A Christmas In Royal Fashion | Full Movie | Christmas Romantic Comedy | Cindy Busby | FC

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[Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] move your shoulder towards me towards me towards me hold holds behind me and that's how it's done well I know how it's done oh really you could have fooled me how long you've been working for me now two years let's try to remember that we are in a Christmas time schedule here and Carson designs is one of my biggest clients I will not lose them understand go and get into your next Ensemble Kyle get down from that ladder before someone gets hurt I'm fine I am not worried about you I'm worried about me let's get set up for the next session and try to get it right the first time all right let's go let's go I don't want to be late for my lunch yes but Mr Carson did call and he's going to be late so you have plenty of time and clean this mess up whenever we got into the boss today pressure God just a little bit of pressure pressure that woman's got ice water running through her veins I don't think she even knows what the word pressure means oh she does and and she likes it especially when it's being applied to other people in that right Kristen Melanie's right Josh I told you you weren't on the right track this just confirms my suspicions is that right tell me so how is that a girl who'd been here for just a short period of time knows so much I might be fairly new around here but I plan on making a long career out of it [Music] oh my we got ourselves a Melanie Jr on our hands all right well you heard the lady let's clean up come on [Music] foreign [Music] ERS this has got to stop and it has got to stop now I agree completely the Young Prince is on his way here now King Frederick good now maybe we'll learn what this is all about you ought to see me Father come in please sit down would you like to explain this just a bit of harmless fun [Music] this has gone on for far too long the father son listen to me ever since your dear Mother left this world I've tried my best to be both parents to you and I failed please don't say that that's true she left behind an incredible Legacy her charitable work to erase literacy throughout the continent noble cause befitting a queen her annual charity ball was last week an event you were to host as my representative and instead I get this and never even showed up I know I'm sorry Father you have dodged every single responsibility I have entrusted to you Albert this is your credit card statement foreign isn't cheap I would never dream of passing my debts onto the people if you'll just allow me to pay the bill oh enough of this you my son are on your way to America America we're sponsoring our charity holiday fashion Festival in association with Dan Carson not sending our usual Ambassador this year I'm sending you you will host it sorry but I already have plans next week with the ski club and the Alps Albert will accompany you and with any luck you will learn the true value of accepting your role as my son and heir to my throne don't disappoint me [Music] his father [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we need to get early access to the Carson estate this time I don't want another Fiasco like last year of course Melanie we need to get gate codes and keys by this afternoon we get one shot at making this Christmas charity fashion Festival a hit if it's not and we'll probably have my head but not before I job of yours we won't let it get to that now I've got a rush oh make sure that Josh has that new campaign ready to go we need to launch that by tomorrow afternoon it better be good I'm sure we'll be foreign Hey Joe how's everything going you know the usual Oh Sister do I I mean the Christmas holiday is always tough but planning a big show on top of all of this is just making people crazy and it starts at the top still that's good for the company true you know I've been thinking I've been thinking about something have you shown them any of your original designs yet I think you're wasting your time around here you should be designing campaigns for Carson not yet but I'm hoping to show my ideas to Mr Carson when he comes in good I really like this one oh that's great I hope Mr Carson agrees well you know he doesn't come around very often if you want him to see it you're gonna have to go to him I know but maybe I'll get lucky hey look what's he doing goofing off hmm we'll see you later okay what are you doing here all coffee now but I do want you to keep your job nobody wants to be unemployed at Christmas time I know we have this little intro office right where we're going on but if you and I were a team up I believe we could take this place over you and me I don't think so I want to get ahead just not that badly [Music] you've been doing a great job for me and my company for how long five years now Dan that's right five years and you've never let me down thank you you're my number one client so I'm going to do you a favor a big favor Mall ears this is my Christmas present to you this guy is a personal friend of mine and he is a line of high-end ladies Handbags and he needs someone like you this could be a huge contract for your company I don't know what to say thank you he's agreed to meet you great tomorrow morning no problem in Boston Boston like I said no problem thank you for this Dan you have no idea how much I appreciate it just don't blow it this guy is a Powerhouse but this could mean a million bucks to you worry [Music] Kristen [Music] I got the catering quote that you asked for I just put it on your desk great if it's what we agreed upon go ahead and book them all right listen I'm gonna need you to put in some overtime I have to leave town for a few days and I'll need you to watch my dog leave town but but what the Edgemoor Ambassador is due here in a day's time I know and I really should be here but I got a line on a new client in Boston a big one just need a little time to woo them face to face when you see an opportunity you grab it that's what I always say it certainly is that's where you come in me yeah you're going to entertain the Ambassador and his cronies until I get back you'll be fine as long as he doesn't bore you to death I don't have any experience with royal teeth what if I mess up Kristen you're my executive assistant you're supposed to be quick on your feet and besides an ambassador doesn't really qualify as royalty you just take the company credit card you buy him a few nice dinners you'll be fine I'll try my best but it makes me very nervous listen if this was a member of the royal family I would definitely have to handle it myself it's Mr Carson's strictest rule but it's not so don't panic you're always asking for more responsibility now you got it run with it thank you Melanie Jill wow you look stressed is everything okay Melanie just dropped a bombshell on me that explains the look on your face she's leaving for Boston for a few days when is she leaving she's leaving on a red eye tonight oh cause you know what that means it means you're in charge all right and it also means I have to babysit her dog yeah that too what a treat look I'll keep you company tonight if you want would you what are friends for oh thank you Merry Christmas so you found a date for tonight oh yeah foul core he's a real charmer but he doesn't talk much don't complain at least you have a date is all yours if you want them and cut into your executive privilege not a chance that's what I thought you know it's a real cheap date oh the cookies are done [Music] so why did Melanie leave town so suddenly she has her sights set on a new client and she has to meet him before he leaves for the holidays bottom line is she has left me to juggle the edge more Ambassador on my own so you have to babysit him and her little dog hey these look great yeah I'll make someone a great wife one day and if you keep baking like this I'm sure you will I know right I just wish Melanie would see me as something more than just a professional gopher I have potential real potential and I could make a difference she just gave me a chance well maybe you need to make your own chances [Music] thank you [Music] I must admit I'm rather surprised it doesn't seem to be that many cars out in Los Angeles this is Beverly Hills your highness people don't wake up until 10 a.m as to the pleasures of Beverly Hills work first your highness Pleasures second Albert whose side are you on the side of the crown sir of course and who exactly is a liaison on this trip Melanie Charles says here she's one of the best PR people in the business a real no-nonsense hard as Nails go get her Melanie Charles sounds pretty stiff we'll know soon enough what Mrs Melanie Charles is all about [Music] Melanie please forgive me I don't have anything appropriate to wear [Music] oh oh thank goodness you're here barely I tossed and turned all night that darn dog snores do I recognize that dress I I had to borrow it I can't meet The Ambassador in one of my outfits what would he think because she won't be back for days and besides she would want you to look your best when you meet the Ambassador you think I'm positive okay [Music] foreign [Music] America this might not turn out too badly oh my would you look at that oh my look at that Melanie chance perhaps wouldn't that be a plus when you see an opportunity you grab it the Melanie always says yeah go get him okay [Music] good morning gentlemen good morning on behalf of Charles PR Global I'd like to welcome you to Los Angeles [Music] Ambassador oh uh no I'm sorry I'm not the Ambassador I'm Albert oh I'm sorry that you must be Patrick Prince Patrick of edible Ambassador I know but my father King Frederick thought that perhaps this year it might be best if I hosted the Christmas charity show in person representing the monarchs charitable Pursuits of course uh well it's a pleasure to meet you I hope I haven't spoiled anything I've heard nothing but great things about you Melanie Melanie I yes Melody your reputation precedes you indeed it does and now I can see that you are beautiful as well as tactic she certainly is well thank you but believe me the pleasure is all mine this is Jill lovely to meet you well I hope you had a pleasant flight if you would care to follow me I'll show you the amenities of the hotel that sounds perfect Albert would you say to the lodge of course I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay here your majesty it is Christmas on the west coast after all where you can see Santa surfing the waves of Malibu or shop for toys on Rodeo Drive I'm sure it's very different to Christmas and it's more I'll let you decide that I can help you with your bags Albert and if you need anything during your stay I hope you'll think of me my name is Jill thank you Jill I'm sorry we were so delayed Customs cues of course course come on then I'll get you settled in right [Music] the hotel is private and very exclusive it's equipped with an outdoor patio a health spa and Lounge it's its own little world I'll have no need to go outside if I didn't want to true but it's Christmas in Los Angeles we have some great photo ops and public relations to do and it's not every day you get a real life Prince people will be interested too too fast I'm afraid so but I'll make it as fun for you as I can I'm counting on it foreign [Music] why on Earth would you say I was Melanie look he's a prince and you're an assistant he'll be insulted if he knew that melee ran off the Boston to court a new client and besides you after her I mean you're helping her save face you have to have to get on it all right is everything set up yes everything's following me good now here's your itinerary for tomorrow okay first stop Carson estate's great everything is practically moved in oh and can you tell a royal guest that a car will pick him up at 10 A.M you got it okay and Kristen this is your big chance to show Melanie what you can really do don't mess it up thanks for reminding me what are friends for [Music] what a day I know but I think it went pretty well he's a real Prince too imagine that I know it doesn't matter much to you but to me it's a golden opportunity to show Melanie that I can show their responsibility but the best of them [Music] I know who cares just bring on the grub okay okay hold your horses I'm on it [Music] hey Melanie how's uh Boston awful I'm snowed in oh uh no oh yes how's my little falcore oh bowker's just fine we're gonna watch a movie tonight movie what movie Christmas Cruise oh oh he likes that one [Music] he did and tomorrow good take him to a place they offer a senior discount be in Boston they're talking about canceling all flights out of love for a while I might even miss the show oh no that's terrible well yeah you don't need to worry because the show's practically running itself and uh the Ambassador is in great hands with me great my potential client won't even come out on a snow day so I have no idea what's going to happen next [Music] thing I was a good girl and Kristen stop sounding so cheerful yes Melanie bye okay falcore [Music] and this is where the Christmas fashion Festival will take place I couldn't imagine anything more ideal I agree I think it's the perfect backdrop for the perfect event I would also agree Carson's guests pay a pretty penny to attend but it is for charity our PR Company contributes a fair share as well indeed and what types of Charities do you support well I think we all support Charities that really speak to us right of course yes well Carson spreads its proceeds around it changes from year to year but Charles PR Global is a little bit more traditional what uh Charities are you involved with um well uh much like you Americans we like to diversify whenever we can that's a good approach my um my mother she used to host a charity ball each year in support of literacy used to well she's gone now but um we still hosted each year in the Queen's honor I see she must have been a great lady she was there you are [Music] thank you and now uh if you'll excuse me I need to finish passing these out right [Music] right [Music] sort of every year we each sponsor a child who needs a little extra help getting to that Merry Christmas oh wonderful yeah we call it the Christmas buddy program and this is mine her name is Amy oh her address is the Children's Hospital Matt you get a very sweet little girl it's nothing too serious well the Children's Hospital is one of our company's most important causes you know I've always heard that Corporate America couldn't care less about the Troubles of others only interested in the bottom line doing whatever it takes to get ahead it's refreshing to see that this isn't always the case well you can't believe everything you hear right apparently not look why don't we go regroup back at the hotel and I'll take you to lunch perfect great I'll tell them to bring your car around lovely ah there you are had a look around did you see anything you liked yes very exciting the property or Melanie chance Miss Charles of course of course she really is such a fascinating young lady so smart so caring you left out stunning All For King and Country Albert I'm delighted we finally see eye to eye but I suspect Miss Charles had something to do with that you can suspect all you want my dear friend but I have lunch with Melanie and I feel something sporty maybe in order perfect [Music] right on time I try to be punctual sadly I don't but for you I made an exception I see um so what would you like to do for lunch we could go to Beverly Hills or Brentwood we could grab a sandwich of some sort but what I'd really love to do is just relax and take in the ocean view the ocean yes I got a glimpse of the beach as we were flying in and as Edgemoor is a landlocked country I love to take in the shoreline whenever I can all right I think I have an idea but first we need to pick up something this is truly amazing imagine having something so beautiful right at your fingertips I would have thought as a prince you would have seen your fair share of beautiful ocean views it's true and I have but the French Riviera and Monaco are just so built up they're full of nightclubs and large hotels this is just so unspoiled so natural I see what you mean but honestly nothing in comparison to this ah isn't it beautiful stunning just stunning would you care for some lunch famished wait till you see what I got us of course there you are what is it you said you wanted a sandwich indeed I did and what is this thing called I thought because we're near the ocean that an Italian submarine sandwich would be appropriate submarine sandwich never even heard of such a thing and wait till you try it all right [Music] it's excellent well it's no high water mark of gourmet Cuisine but it's pretty darn tasty the simplest things are often the best things we're gonna need this and what is that Christmas eggnog latte all right well here goes nothing [Music] um it is absolutely delicious do you know what I think I'm going to start importing submarine Sandwiches into Edgemoor that'd be a huge success now you can open your own franchise that's a very good idea now what I thought after lunch you could just relax at the hotel and I'm just gonna swing by the Children's Hospital I have a stuffed animal for my Christmas buddy well from this shot eager to get rid of me I'd be happy to come along no not at all if that's what you really want I'd love to spend the day with you barnholtz is down the hall at 2 13. thank you sure excuse me nurse yes can I help you um do you know where Amy's room is oh she's down the hall at 202. are you here to visit her yeah um I brought her this oh she'll like that are you a friend of Amy's not yet but I hope to be I'm her Christmas buddy oh good poor thing hasn't had a visitor in weeks no visitors well she's from the children's home uh she doesn't have any family so I'm sure she'll be happy to see you we won't be here very long is she very ill I'm sorry I'm not allowed to discuss her condition but just know that she's a very sweet girl that really needs a friend right now thank you [Music] come in hi are are you a doctor no I'm your Christmas buddy and this is Prince Patrick of Edgemoor of real Prince At Your Service my lady it's very nice to meet you Prince Patrick and this is for you to keep well he's not much but he needs a friend and he's all yours [Music] he's so soft and it's so cold in here at night well maybe he can help you with that I'm sure he will how are you doing today Amy the doctor said I was doing better so I guess I'm okay well that's very good news and how old are you nine and a half so far do you have any big plans for Christmas Amy what would you like to do well if I could I'd like to leave here well maybe with permission you can join us at our holiday fashion show would you like to do that I sure would I think between the three of us we can make that happen that would be great because it turns out that your Christmas buddy is a very important person maybe she could pull some strings really what do you say Melanie what uh me well you do own the pr firm don't you it's gonna be too much trouble no no no problem at all it's just that I'm you know not really yeah I knew you wouldn't mind why would I mind well we should probably get going it was so nice to meet you Amy and I will see you tomorrow okay bye bye she's very nice that she is she your girlfriend no do you think she should be she's so pretty well you're a very pretty girl too thank you and such lovely hair foreign can you keep a secret absolutely It's a wig oh I don't have any real hair right now it all fell out it's all right for people to know but only if you want them to know I'll be back soon I promise okay [Music] [Music] well here we are safe and sound give her a wonderful day will I see you tomorrow absolutely we have a few photo ops set up for you to help promote the show that sounds like work I was hoping you had a few more entertaining ideas in mind maybe afterward I'll have the limo call for you at 11AM if you must good afternoon then [Music] hello this is Kristen Kristen this is Dan Carson Mr Carson sorry to bother you the office gave me your number I've been trying to reach Melanie is she back yet no sir she's stuck in Boston snowed in I see everything running on schedule yes sir I'm on it everything's ship shape as it should be with you in charge I've heard great things about you Kristen thank you sir I won't let you down you sure you don't goodbye bye [Music] have I gotten myself into Royal Prince and I think he likes me I can't believe my luck there's just one Teensy problem he thinks I'm Melanie thank goodness Melanie and I are about the same size I really shouldn't be doing this but it's because she'd be fine with it oh brother who am I kidding I am so dead [Music] all right ladies look alive here we go are we so excited for this all right we are looking very nice ladies I love the elves energy all right and now like if I can get the elves to get down on the uh the brick there all those and I need to be nice and Casual Alicia yep no more casual well it's hot out here can we please finish up yeah yeah I actually I do think that we got it let me just go inside and check I cannot see it with all the glare out here you girls get in the shade [Music] so your highness what is Miss Charles plan for you today I believe there are some publicity chores I need to participate in starting about an hour that should make your father very happy duty calls and all of that indeed Prince Patrick how bad could it be one can only guess but you will of course be in the presence of Melanie chance I wouldn't have it any other way well I'm off excuse me sir you're not leaving don't worry I'll be back in time but your obligations I said I'll be back and I will keep up the good fight break your highness cheerio [Music] now you're up third so make sure you're ready as soon as Jasmine makes her final round Jill I need to talk to you oh okay girls Take Five you look sharp does Melanie know never mind that I have a real problem I can't keep pretending to be Melanie it is not right don't be in such a rush you're doing great you won't get this chance again it'll be fine or maybe you're right I just wish I knew for sure you can always tell them but I just wait a little longer this is your doing you caused this and this is the best advice you can give me okay I will tell him when the time is right good girl but I would be worried about wearing Melanie's dresses in the photos I'd stay out of all the photos if I were you yeah no kidding [Music] Albert oh it was Charles you look lovely today oh web thank you is the prince with you uh well no no I'm afraid he's gone off somewhere gone off where I'm sorry I the Christmas tree lighting ceremony is in five minutes he said he'll be back in time has he done this before too frequently which way did he go that way [Music] [Music] ah thank you Scott you're welcome sir Patrick ah good morning Melanie you're looking exceptionally lovely this morning thank you now where have you been the tree lighting ceremony is in less than five minutes sorry I just nipped out for a little bit of Christmas shopping your stores here are truly amazing you love to go Christmas shopping yes it's um it's kids and hospital I didn't know if I had another chance at they're not upset with me are you no I'm not it's very impressive your generosity is refreshing and welcome but we do have a schedule to keep and that we shall no harm done none at all [Music] we're coming to town [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jingle Bells Jingle Bells [Music] [Applause] [Music] Josh what do you want turn on the Ramsey entertainment Foodies Network helps spread a little holiday cheer as he prepares to host this year's charity fashion Festival Patrick what is all this where's the Ambassador oh Prince came in his place Christian didn't tell you why would she not she not be something this important I would have never left town it gets better are you kidding me [Music] I'm sorry Patrick but I must confess that I am not really Melanie Charles no that's not gonna cut it uh Prince Patrick this is gonna sound silly but uh I am not Melanie Charles that is so phony sounding okay let's [Music] I don't know what happened but there's been a mix-up and oh boy is that ever true hey you keep your opinions to yourself [Music] I need to straighten this out fast [Music] how's that straight very straight sir [Music] evening plans with Ms Charles yes but don't badge me I've been everywhere and done everything that's been asked of me I'm entitled to relax a little bit [Music] it would appear as though you and Miss Charles have struck up quite a friendship not quite the report we received from the Ambassador according to him she's as cold as ice and all business nothing like our Miss Charles call it what you will but I just can't seem to take my eyes off her she's nothing like the girls back home and she really is everything I've been looking for you seem to have come to this conclusion rather quickly yes well I know how I feel but I just wonder if she feels the same way one way to find out you can tell her cars waiting outside your highness mustn't keep a lady waiting good oh and um don't wait up of course not [Music] ah good evening Jill you look handsome tonight Albert thanks to you my dear are you ready for your invitation only tour of La nightlife indeed I am come on when the snow starts coming down after you Melanie thank you lovely how about two glasses of Milo perfect right there looks good [Music] evening hi uh two glasses of merlot [Music] thank you [Music] thank you now here we are thank you is this your favorite restaurant I like to come when I can it's very nice it's very atmospheric I like it our company has an open account here even better you know I've been feeling rather guilty like I've been taking up all your free time no no don't be silly it's my job to make sure that I make your stay a success and you're doing a marvelous job thank you your uh your prince ship or your majesty please just call me Patrick um I don't know that I should please all right Patrick I've been meaning to tell you something very important and I've been looking for the right time hold that thought I have something important to tell you as well but this is one of my favorite songs and I thought maybe we could dance okay I I've got to tell you something first look if it's anything to do with your dancing skills believe me I'm just as liable to step all over your feet we all have our little secrets but in the wait five minutes come on [Music] you're wearing thank you I chose it just for this evening I want you it's spectacular each time I see you you're Lovelier and Lovelier please you're making me blush it's all right [Music] it's just that I've never met anyone quite like you before so empowered it's beautiful sorry to interrupt things are starting to look so cozy Josh how dare you follow me here I hey I'm not cutting it what's going on here that's what I would like to know you have no right to be here I was invited by who [Music] oh no she's back from Boston just flew in what is all this well I think we're about to find out foreign [Music] nice dress who would have imagined we have the same taste in designers I can explain no I think you need to explain anything to me it's all pretty obvious would you like to introduce me to your friend Melanie Melanie little prank prank no it's it's not like that I am Melanie Charles that's what I've been trying to tell you what I'm so sorry Melanie I I don't know what to say well I'll start with saying why you're wearing my dress but when hold on but but your Melanie Childs is that what she's been telling you what she's my assistant when I foolishly left in charge what I've been trying to tell you I can't believe it I can't believe that you just let me you lied to me no I I didn't lie to you not really it's just you called me Melanie the other day and I I didn't stop it but I it was just everything was going so fast and I I was nervous and I just wanted you to like me made me look like a complete and utter many other people are into this joke no one believe me [Music] well I'm sure you've got quite a few good laughs out of it you know I guess it's true what I heard about you corporate types that you really will just do anything to get what you want trust me I did it well you did and now you're fired fired foreign [Music] I know the word Kristen did was wrong and I'll admit that I'm finding all of this rather surprising it was that absolutely necessary sorry your highness I hold my employees to the highest standards I understand but Christmas and how charitable work has been so moving it's harsh but she deliberately deceived me and she deceived you you and I could just sit down for a minute and get to know each other a little better perhaps over dinner I'm sorry I'm afraid that I have rather a lot to consider [Music] I shouldn't honored that girl was far too kind to be you [Music] promises promises [Music] you were there to remind me [Music] promises promises when I'm filled with worry you say no matter how tough it is [Music] I can't believe it I'm sorry things worked out the way they did your highness I feel like it's all my fault don't blame yourself who else is there to blame I must confess I suspected the young lady was not Miss Charles all along after reading the ambassador's dossier on her and then when I pressed Jill on the Mata she confirmed it so you knew she told me everything but as you both seem to be getting on so well together I made a poor choice to keep quiet Kristen knew that I thought she was mentally Charles and yet she said nothing she just let me go on thinking it it's really a very sweet girl and from what you say it sounds like she was trying to tell the truth at the restaurant but you didn't give her the chance maybe but now I'll never know for sure there is a way please spare me I think you've done quite enough damage today as you wish I like to I'll be you liked her because you thought she was someone important no that is not true I just like that [Music] she was a breath of fresh air someone who truly cares for others but maintains a unerving dedication to duty [Music] if you say so and to what end I don't know we'll see what tomorrow brings but I'm really very tired then I bet you good night sir [Music] [Music] what's on company sure come in I brought you a present a present for me for you thank you I think you'll really enjoy it you look so sad well how can I be sad when you look so happy how do you do it well I tried to take a negative thing and make it into a positive thing and that works only sometimes I think I know what you mean where's your prince uh he's busy right now he told me he was gonna come by I don't know if that's possible but I'm sure he'll try he'll come back he promised then I'm certain he will he was very nice he really liked you it's his job to be nice I saw how he looked at you he might even be in love with you please sometimes it's best not to put meaning into a look I have to no one here wants to tell me the truth so I just see how they look I can tell how you feel you can well don't tell anybody now there's something I need to go and do but I'll be back as soon as I can it's okay I know you're busy not anymore I'll be back soon I'll be right here [Music] I really must apologize for what occurred last evening I really should have handled that privately I just feel terrible about what's happened we shouldn't even think about it your highness it is I that should have handled Christian a more professional manner you did what you thought was right but I really was very well treated she did an excellent job she had a lot of potential but she made some very poor choices perhaps I get a chance to see her again and make amends before I leave let's not worry about her right now Mr Carson is tending to his prize roses and he's very anxious to meet you to Carson Prince Patrick great to meet with you at lash my father sends his regards thank you Johannes how is the king he's well good I'm sorry I haven't been around more but a worldwide Corporation requires worldwide attention indeed uh I trust you've been incapable hands I have thank you very much I don't thank me Carson designs would be nowhere without Melanie's strong marketing sense she's a Wonder I rely on her for almost everything she does run a very tight ship you honor me Your Highness I was just telling Dan here if you wouldn't mind yes of course let me know if you require anything else there is a young woman named Kristen who just lost her job at Charles PR Melanie's assistant she's lost her position you say what for her I'm afraid there was a sort of charade going on it's nothing that you need to concern yourself with it's just that I was hoping you may be able to have a word with Melanie I feel it would make a great difference a royal request print for an unemployed executive assistant which is a lot more than that sir yeah I can tell that does she know how you feel what oh no um no no no it's it's nothing like that it's just that um no I am just seems that she does very good work and uh yeah that's not exactly the answer I was expecting but let me say this without intruding too much business is business but love is a it's a magical thing and I appreciate what you're trying to do but there is a better way for you to help this young lady and what is that but you'll know what it is when the time is right I see well if you would just consider it I would be most grateful [Music] consider it considered looks like we're going very festive with this [Music] your highness any luck no I need to do something to fix this I'm a royal Prince for goodness sake I should be able to make things right I just thought it would be easier I'm sure you'll think of something [Music] is the car still out front yes sir good where are you going Johannes I need some advice [Music] foreign hey you need any help no I think I'm done messing up my life and my dreams come down to this little box filled with paper clips and pencils what are you gonna do no maybe I'll uh go home for Christmas you know Ohio's looking pretty good right now and there's nothing keeping me here I am so sorry about all of this I'm the one who should apologize you know I don't feel bad this is on my head it's just um for a moment there I just felt really special you know and I knew it was wrong but I just wanted to do a good job foreign and I wanted Melanie to be proud of me and I wanted Patrick to like me [Music] if only I hadn't been so scared to just be upfront with the truth none of this would have happened [Music] don't be so hard on yourself you were great Melanie herself couldn't have done it better thanks but it was a lie and now what do I have to show for it I'm unemployed at Christmas pretty much broke and Patrick hates me I know the princess disappointed but he doesn't hate you for what it's worth I believe he's just as miserable As You Are he's a prince he may be a prince but he's no fool press me the biggest fool is me [Music] hello Amy [Music] [Music] can I help you oh I was hoping to speak with Amy is she here she's in the rec room visiting with some of the other children may I see her all right follow me thank you hello Amy Prince Patrick you came now don't you get up you stay right where you are I'm all right I told you I'd be back I knew you would you promised and the promise it's a promise of course call me if you need anything what's this just a little Christmas cheer for you and your friends thank you you're welcome you're welcome thank you so much well go on open it I can't why not because Paris and a present for Kathy oh I'm so sorry I seem to be one present short [Music] it's okay Kathy I want you to have it [Music] foreign [Music] why did you do that I could have easily gotten another gift Kathy doesn't get anything she doesn't talk much but I know inside she's lonely no one ever visits her you're very wise person aiming with a good I'll make it up to you don't worry about me Prince I have lots of things already like my new Christmas dog yes and a new book I saw was that from Kristen you came by today she seemed so sad I can imagine you should find her and tell her you love her now what kind of talk is this well you do love her don't you well I am don't know maybe doesn't cut it Prince Patrick if you love someone you need to find them and tell them we only have so much time in this world you know a brave girl Amy with wisdom beyond your years if only with that easy I'm afraid it's on a little bit of a mess I I said some rather unkind things you are a prince if you love her you can fix anything how did you say you were old enough [Music] thank you enter almost ready to go Johannes nearly there Don't Look Down sir things haven't been all bad seriously I met the girl of my dreams and I lost it just as quick I'm a royal idiot my visit's not over yet sir might as well be don't forget the main purpose for being here the fashion Festival is all for charity A wise man once said to ease another's heartache is to forget one's own I hope it was right most assuredly did you attend that one little item for me it took some doing but yes I did good well then let's get on with this a public await [Music] um [Music] ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention please your attention please thank you thank you good afternoon and welcome to King Frederick's 10th Annual Christmas fashion Festival presented this year by Carson designs of Beverly Hills now each year the kingdom of Edgemoor presents a Christmas festival that represents the charity and Goodwill of Christmas worldwide this year Carson designs is proud to share the stage with King Frederick's son his Royal Highness Prince Patrick [Applause] no I just thought that maybe maybe Kristen would be well I don't know what I was thinking good luck sir I've got a few things to see too now what you are about to see is Carson's newest most exclusive line of ladies apparel presented today by some of their most beautiful models his Royal Highness Prince Patrick of Edgemoor [Applause] foreign [Music] Welcome to our Christmas fashion Fest my father King Frederick sends his most sincere greetings and well wishes to each of you at this very special festive time of year edgemar recognizes your deep sense of Charity and caring to those around us who need a little extra assistance at this most joyous time I would especially wish to thank Mr Dan Carson the so graciously and generously co-sponsoring my father's event and now I'd like to present the lovely Jasmine [Music] our next model Tiffany is stepping out today and smart evening wear [Music] beautiful day for the shot ladies all look so lovely you only employ the best and you did a great job on the show but what's become of your young assistant [Music] today [Music] I like her a lot she seems very efficient you know one of the things I enjoy about working with your company is all your people work so efficient [Music] yes we do now the stunning Sasha wearing a full drink [Music] s followed by Eric wearing a cheeky retro summer ensemble Angel Joy [Music] ladies and gentlemen I would like to now introduce you all to someone very special to me I know that at times it can be hard to Envision where our donations actually go and the good that they really do accomplish sometimes we simply need to be able to put a face to these Good Deeds to those whose hearts are genuinely uplifted by the simple act of giving what is she doing my faintest idea and I'm afraid to find out what an unusual young man [Music] ladies and gentlemen it gives me great pleasure to introduce you all to my new friend representing the Children's Hospital the beautiful and now honorary princess Amy of Edgemoor [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is where your dollars go your support for Amy and her friends means that they will get the medical help that they need to grow strong and tall and the permanent homes which they deserve [Applause] always the beautiful little girl well done young man is wrong you're all I know I know can I give you a hands [Music] you'd like to read the final card I'd love to and now to conclude our show the lovely Alicia wearing a winter print design from Carson designs by vosberg [Music] thank you oh it seems we have one more presentation for you today what's she talking about now ah no but nothing would me at this moment her name is Kristen [Music] get going on isn't that your assistance yeah kind of and she looks fabulous I know you fired her so don't pretend otherwise I'm sorry Dan I I kind of lost my head when I found out that the prince was here himself and Kristen hadn't told man I should have been there to receive him myself she probably didn't mean any harm by it she was probably only trying to protect me the show came off great at least you learned something positive from all this [Music] do you have something you'd like to say do you mind no [Music] ladies and gentlemen hi you don't know me and I'm not one of the models what you're witnessing here today at this wonderful charity event is [Music] much more than just a fashion show it's a celebration of the human spirit an uplifting hand to our fellow human beings it's not about us it's not about getting ahead it's not about what we think that we deserve in this life it's about us as a community United for the good of all people [Music] when I look at Amy and the kids like her and the joy that they bring into our lives [Music] I realize just how important and valuable the work done by Prince Patrick and Dan Carson is [Music] and that's what it's really about [Music] how we are going to make a difference and for that I thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you very much foreign [Music] hey you were great up there I mean really great I said what I needed to say if they're mad at least they can't fire me they'll get over it I'm sure they will I'm sorry it worked out this way I thought maybe if the prince saw you again it would make a difference it's okay it really is I know who I am now and I guess that'll just have to be enough [Music] Christian a moment foreign I'm sorry Mr Carson but if I could just please leave please don't rush off we need to talk I know what I did was wrong I couldn't help myself don't be silly I only want to talk to you about a job it just so happens that I could use someone on my staff with your kind of Courage keep looking Dan Kristen works for me I do you do if you would accept a junior vice president of strategic marketing post foreign I would talk about it tomorrow then well Dan your guests are waiting Melanie you're just too clever for me [Music] Kristen [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Christy I just want to say that um well I just wanted to say that I'm sorry no I'm the one who should be sorry no I should have just shut up and listened [Music] why I did everything that you said I did I never really stopped to ask myself why you did them I didn't know then but I do know now I love you Kristen that you love me I can make you do some pretty crazy things I've never really said this too much before but I love you and if you love me then you've got to give me a chance to prove it to you is that what you really want yes with all my heart just one more chance when you see an opportunity grab it all right now what now what indeed Amy's doctor brought us some very good news today the troubles are on the Run she's going to be just fine Christmas miracle it's the best present I could have ever asked for I brought you a present too oh and what is that [Music] could I refuse you can't [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Applause] foreign [Music] my baby baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Family Central
Views: 476,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Faith movies for families, Family Adventure Movies, Family Safe Movies, Free Family Movies, Free Kids Movies, Full G Rated Movies, Full Movies For Free, Full PG Movies, Latest Family Movies, watch free family movies on YouTube, Cindy Busby, Diarmaid Murtagh, Adam Levy, Fred Olen Ray, hallmark, 2018, A Christmas In Royal Fashion, princess, prince, princess switch, netflix, the prince and me, the princess diaries, christmas, xmas, mistletoa, romcom, romance, romantic, romantic comedy, love
Id: 70K_YyRVctw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 12sec (5172 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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