A Christmas Princess | Full Movie | Romantic Comedy Drama | Shein Mompremier, Travis Burns | FC

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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] looks like someone's in the Christmas spirit this is the season hey how about I come down to the restaurant and get one of those special Christmas hot cocoas you make you can be one of the first to try out my new holiday cookies how can I refuse one of those special cookies yeah everyone else seems to find a way business still slow people are just too busy this time of year to give a hoot about my little restaurant it's not Grand enough I guess don't you worry people will find you soon just need to find a way to get noticed well if you come up with an idea let me know [Music] [Music] well well I think we can do better what yeah Mr Oliver the Christmas Eve banquet is the most important event for the kingdom of Edgemont your highness I'm well aware of what's important to your kingdom your guests deserve the very best cuisine in the city true but uh this what is this again this is my famous deconstructed caprese deconstructed caprese Wonderful Name mediocre taste perhaps my guests would prefer something a bit more constructed [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas it's not too much is it when it comes to Christmas decorations there's no such thing as too much morning ladies morning Ernie what do you think are the decorations too much no no not at all unless it's not about the decorations at all it's just I thought it would be different by now do you know how hard it is to get noticed these days do you know there's a food truck on 7th specializing in 50 different types of bacon I rest my case Jess it's been six months you got to give it a chance Miracles don't happen overnight tell that to Mr Elliott tell them yourself Mr Elliott a cup of coffee no thanks I can't stay long hey Mr Elliot Jessica listen I really appreciate what you're doing here trying to keep the place going and all there's just so much competition in this neighborhood now did you know there's a new food truck over on Seventh yes with 50 types of bacon I know yeah it's amazing right look I can give you another month but after that going to have to look for another tenant we'll figure it out sincerely hope so I would hate to see this place close down [Music] a month how are you supposed to turn this place around in a month I don't know Christmas miracle [Music] I think you're missing the target here Mr Oliver you'll have to do better than this if you want to cater my event this year I'll have to do better Prince John I'm already the best there is you can't do any better than me sadly I beg to differ now go back to the drawing board and come up with something a bit more appealing something that says Christmas more than deconstructed caprese Prince this appetizer has been awarded five stars three times we can do better it'd be ill-advised to serve this now if you'll excuse me I must be heading back now okay you're but it's my mistake to make now if you come up with anything else please let me know but the queen specifically requested me you can't just leave me hanging like this good day Mr Oliver [Music] Bobby Flay not available Thomas Keller not available so perhaps if we work a little closer with Mr Oliver we'll achieve the desired result that egotistical lab mouth bracket no Rupert absolutely not you know I've had it up to here with his elitist culinary affair we need something new Prince John the banquet is Christmas Eve today is the 14th that gives you 10 days to secure a celebrity chef and plan a menu for one of the biggest events of the Year plenty of time perhaps it's not too late to cancel Rupert did anyone ever tell you that you worry too much yes in fact your mother which is precisely the reason why I was hired to this position in the first place sides I couldn't exactly say no no your Royal majesticness I shout work for the boy no one ever says no to her maybe they should though hey can you pull over here I want to pick myself up a newspaper [Music] keep the motor running I'm gonna grab a quick bite as well no no sir I can have something prepared first at the hotel your highness I think I'd prefer something more native yeah do you smell that smells like it's coming from there you you you can't be serious huh I'll give you a call if I need you now if you'll excuse me no no I I must protest [Music] [Music] is good day sir good day to you sir tell me what is that you're cooking what the meatloaf for the or the cinnamon rolls I've never smelled anything like that before excuse me [Music] can I help you is this your recipe look mister I'm not sure how things work back in wherever it is you're from but in this country food is mostly enjoyed in the restaurant [Music] out there I'm imposing my apologies excuse me hi I should like to order your a loaf of meat all right one meatloaf correct anything to drink uh coffee would be great cinnamon nutmeg or peppermint cinnamon have a cookie there you go Ernie some nerve huh don't you know who that is I told you she wouldn't know who he is know what who is he Prince John of Edgemont his pictures and all the papers seriously you're telling me that guy is a prince he's the prince well apparently the prince wants some meatloaf all right well His Highness can have meatloaf okay how could she not know he doesn't know on TV I guess foreign [Music] do I taste venison Mr Taj I like to offer something a little different without straying too far away from the traditional foods I grew up with well it's absolutely extraordinary I'd like to get another one to go if you don't mind I have someone back at the hotel who would really enjoy this oh my traveling companion he's kind of like my social secretary Haley the trick is to use chicken stock instead of milk fascinating so what's your story uh Jessica what's your story what do you mean well you just seem so young to be running your own restaurant oh well I always wanted my own place and then when I went to culinary school up in New Rochelle culinary school well that explains it you're classically trained sort of I figured I could bring everything I learned in school back here and create a blend of fine cuisine mixed with my favorite childhood Foods and may I say you have succeeded admirably you know I may be in the market for a chef as in private executive chef not quiet you know my family host a Christmas Eve banquet every year at the Midtown Museum it's a charitable event and very well attended how about it how about what would you like to cater the banquet wait what I love your enthusiasm and you're obviously talented and I just need someone new something fresh that turns the apple cart on its end all you've had is our meatloaf everything else could be terrible wouldn't hurt to talk about it okay um I'm very flattered but have you looked around I mean I don't have the staff or the facilities that kid or something that size I think you're underestimating yourself just a little bit don't get me wrong your highness hey please my name is Jack excuse me my name is actually John my friends call me Jack I wasn't sure you knew who I was [Music] they told me look um your friendship there is literally an entire city out there full of chefs who would jump at the opportunity to give you could you just excuse me one moment oh what's going on are you even hearing yourself out there this Prince is the answer to all of our problems you need a Christmas miracle and there he is Haley please no she's right this gig could turn it all around you gotta take it and have you thought about just how we're gonna pull this off where there's a will there's a way you gotta do this [Music] thank you well okay we can talk about it excellent when tomorrow morning but it has to be a menu that works for me agreed until tomorrow [Music] wow Prince walks into our restaurant tries the meatloaf offers you a big contract and then kisses your hand what a way to start the day [Music] [Applause] [Music] sweetheart is that you hey Ma it's me brought you some leftovers mmm this smells good in here just like Grandma's Kitchen who do you think I got it from I brought you some stuffed Cornish hens with a brown butter sauce oh you always bring the most interesting things how do you manage it all well it was another slow day they just didn't sell very well I'm sorry to hear that sweetheart if people don't know what they're missing but we're so glad you're here it's been a long time since you came home for the holidays I know I just didn't feel like spending another week alone in New Jersey the commute alone is killing me well you always welcome here Jesse take a load off tell us about your day well for starters the landlord stopped in first thing he's really nice but he wants his rent and his back rent I'm sorry honey we know how hard you've tried and you know we'd help you out if we could no my problems are not your problems or at least they shouldn't be anyway oh and we got our first celebrity customer today so that's something right celebrities in your mother's Department she's always watching that TMP TMZ who was it uh a real life Prince yeah John or Jake John yeah that's the one Prince John of Edgemont was in your restaurant and get this he wants me to cater some fancy event he's hosting the annual Edgemont Christmas Eve banquet how does everyone know about this except me because you don't watch TMP TMZ oh my goodness how exciting we're gonna have to get you a new dress something classy maybe you'll get your picture on TV mom relax a real Prince and he's single mom was he wearing a ring no ring foreign [Music] so without even Consulting with yomo that you asked this young lady to cater the affair yeah yeah I did Rupert have old move and whom did you say this woman was again that's just it she's a culinary artist who owns her own little restaurant in Brooklyn at least I think she does Brooklyn I'm so glad you researched your decision carefully before making her an offer although it's really is rather quite good yeah it's a Pity she hasn't committed yet never fear your highness as I've told you I've been working on a replacement yeah I know so then why her she didn't even know who I was do you have any idea how refreshing that is to meet someone that actually says no once in a while well it sounds like it may be a moot point anyway which is too bad because this meatloaf really is rather quite indulging she uses chicken stock instead of milk fascinated [Music] foreign [Music] Jesse figure something out have to [Music] oh my goodness these are the most adorable thing you've ever seen oh and look at this one I took that with the new camera that's amazing quality is exceptional this takes after her mother foreign [Music] what are you doing here oh your mother was showing me the most adorable photos you were a Snowman in your school's Christmas play Snow woman are you doing princess I think she's been waiting for a prince ever since oh no no no no she certainly has not [Music] how did you even know I was here well I might be a prince but it's not exactly the Middle Ages Edgemont has a top-notch intelligence service actually your online business registration listed this as your primary residence King me okay that does not give you the right to track me down prints or no Prince are you bugging my phones too not yet should I look I told you I I don't take no for an answer so you ready to talk about this did you track me down so that we could talk about me catering your banquet [Music] unbelievable you said you wanted to talk in the morning and time is of the essence she still mom can get your address code or I mean does everyone have to wear a designer dress or is that more of a suggestion can I have a word with you in the kitchen please but George Clooney will be there right mommy please [Music] excuse me your honor your highness please my my friends call me Jack Mom we're going oh he's so handsome I only told him I would think about it and he's single mom how long were you guys talking about me before I came downstairs the point is Jesse maybe you have a chance to become a princess wouldn't that be grand you could be the next making he wants to hire me as a caterer that is not a marriage proposal not yet anyway mom please he showed up at our doorstep at 6 30. okay what he really likes my meatloaf and I love the bagels down to Bergens but I'm not exactly showing up at their house [Music] no one ever says no to him all I'm asking is for you to think about it and what it could mean for you and the restaurant the notoriety alone could pump new life into the place that's whatever everyone keeps telling us telling goodness knows it needs it okay [Music] I can see that I'm imposing and I realize I could be a little pushy at times so thank you for a trip down memory lane your house is wonderful thank you for the coffee thank you [Music] wait I'm not sure how I'm gonna pull this off but I do need the gig to pay this week's payroll and next month's rent so so you'll do it you might be sorry but yeah okay it's Splendid we have no time to waste the banquet is just around the corner and we are starting from scratch please come to the Park Terrace this afternoon and we'll get started Park Terrace got it yeah something to get you started it's a lot of money it's okay I trust you good day but do I trust me [Music] Jessica you missed the morning Rush yeah we had three whole customers for a minute there I thought we were gonna have to brew a second pot of coffee okay guys listen up I just wanted to let you know that I have decided we are going to be catering the annual Edgemont Christmas Eve banquet you said yes and by cater you mean how many guests exactly you know more than a few looks like we might need that second pot of coffee after all believe me it'll work out we'll make the best of it I was skeptical at first very skeptical but then I started thinking that what will happen when word gets out that we're catering the Royal Christmas banquet everyone will rush in here to get a taste of that Royal experience this could save the restaurant okay we'll be good for at least a little while but we'll probably have to close up shop for a bit to handle everything right so Ernie I need a list of equipment Haley we're gonna need more help in kitchen can you assemble the list I will handle the wait staff we need to crush it we've got to crush it let's get to it [Music] Miss Burns hi I'm Rupa the sinus is personal assistant nice to meet you welcome please come [Music] thank you this way ma'am [Music] Jessica I'm glad you could make it what do you think um nice digs this is nice it's a fusses your code man yes uh it's a work in progress wow I am curious about one thing though how did you guys get so far into this without hiring a caterer let's just say your predecessor and I had a disagreement um must have been some disagreement place them with only one week left to go well as your predecessor might have said he'd made a proper dog's dinner out of things wait are you talking about Gideon Oliver you fired Gideon Oliver whatever you've heard he completely lives up to his reputation please come see me I'll take care of your coat man tea sir coffee ribbit coffee so these are our previous menus let me know what you think this is your fifth year huh as you see there is a tradition that will need to be upheld I'm sure a woman of your talents would have no trouble capturing the dishes on these menus assuming that's what we want want I can figure pardon it's just all so pretentious remember my menu my way of course but this is a Royal Banquet you know pretentiousness is built into the invitation you can't be quiet I'm not sure if people would really enjoy poached farm raised halibut resting upon a dried or Belgian with a torn mint cloth I see what you mean but it is actually quite popular with the Turkish rosary perhaps but do you really think the Duke of shoresberry is sitting in his limousine slowly making his way up Fifth Avenue and saying to his wife I do hope they're serving torn mint tonight okay what would you suggest I don't know yet but we do need a menu you know something you can walk around with something that'll tie this whole experience together okay I was thinking of some kind of greatest hits menu um that's something you do when you run out of fresh ideas are you sure you're not overthinking this just a little bit when you ask me to do this it's because you wanted something different right yes of course then that's what we're gonna do cooking for people at Christmas time is the reason why I got into this business it's what I'm good at it's what I do trust me and we are gonna make this a Christmas dinner that no one will ever forget not even the Duke of Shrewsbury [Music] you're a fascinating woman Jessica Burns I've been called many things but fascinating is one of them however I do promise you if you stick with me we'll make this an event to remember and stick with you I shall there he is I'll see you tomorrow see you tomorrow I am pleased to announce that we have hired a fantastic new caterer for the event and everything is proceeding wonderfully thank you [Music] this thing is 500. [Music] it's his money so let me get this straight he just gave you the cash [Music] he said he didn't want me to worry oh he's got it bad for you shut up and get back to work foreign [Music] is nearly upon us I think I have that countdown seared into my brain are you sure it's wise to put so much faith in this woman this woman has a name it's Jessica and is it that much more riskier than trusting that snobby egomaniac Gideon Oliver that's snobby egomaniac has a restaurant Empire known around the world this woman owns a small failing Diner in Brooklyn as if any other Diner on the upper west side would be any different have you thought about what will happen if this doesn't work out no I have not what can go wrong everything wow thank you for the vote of confidence Haley I just have to think of a few Amazing Ideas that's all all eyes are going to be on this banquet repeat banquet is just a fancy word for dinner and she is a chef a great one I have I don't get it two days ago you were dead set against it and you were dead set for it a girl can change her mind can't she she might and she had the proper motivation you like her why don't you just admit it as it so happens I do find her very talented yes and attractive yes and attractive oh come on you can't tell me you didn't happen to notice he's a devastatingly handsome prince peace he's all right and I'm pretty sure he has his fair share of girlfriends back home too so Jessica is completely different than any of the women back home I get it I get it you're bored of all the socialites so you've gone and set your sights on an American an American now who's snobby listen I worked my butt off trying to keep this restaurant afloat and my friends employed this is my chance to give us a fresh start I'm not gonna blow it business first course business first you know all day I'm surrounded by people who are literally literally hired to make me happy no offense none taken is it so wrong of me to be interested in someone who's actually not afraid to speak their mind even if they don't agree with you seems like it is most of the time yes isn't that great I'll be on my cell if you need anything okay [Music] I'm not ready you're fine my fried chicken I thought you didn't care hi everyone stack I was just headed over to the hotel oh no working at the hotel maybe later I have a surprise for you surprise for me all right sounds great um lead the way okay [Music] are you comfortable [Music] oh yeah perfect I'm fine it's just I don't normally tool around New York City in a car like this it's very cool though when I started Primary School my mother insisted on our driver taking me every morning I'm fine my mother wouldn't dream of letting me out of her sight you know one day I decided I was tired of what people were saying about me saying that I was lucky so one morning I got up early made my own breakfast and took my bike peddled so fast downhill all the way wind ripping through my hair oh she must have had a heart attack oh she had the entire King's Guard out looking for me how was it compared to riding in the limousine it was it was glorious you know every now and then I'd sneak out and go for a ride just go wherever the day would take me all right you can pull over here look over here what's this all about who are these photographers it's nothing really you know same old routine someone must have liked my itinerary Follow My Lead be fine [Music] thank you sorry about that does that always happen to you yeah I'm afraid to say what is this well the thought did occur to me that it might be a bit challenging preparing for our guests in the back of your cozy little restaurant is that what you think I just thought a larger space might help so all this is mine if you want to it's too much it's just an assortment of chrome porcelain tiny Motors the real magic [Music] happens here [Music] thank you but it's very important to me that my restaurant does all the work for menu your way that was our deal you certainly drive a hard bargain for such a young lady that depends on how badly you want me so would you like to continue with the tour there's more you would like to see the venue wouldn't you yeah that would be helpful okay this way this year we had service floating throughout this Hall creating a veritable moving feast everything came to you are you familiar with this Museum of course fourth grade field trip that's where I first saw this you like this one took an art class in high school and fell in love with it ever since tell me about it it's called women against the world one of Parker Logan's last pieces he was an impressionistic photographer in the early days the Great Depression exactly you know I used to spend hours just staring at this woman all alone ready to take on an entire city and yet she still stands there defiant independent maybe what you really see is yourself [Music] you think so yeah I do [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you Palace whites my lady thank you your highness you tomorrow I'll be there with belzon is that a Christmas Day it's just an expression [Music] goodbye [Music] thank you thank you Ferdinand [Music] foreign [Music] I believe he's in the middle of his tennis lesson now fetchum immediately he asked not to be disturbed have you watched him play tennis I've seen a better swing on a playground chop chop Gideon Oliver is here to see you ma'am I don't suppose this morning could get any worse [Music] oh Mr Oliver to what do we owe this pleasure do you have any idea what your son's been up to well at this point I'm fairly certain that the entire Western world knows what my son has been up to know that he sacked me he did what replace me with that no talented hack from Brooklyn Mr rollover I am certain that if my son sought to replace your services it was for a good reason I thought that now I didn't want to be disturbed I mean what's the purpose of having an indoor tennis court did you can't at least play one match without being interrupted it's not like you were winning it's not whether you win or lose my dear it's how you play the game you see well then you were definitely losing what exactly is the urgency here your son fired me oh sorry to hear that and who are you oh Connor this is Gideon all of our the caterer for this year's annual Christmas Eve banquet former caterer that nand man please have Mr all of our wait outside but the situation hasn't been rectified good day sir [Music] now please tell me that that self-important celebrity chef was not the reason you interrupted my game unfortunately not oh [Music] she's lovely she's a commoner so what she's just a caterer it's not like Oliver out there it's the Duke of Essex true but the news media isn't treating Gideon all of her like a member of the royal family the Press loves a good rumor and that's all this is I'm sure there's nothing going on between the two of them why should there be because she's pretty and he's single that's why well she is very pretty don't you think she's an American commoner it's insulting insulting to whom you insulted into hundreds of years of tradition that too oh what in the world am I going to tell the Press that we wish our son nothing but happiness and we support him in whatever decisions he might make so we lie precisely oh now if you'll excuse me the score was 30 to nil but I think I can catch up in tennis it's called love [Music] perhaps that's what they call it in America too [Music] hey Al hey looks like someone made a new friend pardon seriously good for you I'm not sure what you mean come on huh [Music] where are you going okay so potatoes are plated hey your highness look at this Prince John's new mystery woman the princess of Brooklyn well you finally done it you put the restaurant on the map but I'm thinking maybe you should change the name to something a little more Grand like the royal princess Cafe seriously I'm just a caterer how could they say something like that people love to gossip you're the new mystery woman seen out and about with the handsome dare I say available Prince Charming I gotta go so you're saying it's not true just can it will you mama okay are you serious just one minute how long how long have you known the prince [Music] oh hi what's the matter he looks surprised I was expecting Rupert I gave him the morning off come in I thought we could finalize the menu been thinking about some of your ideas have you seen this yes I'm terribly sorry now these reporters will jump at anything to sell a magazine but the princess of Brooklyn has a nice ring to it don't you think is that all you can say that it has a nice ring to it what do you want me to say you know people see me with a new woman they don't know and suddenly the guessing games begin people are following me isn't that what you wanted notoriety now you've got it yes I wanted to put my restaurant on the map but not like this okay don't worry this will all blow over in a few days I am afraid to show my face on the street then let's get out of here and we can go somewhere and work on the menu somewhere else all right but where would we even go Ladies Choice as long as we sneak out the back my SUVs outside [Music] I know just the place okay [Music] all right I'll play Let's Go foreign [Music] there's more to America than New York City you're not going to tell me where we're going are you you well that might be a good idea but we still do have a lot of work left to accomplish trust me it'll be worth it take this right up here [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so where are we Maryvale Maryvale this is where my family goes when they want to get away for a few days hasn't changed a bit it's very Charming are you ready for a real Christmas menu absolutely this way it's absolutely amazing [Music] I don't believe it Prince John of Edgemont in my Diner hello there I gotta go get my camera so much for getting away from it all you wouldn't mind a photo would you I'd be delighted say cheese or you know whatever they say in your country Chase smile oh my God they are never gonna believe me well this is my friend Jessica hi are you you're the princess of Brooklyn no Jessica who's actually catering a royal Christmas banquet she is you are yes I am now if you don't mind would you please get us two cups of hot cocoa come right up [Music] foreign your go-to place to escape there chaos of the big city yes you can see that simpler saner kind of a place take Christmas for example you have your gingerbread house baking eggnog candy canes hot chocolate honey glazed ham yams cranberry sauce okay okay it all sounds very fattening I know but what a way to go right how about you are there any special Christmas Foods where you're from and my family would always have the kitchen prepare a whole Feast every year wherever we were and mince pies mulled wine spiced beef Yorkshire pudding brings back memories huh it seemed like they'd be cooking for days the whole Palace would smell like that for a week see what I mean those Christmas Comfort Foods look at how those memories just came rushing back when we thought about those Delights yeah I say what you mean that's what we're going to be serving [Music] celebrate Christmas properly let's transport them back in time and not just visually but with all of their senses and without all of that pretentiousness pretentiousness you know you actually might enjoy living the life of royalty I don't know that might be some girl's dream but not mine never I guess I just never identified with that woman who just waits around for her prince charming for him to sweep her off her feet no offense I'm taken I believe that I'm in charge of my own destiny that's just the way I like it you say here you go thank you your highness you know I never thought I'd be here celebrating Christmas in a small American town yep here we are wow this is good you haven't seen anything yet just wait until it snows what do you mean snow oh come on he played in the snow before even as a kid of course you've been skiing some I've had a life of Royal obligations and services you know sweating toboggan team how about ice skating European Junior Olympics yeah you've been around when you represent the crown there are certain standards you must meet there's no room for slacking off or for not being the best and there's no room for for any fun either everything's a job I almost feel sorry for you okay we're leaving going for a walk okay [Music] so let's talk about Christmas what about it how did you incorporate it into your banquet well we put a big train in the center of the room it was pretty is that it yeah I think by Christmas Eve people are wishing their holidays are over well not me not now not ever do you remember what it was like to experience Christmas as a kid I do indeed it was it was wonderful they're fleeting you know my parents would always move quickly into Dania they never let Christmas linger around [Music] funny my folks were just the opposite Christmas lasted well into January now until it had to know what let me show you something thank you [Music] a merry Christmas I can spend all day here yeah oh yeah oh yeah it's looking up here yeah isn't this Christmas shop amazing I've always loved visiting this place Christmas year round Christmas in Maryvale certainly is a sight to see you know this place feels more like home to me we didn't move to the city until I was in high school when my dad got transferred I grew up in Hudson Valley I see and did you enjoy an old-fashioned Christmas day oh of course I did but what I mostly remember is my Grandma's kitchen and the wonderful smells all the Christmas trees baking all the smells blending into one unmistakable sensory experience [Music] that's what's going to work for us this year yeah all right I do like the concepts I just think my mother would be quite horrified wow sounds like your mother doesn't really understand Christmas it's a lot of things she doesn't understand including me how about your father well my father is the king of Edgemont he has the bloodline but as the American phrase goes my mother wears her slacks in the family close enough [Music] everything is just so with her you know the monarchy the tradition the banquet even our own son's social life two years ago she conspired that I be married to Lady Eliza Devon it was to be the social event of the season so are you married Heaven's no that woman is a dreadful shrew I talk about entitled she is pretty to look at but she doesn't mean well and while I know it would have made my mother happy it didn't even come close to resembling love that's assuming you know what love is when you see it perhaps so but I certainly know when I don't see it [Music] I bet you do all right shall we [Music] let's Rupert I'll be wondering where I am well we'll let him wander what ah nothing it's just you don't really act like a prince sometimes and how do I act I don't know Peter Pan maybe Peter Pan okay well I don't know whether to be flooded or insulted oh easy easy lad are you okay there you are no I caught you excuse me what's going on this boy here stole something from my store no I'm afraid it's broken you know what his mother's inside she'll have to pay for it please don't tell perhaps I could be of some help if we all just go inside all right let's go [Music] so what is this all about the boy his father's in the military been deployed for two years money's tight he stole the mirror to get to his mother as a Christmas gift he's very upset but with no father around the house I mean what can you do well I'm assuming this should be more than enough to cover the loss of your mirror it's more than enough then there's no need for any of this to go any further no there isn't good thank you you're welcome here you are Tommy everything's been taken care of I hope you've learned something from all of this I'm Mrs Carter and I want to thank you for what you've just done if only his father was here I heard he's overseas so long now I don't even know if Tommy will recognize him we have each other and that will have to be enough come on Tommy say thank you thank you you're welcome that was very kind of you it's the least I could do you didn't have to do anything A wise man once said doing nothing is the undoing of ourselves [Music] plus it's Christmas that it is come on you constantly amazed me I thought I had you all figured out that there's a lot more going on here Jessica you know I was born lucky you know I want to share my gratitude with everybody and I mean everybody not just your subjects please I had to test that word it's it's dehumanizing regardless you have a very kind and generous Soul if only I could do more though if our guests can pay a thousand dollars to attend our silly banquet and they should be able to do the same come on [Music] [Music] always [Music] [Music] deep in Heavenly peace [Music] well here we are yep here we are thank you for sharing that experience with me today you're welcome and now back to the hotel for me to face the music see you tomorrow I will rent Bells you keep doing that I just might get used to it is that an encouragement farewell sweet prince [Music] no no we've checked there the subway you can't be serious nip never mind we've found him just what do you think you're doing research research do you have any idea how many people I have out there looking for you Rupert I'm a big boy you know I could take care of myself this isn't about whether or not you can tie your shoes or read a clock you were out there alone in this city without security I wasn't alone I of course not tell me if an incident had happened would she have been able to help you I think you'd be surprised to find out exactly how capable Jessica is so you are in love with her why don't you just admit it no no don't don't say it I've never met anyone like her before that's because you've never dated anyone outside of your mother's Ivory doll house she's a breath of fresh air Rupert finally a woman who's independent who fights for what she wants who knows her own mind woman you have to chase but it's so worth it and what happens when the banquet is over and you return to Edgemont alone I don't know but what I do know is that this year is going to be different and that is because of Jessica I see your parents arrive tomorrow you don't need to remind me I only hope your new girlfriend is ready [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't understand why we can't just let the boy individuate it's not about his independence how about we just think about what's best for him huh I want you to consider what is best for your kingdom for your monarchy how about a prince who is happy he will learn to be happy I know I did yes but he's hardly a child wait does that mean there was a time when you were not happy your majesty lady Eliza has arrived just in time Alice what have you done ensure that the great monarchy of Edgemont would continue on course for generations to come your majesty lady Eliza lovely to see you again I must admit I was surprised to hear from you I had read a rumor that the prince had taken a new lady friend without so much as even a word to me oh fake news Ferdinand please help lady Eliza with her bags [Music] Alice Alice what is she doing here would it not be appropriate to invite the only daughter of Lord Willoughby to attend the annual Christmas Eve banquet in New York no actually I would not oh you worry too much but come we have a plane to catch [Music] I've written out the final menu really we're gonna make this a Christmas to remember and the prince is okay with this of course Haley I was just looking for you I think we're gonna need a few more things from the store a package is just arrived for you it's up front for me it's from you know who really um yeah where is it [Music] so the most defiant and independent woman I know sincerely Jack no [Music] I can't believe it he actually got it is that the original I can't accept this what are you doing I'm telling him I can't accept it you obviously mean a lot to him for him to give you a gift like that it doesn't matter yeah of course it does I think the question is what does he mean to you [Music] it's him ah what should I say good start with thank you [Music] hello Jack good morning hi I can't believe you did that well it's not the one from the museum but it's another Edition from the original negative hope you like it yes thank you it means a lot actually the real reason I was calling was that my parents are flying in this afternoon for the banquet really yeah and I would very much like them to meet you I know you have a lot of prep work going on but are you available for dinner tonight dinner with your parents um you know Jack I isn't it I don't think that's too wise don't we still have like a whole bunch of stuff to do it'll be fine and your parents are invited as well okay um I will see what I can do about that perfect I'll I'll send a car say like half past five it's a date [Music] I'm having dinner with the king and queen tonight he invited you to dinner with his parents you know what that means don't you it means I'm absolutely terrified foreign [Music] I love this hotel so beautiful around Christmas time Wow real decorations hello you look incredible thank you it's okay it's nothing to worry about it's just I've never had dinner before with a king and queen that's okay I've never had dinner with Mr and Mrs Burns either okay come this way you're waiting in the dining room [Music] oh son mother father I would like you to meet the princess of Brooklyn I believe they called you Jack finally made sure we've been reading all about you really yeah word gets around these are my parents Linda and Gary very nice to meet you your highnesses please have a seat [Music] we brought a dinner guest of Our Own oh I believe you know lady Eliza Devon Alice [Music] is that the lady Eliza lady in the name only what are you doing here don't be silly I heard that you were hosting the biggest banquet of the year so I had to see it for myself oh you had to or somebody asked you I've missed you darling darling Jack what's going on that's precisely what I would like to know I've read all about your Christmas Comfort menu Jack surely this is another one of your clever jokes I mean he's always leading people on with his humorous Antics Eliza please I thought you said it was off it was never on I don't know about you but I'm simply famished I agree Majesty maybe they got some spinach dip Gideon all of our really hmm as he told us what had happened you could have just asked me directly or perhaps I should have Sun but I've trusted your judgment you must have great talent dear to replace a chef like that yes she does I presume she can speak for herself what are you doing I'm simply asking the princess of Brooklyn a question are you talented dear I do trust your son's judgment in that department your majesty that makes one of us mother you have entrusted the most important event of the year to this woman don't you think it's my right to find out as much as I can about her are you sure this is about the event why should it be about something else you're incredible why thank you [Music] may I speak you highness it's a free country it is a free country isn't it yes I realize you don't think that I'm good enough for your son and I don't know maybe I'm not but the truth is Jack is a wonderful person with a good heart and a humble soul our time last week has been nothing short of amazing and I want you to know that I will always cherish those memories Jessica please take care of him he deserves the absolute best and I'm sure you can provide that for him Eliza was not part of my life neither am I [Music] please sit son I am ashamed I can't believe you behave in such an uncivilized manner I'm actually lost for words Jessica [Music] wait don't just just don't that's what she does that's what she always does but she's right I'm not good enough for you I'm a joke you're no joke can't you see what they're trying to do you know I thought for a moment just a moment that maybe you and me had there was something between us that maybe we weren't ready to admit to but I can see now that I was being stupid that's not true [Music] no one knows how I feel but me you're a prince I run a diner in Brooklyn and I'm having trouble doing that should have just listened to myself in the beginning I don't belong here and I never did Jessica please don't worry your highness I will not walk out on the job we made a deal and it was bought and paid for I will see to it that Haley and Ernie give you their very best Jessica please don't talk about that realize that this was all just a business I just didn't realize that it was such a cutthroat business goodbye your highness [Music] foreign [Music] near me ever won to let you go just one day come true as long as I am here with you here with you [Music] dance with you [Music] [Music] good morning what are you all doing here I let them in dear [Music] we had to help no one knew where you went last night where did you go I spent the night in a coffee shop well after you left I gave everyone a piece of my mind and walked out with your parents and we were concerned about you and thought we would all pitch in to do what we could Ernie and I know your recipes so we just got started without you you're unbelievable mom thank you am I forgiven let's just get cooking all right [Music] thank you so much glad so proud Mr debojhane Romanowski Ashante very nice to see you hello man looks stunning [Music] for me [Music] thank you for coming nice to see [Music] your eyes [Music] okay [Music] let's go you look great thank you you definitely uh for us to impress if you don't mind I think I'll let my food do the talking for me and everyone's going to love it even my mother I shouldn't even be saying this but I don't even care anymore this is America she can't make me eat cake I didn't do this to impress your mother I did it because I thought you believed in me I do believe in you and now hopefully you believe in me [Music] welcome oh thank you thank you so much for coming thank you for inviting us thank you sir good job thank you ladies and gentlemen it gives me great pleasure to announce our very special guests for the evening the Majesty the king and queen of hegemon [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign excellent job son excellent yes I must say someone certainly outdid themselves could this be the work of your majesty it is wonderful to see you though um you did all this well I felt the true attraction of your Christmas Eve banquet is Christmas itself all of the fine traditional Comfort Foods we grew up loving it was all her idea I haven't had one of these since I was 10 years old and we love it don't we there well it's certainly very merry I actually have some ideas of my own in decorating the palace for a more traditional Christmas oh yes I'm thinking Christmas trees some wreaths bows definitely bows how original of you oh I see my special guest has arrived [Music] from Oliver you invited him why not now we truly can get a professional opinion on just how well the princess of Brooklyn really did your majesty [Music] is this turkey it's turkey with stuffing crostini tradition with a Twist now if you'll excuse me I would like to welcome our guests good bad please be seated for his Royal Highness thank you [Music] thank you everybody for coming this is our fifth anniversary of this banquet but as you may have noticed this year we decided to do something a little different and that's all thanks to one extraordinary woman who contributed some pretty extraordinary ideas as you might have read I recently went on a small road trip to a wonderful little town called Maryvale and while I was there I happened to meet a particular young man who told me his father was serving overseas during this holiday so I thought I'd invite a few special guests of my own unable to have a proper Christmas dinner of their own I would like them to share in ours please welcome Tommy Carter and his lovely mother Jacqueline Merry Christmas mate anymore [Music] for me [Music] [Music] beautiful [Music] daddy [Music] let's all welcome home for Christmas Jacqueline's heroic husband and Tommy's Dada lieutenant Andrew Carter [Applause] one more thing I would like to formally introduce you to the woman who made this banquet possible [Music] from the very first moment I wandered into her little Cozy Restaurant in Brooklyn I knew I had met someone special I just had no idea how special or how much she would make an impression not only on these banquets but my heart please welcome none other than the princess of Brooklyn herself Jessica Burns thank you [Applause] thank you everyone just meant the biggest mistake of his life oh [Music] I can't believe you're actually eating them oh it's adequate if you like this sort of thing I mean I would have whipped it up if they'd asked me are you serious try one oh [Music] awful get lost would you [Music] thank you for everything you've changed the way I look at things forever thank you Jack I mean your highness I could have it my way I would cook for you every day when you can if you really wanted to but first you'll you'll have to forgive me can you forgive me I've been an absolute fool forgive you [Music] well since you asked so nicely and when you hear your phone [Applause] Merry Christmas Merry Christmas [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Family Central
Views: 268,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Family Adventure Movies, Family Safe Movies, Free Family Movies, Free Kids Movies, Full G Rated Movies, Full Movies For Free, Full PG Movies, Latest Family Movies, watch free family movies on YouTube, A Christmas Princess, Shein Mompremier, Travis Burns, Erin Gray, Fred Olen Ray, 2019, christmas movies, christmas 2022, hallmark, netflix, disney, new york, romcom, romance, romantic movies, romance movies, romcom movies, love, christmas princess, christmas switch, princess movies
Id: p8ODAIx948E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 55sec (5215 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 25 2022
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