! Jordan's having a sleepover! Yay! Let the fun begin. You're staying in my room and I get to share with Duh-duh-duh! Kelly! Oh. Now I get it. I'm so sorry to spoil your sanctuary. If you're really sorry, maybe you could let my little annoying sister stay in her room with you. I'd actually way rather be in Hawaii laying on the beach if that makes you feel better. Not really. What did you do to get in trouble, anyway? Whoa. Uh-uh. Let the record show that Kelly is the one causing trouble. Again. -Okay, thank-you Mr. Prosecutor. How about you get the luggage out of the car? There's more? Uh, yeah, I can't survive without my clothes, my make-up, or running gear. You know how it is without make-up. -Yep. Thank-you. Hey Randi, Do you want to show me where I'm crashing? I'm kind of tired. But aren't you going to have dinner with us? No, I'm not really hungry. Can you wait a couple minutes until Eric gets back? Because . . . I have something I want to discuss as a family and I would love your input. I guess. (car door opening) Seriously? Who needs this much stuff, ever? Hey, you need a hand with that? Landon! [LAUGHING] What's up, buddy? Dude, you're home! Yeah, for a few weeks anyway. Sweet. There's way too many girls around here these days. I'm not sure you're always going to feel that way. -I do. -Trust me, things change. I doubt it. So, You've been keeping an eye out on the old man fo me while I've been away at college? -Yeah, me and Mr. G are tight. Well. Looky, looky, looky what the cat dragged in. Hey. -Hey gramps. -I'm glad you're home, son. How you doing, sport? Awesome, now that Landon's home. Yeah. That's makes two of us. Well, I'd better get going. You sure don't need a hand with those bags? No thanks, I can do it all by myself. Hey, you're gonna stop by later in the week and help me finish that dog house, right? Sure thing, Mr. G. And then we'll throw the football around and show you how a real college quarterback does it. That would be so cool. I want to be a quarterback just like you some day. I'm sure you can do it. I agree. You just have to work hard. Yeah. You know, Gramps used to play college football back in the day. yeah, I still got some gas in the tank too, I eat quarterbacks for lunch. You're dead meat, Landon. We'll see about that. Well, gotta' go. Bye, guys. -See ya', buddy. - See ya'. -Squirt. Dog house? I'll explain when we're inside. How's that arm? Like a rocket. I'll be starting next year. Good boy! That's what I want to hear. Are you kidding me? [LAUGHING] Good job, buddy. How long did you say you're going to be here for? Hey. So . . . Dad and I have decided that we're going to have a family day. Yeah! -Yeah! I'd rather be at the dentist getting a cavity filled. We can make that happen, Huh, buddy? Yeah. -Do not be such a grouch. Yeah, don't be a grouch, Oscar. She can't help it. She was born that way. Okay. Alright, alright, alright. Now, The plan is to have all you kids decide what to do? Any ideas? Football! Ice Skating. Trampoline! Ice cream! Love it. I don't care. Perfect, okay, so, It's decided. It's unanimous. Okay. Why don't you guys talk amongst yourselves and decide what to do. Okay? Let's come up with one activity. Go. Football! Ice skating! Trampoline! And ice cream! And... I still don't care. Okay. And so... we put this together. The drawing-names-out- of-a-bowl game. I love this game! I hate this game. Oh, please. Whoever wins gets to choose. And the winner is... Eric! Yeah! Football! -I really love football. -Yes you do. -You've never played it before. -What? -Anyway, I still like it. You know what, sweetie? You're going to get to choose next time. It's okay. -Whatever. Can we invite Landon and Mr. G? Of course. we're inviting Landon and Mr. G. Isn't Mr. Gibson too old to be running around and playing football? He's like 100. -Have you seen that man? -Yeah, I have. -He's like a cyborg. You know, he used to play football without pads. So it's decided . . . Football with the Gibsons. Football with the Gibsons. Raaahhh! Yay. I'm going to unpack. Oh hey, we got this. Come on, buddy. Let's do this. Hey, um . . . If you get hungry, there is lots of food in the fridge, okay? Make yourself at home. -Thanks. -We're glad you're here. -Right this way. You need to change your attitude, little miss. Okay? ♪ ♪ ♪ [KNOCKING] Hurry up! You've been in there for like an hour! -Uno momento, por favor. -No, now! -Perfection takes time. -Whatever. Get out of the way. (DOOR SLAMS) Gotta' be quick around here. See ya'. Ugh! Get out! I've been waiting! Sorry. Looks like you gotta' wait longer. Mom! [KNOCKING] -Occupied. But Mom, I really need to go. Honey, I'm getting dressed. You're going to have to wait. Ugh! Finally! I hate girls! I love girls, and Sharkie does, too. Not for long, you won't. Aaah! I gotta' own this beast. Yeah, don't you worry, It's in the will. But you're gonna be an old man before you get your hands on it. Hey guys. I gotta' go. Go Where? Oh. Go. Yeah, well, yeah, back door's open. He reminds me of you when you were a kid. You always held it to the very last second. How'd you do that? I always playing football or having too much fun. Yeah. Those were some good memories, huh? There's plenty more to come, Gramps. I promise. Yeah. I'm sure. Eric's been hanging out with me since you went off to school. Let's uh, get these groceries inside. Aren't we going to take these flowers to Grandma's grave? No, I stick them in one of Grandma's favorite vases. Reminds me, you know? Do you know I bought your Grandma flowers every week from the very first day we met? Never stopped. Not sure if I'm ready to. I guess Christmas dinner's going to be, uh . . . just a little inferior this year. We'll get us a Christmas tree and decorate the house. It'll be like she's still here. I wouldn't know where to start. We'll go slow. We'll bake Grandma's cookies for the neighbors Like she used to. That sounds like a plan. That can't be that hard, right? Whoa. Who's that? That must be Richard's niece. He said she was going to be staying with them them for a while. Looks like we're going to make an excuse to get you an... introduction. Have I ever told you how much I love you, Gramps? -Feel better? -Oh yeah. Why don't you come over later and we'll toss the football around a little bit? Cool. I could use the practice for our family football game. Whoa, whoa. Back up. What family football game? You guys are invited. Oh, we're there. We're in. Easy, Gramps. It's just a little game. There's no such thing as "just a game." There are winners, and there are losers. -Oh boy. -Cool. You're on my team, Mr. G. I'm Down with that. You just tell me when and where. Deal. I'm out. See ya', Landon. -See ya'. See ya'. Let's go figure out how to . . . make cookies. Let's go. ♪ ♪ [DOG WHIMPERING] Oh. Hey! Hi. You're so cute. Are you lost? Huh? Is this where you live? Is it? Should we go see? Okay. Come on. [KNOCKING] Oh. There you are. Where did you find him? In the bushes. You might want to keep a better eye on him. I might take him to a pound. He keeps getting on my nerves. Then why did you buy him in the first place? I didn't. I found him tearing up my yard a couple of weeks ago. And you can't find the owner? Nope. I put flyers all over the area. Nobody claimed him. He's yours if you want him. Really? Yeah. I've got no use for him. You know . . . you're kind of a grump. I know. Oh. You must be Mr. Gibson. My uncle told me all about you. Yeah, well, you must be Richard's niece. He told me all about you. I hear you're some kind of troublemaker. Kind of. I guess. Now, well then me, you and that dog got more in common than you think. Enjoy him. Oh, no, I don't think I can keep him. Have a nice day. Okay. How old is she? Senior in high school— I think. Why is she here? Got into some trouble. What for? Something you should be familiar with. Like what? Bullying. Oh. A puppy! Where did he come from? He was roaming around Mr. Gibson's house, -lost. You met Mr. G? If that's what you call him. He was a grump. Mr. G's not a grump. He's way cool. He was going to call the pound on this adorable puppy. That's not cool. No, no. He's just going through a hard time. His wife just died. Yeah, he was probably teasing. I don't think so. He just handed me the puppy and said to keep him. [GASPS AND SHRIEKS] -No, no, no, no. -[YELLING AND CHEERING] He's so cute! -Can we keep him, please? Okay, Okay, for now. But we have to ask your Dad when he gets home. It's a done deal. Dad's a softie. Oh dear. Can we keep him, please? Yes can please keep . . . [PUPPY WHINES] [MORE CHEERS] Yes! Yes! I told you Dad's a softie. You rascal. -He's part of the family now. -You guys... dessert's almost ready. Has anyone seen Jordan? Jordan doesn't want any but she said we can play with the puppy. [CHEERS] Okay. Then Dad is the designated cleaner-upper of the puppy. No! Go way down to the sidewalk to your driveway. Touchdown pass and we win. Got it. Hands in. On one. Ready? Break. You're going down, little man. You can't stop what you can't catch, Mr. G. All you'll see is a blur. Yeah? Your speed is no match for my brawn. Bring it. -You got it. Down. Set. ♪ ♪ -Dude, what are you waiting for? Hike the ball, come on. ♪ ♪ Oh brother. You think she's cute, don't you? We she aint' ugly. Are we playing football or what? Alright, alright. You guys ready? -Yeah. -Yeah. Down. Set. Hut one! ♪ ♪ [GRUNTING] Ooof! ♪ ♪ Oh yeah! ♪ ♪ It's touch, Gramps. Not tackle. Sorry, I kinda' lost my mind. Won't happen again. For some reason, I don't believe you. Nice catch, Eric. ♪ ♪ Boom. Good throw. Learned from the best. [RUNNING WATER] Can you play with me? -No! Please? No. Pretty please? Stop asking. Come on. Hey, give me some. Get your own. You took all of them, you big oinker. You snooze, you lose. You should have let me in the bathroom. Then maybe I'd share. Mom! Eric took all the grapes and he's not sharing. Eric, share with your sister, please. -But I'm starving and I can-- -Hey. You heard me. [PUPPY WHINES] Can I have some, please? Of course. ♪ ♪ Me too, please. Wouldn't forget you. Mom! Ugh! Here, Kelly. -That's it! Give them. Now. I was gonna' eat all those. You were not. You're just trying to bug me. You never share. He shares with me. Uh, Just stay out of this. Don't talk to her like that. You're not the boss of me. Am too. Are not. Am too. Are not. Stop it, stop it-STOP IT. I've had it, You guys. I'm going to take a time out. [DOOR OPENS AND CLOSES] [footsteps] It's all your fault. -Was not. -Was too. ♪ ♪ Yeah, it's pretty decent-- [CELL PHONE RINGS] --gas mileage too. One second. My wife's calling me. Hey babe. What's up? [CRYING] I can't do this today. I'm sorry. I can't do this alone. I need your help. What happened? What's going on? The kids just won't stop fighting. And they won't listen to me. And the dog keeps barking and I don't know what's wrong. Okay, look. I'm going to come home right away, alright? Okay. I'm sorry. I know I'm overreacting. Just hang in there. I'll be there. Thanks. Okay. I love you. [SIGHS] I love you too. ♪ ♪ Hey. ♪ ♪ Are you okay? Yeah. Thanks for coming home. Hey, these kids are lucky to have you. And so am I. [SIGHS] ♪ ♪ I have an idea that I'm really excited about. I want to share with you guys. Let's go. [SCREAMS] Mom's here. And Dad's here, too. Hurry, everybody into position! Are you mad, Mom? No, sweetie. Not anymore. Let's go sit down, okay? The fighting has got to stop. I'm sorry, Mom. We'll do better. We have to get the love back in our home. This is really important, especially at this time of year. I love everybody. We love you, too. But listen, Umm . . . I have an idea. What do think about starting a new family Christmas tradition? Yeah! Yeah, what kind of tradition? Well, It's sort of like a game. But only played by people that are really good at keeping secrets. I can keep a secret. I can keep a secret better than him. I can! I can! I can! Yes, yes, that's the spirit. What about me? Oh, you can keep a secret, too, sweetie. We're going to build a crib for Baby Jesus. And . . . we're going to make it be in our very home. And we're going to put straw in it and that straw is going to represent good deeds that we do as a family. But who will we do the good deeds for? We'll do them for each other. We'll put our names in a hat and then each draw a name. We can use my old baseball hat. Gross! That thing is full of sweat. No it's not. Kelly, what are you not getting here? Come on. Thank-you, Eric. So, every week we're going to try to do as many good deeds, in secret, as we can for our secret person, so that by Christmas Eve, hopefully . . . it'll be full of straw. Yeah, I think he would love a comfy bed. Yes, I think so, too. What do you think, Jordan? Oh, I'd rather not do this. Come on, you're part of the family now. It would be nice. Please play. Please play. Fine. Okay. Now who will build a crib for Baby Jesus? Not it. I will. Don't let him do it. He'll mess it up. No I won't. Thank-you, Eric. I appreciate that. It needs to be a little bigger than a shoebox. Can you do that? Yeah. . . . Yeah. Do you need some help, pal? I can do it, but can I borrow your hammer? Yeah, it's in the toolbox in the shed. Just, just put it back ]when you're done. I will. Can I go to Mr. G's? Why would you want to go there? He's a grouch. No he's not. He's my friend. And, he'll help me build a crib. We were building a dog house for the puppy until he gave it to you. He was building a dog house? No, WE were building a dog house. What? Then why would he give him to me? -Because he's cool like that. Can I go now? Yeah. Yes. Thanks, bud. I'll be back with a new crib. You know, maybe we should name the dog G-2 in honor of Mr. G. Yeah, -yeah. I like that. Hi G-2. Hello, G-2. Hi G-2. Hey Mr. G. I need your help. Sure. What's up? I'm going to build a crib for Baby Jesus to sleep in on Christmas. But I need nails. Lots of them. And wood, too. I brought my own hammer. Wait--a bed of nails for Baby Jesus to sleep on? That doesn't sound very Christmas-y. Huh? Tell you what, put your hammer down. Get you some wood. You take this tape measure. Carpenter's rule: we measure twice . . . we cut once. Alright? -Okay. But I want to do it all by myself because my sister said I'll mess it up, but she's wrong. Tell you what. We'll make a deal. I'll only help when you ask for it. Okay. Deal? Deal. Alright. Help. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ What's going on? Hold on, hold on. We're almost done. Okay, you're good. It's gonna hold. No more nails. I just want to make sure it doesn't fall apart. Trust me sport, we're good here. So, what is this thing, anyway? It's a crib for Baby Jesus. What do you think? I think that might be the best crib ever. Thanks, Landon. Now I gotta go show my family what I did all by myself. Well, almost all by myself. Thanks, Mr. G. You got it. And hey, you promised me you're gonna help me finish that dog house, right? Sure thing. Alright. Maybe you could give it to your cousin for Christmas for the puppy. That me be a good secret idea now that we're doing nice things for each other. -What do you mean? My mom came up with a game where we draw names and whose ever name we have we do nice things for them. That sounds like a swell idea. Well, I guess so, if you pick the right person. See ya'. Alright, see ya'. Hey, hey, good job. -See ya' buddy. You forgot your... He left in such a hurry, he forgot his hammer. Maybe I'll take it over there myself. Check in on Jordan. No. No, no, no, no. Let me take it over. Bingo. It's lopsided. You're head's lopsided. Hey, you're gonna both be lopsided in about two seconds. -I think it's cute. -Me too. Good job, Eric. Can I sleep in it? You might be a tad too big there, pal. Let's just hope Baby Jesus doesn't fall out of it. Hey. Stop that. It's perfect. It does need some straw, though. Hey, I know where can find some straw, guys. Everybody hop in the van. Let's roll. [CHEERS] Van time. Get in the van. Little dudes first. Yeah. There we go. Mr. McDonald. Hey Landon. How ya' doing? Good, how are you, man? Doing well. I was just returning-- Ooh, Eric look, its like my hammer. I'm sorry Dad, I was in a hurry. He did build a pretty nice crib, though. He did, it was a great crib. ♪ ♪ Have you met Jordan, my niece? Not officially. Well, Landon, this is Jordan. Jordan, this is Landon. Nice to meet you. You too. Hey, we're going to get some straw for the crib you want to come along? Yeah, come with us, Landon! Sure, if it's not a bother. No, hop in. Oh. Sorry. Ladies first. -Thanks. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Here we are. Let's go! -Let's go, guys! [KIDS CHEERING] [CATTLE MOOING] Don't run off. Look! There's a cow. Aww, there is a calf. Wow. Come on guys. Look. Hold up. Excited? What's this place, Dad? This is Mr. Barnett's farm. He was cool enought to let us come down here and get what we need. Okay, guys. The key is grab as many pieces of straw that we need for each and every act of kindness we're going to do. Alright? Alright. Meet back here in 20 minutes. Eric. Jordan. Okay, here. Here's one for you. Kelly. I'd rather go alone. Okay. Here you go, buddy. Come on dad. This way. -Okay. You good? Oh, look at this. This is a good pile of good deeds, huh, buddy? Come on. Whoa. ♪ ♪ Ugh! Ow! Hey sis, come here. There's good ones over here. ♪ ♪ [LAUGHING] [CATTLE MOOING] ♪ ♪ Whoa! Don't get near the edges. Whoa! No, don't jump! ♪ ♪ Mom! Dad! Look how much! Wow, you've got enough there, buddy. Do you need some more bags? Sis, look what I found: it's a corn on the cob! Look what I found! -Mom, what is this? Oh, that looks an old bottle cap, sweetie. Cool! So, uh . . . what high school do you go to? East. I'm a senior. Nice. I went to North. I know. Your team beat us my junior year at state championships. Oh. I was there. -We did. -Yeah. 45 to zip. And you were the quarterback. Well, don't hold that against me. I don't really like football. But I'm sure you liked being Mr. Popular. I like to play, but at the end of the day, it's just a game. Hmm. Are you seeing this? Oh yeah. I remember that look. Oh yeah, that never went away. So Mr, Gibson's your grandpa? Sure is. Wow. You're nothing like him, are you? I'd like to hope I am. So you live at his house? I did for most of my life until I went off to college last year. So . . . where are your parents? Uhhh . . . They were killed in car accident when I was just a kid. I'm sorry. It's okay. It was a long time ago. I bet you really miss them. I do. But . . . I've made a lot of great memories with my grandpa and my grandma, before she passed. And, they've just been really good to me. [ROCKING SOUND] See, it won't even stand up straight. I can fix it. Oh, thank-you, Randi. Yep. Ta-da! Well, thanks for having me tag along, guys. That was fun. Anytime. Hey, did Eric tell you that you and Mr. G are invited to our football game? -Yeah, we'll be there. I'm sure Gramps already has it marked on his calendar. Seriously? Like with a training schedule or something? Something like that. Should I be scared? Only if you're not on his team. I need to get on that team. See you guys. I'm going to go on a run. But you don't even have your running shoes on. Oh, these ones will be fine. Be back soon. Okay. They are so in love. Gross. No, they're not in love. They're just becoming friends. Yes, that's it. It was nice to meet you, Mr. Gibson's grandson. Nice to meet you, Mr. McDonald's niece. Well, I'm going to go on a run and then I have a date with Mr. Poe tonight. As in Edgar Allan? Yeah. "The Raven" is one of my favorites. What? Wow, you're really different than I thought. So are you. Tonight I'm headed to the Rue Morgue. Well, you enjoy your journey. I always do. Alright, well, I'll see you around. Yeah, I'll see you at the football game. Oh yeah. Okay. I better start running now. Yeah, I'll let you go. K. Bye. -Bye. Sorry. -Sorry. [LAUGHING] For a college athlete, I didn't think I'd be this clumsy. Oh, no, I think it's cute. ♪ ♪ Okay, well, I'm going to go on a run. Yeah. Running's good. Bye. K. Bye. ♪ ♪ Hey Gramps. Hey. Well, that looked like a successful visit. You could say that. I'm glad you thought of it. Somebody had to. What do you say we go inside and try to improve those cookies we attempted the other night? Well, they can't get much worse than they already were. Well, well, no, they weren't that burned. Still, Grandma probably wouldn't approve, would she? No, she wouldn't. Let's do it. Okay, put your pens down. Time is up. Do you have your final answers? [GIGGLING] Alright. Pass in your names. Oh. Swish. Okay. Alright. Everybody pulls one name out and pass it down. Got that folded enough there, buddy? ♪ ♪ Here we go. Take one name out. Take a look. Tell no one. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Oh, no, no, no, no! Don't eat that. ♪ ♪ Oh my goodness. Somebody here is very lucky. I'm not going to say who it is. You guys, this is the first annual McDonald Christmas tradition of the straw. This is very exciting. We all know how it works. No one can know what you do and know one can see you do it. But for each act of kindness that you do you put one piece of straw into the crib. [KNOCKING] Door's open. Hey. We're having a little dessert if you want to come join us. No thanks. I have some reading to do. Do you mind if I come in for a second? Okay. What do you got here? Hmmm. Your parents are worried. So, they told you what I did? Yeah. I don't see what the big deal is. I didn't mean anything by it. You ever been bullied? Who hasn't? So you know what it feels like. [PUPPY WHIMPERS] I really do feel bad. I just don't know what to do. Jordan, I've never know you to be a cruel person. Why did you do that? I don't know. It wasn't even my idea. But you made this page. You made, what, a slam page? Jordan, cyberbullying is no joke. You're going to be 18 in a few months. All the stake change. But it was harmless. Tell that to this poor girl. There's laws now against bullying. And you could go to court. You could lose your scholarship. Or worse. But I took the page down. That's not enough. Jordan, these kids that get bullied, some of them . . . some of them, they don't . . . they don't survive. Do you know what I'm saying? Yeah. [DOG PANTING] I hope you do. Look, just do me favor. Don't stay up here all the time. My kids are crazy about you. And you're so good with them. And, we love you. Okay? -Okay. ♪ ♪ -Why does Eric have more than me? Just watch the movie. Hey. Give me Dad's. So? So we had a good talk. Do you think it sunk in? I think so. I think she's having a hard time figuring out what to do next. She's a little confused. Yeah. Why can't she just be confused at someone else's house? Jordan. Jordan! Oooh. Kelly, I understand you're upset and you don't want to share your room. There's never an excuse for mean. I didn't mean it like that. You shouldn't have said it, then. Daddy when are going to play the mangy game? It's "manger," buddy. Yeah, that's what he said. Okay. -You guys can play right now. Go play. Yes! -Hey, me first! -No, me first. I'm sorry, Dad. I know you are. ♪ ♪ ♪Here we come a Christmasing ♪ ♪Among the leaves so green ♪ ♪Here we come a wandering ♪ ♪ So fair to be seen ♪ ♪ Love and joy♪ ♪ Come to you ♪ ♪ And to all your children too ♪ ♪ May God bless you ♪ ♪ And send you ♪ ♪ A happy new year ♪ ♪ Send you a happy new year ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ God bless the master of this house ♪ ♪ His wife, the mistress too ♪ ♪ And all the little children ♪ ♪ That round the table go ♪ ♪ Love and joy come to you ♪ ♪ And a merry Christmas too ♪ ♪ May God bless you ♪ ♪ And send you ♪ ♪ A happy new year ♪ ♪ Send you a happy new year ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ We're not daily beggars ♪ ♪ That go from door to door ♪ ♪ but, we're your friendly neighbors ♪ ♪ Whom you have seen before ♪ Love and joy come to you ♪ ♪ And to all your children too ♪ ♪ May God bless you ♪ ♪ And send you ♪ ♪ A happy new year ♪ ♪Send you a happy new year ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ And all your kin and kinfolk ♪ ♪ Who dwell both far and near ♪ ♪ We wish a merry Christmas ♪ ♪ And a happy brand new year ♪ ♪ Love and joy come to you ♪ ♪ And to all the children too ♪ ♪ May God bless you ♪ ♪ And send you ♪ ♪ A happy new year ♪ ♪Send you a happy new year ♪ Love and joy come to you ♪ ♪ And a merry Christmas too ♪ ♪ May God Bless you, and send you ♪ ♪ A happy new year ♪ ♪ Send you a happy new year ♪ ♪ Send you a happy new year ♪ ♪ ♪ Hey Gramps. Third try's going to be the charm? Just put on this apron and help me. Help you what? Burn the house down? Look, I'm going to do justice to Grandma's cookies, even if it kills me. Let's hope it doesn't come to that. Where you want to start? I think she always started with the eggs. Hand me an egg. -Here you go. Uh, that's not a good sign. Stop eating it. Stop. Stop. They're so good. Wanna eat? No. Don't. Come on. We got to do these quickly. We need something-- I think Grandma would like these ones. Ow. Darn. -Green? -We're good. That's it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [KNOCKING] ♪ ♪ Alright, game on! Let's pick some teams, alright! Do it! We're team captains. Age before beauty. Oh, you have it that way, huh? Well, I'm going to go with my man Eric. I got your boy Landon. Yes. I need a runner. I need speed. That's going to be Jordan. [SCREAMS] Bam. We need some brains here. Kelly I need you. And, I want some talent. Randi. [CHEERING] These are our teams! We have one rule in this family :No tackling. We'll see about that. Okay. Alright, let's flip. Heads or tails to see who kicks and who receives. Here we go. Boom. Boom. Tails. What do you want to do, Eric? Receive! We're gonna receive! [CHEERING] [LAUGHING] [TAUNTING] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Yes! Yes! 319. Hut. Hike! ♪ ♪ Here we go! [CHEERING] ♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ This is a tie game right now, guys. Okay. We're going home either losers or winners. What do you wanna be? Winners! That's what I'm talking about. Landon, you're the best chance on this. Go long. Just lob it out there, I'll get it. Alright guys, on two. Ready? Break! Yeaaaahhh! I know what your plan is. But you gotta' get by me first. No holding, Gramps. I wouldn't think of it. -Yeah, right. Sorry it has to end like this, pal. Know that I love you. Down! Set! Hut one! Hut two! Hike! ♪ ♪ [CRUSHING BLOW] [SCREAMING] We won! Are you alright? Get him up. That's right, Richie. Hey Richard! [GOOFY TAUNTING] You alright, dude? I think so. He's an animal. [INCOHERENT MUMBLING] You're lucky! High five, buddy. Good job. Race car! Race car? Alright. [CAR NOISES] ♪ ♪ Does anyone know what Baby Jesus had to sleep in when he was born? [GASPS] A crib! No, they didn't have a crib. A stable? Yes, yes, a stable, but what did they use for his bed? -A manger. Yeah, a manger. Who knows what a manger is? It's a kind of bed. Um, Not . . . well, sort of. It's . . . it's actually a trough that you put food in to feed animals. They didn't have a crib, so Joseph and Mary they got a bunch of straw and they put it in that feeding trough. That's where Baby Jesus slept. I'll never complain about where I sleep again. Me, too. I 'm glad I have a real bed. I like the bouncy bed in Kelly's room. Oh, no. Don't get used to it. We need to get one more thing ready for Christmas Eve. We need a Baby Jesus. Any ideas? We can use my dolls. -I have some. Great! I could use my stuffed animals. That's perfect. Okay, everyone run upstairs and get your favorite stuffed animals and dolls. Meet back here in two minutes. Here's the first one. -Go! Go! Go! -Get my favorite doll. ♪ ♪ -Daddy! -There's a good one. -Well, that one is awesome. ♪ ♪ That one. I think this one . . . is pretty perfect. I think Baby Jesus would like to be represented by a doll that's had so many hugs. I think Baby Jesus needs a wardrobe change. And a haircut. No kidding. What? I think he has great hair. I think this is our Baby Jesus. ♪ ♪ I want you all to know you did any incredible job at dressing Baby Jesus. You ready to see him? I am! -Yes.Yes. -Yeah. -Yeah. -I want to see him. Ooohh. So much better. Isn't that amazing? -So cute. -Okay guys, here it is. The moment you've all been waiting for. The names for this coming week. Are you ready? I'm so ready. You know the routine . . . Uh huh, good. Take one. Pass it down. No peeking. No peeking. [LAUGHING] -No eating. -If you're hungry I'll make you a sandwich. Oh man. Okay, you guys. Look at this crib. Look at all the hay. It was a good week. It's pretty cozy but I think we can do a little better this week. Yeah! -Yeah! That's what like to hear. Like ninjas! ♪ ♪ Bathroom's free. It's a miracle. Looks like you could really use some time in front of the mirror. You should talk. Oh wait. You were just in there. Didn't do any good. At least I brush my teeth every morning. At least I don't have moss in my teeth. Stop! Can we not just eat in peace? Thank-you. [GIGGLING] What are you giggling about? Nothing. Besides, it's a secret. I can't tell you. Oh, I'm going to have to tickle it out of you. She's a spy just like me. She won't tell you. What? You're next, mister. [GIGGLING] I know that look. What are you up to? Oh, I'm going to give Eric a taste of this snow. He's riding his bike out front. I remember a few of those coming out of nowhere and pelting me back in the day. Yeah, now it's his turn. He's going to love it. I'm just glad you have someone new to hang out with while I'm gone. Oh, thank you for the sentiment, Oprah. Now, if you don't get out of my way. I'll give you a taste . . . Go ahead. Oh, hi, Mr. G. [LAUGHING] That's right, kid. This geezer's still got game. You may have won the battle, but the war aint' over, old man. You'll get your chance. Hey, come here. Give me a hand with something out back. You just pelted me with a snowball. I don't have any more snowballs. Come on. You alright? That's a sport. [CHOPPING] Start piling up that wood. How are things at your place with the girls? Don't get me started. It's torture. It's nice to have a feminine touch around the house. Well, I bet you can get into the bathroom whenever you want. Yeah, but the food is barely edible. Tell me about it. We got your cookies and they looked awful and tasted way worse than Mrs. G's cookies. No offense. Trust me, I'm working on it. Wait a minute-- how'd you know they were mine? Oh. Jordan told us. She-- I thought we made a clean getaway. Nope. We all knew it was you. It was nice. So are you and Kelly still going at it? Yeah, she won't saying mean things all the time. You sure it's all her? Well, I guess it's me, too. You can catch more flies with honey than you can vinegar, pal. What does that mean? It means try to be nice to her. Maybe she'll come around. I'm trying. Eric, I know. Look at me. You're a good kid. Thanks for your advice, Mr. G. I wish you were my Grandpa. As far as I'm concerned, I am. I'll tell you what. Why don't finish piling up this wood, and uh . . . how 'bout we go get us some ice cream? Awesome! Alright. You wanna cut wood? Yeah! Not a chance. Would you like some tea Mrs. Pettibone? Please. Why thank-you. Kelly! Where's his head? I have no idea what you're talking about. Crumpet? Why thank-you. You break everything! Why can't you just leave my stuff alone? I didn't touch your stupid doll. It's not a doll. Mom! I got his head. [LAUGHING] [KNOCKING] Be out in a second. It's me, Kelly. Do you think I can come in and talk to you? Mi banõ es su banõ. What? Just come in. Have a seat. What's wrong? I'm sorry I've been so mean. ooh, it's okay. I understand more that you know. I try not to say mean things, but then they just come out. Then I wish I could take them back. Been there. My dad says there's no excuse for mean. [KNOCKING] -Get out! I've been waiting! Go away! [GRUMBLING] I'm sorry. It's just that my brother and my sister especially my brother, bug me so much, I want to scream. But, see, That's where you're lucky. Lucky? Yeah. See, I don't have any brothers and sisters. And if I did, and they were calling me out on the stuff that I was doing wrong, I probably wouldn't be staying in my cousin's room right now. I'll try harder. Me too. ♪ ♪ Hey Jordan. Hi. I was wondering if you'd like to come over and we could do like a Poe movie marathon, or something. Yeah. I' would love that. Have you named him yet? [PUPPY WHIMPERS] Yes. We named him G-2, after your grandpa. That's awesome. Yeah, I think so. You know, your grandpa's a lot different than I first thought he was. You know, he rescued him for the shelter a while back. Then why did he make up that story? In his words, he thought you needed a . . . friend. [PUPPY WHIMPERS] Hey, don't cry. I've just been so mean and ungrateful lately. You? Yeah. To my parents. And this girl at school. ♪ ♪ She used to be my best friend. I regret it more than anything I've ever done. Well-- Why don't you come over to my house tonight we'll talk some more and we'll watch one of those Poe movies. K. Thank-you. ♪ ♪ -Can I stay up, pretty, pretty please? -Oh, you have been so good but everyone's going to bed. Can anyone join this dessert party? Jordan! Okay. Lucky for you I have a backup. Oh. Perfect. Thank-you. Do you want my extra cookie? Sure. Thanks. We're really glad you could join us. Me too. [TOY CAR REVS] Can I try it once? Give it back. You always crash it. I won't this time, I promise! [TOY CAR BREAKS] She always does that! It's time for bed. Come on. But Dad, I was trying to nice. I really was. Try again tomorrow. Go. Ugh! You know, she's kind of in a bad mood. You know, I'll go ahead and sleep with Kelly tonight, and then Randi can have her own room. Are you sure? I mean, she's in a mood. Are you kidding? I invented that mood. Thank-you. -Ah-hah! -That's really sweet. Thanks. I knew it. I knew it. [LAUGHING] [KNOCKING] What? -It's Jordan. -Can I come in? Door's open. Hey. Thanks for the cookie. I wasn't trying to be mean. But he got on my last nerve. Your last nerve? What are you, 30? If you can't tell, I'm trying to be mad right now. Yes, I can tell. [LAUGHING] Why are we laughing? I don't know. [MORE LAUGHING] But if feels good. Yeah. We should do it more often. Hey, can I bunk with you tonight? Randi's a little scared you might torture her. And you aren't afraid I won't torture you? You don't even know what torture is yet. [LAUGHING] [KNOCKING] Who is it? -It's me. Come in. Hi. Yay! Yay, Hi. Can I sleep with you tonight? Sure. Yay! I'll try not to wake you guys when I get home. Where are you going? On a date. ooohhh . . . With Landon? Yes! He's cute. [RANDI GASPS] But don't tell my parents I said that. Okay. I won't. It will be our little secret. [LAUGHING] My allergies flare up at this part. Every year. Hey. Sit down. Have some popcorn. Come on. Oh, no, I'm okay. You alright? Yeah, I'm fine. Can I go to Landon's house to watch a movie? Mmmmmm. Landon's house. Well-- I would say yes. Yeah. You? Sure. Just be back before midnight. Mr G turns into a werewolf. What? Don't listen to him. What's wrong? You guys have just been so nice to me when you haven't had to. Thank-you so much. You're family. Really, that's what family's for. Thank-you. Hey, I'll be back by midnight. Okay. Have fun. ♪ ♪ Let me know if you need any silver bullets. I'm gonna take him down one of these days. You're terrible. ♪ ♪ I think you should call her. What if she freaks out and starts screaming at me? Or worse-- what if she doesn't want to talk to me? There are no "what ifs" during an apology. Do it because you feel bad. Sounds like you speak from experience. When I was a senior in high school, we had a hazing night. Sort of a school tradition. And one kid got hurt pretty bad. We didn't realize we how mean we were being until it was too late. What happened? I almost lost my scholarship, and that wasn't the worst of it. I went to visit him while he was in the hospital, and found out his dad died earlier that year. Him and his mom, they went to live their grandparents. He was that new kid. New area. No friends. Sounds familiar. Tell me about it. So what did you say to him? Bawled like a little baby. Begged for his forgiveness. What did he say? He actually forgave me on the spot. Call her. I think I should it face to face. Then let's go. Oh, no, I can't do it right now. Yes you can. Come on. Trust me, you'll feel so much better. [DOORBELL RINGS] [DOG BARKS] Why are you here? Can I talk to you just for a minute? I don't have anything to say to you. I know. But I have something I want to say to you. Please. I'm so sorry. for everything that I've done. Why did you make up all those lies about me? I don't know. I think I just wanted to fit in. Now that you fit in how do you feel? Not very good. You were my best friend and I just messed it up because I was so stupid and selfish. I know that what I did was so unforgiveable, so if you don't forgive me I totally understand. -I forgive you. I always felt that it wasn't really you. That doesn't make it hurt any less. I hope you never know what it feels like to have people torment you every second of the day. I'm so sorry. [CRYING] Can I take you out for a girls night after Christmas? I'm not sure. Just to talk. Alright. You're reading Poe. Yeah. It's the one you gave me. I remember. I'm glad you still have it. Thank-you for coming. Thank-you for your forgiveness. It means a lot to me. [CELL PHONE CHIMES] Who's that? Oh. That's my uncle's neighbor. Landon. I see. I'm sure to more to that but I'll let you get back. ♪ ♪ Feel better? You have no idea. I think I do. How did you get so wise? I raised by some pretty wise people. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ What in the world? Let me check your papers. What have I been telling about ice cream? We don't waste it. Oh my gosh. You guys, this is our last week to draw names. Let's get a super, extra comfy, bed for Baby Jesus. Okay? Take one, pass it down. Let's see what we got. Ooh. Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. Oh, honey. Spit it out. Did you teach him this? -He takes after me, but, I dunno. Spit. Spit it out. Mmmmmm. No! Whoa. Hey buddy. I'll go talk to him. No. I think I need to. Okay. [KNOCKING] -What? Can you use some company in there? -Not really. Well, can I come in anyway? It's cold out. -Okay, I guess. Hey. Something's been bugging you since we started the straw game. do you wanna talk about it? I tried so hard, but I just can't do it anymore. And now I'm going to wreck Christmas for everybody. How are you going to wreck Christmas? You know difficult Kelly is? Yeah. Well, I got Kelly's name all three times. And I can't do one more nice thing for her or I'll die. Oooohh. I tried. I really did. I snuck into her room every night and made her bed. I even laid out her crummy nightgown. And one day I let her use my race car and she smashed it right into the wall like always. Oh, I'm so sorry. And every week when we pick new names, I thought it would be over. But tonight, when I got her name again I knew I couldn't do one more nice thing for her. I just can't! If I try, I'd probably punch her instead. Hmmmm. And tomorrow's Christmas Eve. If I beat up Kelly, it'll spoil Christmas for everybody. Just when we're about to put Baby Jesus in his crib. I see. Wow. You know what I think? I think that your straw was the most important straw put in the crib. Because of hard it was to do all that for Kelly. You know what, I just had an idea. I still have the name I drew, tonight. Do you have yours? Pull it out. I haven't done any good deeds yet. Let's switch. That's not cheating? No, it's not cheating. What do you think? Okay. I love you so much. [ICE MACHINE RUMBLES] I'm lost. This place, everything's just-- empty. I miss you. [DOORBELL RINGS] [SIGHS] [SPLAT] Boom! Now that's how it's done. Kid's got an arm. Yes, he does. Are you okay, Jordan? Yeah. I'm okay. When are you going home? The day after Christmas. Aw, bummer. I know. But I want you to stay forever, Jordan. Oh, Mikey, I wish I could. But I have to get home, I have a lot stuff I have to do. But hey, guess what, guys? I can't take G-2 with me. I'm gonna need you guys to take care of him while I'm gone. Can you guys do that? Yeah. I have a better idea if you all go along with me. -I have something for you. Oh no. I can't take this. This is your favorite. Yeah. That's why I want you to have it. Can I show you my favorite poem? It's right here. "My soul lest it should truant be, Thy grace did guide to thine and thee; Now, when storms of fate o'ercast Darkly my present and my past, Let my future radiant shine, With sweet hopes of thee and thine!" ♪ ♪ Thank-you. You're welcome. I got you something. The House of Usher. Oh my gosh. Thank-you. How do you know me so well? Gramps taught me to be a pretty good listener. That's nice. Thank-you. I'm leaving after Christmas. I figured. I'll miss you, Richard's niece. I'll miss you, too, Mr G's grandson. I'll give you my email so we can keep in touch. And who knows? Maybe I'll end up at a college near you. I know one that has a pretty decent quarterback. Maybe I'll just have to enroll. I'll show you around campus. I'll be your personal escort. I'd like that. And what's going on here? Nothing, Gramps. Nothing at all. Yeah, nothing my keester. Well . . . oh, well it looks like somebody's been torturing you. Huh, you got your bath, and a little red bow. Yes. Merry Christmas. What? No. No. No! I'm leaving in a couple of days and my mom's allergic. Besides, I know the truth, Mr. G. You didn't find him in your garden. You rescued him from shelter. And you gave him to me out of the kindness of your heart. That's pretty awesome of you to do that. What about the McDonalds? Maybe they want to keep him. No, they wanted you to have him, because Landon's leaving to college, and you're going to be lonely. It's was Eric's idea. ♪ ♪ We named him G-2, after you. Here you go. G-2. Thank-you, Jordan. It means a lot. No. Thank-you, Mr. G. Oh! Almost forgot. You're guys are invited over for Christmas dinner tomorrow. You sure? Oh yeah. The safety of the neighborhood depends on you guys not cooking. [LAUGHING] Come sit next to me. Official business of the North Pole coming through. Hmmm. There it is. You got me a stocking? Of course. Everyone in the family gets a stocking. Here, this is for you. But, don't open it until Christmas. Long strings on that one. Does the playground have a Tony Hawk skate park? [CHATTER] [KIDS PLAYING] ♪ ♪ -Real milk instead. Its the only way to do it. Hey. Where's Santa's cookies and cocoa? I don't know, but you snooze you lose. Nice try, Dad. And he prefers milk. I'll go get it. Oh, and-- I'll go get the cookies. We'll go together. Good. I'm going to need those real soon. Smart kids. Hey, are you seeing this? I like what I see. I'm gonna need a refill. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ I have Baby Jesus for the crib. Here. Let me give you a little help with that. Ooohh. There's Baby Jesus. How's that? Perfect. Guys, uh-- I want you guys to know that this . . . this means more to me than you could ever know. You've made a very grumpy old man very happy. Thank-you all, and Bless you all. -You're part of this family. -Thank-you, thank you. Let's eat some cookies. I think, uh, I think it's time tried my homemade cookies. Yeah. Uh, Landon, I think we know who's going to be giving us a hand next year. Yeah, your cookie delivery almost took Landon out. What? I saw the whole thing from the window. Whooahh. Very entertaining. In love. [CHEERING & LAUGHING] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Away in a manger ♪ ♪ No crib for a bed ♪ ♪ The little Lord Jesus ♪ ♪ Lay down His sweet head ♪ ♪ The stars in the heavens ♪ ♪ Look down where He lay ♪ ♪ The little Lord Jesus ♪ ♪ Asleep on the hay ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 291,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Full Movies, Entertainment, Deep C Digital, The Last Straw, 2014, Family Movie, New Free Movie, Full Free Movie, Family Movies, The Last Straw Free Full Movies, The Last Straw Christmas Movie, Christmas, Christmas Movie, Holiday, Holiday Movie, 2000s movie, Family Friendly, Corrin Bernsen, New Free Movies, Free Movies, Youtube Movie, Movies on Youtube, christmas movies full movies, christmas movies, christian movies, hallmark christmas movies
Id: Zqbr0iata4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 48sec (5088 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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